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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1899, p. 8

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- lt'l0 ** * gTHREE HUINDRED AND ONE. gThejFamily Remedy for - - - - Coughs aild Colds. SInvaluable for Bronchitis, lloarseness,, La- Grippe, Asthma and Lung Trouble. We have a select stock of Chest Proteet- ors, Atomizers, HRot Water Botties, iFountain * Syringes, &C.g jJ. HicciNBOTHAM l& SON, BowmANVILLE.Druggists. lt- tttt, ?ttt ~!? ?ttttt L monRISý &ieffl ,,aÙ $tte~mn BOWMANVILLE, MAIL. 1, 1899. GETTING RIEAIJY OR TIIÉ -FAIR. DiPUu'Rs INTRODUCE NEW vFEATUBES PR17E LIST REISED-EXPERT JUDGES PIREFER1ED-A BARMeN 1OLS MEETING-PEOM,.ISE 0P A G000 FALL PAIR, A splendid attendance of Directors marked the meeting in the Council Cham,,ber Saturday afternoon and a great dý eal of business was put through. PPre,,id;ent W. E. Pollard was in the chair and pushed business with a dis- patch and system that neans success' froma the start for West Durham Agri- cultuIral Society in 1899. Aogthose present were: Messrs. J.M. j oness, B. C. Hbar, -BngliGreen- Ices Geo, Rice, T. Baker, A. B-obbs,W, C. fBackbuirn, James Leask, L. A.ý TVole, Jno, S. Bundie, M. iMcTayish, Levi SIinner, H. W. Jewell, W. E. JewliJoh DaeyAnd. Pollard, D. JGi Son . Allun, John Oke, P. T.. G'uy, A. J. Bennett, Norman Allun, Ja.Gale, Jos. Jeffery, Berbert Pascoe, Geo Gray, D. J Galbiraith. 'Mra j. M, àoness gave a capital re- port of the proceedings of the annual convention in City Hll, Toronto. of the Fairs and Exhlibition Association of Ontario, which he and M. A. James, secretar.v, attendcd on the 111h inst. Many practical points presented to that meeting were reported by Mr. Joness. He considers the Association an excel- lent one and lîkely te be ver.y helpful to ceunty societies. The revision of the Prize List for 1899 was taken up and occupied most of the aflernoon, many quite radical changes bcbng introduced, for the, purpose of making the West Durham Fair a model county exhibition-up- to- date in every departmnent. Seldom if ever bas great- tir interest been shown in the arrange- mients for any former exhibition of this Society. Mr. Geo. Gray, chairman of commit- tee of Class A-Borses--was first to re- port. Few changes were recommend- ed. In the Bcavy Draught class il was decided ta drop the class for 3 year old f111v or gelding. Thre Prizes are to be effered for entire horse 'in Carniage class, and 3-yr-old lily or gelding in samne class must hereafter be -shown lu harness. Very cotupetent judges were chosen but it was decided nect to pub- lish their naines this vear in the prize fist for goed and suffncient reasons. At this juncture Mr. Levi Skinner moved, seconded by Mr. Gee, Gray, that only two judges be appointed for ecdi class in live stock. Somne favored oue expert judge, but the resolution carried. Mr. Samuel Allun, chairman of the committee on Cattie, presented the ne port on Durhams. Prizes on grade înilch cows, and on grade 2 yr. old heifers wene changed to $8, 82 and $1 A 8rd prîze -waq added ta steer caif any breed, steen 1 yr old and steer 2 vn old. Thie recûmndcations tefisubstitute a mioniey prize for diploma in "best bull ~nthe g aond ufor "b11 uld4o his get" wr not adptd.Pnzes for -"best bull onr h ud, and"bt fem.ale"' are t) be, disconltinucd. Re- port on other Cattle tian Short Ilorns: Jersbys were subs tituted for Grallowavs tic pnizes to be tic saule as have here tofore been off ered for the latter brèed. Bst milch cow any brecd takes the place of grade Jersey cow. The ne cômmendation to add a third prize on Holsteins was net entertained. The following-. special prizes were off ered: For hest milci cow under test. conditions te be published in prize list -Ist prize a churu value $7.00 present- ed by Mr. J. Al. Joness; 2nd pnize pair Whlite Wyandotte Fowl value $8 pre- sented by Mr. D. J. Gibson. Babcock tester to be used. This wilI be. a very intercsting competition if tie proper conditions are adopved. Mr. W. e. Blackburn, chairman ou ceimittee ou Sheep, presentedi the re- port reccemmeudiug that ne change be mnad e lu this class. A completely new selection of judges was mado. Mr. D. J. Gibson, chairmau of the commit ce on Swine, assisted by Mr. B W Jewell, presonted tic report. A diploma was rccommendcd for each herd in each breed-best boar and vwo sews, auy aze. Where the 1898 list rcads 6 months il is 10 read 8 înonths. This change mneets with universel av - p roval for reasons explaiued by Mr. Thos. Bakecr. The judges recommend-, ed were adopted. Mr. Geo. Rice, chairmau of tic coin-. mittee on Poultry, nov lîaving the re- port completed, was given tili. next, meetingý te report. A request was made after a spirited discussion te materially reduce the list as over 800 prizes are tee mauv for this class in cemparison with other cqually import- ant departments. Judges were net ap- pointed. Mr. John Oke, chairman of tie c9m- mteïtte on -Màaiibry- and&TImpTeïnents,- recommended liat ne change be ma de unless lie Society weuld offer monev prizcs instead of diplomas. Mr. James Ceurtice was appointed judge. Mr. J. M. Joness, chairman of tice cemmittee on Dairy and Apiary, recom- mended a considerable increase lu but- ter prîzes and his suggestions met witb much favor. Mr. H-. C. Hoar centend Water Would Gozo Out and Drop on theFloor. DoctorCould Not Relieve. First Application CIJTICURA Stopped ltching and was Enableà to Sloop. Cured in One Month. I had eçzema en my bandaso bad that when 1 shut thezn, the matter wouid ooze ont and drop on ihe loor. My hands werc fu of water blis-. ters. 1 was undor the came of a doctor for a monti, but lie dîd me no good. 1 waig advieed to irY OUTICURÂ remedies, and It wae wondefnl 'What effeet they had. The firgt applicafion stoppecf that dreadfditchMng. i alupt ai once, and was cured infozsr ,.eks. M. A. COSGRIF , Emerado, N. D). 1 CUTIcoRA RIEOoLVNT pUrifieS the blood aud circu- Iating Ituils Of IHuMes GEis, a.and thuc remsves the causéo, 'hile Warnbathwih CTCURo ÂSOÂ, md-gentle amointinge with CUiTicuRA (Oltusent), greateet of sissol. i 11at skie cures, cleaserthe ska sud scalp of crusis end ýs-lealy itching-.brana nd inflammatiion, aud Abius sosihe and béai tha es ier turil, disfiruring h.- mors or the skie, scalp, and blccd> with bcas o hair, w heu ail e]se rais. sol!iroeost1e wte.curTe A. itmo 'frec. , BABY B UOf8 PsvTitdcu radby _ ed liat 1011h, 51b, and 1F) lots sieuld be adopted in place of l0ih, 401h, and 21 cnocks. Somne oýtier practical suggest- ions were mad.(e and luý view oif tie great importance of the daiî-v intcrests and the necessity for making- this dle paniment more populai'., M. Joness was granted till next meeting te coin- plete his recemmendaîbons. West Dur- bamn ladies may prepare for an exceed- ingly attractive prize list for- butter aI Ibis year's FalPair. Messrs. Thomas Baker and James Leask wcre appelnted le revise Class B -Grains anud Seeds and te recommriend judges for saine. Mr- W. J. Bragg, chairman of the conmmîttce on Fruit, beinS, unadveid- ahly absent, his report will be present- ed at next meeting. Mn. EI. C. Boar, chairman of tiecern mittee on Vegetables, necommcnded ne change in tie prize list, but suggests that the vegetables must be grown by thc exhibiter. The directers, approved of the suggestion. Tbe saine judges as last year were appointed. Mn. W. E. Pellard, ciairman of the cemmitteti en Ladies' Departinent, pre seuted a veny full repent whici had been tionoughlv and carefull5" revised by twe cempetent young ladies. W heu published ilwill be feuud veny coin- plete and up-te-dace. Judges have net yct been appointed. Mn. M. A. James, chairman of lie Committce on Fine Arts, presented a very complote repent -necemmending several additienal pizes, suci as decor- ative painting on china or porcelain. glass, 'kid, celluloid, felt, velvet or plusi, satin or silk, linen, bolting cloti: plaque; map drawing plain and colered; writine. vertical and spencenian by scîco 0eys and girls; geometnical and prospective drawing. lu Ou Painting thene are added histonical figure, orig- inal Canadian Marine and landscape subjects: tic saine bu waten colons; lu Drawing in Light or Shade-Cra von frein cast, sepia or monochrome fire. and animal, etc. A lady artist net resi- dent lu tic county was selectcd as judge Only oee ntry eau be made in anv section of a class. No report was presented on Flowers, Work doue by girls, or Domestic Man- ufactures. These were dcferred til! next meeting. Tic Secretary will prepare a new class-Domestic Science-fer considera - tien at next meeting. This will bu- h s S&iBBATH SCHIOO-L CONYLNTlON. Tic s7ixti annual econvenýtioni of Bow- mnanviille and Darlingvon Township Sabbath Sehool Associatiou was icld lu St. Paul's churci. of titis town Fridlay, Tic menning session was slimly attend- Pd and was prcsided over by Viee- President, Mn. A. B Cryderman. -Tic minutes of last meeting were read by Mn. B1. C. lIoar,Secretary, and confirm- ed. A ueminating cemmittee was ap- pointed composed of Messrs. John Me- Laugilin, W. C. Blackburn, John Stainiten,,Gco Poer. and Miss Bfay- craft. Tic lessen for last Sabbath was taugit by Mr-W. J. Roy, Tvrone, Rev. J. B. Turnbuli, M. A,, gave a short addlress ou "Growth in the matenial and spiritual world," wih was muci appneciatcd by tiose present. A much langer attendance was pre- sent at tie afternoon session. Tic nominating committee's report was adopted and tic' following elected officers for tic ensuing vear: President-A. B.Crydcrman ,Bampton Vice-President-JohnStainton,Ennis- killen. Treasurer-R. E. Osboruc. Ebenezer, Secretar.,,-B. C. Boar, Bethesda. Excuti\ e Committee-l'astors and Supointendents of lie Township lui addition te oficers. The SecretarY reported 265 officers and Icachers, w iti an average attend- ance of 207 ; 2,188 sciolars, ivith an average attendance of 1452 ; 758 arc members of tic churci, 197 of wiom joiued during ticyear. Bone Depant- ment members 98. Tis report shows a decrease of 202 sciolars during tic year. Thel treasuren reported receipts of $53.81; expenditure $8517 ; balance $18 14., Botb reports were adopted. Mrs, IR. Freeland gave an intcrestiug address showing "Tic Needs of tie Sabbati Sehool" te bc -zealous anti lov- ing teachers, good erder, more singing. visitation. prayer, better knowledge of God's word A discussion followod bv Messrs. Roy,Rorke,Jas. Stainton, Boar, Miss Joness and A. B. Cnïdcrman. Miss Embuie Coucli, Tvrono, gave a splendid paper on tic "Iieal Teacher"~ bringing eut the vital points bu tic ideal teacier and is wonk. This paper was veny beneficial te ail those engaged lu tic work of lcadiîng souls te Christ, and was prcsented se tial cîçery oe fairly understood ils rncaniug. 1 glL 'ue cQg ing .Lain a-4 . faey .,....... âi kd 1~. uli ni. umgii-ow CLto g4 . -~ 2W frnn. ~~~'i Ladies woo line-dI, ,,,i-t.b- cu yr T .r iug, pickling, jellyaking. eté.r Every womau and girl lu tie county will b spccially bnteresled bu tuis new depant- mont lu which valuable prizes will ne deuil be effercd. Some ameudments and changes were made lu tic Rules and Regulatieus. Ouly 10 free entries may be made lu auy departinent by a memben; ah oen- tries over 10 will be ciargc41 5 cents caci. Cempetition wiIl be confiuod te Durhain ceuntv bu Grains and Seids, Ladies Departinent, Work doue by Girls, Deconative and Constructive Art aud Fine Arts; aIl otier classes are open tate .Province. Rule No. 4 was adopted as follows. Evcry animal, fowl, article, preduce aud ciattel exhibited must be tic actual bona-fide pnoperty anti belong absolute- !y 10 tie person on pensons entcing on exiiiitiug -ti cqsaie, aud lu liecseof every aticeproeuc-1t andcia-ttnie\ ix hiiid, îlie said rice!routor chbattel must ho o' tic actual production growti or manufacture, as Ilie c tase rnay ho, of tie person or pensons own- ing and-exiibitifig tic saine. Pensons holding a membors' ticket wilb be entitlcd te eue admission ou presentation and relinqiuishmeut of, saine. Mn. D. J. Gibson having made lhe roquest tiaI a botter style ýof pnizo list bo gotteon t han formerly, he was appointîci with tic, Socretany ta carry eut ils suggestion. Tic Socnetary was lustnucted te take ne entrios Ibis year af 1er Wednesday nigit previeus te tie Show- Bowrnville Pain will be held on Tiursday and Friday Sept. 14 and 15. M. A. JAME'S, Secretany. SIXTEI LINE.- jMn. John MeCutcheon is taking a few days of well earued rosI af 1er a busy season dloyen threshiug.. . Mn. Bert Piper of tic seventi, is a welcome vis- iter. Mr. Geo. Coopo3r, North Dakota, visited old friends on tihe Une. . ..M iss Lulu Bancock, Newtonville, visiteti Mn. Wm. B. Heny.... MisLottie Dewell is visiting frieuds lu Maiposa.... nI. Geo. Cooper' bas pnrchased a splendid general n)urpose team from Geo. Payne, Newtonville. NE WTON VILLE, Mn. Jacob Michell J. P., has recov- cred frein ils illness.... .Miss Eva Stanton, Poutypool, andi Miss Cooper, Kendal, iave visited friends here... Suuday evening week a neception was icld lu tic MethodiBt Chanci w-lien -& lange number of probationens were received. . .. Mn. Wîn. ici, Jr., bas, necovored frein la grippe.... Mn, Chas. Rutherford and bride will reside lu thc village ..,.Sons of England Lodge helti a very succcssful "At Home" on Thurs- day cveniug week. ... Miss Minnie Rutherford, Starkville, was necent guest of Miss Bertha Ballowell... Nliss Editi Cowan, Cowauville, visited Miss Lizzie Jones... . Mrs. Moase at. teudedth le convensazione at Wbitby Ladies College ... .Mr. John Bancock îs very 111. . .. Tic Ladies' Aid Social aI tie residence of Mn. Samuel Joeues was a success.... ,Mn. and Mns.- George Gorden, of Boec visited aI Mrs. Bol maiî's recently .. .. Mrs Juo.Penwarded visited heron tier, Mrs. Meton, Port Boe. Rennie's Seotis. Iu Ibis issue on page 1 William Ren- nie seetisman of Tenonte has an an- nouncement of a liieral kind . lie w-lJI senti any 1welve varieties of tic seods meutioned in lie lisI for 25eý Attacheti te tic ativenlisement is a coupon wiich if returned witi lie or or cutîlles lie sonder le a free pack age of flowen seed s As ReuuIeý's Seeds bave an estaloli,;Ied reputatien,., suiscnibers vw- Ilb pot go aslray ilu accopliingtiec ffor \We bave hatM ehnswt Mn. h:eînie for vears and can lràtbully say always 'c'f lie Most satisfaclonv ciaracter, Bi e- ite ogranny' was ably deait Iwith lu a paçr r by Miss Mooncraft, OhoWing net sIrny UULcui preiparation but a familiar acquaintance with tuis ratier difficult subjeet. Il was splendid- ly iandled and was presented bu an in- teresting andcomproliendable fonin. A short discussion followed by Messrs. Roy,Trebi!ceck, Boan,Dr McLaughlin, W. R. Courtice and Mrs. R. Freeland. Miss Hudson presented a very salis-' factor -v repent froi lie Borne Dopant- ment of Solina Sehool siowing a mcm- bersiip of 38, 7 haviug jeined during tie yean.' Miss Joucss presenled tic report of B. D. of Bowmanville Methodist, show- ing a membersiip of, 45. A stroug effort was made te have Home Depant monts cstablisied lu otier, scioels of tic township. Miss el gave an iutoresQtîng- re- port oftlie Pnmar UiolIbis towu. One -of ts fo-me1 temer, is Blc art, -ddduigleya. Miss Výea1e also gave a siert papon ou Primary work,"l ed' cest n importance. "Itnes eest n Rev. J.J.Rae addressed a mass meet- ing of ciildnen ou tic Bible and ils purpose whiciýwas quite intcrcsting te the eider membons present., lu tie evoningMr JasGilfillan,B.A,, President, occupied tiechcair and af ten devotional exercisès, a coudensed re- port of tic Provincial Convention ield -it Peterioro, prepaned iv Miss E. L. Rundle was read bv Miss- Calotta Bimacomi', Rev. J. S, I. Wilson, B. A,, B. D,, Courtice. gave a very fine address ou tie "Influence of lie Teacier on lie Formation of Cianacler," in wiiciho said some plain, practical tiings lihaI all Sabbath Sciool leachens would do well to remember and put int practice. Retiing President Gilfillan, -afler tianking lie Association for tic houer couferred on ibm, enuîneraled ticen- couragements of Sabiati School leaci- ers. Tic ncw president, Mn. Cryderman, was iutroduced and af ton takîug lie chair, calleti on D)r. McLaunghlin who disposed'of lie kuotty proileins of lhe Question Drawcr bu a concise and very satîsfactory inanuor. NOTICE TO SUJ7ERINTENDENTS, The treasuren will ;ie pleased te ne- ceive tiec6cntributions ý,troin lie diffeýrent scbools as soon as convenieul, if pass- ible befone Manci 15, Tic amount asked for is 2 cents per memben frein eaci school. Seud te R., E. Osborne, Treasurer, Box 53, Bowmanv-ille, or beave aI Mn. P. Trebilcock's store. Bowrnanville. Don't forget, please. AUCTION SALE. THURSDAY, MAEinEI2.-itI. A. Peu- ninglen will seli by auction on tie' pemisýes, LoI 15, Cou. 4, Darlinglon, lot of valuable stock, implemenîs, etc. Sale 1 o'clock. L. A. W. TOLE, A1u clioneer JJON'T MISS LT. Tic populan comedy draina ',Kath. lecu NMavounneen" will bc given by lie Rocý al Templar Dramatie Company lu vuie town hall, Bowrnville, on'Fnl- dav! eveuing Mardi 3rd. With lie as- sistauce cf Mn. T. E B. Henry tic above will be preseniteti with ail lise beautiful andi attractive sceuic effecîs as produaced b':liethe st companies ou tie' profession4l stage. The company has goue le cousiderable expense lu pro vidiug .new scenery for Ibis plav and wivhout deuil Ibis w-ilbeoeeof lie best ententaiumenîs of tic season. Music iv Marnison's orchestra Admis sion 2.5e Seats noserved without extra charge. Plan of bail open Friday Pcb. 241h. Concert begins at 8 o'cl3ck. Chikieri ry for- T o, 90 WM"wluAN "VI LL E. Wc shall be 100 busy epening up newi"goods te give any attenition te clearing eut odd linos of wiuter goeds. But until tien the b' Yll public rnay expeel such bargains as are seldoni seen. flore, are al'wO tic many snaps we are 110w-siowing. A lot of remnanîs of Dress Goods different lengths,'at oxaelly one-half the regular pnices., These are suitable for shirts, waists, children',s dresses, &e., andi as only tic best sclling gootis corne 10 remnanîs il is worth eonsidening when you eau buy thein aI half-pnice. Ladies' andi Chldren's Flannelcîle Underwear eonsisting of NTighlgowns, Shirts, Drawers,&e,1Wbinsodaaot the pnices of ticeunaleriai. A lot of bright plaid Gingliarn worth 7c t» 8c a yard 10w- seiiing for 5c a yard. Unlaundried Shirts. A special purchase of Men's Unlauudried Shirts will-_1 ake a sen- sation, tbey look as good as any 50e shirt, strietly flrst-elass finish, ail sizes, only 35e eaeh. We are aise sole agents -for the popular patent King Shirt, price $1.00. This is a PERFECT Shirt for the moat partieu. Tan customers. WilI buy a higli class Worsled Suit matie ho order in first-elas style. If not as w-cil matie suit as can bo produeti in Bow-manville, we do net ask you 10 lake il. Special Prices to Clear Hea vy Boots. Mon 's for 48e. Boy's Wool Lined Rubbers for 50c. Men's Wool Lined Riber îor DUC. Special Values in Grocery Deparment. Lamp Chimucys, any size âe. Valentla Raisins, no-w stock 4 lbs. for 25é. Fresh Bcerrings in tins, 3 tins for 25e. Japan tea, reliular 25c, 110w for 15e a lb. Black tea, regular 25c, 110w for 19e a lb., flave youi tried our high grade Ceai Oul, 4 gal. for 90e. THEà 'w AnU AuiMu WaH . ýî The only positive cýure for that mialignant and highily co)ntagious A discase-whoçe first symptoms arc gcneral!y mistaken for the mere presence of vermin, that quickly saps the vitalitv of the sheep infected, and spreads witlî terrible, rapidity to th.e remaînder of tlhe flock. Persiatie Sheep Dip has proved to be thc onl 'v radical and neliable cure for thisidangerous disea se ji cdestroys the patches of living bacteria, relieves pain and"ir-ritation, heals tiebores, and makes the skin whole and sound. it is backed by tic heanty ,-tcstimeny 0of Can- ada's foremost sheep and stock raisers and is preving a boomi to bfmers tie Dominion oven for this and other distressing skin ailmjnts of sheep aund cavvle. If your dealer caunot supply you-do no be put off with an îiùfirîor dip)-write us"direct. We invite correspondeuce. The Piekhacdt, 1tenfrew C o., ildtited, STOUFI'VILLE, ONT. COLON IST EXCURSIONS TO THE CANADIAN NQRTH-WEST Wiiîlave'Toro to via Nrtb ay, at !35 p in, anSP.00p nm-, eae'h uesday durlng Mardi an pril if sti.lcle nt business offers. COL 1N T SLEEPING CARS for pasoegr with ordinary baggage wiil becatt.che3d to=ri leaving Toronto at 3.i5 p.m., and will rmn thr ougb-toilnnp C COLN ISin SLEEP IN G -CA RS-f or-p aa s en g ers travelling on sanie train -as their live stock wiil be attached to train ieaving Toronito at!9,00 p.m. andl wili mun through to Winnipeg. BERTHS wlll be.free in these cars, and (,an be steured by pagsengers on application to Grana Trnnk Agents. Tickets, raies and anI nformation froni Agents of Grand Trank Railway Systeni. CP. &T. A. Depot Agt. M. C. DTCKSON, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Get tickets and fularticulars at ST0TT & JURY'IS DRUG STORE. Aulx. LuTTnELL is now prepared 10 supply the citizens of Bowmanville. with bnead and cakes, fresh every day. Very complète stock of coufectionary, fruits, et. Wedding Cakes made te order. Alex. Luttreli.j ClarlE's O 10 Stand, Bowmanville. I MILURI'SSTERLING IEADACH PWES eu re the worst headaee!a. froni five te twenty isontes, nd ba1 ne bad after effeets. One pwdr5.""3 powders 10e., 10 powdes's 25e, WHY sU1;SrRiIIE. One malter w-e take special pnide ini is liaI THE 5TATESMAN has ne peen la Ibis 'district. Our staff sets 1wibe as mmci type eveny wcek as our cem-,petit- ors do, wiile we publisi an immiienseo arnount of îulerestin.- correspoudence andi valuaile articles during 1thce-ycar suci as olien county nev,-spî pers à e ne; receive, Tic best paper cosîzs ne more. than the others. Tic iesv is noue to nood for you, Iberefore take TïiB §TATE5MAN. it is very muci more sat- isfactory te tiake tic best paper. Il hs oft6n pnoveking te take a papen tlîat does net conlain the news or informa- tien yeu waut. Suiscribe for Tn STATESùAN tien yQu will not require to borrow yournenighbor's. One dollar a year and big value at tiaI. TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE. Bowmanville is heautifnily sitnated ou an emînence, aurroundeti iy pletunre-,que seene overiooklug Port Bowmanvllle blamrbon 1Lia Ontario, antione 0f thià prettiest ex-pansesio wateriluCaniada. lu mmer boats ply til lui fu view up anti down anti the fine b.oatm o tie Ontario & Ridhelieu Line cali hotl wayII sninmer. The population of Bwîn lm e h iween M00 anti 400 Streets anti sfflewalks« fi class, md tantisome mesîIdences are nurre o05. Street, publie buildings andi residente are lighted wti electrriitv A of spmîng waler, go oti drainaýgt- nd re llabl protection. The postal service is il tliai cas b deaireti. Tie Dominion Organ & Piano C1ý1 gr-eal factorio-s for manufactnring1Pianos, Or g ana, Bicycle Rirn, etc., are ocaýi'tedhebre ; alL h eBowmanville Ruiber Co's workls. Tiere. einCndfo qiretii fiinexcellent Publid and Rugi cor ,net surpv The churcies are Aeilt , iresbyterlan, Epsecopalian Congreat oval 2llsilpîeiand Roman Catio'll. Only lwo iotels witi reabon- able rates anti other mnodem ovelno. Stores are noniemous andi carr'y flllines of ait kintis of fimst class goois ; compeIýtitio n is kissA and p ies as 10w as lu a ï-iiy. Telugr ap i ae teleplio.lne systema >,ýnonci the town awith ali isiaces near andi distant. Port nowmnanvuîo Ila bcoming a favorite summrer re'soPtr, belng oe of tie moat bealtiful locations on te nortia shore. Tnx STATESMANzis lie pplrlocal newn- paper anti enjoys a very ,xtensivo cireulation. Tetown stands eady te offer liberal in4dlee- ment@ 10 faeiories to locale sn ýB-ïwmnvllle. Ohildven Ory ,0 %CA STO0RI î, rurniture iueaier-__ ___Funeral Director BOWIvIMUILLE ~ORONO. Men's Top Fel Boots, haif foxed worth $2.00, for $1.5C. > 1 1 1 1 v 1 1

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