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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1899, p. 7

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Away Ladies' and Cents' Wateheq, .Ah lbPFies .ýtes, Jeweicy, Ký iVe.. ete., toanycne hwbo a,,ii st Ils te', tro Uce0r 1cwvSI LVl, AL UMINUM TH IMBL ES at 10Ocec, ch. Tbevareiighter, more durable and betier than sterling slver or steel. We give FREE with ecd tbiribie a paekage cf the best assoited Necdieq or 1 11, Tape Mes~ure (Y sel, a tcIble a,ý d a Package of Ne, diles or a Tape Masure/fcr lu cents>. These are tlie fastest sullinig goeds that1h vec hecntonthemarket. EVERY LADY B UYb3 AS SOON AS !ýHE SEES rHEM. Sici iy write us a few ines 1 . pot card and vice niltfot-%wa-ci tle zrcodanad c r remium E~st. When esod, send us the money, acd tic premium you select iwill lie sent byOrfini mail. We pay ail cherg.es. 0cr pre !unis are strict]y first-ehiaq. We have numbers cf testinic als ftem derlghted prite-winnera.. ilen rting mention this paper. Te Beaver Block. Sale Of Boots and S'hoes Stio Gong One. We have ýsold piles of Boots the last five or six weeks and have lots te dispose of yt arnd very cheap-flrst-class goods at very small nirices, My Spring stock is in-most of it-and we find our shelves crowdeŽ,. W& want more room and are bound ta have it. if low prices -have any. thing to do with it. Oui carry a good asàortment of Ladies' Ox ford,colored, and blackai 8 1.00l. Men's Caif. and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted,ý from $1.40 to $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's, Butten and Blms 25c, 50c, 75c, w9rth 50e, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in prices. 1We will tell yon what the stock is in each and every pair. The reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now in stock in every lune. The public is invited to inspeet our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Shawl Straps, fancý and plain , Dresmîng, the very best that can be bouglit. Cheýp trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli- ed to. Repairing done in al -its branches in first-class style. Fine work mad e to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my customers for pasi lAavors and hoping for aclontinuance of the Lame. Beaver Block. Bowmanville. RAN, FLOUR S EEOD ANOa GOAL BUSINESS PARUIAMENTARY NERVOUSNE8& SOMnt Ve.rY (ood 5toïji,5of Weil-K.., ~ ~y triPubie 'c Ma,i , lu Eiaeid. ~ ~It !B a curions fact that thellTOuse 11h ne- ebers-who are usually select Are festuires peenliar ta flecd'si' iralf tji a teo diseharge the duty of nevtIng thq a alze, t t saei .ut, thorcuýýh. ce man drt'a-s -4,9betrua'soine nervouaneasqsa The London Mail, and it is' seldom th thebhe- gentlemen are dise ppointed. The case of a Young Irlaliman who g upte speak nue, night in 1879 proycked --Drin of laugliter. Éfe was unable uald "Yu nyer ucw~ stter a sigle Woyrd. %Wd.You e erKnowFor a quarter cf au heur he stood bav'e taken a pg ll ,h ilk J Over" 25. C.I. Hcd &Ceis feet, and although. lie idulged ln ~ropietos. owei ~tts~ ~) great deal cf gesticulatien net a soel Th»nnl Ul" t tae wtaiilod'qscoread te esculate lis lips, 'lhe woul I~h nlvcha O tkawl.bfled' ~15 s5llaho erator was in such an citreme coud tiou Of nervenanesa that, while thinkir he was addreaising thclieus5e, lhe was ______________________reality talking te h-lis 1- "Thore Is one msore Point,"said a Wei BOWMANVILLE, MAIR. 8, 1 899. knowyn -mrber, who, had been speakir fer sente tinte In a debate in Augus 1894; bult what the peint was lie ha lIEN SAI, ONTARIIO. iustausly fergetten, and hoe candidly tei the lieuse as lie sat down. Hensali is situated in the town*hiplof A sinmiar 'nisfortune ence beel tl Ray, Huron countv, on the L. H .& B l8te Lord Iddeslelgh when, as Sir S taffer railroad and lias a population of 1000 or Northcolle, ho vwas, maktng a vigerce Over amdi la increasing everv y ear attack on the Gladstenian Goverument ( The- dwellings areniostly two storý the day. At the close of lis speech li brîck,the,.finest buildings of any village said, "Before 1 oit dewn there te oi] of its size in [lie Province. Helnsaîl lias more charge agains tIth Prime Miaita a large gait block, extensive, flaxUmli, and it la the tnost sFxous." ,lreoatmeal, miii and fleur Mill doing '£boen ho Stepjw short, and wwsvisa ýa large business, a foundrv, twvo saw ly perturbedfor ho had forgotten Who milîs, two PlaniDg-mills, ain extensive the charge was. Twico aigain did hoe rE pork-packîng esta:blishmnt, [liree peat what hoe had, said, but the poin large grain eleyators, stave factory, would net coe back te his mind, aua heading machine cooper shop, tiee ho had perfore *0rosume lis set. carriage shops, several fine stores, two Speeches 1 support of the address, c hotels, tbree churches, a -raded school 1li fact, any other speeches, are net sup with tliree teachers, electric light, and posed t6 bc read in Parliameut; but SI the largest freiglit business on tlie1L William Harcourt, John Morley and Si H. & B. Rv. Several are living in thisi Charles ])ilke aliways used -te commi village thÎat one time lived-in Darling 1 their ihtodod utterauces-to paper, as di( ton. 1 lkewlsc [the late Lord Derby. We regret 1te chronicle the death of The Marquis cf Dufferin has states Mrs. John Short. formeÉ]y of Ty'rone. that, wheu aakod by Lord Palmerston ti A number cf the readers of your paper move [he address te the throcin thi will have known bier. She died o1,lieuse cf Lords on' the reassembling o Monday evening, Feb. 2Othliat, the ag4ý Parliament after Prince Albert's death cf 71 vears. Deceased -was a native o iedocned it advlsable te sit down arne Devonshire, Eno'Iand, and was bem ic in write out every word cf bis speech. Thet the year 1828. %lie emýigrated te [hi,. lio carefully comnitted It te memory country witliher liusband wlio stili sur and was thus enabled te delivor an cra viveshler inthe year 1851, landinzmat i tiencf an heur and a half'seduratior Darlingtou harbor, residing lin Dar without 'reourse te ha snanuscrlpt., lingo uni 1881. The 1m Ont Qe cf, the ntost successful speeche, Huron county settling in the towns.hi1ý ever made Iu suppsort cf [he address ir cf Tuckersmith ucar here where file reply te the Queuns speech was that ci resided until 1894 wlieu they erected e, Lord Rosebery, as seconder Iu the Heouse dwelling in Hensali tand meveclinte thtc of Lords, ou Feb. 9, 1871. It was alsc village. lirs. Short -was highly re bis niaidea effort, and evoked the warrn- spected by a large circlc cf friendsa aw est congratulations cf [lie leaders cf betb acquaintances for hier many kied and parties iu the Gilded Chambor. excellent qualities, Much sympaths A certain inenihercf Parliaxuent once was feit for hier lu lier sufferini d rin went dewu te the lieuse intent on dellv- [lie last five years cf lier life. 1s1ý1 ering a great cration, but lie lest lisQ leaves te murn her bass, an aged ami manuscrlpt sontewhere withln Vhs pro- lovinghusband and six daughzers-Mr clncts cf thie ieuse. It was picked up by W. Colwill, Mrs Jas. Beverley. Mrs. an'th'r member cf -misdhievons propensi- H. Walsh livinc. in Heusail, Nfrs. F tles, we ei~a potns o Ingram, Mrs. 1%~H. Milîson and \lqq L. goed practical joke, forthwith ceuveyed M., Short, and three sons-Albhert (ý bis unt-xpected "find" te SirThemas Vancouver. B. C., Edmuond and Jabez Myse. The latter gentleman et once iiîgin MeGillvray. One deau,,Itei- souglit the seelusion cf the ücommittec -Lcua ifnfAJPakrtfg rooxu, where lie diligently applied hiroseif «ot'orWiropedeeîc e te the task cf learning thie speech by seine time. The funeral took place heart. Thursdayaftcrnedn fromntie houîcîoýe ~This acomplislied, lie retmrnod ttei Methodist chu-eh of nhiel ha wag lieuse, and watehed for an oiynortuuity THAT THE~ FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON THE WRAPPER OF ='TEY BOTTLE 0 OF iAgetaePreparalenîorAs- iOlmiÎ,Morphinw nor Mlwral INOT NAU c aTI1C. ~ pret Remedy- for Constipa- tionSeaur Stomach.Diarrtidea, Woruis ionvuisions.yeverish- îie Ss an0d Lo0S S 0Fr F£ P» Yuc Siiie signature or IZTW -NOflym via»,.. ~r1rnfrrrij '~ I j Goaln "I,à--- l111- z z li Until furtlier n otice SPOT CASEI will buy fresh mmcnd, well screened Goal at the following pries: Scranton Ceai, all sizes, at, harbor $4.75 per ton ; delivered te any part of town $5.25. Having- handled [lis Coal fer 24 eu - socutive y e4rs and almost ail other kiods at timos we can recemmend it as botli best and clieajiest. Our shied capacity bcbig sufficient for the supplv cf [bis section tlie. public cau depend ou always getting cdean. i t flw,aveson ita wi Yn &r5n puvul Dîea esth t an, andi a member ef au citi fàully, 1i O Eu lestess exertod herself te entertain hin. Ç Make People ofyu cmpn o riaya nnr là à îhsaiti, a"he was leavlg; l"tiseHawal- ý e e d sDook to Wik i commisloners are to e cwith us." Loo~ ~o W eakFrlday came, and se did the comntie. io.Shortly be.foxe thise ur for, dissuer DeUlYverüdat any PostOffce. &Ser riaigua-ranee-ebuà ect elyli ntret iem: Qutalde.'" "Ne doubtInlahoue,,of [the 12 VARIETIES FOR 2bG. 5 PLANJTS FOR 259. -ailes Celery- Comipound The tL[mmhem.",Just thon [le lieutenant a Take Your'Choice. Take Your Choice. Great Disease Banisiier anldaid : "When yen are ready, 1îilbv Pul 8fr, Package.. Send Te-day. " ~tien.",IRrRYCM NR.t canEa ~~~~~~~~~h ~ RB r PAT.""nidr i.lady waa noplussed and sid. VEGTABEB PLNTS "Why, what mn" 1tsM mpany,ý ôitï)E iày,-imumÉÀ. 011ER BYINTJUBR. wmreply, l'ail bu*tn,an hywr Beet, Eclipse, round. iAuiinF Meeting with a great many pale andisry but they were under ordors and 2 BeEytaFlat round. 1Aulir, Fowerlng Maple. shallowfaced mon and wom6n voung = neiflt eomne. ' 9Cabbage, Winningstadt, 2 Ageraturn. and middieaged the writer asked his 4 CjýgFtirsBusik 3 Begonia, Rex. pyia redteqeto!"otr jntkAnriasNwo e ,ý' Carrot, heMf-long, Danvers' Scarlet. 4 Be-nia, Foéig we ar0 assing sot siek bookin g Lord Tennyson's appointruent 1te the 6 Carrot, Oxheart or Guerande. 5loCarnatiopeopleX es this fact prove [bat we are eenhlofSuhAsriap" Carnation.icgoP de[g.U81teriora[ing as a people in heal[h and GArenrsNOMc Soth ustall apeal 7 Ccuber Cicgo tclin. ~general phy idai dovelcpment?" ithe Ide, cf Insperiai Federaliion. tl 9 Celery, Golden Ilf Blimiding. 7 Clirysan[hemum. Tlie p sican'a ansi-er was very i sgetvntm uhbcuehei Public Attention, .10 Herba, Sage. 8,Canna, Madame Crozv. mudli as follows ; "A large number 1 heut e son eca us. ho taur ilHrbSaoy.9CanNew Austria. af ickly looking and half-well people';es because lis fatiser was se ardent an But the most important bill is the DOLLAR BILL. For [bis bill we are ELHebac, NMarei (a bbau.10Canahvepasduscda, hc iansueadvocate ecf doser relations betw-een[enow prepared [o give the Public botter value [han lever before. £3 e[tceNooarel Cabago. 1 Coons las prampted. your question. Yen muai clonies and the Mother Country. The 14 Lettuce, Deuver Markot (dur Od). il Guphea, Cigar Plant. remember [bat grippe lias been opideni ftrst Lord Tennyson was rleeply attacdl For Ordered Clothing. we carry a tasty aud up-to-date ]!ne of là Muak Melbeon, Extra Earlv 12 Dahlia, Prize Show. id during [lie winter,and bas left:thuu[o M.Gaaoe esnly btpltc Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, at prices juat exactly even with quality. H6WtrMln aryCnada.tmg 13 Fucasda.lu sa- ti rcoditon caof alit; !iu'ally lo was noV a Gladstonian. Ho lo'ved We have just reeeived a new shipment cf Dress Goods, Prints, 17 Onion, Large Rod Wethorsfield. 141 Fern. House. thboren, other cemmon cases cf sicot-o" 1 ne~~~~~~~~~lss [hat have been oprating, such& L u emane, bt et 11e o pelitic n u toLais lnendSrwG d frvr a ndudywaad 18 Onion, Yllow Globe Danvers. 15 Geranium. insomnia, headaclies, digestive diturb I ureato,îte mra thte e turt he Laies Blse nd trahodeoreoydy n udy er.n 19 Parsnip, Hoilow Crown. 16 Holio[rope. ances, blot roubles, rheuma[ism. and nctn li te Emo hra cet h.butu, [oprcsliasuhm 20 Radi.sl, Frenchi Breakfast. kidue, and liver aliments. Al these s11e meonly cf e Engl e pen-ao, btn In Groceries we carry enly [tho best goods and will always be found 21. Radiali, Rosy Gem, White Tipped. 1 i "- tedLafCll.have contributed te sickuess andi death l odieac hovrosmenibers of with a full assortmnent of al line in public demand-alpriced bargain- 22 Squash, Hubbard. 18 Miine[tia Vine.; l1 'this vear, and [hose we bave pa.,,,ed [lhe Britishi Empir, te stand shoulder to ishiy. 23 Tomate, Extra Early Atlantic. 19 Palm, Cyperus, Umbrella. are but a few cf tle victiroig. The smeIliudrlal ruosance. h conditios existlu ailacuntriesant I ovodrnlc cSuilstra.If lias We aise carry Crockery, Machine Oil, Paint Oi, Paints,Axle Grease, 24 To ate, wrf h mp. 20 P hlo, ardy . oîintcr o tt oîîey [ii net fh.rited is fatler's gift for song, ience W re, Nails, Binder Twine, Feld and Gardon Seets, and Patent FLO ER. 2 PnkHady. ~ >. as a peoplelwe are detoriarating in true ho bas inibibeti te the fucl l is father's NMedicines in fulli Une. 25 Aters, Mixed 22 Prinirose, Mexican. t mantsood anti womanbood. Earbs- atten linporl ienthuàiasm-Saturdayiieviow. 2e Mignonotte, sweet. 28 Rose, Everbloeming Te&. '- tien te, andi sensible care anti treat- - We don't ask you [ o behieve, but ask you to investigate., 21î Pansv Mdixed . ment of, pi-sent weaknesses wili bring'I 1 28 Petunia, Mixed. 24 Solrau, Cri e ~ ~albckte gooti health" 29 Nalsîutn ums, Tali Mixeti. 2 praCisn Theoclass of sick people to whom the The keen-eyed urchln eopiedti he groat 30SwetPesFie ixd.26Tradescantia, WVandering Plan#, itv-ph.v8ician referred stand in urgent -writer as ho landeti froni [le boat, iy HAMPToN. Si. Wild Flower, GardeR Mixeti. 27 Violet. neecioc Paine's Celery Compeundif Tise Clevelandi Plaindealer. _________________________ [eY would quiekl.v regain nerve force Stepîug forward b5 isly lho toncleti luami poer. *ý.eiizht in flesl, freah loghb>ils'lut anîd, peicding te the iseay valile AGE NTS WANTED-For cities, rrr-Provsîdii his Coupon tle rn r rvifflng [Ils COUpo , and aduaîd bodilv hêalth. There ils n',tl. tpln'sh A l .L towns and Country District&. Frte CUT OUT anti sent, [ce unrr CUT OUT eat sent t e ue,'n known te physicians ci [lie most e- onre:M samiple case and exclusiveterritory. Tho&* 2' 6\L L iîh a ord (Po rtal ..rvt I a n eder for 5 eats o, tensve t ctc r. R o Pa n sC le ,desiring a g o -ditrict sho cit write at once. for 256 cents (Postal]Nteor for 25 cents (Poatstalq Noteane' Coer' "Let me assume[lie whitfe man's bus'. We have ever 600 acres cetter ecltivatien. 0cr iliver) we ol ndut eepaeket 'ew Slver) we viii Include on. Zephyranthez Compouad ifor building up, the wiRhk don"erI~t*i~ lrn stock la proWunced free freinSac Jose acet Bnow iri t li,îks. Price 15 cents). IDaeE Atammeoco Lily, (PrIce. lé enti]. itEE enëd hndy. 1Whein 'tic great compound The gi-eat Ki. legloeidw n*a yQvrmc npce.Aet epit or effthers.Suheetle D"loe ow ntebGvrnetiipco.ýAeisspl (QW CtÀis5S ii (JÂAJ>IN lIÂTESÂN 0WC~ÂIU, t CÂNDIÂS TATUNLS a usti. al wekneses san licemof theeescf 11e eeur uchin __________________________[lngee hop ,nd solid hbail,i-o "My boy," ho- saitiin in ton - -aIam Liiwetd iabest y drîeties cf Seeti P(tatFeas» ireshling ÏeleeP, natural appOtite ami Vi. burden tise bati Jsuworth *Wib lm e.-4~'WIe e attuas PLÂ uasrO. ADDg~.~ WILIA RE NIE TOONT, OT. acity cf ditapesition make ile a pleas- 4 p g ' oe.oeQaa* ýE fo OSELLUNG 2 DOZ. k Qastorfs la put cp ini one.slze boutles only. 1* lnet soid in bxlk. Don't allew anyone te son ye% =nthn else on thé piea or pronmie [at it la Il a n d ', d "ill anawer every pur- piose." Aý Se tInt yen geV C-A--T--R-I-A. T'hé fio- stalle lPT f~i~7~ a en elsngo «.ever ci oiv EXACT COPY OF WRAP-Et. MM

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