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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1899, p. 6

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Tle Tanalaalat the atidregsaandget htbnlgog BOWMCanVdiLLE, MAR 8, 19.1 1lBN D E 0 I E n the right wayl "Thou flait loe the LArd thy God with ail thy beart and l'fi fifl U 1) r U i' L Eesoul, and ndnd and strength. " Heaven __________________lxrvtatlon. U heforces o h Godhead pledged for our heavenly arrivai Rèv.Dr T Irn ge Ispird bIf We Wiil do the right thing. Ail angel- Eâ rg ya a rnl a flan dom ready for Our ativance andi guldance. AUl the lightnings of heaven s0 many H omet y Sim i e. drawn swords for our'pr.tetion. 'Wat a hundlie of ife, so wel bouhd andi go Wasted energy must be made up> Ttms Wilh o t MkeUp ans arteyan does not com t e t atthe « the body wIlI ',weaken and Te19g hthG oM k Up ansËrly ndHleavenlly rlght station, but beconies a lost hundie, perbhaps perlah. Eistence--They Are Bound Together lnu~ o heui Valu. of the. Uuadloe. For a long time prior to taking Dr. the Divi1ne Economy.Kowasthtabdi yhaen W~r'sBlod nd ere Pisxnyneve 1-Will not-ije7becdïuge 1 is t it more than one invaluable. There may $,Y&em was greatly deranged and I wasS Washington>, ] Mrch 6. - UndY r the eantig rm t ttt i ybo ln It a photograph of a loveti one and tbrribly. nervous, soi uch se that imy famillar image of abudleIDr. Tl a e thingitmrefroneit batdhann1 as.niwlfrncrant tm cnana buies(Linesnian of the Kingston shows in this sermon the things whlch ehodrdrb ni oesllsr1e Electric Light Co.,) my eixtreme nervous- go to ma e up man's athly andi heave4n- The Pow~r te Think. ebile obie andavDoe two ltraues buess trely aa rdti.flonBeo myly lîfe; -text, 1. Samuel xxy, 99, "mhe undle of faculties in every man sand Abignil, lunamy text, recognizeti this bi~nes exremey bazrdon. Be or 0framy lArd shall b. bound in the every woman 1 Power to think-to thinir when she said to David; 1"The soul of !takting Dr. Ward's Blooti andi Nerve PiUls bundle of life with the Lord t'y Go&" of the pnst andi through i h une n odi but utebni flt my idnys ad eenaffcte fo sone Beautiful Abigall, in lier rhythmic pleanta think upward anti higher than the with the Lord thy Got," andi .bigail tine.I hd onsan soensa ndstif.for therescue ai her inebriate husband, highest pinnaele of heaven, or to think was rIght. W. may bc bounti up with a giese across my loins and the smnall of my wlio diet withita tan days, atidresses downwarti until thereis no iowsr abysm lovlng and sympathetic Goti. W. may b. taçk. My appetite was variable and r ery oor I lsc suferei geary ~ Davld the- warrlor lunlthe wordsaof the. to fathom. Power ta thinir right, power as near ta hMm as ever wexe enieadnt Qflsantheadche. I rn lad o ~ toxt. Sho suggesis fth"t Ms life, physical- to think w~rong, power te th4.nk forever, ruby united in one ring, as ever -vr hieto nfom yu tat r. ards Pisly andi intellectually andi spirituaily, is a for, once haviug begun te thinir, there two deeda inone 'package, as ever were able t ly cm uret e fatlDr h aboveP valuable package or bumdle, divinc!y shail be fno terminus for that axercise, two vases on the sanme shahf, as ever lldir~t nn mae m a eîîmna. ibouant up andte tabc dlviael-y prot«et. andi eternlty itscif shail have.no) power were two minuables in the anme buntile. have found non medic*ne like Dr. Ward's That phrase "bundIe of life" 1 hearmd ta bld it hlat. Faculties ta love-filial Together in Urne of joy. Together an Blood andi Nerve Pills, aithougli I have many times ini ay father's fatnily pray- love, conjugal love, paternal love, mater- earth. Togather in henyen. Close compan- tredmay uferntkids Tcyacad Cr.Famîly prayers, yeu know, have nal love, love uf country, love of (loti. ionship of, Gad., Hear hima, 'il wiil neyer qu ckly and effectually on amy nerve f reouent repetitions, because day by day Faeulty of jutigment, with scales so deli- leave thee nor forsake thoe. " '"For the &yiteM, making my nerves strong andi they aaeknUowledýge about the same blasa-ente anti yet se inigbty they eana wigh mountains shah cdépart anti the hhila b. renloving ail indications of nervou5ness. ings anti deplore about thxesanme frailties arguments, weigh emotions, walgh liea- removeti, but amy kindness sal nônt de- These valuable plls also removeti ail anti sympathise with about the sarne vn antihal.Fmaiulty aof wiIl, that can part from thee, neither shalltthe covenant kidaey'anti back trouble and restoreti to misortuna-s, anti I do flot know why clinb mountains or, tunnel them, Watie of my pence bc remneveti,sanlth the Lord mea healthy vigorous, appetute. 1 have those who leati at householti devotions sens or bridge them, accepti.ng aeternal that hath mercy en thee."1Ahmd when had no headache since five months ago chould seir 4ariety of oomposition. TI<t enthronement or ehoosing everlasting those Bib le authors compareti God's arfà feel justifieti in saying that they are famihiar pIayer beomes the householti exile. Oh, wliat it is te b. a man! Oh, friendship to the mountains for height andi a wonderful remedy. They not only liturgy. 1 would not give one of my olti Wbat it 15 ta be n woinan 1 Sublime. anti irnnness they knew what they were removed nervousnass, but gave me fmther's prayers for 50 eîocutiônnry sup- infinlte brtuile of inculties! The thought writing about, for they wal knew what hjÏftby kidneys, removeti ail soreness plications. Again anti again, un the' of it staggers me, swamps me, stuns me, mountains are. Ail thses landis are moun- an stiffne ss from my back anti loins, nsorning anti eveuing prayer, 1 hearti the bewilders me, ovarwhelms me. Oh, What tainous. Mount Hermon, Mount Glban, terti me of headache andi gave me a request that we mnight ahl be bounti up a bundle of lueo Abigail of my, taixxt s anw- ount Gerizim, Mount Engetil, Mount tr dapeie cneuetyIarn higlyIl the bundle of lite, but I diti net knew lu Davidi, anti which w.e ughit to scýe in Horeb, Mount Nebo, Mount Pisgah, plse. no o n edîcn that until . few tisys age that thse phaise was every human. yet immortal, lx'iag I Mount Olivet, Mount Zion, Mount Mor-. tiquais Dr. Ward's Blooti and Nerve a Bible phrase. 1Know, also, that fIais buntile of lite j ii, Mount Lebanan, Mount Sinaï, Mountt PO»I< for nervousness, chronie headache, Now, the. more 1 thinir af lt thse bette W- Put up with grant care.' Any mer- Golgotha, Yes, w. have the divine prom- Soo kidneys anti back and Ices ofaplpe- I1 1k. eit. l3updle ai lte Tt le such aà chant anti aluost'any falthful hanse- Ise that ail those mountains shail weigh, titd. Viurs trully, John MCÜtclieon, 5ý22 imple and unpreteniig, yet expressive boîtier *111 feU you how ach .depeutis their anchorage of rocks anti move nway Prîpcess St., Kingston, Ont. comparison. There la noting Ilke grau- On the way a buntile la bounti. The cerd frosu tIse eartb before a Ioving anti sym- X I I o o t t i u g g s t s e l t h e m , I t h e y d i l o q i e n c e i n t se S c r îp t u r e s . W h i l e t h e r e o r r o p m u s t b s t r o n g e n o u g h t h o l i, P a t h e t l G o i l l m o v e a w a y f r o m u s I f wc lllsuplyyo bmal o. are many sublime passages ini H.ly Wr1t0 tIsa knot must ne well tieti.Yo knw elveattrshu.O, if we could ~c~ptof rie, o.pr bo, 0F ot there are more passages homely anti draw- not what rougb bads may tans that realize that nccardlugte amy tait we may (or ~ ý5_b $2o.T_ otrWr o., ing illustrations fram. cammon bserva- buildle. Ilflot propery put together, b. bount i wth that Goti, how Inde-, ix td, T (ot)»Ot. tion "andi everyday lii.. I l hisVsgreant though It May leave your hauds un- gooti pendent it would make us of things that' sermons yon hear a kmn CIuking ba rder anti syraxuetrical, baere It rmâches now hamass anti annoy, andi disoampose ehicirens tagether anti meathes-eipoorpz ii il propar destination it may b. loosenediat amn s ntaia mshpe of hypocrites with a sant countenance anti ln fragments for thse winds to scatter or egabudl a worîti of cure woulti b. asauroti because 15 was bounti Cp wlfhs the lite of (lotinl Jesus Christ. he~t coulti net affordt t have tisat bunZile1.et, because if bat beau sanitin uregard te its transportation. antisa"iearrivaI, "k-ept b the power 'of Go t lrangh faith unto comploe. anvation. " TIse veraciti' of,,the heavena lis Invoivet inla if arrivaI. If Gadi aboulti mil to keep bis promise fo ,just oue ransometi seul tha pîliars of Jeliovals's flirone woulti mli, andth Is fountiatIons1 of ta. eternial citi' woulticramubla, andi Influlta peverties wonld dash tiown a&Û tii. chalices anti close ail thse banqueting hails, andthie river ai lii. woult change is course, sweepla ig everytlslug with tiaso- latian, anti froat would blnst ail tac gaz- dens, ant i mmensurable sicirnesa alai tiie imrmorteel, andtihei new Jernsalem 'be- corse an abantioneti citi', wlth no chariot wheel on the streets anti ne worsiiipers in fIsc temnple-a tientiPompeliI atii. skies, a burie I Herculaneum aitise heavens. Lest anyone shoulti tonbt, tac Goti who anunat lie amifes hua omnipotent haut on fIes. ide ai bis throne, anti tairas affdavit, 4eclariag, ".As 1 lIve, sani the Lord loti, 1Ihave no pleasur-. iu the deathath iru that dieta."lOh! I canuot tell yon Iow 1 feel about 14th tafhought las s glanlons, Strangtla of Character. Strength or charaater consiste ai two tbings--pewer et wIil andi powem- of self- restraint. 15 requimes two things, tihora. fore, for its cxistence---trang feelings anti atrong comimand aven themu. Now, il la hore w. maire a gre¶st misako; w,çe mIstake atroimg feelings for stroag char- acter. A mean wbo bears mil bei ors hn- before wlioge frown domestica tremble, and wbose bunasaofi mmy make the obil- dren ai îlehonsoalti quake -- hecause ho hao bis will coyed, anti lis uwn uni lu ail tliage, we eau lm ra arrong enan. The trutb le, thnt la the weak nIa";fi in lia passions that are aîmnvmig. R-e, masteme« i hmn, la weak. Yon must mensure the strengtl of a man by Mice power of lh. feelings ho subatiie, nov by th1e power of 510.5 whlci,- subdua him. Andi, boncs, coluposure la ver' ci Ian tihe iigbest m-auît of stmengtlt. DII we Iever me naman roeolve a flagrant mnift, and euh' grow aý l1551. pale and thon meply quietlyý Tînt lIonasman spiritually atm-ceg. Or diti we neyer se. a man in ambcal stand as If carveti out at soliti rock, mat.rlng hlsesehi? Or one bearing a hepeless a mu trial romain aleant, anti nover tel l e worlti wlat cankered iel homne peacel' That la streni. He who, wltb streng passiona, renmains chaste; hoe whe. keemîli sensitive, wlth manl' powers of indiignatlon lInbisa, eau be prtsvoked, anti yet romuain Mimself anti forive »Mes arttmiu e-S.sui- acel andtm-oea.ait o opan e t. u n r.. ai" p e feats, anti tisa sat that la worthess, anti1 de aif lifte is weil put tog ther-ta,ý bodVI', ae nialts i sa o pstion w.Wei baieeo s wsc u evel plN w av ati e httbs b n w ud b ariesar ete ki gspl _ _ _ __ _ _ norcs. T.w.~erspe~ L&L4tz TM ný fl7 ýnQ " ný l ý ý ýý1 üýJ lMLLaé fflil- U ti llf flP Mnl - im"I hi .- +l4_ý ýUI « very rnorning 1 have a bad tas$te finrMY motth; rMy tongue is coated; my heaid aches andI eften el dizzy. 1 have no appedite for breakfast and what food 1 ont distresses me. I have a hcavy feeling in my stomach. I sui getting, so weak that sometimee 1 tre 1 e and my nerves are ail unr . 1 arn getting pale and thin. 1 arn as tired In the morning as bat docal- yeur deeter say? "Tn are suffering from jim- pure blood." W1-- . -is remaedy? Yeu must not have ensti-, pateti bcwcls If you exp"çth~e Sarsaparifla t. do its bestwvan. But Ayer's Pills cure constipa- tiont. We bave a bock on Pale-nesa anmd Weakness wbilcb you nîay have fer tbp asking. SWlI. Io ~wp tdOI,. PehaaeueIlk. ecslt ùntýmin, ta so i. , uz e,- ampo- W aICISnle.uuWn mmp andt iigh is jSSo lo met an accident,__eocurrIn~ tant Goti coniti blatisuch a bundlet gmeat sinughtar. ts0sases nSswit b...tl h ay'elwl -Anatomists, pbysiologists, physiciafs, A (loti way np in tehlu sl ntnwoanven t f uewatpet le. Gwoti base logiciaus, metaphysicians, tieclare tisat much consolâtion ta ns whcn we get lut. creates! lh. merves te agenirs and bthe ________________ wtt are teafuly anti wauterfully ruade. Iife's strgge.If la a (loti close hi',la er te bleeti; an-1beteu a âan dieu hfa oieHrsv igtuwl l'Tiat we are n bondie well put togethe n near ta us las auy two articles of apparel amoteverm em-e bas tîrlll dwitli an heofPlcHrsy igtnwl I prove y hitse amount ai journeying we were near ta encis other In tIsaS buadle at mn'aeto bas beu es wnsiel. resiga about Mav 1sf owing ta illnîcs eaue endurç witisout damage, lii'tIse tînt yen sent tise other'day ta tant shlv- The necount et l whlch repregents it as Miss MeClellan has retnî'ned froeem an amoumît of rougis handling we anu sur- eriag bomne, tarough wIsose rooftahe snow a probation la Inadequate; 50nela sAint exteutiet visif wif h ber sister, Mm-s. 1B vive, lii'thi fact thnt fisc vaut majoriti' sifteti anti throngis wiose broken wlnto-w wbicb regardasl chiefly ns a systemu ot Brittain, Ingersoil. ai us go thmough lite withont the bas of pane tIse n1ght winds bowleti. It 'was ýrevan sud iaimienls. Thse trs-es Faint a 1nd dizzY speils are exceeding,- *an ai'., or tise crippling Of a 11mb, or the sancIi irony anti hou'sanrara tisat accorent of fuis nysterleua existence Iv tangerous. Better faite a fe-w doses destruction of a slagle energi 'ofa bodiy or ]Elijais useti when ha taldtei i tolaters et stems ta bc that It lela Inteat for th1e of Milbnmn's Ucant anti Nerve Pilis anmd iaeulty of mind. I subpaena fer SisIstrial Baal tai pai londer, saylng that tbetr, dvlopment of 5the coups' lift. fer 'WlIch cure fhern before thev hecome too seii thant man ini yonder view 70 or 80 years got i mght b. asleep, or falklng, or an a, sorrow le lindispensablîe. Everi son of ()us. Mm-s Geo -Nash, 18.3 Colborne St.. ofc aga anti ask lilasta tastify thantmiter journey, or gensa n unting, but aur Qed sman who would attain the truc end of Londton. Ont.,sanys she hati mrequent av ail tise storms anti accidents ant i vcissi- j lnways witie awaive, antiaiwaya boars, bis being miuaStb. baptized i vus lire. I5tnItcks ofdtizziness, but theFre pilîs cnied tuties oi a long lite Ise stil keepa hua flve anti is nlways close bv, andtet hifli a W the law of aur humasili', as thal 01 hemr cornpletely. 50c. a box. senama, ani, flough ail the igitisouses Iwblsper ai payeï la as louti as anu hIt tn mas le prfethIrougIs TeOoocsh a ekciti * ns olti as Ihe is hava been reconstmuctet I nglstrumpet, anti a' hilti'a "Ne-w I sTheering. AnewheOfiso liasnoS diseerne Or new lanterns pur la, haoisas ini untiar Ilai' me own ta sIe,(ep" is-aseansili heurdt ho divine sacretnuesi ef sorrow andtih1e e atro Foia yM.K bis fore htIe saine wo lanterna wlth by hlm as the prayer ai tise grant SOtc-I eeuc nnun7'eî ancaeil Morison, son of-Mn. David Morrisli ()i *wiiel (lotfarteti bim, anti, though the man amiti the highlantis whau prersueti1 pain, bas, yet e la nw li, laf.lsThen locomnotives ai 60 ycars ago were long ago bi' Lord Ciavenbouse's iscenrts. Thisec0c mantesteti as tie. nocesmiti' et She DR. CHASE CURES CATARISH AF'rER tî;- *soit for olti trou, he lasfIse oiIalCvnOnerati OLrd nttieîp ihm li lseitrreeh RATIozS FAIL- Toronto, -Marc h iGth, powera af locomotion la tae limbs witis ai tii' cionirabout tises.eiltren ai tac __________aout ______ w18.1897. My boy, ageti fourteen,limas been' wbich Goti starteti hini, andi, though ahi covenant," anti a maunitain iog instarifli' Jettings of 1?.msprance. a sufiemer freon Cafarrb, anti lafeiy we tise electrie wires tant carniet messages hidthfe pursueti fram their bioedshirsty A subamittet i hm te au aperafion aifie 25 yenrs ago have beau fora tiown, bis pursisers. 1 proclnim him a (led close by. t th demantiof île minustera o! Genenal Hospital. Since tIen ive have- nerves lsmlag messages imom ail parts ai Whoun we ara fempté tet do -wrong, wlun Denver, Col., the cIls! ai polio.ganys he- rcsom'tedti t Dr.' haEa's Catarril Cure, his body' as well as when (lad sfmung w. have questions of liveluhooti toc mucb will euforcee l. mV aainst wIne monsa anti one box. ai ibis miedicimi alns made tisera76 years ugo. Was fIscre ever sncb ion us, when we put aur tarllags info l scnttTtn with salnsa. ,1apop n opoecr.H a complota bundie put together as the tIse last sloop, whea we ara avemwhelmati Pal sIn ti ndbard venr wîll m atr'Omp Féan complt. Ae. Fr Hal 1 buman Ueingi' What n factan' I What an with pIsysîcal' tistreases, wien wd ar only iîtmangle SheIliquer fiend, but ut i OD oeaCwa i.Fr a l m~raeydie51 ei u it, Mr-. A. Bîgham, Manager aoflice engua ,Wbf amiirac I hata igb pepieetiabot wnt aîttado, when îwerldt-National Tempmrauee Advacate. St. Thomas St. Railway Campai v, %vas bOuse Whaf a locomotive! Whaf an edcc- we comae into combat with tise king of - f ric ýbatten' I Wisat' a furnace! Wbmt a tam-mors we ivant a (loti close bi'. How to The Preabyterian Synaci of Illinois, in proeanteti wii h au addtiess anti a"haral - masterpiece of ta. Lord Goti, AhsugItyl you lire tha doctrine ai the fait, " Bountisesionet Blîcomnîngîu, pasepa a mesom- hisnegldwthb h epeesa Or, ta emploi' tha auticlimax anti use tIse in tise bundle of lii. with tiie Lard dii' tien pledging lii. Preabyterlan clunaI ta foken of f heir m-spect upon hls resigena flgure oi thse fext, shat n buntila! Gotil" Thankyqn, Ablgail. kneJIngprohbition au lh. MOIS efetive plan for flou Irom t hat position. la Prop.rly Dlr.ated. tIsera at tIse foot of the mauntain uttar- deaiing wlth l.ntemnperane. Knaw aiune1fisaf this bundie of lita îs ing consolation for al agos, while ait- 1lowa rugglots are Loing mese"sdoth e properli 'dtirectat. Many a buntile -bas dressing Daviti. No wonder thin afte regu Ian saloon licous. t'ex of 150 per misseti ifs way Anti disappert eas is .ivtt e athe palace anti put jmnIlasne th saooxCt nsst a tisaatlres ba trppei ati n <ue'an her upon tise throne ai his heart as weiiOm51 -i, ccuotlaiaisO ia fred lii' xaminaflon for what citi' or ns upon tise fhrene ai Judah. 157asUieswik bn I mn tawn or neigIhonhood If was Infentieti, li B.,*-elcomed In Beaven. str. FOR TUE ai OR NDr ELEe eWhile an ex. noe maSter liow sharp il li J4,UfitiA! ILSL Ail gret carylng companies bave se KEnow also fisat tais buntile of Ite will lu, cannaS 'chop of isaf, a strong Muan mani' mistirecteti packages fisat they bie gladly receiveti wheu if comnes ta tho an maire the ax chop. se vii! a pro~- Dr. Ward's Blood amnd Nervye 15i11i;. appoint timys ai vendue ta dispose ofitaofaitise mansion for whieh it was ilitery law of ltsoit mai' not prohhhit, a thein. Ail Intelligent people know fis. bounti anti plalaly directeti. Wita wîaf pnohibtom-v parti' an maka probibiton Importance'ai having a valuabla package alaciti anti gleo-we await some package probibît. --- plali' directei, tIse namne aofishe ana tathaf lias beau farefoiilii' leffar; sea_______ wiiom it lu ta go plnInli' wrnilten. Bag beidai' presentation; something tisat will Edisone la Queer.Th D.& L gage master -anti expreasman ougbt te auricIs anti ormamant aur home; semoAI ortacvreLaeniniin tkuow at the firât glacice ta whom te take testimoni' ai admiration anti affection! Intuitions?"' vas aketi ai Edison.-MU S O , t. - With whaf glow of expectation we untia "Na, I nove" titi anytbing wortii do- E U SO This bundie ot lite that Abigail, un tIsa kuiof ant itaira off tise cornthfat holtis îng bhy accet," Le reIiei;"nm- dit Tii D.& L. EMIJI.,SIO mi' tait, speairs of 15 plaluli atidrsse ti. f otier. is aaiety, anti with wbat glati ani' of Mi'inventions nome întînecîîy itî~hast sid moii pnatsislc pnaparatlen oi Bi' divine penmansIsip if is directeti boa- exclama1tion we urîroil tIse coverlag antitd ug ciet xmtîepoorp. CdLvrharea,,ihh atdleî venward. However long mai' b. e h se. the gift or purchase Ici ail ifs beaufi' auImi'deistn arsutl eatily distancoe ift tavels, ifs destination 'of colon -anti proportion. Weil, what a j Thn 'flydcd htarsl aIo D. & L. EMULSION la tIse eternal citi' of loti an high. Even' day if will be when your precious bn- ot getting, I gcalenti anti MoaetrialIa rcre bth ads büàut mile it goos awny irons thaf direci la de of lif"I.il bc apeneti in thea ause Ilt0,en ttra otlitcm s nt in!esrd h'b Iaipysosso ticsoeti aganor infernal irmuti prao- ai mauy, manou"ami sainfli'anti W bat impe iynt hsconstantThe D. &L. EMULSION tonsS-oin. rtracir, who mispiacae it de may b. aspottadwht h I Ie marks ai Yen cana ccmparatimoiy nothiag for the yIan apvsllons 5'b produer n wilI in sema wrong convayance, who sent i15 mach exposure. It isuai'bear inscription ni', .andi yen hame ne pantîcumer 130 san appetit1.DAVIS & Stp. HWte.C som tiabliemis iscrptin a tl fsrugI ivatenilusian Inlathe.attenting faine." aihe enin. 1 Co., Litos!, boitS. off an send ti fback bylii' mlc is atar isrpto"eelthog wa 1like îî. I ten't knev ai' aller m-a- " canniage. The valuesaiflat bundie la ortical if las passeti. Penisaps spiasiieti t onfntsn se wel known al up anti dwn dia wava anti sorcieti aiflame, but ahli t s in Antig a1 lave bgun, on a on uniere ha th rear a m illion 'dishon- as within undamag ati ai tisaj jon n y f Inîsh i. anti tha n net cosyi'un il l la est bauds which are trylagt tedtain or1 Anti witî wlat abouts ai joy tIse bundie '-Huta 152" îlN L D tIse rit o o d rvrsopispore TIofdihseavelyI c gre l llthse voices oai ..Yeu, vWhouià la ailt dentanti a uc-- A 1 A~ L O A the igh diectin. her areme anythe eavnlyhomecirle!cme, 1 en't laear lhe sight ocith. 1 ln'IucsabInut tarusa jyour body, l ues&I axst i asf fa reacis heaven îaven'% usedthfiatelona in iea,&it Fnd aa-L e Plia efc mintianti seul that Mi' wonder la noS w. are àpt f0 Jose sight ai tIsa gîen x rnI oulgo -ontut o mi' wny temisa an id -x-îePlsa'eft that se Ynauy are destroyeti ion this warld we]coma that awaits us ifw.gtlatiancotigt" anti'the next, but fitat thora are mlot ail. We anl hajve friands up tisera. Thcy c<efrSc edce more wbo go down.irremedialli. will somiehow beas- fat we are coming. How tlic Esquiîmax vet. Lven' humnu b.lmg sgl assalat aS the Suais close ant i it anti constant com- The Esquimaux count hy i' Aiir fungena st.art. Wthiu an bour ai -tise tIns. wisen munication l iseraor betweeu tise up- -oe, 5w., tbre., four, lima. Aboya fIl e tbis bandie cf lita la matie sm tIse mssalt landts andti tes. lowlacits tIsai we Winlanti cp te ton tIti' ns. the.second baad; Pull' ninati' parsont. oi the . w of begIn.Final ai ail, tiser. are tdeiai ncol surprise thoas ii'sutiden arrivai. If -thus, six Io "the final linger oifIheotIer tfis coutry' auffer f rom aieklenlvi, tilt disanders than t lrcatea tle body' jnst bovè anas on eamrth expeet aur coming band." Above ten, fiai' emploi' thet. ~Livertileortiar anti constipationu are ni lasncatupon earthly existene. 8earlet visit anti ar* aitIthadpt twitIs carniage ThIrtes-for--- ame, u-tI.tes tisa battomasof fise trouble. fevera anti pneumnes,,anti dlpistisaias fa mont ns, surah' we wil b. met at dia uponSIhecime foot,"anti 18, "tînea tees Laxa-Liver Pis cure tii. IeadmIe hi anti influnzas, andtihdiawiola pack of ahiulng gest by aid friands now salutti uton these econd foco$." Twanty, thei' careting tise cause. apitiemkeas,.urroaiithe cm-meiaand ant idrtatinow glorified. If thema warO ecroibe n ai,'awhcIe ua." Thai' seldani Anti thai'do thain work easilv, ment dihreaten !ts occupant,., ai Infant MOIses ncgal aif(lad ta meet us anti Show us go farttiar lin 111,,but tiai' can do se plrfectiy wifisout ani' gripa, poimi Or lu thèaIsm-k ai hmieshes-swass not mare tIsa palaces anti guide us ta our everîaf- î'ifnacesaI' for axatupie, tîoy eprs ickauing. impenileti bi'tac menstens ai theNile lng reaience, tiss kintireti would show 22 bi' snylug: "'tvc au the second seau;,, But the Hamilton lady we raierriu than aven' cmradia Is impenileti lii aliments us the way anti point ouftishe splendors 87Hietate nti.scn en. Brnanme is Mms. John TomlinsuI. ail devauriug. Iu mter ya.s there are anti guide us ýta aur ceiestiil home, bOw- second, focS;" 40 lu "thsewv. i. ofa li er atdmresa is 107 Steven Hf.Nut lunes wifîlnandit foes withont.. Evil app ereti anti fountaineti andtianeI anti second mnn."1 According Se Dr.,Naneen, Tisis is whatst lesanys: 1 I ltejaaat b atateral sres. crpoiumntli'as ia eyer sets. WilSîmi' canneS, on do no, count beyonci 100, Being froubi-atiwith -severe tesion tht aveuttrli testoyei mreif oS . ganons tIe gla luant tIe icisla "the vlole ai ta. fitIsea." aches, 1 was ativiseti bi' afriesd ' people flan msaw inhabif the candi. seftling tiown ater mil thIsemv about Laxak-Livar PIs.1Ioui' ý,eqipLrcd tu J 1mbling salons anti nummanmes, and anti mpsetings oi cathli' expanlencea? W. beîocuse hl a I bafewisen fli h10aie places wbere disseluteness reIu suprea,, wMilscoan kaowal aur neigisbors, kingli', 'Tise Lard knaawn ail tha Docks anti vanisheti anti I have acf boom troubleti nugi unuruher te goeround andi retIsqseenly, propiieti,4apostole, senaphie, 150ruers ai Yanm- laet.TYe au net keep Witi i 1 t~ anud round tise earth. Dioifregement$, 1arhanaI .The praIonsbundle of Ife aeue sîiimg tram h lasIfyen ,are unos Lax-Ir Plis 2W., ail draggialo. ete remanges,~aqoeas, dlmp- openet amiti palaces antigmantinmarchas oberient, dû nof biai, anyone ais. aiter. Iintracata Wln&ics01m-onsecfigr an d acclamations. Thei' wll al ho se varda if yen do noget a àhlesslug; iyen Dr. Wod's Norway Pins Syrup le tioeesandi creiise wIslchmake centInueci glati ve bavaeit I'through. , lava t" blarna ynartesif (ad bas spolie» tisesimplcet, osfesl, -qaiekemsi carsfor al jexistenice tg the hnmmrace a Wonentor, - I,a u 'vsî o 0I',Le"a. tô thym-a tadsansid lousants et people eoughs sand .e of .1Iik ise au1 j mentS. Waa ani' aluable [<ni.e e«,et b ~mt en i.If? I " iMPMaped tias tta i sdl4e ofit*?m oe, î104 < OeeS tore, itW1i4 v mndtatth e' i ýitt fiai' halveaButfonti au,' Prieé. »$W o' it ot rreeuu bWille « cfs. VUwe bleswtag, beeantheri' d t m ewy. LŽ k. ~. ~..%of Saiwne, andthie sli.ftlug santi that leta a dowu thse bouse with a great crash and hear tue comparison of the text, the mast 2~3 YEAI3 IN ~T~T, npoatcal thing w.etau thinkro- 250000~~,bundle. Ordi5eribT it Io smeing . Z somnething that suggests garrets or soe- WE CURE 7_7 thing ou the shoulder of n poor wayfarcr. Nothing can ba more ' Ba i.,~thO1cr are buntileo f great velu»', youn ermi ilesgcd.cr lI tbbuntiles put up With grviât cantit,, bwl- once(A fthesa nilsl e, .,I es thse losa of wbieh àmeas O.flstoeaa- , rdeeweakuo s nervosts efey~ of lisusandwlmlerai ta mtcu ~ tIen anti despair, anti them-e have limr The un~ta amaforba s ~aner~" buntilas repvsenting the worth ai a âÏ at adi aina -Yl. t sether eased by eil haibits ir 7kngdom natuel eaknaa r seai x ~ . ~ Durîng tIse at tpel of colti wenther New Mathed Treatineut witii soitiv.. there were brmadls that attraated ,-te cure lOt. attention anti the plaudIts of tue hIgis NOCU'RE- NO P ýý PMýc,3-ufe f ltige u & hleader, yoîî noc t help.I'ariy r buse r' the mission roon, anti Christ stoot inl later exceateo maiay have 'ekened tesowak adsi aoh.bide Faposnre mnayhave dbseased you. -~tesolak nialia h ude are net asie tlle red. OurNe w Metho , passed: "Naketi, anti ye elothet ime. In- willereyo. ioninnrisk asmuch as ye have doue It untaoun. of ~ 50 O O CU ~the Ieast ai these. my brethr en, h ave <oue It unta me." Tiiose bundles are Young Ma-You ara saie fie 'm~îuiling. Blessings cou these Who 4sud haggard nervousia itabIce anticx M itable. Yeu becerne icrgetfeml. mo -ec pacàk them! Blessings on thosawho di»- anà daspendent; blotches ant i pihplep,, tribut. Sham! Blessings on tIse who re- unkesjpyc,, wrinkled face, stoopng ceive fhem i1 fori atidowcat countenance reveal V the blight of youraexiatenee. It in a Precious Uule WL/ CURE '1&RICOCELE gath wliat beautiful aptitude tii Ais No matter how serions yomr casa May gi, nmi' tet, speair of thse buntile o b e. or hew long yen m y have lad itour,> lt Oh, what a preclous btinffeis l f. I NEW METHOD iiiEATMENT viii ai l ofmemories, buntile of hopes, cure if. The "wormy veina" returu te ýml fdsils their normai condition sud lieseatIs buntile of ambitions, buntl itetne sexual organa redive rroper imarialý Once ln a while a man wrifes his auto- ment. Tise ergana becomne bviteIminditigof hd. aiîpers untaldrainsor loaaes cess ni borpi' nii sa hiln net manl poersretrn.No tý-, Te soraif issbirtispiace, thc tari'et benefit, but a permanent cure Zam-c. is strisggles, tIsa story of hus sufferinga, NO CURE, NO PAY. NO ItA. tssoyofhstim a!Btfth TION NECESSARY. N0 inuTilE- hstruphlBu f h TION FiIOM BUSINESS. ,,au.b!ographyi of thea most eventi lii, CURE GU RAN E ~ were well written If would maire maRy CURESGUARA TFErý chaptrs ofadventiure, oftragetiy, o W. treat anti cure SYPilL, comedy, anti thare wouldnot lie an s-u- GLEET, EMISSIONS. MPTNC, iuteresfing sfep fromn cratile ta grava. STRICTUIIE. VARICOCELF'E. EL Butl i ooîa r ol oho NAis i OSSEIX ItLAI> DER AND) KID- Judeo imre myu By -N EY d cases. CO0N SU LT ATIO0N e meormes, with ail its injustices frare FIRE. BOOKS FREE. CHARGES pimymiates, wlth all is gaines with bal MODEIIATE. If unahie to all. wrîtpîn antibat anti kite ant i aed. Manhooti TREATMEN ]LAKfo OM memories, with alli-yaux struggles ia etarting - obstacles, oppositiomÉ, eci- If4dents, misfortunes, lbases, aIlcess. 7F7 D KEMemories of tise first mariage you ever : ~48SHELY TRET,, anw solamnizati, of the flrst grava yon SD5iROY T, l FH ever saw opencti of ta. first mighty wrong you ever suffereti, of tae irst via- 77 7tom-y, you ever gaincti. Memori of tise heur when yen were affianeed, memori' of ta. firat adt in ayour home, memori' of tIse rosante eeoi fatiet anti ai bine eyes closi in tIse at 'aeep, memory oi anth.m anti ai dirge, meman' of grant SE C R EU pain anti af slow convalescence, miemori' ai times when ahl things weru against you, memori' ai prospemities tisat came in Wrie fr or iterstig boksInvnt- lîke tIsefull ttii. of flic sed, memories oi ar's flalp" anti "110w yen are swindled. a lifetîme. What a buntile! Senti us a rougli sketch or mnodel of aour 1 lit that bantile ta-day anti unloose invention or improvement anti w. willfell the cordt ant bintsis t, anti for a moment yon free aur opinion as f0 wisatier if la prabably patentall. W. make a specialty yon look in anti se.teer antismiles anti af applications rejactet in o ther hauts. laughtpr anti groans anti iaontiays andi HLIgismreferences furnisheti. miduigitz oi axperieuce, anti theis I tic MARION & MARION again tise nutile with heartafrings, tIsai PATENT SOLICITORS,& EXPERTS haye orne turne lbrated 'w-th »a ni Citvl & Neclanical FEnineers, Graduaten ofthe arin beeu thwunmmeti by fIngers of woe. Poyteclente School cf Engineering, sachemoro n Lsffe fhoeta abtos loi Âpplted Sciences, Laval Unversity, Member, udea oe nt miin lol Patent Law ÂAaqoestln, Ainrcan wsler worka almost ave n au andi woan, especlli' Asociation, New Englanti water worka Aaeac. a iesata.Wa in a-ilbr P, Q. Suavayors Assocation, Anaca. Member a.a. h trig bt an ewuh bueety ci Cilvlm Engineera. vest, <or I&t repetatim en . wSl akie-, BFIE $NEW YORK LIFE B'LD'C., MONTREAL, SAI. <m-w hist blies ha wiil reach, or what lae. tATflNTIO BUILDING., WASIINCON, .t. he Wli win. What »k soloee~ m,&ncemernt day s nt&uI'auiag te ml tof uis as we so@e. «ebtut reeelve tbeir' aibnmsmnt taire up tht garlznd.4 50 yEARSP thet teir fefI'They i' lib. Paya- EXPERIENCE davs lui science; they wiil b. Tennysa In poosi'; tisai wiil be Wilard Parkers lu surgeri'; tisai wiIl b. Alxander Ham-, X P ELitons ln national finance ; t sey w lill bc Hamac. Grelays la etitorial chair; theai wîll b. Websters- in the Senata. Or aise -wiil b. a Mary- Lyom n u cational 4-TRA!>U LAtU.8 ealm%, or a Preenees Wlfai on reforma- COPYRSMT8 ~ tari' platiaran, or a Haltes Gault iun mihi- Anyoe sndtg a keth -~ ~tam-yho9pitals. Qrshte wiil mairehanse qutsUy a»cartatS, aur opinion free wiietber an liii radiant with h tlesanti self ientionlsoabl nabie Caeets.epnl dstrict1yconfidentfa Habook en Patentsac g. ni ugiilent womunhood. cfea. Mlet a ancy for secunlgjaeas Oh, wbmat à bundle of hopes ant i ni- Paanite n troogb Mn v.reoeélg [l t lea a ai o gr and uSpscteiaec, wtbeut carge, ia the intbnde grad eI~aton f nv atntfieJorna. elia.Ps witlmont briglit hojies and Iinspiring ambi- fourmanha, i. aldbyni nemdeaers 51 mî&ghlj asweu ot start ab ail, fer IflU1fl&>O.31~'~' Ne~î = stýp wUIib. a failure. Bathar Brancb Office,615 E' St., Whelnetce. . . t 1 o pme '-J

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