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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1899, p. 1

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TERS - . ANNUM. OUR TOWN'ADCUT I NE.w SERiES. BOWMAN",ILLE, ON' 0 ~ We Seégin 3 To T ake. Stock To day THE NETMONTII WILL GV REAL GENUINE, BARGAINS IN ALJ KINDS OF Ladies' Coats Hall Price. Furs ail kinds at Cost Price. Some Lines of Dress Goods below cost and Men's and Boy's Overcoats at greatly reduced prices. BowmAN VILLE. ~iIrn * ~We are clearing outour present, stock;ia: wji t22 ;o prics an seethe- bargains we are offeriLia,o nai 1 iiug buite, riusli nandea, eoU, reduced to *bUffl. l Silk Suite, Plush Bancd, $65, reduced to $50.00. 1 Silk Suite, Plush Banded, $55, reduced to $40.00. 1 Silk Suite, in Walnut, $48, reduced to $35.00. 2 Tap'trySuite,OakWalnuLt,$24, reduced to $16.50. These suites will flot last long at these prices and you should flot miss this opportunity of seeuring a good suite at a small price. ILD.WILLIAMVS &SON E Bo-vmANviLLE. Undertaking always receives prompt andi *personal attention., *ý ' ) ri ir - cîtIfr'r-r -. 9, MALUIl -- pC - qZ "YN Is %e r P%' ~ RST; THE WORLD ÂITERWARDS. M. A.-JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. TARII,0, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1899. VOLUME, XLV. No. 19. Bn o r1_to !th UIW h etrers et regret werc e iat y Me Miss Etta Tait, ut the Colle-e etMusie, e r(G if B glbi S uh at e Boad f [eatl or the Toue slihp 11J Thos Yello)wlees, 28 Division St.,T-Toronto, closeti a most excellent, iu CfMr'W. Mr r peilfetr e h D arlifè to a las decided tha t a l hiidren ron to ,th e in d efa ti, a l S c ot , Tîo m or s in , p io il t a u i e y ig l e e n n in8ro r ssivec ioan d N le appr pri te, nd v ry igh y te ng e itni ui c ialongsa trec , ita- and, other uq.vaceiiîaied ierson& shait bi's Houer tihe Lieutenant' Governor Onjoyeti prograîn. tions.\er ha wh m dc, ightad ct - attend before a duO,. qualijied Me.diccîtSi Oliver -Mowat, anti. Miss- Mon at, Votes et thanks were accortiet the proncîtetSpof ig Ge1verument bouse, Toronto, absent committee-Messes. Thos. Yellowlees,___________________ Practitioner for Vaccina tien. througli a previeus engagement ; His Inspecter W.Stark anti John D.Keachie For crn - en-ence etf the publie DR. J. C VWorship May or Shaw aîsd Mrs. Shaw, - the singers andi chair'nan thon the EcpfgFrom ileiseif. MITCHELL,- Medicai Realili Officer, will Toronto, having au important officiai National Antthem anti a briet social 7eawak attend ai the folewinig 9chool ECoucs et th, engagement ; Dr. John b-osk in, Q. C., perieti betore ail repaireti te their wra ssd heur of TWYO O'CLOCK P. M. on thie days Officiai Guardian et the 1111-h Court-et homes. wdenyaniscsud- mentioneti for snob purpoïe Canatiâ, tbrougnh illness- (Dr. Hoskiu's Among these prosont whosenames me S.11, Sec. INo. 7,, hurki3ton, Thurs., Mar. 9. absý,enee was apeeiallyv regretreti as ho sécuieti weie 11ev R Douglas anti Miss 20, Stn Frî,y, NI a, . 10. Las taken a veîy great interest in the Jennie Fraser, 11ev J W Rate, 11ev M P " 13 WodlesVnd~,Ma. 11 ogaDIZationtirom itsinceptien.) Mayor anti Mrs Talling, Toronto; Hey Neil "17, Union, Wed'sda. .A X 15. 12, Z on, Fdday,,VMar, 17. bescombe, Bowmauvilie, reason, prier MePherson and tir C R McCuliough,petl relieved 15, Eifield, Moudgyy Mer. 20. 'engaogement ;, Mavor Quinlan, Port Hamilton; Mr W J andi Miss D ira be ienieyi "19 Biaker',(, Tu(*day, Melr. 21 olirmseyt 10, Roy'e, Ibq adav Mai 23. Hope ;Mr, E. Douglas Armour, Q. C>, McMurtrx, Mr J CAstll Hopkins, Mr i5 11ke shakhig 21, Heydon 1Friélay. Ngr. 24. Toronto, at"esJsLM ani is 6off the clitches tiampton» Monelay. March 27 huhesfeta cati, purs-u- iial<sWdeBeMe.2 iss Yellowlees sang "AQthore" lu a Thos, Miùss ant issFirueat in- spirit. She Tyrone Thu,. dav, NMerc 30 clear sweet voico for whieh -'ho was ýAlice apti Mr!e Aitixellowlees. Mi anti - pesfo Vaccinations, ýmey also ILe dore aUtîthel ce tieserveti cd Wittv anti Mis C B roln , rT , Dixon Craig hun thappyelf of P>r. Mitchell, et Enaîslki en",tl îMonday, ieve y uapplantisel Aptil 3, and ie ti. forenoon or evénin of any recminiscent speechbes came next tromu (Port Hope), Dr Julia Thr mas, Me anti andi hecomies a other day. j i., C. R. McCullough, Principal et Mes Thos Caswe Il bJArcher, Mis new self; literally ancler being. DS.BI>'PT & 'i. LAUGHILIN w'i et. lainilton Business Coliegei; Me. Chas. A S Anderson. Me John A Sinclair, Mi "Mywit' lu pand waiks about a urile evelrY tend et h fiflom-ng eol fuoa' the_ McGili, Mantager Onttario Bank, To- barry W Hvani iss- Ethel L bus- pleasarit day,; ch feels like another perscd," writes H. Tiodd Hognley, Esq., of Menitjaclo- bour of ONE-T1 HIrTY O'CLOCK I.P rM., routa; Mi. Cites. M. Cawkee, Bowmnan- baud, le pe roiautiMesW Starki, Me son, MarionaC'o., Ted., in a letter te Di? R. V. on the deaýnent!one vle i W Cry on3 îw einin eat MeWRHryPierce of Buffali, N. v. When Ildrst saw your :,vll;or.JWyCutCrw H uKyi,' nYrfW HrYbook referringtote ncure of consurmptiou 1 S. H., Sec. Ni.1, ebehw's, Montay, Mýrch 13. y Toronto; Me. Ihos. Caswell, Mes W R I'sck, lAi J Todgham, thonght 1 wotild trv Dr. PierceesGolden Mýdi- .1 cal Dîscovery ana Favorite Prescription,' ast e 21 Blyth '. Tnesday M r.4, .City Solicitor Mr 1-1 Iloopot7) 1) JHbElitt (Giaven doctore iad givra bir p. and so 1 thought it 3 ur' ers daria . r awl aeacptls-e- us)M _L:n ePrecould do ne haros if it did iun good. - 4, Woîç'an's, Thuis.Mi 6 Mi rwi aieacptleggs u0)MeFMLrn e e otr Whca 1try todeseribethemasuls 1Ifaite do 5 ier, Fridav', k. 17, tion tee the next banquet, nairnelv, that Lieut-Coi Sain luhes, (Lindsay) Mri'0Oin words. , we sharll never forget te thank "6, Maple G4rava 5Set Ma,. 18 GoS for giving ni tOis mens of relief. I kanow " '8, MîCrw't o i , Il thebill ut taie, etc., he the pIl tNom utic iS oMP P, if My wife had iiet taken Dr..Piercees medicinies she wud aow have heep lunlier grave. Ybu 9, Seei, 'l'esday, Mw, 20. et Durhain County-Vanstone's floue, ILiflisa') NMiss Aise vWight, Miss F L oen aekanyonue who leaficted thus tawrite f0 Vaccina.tions mnay aise he doue e5 the Office 1 __________________ Bellwooti, Mes (Dr) A A Br-own, Mr anti me fer moeepartiitars."l .of Or@. heith & IleL.uglilla nl Bowmituvr;le Me lr'c bak ises Mabel This ouly serves to show that what auy day Su'ing offioeh onr.. ' n.oiJiiarv pe'Jciaa et ncneliloca I . . anti Etta TitMe' EWshn andtiîi-nitciŽd pr-actice will often fail ta l art e qruinti'y oi Glvceia,îe SVuýcine-,I Geo P Deacot, 'Ir W H Evans. 11e accemaplishi, may beconie eîstirely poséi- Vires of fi-st quality h,,hýer insC l ~ Abgyet fbl iETBitîi iJsLcs'ebct h gsv.e-tf~at ai will lie turished free et 'barge 'Th.- Ilbgec. rE riti MIo uas 1 l oasieiii n aia f-. lisbemu place I at25 ce-tqe whihhmun- rfi ni aitcto enyBnnt,'liat MsWa rani.t iii i fhe-long anad ho paiS e t the tins b is-î11.eu a wllresuit if ynpat MseM lSr~ eM ol .ee se~eWiL,î tue seve-est O>rons Urnable se ay uv arrachaMirw-h tha anti m' l". t' i'n e o-cellet 1i u- - M1~~n '~- i' '-.".-s,' i~ 'v, t- i hisaMe oh Xsîlaîa ~ant Ms ~u.hi~ c .1ir1io- 'aieci 'Ur Ianti Mis Jos Lamb, Mr and Mis W rnO D o rs* IowneY, -Ir and Mrs T A Weldon, Miss Mary E Murphy, Mr and- MrsFred W [unitt, Dr James Bray, Mis R Strow- * F1st Annual1 3anquet in Tor.0rito a etri1ient ger, Mr and Mis F Smith, Mi andMr L Dunsford, Mr and Mrs F McDowell. St.~eess.Mr Frank~ Cornish,Mrs John A Charlton, Master Nelson Charlton, Mr, Mrs', Miss "1Where shall that land, that spot off earth lie Cawker's beef, Humë's mutton, milk and Miss Ada Yeoman, Me Arthur fourid?" Art thon a manl ?-a patriot ?-look round;> fromn Retreat Dairy, gold modlal butter Weeks, Mr H O'Hara,Mrs J B Drewry, 0 thou shalt ind, howe'er thT footsteps roam, fomMsBu That land thy Country.and bhat spot thy -orne. fo. s uk's Spring Creek Dairv Mr W Il Orr, Mrs J.M Smith, Mrs M Ma hîough ail agea off revolving lime, mncarsfomT - TMN fle , £erM EFedn Miss " l Unngrng an, in every varying edîme, meucrsfoTi TTSIluy MrEFldn,1s La De sant onland of every tand the pride, h - ao rm hADm NoffrgenHambly,Mr J E Hambly,Mi*ss-E llamb- Beloved b y leaven o'er ail the worll sie, andian at1oy t, t.lM olnD ait Ri hoi re theiipotof earthsniprem ey , Panlfetrytecet We hopelvMrWH olad rAlmit, dearer, sweeter spot than ail the rest.. to sec Mr' Caswell's idea adopted. 'Mr Cecil Dun sford, Mi R W Boyle, Mr -Mongomeij. Mr. John J. Tiliey was called upon W H Freeman, sen, Mr J J Tilley, Mr Possibly Toronto bas never witnessed but had left early to catch a train. -_ d.Albert B Couch, Mr R R Tod, Mr Ait fa 'Mi e succeflsi.i ttStion fi-he cbtar,,-1&eter of congratulation was sent from N Mitchell, Mi S J Courtice. Mr Jne M acter than the first animal banquet of him but has apoarently gone astray en Bond. Mi and Mis P Conuell,Mriand Mrs the Durham Ohi BoysvQ given in the up- route. 1. N Hockin, Warden and Mis (Dr) 011.. stair parlois of Coleman's restaurant :Dr. J. T. Gilmour, Warden of the mour, -Mr and Mrs Goo Witheiidge, on Tuesday oVoning, Feb. 28, under, Central Prison foi Ontario, made the Mi Chas Witheridge, Mr Rowland'Bell, the chairrnanship of Mr Jas.L. Hughes,wtietsecoftevnng MrM Wm Brittain, Mr andi Mis H J City Sehool Inspector, In auswer to lu Wm. Scott, M. A., Pri ncipal of Toronto Brown, Mi and Mis H Brittain, Mi E vitations. sent out thiough the news- Normal School, repiesented wl tWW ilimo Ida edMsses papers, seme fOitY responses reached educational iutorests of the Couaty. Marlon and. Barbaia- Williamson, Mr the committoo, but they took th~e wise A veîv pleasant break occurreti at N 8 Young,,, Dr E F Bowie, Mi andi Mes precantion to provicle for a muchi laîger th!s ntuo IJwsasngfo 'D OKo~jCapt R iH and Mrs Btint, nuubrani t aswel ll53dii Oold.time favorte-,Me. W.J. MeMurtiy, Mi8ilv iat i J J Copeland, foi close upon 200 peisons sat dlown to who neyer failoti to please a 1B owmnn- Dr John Hunter, Principal andi Mis W the dinner. Re-v, R Douglas Feaser, ville audience in the days of olti, lis Scott, Mr andi Mis Dâvid',Tyerinan, Mi M. A., Chaplain, asked the bles Sing. ieudeiing of "Ben Bot" was excellent, W Il Reici, M P P, Mi William and, The menu includeti Salted Almonds, The medical Diotession was noxt Miss A Hamili, Mrs Alex Boyd, Mir 11H Cheese Wafers, Saratoga Chips, ONster heardfîom anti as aftei-tiinneespeakers Meclorrnack, Me Geo P Freelanti, Mr Patties, Rolleti Bread, Supper RelIs, thev "hil as a class distinguished Wallace F Maas. Timbales of Chicken, en aspic, Jellicti them,-selvtz;. "The ministers preach but Bowmanitiville Miss Annie Medianti, Tongue, Roast Tuikev, Braized Rani, we pri'ctice" remnarked one -of them, Mis W P andi Mibs Pîowei. Mr C M. C hicken Salai, Potato Salati Neapolitaiua They spoke lu this order: Dr.A.Hamil. Cawker, Mr Jas Hl Scoeol, Mr Jouas G Ice rea, Asoîed auc Caeston, 57 Haîboiti St., Toronto; De. John Samis, à1ranti Mis M A Jlames, Mr W Macaroons, Fin-ors, Waters, Laver Hunter, 8 'Haia Ave., Toronto Dr. H Williams, Mr a u ay Cake, Angel Cake, Fruit Cake, JelIy Julia Thomas,211 Carlton St,, Toronto,- Miss Goitie Young, Mi b T.-Couitice, Rotl, Bont Bous, Rîhbonieres,Tea,Coffee, Dr., E. F. Bewîe, Spadina Ave., Toron- Mi J C Vanstone, Mi John Horu, Mr Lemonade. The sentiment "make the to; Dr. James Brtv,288 Gerrard St 1 E.,and Mis Maivin Buik and daughter,, ch'arming houe o'eîflew with joy and Toronto. We will be pardoned for Say- ,Mi Chas Horu. pleasuio tirown the brim" wvas well m'ta r ui hmsmteoeo exempliticti by the mirth and social nth D.JlaTo smdenef chatte'r arount those weli filleti tables.' the bcst-many say the best speech of MOUNT ýVERN ON. the evening. One'thiug is certain she The prograin tiait followeti the ie moval et the tables was' certainîy lu receiveti more applause than any other 'l'le pie anti creainiSocial and concert speaker. She paiti a tribute to Boýý. was a grand snccess in everY way. kceping with that other sentiment that mnleboshtwulhvepesT fhe piogram which was of a hlgh char- graeti the medest littie menu card. acter was listenod te with rapt atten- ",Navtheovnin-' dierion bar hethem hati they heard ber remraks. tien thîougheut by the large 'audience mo (rning 's reflections. " The song"Down Whon President Hughes announeti assembled l'haliterarv numbers weie in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~u teHm LatetDha" aseeformer populai townsman Mr.,John' given ~Ms arn ru niMs in te Hoe Lad ofDurhm" ws iMarie Rogers anti were exceptionally ho,.artîly sung as led by Mr*. John D. D. Keachie toi a soitg, ha was'greeted got adwell rneeibigtosb KevAchie, then lolloweu 25 speeches oft with rounds ef applause hecause aIl jeet oet much comment. 'fhe musical thre mnuts ech nd ove hae w kow John eau sing,. lIe gave "The-, nuiobers were given by Piof Beeech listenied te more appropriate anti Village Blaclksmitls with bis old time Enriskilien, Jas. Goard,_ Bowmauville, C. E. Brown, Hampton, Me. anti Mis. hapý pier tieliverances than most et them 'tgor and spirit. C. W. Souch ail et which excellecitiîem- wcrci,. Fir*st came the clergy iepresent- Literature a id The Press wer re selves. Tue sough' M C. WV. Souchi ecd by flowerv woîds froei Rev. Neil presenteti hi short speeches from àli. J. brought clown, th boute. The choie 31 ý_hersii, l. 1 B. ., o St.Paul's CatellHop kin, taishitorennerront,'some rndeautifulbeuti nthems.ms MePhrso, M X. B. ., t S. Pul' CasellHopins th hîsoî'anoiotoDr. J. C. Mitciîell, ln his usual happy P-cesbyterianiechurchi, Hamilton ; 1ev. anti Mi. M, A. James et T11B STATES' Maniet, illel the chair. At the close MP. Talling, B. A., et Knox College, xAN, iespcctivey. ipie antd crtani was served inl abundance titI ail were satisfied. Procets about Toronto; anti 1ev. J.W. Rae of Victoria. A humerons spcech frein Mr.E.Field- $28. O, thle provienIs eeixga full Prýesb ', torian chiurch ,Toronto J unctien. in-g, Toronto, a very nico talk from the lieuse greeted 11 ev. J. 1'. Wils-on, B.* A' Miss Dora !VcMnVlrtrv favored the anti- oldest boy preFeit-Nîr. John, Bankin, Oshawa, whO l elîg'htcd ail with bis dis. ence with tà solo beautifnlly 'rendoîcti late etflier lejest\'s Customs,Bowmn a cthe. Vsiteî '11Miss Bain. A . anti 1OU41 l cored. ville, a conne song- that "brougoht dlown Alliia andî'%,ý i Gilbert, Bowînanî 111e, Tho haîd-worketi parliamentarians the honie" front Me. Y. H. Ilollanti, a1 Xi. C. Wý. Soues; Mr. andi Mes, came xîext in 'the poisons et Mr. T. a vory appropriate speech from Mr. W'. Anuis, Scarboro, andtirM. L. Annis, Dixo CiigM. , ortHop; w. i. H illams Orhari FimBewau-Ehenezeî, gnests et Mr. E. Anilis; Mr. Dixoi Caig M.P ,Por Eli'p; W II HWiliam, Ochad FrmBow ami andlrs, A, Gallv, 'Buwrianville, ,tit R10:1i, M. P. P.. Clarke: Lient Col. Sam. ville, several rerniniscences trom in -r-Ai - 'f- -t.M-f50 Hug hes, M. P., Lii-ay ; Samuel J, Henry O'Hara, bioker, etc., Toronto, 15 again sc .oyenjoyable social Fox. M. P.P_ . XX¼' X ,un Tjm1ý i nr 1ï;1 nccicv ' mi nro.n ,eece' ave I en seîmt . îvlie ai

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