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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1899, p. 6

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-1 brother, Why don't Yeu rend yoursolf out? wSa flot MY choies. I did mot wish Co go. htée bad Rrroundîngs. T4û éther day Giv in aYoug on f rdiaryInel.1 eutinYour S8ryioe. It wa itri » z Ybea ou wilt espectally noed divineO Thtac llU il taei B IAIi IEI /I ~ eandi gondeyosigbt, and jet îm de- Ploasure 8o te do, but 1 was the ou-n grace wll lie nYubvbaaayof TOM ~ V L E F 1 . 2 , 1 9 Vote te valuable reading the tim e Bo ut or a d o m a n o BOW ANVLLE, EB.22 189.actuallY Occupied in commercial arrondi one,~ volti aliko 0f anderstandirg and ceiui. go andi celebrate ébiat sucess. Thon _______~~~~~picIle in thoir Finfui pleasures antiYd wi an th grc afGito- SNRP ForithonBfar Workeho aa ambitions.ears heut lleber darkness, Chat I înight Strain yOD from rollickirag Indulgences. SWAP F., the Bran. Wosiio fob, Y heu hay 'II b ave o sfo retain thora as your cnu'oomers. Your in- yes, thera wiIl bie a third day 'when yen Rev. Dr. TaIn-age's VVords of Cheer to Obn- reading."' Now, that la the trouble, but' terest required iL. Ibave anted thousands will need tlbe Christians, andi that will =It je no excuse. Thera was a tîrne, my 1 f dollars to the Profits of Your trade, bc the lait day of vour lire. 1 do not $TE9HFrthe Physical Worker. mnercial Travelers. brtewe e â otsefrcgr but at what expense V'on now sec, and 1 k,,wwhryuxlsedt ehp en ndCilden.severed until cigare have beconie to yon waalthy, but 1 amn paor indeel.' Anti Dow car, or e steamer, or the strange hotelý I STAMINA For MenWomen antiChiltiren. -~~ a luxury. New, if Yeu cen afford to' this cruel dismnissal frorn your aernploy lSa oonoulatcmeca ernd Cautions Themn to Start Right on Their Journey--Condemns Work etruggle on ta get a bad habit, la iii not OOse I eceive for a haracter Yeu hava bidden goodbye to the family a Worth whule to Struggle on to get a goond ruinei andi prospecta blasteci la helping hom.e for the last time. The train of your 'on the Sabbath--Duty of Employers--Evils habit like that of reading? I amn arnazeti to make Yen a rich man 11 Alas for th arthly existencetanrng hodpj f -Ita frati how meny nierchants and coin- man Who gets snoh a letter as thet!1 the grave. The brakes are falling.J ho of Drink and Gambling. merdiai travellers preserve Cheir lgnor Again, 1 charge You, tell the WhOle ball rings et the terminus%. Tb9 e q~~in lin ofDue rmtio inregrd e Yu:ance frorn year to yeer, notwit4atanding truth about enything you soit. Lying stops. Ail ont fer ete.nity. Show your giD THE Plor~Lo >argr ayn ail theoir opportuntes. It was Well ilme- commercial travellens will rcd 0,tce o orgtiiit h aeo REA.D HE PI.OOP! W\7 aington,' Feb. I.-In thls dtscourse gune Yo0f oie. Thnaiitphtateo yoewoht enlreyse yn omrIltaehrcd ye one ticet hninfrotg cL-:ie reti te :wasbof GENTLEMEN,-I haefraln ie Dr. Talmage gives words o! goond cheer Bible in round, beautiful type--omall cesnat-h atd~oso fargtatrynbt h ai tr.D Dtebct fte ad icetb.o needed some ha e fora blong tand te commcial travellers ant ells of Chair type ia heti for the eyes enywhere, but' cllba d ethoe ant th ho w Lo e bo no lt ather yenfr u opein Stomointepto fte ,n bueldetin so m in toM ak boo a nd jer safeguards anti Choir opportu ittos; text, pculiarly killxng lu th@ jlt of a rail lir a la ho e, nd o sa ong "Se t me bo o u e l o he stfareigh t ine tan andlduprnysycknstcren anlod*asatry lshr ,"iecait ha aei ri u orrlroati guide aijd yo1u six rost of theology, andi about as mucb alVfu bergein that e mnan makea wnen ant thin, a l a n tr en gt s a ni vitalitne the sù eets; th ey shall justie one again st B ible aide by site- the one ta Show Yeu m t p y i a n i n a a d 0 i i o s la h a g o a a t i o l e Las Jnury fieti ai "Ityflt ncther in the broati ways; thoy shail the rouLeylon ahndg tieur aolt anti ,'v f ame tis. oAdsou nd tbi suathe tryDr.WDr. s lWarand'eve Blo? ..ii antiorces;erve Pli ullskeo? thutotlawgbtla wood ndihefolio.ld ol T!" rer !ano xcue frxtsanesemeor ou manmn iana'eofh They will supply the oxygen your blood sen îetrhs bysa u . or ta show you the routa ta- the next amnîcigitntoI ohv trsa e okwasligtm neetis anti give you health anti strengîh." telgnng.world. "Oh," you gay, "Ithat la superflu- tereoprt natio n If oimercbave stors o Nw Yor biain thei n o 1 told him 1 was very skeptical aa te any It bas been founti ont ébat meny of the eua, fer now in ail the hotels, la tho par- taelr mrv ormd eebrslit b aycaonr I aîydt benfittht culdbedervet fom ny arts asti ticoverias which w. supposedtielr, yOD will Si a Bibiat anel thae"Llerne Blackayomi," who, wber sdth lady atther laI a rcure in proprietary medicine and hati no faith in1 were poculiar ta Our qwn ega, are marei ail the rooms of Lbe gnesta you wili findthe bLowaue Lb. lawks st, bis oo upi tha sowtYe ha ok t thr tl ant frctetIn .thern. There the matter resteti untii four jthie restoration of the arts anti discoveries one!" But, niy brother, Chat la mot youregntth browi, en beaeL.ots Th aimnofh i, lnnts ga wenredig o nch about ofYosni fyasao ups htBb eYu want yonr own bat, your ecqueintetl witb 50 languages. j±<emeao- bearlng of IL, wrote to the father of the what Dr. Ward's Blooti anti Ncrve Pille the pat centuries have forgotten more own coat, your own blailket. yeur own beth conyGilrhwhlan ougaai he oursy. bave doue for so rnany people witb ira- tban ha aresent century iows. IL oserais Bible. "But," yOD gay, III amn net a apprentices, wrougbt ont Lbe arithmatical' "Comae antaite yeur son away. Ho W in liveri d blooi, I concludeci to give te me Chat Lbey muet have knowe thons- Christian, anti yOD ought mot te expootprboiwh salonapeeo1e-neria.amrcnt" Tofhr tbm rii Ihaetae furbxe nt ntis o! vears ago, In the tiays a! Mue. mne te carry a Bible." My by!other, a ther. RG.br Aeeobe, ~ cm aaiainwneigwa me~ unhelief go far as Dr. Ward's Blooti v-81, Of Lb. uses ot steani and ils applica., great many people are mot Chriats athti he er nt erc rame r oy ame I n ttiona, aontein he t be im ,and Nerve Pille are concerneti bas been tton te Swift travel. In MY Lext, 1 heer who carry a Bible. Besidesd bbt eorefv ius rn an thaatiagm proies- o haf L b. n daiti: aWhy your sn men entirely removeti. They are a splendid eh rush of the rail train, the ciang of Yeti geL home Yeu mlght hecat a Chnis- fv iue rma xasigpoe-o h imsi:IWyyu o to blod builtier anti atrengtb restorer, anti tL.e wbeeis anti the jamrning e! Lhe car tien, anti yen would fect awitward with- stinant rt motltetss.hr e hscutrat onc u an invaluae meiie for weak, ener- t3ouPlia. "The chariots shall ragtur la the a Oyseii htl0DilgtgLehc. A oa aiy b 1k, anti o! coe th ie v~4. ~pl. Ths bs been rny experi. Lh. Street$; theY abat! justi, on. ageinst bati news tros bhome. 1 se. you with Beahmdtseloeg abia rspniiioL.inrnca ctres b~ec, thy havin given me streng-th of enlother lu the broati ways; they sai trembling bandi Opentng the Lelograni frit ueas au teoi omigng absot CsLara utb u for the Inrnee ninseWa os oninos t*4y andi Strong healthy blooti. seur lite tanches; they shall rua like tb. Saying, "'George la tiying," or Fanle t uoniss yhat wove L e th vne-a bou Cs oit onet fork outr iiselves. Yonr sodoes your of cor stile (Sigeti) yEena LAWENC WHYTE, lihtins. aiin nI deati; comae homne!" Oh, as yen ait la yards Chat grew theni. Uncierateati ail Will nover maito a merchant." le thab streaits of gray? Are you g8 Q ee S. et, To ono, O t e nigVO fo a ve a a n yr o un dpostion g la t ho mai, yunn t wi l t tav e noCasaaée o - n about the law a hat central com mercial ail?" ald Lb. father. "A h! Ieni prouder pleaset? Do your friends of the gihofandayfrnia e1etaoa ig om, enwil av o ese orfie îî, boteaitn. aouItrisabut , my boy Chan I ever was. John, geL fle came age show fluis losa 4i ot mgît a upyyu the tracit waitlng Lo sec the rail train sceaery, or ter conversation, anti yet YOuD faotbnigaottrfs bu Swon't, we will b>' mail. Price 50C. corme et foul speetil At first yOD board muakep orthub mlytir marktes, about navigation, about foniri your bat and corme bome.." of power aiea? PQ box - 5 boxe for $2.oo. THE DocTOR in the distance a rnnibling lite tho nom- you kell goatr ti. hon eo or people-their characteristiosi anti thoir iBut liL Ia almoat aight, anti yen go Just remember that gray, WMa» ~ ~ ~ ~ rj ofPIY imttTrntOt a aStorma; thon Yon saw the flash Of waat o BibIe, Whetbr yOD read la or polit1cal revolutions as they affect ours; baokiteL the hotel. Now cornes the mighty hair never beceaies darh-er thehe&llht f te ocootve s, t ot.Itwil li acorfot t bae t narabout the barveats of Russie, Lb. vine- tug'fer the commercial traveller. Telîl witbut lcp, while da-k hair thed theiu rvht thLb ocootv aILntIL ib.ac fr tbveinerYards of Itaîy, Lihe teafleltis of China, mea wbene hoe spenda bis ovenings, anti I rapidly becomnes gray when tulrnt gLb. ofv thon e y sof the tai y ha bemot il i po ile whcl Leeru about the great cammnercial centres will tllu Yu wbere he will Spenti etern- once the change beguns. j.. -. ~~~~~~~as Ilé came plUnging ,teward Yen; thon> amity. Wiratber 0o stu Lbo promise ofeata aotdb Meicia n eoreca. rtiypoecsThrisn-bdae yon heardti e se aiet ai the wbistî, Lisat or Dot Yom will want Chat book near yon. .. .. .. .. . ai abou th-aiio lrnpns. hr aa-bndnc ~ renze a e c 005 an yé saw ni ot Wise wlnIayptl Iepes. Yeu beiong La Lb. royal tamuyc book. Thore are Lthe Young Men's Chris- Ï urcn abaicnin;ta infi ill marchants. Be wortby et tbat royal fans- tien Association moins. Thona are the Z tha jar ai Lbe passlng earthquake anti New, yan are ail ready' Le otant. Yo i.OLienyavc niLn ieweek nlght services of Lbthe ite * * you saw Lb. abat thumderboît ot thse ex- bave yeur valise in Lbe right baud aXmi y'nefwaîesit arso uuy hrha hrel b anin ao Th~Leahi SpcIIIss e A&i~~,roes train. Wall, IL soems Chat W. con- Yeu bave yeur blanket anti shewl stnap TktiahrsousndetseopsThora la Lb. Chester. Thora la Lb. bous A11 Pial'G) M ear the passiag of a mîduîgbt expes ln Lbe lait band. Ganibyi May y'on have wiigintodlyt ri n aeo nai.PeL tpae ag e 20 Ygars In Detroit, , train la my Lext, "Tise chariots shahl a prospenoas journey, large salas. grat ti gfe the igis elhts tra inb you ake But ichJY Olt im Otel ae, wiois go 250,000 Culro. rageis ID Lb r Inees they shoai wusi Ca pnctntagie Oh, there a train am fo-vew tise Promîsei landi. Wheu you are Goti, wblob? "Weil," yen gay, III gasa u l ______ gaiat notor a L. boat was; heygotte st OD bou-wbt tainarewalting far Lbe train beur alLer hour la 1 Wili-1 gnose I wll go t. thea tbeaer." shali seein lite torches; tboy @hall rua YOD goiag te tadre? "Wall," yOD gay, III tisa depat, do noS apeati your Lime reait- Do yen thint the Larrylng ln that place WICURESTR IT R lit th lbans"wi at ie 'bc udyatnoi ng Lb. sewlng maciîne ativertîsemients untIl Il Celock eit uicbt wlill Improve I hoit the train long enengis La <et on train." Wisy? "Oh," Yeu gay,' 111 Eisal at otn pL.Lm alsa ots orbdyhat nyu lac rs Thousands of yonng anti mîidie-agetid batat otnui L.crat aeadyb ta nio ody.t mon are troubled witbthis tiîaaase-many 'ae yeu wxi nover Lande g'on Lb.da "wentei Paèry terna fontune? ae man unicenaeiously. They iray hav casmart- , finu ,tbra-fountiss o! Lbe passngens are morning I wlil b. lu the distant ciLy In iet is rt se it e tti ae Orou b ai e siîeso s ngsesaio, maltwatngstcans commercial trevellers. Thoy are a foi o meca esthihen by L.im lac inth e ni t swet ticetaetion o r ou pntea an tcommei su ors Sharp catting pains et Limes, slight dis- pecoliar to thomsolves, eaaily recognizeti b erhn seston1 bohr,antaîegeph, boaton theticke quetns o r beavan Lrougs tis comerical suha rraa mainat i hsnpeas' et baome on ail tise trains, not startlati by yoii are startliig, wrong, if yen clip off whîlà yen, est merely because yeu want' "WelI," Yeu Sey, III gnoe, Lthon' 'î wiîî WiIl bning baci to your, bain TUBE. Don't let doctors experim.ent on faiirwtjI h aîot inIce iici ~smtsn rn os i e o pe ratteyse tie u at hea- £Don oue wiil 90ste o e ta biThng fe fl ut. ast s vra yon. ifhiswillnotcnreyou,asitwillre - tî O bti is aSsain a tlne succossa. Sabbats breating pays phera anti stony toilons anditsneso O ll< L iy o lmt 10 that beat melts cnow, or tbaf Lura. 0u NEW, MEIHOD TItEAT- lng tise train will stop, what *place Lise noe boLter for lite woniti Chan 15 pays for L.aeanibvtem ntrtinkr yof jYeu wil mo at play. Yu wil ma a 0 water quenelles fire. -MENT aàeorbe the stnicturo tissune; passengors tate iunchlou et, eau «Ive tise ne utir yoas hnave cora ne ean e . yeti ai$ w0oyu l m a ta $50,5-ten Ic nssbesaplo Shencoromnoves the stnicturoatermnanentiy. yninionniation on almost any sbe T isr wî nt clbnetecapin It ean never return. No pain,no Eunfler- yousobe was a large eàtabilsisment lu yut Yaerat Lav oal I en aU t s e of $1,00 aeil ho yoMaki $, t u ri Yaen n prevents teformation o mer, adot ThLe sexuel buines are uraedsoaitee oi.eeyhr NwYti b& h1iL aiugmn motion ai the car tisaS they are puiling mioney so as ta @tart anew. Yeu will dnri.I etsat or ethd. Teexuearigaettongth troni Halifax te Sari Frencîsco. Tisey are "W. Want yen La start to-miorrow afLer- the~ Patent brakes dowis. Tise engineer matre $50, YOD will matre $200, yau wtll icbec fise buibs of the bain -the. bias of manhooti rotures.nSna fero 'lc e rnstehl t h rsi h tri mnate $600-tsen yeu will ]üeAl Tbes making them praduce a luxu- ~ ~ noon tran oisemturs riu Yeu Pittahurg." "'Oh," repîliat tise yol'oug stops, "«Ail outt" criase tise cantinotor. wnatcises ar Lise ganibiing saloon tnaw riant grawfb. it stops the E %bave y u Laite a bertis ta eo icr ant etis manl, "1g neye travel on sontiay." o ou nt tram tise train. yen reacli bow to tenspt yen. But mark Lisa-aIl hefine frq fainis ote athe gie 0 Thousands of young andi mititit-agei. 'ovyoorbeti oiso atss. We,"ldiehei man ai tise finm, Lise bote]. Tise lantilord Ja glad ta sec you ai aiblers die paon. Tbay mey make for-afieotfnshttsebn moea are having Cheir sexuel virer ani gontlemen. Tiser. are 100,000 protesseti e'yeu muet go. We bae got La matre -oygai Hosetbsotishtiufs-rtfrun-bS Lylsaas wel. ciae.y Thontiay fr eqn y ncnsccu dia havay ald bHei auethe out bisn badtnsgnd otnsbylg vcae.the cotay f apetiy this dis-o commercial traitellors la th@ Unit8dtimrn, anti you muaS go Lo-morrow aiter- acroas Lb. registry book,. wltb ail tise dis- thora. Wcal e ahc ye. en the ebtaifrnd offthe cause of these synptoms. Gener, l States. but 500,000 woulti not linldoail Boon at 5 o.'olocit." The yoDD< man Interestoti warintb of a brotheri You an. Scal whire you Thogb antii frIe.eIotoot Weaiea Uhnatural Disebarges, Feu- Chsose wba are sometimes ongaet In. this saiti, 11I ca'Lt go; IL la againat mfy con- Beint n pnret Pua iisn uninvit- and &cîn uedsDtoti i leoe ing Manhooti, Nor-vousnoas, Poor -AIem- sce Tbey sienti millions -of dollars-sine a' g. Wl, at b ain aann youteytby onga ennui ei , yn ay,'I IcanL . eLb o .t btrioa the ne ! t ory, Irritabflityat times SmartigSeu-- evryty in prmn e tyoi ogeog Wl, e a,"fIcntg eteDce bu t stion, Stanton ýGys wtth tient circles, n ieioasatiI b aiieat man of tise flrm, "thon yon will ft0 mate yeursaii prosentablo. Yeu de- Chaenter anti If I can'L go ta tise gambling AdrsDR. J. 0. AYEEI, Weat riaqk, ueneral Depresben, Liait trains. Tbey have Lhicî official aowspapen have ta lase yonr situation. Thore an. scandtihosn lnta tise reatiing, rooni, anti Saloon, thoen I <nasa-I gnose I wii go sof Ambition Varicocebe. Shronkn i, argan. They bave thisr mutuel benefit plenty af mon Who wauiti like te go.", tison. you fint tise commerca raele:asL h as i aay"Cmeca Par,, tc.it'EETant SIICTRE issociation, about 4,000 Deames. on thse Tise tesaptatian Was too groat ion tisa sitting aTraunti a long tableo'W1 wii, re xaaybehoIecante. Don't contult farily Pitravollens bave tLd me Chsat la tise leSter tiectors, as Lhey bavte no exponionce inle os nibv ied utiuimr younig man, anti ha Suoumbedt té i. Ho alavation la Lise contercvrtwt aij box et Lise béael within on. bour aiter those. suociel diteates-tioe't allow Chsam $200,000 among Lise familles ai obeyeti ortiers. Hrbto ie5ocoitvrieius hl tiseared witad-tsIts rrviL.'hv at otr fei euaqitato oxponimeet ce yen. Conuat 'doceaseti mambers. Tbey are ubiquiteus, trinSuda ai tn Oan tsh ng.Oc vsue n to wbe thora tale, iansC ir aobiciat la avisaL diretn. If la a Disssmaf'Mceand Women. dur NU W unique anti trernaendaus for gond1 on eVÎI, Do yen went Lise Soqie iD ver3' short Lereti ail erounti ruaS>'. steel peus antid away frani bome. Nobady will know ît. Éte Cauget Xl. METHOD TREATMENT ttibb -poi- Ail Lbe tendeucios oifjmarchsandise aire to- maer? Tisat youag man bas gono tlawn patobes of blotting papor. Of course you Comriltaoir ae SOMOtirnea An EngIsh papan seys Cti tho bat of for a date we accept for troatment andi w noalr fdsiain htbsb-w1 ttyt Y h e eacransot atra Co caneoteure. Tormsraolerate fora cur-, tesansbitnILtiniy anti watts coa ai Lise business flnm? Bankraipt.. amoag Lise marchants, Yaeu preeL ><>u, lait Thora are éthser gaLes o! soin' blow off on. day, andi as isa etartedi l C UR S G ARA TEE fo cutanersto Oni inteai ti glugLt>orie Oi Lise flnm a conflrmati gambIen. lettons ef introdunction anti authority. througs wbicb e man me> go anti yet pursoit a blacit bon 'ashet ont of tise aeet bargain metera wIll have more anti 'iov weeit get 24 banna for your- Ton bagîn businless New, lot me gayjcm nbttsSgL a plgbc gatea.Ts coîetrswts e C .UREaS eUd RA iue E LESI'N. mr naal od nts bl anti oefTu empory onmnbin tsearewanth.Shg > o< w caontp, buh t la hîa ovn pHriso loea anti Tahe alLer mse iL, the a boa VARICOELE SYHILISGLEET. wiIl gradualby base iLs contrai ai tise rlgbt La awlndio yen ont of SisaL rosL. Sa romeniber. Fît-et, tihat ail tisa tradeLieaIsdm tilnd.HomyeniobtnialEtnwslcnieitasa STRICTURE, 1ÏMPOTENCY, SEICET marktes, while Lise groat, antOnprissng Tise bitter durs. of Aîmigbty and WIlI ya eiyeiepatîoa Leaîg'h campanatively fire foer a little wite, batieaaîibetla eeat a ES. KIIYNEY and BLAI)DER Diseaises. an ucsflbue ilbv hi rs pnta omr;letbi btie b, ol o h DRAINS. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~mn UNNAURA mIEHR. at ucsîîbue iihv hi etnntsScnîeoa eeiîhetwî ot stick. If you canotrt custem l'oi nts limlits,'anti Lthe iuntlag e black ben frin one endi of thé CONULTTIO FIEE.BOOKS > agents on ail tise trains, anti "tir wbic i x ts employas La breakthLie siep b>' tipping a wine glass wîtis1 satenle polide have Choir eyas upon hlm ta Street La Lb. éther. FREE. If unabbe te call. wite for chariots wiil rage la tise stnaota, Lisey Sabbsaths. Wisat nigist bea a Christian aumebay 9o bef botterUETO naN o OEr eOy'e t <et bis bring hlm in et any moment. HLETMN,,BA on HM shall justla one egainst aliatsern latise marchant ta ait tiown la chancis on tise custom. An eli1d commrciral travallen But Dow tise question la tl open, broati weys, tise>' sisaîl seein lit, tanches, Saisists whon bis aients are travelling givas as bis exeinaSsLtaagSb browi a pniyu vuni h K~N . ~ KEGAbohy shall rua libte Lise ligistainga.1" abnoad througs the baud ou Lisat day? "Itneeting" abways damages, the bouse ,commercial traveblers, how ninci wili K.N D F E'A t %Iords o Goond CSeen. GeLup professati Chisnstian marchant go tisaS get 15 la oneway on Lise étiser. yeu give me ta put yen on tise rigbt Craok? ~ or MchanaI Lhini commencial travollons oaa stand acting. Yen haveno business boe. Go wWithout cbargîag yOD a fartbiag I Winl g Aie. ana sermon of Wai bsari sympatby. Ifont adcalt CtiS bacit. Tisa was PrcîeSbst.preacnihe fer yon a plan wio wîîî Savo "IETROIT MC.You bave aay words af gooti cieon fon a mercent ID 1837 who wrota: 111 abouiti Basides tisaS, yen cannaS afford ta In- yen for thîs wanîti anti tise- Boxé it yo thorm, Yeu bave botter tter thsora. If have beau a deai anad té iLont boan jure yaurselt ion tise purpoiSa et benafit- wvili taite IL. Go baera you beave borne La FOR WEAK GIRLS AND BOYS You bave eny goond, bonnet pnîiyer la for tise Saishi. Obigeti ta wor tainan ing yaur omPloyers. Your cammon seuse tis 0on o' hita saain0 D.Wr' lo uiNrePl tCheir bebaît, tboy will hoe gneetiy abligeli mrnning until nîglit tbrough tise wisele talls eu o at yon Cannet <aS inta Lise Lb. dîity wisere YOD I1voi GeL tramn Cheam ___________________ to yen. I nevur k 'new a man yot' wbo weeit, I toit aos Setnrday, ospeclaîl>' on> habit of Leklug strang drink Se pleese lattera of introduction. Carry thema out titi not lît6 La lie prayeti ior. I neyer jSaturtiay attenoon, Cisat I fouet bae otisors witisout goLLing tisaS habit fast- te the Lowns andi ciLles whene yen go. If knew a man yet tisat titi noS l1k. ta li nest. IL was likogoing Intoaedense-iog. e notion yon. I doDat tnaw wbetiseré thr bicrh no sncb association lu Lthe elace heiped. IL seai La lue Lis 'Sermon ie Evenytising lookta tank anti gîoomy, as Itell IL orneo. I thint I will. A close yen] vieiL, thon present thoa et Lhe dean 1J1;L îmelY' At Shis seasono aiLie year tisae If nuthing coutil ho seveti. I disumissati ail carrnagecernet> Lie door ai my churcs ai Christian chunchea anti bandi thoen r 91 %l ýàare tens o! thousaia i ofien goiug ont anti tept Lise Sebisathinl tise olti way. In Brookliyn an. nigbt aS tisa chose ai a over ta tise pastors. Be uat slow ta anis ~~MPTLYSEC~ED te gaLber tise sprlng tratie. Tise mentse On Monday IL was ai sunsisine, but bati religions service. Sorna ono said, "'A 'DLs eotalmetn ati se" Write for aur interesting books "leant- ai Febroar>' anti Merc i la 1 a O ur coin- à5 noS isoon for Lise Saishi I have reitou f>e1maa lu SisaL carniage, waats ta sec ar omrca rvher r e or's Heip' anti "How yen arc swindied. imerciai establishsments are van>' bus>' doubt I sisouit have beea m gra." yo. " I looketi inta tise carniage, anti away tramehomo, anti I comoIluiborerSa- . Seniuaruglaktaa o IiaObo yur meonthe. In a ie* tiays aur national par-Nw I Say, If tise Sabietis Y laot for tiaesS sfn aslsa anti as ale. awiis ay frei han comainbyr" tse ineton n impoemee ant -o New, te.lI. inltt ee hitanscey yinveneioar inioamn an weo wiL tell te ilaihastjd nito ts mlyri sgot o ieepoa gant a gentleman as New Tort ever s0w, be19 bossat iebgsa Tylhe proiablypatetabl. Wematea spcialy b ti ont i for Lb. bngsteaten an a thont g emoe, tisel gdou r t y mpoa.r nbttsSngs ewsltxctt.H msmn iloe eoeyu nilt fre. ldaternc fr ecnln ptete sorna 10 canse andle expee t Éen spemmntigwio asbeV mt-Il' n Ratnt tkenLirogh un &ce.neune 'ihur îakig îsîosîyeu aie.emlcy Ayong onlaPhlb iedh. postion u ti e ois ot w is h a U,,A14 *,m Soia uigst youwibb et eutlaetisa toe-coan unelalbouse i wbîcs hohwe Lis Scieîitlfk ste- piero l bs i nfordm t:wi i ia ecsn: :bo eployetihlm, aniorenaoti ctiser hani hippolten- JUUE~-I4~EI bat aihave l lta wlt sne rt oup r hur l is sokn cr, Lieneta v~ine fbi s o n a nd.asLise o mc i a lthOor be oosSr bs eeniful yo n n- r5Liou n, ati on wîîî w prtsu r e tern tha e alork r e a nus. habs ye p olat tsitrb eh:apae ~ wn lt etttoat a saraî 3Gl~aed-a~,Ni~ Toik frts aticoneulecea But'sili >en ~- aiSsi <1 LhS~ ~ ati ulaset ourhans reanirti bo s spnti eeo eybm. yla tritnid la fou& C~~ Walmiigtu, G u. im and î matea ngatlon es oualiste wdr tsSa stdyJohaxril raei,~< stininplsaIi nmaaIbu i ry commegrdaltraveihen, houp1ay afe ________________________have______ Bno t ant ieea. e îtoiasso qiyI ws od >'br ___________________________ as w are havng aplai, met tat I aai askll am ~ <u l~pinei ma taamen aninomsemet insearis i tw tîna eXdayswhe youareonpepabr wilb noSMb.Koffendea oaS amy hdoorasbmneof cusd-s t armen.,o accp t.,is ay Canntlu anato!die ae. isonL.da DEggIGion."et 6 e4, ma Lbu apr oe an 1tad ocalan Iotisut thpobiuo Anone eingdr ethaesin M Pubrte Ila aieng th «e soam. ok tt ak tb m b>'wh tl a ru snviar u. asbidesti Let,, alam-ii buyn aen uos-'je ost Ory acrai thra __ te aiead1cogault mr ibog noS - oIpesea.,an tis eem l ual ia flthe toiswn, ad h ah _ et h em.bug y.uatnge , pr i ote Luenat jt hheyaIerpusiea I~mt slat yng sti eyu teta____t__urhMan mepJ t ree our lok. lstl' N ot o t e e iebu. I ~ > * ot lagdI~g~tS tureotitnhutcou.hvL,4,e4inth,, 4. t1 ser ul 1 ~DAL WC guaratet l¶u Plastes Winlfl e lva pain qulker Lisai any otiser. up ryu 25C. tin Zoe it: dSU yar 1 'railitatts -a111>w y<u to dtt* Pltrany siMe Evory faumrly abouti have on@ rf.iedy for au eI DAMS a A wiua u1p. j wdmtu5$% e )

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