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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1899, p. 8

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STHREE HUNI Th&ËFami1y Rer 1 nvaluable for Br SGrippe, Asthma an We have a sel( ors, Atomizers, Hl SSyringes, &c. 5 J.H BOWMAN VILLEý ý%YJPs MIL MAL APu J , 1 DRED AND ON[ O01à nedy for Coughs and 0 ronchitis, lloarseness, nd Lung Trouble. lect stock of Chest iProi [ot Water Botties, Foun CCINBOTHAM & S( Drug )lds. La- teet- ->, atain ýgists. E L. MORRIS~ Furniture Dealer___ AN D ___Funeral Director ment may open Aprui l, naving been formally proragued untûil .April 3. The British Columbia Legiatuire bas just elected a man who Was until recept- 17 a coal miner ta ho its next Speaker. He le Thomas Forster, a Nortiumbrian by birth, TUE VIRE RECORD. Thursdey fIre broke out in the Palace ~1,-nRh., i.' P-ai. li .»A, 8-, short time reduced the entire building to asbeo. The building was insured for Fire broice out laibmth building occnpied by Todhunter & Mitchell, spic, menu- facturers, Woronto, and dld. damage ta the amount of 810,000, whioh le failly covered by Insurance. THE: KLONDIKE. Legilature et Albany, N.Y., that per- mite the legal smaeblng up of mieS mnachines used for izambllng purpobas, wbenever tbey are sel ced by the police. Tbe Queeni's Beach aS Landau hem granted an order libth Druce case which meens that the Yault cennot, ho openea wllbout the sanction of the Secretary o! i5tate, wboo attitude lu the auestioD tg The steamer Lake Superlor, whlch bas been la quarantine wlth 2,000 Daukbo- bore for the peut three weeke ait Halifax, s1 olied on Friday afternoan for, St. John, where ber passengers wlll b. ianded andi despaîohed ta the west. M. Osiris bas campleted bis task of rn- storlng the cbaeau of Malmaison. rosi- dence o! tbe Emprese Josephino, lu Paris, D O NG90F ilE~yI-~j IJohn Harrison, the Grand Trnnk DkNSO II E I brakeman wbo had bis legs terribly I crusbed by a train at Newcastle on ITEMSCF ITERET FRM ARUNO1 Thursday at noon, died fiani the affecte ITEM OFINTRESTFRO ARUNDof bis injuries In St. Michael's Hospitai. THE WORLD Tùronto, on Friday. ievier Forcier, 100 yearset0 aga, and Pzruned, Punctuated and preserved ju the pitinear settler of nortbern Wisconsin, le dead ati Cbippewa Falls, that State. J'ithy Paragraphs for the Per4a5a1 of Mr. Forcier wenvta Cblppewa Falls 70 1'racticail People - I'ersoa, Political vears ago and ençraged in lumbering for a num ber of years. He was born la and Profitable. Mantreel la 1799. THE LABO R WORLD. 43SIILTIES. It le estlmnated flut 9.800 people have Fred. Gunn,' who wes run over by a beeu thrown ont of eniployment la New CP.R. train at Toronto JunctIon an YGrk by the prosent cuai famine. Friday, bad bath arme amputated aI the Toronto General Hosoital on Satnrday. TUE BUS]INESS WORLD. John Jackson of Gaît bad a narraw Londan, England, firmes wisb te open escape from death on Friday. the wbeels correspondence witb exparters of Cana- Iof his loaded wagon passlng over bis dieu turkeys, wlld rice and caviare. neck. 'Ho was uncansolous for bours, but I'OLITICS-EORLEIEGN. May ronver. At the J. Y. Shantz & Sons' button North tJa;olîna bas adapted the con- works, Berlin, a boy namned Pollakowski stitutional emendment limiting the negro narrowly escaped Instant deatb. While vote by educative, poilitex and property ascending te the thîrd flat ln the elovator qualifications, hieisbead came la contact wlth a protrud- THE AGRICULTURAL WORLD, lng tiniber. He was nearly scalped by Commission men and fartmqrs Wbo bave the collIsion. been Investlgating the pûteto crop report On Saturday the express train froin that nore tiban two-tbirds of the entire Calais for Braesels collided witb a train stock ln Micbigan ie ruined. Thousands wbich was et a standatill at Foret, near of bushels buried In mounde aM the usual the latter place. Twenty-one passengers deptb have been frozen. wore killed, and over 100 were lnJured. MARIINE MATTERS. Tbere were ne Englisb or .Americans Kincazdine, Ont., la movlng inaua among thom- effort te bave a firet-cles fleet o! steamers 1 VNOLASIFIED. ply on the Canadien coast of Lake John W. Keller. the New York coin- Huron. Sine the wreck ef the Cembria mîselîonor of cherities, relieved 1,800 and the witbdrawai o! tbe Carmnona the familles on Tbareday who were tbrown Windsor-Soo route is vacant. I late Immediate went by tbe storm. RAILROÂD RUMBLINGS. Dead Man's Island, ln Burrard Inlet, A tatement prepared at the U.S. close ta Stanley Park, bad been sold toaa Troasury Department shows thet the Mr. Lndgate of Poterboro, Ont. The quantlty of Ainerican gonds bauled by lsland ie a part o! the Imporiel Goveru- Canadian rallroaJa was about saven ment reseive. times greater then tbe quaatlty of Cana-j Swlmming lessang are nèw a part af dian goade bauled by American roade the ordlnery Instructionu gîven in nany during 1898. 1 London. Eng., echools, and It bas thus POLITICS-CANADIAWY. 1far proved au admirable and useful exer- .i àesDatch from Ottawa says Parlia- c o osadgrs Meu's Top Felt Boots, haif foxed worth 82.00, for. $i.50. Men'a Long Bioots, gooci stock, eut down to $1.q5. Ladies' Wool lined ruhbers, for 48c. Boy's Wool Lined Rubbers for 50e. Men's Wool Lined Rubbers. for 60c. .Sp;ciaojl Values in Grocery fl *ý Et ___- ____ ___ __ ____- ~ - -~ ile rasned uown1 sender to a free package of flower seeds. fris etC. ;j urying the mena As Rennie's Seeds have an established ~ tthe fIrainen- were 'reputation, subseribers will not go Wedding * lia hance, a ýastray in accepting the offer. We have b Ucorge W. Stin-had dealinzs with Mr. Rennie for years w'is recavered. !and eau trathfully say always of the injured, two most satisfactorvY character. Clarke's" bris, BOWMANVI LLEU After JIareb st We shall be too busy opening Up newigoods to give any attention to clearing out odd lines of winter goods. But until thea. the buying publie may expeet such bargains as are--seldom seen. Here are a few et the-mny snaps we are now showing. A lot.of remnants of Dress ((oda different lengeths,rat exactly one-haif the regular prices. These 'aré suitable for skirts, waists, childreni's -dresses, &c., and as only the best selling goods corne to remuants it is worth ceonsidering when you eau buy them at half-price. Ladies' and Children's Flannelette Underwear consisting of Nightgowns, Skirts, Drawers, &c., 110w being sold at about the prices of the materiai. A lot of bright plaid Ginghamns wortli 7e to 8c a yard now selling for 5c a yard. Unlaundried Shirts. A special purehase of Men's Unlaundried Shirts will make a sen- sation, they look as good as any 50e shirt, strictly first-class -finish, all sizes, only 35e each. We'are also sole agents for the poipular patent King Shirt, price $1.00. This is a PERFECT Shirt for the most particu- lar customers. $1)5.oo = - Will buy a higli class Worsted Suit made toi order in first-elass- style. -If not as wellinade suit as can be produeed in Bowmanville, *ve do not ask you to take it. Special Prices to Clwear Iiea'vyB oot-A-s. 0, tz, %I?, 'NM, *, %tP, -12, \?iP 'Ntf, NI/, NI,,P 'NI-P %Y, -NU, v ýK> i 1 1.1 Amok. 1 1 Men'e

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