fAtes iRAI. j, TERMS -8 1.50 PR ANNum. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST; TEE WORLD ANTERWARDS. M.A. JAMESl, Editor and PrOprietor. NEw SERiEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNIESDAY, MARCEI 15 , 1899. VOLUMEc XLV. No. il. w wt w iohnston Cr er an. Âsk th ends and the publie to inspeot their. Superb Stock of Which is beyond question the flnest collection of High Glass Goods ever -shown in West, Durham. ,Grocers' Due Bis taken as cash.- COUGH9 JOHNSTON&KGyDERN il ~ w -. Do You WonI fA rlorSute We are clearing out our present stock to maernem for nur sDrinff Lyoods, look at these One door West of the Post Office.1 THE KASTEB'S TOUCH. DY MIM ANNI B OLAUK, VIMrolA, n. C. ..Ho touclied lierhland and the fever left lier." Ho toucbed ber hand. as He oniy can, Wihh the wonderous skill o! the great Physician, With the tender tond o! the Son o! Man, And the foyer-painin tlie tbrobbing & %Wl« V W e o NEW HAVEN, Visiors-Mr. Henry Mann aând dazighter have been visiting friends at Coîborne .. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pierce attenlethMe funerai of her sister, Miss Mamie Barker. Oshawa,.. . Mrs. John Witheridge bas%. been visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. Oke, Oshiawa .. .. Mr. and Mlrs. T. Blythe visted' Mr., J. T, Mollon. Hampton .... Mrs F. T. Guy' lias hiad a severe attack of La Grippe. *...Miss Josephine Williams and Miss Polliy Brimacombe visited Mrs. John Trul . .. . Miss Cara Goode visited Mrs.1 T. VanCamup. .. . Bey. J. S. 1. Wilson vlsited tîte C.E. here andý took charge. o! the meeting Friday evening. We wvould be pleased to see him again.... Mr. W. Frank- conducted the service last Sabbath. Visitors: Mr King and Miss Conant, Oshiawa. Mr. C. Nichols, Courtice: Mr. B. Worden. Ebenezer; Mr. E. Osborne, Bowmanville; Mr. W. Pascoe, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyer, at Oshawa-, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ashdown at Toronto.. Mrs. D. McCJuloch hbas 1returned !rom lier visit at Mancliester anid Uxbridge. *. ... Mrs. W. Tapp has returned from Toronto andi intends te reside in ber litile home. . .. Mr. Powell is convales- cent. ... Rev. tvison Wilson, Ebenezer, wili preach a mission ary sermon liere next Sunday.... LDr.' Tilley inspected our school iast week .... Mr.- D. Trainer, Raglan, i,- on his rounds bu% ing butter and eggs.... ,Every ,person wishing to become proof aganýjst the cont agious disease of small pox sliould bc aI the sch ool xnext Monday afternooin. COURTIOB, Mrs. R. F. Richardos svisiting friendo in Port Perrv, ... Mrs. Geo. Uorrow and daughters are spendîng a few weeks withi relatives in Oakville .. .. Mr. Blake Coutice, had a very successtul wood bee Monday .... Tlie Base LIne C-E Societv visited Ebenezer ýLeague on Tuesday evening and gave a very interesting program .. .. Ebenezer Lea.- gue visits Ma pie Grove Thursday even- inge . -Mr. John Littlejolins and Mr jo?an Ga *v visited at'Mr. Thos. Short'a recentlY.. .. 1Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hancock visited Mr. Wesley Brooks recently.... Miss Gerty Brooks who bas been very Mi is recovering. . .. Mr. Blarry Gay is preparing plans for the eniargernent of the Malleable Iron works, Oshawa..., Mîrs. Jas. Courtice lias been visiting frienids ini Oshawa. ... Mr. and Mrs. Anson Piekel are nicely se!ted in their newy home and have been calletd on by a numy,,ber ef their frieinds . . .,Hired heip is .u good demand and wages ara good NEWCASTLE.' Visitors, :-Miss Annie 'Muir, Bowý manville, ýat Mrs. T. Ellison's.... Tlie Misses Coliacott and Miss Rundle,' <Betliesda, guests Mrs. Geo. H. Jol.... Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, Torunto, at Mr. G. Gray's.... Mr. Sýylvester Eldridge died Saturdav after a lingerinig ilineas and was buried at Orono cemetery Mouday. .._. Mr, John Joblin, Oshawa, preached very acceptably in the Methodist churcli Sunday, Rev. R Taylor being iii.... The Ladies' Aid &f the Methodist churchled a very successful social at the parsonage, Thursday eveninoe. A choice programme was rendered con- 1, MAPLE GROVE. Mr. W. B. Gimblett lias leased tlie homestead from his mother .. .. Mrs. W. J Wood lias returned to Simcoe accom panied by he.r ister Miss C ert.ieStevçuns . ... Ebenezer E worth League will visit our League T4lursday evening... Mr. S. C. Rundle liad a wood boeaud quilting last week. LTAYDON. Visitors: Miss Ceucli, Tyrone, at Miss Campbell's; Miss MaryHawkey,Tyrone, among friends boere; Mr. Chas. Browu at lis parents'.... Miss EilaStrutt spent some time among old acquaintances in this vicinity. . . . Mr. Colon Campbe l and Shanberry Aunger starI for ManitoU a this week.... Mr. J oseph Burgess visited last week -in Clarke.. .. Mrs. Hudson is vislting lier son near Solin.... Mirs. Thos Goodman is visiing in Oshawa.. .Mr Wm. Stacey is under the care of Dr. Mitchell but is on the moud. SALEM. Mr. R. H. Colacutt lias rented lis fArm te Mr. W. G. Rundie, Bethesda. We are glad to learn that Mïr. Coilac .itt intends, remaininx in the neigliborhood. Mrs. R. Coliacutt is visiting friends lu Lon don and vicinity. Miss Nina Colla- cutt lias returned home trom Ingersoli .... The Misses Clemonce have secured a house in1 town and will move there sliortiy. Tley 'will be mucli missed in generai churcli work and as neiglibors. ...Mr. R, S. Poliard, Preston, visited bis uncle, Mr. W. E PollartI, last week. ... Rumor says Mr. Charles Reynolds willluv our neigliborliood sliortiy. MiA"es Berthia and Mlary Waddell were recent guests of their cousin, Mfiss H1elene Waddell. . .. Miss boule Under- wood visited lier brother T. W. Under-' wood Esql.. .. Mr. Thos. Little sold a valuable herse te buyor Pearson re- cently. ...Mr. T. W. Sommerville was guest of Mr. Madison Hall Snnday week .. .. Mrs. Welcli, wio Lias been visiting lier sister, Mrs. Thos. Waddell, bas returned to Montreal .. .. Misses Mabel and Mary Robinson, Columbus, wlio have been visiting 'at Mr. D. Moffatt's have returned home.. .Miss Brown, Hampton, was guest o! Miss Anaie Waddell recently ... Mr Couiton, Stratford, was guest o! Mr. Wrightson Fcster..,.. Misses 'Lizzie and Katie Waddeil and Miss Scott, Port Hiope,' were recent zueste; oý Miss Jessie Wald- dell. OADMUS. Miss Minnie Burns, Cobourg, is visit- Ing Mr. T. W. Robertson. ... Mr. John PIlon, blaoksmiîh, Cavanville, is home, ...Mr. Walter Hooey lias gone te Manitoba ... . Mr . W. Harris and Mr. ýWil Dickie have gone West .... Mrs. James Lawson, sr., has cancer o! the stomacli, ... Mrs Harris is recovering.. Whiie loading iogs -Mr., John Lane broke bis leg just above the ankle ..... A number of friends o! Mr. and Mrs, Elisha Polion gathered at their home on Wednesda.v evening, MardhisTt, and prepented them with a familv bible and a handsome hymn book. The pre- sentation was toiiowed by short but ap. propriate speeches and a grand supper, after whicli the young people indulged in mp.rrv qo:%,q ~Mr %nA, I,,vitti SHAW'S SOHOOLHOUSE. Shaw's school. Report for Fehruary!: Senior IV-Laura Rickard, Olive Riclk- ard, Olive Cobbledick, Russel Bragg, Pearl Cobbledick Jr. I I-iorbert Ellott, Norman Allin, Ross i>enfound. Sr. I1.-Fred Lovekin,,Hobart Knighh and Arnion Soper (equal-), Lorne Cobble- dick, Wiilie Wonnîcoht. Jr. IIL.-Roy Biekard, May Lovekin, Lucy Galbraithi, Jean Galbraith, George Trewia. Sr. I[ -Fred Bragg, Norman Trewin, Ezzie, Knight. Jr. Il (B-Arthur Alin, William A. Aluin, George Allia. Junio11 A)-Alfred Cliedzoy. Clas. 1,-Kathleen Trewin. Ethel Allin, Otto Bragg, Gladys Galbraith. Average atte.UdaUCe-20. EDNA E. J FIIILDM, teaclier. Mr. Geo. Weilih, blacksmitb, deshes to thank lis many friends and custom- ers for their generous patronage dur- ing thiepast twelve years. liss B. Hancock, Mr. Powers, Maple Grovo, and Miss Nora Werry, Solina, were recont guests of Miss E.- M. Werry Springbrook, Farm,..Mr. EH. Hawk<ey returned from Toronto Gene- rai Hospital on Saturday, wliere le ham been under troatment for knee trouble. llejoicing wouid hardly be the word te, e3Xpress the feeling"s of!his f amily and thoeltizens gonerally over this event,,. Mr. James Simupson, jr., an aspiring Voung Manitoba farmer, formerly of L'rone, lias exnbarlied on a matri- monial venturo with one,,e!f tle.fair maids o! Plum Coulee, Manitoba. W. heartily wisli James and bis bride al pro",perity . The programmes givea bY Trn Divisioun have grown so intere sting that il was sugges ted by the genial criticý Mr. T. Creeper, we liold an open Division ntthIle close o! the contest. April 611 lu the date îlied. Admission free 10 ûa11. Sister Moira Werry's speech was a feature o! t*@ last session Lt was rather more tlax, a credit te herseif, Solina Division and the sex generally. ..., Miss B. Hancock. Maple GJrove, our former teacher, helped ont the League service admir- ably Sabbath evening with Miss Havergal'à beautitul "Mfisunderstood". The many excellencies of Miss E. M. Werry's paper ou" Luke 151h chaptft were appreciatecl by an Intelligent audience, and tle solemnity o! Mr. A.ýnnis's remarks conld net ail te im- jý uýss every hearer. 'Unusually ap - propriate and eievating as well were the quartette, duet and tconzrezational sînigîng. . .1 A Cantata by the young people o!Tyrone church will be given ia connection witli the Good Fritl*y entertainnient Mr. L. T. Courtie, Bowmanville, wha is rapily vgsining a reputationi as a roadier, is expected te give somA selections. Other 'spemi foeatures ntdlt'. r .G. Welch, west eu4d ibacksmith, bas de- cidled te remove to Malton, Ont., very sliortly. Lt 18 witli deep regret the citizens view the appronching departure o! Mr. Woen, bis estimable wife an.d !amily, their long residence here and many aimable qualities having endear- ed them to the commufiity ... Mr. W. J. Roy's address, Mardli lOth, on "Self- Mastery" was one to whicliîmore words of praise coulç l ot give adequate ex- pression Ils fruits shahl remain .... Mr Thos. Gardiner, jr, is bound for Mani- toba about rch 21st. Success Thomas! ... .Miss rMag-gie Hodzson, Brookside, gave a pleasant entertali- ment to a few friends Friday eveig. sstinoe or piano solo by Mise Annie sold. a- É?ie recentJy for n200.. .. Aiarge -he V&snstisonLk uo n pies and see the bargaius we ar f ru. idotwt tefuho bo n o as, vocal duet by Miss Ani number enjoyed themseives at a social otw ra ac w clieek, Allun and 'r.J.H Mlddleton, read - beig at Mr. William Brown't, re- And the lips that had been so parched igs by Messrs. T. Ellison and Ric cety. dsýFsNTÇ Ru ut, ls ane,$0,rdcd e$000. 0. 1 kard 1 u utPlüh B de,80 dud t$6.1 and burn ngyHO son 'Wlhve is and ' Notice is herehy given that ail 1 k6 ' t 50 TebldwItI tlianks that she could son as ihoM Edith Uglow, ane They make one feel as though. iLfe accounits due the estate of tuelatoJohAL 1 Si1k Suite, Plusit Banded, 855, reduced te $40.OU. 1 SllkSuite, in Wainut, $48, redueed te $35.00. 2 Ta.D'try.Suite.Oak.Walnut,$24. reduced t , $16.50. These suites wil not last long at these prices and you should flot miss, this opportunity of securing a goocl suite at a smali price. ID. WILLIAMS & SON. BowmAN VILLE. Undertakîag always receives prompt and persoual attenion. e i o e e o o e e a, M a lit_ SWEETS FOR THE SWEET. VIE HAVYE THEM. -WE'SELL THEM. VIE JAKE THEM. Thev are pure, they are pl ffsant and they are clieap, at BowmÂNvI.LLE. TH OS. TO S nd Ilie eyes where the foyer liglit lad faded Looked up, by lier grateful tears madedim, And she rose and ministered ln lier 1 household, She rose and ministered unte Hlm. "Ho toudlied lier liaad and the lever lotIlier." O, biessed toudli e! the mnadivine! So beautifuil le arise and serve Hlim When the !ever is gene from your Me and mine. It may be the lever o! restiesa serving Witli- heart ahl thirsty, for love and praise And eyes ail achlng and straîned wM~ yearning, Toadself-set geais la the future Or il may be foyer o! spirit. anguish, Somne tempest of sorrow tIaI dies net Idown Till the cross'at lasI is ia meekness lil! ed And the head stoops -1ev for tlie thorny crowa. Or it may be a foyer of pain and anger, Wlien Ilie wounded spirit ls bard te bear, And only tle Lord can draw tortl the arrows Le! t carelessly,crueliy raakling iliere . Wliatever the fever, His toucli eau heal it ' Whatever the tempest, His volce ean stili, Tliere is only joy as we seek His plea- sure;t <There is oaiy a rost as we chooso His yull, And somne day, alter lite's fîful foyer, Ij think we shall say in tle Home on higli "If the hands that Ho boudlied but did Ris bidding, How little it matters what el" e ent by" 'Ah. Lord! Thon knowesî us altogether, Each heart's sore sickness whatever Il be; Touch Thon our lande i Let the lever beave us And se we shall minister u, nto The! TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableis Ail Druggiste refund the moliey If I f aila te Cure. 1 Prie2 cents. 1larm "oy Messrs. W. 1'Ickard and Walter Riekard, Mesdames Jas. Fisher and J110, Douglas, and Misses An-nie Douglas and Ethel Ricknrd, Misses Mary AllUn, Annie Douglas and Fanny Eleanor acted as accompanists in a very efficient manner ..,.Friday a'ftýBr- noon the residence of Mr. Thos. Ra4tcliff wag burued. Most of the con- tents were saved The tire originated from the chimney. HAMPTON. Li tlo Liver Pille atter eating; i ilï 1l relieve dyspepsia, aid digestion, give toile and vigor ho tlie system. Visitors; -Mr Arthur Powers,Kirby, at Mr. T. aer's; Miss Melissa Steph- 6n, fDlroit; Mr. A. Hl. Worden,Ebien- er;rEd.Obsorne ,Shaws; MiL ao Pascoe ah Zion. Miss Julia 'Holiora Wrry at Tvrne Mr. Will Moore, vavnîent be subject to collection on and after April lst, 1899. These accounts musit pos~i el be paid in1 order that the executors may straigliten up the affairs of the estate. -- ~Haydon, aiMr.EIi.G Pasce's. ...Wm. V Mr, and Mrs. M, B. C"ydermnsPentL Ashton and H. Argune hatm! very succe8s Sunday in Oslawva .- Mise Alice K.ers- fui wod bees. .....Mr. Walter Vice is lake is home !rom Western Ontario_ ._ some botter fromn hie attack o! inlamma- Mlr. Will. Clarke, Hope,ý is enjoyîuig a tory rhoumatism--.. Dr. J. C. Mitchell holiday at hiti home here..- . -Rýceat vis- vacclnahed soie 96 chilîdrenata the itor8: Mrs, Barrett and son Arthur, sehool on Frlday. _ Miss Mary Ul 'gors tova, at Mr. W. Jacks'; Miss Lonie bhas an attack et inflammation. Mrs. A. Robilas aI Mr, R. Aver0 s; Miss M. Me- L. Pascoe took ber place as org-anist on Donald at' Mr. E. Hastînge'.-. Special Sunday. .....Master Willie Wesýqllke q serviceý are biag held in the Methodîist nicely over tle scarlet foyer and the dhurch. . .,Mr. J. T. Williams and latm- !amihv are out o! quarantino. ... "hore iiy lia% e returned from Toronto. ... . It is yl be a pro-noua ci-a-lion match at j , ouir 8ad duty le dlircaicle the dealli of Division this woek .... Mr. Stephen Ho0- Mrs Jas. Painton, youngest dangîter gartl's !amlly was summoned te, Osha- o! Mir. J. H. Burrows Five weeks ago wa by telegram Saturday, Mrs8. C, N. she wasstriekea with paralysis, during Stacey boîng very ill.« whidli lime she lias beon a great suifer- er. Death came te lier relie! f Hl N N IBKLLBN. aI iiooa. Tho funeral Inolz place on flakes Weak Womnen Stroag, Tuesday t10-the West End comentery.An ikW m'Wei T.he lamiiy lave the svmparhy î ofte 600 IbR good driod apples waated at 1a .ikWme oI entire village .... Mi 3,Vi aik or, on Wolten's. i t lis sade ftomi a formula of Dr. X. V. gineer in tle U. S. Navy who recontly Higlest market price for ail orPîerce, the celebrated specialist in disems returaed frota Santiago, paid a. flying preduce at Wotten's. of wemen at Buffalo, N. Y. Itisa astrlctiy ,visît le bis sisters--Miss Emulv Cryder- If ils a aice pattera o! Wall Paper art ensperance medicine, containing neîther and Miss Alice Waiker Moundav even- thl% right price yen are hookiug for aIcohol, opintm or other Prois plon. ingretrnig teBufalole epor fo ca ge it I Wtte s.Sprig god»I't protracted use does not create a craving ing, eturing t Bufalo t reprt fo caPricoi a f o s a rnoîl t for Intoricating stimulants or deadly sar- duty on Tneeday. ... A numbor o! the are now in. Pie o c olu, ieotics. In cures irregularities, dispiace- youngmean of lte village oaid their an- Their manv friends bore felicitaw mneula, drains, ic erations, inilmain nual visit le MNr. C. Pascee on Saturday Miss Luella Hutcisonon lier xnarr',t,ç, keadache, backache and nervousnese, !t Tl'ie wood pile was redncod te steve- witî Mr. S, Adoîpli, a prospeous i,ý., prepares the way for alnaost painless ma- vood,-... The beavy pressure of w9t0r chant o! Listowel. The presenits v're ti-eon. tac ures obu tnhoe, ate thesw on Sunday sncceeded in workiii. is a iovely collection. The îoaeyn ý brioInue omna oeadde Ibronli îe da ai he (ambran vs spnt i Wesern tate , V 1 " away with obooxionsý questioning and lcal' waytruhtedma h Cmbinwsseti etenSae.. s ,-s examinationa.3 Woohen Mille The lossa yul be heavy; -Mr$. Goo. Mitchell, Toronto; 'lr 1Some medicina ealmers offer subattees as Mr. 1). Taylor bas about 350 pairs Of Jacob Mitchell, INewtonvlbe, and ýMr when you ask for r Pierce's Faviile blankete that musit romïain unfilliode( Audrev Pollard Orono, have b-(- ?Prescription. They ixuitate ibis medicine until repairs are md-i F. T. gst'of Dr. Mitcheli; Messrs. Lanilri appearance a_rly a'x the law yulJ1 Allia visited Kiasahe la'-i veei. HIl obertson, jr ,Spr invle, gueas ý :obu hyccutiiae f ea of thirty yearx of cures. Faint and dizzv spel 1 are exeeeding- Mfr. WV.iJ. Stacey, aaud Mr. and Mrs. A mrs. atie venghaus,of Tioga, ilanco&e o.. iv dangerous. Btter talte a few doses'Tamhijý n, Orono, gueesaof liEr Il.. JIli., writes: yi ad been sick for saven yms. o!; Mfilburn's Heart and Nr Pillsand , Wo'rru ... . Mr-. b. B Williams fractnred so n t mabu-ýt ira7-ginf myself wrcwU1 c-ure hlîeml"efore thee hecome tbe aeri !the sm tIlhboue o! bis log la lova hast vorte Preïcîi1ptlo1nand eof'ldnMca o1ls. MNrs. Geo NashI [-i 4 bo1eStwek wlulýo playingloot-ba1l.. ,,Rev J., 'cvery. and it ta iq *posstible dx, au bondon, Ont., says she had frIqtilent at-. SI. MVilson, Courtîce, vil preaci the Uwdsthe.r'ithe "e iedne, dldme "Pz ta-ks of dizziness, but these pills cnred ana isoays-ini ehds vorie Prescription"_lcontais,ayac~1 lier completely. 50c. a boýx. eburçli her-next 8unda.yevuigv piüeor <ier narcotto, BOWMÂIIvmLE., dm - 7 , . M-i L" :-i« :M- il--L AK