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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1899, p. 3

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He,(achlinuI rliveat tu roblsnci. 5 ta uiu tae ftessea Fiicbas T ~es, Çaoc~,1) ~owancs. fisteseafter l'a in anA h C n e hl heir Most remakabe suces basbee ehwn la u uin rire aufer romthi ditrcsio coplant;butforttx- msately thetrgoodneesdes notendliere3,an4those Wbo once try themwjP Uflnd these littie yl valui- 0able mn 8o nany wayi ftPat they vill flot ho ,i!- Vemake a ur great boaa.Orpilcuet ho et14ers do nat. iCprter's LittiaLo erPila are 3very rn,-il and They aru strtctly vegetiablund dalünot gr'Peo purgle. hbt by tir genle acion pleiiseU ilvis oe thlem. lu vident 215cen)ts; five for $. SOU b>' druggioeto evrywhere, or sent by aiL UARTER MEDiCiINE Co., New Yorh, EPPS'S COODAý GRATEFIJL COMFORTING Distingu-tished everywhere for delicacy of flavor sup- erior quality and- nu- tritive properties. Spec- ially grateful and comfor- tirg to tke nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only n, x~btins, làbelled JAMES EPPS & GO., Ltd., Hom oeopatliic Chemists, Lon-- don, England. BREAKFAST SIJPPER' EPPStS5QQCQA \jMurray& i Larnman's FLORIDA WATER vHE SWEETLsT MOST IFRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHINO. AND ENDURINGO0F AU. PERFUMES FOR THE il HANflKERPIEF.TfTOIFT -OR RITH. ALI DRUGISIS, PEDÎFtrME",L;S ID" GENERAI DEALER"S. Z» (fnaiarn ftattomau BOWMANVILLE. MAR.- le1899. Local and Otherwise. The Hlorse Show will bo held in To- ronto April 12 to 15., A darko*v nover looks as picturesque as in a, snow storm., Shaving off whiskers attacks men -in streaks, like other opidemies. Unoponed mail always interests folks even if it has no0 importance. When a fellow is in a great ý hurry, AIlVs Well TIsaS t LdeWell. "Di Yeunbhear about B-umps?" 'IIa, wbat le it?' 'Slipped en tihe sidewalkand brcsk, big arra. 1 ',Hnml1 that was bad." îcN3, that was gCad. Ho sUBIS tbe alty and got $10,00mn'es~ "WeII thafi wasgeI, ".No, that was bad. As. sfoin as che faune i t Out, bis wife Ed fùr ïa divlarde anmd gat ail the monc,3." "IH'ml that was badl." "No, thatwas goed. }vuwagid* get r.I of ber at any price."1 "That was goad."1 "No, that was haIS As scons as ho cauld ho marriod again." ' Tbat was bad."1 "No, that was gose. Ris ecuond wife JIQ Ufl lue fl~ AJ.IUUM 1M~Jfl'57 tSS ne ti flOU -7 SM e (Ai cile ï',-'taIkn ~aleviate disease - to mnake peopl_,e 1>-rn, pQ»J.'d go straIght to e ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ the point tnen,. jr _. .:r, --4:" f. IIGUouuy ctus eas slow ,e.usu. The first eburch to becorne self,-,up por;ting -inDawsonCity leaPresbyterign. Rev, J. A. Macdonald, edîtor of The West]mins or bhas been confinad ho the house witb grip. Major MacNacltani, Cobonrg, has been elected Vice-Presidont of the On- tarlo Artîillery Association. Publi8ersi as a rule will flot discon- tinue sending papers until ail arrear- ages are paid up in' full. WoVecat always tell a string tied bv a woinani. She dies ît in a bow kuot. A man tics it in a kuot. Mr. Jas. Curri3r; Victoria Harbor, Ont., wrîtes: -'l bad Rheunmsim luisiy kneee, boet and elbows so bad I was unL able ho work. Notb-ing did me any g-oodl tili I got io is le iai lil.0i bxand a hiaîf cornpletoly uired e. 1h le 11oW lu good tasto for a young man ta emioke a pipe an.ywhere, ii the pipe le exponsive onougb. Every household should hl-ave on hand a box of Dr. Chiaso's iitmoent. Thie- divers;ity of uses ta wbich it canr be put and thie-imany desctor's bis it sa ves war ranit 1h lu taking first place ln tho famiily medicine chest. Ail dealers seil ansd roc- coinmend il. You canu et your own paner free for 1899 by sendîng up $2 for two new sub- ecribers ta Tiret STATSISMAN. Wben vou feel weak, mun down, ner- voua, una,,le ho work or'thilik as.you ought, take a box or hwo of Mlburn's Hleart and Ner vo Pilîs. They'll build up youi' heailîbagiv -ýe ou strongth and onerg-y. _Price 50 c ., aildugss Mr. Robert Beith,IM. P., represented the Canadian Horse B3reeders',Associa- tion ah the annual meeting-of the In-' dustrial Exhibition in TorontoTuesday. "Baby suffered terribly with worms, 1 used 'one ho tie of Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm iS\ rup, wliicb acomnpliebed the purpose for wbhichi it was intended and cure-llmi." Mrs. W.' M. Messecar, Professor James Sully 's article' on "Doilatry"lun The Living Âge for Feb. 251h le a delightful study of cild-nature as exemplified lu theecame of doues. Beiug troubled rff and an with pains in my back, caused by constipation, I tried several kinde of pille I1hMdsoon advertlsed, aud to put the ruth lu a natsboll, Dr. Cbas's Kidney-Liver Pulis are the onlv pills tisat have proved effec- tua i ny ase I can heartily recoin- moud à hbem. S>o, IDEviiN, Union-ville, Ont. The Living Age, which lin s serial "The Etchingham Letters" le glving from weel, t% wek iro.a chamming specîmens of epistoiamy clevornese, cou tains in its issue for Feb. 251h an article on 'Women as Let ter Writers" which is women readers can hardly fail ho appreciato. 1CROUP QUICiuY CEREi. MrFi. John Sfime, Mt.Pleasant, Van- couver, B C., writes: If theme ever was a nover failing remiedy for a disease, it le Griffitb's Menthol Liniment for croup. We bave frequently admînistered il 10 our eilîdren, even the baby, aud nover knew of ils. failure to cure in a few min- utes. No home shonld ho wit bout it. 25 cents at ail drnggists. Supreme Grkind Loccge of'tho Sons of En gland will meet iu the City of Ottawa n_ Tueoday,,March 14. Mr. Jas. Gale, "Tbat wa go J. "No, that waýa,]a. They vient ho livo lu a flet. The laulntor les-pt Ino hot that the silver meltesi and ail rau away." ««Oh, the$ wo, bad." "Yes, but Il ,,an't the wcrst. A cold uau came the zaxt day, and LeC frors ho deat." Traiý,, y ln tis e hnrch. The Baltimonre News says thah not long 1aga an officiai bebop was a guest ah a dïnucr party inî Baltlmoro. "By tho wtsy," sald onu cf the gueste, a wonanl, "do you lenow that thera i4re times wben ',t le dangerous ta enter aus EpiscoasChnrch?" "Wbat le hhah, madain?" Bal d the -blshap, wltb great dignity, ofralghtoning bimehi p lu bis chair. ,1- Bay the*o are tînmes when 1hil$ pool- tlvaIy dangerns ta emtr the oburoh,l" se.replIed. "That cannet bo," sald *the blobop. "Pray expiln, madan,?" 1"Why," said she, 1h le whwun there la a canon in 1the reading deale. a biggumi tu the puliit, when th2e bîehop le charg- lng bis clorgy, the choir is nsurdering, thse antbenm asd the organiet le trylng to drown the oie4a" A h.arty laugis went thse round aitiihe table at ho 2.blsbop'm expense, and ho aoknowledged that at snobs a tiMQe oould welt Imagine 1* disagreaemb t las", If net dangeoa, *t e present, The -raictical Eloctrician. The lûngeet espan c) tle0' swiro lu tise wold is iu Isidia, over the River Kietna. It la over 6,000 Lect in lengtb. eermany baq more elcctria etreet ,rail- ways than iauy othecr Etimapea country. Next lu order corne France, England. Italy, ,iwitzor.land, Spaiunand Beliumu. l'haro are 2,4b6 tullnes 3,ini the ser- vice of the Mexican Telephono Company. Thse rentais lun 7-8amnounted te $121,613, and the company made net carnim.ngellu Mexico ofi 17, 57 1. lu certain conditions cf the atnophere Biertrlclty le so abundant on the top ai th2e vocammo Mauna La lu Hawall that tise EnIish geolagiet Guppy fouud that ho cold.- tracoeleectrio letters withhbis Ilegeon eUbhankeot. LYn ÀAnstiauInventer cdaims ho have îmyented an eeCý,ricss Rpparaitue by tho useo f whlab a peràon runay sit lu a darle rcerom andS book ah a Ecene lu aiother part cf thse to-wr, rcgardies af cornersi, inter- veiiing bulldin;.s or- -any othor obstruc- tIons. The inxentor of 112e new inistriï- ment, whmmob le called a Ilfernseber,"2 elaimas that bis applisince tranemnits ligimI waves just as sosud waves are carnied @ver th2e wlre by.eloctriclty. 0f Kingsvlle, Essex Coý CIJRED 0F ITCiiINO PILES OF 23 YEARS STANDING M. T. Wigle, better knowu te every anc lu the icnity as I Uncle Mik-e,'- vins trcnbled for over 23 years witb itcbing piles., At t imes lie vas se bsd lbe Pvoulll have ta, quit work. The Irritation became se intense w itb constant rubbing that tbey became ulcerated and wonld blecd. Ile had been treated Dy many physicians, but fourd noohing that gave him *lI l.". snrPresent Locige Wev llington: . t~ heney are fareed -to wrk. Those re-th rieS afconw vrosohr geiesteare * I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ad suffered in a like inanneur, and been cured bydcdlaisad eteenar o dge Scbh rInse afeSo osngwiharosterngdet tIadn bydcdlde and geteie ar 5dg birds that it was said durIng ber resi- It Papyriettile Is the Maams of tis thrloo- Atrial botte of Catarrhozone adi-D.assOintment,, li rocured abox. Aftr the ._d and clatbed and recelve 15 kopec atsl htaltebrewlom netoadF.Ghe ii É)R. ½VOOD'S ~~~haler, prepaid, sont free to anvone who hird application lie goS si-ch relief that be had the -dence inSocomth altsbidweanîvntaad]'rOhrali R.jOO ' sends ltis address vvithin oe . *,ek ( cents) a day for pookot rnoney, wltb nwbr n a naya hmwti engineer of Zurich, le the bless d in- _________________________________ <~ * wek rstcomfortable night's slepbehaecjydya (1 ,,,,,. ber... and, that ..antn Ofh tbemnuratinn_ aFh neis one qo 'n a- -mlt -ue a-i -i aay - .8-- A pstv ueFor aýIl hoaLunig IIea!mg ud sootin its uation. tuaýIi l l rCis Mr. Ca.JlnoBa ieN.S., and. ors hroa, w'ich the dtor pro- to try Dr. \Woodýý's Norwaýy Iine Syrup. dic dSdo, tend a'Ler sing trobottles I wa1s enireycred Tkaxa Liyr bcIibeore rMtir- hs.'TW1wsl rR ihleynsiraep wl:t h- ent a gripe o1 pain.cur g ijiurIsus, conrstipation, sek hoaach itcdidspep- 8, 9, and usake you f(_eelbeitter îla th mring. Price 25= R. TH E CC DIRBES7,F Pl EN D LARGu-ýT -S-ALE Ims CANAIDA. bronchitis, irritable îbiroat, fetid breath, and kindred diseases. Hlow cau we af - ford 'to do tbis? Because we know a trial of tbis pleasant efficacionis remedy nover fails. Wasbes, snnffs and oint- monts bave provod iunavailingl, but Ca- tarrbozone will cure von. Write N. C. PoreoN & Co., Kin.-ston, Ont. ASSESSMEN'T SYSTEM. is one day less of life left for you. Ihere ntay be thousands of days to corne but there may be only one -that is 'the point., Are, you taking chances and carrying yonr own risk ? If so, are yon wîse? Would it 1not be better to, join your life with 3o,000 others in the CanadianOre Of ïOresters and protect those you love and those that love von fron the stifer- ing caused by the untimnely or un- exected death of their bread- winiier? Euhl particullars of tLlie cheapest, safest and best Insumance sent f ree on application to B. ELLIOlI, TI1OS. WHITE, ri. C. ., IngmrSoîl. fligh Sc'ly, rauttfDri ERNST BARTuNiC, S, O. teri mould noS lic xithout tt for $5o a box if it could flot De replaced. Mr. XVigle is a weattiiy farmer, well mown tn the communiity in which lie resides. 15 isa , er two years bceli was afilicted, and lie bas mever been troubled s;ilce. Physicians fail te maRe:a cure when Dr. Chase's Ointment gave Imm'ediate Relief. ..j The Allan Line's now office fla Toron- to will be 77 Yonge St. instond of Cor. Yonige and King. If von wotild be well and strong~ talýe MilIer's Compound Iron'Pis. Patrick Kinnoar, oneo f thoc best known cattlemon in Toronto diod on Tnesday, Fob. 121, aftor albrief iiness, Al disorders cansodby abiliontsstato of thosvstem can bo cured by ýusing Carter's Lifttie Liver Pills. No 'paini, no 2,riping or discomifort attending tLmclr use. Try tbem, Don't forgot that you can become liable for the snbscribing price of a paper without subscribing for it inî -,itilg. If you had taken two of Carter's Little Liver Pills boforo rotirîng y ou wonld niot have had that c)ated onu or bad haste in the mouth tbis morning Keep al lWith YOU forocasonl se. Failure ho receivo a copy of a nows- paper,, without faùlt of, the publisher, is no ground for refuý,Ing paymont of sub- scription. llar sh purgative remedies are fast givirg -i"ay to thegete ation andi niild effecode of Cartoýr's Lsitle Liver Pulis. If you try thomu, Ltbe will cortainly please 30U. Don't take a paper or periodicalfrom the postoffice month after anonth anu vear afterye ar, if you do flot expeet to par for it. 1 I b'elieve Itood 's Sarsa1parýil'la isa o.o-od effects ili the easo of ii Giter. Phe has.F taken 1h when she wasý weak and bier healthl wai; poor and she says she(, el r f othing botter to biiildf her Up nnd makxle ber feel stron- E u- Syr M. KNOWs.ES, Uppear Wolab N. S IodsPilla cure ail liver ilus, Miilod foyr 25c,. by C. I Hood & Co., Lowell, emplsny conduot aua excoptianal Indue- ci --d h ad hewuibtmc ihtrI egt tî try.-London Truth. cidmdeesid h oidnvrse, buantnnclier l wegh, 1 l forge.-London Quaon. n1,t e 1din1 ns'e PS TRpMllE C weaken the poor "Ili body, e;xp-eting to have Lt I strong in cQnsequcnce, Îs not going. stra'ght; i 5- is aiming around the corner.. and tha-t is flot -the Ssort of aim that hits the mark. FO>R P ALe POL a actdirectly and straight. They build up and tone up th D entire system;, their beneficial effeet is soon rco0gnizedl.A~ I~They strengthen and only strengthen. But be sure yo Sobtain- DR. WILLIAMS' - look, for the name "Dr, t SWilliams Pink Pis for Pale 'Peopleý. SDo not accept, anything that does% not have that riame printedÀ on it ! ,î Sin' redt inkc in this shape n , ; Takessig wrds.a heé bcn Take cavr htthr ha en TfJMrs. A. McWil lîainsof Duart, Ont., savs :-" From lac], of r-st due to nursing relativeý îhrough severe iliness, 1 became comipletely run down. Appetite and'sleep almost deserted me. The s-nelI of coolcing victuals becarne offensive and ofien 1 wottld flot gel mnore than-one hottr's sleep out of the twenty-four. My nervous systeni aeemned conîpletely shattered. Many limes during the day 1 wouid bc attacked %vith weak spelis, wxhich seerned like waves smoshering x»e. Severai physicians prescribed, but no relief was expericnced. 1 gave up hope of getting better, and W1 those wh,, waited tipon me did not think I1 would live long. My father ]îad esed Dr. Williams' Pink Ptlis success-. là~ fully and persuaded me 10 îry îhem. Almost from the start 1 experienced relief, and afier using six boxes I1 vas able t o be up and go abqut. I1 st il1 took th e pi1s for some tine longer, and my ex cel len t heal th t o-day test ifie, u5 Ch good îhey have done. Dr. Williams' Pink Pis are sold by ail dealers in rnedicine -or sent post pi a (1 ocent s abx rs boxe-s for $2. So, by addressing the D V W iiams Mdiinî *~~~~S Co, rckiie Ot Aristocratie WoirkbeUuse. A 'workl.ouse for th2e bine blooded bas just been fonnded at Cbarko:ff, capital ai the Rasian Goverumeut of the saine naine southbof Moscow. Bsicked by pedi- grees and witb na moande ai support, mn uasd womeu af &Il ages are admitted te thie unique asytum. whlcb bas the Imperial protection, aud la snbeidized by the benevolent sinon g the Russian anis- tocracy. The able-bodied iumates luaIS ne idlo lives, for work la 'appartioned ta each according to hie mental or physical abillty, and it le marvelons ho ses whah the good for uotbing spendtbnift and the decayed noblemuan who from infancy ha"e heen petted andS served can achieve Liý -L Made ]Frovfsion for the. Birds. A visilor lun1the parles ai Stocleholm caunot fail ta sea, set bore, and there lu ont aif1the way places, sheavesos a al. The donstant provision for hnngry bîrde la an enduriug remýinder of the love for the leatbored tribe diepiayad hy the Crowu Prinos aiof leumarle, bora Loulse oi Swedun janld Norway, and daughter ai Chartes 3XVý., brother ai the proseul K in g. Beforot ber niarniage and couse- quont ïe,)nrture for Copenhagen thse Crowu P7rincees devoted a considerable fond ta the maintenanceeilu-the parles ai a lutle store ai nntbrnsbed grain, which migbt ho the reoet ai the birds which i-d n i,,tela ,iirtini t tethe senthil. 1 WALLS WITHOUT EARS. A Composition for flouse Building lVi th Noise-Killlug Prope rties. An artioflial shono bas beanu nveýtoýd Ihut le a non-conductor ai heat, colIS aýnd noise. Il lse epecially Intended for roofs and floors, says an oxchangu. The mot that a floor onu be laid lu a flat thL, 1ii1 prove a non-couductor of sonnd eal cerhainly i ail like a henediction an lb. cars af those sWho dwell lu-apartn anIS bave been made t12e unwi'lllgpar tielpants a I 1esres u oso their nearnouighbore, This so-culedclone le made*ai purlfled Papet'-PUlp mXned

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