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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1899, p. 4

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SOUVENIRS - ARE THE Best cookers, Iost Econofflcal loat Servîceable AND Most Durable,> Ranges in the Market. They stand to-day the recognized leaders. Actual merit place them aheati of alothers. Souvenirs always give satisfaction. If you will compare their Special Advantages over ondin- ary ranges you will readily sece the points of superiority. PRICES LOW. Plhone 66, BowmANviLir. LIBERAL T1ERMS. Rçd. Worth. (Opposite Ontario Bank.) ]BOOKSl Bmantifully Bonnd (}if t Books 25c, others at 40c, not quite so fiee but very mueh larger at 25e and 35e. Very attractive, leading authors, 750 to $.0 Poets, leather bound, 75e up to $3.00. Toy Books, paper and liuio.4, great value, some at haIf regular price. .1 splendid Photo Album, 50c, and 75e. Pocket Bibles from 25e- tke valuie here is great. Ladies' Companions from 25c. Toilet Cases frm $1. Glove - and Ha,ýndkcrehiief Boxes from 50c. 'The same low Doils, G'aies, Falley Articles, Statiouary, Toya, Xinas Noyeltius,l work and Fa.ncy Jaskets, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Vases and China. Sunacay nenools note thïs : i suppiy au . Lesson st saai s uuuus attéiitiofl tý,zlection of Libraries. Let me hear froin you. PTRI3BILeOeK. BIR'MANVILLE. I s G--ROOE :RS» 0A811T: TELEP1ONE NO.- 57 . Figs and Dates, Peaches anid Prunes. Soinething new, Just arrivedi. With CGrtanite-ware. I-lighest price for Farm Produce. ILEI~L "Slater Shoes"l 6R08o.l Th'le sole agents of the "Siater Shoe" are boniv contract to carry in stocir ghaps sizes, and widths of " Slater Shoes," to fit al knd of feet. Where a town is too suiall for that kind cf a stock there is no agency. Are you -tliere ? Order by mail from the, MR uea-rest agency. Stamiped on thue soles with niekers' trade mark and price: $30,$4.oo and $5,oo, Goodyear wel, ted. Write fer Catalogue, it's froeý JOHN IIELLYA, Sole LOcal Aiet. D.A. W. CHASE GOMES TO THE1 AID Of* Catarrh_ = Suifferers UCCESS in iek is almost impossible for a m ani with bad breatit. Nobody, wants te do business witb himn. Nobody wants te associate with himA. He is fiandicapped every- where. Offensive breath cornes fromn Catarrh; spmetimes front Catarrh of the Stomatb, sojue- itintes of the long, sometimes of the head, nose, and thrt-st. Xcl from Catasit somewbere, and Gatarrk is &nother name for unçekannem , Matty men understanti this, andi mak eqsey amrt te cure it, but it is iteyoad the reack of ~ruayPraetiea. Ne slf-respecting mans eau ignore Catarrh. V< he bas it ln any 'ferre ha maltes cnsta.nt effot t. bc tid of k. There la soenething about the manner of life andi the climate of Canada that seetuz te breeti dis.a.esof the mucous membMane. Medical science ordinaril>' doesn't try te cure Catarrb; it 'relieves" it; but Dr. Chase bas been curing Catarrb for over thirty years, and bis name la blesseti by tbousands who bave shaken off the grasp of this insidious disease. Solti hyal dealers, price 25 cents per box, blower (t-ce. BiOWMANVILLE. MAR. 1, 1899. REFOIUIERS ATTENT1ON I The annual meeting of th e West Dur- ham Reform Association will ho helti in the Town Hall, Bowmanvill'e, on Satur- day March 11th, 1M9, at 2 p. m,, for election of officers and other business. As matters or considerable importance to the Liberal party are likely t Côrne, before this meeting, a large attendan ce is desired. W. P. ALTrw M. A ...Mm- Mr. D. J. Gibson shiftped b)y freigbt to-da y the fiine rnonths old Hlstein bull calf on which he won lst prire at every show he entereti Iast (ail, te Mr., Charles Errington. Dixons, Corners, Dundasý Co Mr Errington Is to ho ton- gratulated on his wise purchase as this caif possesses the blooti of the most noted familles in Canada and will no doubt give a good account of himiseli in his new home. Mr. Gibson aiso shippeti bY express to-day a thoro-bred Tamn- w orth sow toMr Norman Bennett, Se - vern Bridge, and a collie dog to Mr. C. . Wilmot, Credit Foi-ksi anid recently matie the following sales iu Tamworths: sow to W. Maxwell, Blinevale, boar to MIr. Alex. Smith, Enfield, boar to Mr. J. L. Pansons, Pickering, boar to Mr. Crawford McCredie, Chippawa, se ,-to D. Galbraiths, Dar]mngton, andi a Berkshire boar to Mn. A. Tamblyn, Orono., A (air audience greeted Rev. Chas. T. Paul,1 paster of the Cecil St., Church of Christ, T-ronto, ou Monuiay night. Rev. J. H. Turubuil, M. A., occupied the chair, anti after calling on Mr. J as. Gilfillan, B. A., to open the meeting with prayen. in a very kindly manner, introduced Mn. P-aul who is se well i<nown to Bowmanville citizens. Mr Paul af ter referring briefly to his early associations in this town, which to day is the fairest spot in ail the world to hlm, entered upon lis suhject "Thihet anti the Thibetans." He neviewed thse country, its inhabitauts, their dress, food, etc., ln a very interesting and instructive manuer Thoe lecturer then gave au account of Mr. Peter Rijnhart, the missionary, who bas endured s0 mucis. if net given bis life, in attempt- igto carrv the Gospel te those lu ldan1kness and heathendom. As -those wiso are conversant with tise facts as they have appeared in thse daily press, wif! know the narra tion of tise story of tise work of tisis wonderful man is thrillîugZ anti eliciteti the sympathy of ail te help tie supposed widowed wife who is now in netof oreneV to returu to friends and homo-e. Rev. E. O. lrwin closedth ie meeting wjth tIise benediction. About S20) was contributeti. ~Sweet Belis Jangled Out of Tune.- t. - - ..- -T President. S=eetary., A Paper that goos to ýtie homes :is xAx goes luto neanly every fansi home tn Dalington. 1 It is evident that the West will1 he well onganizeti for tise next general elec- tion. A dozen Young Liberal Clubs have been formet ini Manitoba andth ie North West during -the past week anti applications are constantly poning to, tise Liberal Organizer, Mn. Alex. Smitis, Toronto ,for literatuneetc. Whso says Libenàlism is not prognessiug? The Hlamilton Spectator the etiser day statet thatin any ne organisatîin of the Conservative party "tise olti machine ani its methotis muist be ne tireti." 'T.tîat was pnetty roýugisý on Sir Chsarles Tuppen, IHon. George FPoster, et ai, jbut tise nesit of tise el-ection lu West- Huron irouit seem to indicate that thene is a large grain of truthisnl ise Spectaton's remark. Mn. Willis Ciipman, Civil Engineer, Toronto, contributes to tise J anuan>' issue of The Canadian Engineen a wealth of information about "Ountaro Waten Works System" and lu the Marcis issue a very valuable article on "Sewerage Systems of Ontario". An article contains ç tabulan histony of tise water works systeins of ut-ban munici- palities lu Ontario for 1.3 yeans . Our towui is sadly in neet of waten wonks. Business is a very practical montisly Journal publisiset lu Toronto. In the February number is an article ou Evolution of tise Business- College. It says tisat at tiseiseat of tise 1usiaess Colleges to.day are some of thse ablest business men of Toronto "whist in Hlamilton men of tise high commercial training of C. R. McQullougis, first president of tise Canadian Business Educators' Association, is at the liseat of one of tise commercial colleges of the Ambitions City TH-EIR DEAD COMRABIES GRAVE. Members of Victoria Rocker Club of Winniipeg came isene (nom ~'oronto Wed 'dlay afternoon, anti decorateti with flowens thej grave of tise late Fred Tur- ner Higgiubotlam, wio diet luSepteso- ber, 18ý9, being attise time a memben of that club. Tisey lave since erectet a lantisome granite monument of unique design, anti after the deconation bat it Tiu\ tnee elecgation consisting of Messrs. D. Bain, ti. R. errt, C. Joisnston,' D. McDonald, J. R. Be3nson, ,wa, met attise Grand Truuk station b.y tise Victoria Hockey Ciub of tis to-wn, the members of wiiciare:-Wm. Furze, Manager; Anthon *y Mitchel. Presideut; J. R. McMurtny,, Vice-Presideut; Fred Downey, Coptain; Frank Downey, Geo Gilfillan, Theo. Fishligs, J. R. Roach, James Gale. After netu n!ng from thse M n. Jon iggin hiam's, fatiser oitise deceasei. _____ The last of the senies of Realtis Talks bv Miss Smiths was given on Tlhutrscla>'. Tise interest lu a higler physical if e for womeu has steaduly increaset (nom thse flnst, until there are now ln urt town many enthusiastie ativocates of Viavi. -Tise wonk is two (oit. Fit-st' etucationial-teaching women to nuter- stand th&t laws of healtis; anti second, remedial-placlng Viavi, a nenve foot, lu tise ants of men anti women sufer- ing itn nervous prostration, or otisen fifors of enanget nerves. Women be- lng tise chief suferens Viavi iii frequent- ly called 'Woman's greatest blessingl." tise motto of tise Company tii yAr 1 Calyle's practical thoiugit: "Tsere is no kintd of aciievement ydu eould mnake lu the world t hat is equal ta perfect ts lost ferlack of harmo"s. -Audr sweet xieledjous "e~es rmined byne lit- tlc »ete of disbooet Wrmnex Who eght ta c~eytis ye~etiaapias~of love1 causeof somec delicate 'or- plaints, 'which at adissoniance of so xnauy irVes, are îlot by anly messea a necessltY of wonanho. Thcy msay be .-vencname auld completýelY eradqicAteti tuider judficionis treatuiient. Thelire is nrsTied of reýpugnTa-nt exami- nationls. Dr. Pierece's Fa",vorite P-rescrip- tioni cuiresthe trouibles of thse femninune : 0 n i sni c.snpletely and For necnrly ýo years Dr. R. V. Pierce kas been f oesultinlg phys;ician GU thie Inviilids' Hlotel ani Surgkeal Ilstitute of Buffalo, N. 'Y. He is an eminent anà expert speeielist in this particeular fieldi of Éractice. Any woman nsay write to him writh perfect confidence, and will receive, frec of charge, sound, professionai ad-vice anti suggestion for self-treatnsent by which, 9 ont ofi ico cases of female com- plaint even of thee most ebstînate kind, May be corupletel>' anti permaxently cured. Address hlm as above. fy While 1 was living et Eagle Réck, Bote. tom-t Co., V'a." *rrites Mrfi. G. A. Orner, ef Alleghsany Spring, Meulgomner> Co., Va., "Ia lady frienti cam e to me anti saiti: 'My dangister, age i S, years, has repeatet ihem- orrhages at the nos;e, anti sie has nleyer hati tisenecessa->'indis-positions cf woma.-nhood.' 1 ativiseti bof to got Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrfietion. Tise lady puircisamet one bot- tie anti it cureti lier tiaugliter. Sise was well andj happy wher I left there. " "I wan a sufferer fromi womib trouble for twelve years, " writes Mr,%. Harry Pomero, cf Box 2ý5, Monona, Cinyton Co., Iowa. I doctoreti with six différent physicians anti have useti a great deal of patent medicine but coulti finti oui> temnporary relief, 1 be- gan using Dr. Piet-ce's Favorite Pr-escrip-. tion, anti have useti six bottles andt tree of the 'pleasaut Pellets., 1 féel lise a new ireman. 1 baven't felt nasWieli in twelve 'ye s 1 Ide at the present time, anti 1 ho pe sud pray that this will induce some otiser poor sufferer ta try Dr. Pîerce's medi- dunes anti ho cureti. 1 thinis there 15 no imedicine, in the iroriti as getet for sickiy wouv'n, as 'Favorite Prescription.', 1havé, recommandi it ta a g-reat niany of My> friends andt ie>' are on the 'as>' to healtis anti happiness, anti I oan proutily san that I amntoo. 1 eau neyerpt-aise yourn ruedicine enough, anti it bas donc meawrocf goot." " Words fail ta deàcribe m y euffering bo- fore 1 tok yeur 'Golden Medical Discov- e,, ' Favorite Prescription'1 andi ')leasant Jisiets, "'writes Miss Loule A. IHardy, f Souths Seabrook, Rociinghiani Co., N.H." have been greatly bciiefitati b>'tise use ef yu eutodîcînes. 1 neyrer feel an>' pain nu- le"I stand tee long. Be'fore 1 einsnenceâ te usec tise medicineýs Y oculti bai-divwalk acros-ýs tise rooni. 1 have been sick off anti ms for twe years. I ans feeling quite wel stow ant icr' inedicines titi it. Iisati an abscess on tise fallopian tube anti it dis- chargedti brue hie-blatiter. 0f course it ieft tise blatider in an irritable condition anti alge left tise wonb linflameti. I bati an air- ful bstruing in my stornaci at times;j no ap- petite; wnsting drain; constipation; excruci- sting montislypains; baclracise ail the tisse. r wascnfineti te su>' bc-d five nionths. 1 irent to tise hospital lest Mut-il, leaving ini IlW>' but notfeeling mucis better. 'Tison «Smsesced the use cf vont- niicines. 1 4vo taken thons regularly for Sive ionths; ti beffles in 1l, five 0f eac'r. 1 have taken ycýur 'Plessant Pellets' for one year -anti1 I ireutti net be witliout thein in tise bouse. 1 h*qe been r-eati>' beucfited b-y thse necf, yont nedic nes astt1i mli recommenti them 0t long as' I lire." A good, practical home meclicai work Wsivaluahie. Dr. Pierce's Cominon Seums Medical Adriser la such a boek. Tt contaîns îooS page and 300 illustra- Lions. Several cher are devote t t ftets that every wiife andi nithen shouit know. Over'a million irômen vosseýs eopies. A new ecition ýia ready ald Win be giveis away riFt 'If yro, vent e paper -covereticçpy, send 31 one -reet stamps, to cover tise eost of custom6 ne d Mîailing onl(y, to iewrid4'e Dispen6ary Medcal A-sodation, Buffalo, Ný . Y 8tnd 5o0 st=npr for dloth-bound copy. APPRENTICE WANTED-At oncýe - te l*T gmis,~l o mnu "--.s 1 WESTQ ENDr HOUSE, BOWMANVI LLIE ONLY In order to introduce to you our ready to wear ClothingDepart- ment. We are offering this' week, the best'Pant at'$1 to be fouud, in fact they are worth in the regular way $1.35 and $1.50. Ail wool Tweed, plain Halifax Tweed, and fancy stripes,all at the low price of per pair $1.00- We etili have a fewý heav'Suits that we want to' get rid of before sprinug goods are Tweed Suits, singIe and double breasted, good trim- tj u -, urt il!I ii eLI1i- I way $6, $7 and $8, ehoiceý this -week $5.00. weight, reg. price 40c, special to clear at 25e. WIff have just opened up a nice lot of N..ew Spring Hats in S9.tiffs and Fedoras ini Black and Ooiors. The very newest styles, and you will find our prices riglit.ï) ,B hoes.Énr We carry vry extensive range of Men's Top Boots. A few of our prices may be of interest anil lead to business. Men's Solid leather Top Boots, special per pair $1.50. Men's Solid Leather Top i3oots, heavy rows hand pegging, reg. price $2. 25, special' Men's Solid Leather Top Boots, extr'a three rows hanci pegginig, J. D. King make, Men's Genuine Oit Grain Leather Top bx-hpfv e rttcWoMtrnroof -cpo lQff quality, two $2,0. hieavy soles,, special $2.50. Boots, extra A couple of Bargains for the readers of this ad, re- mnember these are clearing lines and odd sizes. If we have your size you get a great big snap. Men's Genuine Cordlovan laced and elastie.- side Boots round and pointed toes, extensiu n sole8, oodyear we1ted and McKay sewen soleis, reg. prîcu-e $2.5o to $3.50, special at $1.50 per pair. ?4en's'rBoston Caîf laced BooPts, round toes, lighit and heavy soles, reg. price $1.50, spcial 95(,. Teas Teas 1i WFVe seil good Teas---- a long ex- perience ij2n the Grocery business has tauglit me that the very best is the. cheapest both to the buyer and seller, consequently you will find our Teas a littie better than the price we; ask would% indicate.' ity of our 25e tea will convine of this fact. Give our teas a trial. Sole-agents for Koloua, in lead pa ckages, black and mixed, special value at 40e per lb. We always pay highest price for Produce and take any quantîly. John MeMiL ill inery. A SpecialtY. BowmANivLLn. Fasiionable'Millinen. --f- A- . i .11 a dozon that. Jou%. TE-. Sirký.m.j' and wifehý 'à TFIE BLIND fi i- ---- ---- - :!- 1 rilý2111 M" 0 M --m m -i i m Li -L 1 -1 -- - 1 ,EZAL BEMS.

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