wriver a, i tIif on "arth yen had a comn- want te telle the position' et a rrnbtltntc d ~ Th Cala~ [atsffill..trBùeýa oh, the joy fur the weaY test care. Whp me l'Ilthea-1t.âHe's 1nl wben tbev Stop Into the celestial equi page, puer' chap. Don't yen ses the bancs al- BOWMANVLLIý, FE13. 15, 1899. and, oh, the joysa ofibose ta wbom home niait coame tbraugb the flesh? Whiip me." ___________ a a martYrdani on earth wben theY And wben the blows came down on tla go in!ta ibat borne wbere tbev will neyer boy's shaniders this healthy, rabust lad bave ta de anytbing tbay don't want ta miade no outory. lie enduredit ail un- I O L U rERv D.T l age Delivers a Discourse to 's do! Who' a chango froni the time abe cornp1aaul.W i a "Brava!" for GOOD, VV ives and Mothers. put down th. ProlingPl. te the time abc the l1 rv!Ta i h prt0 Wîvè and Mot ers.tan up he ceptrf f Chtswrth arkChrist,! Splendidi! How much scourging, AU EXPRESSION OF FAITS. and the Vanderbilt nmansion were, lit ted JMW nuoIi ahastisement. how rnueh ia the celestial City, they Would ha anguish, wlll yen and I tnklte fr athers? 'Druemean incloouland mn t ogod.ndHomlLfeArePapaetoy o laked et as uninhabltable rookeries, oh, tbat we might bave sometbIng of f i t vas only health, we doem nicluabeaon fc0. Fatigues adAnnoyances of H m ieAePeaaoySteps to and Lazarus bimseif wouid bo asbaxned the suivit af jeassChrist" for> In ail aur miight let it cling. T think they are the best, surest and ta ha Seen gaing la or oui of tbE1mý 80 occupations and trades and busineeses, dti sacuh n od quiCkést acting cure for nervausness, Rg Reward-- Lessons -Drawn- From the great are the palaces awaiting- ail God's and ail aur lits, home lii,. fîaign 1f., Buti soo a ases on e coi unhealthy actionof the heart, insoninia org dear cblidren, ani so much grander the we are ta remenibgr that the sacrifi. eforaoeonepssesutoff ber gIeplessness, anemnia or impoverisbed Story of Mary and Martha. heavenly architecure than tbe .arthly. other sui ho over . sanoercoams. heut it'e biood, lossof appetite, general debility and ee~~~hit lafOttn not only ittll ofthe bouse- sAnd e ldtheugh ail the time. iil-health. For aine years, before 1 coin- Wasington, Fab. 12.-Tbis discours, mac3.hiné a £,ile hébos w îng kieepin, bu it e th slknes andihe nd Tthe s am e dr, mneePileiny Dr.eart w s eak ad inan tDr. Talmage seenis ta open ail the in the maruing lbait r hoted At a e sori'aw that go aiang. Ih laa simple tact then the cough, then pneu- neuved ting Dmyher. Wars Blooand ainete.atua ire iat ane-hali af tbe wamen of the land Canada Had a Big Garrison of Britisb, mainia or consumption witb the unhecalthy state. Its action was se, mucti doors of home lits and rouses appracia- vocable baur sbe must bave the moraing are invalids. The mountain lasi wba baslogscnsadJ* teb impaired that 1 could not walk acrose the tien ai work net ardinarily recognized; repasi ready. Wbhit if the tir wiiiDoti neyer hadl an aube or a pain may con- ~~na~longicthessalan e teb Street without suffering great distress, t6xü, Luit, x, 40: "Lord. doAt thon net burn? Wbat if the dlock stop? Wbat if sider househald wark of no very greai New that thore la talk of iucveasing ln nteblne my hearr f .utteringand beating so rapidly cars that my sister bath left me ta serve the marketing bas flot been sent lu? Naý wearïnees, and ai the eventide may skilp ont military strength in Canada, writee that I couid Scarcely breathe, causaig atone? Bld be ibehrefore ihat elle belp matter tbat-. it muet be ready at the ouito the fieldes ud drive the cattie a correspondent Of The London Empire, faintnesfý, lacs of ad ->-eaxing m, irravocable hour. Thon the cbililren muet home, and until 10 o'c]ock ai nigbi may I May point oui that nos only Halifax, mynerves ail unstrung. MVy Sleep %.vas Yn be got ready for sohoal. D'ut wbat if the MIithie cahin witb laughing racket, but, but ail Canada vas adorned witb regi-. veryrmach dsturbcd, 1 had no appetite 5aeaifl ilae om, arethaoWatfteydnt oh, ta do the bard vorÎ ai the bousohiold mentseta the regalars. and thora ver, and the owas littie strength or vitaiity un eteadi. ' .mu0 h os eda n nwterlsos hti h a rwith a ehartexed costitution-af ter six olmast enaugh thon ta make a "thin red my biood; 1 wasalaways excessiveiy, his wtdaw bas charge of the premises. sash te beit? Tbey muet be raady. Thon weeke' whoapiug congb bias raged lunthee une", aronnd the> tbep provinces. Now inervaus. nwtkntreIr ls Wtdav Martha of Batbaay. y9s, 1 'yen have the duty aitheb day or perbape bousebald, uiaking the inigbts as Sloop- thebore are neot 2,000 regulars In the wbole Iha i-nwtkntreboxes of Wil shOw You aiso ibe pet et the hanse- svrldylapa oi u va ftess as the days, thien it iSsiat sPa eV. Dominion. The foltawing je a lict cf iDr. Ward's Biood and Nerve Pis and bold, It la Mary, the yoninger sîster, buoe ed na nhsiaiWa Adte bsvmta h os a egiments and where tbey were siationed :Sne taking theni I have not been away witb a book undez ber arin, and in beor if the grocer furniebes yau artieles of often ta ha undertaken wben the nerves In 1889: fram my business . n hour. Before takiug lace no sigrý of care orlanxioty about any- foiautrtd a ftepe.o are sliaiiered wîtb some bereaveineni let Drageon Guardg, Cbambly, Lower these pîlis it was a frequent occurrence thing. Company bas caine. Christ ap- silver bo este, or a favoribe chalice bc îb&î bas put desalation Iu ever>' reex of Canada. ~for one ta be away from business. As a pcrinng ai tbe onteide of the door malces brokeli. or the roof leak, or the plumblng thse honse and sent the crib lato the gar- 7th HusRarg, Mouireel. jresult of iaking Dr. Ward's Pillasmy heart samne exiiement inelde tbe door. The frail, or any a ne of e tbausand tbings rat because Its oiupant bas been husbed 2nd Batti Coldetreani Guards, Quebe.. is perfecily heaithy and strang and g* sisters set bacit the dlsarranged t urniture, cceur? No motter. Everytbing mnustb ~easabr binin itbrs 2nd Batt. Grenadier Guards, La r e c tu ma eenodistressortrouhlewhatever. M 1e arrange tiroir bair and lu a flash prenare rend>'. The sprlng ls oomlng, and there îuîîaby.- Oh. It vas a great deui easier Prairie. reoved ail nerve trouble, made myuerves ta open the door. The>' ce Dt; eep Mut b.revoluoluinthe tami' yward- for lber ta brood ithe vhoie fiock hn te lt Regi. et Foot, Momtreel. strong and gave me heaithysieep. These Christ waitîngoautside until ibe>' have robe, or tbe autin laeta baud, and you brood a part af them, nov thebthie rest 8tb Regi. of Foot, Halifax. iand gave me a healthy appetite. Dr. 1>' arranged thoir tresses, and thon wiibby ftu ht as, preceded Yen ta tbe dpre birnaei h ooaofa Tt ei iFoII-nNi.The congestion ai the ibroat sestoing may los, trength, in place of ing not ta bave board the two or ibre. >ear de net fit the blidren now? Wbet If -1dbt okDtu uawn f Ct et fFoMot.l lmaini u4~; the continui llheith, wakness heart reviau kuociuge se'. "Why lecthrsail er theh anscbyin aghdiboureeovrpuheiiock8Inib Rhase, oufinautd Sandwifcht. Sanvichtspparepput areput pefectlyat res trouble and nervausuese. l In sîc Iyoue' Now they vere ladies and aiwayr Trials Appreciated. thse other wlni! af cane aver tbe lockIn l Canaia. m the caugh draps away. It cannci speaktioo huglyof ibis wondefu presentable. althougb, perbape ibm>' bail The bouse muet h.an extemPamlsed the grave. Nothing but the oid fa sbioned S4tb Regix. of Font, Amhemstburg. bas ne diseased tiffues On ;zxïceicine. Signed, Miss N. Miflward, not e thoir besi. N one of us always have apothecary's shop or dispenser>'. Thqra religion et Jeans Christ con taire a l6th Regi. of Foot, Fredericon. wiiich te bang. Waiton SL, Port Hope, Ont, on oar but. Otherwîse ver>' seon mi1r rmuet bo relief for ail styles cf ailînts- vonman happil> thraugb noms, trl&s AU S7th Regt. et Foet, Halifax. Dr. Ward's Biood and Net-ve Pilaare ibest wenîd net b. vortb.ibaviag aon. The>' sometbing te loeson tbe croup, eioetbinoe ibese nmodern religions aineunt te 48rd Regi, af Foot, Niagarae Prontier. Aui siCiW t iSoc. per box, r boxes for ;2.oo ai tbrow open ithedear and greet Christ, ta cool thb um, sometbing te poultice neîhlng. The> de net belp. They de net, <th Regi. ot Foot, Kingston. Dr1. A e druggists, or maiied on receipi Of price TIbey Seay: -"Geosl erntn g,' Master. Came the Inflamimation, soaxething ta siience cnonfort vhea thera le e delabhlu S6th Regi. et ,Foot, St. Johns, L C0. by THE DOCTOR WARD CO. Lîmited, ln end h.' eeated." Christ brought a tb. jumping tootb, sometbing te saoule the bouse. Awey vite thorm andi give us 67th Regt. ef Foot, Woodotock, N.B. Cherry Pectoral 71 Victoria Street, Toronto. Book of i- cm ai fiende wlîb hlm, and the 5h.eesmache. O ina" tofiuusfe'teodahin rlgnofJnsCIâ 71 Rt.fFuLAa àU. formaion rce.Influx of se Inan> it>' visiiore, yen do bail as man'vears as that, yen wonld ha ihat bas cemforted se0 man>' le th.e day,, 78rd Regt. of Foot, Blandiord.ia te Dlot wonder. threw the counir>'hobainotie a fit candidate for an Insane asylum! If of sarrov and trouble! 88rd flegi. of Foot, Kingston. dasot n«mt!no h Saine perturbation. I supposee bm vaik Martbe nalke under snob cîrcunistansui nsi Npies.tIfb ilegL. et Foot, Laon. & u nlmaino h __________________________from ihe City bad been a keen apptiser. au Impatient rush on the librar>' or th.e oac adnvu> i> or a lutile ofRect. of Foot, Tomonte. ms Trhe kitohen departimeat that day vasia draWllsg Poon, ho patient, ha lenlent. 0 whilîe seernite lio a substituts. The mer- Advlooe F>Meq .-a. -. Ir.. ~ ~ ~ 5~ UNsina>' rb lage8 oba ui> 'gen LY I gns .. ....OFHISVO-' esmember We b1avà ilMed'cal tiepart- as sean as Maribe bad greeted ber geisaue;nmn>..Zsa> apeieinai dyba ee t, je tT.th s abc vent ta that Promn. Mary badl no yonr tell, let me assure you tram the andeailaransePad ceres are aaued for I n 130- t* Ifjoa b ac &tet het p, . , , ., > bm e jy ai bing together and b>'- theîf~OmiutîE-~apesbyetin ieli confidence ibat ber sisier,,Mariha ceuki Meriha tha& he eppreciatas ail yonr trials ncesr> i ieue beh. l tre Alttr.rinStJej C.greaes AyEr, Sget up the bitSdinner in Betanys>, aud frei garrai ta cllar, and the OGlof t aith Czr, eil, Maie.red o she racicoi>' eld:"No, te ushavea Dboma eo Mirem ud Aigal l &ibm o. Att the mîshape af the newly mer- ta 6 er h srte rn i rhe prcticaly sai: "Ne, let s bav acoup1ah lu Mtrim aad'b gai bautehois ietenor vota., wbbilasweeet sud ad- T . L ~g o'i lsisof ~oI division of labor. Martba, yen cook, and God or the housekeepersi Christ neyer affie arpe nthters ayo auxtet>'o itrahi>'traineel, tbaugh net et greai 20 YE S ~ DER~T. ~ l'Il siiidamu and lan' marrlod, libut lhe migbt lie the Gipoclal prebensies, but mermmeut. The leai of insvsiTryg>spitanli__________________ 20YASI r lTur Se 5.1. »lf.î'.friand and confident of a whoeowovid of lre"d turned lute a geo.oi.gleipesiessu exedlliuat fem Kt a receul Musical Par'ty' M A. J. Jeffery, publiiher oi tho 2501000 Chrisetaie<Ufreeyenoseielms irbelvared. T h biumeiuthe ibe'atugby euitards and jauudteed and 1W ilae Ë alasVilla ul4vadi wosangd rpreCron icle bas'-oi hie neýwspap- oe beiveen eleters. There le Mariha, in-cuc l teBrdte an' ve"nsesi> biscuits! Oh, It la a vey briahi 1% - er ta his sans, Messrs A. andfR Jeifeî'y, churh l '«he rid, te Lmb' wie,"sunlight thattfells upon tle.entier>' and!vas se pleased i vth bimeeli ibet, tem- who wilI carry on the business. WLLUE dustrions, painstaking, a gond manager, and ibat makres me knev that e vomeR, mental ernaments of a 'nov hoe.!Ing froln the Piano te an apprecaetîve Noihing can bc more demoaviiLc eGver 1inventivàof saine nmev Pasir>', d05-lbas a ight te go ta Christ 'witb ait ber Rmneadnvi> iid o itacutadec, h aglgy e- i1-M-p i he name oiea seini Young ormiddle aged mn than tep' colering samnetbng lu bousebeld affaire. anoaces and perpiexltiesandin fatiguest o ence of iheso "nighly 'lotss."'f BoDe.fh Mary, fond of conversationfor o>' bis oaib af conjusral, Sdeii'bewilbuhatrevie b rmna s liel: ' Mynhiy pubished l ihe inere gaa il prdauneeeekness roa 5. eh. hý - ath everu ta synriathize. George Herle- asueurcanili wetu > mn'harsh andl unklnd thinge 01 Me, nes Mnager te Master Etheîber Burt, ai dsusft&anworauin- e r Dhar>',no tmteduiliquestions o ot se- -art put ibe thouh ngbth boo ou Ugoe nnutihe sa s te db neyel s'elden> nnlss> alchr uieeol h î~ Tbay unli a me for huia~i, ~ fias notInorasdiaoresquestios esmib>' condmentscudecanaiofa bked sudsecuse e cfofenondesfinie etW.n ai,1ev. W.i-i But. past ofaitte lendscabppcs.Žocet boid velfare. Ihislenoon. Mary Io lu thbe erhycnietadnna cb wbcihcr caused b>' evil hab'in uvou,, jparler. Marihea'lelu in hekiicee vres uan edpeulalbu trnnan>' erdinar>'aven.it le the lienit'pnsiis u at'ieit e'Mehdjtcuc a uItwtn nitural weakncse or sexual eeice . wudhv enbterfrue ebv nd lu one verse ea>ing oesi i. '" l h nreins htI eeanut e"g as vel as the hast favorably known hee New Meibod Treelment will pooitÎvr' audbaebaubttrf1,111t8hv1-msiehppnse »haIgrdmns~ re Yeu. divided ibm tell, sud thon 5h07 aauid bave Tha servant b>' ibis clause moas drudg- front heaven. Fruit tram the tree, o!futIlle s Dr, Cltase's Ontrnent, Kidney-Liver M~V10.. ~flD Y -divided tbe opparinit>' ai iistening te ory divine; and sweeteued , illi the nov vine et the Pis, Catcsrrh Cure, Syrup af Linseed CURE NOPA" v, Christ. But Mary mnopoiizes Christ Who eveeps 8e mnas for 5h>' leasmekeskingdom and, heked ln the aven ai home PTEh 1SIUTS n Fmextu n ie ue elo Reeder, youneedheip. Eelyehuseor vbite Mar1iba eveiters before the fSm.. ibis and the action fine, trial. God oui>' cenmake tbet lai. Yon tise confidence of ever.N body Tb-y have flte xpose m' bvehevo dica ed @netIbu ttae. dt ak twon their way imb the publicfvoer on 35e xesseme> bave eate eu. l ievr'Ipratta h> aq~ A voung wvansoaibrlllient edcnetion eau eut 15, b ut e. o tbisonamiser- The Ontario Govemnent bas issued menit. 1helr sterling qualities antd high ýarenotsefetilleured. OurNewMuetbcd *,' gond dinner that de>',for Christ vas_ and prasperaus surrounidlngi vas callid Slxl ri u ibsonmsr the report ai the Superintendent 'if sasîtgas uiyhv aeii will cure Yeu. You rua no ik. bi and bie dld nat oiSon bave l1ax;u- daostairs te belinlathbe absence aitheabhie ixperiene-he aila rhed vreIsiutsfrihohed878 tnin p prt bv ad 1e hungrynoan onabmerpy'itInstthetutesoldfordaliheouyeth 250, 000 CU ~ nous entertalirnexet. Aies, me! ifail teservant,, and ihere vas a ring 5etifthe lharl .womrlnhdepyih.o oig h ntiue relafan-teAUseler l arou;nd rsspnkiiiiy enertinaentmd t ib dor, ives, mc sswitb 700, adoto ,hh co endition ibeir total membershi1î worl.Aidaerso adre ned ~. Yortng Man-You are pae, feeto rested villi Mary, whai e rep)aît 5hboyer enered.Helseid, "I îbonght 1 board bs yeced eprsc b rt'îvin- increased Iran lS,i77 in Deceuni- "Better le e dinneria; of herbe vherav ed Bt o te laveBote a dnnr fhebewhr lvaOu ecnt sgesio ta cý ýitabie. You become forgeifut. morose.oe.EthrtofioIý6ihr tlato talde ndhto hbe ýr 5 nttu etfr ert a be' erIad dspondeni; blotehes and prîmpc, von ute îce. lhribS.or tihe harp?" Sue said: "ate;D~Oiem.puiiîhî m-[uring lte 3 a 5 nfteeetng sr' setfoayaraanben -tc unien' eyes, wrinkled - face, toopin - ould ret humt,« or ibQ breed -woulnlseaîrugpnacmaren et wt. h h epnsbl tio o ancse-fenwudba otcepbl brin ai downaei <onntensiice evDanbake. r ihi ai idbiaciteSSaakeepers! RIngs b>'iheir indigestion ha" ere beld attended by an aggreéate aif19 rîese ot. has monacte ptnbal fsmadawiat oneinorve] hk. rrine-bng ws urned lakgridîmon! ha ather vords, h vaeivalled a1~26,094 persons and 8,270 addresscs de-19 rsn a enaiduab the bligltof your existence. * ha ught ta have beeu nlou>'turneel dowusime tabelpg. h Suppose saine turne lest empires, and geusirele tbmough n-, iverod. Saune 80,000 axcursionists aiea umber. Pehp ou have sister or bonorMrh cle oslandigestion bave lesait htieps. -Oneo th b - Pemo b r ager rohrfi CURE VAbov, r arhascidCEbesef n 1 Isiaîî baye ta leamu, andi I have begun " \'ited the Guel p hColiege Farmun der bohr o rduhe rohrfsn Nomate hw eros oa cseme' fongetting al the proprietitis of ibe o oca nv.sbn iiih-oif cmutbSgreet statistiiens ea>s thiet out t 1f ,0SOOoudejyimesl iswel No matter ow serion your caL inay "i'now." Whenwila 'thewonlenlean vere crarmInelsn 30dwehe rauspicesndaihi hupiFermera'e Iasmitutenstituts.abudgetaofynimmensei-thii olweekly Sbe, orhow iongyou înay bave bad it, aur s in, wvhbhesweated brav eh. mshsde nt V in fwrkta oriheha-1 ýWonen's Institute lbas been aroea-bu dtsmainewsam ter lavshoe.- NEW METHOI) TREATMENT will o f the kitcheu ntoiathe panrl, perbape arable? oto ,00mridmnol 8^wr urever>'Theud ai vomits thatrnleovigbttoleshon-0oimine,00 r n he poinsuoui'm ee. zed luinSalifleet lownship, W etw mrtl h e .ai hoe n evpforap er sa la ne l their normal condition and bence tht vliag n oe band and p re , uHom.e eo&nomies. Ccrirninele, 86boving lb. paver .1 heoi b rsh h tead ehecied out: And,,oh, the responsiblliby resttng n out, ih86 em rswhc iteon.Snd frayr, nyo. sexuel arges eceive reper nuib eQ m us u. . L As Marîha opens, ibm do 1ioo a. lu s bit 4. y.,e fodhaped maybe the pioner ai a new olr ment. -The rgane becoame vitaW A-, ali t 'a ot thon net care thai ny i>'sier hemit easmeest> ,eadheeY ProvId, ennau' draeDe netumu. Noemorar,,ni tneBld ber therefore that oh* ai aseme. ibs trial ai severe es- b>' .ha conch 5h.>'spreed, b>' 5he books nvmn o rgnzn oe uth r .M lrnu ntn uts nimatuat raine r bises cesorant t ere iyc>. Nine hnndred and nluet>'-nine ihey inirodua., b>', the Influence l.'cuniry districts as tise nen are now Aneriean Journal ai Heai1thFb Uh benafit apenrneueni cure aeu ured. lpme." Christ scoided noS a yard. If 1 oblds u fatosn r u raâe nteIsiuefrteds as-"mn h rpitr e NO CIIE., NO PAY. NO OPiIýRA- ît ver. icoidlng, h venld ruther have 1i0 iiSa btiadaeeh bring erouud tibm rn, the>' are heling ognzdl h nttts o ieds as-"mn h rpitr el I ectedtIt lb ' rtegatro edcd tepyiate(.ý'no ag laso onsi, e eonto ýDr. STION NECESSARY. NP LETE«N L' hlm scoid me iban anybody ise bless tI5nterudrSe rea r 0dcd tehu 5.llectuelcasona lreaea dmsi1cfe ThON PROM BUSINESS.' 1 ePYctres ofena , deservit a eîgandeecaguctuan iens i me. Thera vas notbiig acerh ui.bs srs icrciacs Inlehespacl- the moral, the eterau ai, lfara e hesocial adeaaicipatn i htesOlientitas a renedy far Ples, CU ESG AR EE ~ avar' epy H ke Mruh a s we amare sxoke: xpansive buman race. Oh, the responsîbiltyl which farmers' vives are inierested. Eczemnatic akin eruption oai1usti kinds We ieaiand ureSYPILIS .oan arirng ersetanmos ta emI 1nt 'c--- ---' TueTahe r.e.. .port cvmrizes sb eed pimeacor wnîcn lu as boots uqeru t. iînanitef Wetréat and cure SYI'iIlLJ,ý ~~~H. yl b. ver>' lpi te enjoîn severe u drseoneýYPa6Ofam-ucb ndlsefct eiakbe GLEET EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY. get hlm eametbing tasest, and he appra- econoin>'et hoe..Thea hvias kils That wveinssite in the bouse 01ai od and drsseandevr> ansenti fao- suresel en bseftatemaribl STRIC'f 1n, VARICOCELE, SEMI- ciated ierknnsadt-a obp nieyuapeitd NAL OSSE, BLI)D11 AD KT-ibousende of vamen-the attempi te econanne questions which bave. an lin seen ta baffle the sûtlful mledici attoîs- NE dsece. ONULATIO N . aid: "My dear varnan, do not warry. 5he le the hanker ai hem horne, the FREE. BOOKS ltiE. CHARGES Lei the dInner go. Sit dova bare os monke ou ai 85.thitle eibo sema fpeietbcsir h elr teds efre.,Avr e ftep MODERATE. If unahie ta caif. write Suis couc bobside your youuger sister count entr, aud mioern d anon thonra h arnr.Aloyae o aeppOS Th b Bowmauvilie and Dariington for a QUi"STION BLANX for HOME Mry L t tkabout eemeting ise. Yeu have net gat the moue>', Se>'se. I al.God knowsa iaanlîl ad She which imighsîbe reniioned are '-crase Tas îssip Sabbeth Schaal convention TIIIIATMENT. Mr.edyen have, ba chesrfut lu the expandîtune. B- sug ad Hybridizing ai Pilanis" *l 1)eheid iii the Presbyteriau chureb, SMoMartedaothan>'th ngrt, beuS l anda u . esoei, wcare, and ha kuave that ibis Il eta u .T Mcu;"MakingPln neeleesilserounas, buh tubaiut onrepaantBaNvirnanville,'on Frnida>' ,Ie. 21h.. KIE Y KEr long domsr5h,, heneinito$,lest?"are l a As ania bros pentub asr~ long dsevh on boutt n ler ihe sarl ids fhersvaîn er5,distila* Foad Availebie", G. E. Day; "Uteusils tbing le nuedfu." Pratice tee lu FafaDiry"hT.spleaulidarograni is being prepared ýN SELB 4 EE, g klwt-e' adhe.agee ay t a brnabttner the maiber tuienolen~ ,uamna'afsso 'r aera se;inDaim .Suenuteneus vil o fvq ~ DETROITook InN. ousehnd Is, espieisatIge aserd "h ouyoo eseu tShhe eu tilaSi biuoe<Itm dcioni i Ipirfitabersetiug\ d4,e expecte e "Theyurbusad enon>."sdibi.av atge. h vndb lr ean;"What the Deiry Industry bas seinýig in.the etumber of degatos and trials, sudabout theni1hamngolug ,HOvWmi d o at" Adur"nathlug about iboni. The>' neyer speat fr anda",A.pp.MLaOenFroulevrin ctol sey ta ipeet If the Lora cf Mer>' andi Martba " olr e' engtaogwt bout then. Yeu oould nos wih ihe 'Sr- nadApl rhr"JE cens? Yenar alsysvatis Si" gones t ~i nqusiionbrîg ie rut Or"eina i gncluh ard",J rpos tale ta Mr. J ohî Heilyam, jr., that an anaroyailaelpe t He bisLu.. - Tiets?,0 Yeuarer ageireewt ig p1ia.s, oui of Sainquis>'itonbp h iî.e u i chool Syci sem", C. C.James; "Fractical thîibentprovisin mumaeto Annyaee o HmeLie. Thi 8 yar' aragint 1ghprt;a' w >un'l1 ouhtrv Reepiug", b> A. G. Gilbert;____ As VokAbob miabt door, in Sth iret ibis everiasling attempitaehing tSua ont- se>' uhibiua The>' endure andi'vn u Vi omns Institutes" Miss Lauras Rose; M ' place, "aIe et~trial of noneppraciâtion. g0 vihiu ti. ineome, bas exin u ldad h ulmn rgi hi oetcE~oy" m.J .Sih 4P11 TRDEMRiSgle, sud vie at 30 yeers oi age bloaok t cas eq go'thr ii . enueeat . Be ied nanderoemme n is, sud O p in io ne u e n l y t h eee el l h o noeu i DESami I G.C tmN u,' p rtion0tiThesa ave en ' no o ibm g or-a Ir et t e nt soboeu alas o m ( d h Si.>' bet xc scralor COPY 1IGHTS &C. C is and AustenlIz anti Gettysburg 1 a d ftie w ite robes 5h.>' have o ; w nt u-P a i.h f emotiùcuÉ%11 hrough tRte i & T t-RiU A l ifroO1. Os raug Ptabr e.Curnjaers ar 5it h. Ameageeon fhae gonedîn ui..ontry makes them ail velu. No roue iit envoisee nne5ht e ARMD aaet -kntug mupu & o. et veGo ont te thea country' sud lotit <> dmebou e aso tta. tWi hog h ever>' i, rrieinsuovs lsev ksinidrb.. Aithe cuitlngM/ l rLT' k l!. epit.apis o h iso beue ae J nteo o anta chnang ie t, , hpi WI'lth ro i bm kin Aslb.echalmsse - t besutitul sud peetta, but if thbe Somnl- th 0getacanet tplse5.lifted bis v.hip te sgtrîke, a rongate,bealtby B Pî'25/LOlIYR ohaeiot e skies if ou eenii 7011 rode. bey leapeti up sud gala: "Stop, seaieo- Relenar Action 0f ibe boirais le ne- : À sds01> luntvaedweeii. ersetcî-atones conld tel thetruli tiansandu n itii s itb. se great a changa6îton tAIAUFJP( tae ay ceaifa aunt.Teo',$3 a Shani vaubtise>', "Here lise a woman im i u l! master; vhip nie! Hto lsonly  Ponrce ssar>' te b eahth.LAXA LIVEJS PXLLS ilyý,$,t. Soidbyainewdelrlvaearth you b l)lxurles ha and'î h- vbcp et" are tebs eesoa abrI e Ce 3g 6lBmodway, New >nk andi mvîug and bakIng anti scourjlsg sana >baitdovu en Si. hanàktet 9»- Qi i h Sahr'tsoug b MON 1r .wem<ue~»,.moi.nhLir.,' aêd the e apon wW 1"- *'e7 ..1Ell