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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1899, p. 2

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PUBLISRBZ'S NOTICE- THE STATELSMAN isl mailed regulariy to its subscribers until'a definite order to discontinue le, received aud al arrears a re paid ln full, Subseription 81,50 per anntim. If paid inl advstnce $1.00 per aunum. MjARRIAGE LICENSES,-M., A., .V.LJAMES, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Residence: Centre street; A. E. MeLAVUGULIN, M rrister, Solicitor.aud Couveyauceer. Office:- Rlckley Block, King street, iowinanville. Money te boan at reasonable rates.- 48-lyr, $e50.00.O0TO LEND ~ 5on good mort- Saesecurity at moderate rates of interest E-m.McLÂUGHLI,ýolictter,Bowmanvl1ie,0nt. 16 -6m, DU. J. C. MITCHELL, m EMBER 0F COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIANS aud Surgeons, Outario,Coroner, etc, Residence. tnniskillen. 74 D. BURRE SIMPSON, ,I-b ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' BLOCK, up-stairs, King.àtreet, Bowman, villie. Soleitor for the Ontario Bank. Private moncys oaned at lowest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. 0 FF1CE INi WEST DURHAM NEWS Block, where himself or bis assistant wili bc found from 8Sa. m. teS9 p. m. Ntgbt cails at residence, directiy opposite Drill Shed. Çalis by teleeraphior telephone wilreceive prompt at- tention. 171 - yr, R.PEATE, TAILOR Gentlemen'sClothes made te Order. DEN T ISTRY 0. HARNDEN, IL.D.S. Graduate of the Royal College -of Dental Sui geous, Ontario A cola le dange- ous., Don't let it get the tart o!you. A few doses of zny Coid Cure wili break Up any toron of cold in a £ew heurs and .prevent grippe, diphthierla and pneunw)nia. It sbouid be lu every homes and every vest pocket. It.le better tisn a life Insur- ance peiloF. MtJNXON1. At al rugioss25C. a via!. Cuide to Heaith Vnd Vd î al advi e free. 1505 A.rch st.. Puill. BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 8, 1899. DOMINION ItREEDERS' SOCA TION. Very succeseful meetings of thr Dominion Cattle, Sheep aud Swint Breeders' Associations were beid h) Toronto fromi February 7th to loti inclusive. The membershipoltise A,, seciations arealj least twenty-tive pe cent greater than at any previons per- led. Thse efforts et the Association du. iug the past year have been aioug tht lune of cheaper transportation, At pro sont between' local points lu Ontario thoriughbred stock lu less than car les. lotsis shipped at eue-hall the reguis. tarif! rate, Betweeu Ontario sud Man- itoba sud Briticli Columtbia the rates ai- now te Winnipîg, $72 and to New West minster, $196, wlîere fermeriy they wer te Wiuuipc,,. $130 sud te New West minster, $251. Thse privilege has been granted of aliowiug thorouglibred ocai OFFICE.-Opposite Express Offiee. - es sheep or swiue, in bass than cal, irfc T--A " loasi lots of over three'toe a ed >1 cf J.M.~RI MAULJMBE OfiRce.-Rear of Messrs. Biggiu. botham & Sons Drng Store,, (Down clairs), BOWMANVI LLE. ONTARIO BANKR continues te do a Generai Banking Business ai Bowmanvlble Ageucy!, DEPOSITS recel-ced lu Savinga BBauk Departinent sud interest alwed ai current rates. Notice ol witbdrawal net ueoessary. Ail deposits payable os demand EXOHANGE Bought sud sold sud Drafts issued n p ouEurope UidSae u- Canada as Gold, Silver and United States Greenbackst"ogbt sud sold COLLEC«TIONS 1remply made ai curreni rates upon ail paris o! Great Britaîn the Usied States sud ibisDo- mîinon o! Canada, Telegraph Transfers Made for large or amail sums ou ai! parts of Canada. Th, "'isspeeial'y adx'artageousto pet- son liglu auteba or the North-West, ih mal t h.eInudsa's.llabl. ai once at the placeý of payment. For other narticulars cal! atilhe bauk, AJ.MCCI.ELLAN, GRO, McGILL, THE 1PEOPLE S GOALCol, Supplies the best and cheapest coal in the market. ry it. Delive r. ed to ail partsof town. PETER MURDOCH. warranie d asngrormnyreoei utrectfromGcrmai, erne anîl beartbem sie. Prics trm$3Up. ovebirds. Parrots, Mock- krs birds, cie'3,,. eau bis bad aF. C. PETrIICK'S P -"IGS FOR SALE.-Choîce lot of JrTâmwortbs ; aise thee Yorkshire boars. Ail bred from registered Ptoek. Big eut oit prices this uaontb. T. J. CoUE, Bowimanviiie. 49.tf. NEW TAILOR SHOP The undersigued wbo bas been, earrying e. the talortng business ln connection witi Maaon's Dry Goods Store f or a number 0f y ears kas commeuced business for bimself at bis roonkt, Xlng St. west, wbere he is prepared te mak. gents nIr0 boys sus in al the istest styles, sud atlvçe pdes.Ferthose wbewisb te ordet St, bewill carry af'uil ne of sasuples lu ai nas est patterros. Give bim acal! J. T. ALLIN, 1' i.ehioiaile Taiilor One l-AXA-,I VERPILL every nigllt for thi,- y dsyg is a icomspleto cure et bluilesesfiansd constipation. l'bsat in -,jtst 2 5 cents te bbu cured. »AGT A11D8 YELLOW OIL cures, eprins, braises, mores, wounds, eut..: frsîbitos. ahîbIaino.-stinsa finmeçt'-, bnru a. scaide, eontumloa, e. Price 2 5. lu oue end of tise car without being crated. For a ionz tirne this lias her. a standing grievances of the live stock. mon throu.ghout Outario. Tnmkins.- Good moring', Mr. Wauunamaker. 1 have e, enildta qse if you eau give inca positionr ris '.ur os- tablishimeîst 1 can turu my haîrd te almeet anlythirig." luieî-proviucliî trade in pure brou Mr. W,-"No,, we are îul lu every stock from Ontario west-ward te Mani departmnent, aud yen are the twenitieth toba sud the Northwest sud Britishs mars I have roI used to-day. Why dou't Colubiaandeastvar:tothe ariimeyeu tako up a lino lu wiich there le less Colubiasndeaswardto he ariimecemptition and btter psy ?" provinces sud Newfoundland bas been 'Tompklns -"'I'd. ouiy bho tee thanli very large. This trade bas been great- fu'f~ucudptm utake ui ly assisted by tise Associations, both by a position." reduced rates sud aise by înakiug Upt Mr. W.-"Wheu I was twouty yoars car loads o hipmnt arad l e f age, I1 was a stranger in a strange shipent ~ sldlansd, with neither werk uer monev, thus obtaining for the smal- shipper a when a friend o! mne. a law%-or, advsý car load rate, t le estimated-by those ed 'me te talke a book ageîic ' ,sa\ýiug ,ho who are iu a positiou te speak advisedly haul educated hireseif by canvassing ; ths tse ntrpsovncil l-ao u preliko drowuing meni grasp at straws, 1 ter.k his ad\ lce. sud in five xoars sv bred stock has increased fixe fbld duriig cc,$o. -,. sd -with tIbis ,, stredm tise past yoar. For tise past two years pres-eut busi.iiess. Tt is just fiftv Nxears the Associations have been aulxertising ag9o te dlaY that \lî-. Bradlev. tlie 'found - lu the Ontario Agrîcultural Gazette er of the pros-eut irn of Thse iradle * - GarroîesnCenipaix-. j.Àmited, Toronto,, the naines of tise members of tise Live. sent -me mx lfirst book rspectus, sud Stock Associations giv'iiig- a list bf thse te his beautilul lettes sand good advice, stock esch. iias for sale. These jits I ewem eoinue f e'pros-eut succes3. Yeeq, have *been placed in th-, Linde of théyungnîari,if Vou have an.\ tiing lu yen .there 15 ju-14 as goo a cn rice for yen breeors throughout alil (aîsada sud it t a ihti l salse ýs bas becu te a gi-ont exteut exiig _te as there was for me Writo them n sd those liste of stock for sale tliat tise sec what tîreY- bavete off er."1 interprovinci al trade has been se lurge. Tomkin.-"I have sceeutise adver If poçsiblodurin 'thre comîug vear these tisemorîts of this firin, for agents, for N ears back, sud lhavce oten theughit o! liste will ho se exteuded tisat theuY will writinig them, but have never cloue se bis publis-hed lu tihe mai ituune provinces I will %vrite te day : sud I am very sud tbrou-hout Manitoba sud tise tisankui te you Mr W'annamnaker. for Nerthwêst. Tie Association have ai yeur good adviî-e." 9 If. reauy cloue gooui worlc siong tîhe linos- o! trausportion sud by ad'-erlisiug tise' Ontario stock tlreughout Canada, it ie felI that censicerabie more werîu aloîsg Ibis lino can ý et bu dene wiich, iill resutInii leultimate benefit te this Province Tise Provincial Wintcr Show beld in Braulfrd lu 1898 n'as tise most suces9 Ile Cauglit lt. Au nEsgiish paper sys Iti ibte bat of a certain short sigbtad master at SMtou biew off eue day, sud as lho started In pursuit aaîckt beu dasbed cuir of the gateway. The achoolin aster saw the heu sud dasbcd aller it, tbiukiug Il was bis bat, sud ail Reno was electrifled te see a batles sud breaîblesa reverend man buntlug s black blen froM onee end e! the Street t e et!!!avs KIDNEY-SIOK PEOPLE!1 Kiduey disesss are the Most ini- idions oî alidisess cenmmea te humani±y; vithmn the. paat few years medical science lias made Swondeu-ful etddç4 in çopbug wîth ils I i ~ avages. South 'American Kiduey Cure lias prved nr iInheai Plied p for ia etcuien qua tles. Wiere kdnd isease eita' itIls genarally icated by crtain . ...changes bu tirerin, schias muUS, sediment, albumen, brick dust, acd ansd blood-pain la net uecessarily ant accompaniment, wbich ouly aggra. valisetire insidious nature of il. Test- iug sud experimeuling lias disciosed tise fact that tire pasaing tirrougli trisse orgaus of tise solid particles la lire ordnary course of circulation do in a remarkably short while clog - upernd eut aud impair them se tiratirhe fuctions of tisse organs are net performed sud discase lays hold ou Ihe patient wth a ruthiess hand. Kidney diseases resuire s solvent-. Soutir Americas ideyCure ha soivet-it fa akdnyspecfc- -- "-.-. ainis to be ne more-il lias been tmsted by embuent medicai authorities oni kiduêy diseases, sud preved sud testified te by thsem as the surest sud safest cure for ail diseases o! tise kiduisys and bladder. It'saa purifier-a li ealer-a healtis builder---efficacbous alike te, mas or wemnaxs cood News f reinthe. Nerthr county- began te resuies fer hursel! ibat kis cas was A Youug sasehlulal ln a large mmae!aelurlug con- heisehmeab pudt bis case in bis own banda. de. sers ln Heriberu Ontario, f<aIlsvitim ltelthe ieeimnd te.f4Mfor iUs life. Hoe eperimeuted drepsiesi f«orufe kidsey disese th.ronngh a- 'skis mauy ,o-oalled eures without relie£ Soumis moapherie changes in folowIng bis dally labrs- Axmerlemu Liduey Cure waa brought te bis notice, ho cotinuied is work untl"uat cuimandetd sud WiS evecythin aise., ha tried t-to isi te qut isy the physiceas bom w'hesa ho bad been s mmonlbmo'st ho began te eest btter tinderita reelvlu nstsea n eu lcvisled Taenltesqud us.. liccontLu"dt.gain siraegr-he took six consulea omirntuit uhorlty en kidney dis- bouleis -snd to.ay that saume young manu dan bc esies. The doctor senl hlm bomea 'itisashepefial rîd mi bst cseatbe, worklng for ihat camne a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ str fhms! slecudivbr rt cnes aesu etya h lday b. weui pnlsel~ e ib yenau tit h here H. îvea il aua eedhte Se t seulcan 'sas ou amstine*Jun.sleh daab Lday Cese SOUiI MERCAP NUVIN-tas nt-t liale. Cse.~4lep a u mi tocu irSuhiast wkh aefoumuesc stcn mles .Uourtice presiing, minutes o! aset meeting read and con- received from variousemanufacturers of sewer pipes, road machiner. bri hs-il-s C a hi.oso.client who wet charge e! hic brother. Wheu ho returncd ha was promptly erdered off the promnises. sud pubiisbing firmesud W. B. Brouse, )s-iflOe-, sud sworo lio would kil hlm Brokr,-fied.on ,uniess ho made himself source. The dis- Brokr,-fled A circular was receiv- pessessed gentleman cailed ou me uext ed fori W. T. White lu reference te day, aud, after lieariug bits ctory, I ad- proposed change of Assesemeut Act. vised hlm te get eut a warrant iumedi- Thse cierir was uhrsd.ecmui ately, but lio slookbishead at the suig- ' 8autoried o..ommni-gestion, sud said lu pigeon Erigliclithat cate with Mr. W. B. Reid, M. P. P., on lie wsuted te, have bits life iusured for the matter. A communication was $10,000. I was astonished. 'What on receivIed frein Lieut. Col. Jue. IHughe- earth put -that into your head?' I asked. ef the46 Bat. furiser rgino the rn S ley makee aile lime cerne wateh,'1 the 4 Batt furteruring te licat rho lied. After a great don eof cross- skesi for towards purcbasiug helmete for quostieuiug I got rit hic schemc. Beoliad Bstt. Ou motion o! R. Foster, second lu sOe mauner couceived the Ides that by R. Pascoe tise reeve was authorised lusurauce companies did cverythiug pos- te sigiu au order for the amount asked sible te proieng the i-cs o! their policy for he cnsieraton f a hane inholders, sud it folewed qitite naturally for he onsderlionof chngeitsthat if tliey ýhad $10,O000rit stake tlhcy lise boundary o! scool section No 10 would taire parîlcular pains te sec that was furtiser laid ever. w.Mobis wasu't burried bute the liereafter by claimed da mages for the Menrery hie wicked brother, Iu ether -Words, they Public pss~ would 'makeaisome watch,' aud bebu'g a ing ever fields lu crop. Referred te very frugal gentl&nan, it struck hlmn as Mr. Brown. The' trustees o! Sehoi a cheap way o! securiug a bodyguard. Hie SecionND- 19 COPline tht prtsofwss grestly dîsappobuted when I explabu- Setioù ndo.26, comli' dthlpat 0 d that thecocmisaules lot their cliente lot 2! su 26 co. 6, was-wrongly aq- take tlir owu chances, and it ovideutly Selssed lu section 20. Laid over te nexî lmpressed hlm as mest unbusiuessike. mleeting. Tise FoTosters were grauîed Be went'away, aud ut last acco&ntîs the tis ue e!thebai fo eu evniu esi cked brother wss stili holding tac the se f te hll or oe eenig echfort." mentis at tise rate of $5 per year. Geo. A. Stephens appiied for romunera tien Race Conflictinluaustria. for Materi!ai eOmlOecingtisebridgre built The struggle, of the races lu Austria by im near lis mii core years ago. grows more acute. The Germans, despair- ing o their old asceudancy, are advisiug Laid ever. Dr. Mitchell appiied for tasir followers te turu Protestants lu s te.MPOrary aid ýte Jenuje Maso]il body, sud se remoeeail projudices aga Inst Granled. Tisecemmittce apinîed te taem in thbisGerman Empire. Thé advlce wait on Mr. Jacob Gand reetn h is net lhkeiy te bis foilowed, but it roi-naIs purcase ! grve, resptprgrehe the bitteruess of race feeling more than purcaseof gave, reiored pogrs ny redent incident. Ece-nbu the Tyrol, aud were granted furîher time lu order It le said, ths Germans demaud that the that tise gravel pit mnay ho 'inspected. clergy saal ne longer intereenl poli- A By-law w5asseiupOnigP tics. The quarrel, tee, bas reached the passà apointng Pth-army. Seise rservIsts receutly answered masters, Fonce Viewers, sud Pound questions wlictler they wero present in1 Keepers. lu cencideration of the ne Czechieli, tiiongli it le au unalterabls Ctessf4l recuit çf the late 5uî e reMaxim lu Austria that werdls o! command ror bedience should aIl bhoinuoeelanguasgo, nyers sud JKelly against the tLnbi.sd tatiunguage German. Thes Minister il was meved by I. L. Brown, soconded O! War, therefore, Punshledi u offonder bY A. E. Clemeus, sud carried unatni- Who had accpted -rplies uni made lu meusy 'hatwisreawe isememersGisrmau, sud tae popular irritation le oly Dtariluion oUil bore, ee ssendirecled agalust thes War Office, whlch la of te Drligto Colici hee ase luintheory respousibie te theo Emperor bled do roceive with pleasuro the lufor. only. luInbth exclted sate o! feeling auy malien that we were succesemil in Our accident may, briug matters te a ihead, defene o!tisesuitreceliy rougî su compel thse Emperor to enforce silence defeC6 f te sit ecetlybroghtfor a time, sud theretore te go-cern'alone. against' tbe corporàtion by Messrs, Hei,,.itorustlve 15 te restore the aormnaus Bves nt Kelly o! Port Perry, and W e ter -onsc - h the Sia-v- belIba ou sceee w~ îrglv ~retewould now hardly bear.-London Spso- the fsel that we were se fortunate as te, have sncb an able and energetie solicit- Nu 54I F un Thîs -or te-demnu-inîtes s, we lee -h -- enumin Biel-a -wanderlng ele10ek tender D. B SIMPeon, Esq., u icr repairer, la deats ou fîles. Thrsc years Our snc ago, whcu at Rahway, N. J., duriug ia tisanks for the able sud efficient mauner 1 stomlewspcru hris bnts lu wblcb lie preseutcd tise case te BHig troc waas truck by lighuzuing. Berdll Ilonor Judge Ketchuin; that we as recel-ced. a sevore shûcir. It trisusfurmed sure hlm o u l o nidener'n is i l to au electric man. Ânyouc Who, abiit te d fe ll nfene inteetao ris shakos bauds wlîh him new recul-ces a abiit v o dfen ý he nteest ofourý evera shoot. By pressing the blades o! a corporation lu the future as lie bas lu' knife between his tliumb sud linger dur- the pas-t, sud tisaI a cepv 1of Ibis resoin - mng a storsu lic charges the mioisi so ti o bo forarded o D.B. i istrongly that heavy weightsc crnbho hf t- tin a ersredteD. Smpeon 'Esq cd Whe filles aliglit on hlm they uh-ep, Barrister sud Solicitor. Bewmanviile I desd. Wlen hoIe l lu a dark reoni spari{s Tise Reeve was autberized te grant fdai froni hie fionli and hiq cyce shine lilke orderq on, the Treaqurer-as foliows: i inca-ndescent lights., Wbeuever a -tn reuto! and set forroa $2 apprale Berdeil becotues highly rBroper, ;I1cliarged wlth eiactriclty, aud ïh Isdran- G. A qtePhsens.plank sud cedar $18 22, gerous te toluoli hm. Ho says that hoc S. Poilard, extra work, postage, etc. feisîs ne inconvenience excepr that hoe xxii $20 ; unicial Wîr~d lacar e u., net go ns-ar a movlng lioomotive for fear feclinus diseases $1.70 r Lieut-Coil. -obegdrnaaisi-ldkled Hughes, grant tewards purchaein.- Somo lr»41.tî A,,t is,uey. helmels fer 46tis BaIl. $10 ; Eslate late 1I Honey le tae only swact that may be D. Deaen ou cedar contract $200. In--etcu lu any quantitiesandur for a long digents, J. CaMPbeil 84 ; Janet Wilson tino witheut iniorferbug with the action o! amy o!fithe -itai organe.lIts food value 85; MT". Staples 85-); Mrs, Sproule e2: le twice that o! pork, pound for Pound, Mrs. Boidge $4 ; Mrs. Kane 88 ; T. 1aMi t has boe nuoticed ti1rit pîrsi-rceut Wiicox $2; Jennie Maneill #1lioucy euters are net neurlc se haubit t Ou motion meeting adjourned to diseuses o! the ror,'-~ 'gan-i as rhoie Sauray Mrc 2t,, t 0 ejel a tWho do net use ta aiti csalcubiîîoed Saîrdy, aris 51. 1 1 ocbol<5.traitlihe entire l' lict o! 60 boas iiH. - ubu be-rei t of wilnet, - H. ELLIO'Ir. JR., Tp. Cierk ainont to ni- tt, o osy mucaoit o a.e Children Ory for mi'hbs à>, 4mwý@ffl 1ulorsiulit. bârm Whei th1 -h are wea1. a- -ebil--a-e 7 Big Mr. Wm. J. Hepburn writes Uiis. from Centralia, Ont.- "I r-I sincereiy say that Burdock BlIod Bitters is the biset spriug medicine on tbe rnarkct. Last spring iny blood got ou$ 01-Oaer- ainth ac ven or cîgut goos sized bols corn ut on my bosdy, sud tUi one on ixy lcg waa mucis larger tisa " egg. I gel a bottle of 'Burdock Biood Biters, sud lucide of six days, when ouly, haîf tise botile was laken, there wasn t a bell te be ceeu. I have recommended B. B. B. te differeut people ln our village, sud ail derbved benefit fremi t. I wish B.B.- B. every success, as il la indeed a grisat medicine for tise blood.1" B. B. B. la a highiy conccntrated vege- lubie cempeund-îeaàpoonful dosea-add ASHORTSTORI lu London'Life Conta ininS~~ Uoudensed Wisdom for Thousands. A baker Living at 257 Dundas Street, London, Ont., Geo. Roberts by usme, Recommeuds DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Because They eured hlm. Re had Pain ln the Bacli ; Bis Urine Was red-coiorect Ândpainful lu passage. The cure throngh DOAN'S KIDINEY PILLS Wss quick and compicte. That's how thcy always act, Beciiuse they're For kiducys only. If you have Sicli kidneys Do't experimeut With au unknown remsdy'. Taire no substitut@ for DOAN'S KIDNEY FILLS. True 1iodepend,-,,t. It was a very sunari oarriaire-aud-pair, aud wben il stispped ucar tise cab uant« the driver of an ancîcut gro-wier waOseso in&erested1be gel clown and waut seponst te get a zboser look t et l glorlis. TG hilm' the coacliman, sharply: Conte, y Max, taie your ragas eut ib< The. cabby' turned, and, w!lsb a witicid ing glance.aI lbe ooachmau'c lverfê retorted: "Me raya? là* rage? Tbey're me *wn, At sur ragesMr ilnu i-Âualwerc.____ A Noolthie Dame. We ahouid hardiy expeot te have baridoome sud acourate portrait bulot .1 au upper olasa lady fItem Noolitlslo timon. But'lis marveis o! science 1do nos dimiai' lob. At thi. hast meeting-ID Augub-ol thc Germas Association of Piysioland and Naturaliste, Professe-r XKlimaun o f Bàsl& exrbitisd the bust of a femalei 'whoe kul and perlions of whose ske)e' ton lsad beeu exhrumed from a Neoltlo graVe Lu one!ftiecàcvbrus of soutiers France. The prinoîplea of rooustrncttQsi, rs well as miodern examples of the maticd, prove Ic aciouracy. The.étoit parts oft.iebe hed sud çbcst eau be ai. staned wltboui. risit o! errer. TisaNtoU- ibis danme Was ratber good-irokiug andl presented. tise uudûrsbted festures of lthe witei race, demonsarating, as Profeisso I<obhraun ltusi3tod, 11551 empires Usay crumblhe sud claies decay, but the casa- liai foutune. o! sachhumais race pugeit ludefluitely sud nnchaugd.-D. e Jirlnton ln Science. FOR OVER FuIOTY VEAIt* "-~.Wlsle't.SooLbii&sSy-p lias .,-"îi'raed iv -,1i,îs t ,sîoihers foeh -lt -lnldreu wbiie î-iI..if disturbed s'iidst and l cteuo w,t e eriy a sick ebîlid suiletitîr and eryln~ rtiit I., n'tio tit)thtue e-ri.scn.d aitii-e Msu tati< ïe-,f rs. u'inittw%-' S"'ýtilr îgSyrnp Ohtltteiiî.Teething.It wili i-ils-s tise poor r.-leununstae bot l.Iltres tiirrboea ti nies the sîouusaehî atditl I;,ttels <res Wlrn4 ilie. iotteii% the e-oms., reçnîteinflammation, 1 ti-es toue sud t,-r,rgv ru iie wl.-,iesystem., I., W,îsbo -';uotiw_î Syruj. fer eilîdren elitî 1 leaboaanttute setasie anufl iïthe §pre- ito, ! uneo! tise 1les4 1dnh Jerntae .beî;ws anrd nurses hili tle Urited Staiea Puv1e n-a bhule. Sold by aIl deugglistsithro'. ia. out the world. Be sure sundsii for Mcao. % s SLOWS, sootblgS*tu>, fui yet held. Iu 1891 there- were 81 entries, in 1?98, 760 enfries. The Pro- vincial Winter Show is net heid for the pu -pose of payiug money to prize stock. It is the intention that this Shcw shail be educationalinl its nature, from beginniug to end. In ail departments this object is being catered to. Exhibits in ail dep5trtmonts are judged fromr the consumners' stand point. Two years ago in the swine departmefît prizeswere effered for export bacon hogs, judges being represeutatîves from the pork packing establishrments., Last year ln addition to this a block test wivaiaug- urated, the above named 'gentlemen doing the judging. This was the first block, test in Canada. At the Show to ho held in 1899 prizes will aise bo offer- ed in the sheep department for dressed carcasses, the judges of whioh 'wiil be practical mou of experience in this lineo f work. A special lecture hall will be provided at the Show where dressed carcasses of both shooe) and swiue will be on exhibition and lectures will bb delivered by the judges, point- ing out the merits and demerits of the various car casses. Jn ail departments of the Show an adclitional prizo wiill be giving full information as to how the stock exhibited by threur was bred,what they were fed and the method of catirtg for. This data wilibo publislhed. Dnring the'summer of 1899 co-epera- ti ve experiruents in swine fooding will be carriQd ou with farmers throughout the Province. The pork packers and raiiway companies wiil assist the plan. The Association in their work shr'uld receive the hearty co-ôperatien of ail who, have at heart the welfare of agri culture and-the live stock1 industry iu Ontario. ______ Mr. Wannamaker's THE LATE JOHN,-H1ANUoIJK. Agatu the baud oi death visits the township of Clarke and robe it of one of ite'most popular resideuts lu the person of Mr. John -lancock, who was in bis- 60th year. He has béec a liard work- iug man al bis life. When ne came to Canada from Cornwall, Englsnd, bis native 'country about 1869 he hirod among the farmers lu nîope and Clarke townships, aud by bard work and care- fui saviug, he has become the owner of, one of the best larme lu Clarke sud bas it well stocked and a new house and first-cass ontbuildings. He was iked by ail iubo knew hlm ospecially by h is ueighbors. In, politics lie was Reform. and s Methodist in religion having at- tended Clarke churcb for yesrs. The funeral ou Mouday aiternoou was very largeiy atteuded and wae couducted bv Rev. W. H. Adams of- Orono. Much sympathy is feit for bis beresved wife, tive sons aud two daugliteri8, wlho al live at home ýexceptiitg.Mr~. W. G. who] is attendiug- colle-. at Belleviieé.- Times. We,ý the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty.fivo cent bottie of Dr. Wills' Enz2lish Pis, if alter using three fourths of contents of bot tle, they do net relieve constipa- tion ândheadache, XVe aiso guarantee four botties will Pernently cure the most obstinate case of constipation. Sat- isfaction or ne pay wbeu Wîlls' Pille are used. Stott & Jury, che mist, Bowmanville. J. Bigginbotham & Son, chemîst, Bow mauville. 2-4w DARLINOTON COUNOIL. T W-1Hal ampton, Feb.,25,1899 Regular montbly meeting, members WALKING EXERICISE. Boit et AUl te, Tne Up the. Uystom an& Deveiop muscular VIgG'r. There le nothlng like walklug te toue vp the. system sund te develop museular vîgor. Duinb-bellesud Indian clubs are geod for thre arme, chest sud shoulder; rowing develops the bacir sud lions; sparring oultivates agility, but as an ail- round exorcise, cheap, wlthin rfeh of ail, requlrlng neither apparatus uoir lu- Structor, sud easy te bic regulated te auy degree of strength, there le nothiug llke walklnp_ It puts ail the mzuscles of the body in play.- It enlarges the lungs and maltes them strong; it expands the chest;- it rounds eut the êalf, develepe the thigli, straigliteus the baci,sud gi-ces sizEl sud supplenesesud,'"1sprlug " te every muscle ln the body. Net dawdllug along, wiith a limp lu your step, stopping te le(in agaînsi e'rery troc in the' suni, ligerlUg te lok at the display in shop Windows; neither lu minclug aloug at a short, dainty gait, as theugh yeux to-wcighto wereoeverheavy aud yeur diguity huug ou a hair, but rosi walking, with a fu, long stride, the body 'but sllghtiy f or- ward, arme swlugiug free, the weight falling llghtly ou the bal of the foot, sud reboundlng with a ferward springi full of grace sud power. Wallug le thre natural sud normal exorcise, sud hurle ne 1 womau ,Who rlghtly sets about it. A weman who ia unaccustomed to vîgorous walking, ln ovder te bDecome a good pedestrian, should look fir-t -te lier shoe. -Tlrffe n at-bëbroay-a-=ss the torward part of the foot, offerlng mot the lisaot obstruction te the frocs moyement of the. tocs. The heels should bc low snd broad; sud the shoe musi t Mspther suugiy about the hloasd iastop. The ful Oes equipracut should weîgli net more than' two sud s half or three pends, sud muet haug from the sheulders wilheut: any band, pinucd, or buttoned, aboutthe waist. The walker must bis conofortable' eneugli te bc uncoueclous e!flier attire. Ahat that shades the cye la in order. Se preparcd, try auly distance that dees, net prove fatiguing as au initiai experi- meut. It will probably be fr2m a mile sud a hlai te two miles, aud muet ho walleld at a brick paco, three miles sud a liai! an heur being a goed limnit. Wheu thîs crin bo doue- without baekache or' foot wenrinoss, incroase the distance. Why the Chinamasi %Vanted LifelInr-, A New Orleaus lawyer told The Times- MEDICAL SCIENCE ABVANqCEe. Positive Cure fo~r Asti 1 na Dlseovei'ea It lkas long bcen recogi;z (i ,y usoIIcal sedft&ts tbrougbeuit thse we-ldIht 5 lias aupplled, ail crealiS ln ithinsr-L-wed lu the vezelaibie or minertri kingdem nwhiýe with ail ferma of alimentes <un be ausreo, but Il was nttontil the discovery by etart- loy of tbe- wonderfut lKola plant aiong _the Congo River in Af rica Ihal nstliaWtLs peLrn1aRerLlly enritble. bnfîtt, it w-as lnot utIl thea Invetigations miade by Dr. M7islk* san-yo.slatIsr tha i ts dis- as-s- as, S12n, 1urable lie touiîd îaý ii ' lc eanbiiog the extract (if Kola Nul w 4h lllier Veg- table extl-nîts that thet' _ mondî obtalncrl would peilliinulîy tci-e ('5 nia. ctrlie'e Koa(,mnd was 'hen tricd n ,to-er 1" cases !in d1fferetlhospitais- with h, Ui r- rei- se uit thaI over 195' ecr <-t t. cicrs- permanent.Iy cureti iii 1 t- hali W 0 ilsys treýatrnent. Clarkes Kola Co-mp9und le s- rt-egnlzed tc- be the t îilyp r'anzey for Ibis (lraentldds- «e. old by ail d&y gicle. Fres-arnilebaille aelif t a nn7 so . ention tîlis pap (or. AM i (T7o4%1s GrIffiths & -Macpherson Co., 12t ChbuXeis street, Toronto, or Vancouver, B. C., msle Cariadian agonts. Tako This5togt n Very £ew people escape the. eservatist influence of spring weather. There is a dulluese, droVý1siness anad inaptitude for work on account of tb9 whole system being clog-ged up with im. prities accumuiated during the winqw The liver la sluggish, thse bowels inlinea ed te be censtipated, thse blood impu, and the entire org anism ilailu need of thorough cleansing. 0f ail "Spring Mediciues," flurdock Blood Bitters le tise best. It stlrnulates thse sluggisb liver t. a. tivity, improves the appet 1ite, acts onth bowels and kidneys, purifies and enriches the bloed, remeves ail peisenous Pre- ducts, aud imparts new life and vigor t 1 ' 1 -L ýt of order. and 1 i m % Rv L

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