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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1899, p. 5

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To M&litOba? If so send and get our Stprices on tickets via SNorth Bay or Chicago. We have a variety of literature concerning the advantages of our Canadian North West, which is free to ail inter- ested. Gail and get par- STRLT &JURY. *JNOTH To have your eyes eare- f ulIy tested at ouir store by the only Post Grad- nate Optician In the, Country. Our prices are Iower than -the lowest and you get your money back if we fail to give yua perfect fit. Solid -,GOld Frames a specialty. STOTT & JURY. The Drnggists and Opticians.' GRAND [RIJNK RAILWAY. BowmANvLLaSTATION. GOIN4G£AST. GOING WEBT. £y~jess.31am. ~xpres.. 628 a.m *E~~.press.... ~ 09a.mILcl.18 ; Paaengr... 40p.mIPass.enge. 1 35 p.: m oal 651P.-. txPre... 4 .31 .. Exrs..Il 03" Express.. . 7 39« *.LJaily.t Sundays onl. SToTT & JuRY. Town Agentés BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 15, 1899. t 8,evident that some of our local m~erchants have faitt la the future for we noticed that Messrs, Couch, J ohn- ston and Crydermian got ln an immense lot of uew goods last week. most of whieh we understand were -direct im- uortations from Enoland and Germanv.1 We need scarcely add that titis firm 15 the largest direct importers and the most extensive ir high class Dry Goods inWest Durhamn. Ap! utcèwanted. Sec ad. ce. butys PairSide Cambsat 'Nicholîs'. 9Cakes «fComplexion Soap 25c. at Ncholîs'. Nerai Polos lu great variety at L Mr.John Ilelar, jr, spont udy in Cobourg. MisEva Martbews has roturned froin Bufalo, N. Y. 1 W Mdiss Ida Souoh, Orano, 18 'visiting Miss Allie Soucb.' Mrs. W. W. D3wn bas been visiting frîends at Oshawa. iMiss J. C. Knight is visiting hier sister Mrs. D. Livingstone, Barrie, Suits which always suit when mnade at Couch, Jabnston & Cryderman's. We keep the best chure and washing machine lui the world. CAwîcnap & TAIT. offbelw cstat Coucb, Johuston & Cmydemman's. M.A.James is agent for the Christian Guardian, Christian, Rerald andLadies' Home Journal. See anouncement in another columu of Spring Millinery Opeuing at the Cen- tral Millinery Parlors. Mon's & Boys' Over'Coats selliug off at groatly reduced'prices at Coucb, Johuston &ý Crvd erman's. Buy your furs'froin a furrier wbo un- destanids bis business,, Mayer lis thai man lu BowmanvîUie. See bis advt. Foather Boue Carsets made te soul at on& Dollar now selling at sixty-nine ce4sat Couch,Johnston & Crydermman's. Jnev. C. T. Paul will accupy tbe rani- pl«, at tbe Church of Christ on next Lord' da the moruîug and evening service. Ail are cordially invited, The Viavi Company, of Toronto, uow so well and favorably 'knowvn ta tbe lad- ies &t our town, bave- seeured the servlc es et Miss Mjary, 1leary, ,\ellinleon St. as their local repî-etoentative and infor- suation about the Viavi work and rem~- eimmay be o btained fmom bier. Cail on Mr. R. C. Sinclair, Tof-onto, visited relatives in town over Sunday. 1Cati] at M. Mayer and ses the new "President Brace" the latest ont. A 50-acre farm ta rent 8 miles north ofBowxnanville. ApplY to HEAL Biros. Read Rennie's offer of seeds on an in- side page. Notice the coupon. Re is ire, liable. Now is the time ta buy cheap furs, caîl at M. Mayer's and you wiIl get a bargain. An interesting letter frein Arabia hv Mr. Thas. Conant, Oshawa, on an in- side page. Miss Annie'Ewart, millîner, left yes- terday for Waterloo wbere she hais a situation. Mrs. R. H. Henry attended the funeral of her father, Capt. M. Simpson, in Toronto Mr. Hardy hast a pair of double team lhues on bis way home frein town Mon- day. See advt. Mrs. Gea. Mitchell, Toronto, is visit ngher sister Mrs. E. Gifford and other friendis in town. Prudent buyers know that bere tbey can get the best groceries for the least maney. CAwKE & Târr. WVellington Lad ge S., O E. wilI bold their aunual At Home ln, the Lodgé Room Tuesday Mareh 28th. g Niekle Waltham watches are almost given away ai Richard's and fully gu.ar- antfed. Grozier's due bi.Is takeMi as cash.,ý East D urham and West Peterboro Farmers' Institutes will run an excur- sian to the Model Farm, Guelph, June 8th., We wehcome to town Mr. John Bea- cack and family of Cosarea, who have moved into Mrs. Down's hanse, Liet St., north. -,iet .Bey. Dr. Workman will preaeb missianary sermons iu the Methodist cbureh an Suuday, March 26th. Go early ta secure a. seat. Black Dresis Goods-a beautiful range in al qaalittes up ta the finesi gos imported just received at Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. A musical evening will'be given at Mrs. E. S. -Meatb's, on Good Fridav, Marcb h t under the auspices of the Ladies id of Trinity Church. Coueh, Johnston & Cryderman are shawing thep very latest etyles lu Men's Rats just received direct, fram the mafi- ufacturers in England. Miss Carscaddeu, Weslevville, Mr. J. Greenaway, Welcome, Mr. Carscedea,, Edgar, were g<ests of Mrs, JamesCatis-ý cadden, Besch Ave., over Sunday., Mr. W.Eastwaod is prepared ta do al kinda of Rag CaI pet weaving ut bis me- sidence, King ;St. East, 'Bowmanville ut moderato prices. Good work guaran- teed, 7.4w*' Remember tho lecture -iu the High Sebool ta-night (Wednesday) Subject: "Why samne thingis are beautiftul,aîhers nat. " Silver collection. Everybody wel- camle.i A temperance rally of the S unday Scbools in town wili be beld under the uspsof the W.C.T.U. an Sunday, Muarch 26th. A gaad programme is promised. M.A.James, Bowmanville, is Gevern. ment Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the Countv «f Durham, during business hours at office, ut his residence Centre- st., at nigbt.' evehing 'in the Me-&tËôdis'--hurcli". Addresses by Rev. J.- J. Rue, pastar, aud special music. Alil are kindly lu- vitod ta attend. Souck's bridge which was wasbed away by the recent flood is flow repiaced and the travelling' public can now came ta Bowmanvilîe withaut the icnven- lence of travelling a few miles ont of their wavy. Mr. J. J. Markie,257 Lanîsdowne Ave. Taranto, bridge contractor. was cured by Milburn's Rheumatic Pilîs af a bad attack af Rbeumatism whicb, laid hlm up in bed far weeks, He will tell you ail about his cure if you write hlm., 94The Royval Templar Dramatic Camn pauy were again greeted witb a weli- filled bouse Fridav evening, wben "Kathleen Mavaurù eea"was presented for the second time. This company must feel enconraged by the support given thein by aur citizens, Caueb, Johuston & Cry derman iuform us that their Februprv sale was a big success. Every one of their Ladies'Caats are solti anft winter goods af ail kinds pretty well sold ont. But the 'y are stihi selling Furs, Over Coats and same lines af Droîs Goads at very low prices. Mr. Lewis Jollow, Past Master Work- main, of Bawmauville Latige No. 99, Anciett Order of United Workmen, gave bis repart of the praceedings af Grand Lodge at tne regular meeting Frida y night. We have seldom heard a btter report given bv any former dole- gaie, ever ' cha inge of constitution and ail business matters of importance trans- aeted were presented lu intelligent fana. At the close many fiattern-n words wero nttered bd'hy the breibren and Bro. Rook moved and Bro. Jua. Me- Mnriry seconded a cordial vote of thanks ta Bro. Joliow fur bis admirable repaît. To the Public-If van will watcb ibis papor from week ta week, you will flnd a notice 0 f different reductions, wbich, T. N. Riclturd is making in priées. Kind- iy make a note af the saine and when you are taking your summer trips and outinigs compare bis priées witls those, of other place.s and i ou wiil thas prove ta your owit satifaction; that yen are better servefi ai Ricbard's tiian uat any other place. Note tbi4 watcb glasses are to be 10e. eacb for 1899 A new stock ofi very beavy ones-jti lui. Remember the plaeme doors tast of the Standard Eauk. Miss Etta Tait is home from Toronto, Cartwright council on an inside page. Small key found-inquire at STÂArm- IWA1 office. Mr, Fred Quick, ]Belleville, wa s in town last week. Mr. W. J. Bragg, Providence, bas seed barley for sale. Seo advt. Miss YanNest hais been, making a short visit with Toronto fri6nds. Miss Mamie Tod reuntly visited ber brother. Mr. D. M. Tod, Oshawa. Miss Henrietta Abrahams, Solina, is visiting Mrs. A. R. Pike, Boxgrove. Mrs. Chas. Kirk, Stillwater, Min- nesota, is visiting her sister Mrs. R. H: Henry. The Methodist E.L.C.E. have decided to0 ostpo n te social anýnunceýd for 1 "Life's Bitterness"l a the subject dise. cussed by Dir. Talmage this week, Don't fail to read it. Misses Lizzie and Rilda Hackaday haire been visiting Mrs J. N. Me- Do ugaîl, George St., ',Why soa things are b eautiful others; not~" by Prof. Huntingford in the High Sehool oiht Another lot. of Men's Rats- Iatest styles-opened this week'at Couch, Johnstoin xd CÇm derma-n!. Miss Bof ti'e L'aw attended the silver ,wedding of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bennett, ai Oshawa, Moo)day, Marcb 6th. S Mise Annie Seigrist and Mr. Thomas- GiII, Toronto, vlsited bis, brother Mm' Sam. GUI, Liberty etreet, last weeik The Local Union E. L. C. E. wili meet in Disciples churcb f March ý7th. Election af officers and gaod prograin. Photos of the Royal Teuiplar Dra- matde Campany taken by fiashligbt have attmacted cansiemable attention. Gent's bicy-le-a splendid wheel,very little used-really as good Ns new for sale cheap. Enquire at ONTARIO BAýNS, Saturday was sncb a mild day that one imagined sprinx- was almost bore, but Monday morning dispelled tbe illusion. CÇouch, ~Johnston & Cryderman Bay that their stock jof New- Goodg for -Ibis spring will eclipse anything ever shown In iewn. Mr. 1D. P. Buixk,'IPomt Arthur, ad- dmessed the Cartwright Club lu Toronto Frtday on "The Resourees of New Ontario" Editor C A. Lapp, of the Brighton En.iqw, is th~e newhy elected President af Brighton township Sabbatb School Association. The widow of the late William Lun- ness. cattîs tdcaler, Toronto, who *a s kiiied lu the Murray 11111 disaster, will receive $6,750 from the G.T R. Miss Diana C aIe is pmepared te do dressmaking eîther at hbor home King St., or at the homes of ber customers Good fit guaranteed. Charr'es mo- dérate. 11-4 W. This may be designated a winter witbout Énaw 50 fair as this district is c qcemned. IA large number 0 f 118w cutters were sold early lu the season. but the present owners haýve had littie use for thein, The twa-year old chîld of Mr. Jas. Coulsan, Cobourg, formerly af New castle, foîl into a tub of bot'water Wed- nesday, Marcb 8th and. was badly ,scalded.- Deatb relieved it from suifer- iBag on FI'iday. Mr. R. E. Osborne, treasurer of Bow- manville and Darlington township Sabbatb Sebool Association, requests .that superintendents af the Sabbatb schools in ibis riding send lu their sub- scriptions AT ONCE. At the Recognition social given by the Ladies' Aid af the Methodist church, Brighton' Thp- Enigri says "Miss Trebilcack, teacher. Presque Isle Paint, favored the audience witb two selec- tions which were highl-y appreciated".% Rickard is running off soma 17 jew- elled Waltham Movtemonts in 20 year gold- filled cases at tl p- c that-is cbarged by others for ! iuvKle watcbes. Seclure onewlhile yau nav aud bear in mind that bis guarantee means.same- thing. Ho is n ot bere tta-day anad gone to.morraw., 11ev J. L. Alexander was recently, oupraiu "qy ic iîsumouus une Unt- gregatianal churches ai Middleviile, Ropetown and Rosetta, presentiug hlm with an address and a well-filled purse uissuring hlm af their respect and confi- 1dence and their approciation of bis ser vices among thein. A member of the committee af Oih] Durhain Boys' Association wnites as follows: "Permnit me ta tbank you, ,Mr. Editor, for the excellent secouet given lu TmI, STATESMAN of aur ban- quet." The 'wander witb many is wby the city papers ga;ve sucb slght refer- once ta an event af sncb wide-spread interest. >Rev. Wvm. Stiff, Toronto, will preach lu Trinity churcit nexi Sundav. Ris momning subject wilI be '*A Voice", evening, 'A Tear"., Evervone wilI be niade welcome. 11ev. A. F. McGregor, B A , superinteud ont af the Casugrega- Rio alHme Miisianary Society, will occpy the pulpit ou Snnday, March 26th and on £aster Sundav. Mrs. W. Dingman is making great proparations for the millinerv apenings nexi week. The ladies af Bawmanville and vicinity are specially invited. Rats lu ail the latesqý styles and trimmings in ail, the new-e4 colars-Cyrano, Relia, Turquoise Blues and Suuburst aud ,otîser Qhades ai red, Dan't miss seeiug bier stock before selecting your 110w spring hat or bonnet. 'Came and order yonr 'Eas'or Millin-' erv ai the Corner Store on Wedn esday afiemnoon and evening March 22ud and fr'liowing days. Miss Toulee, a fashion- able trimmer, is in charge ai the tin- ming deparimeni and will ho pleased ta show the latosi styles-iin Parsian and, American bats and bonnets. To suit the mosi fastidtous will ho oirahu. Misses, Voal sud Medland, Bowmauville, The social undor the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Trinitv chu-ch, ai the residence of Mrs. Win. McKowau, Weduesday evening was quite su on- joyable affair. The tableaux rreseuted by, littho Misses Katis Dustan, Ruby Crago. Edua Ring, Norma Coucb a nd TuezMason p ~ eynco'prom' and weremuiejoyed by the c(mpasnv. Not the loast iu1e'rest.ing parit aithe eve11ng . 8'enjovment was the "Initial parisr", Mr Charles Dickinson was the successful wiuuem af the prize for besýL anis wers. Bei reshints wermn served by the ladies sud a pleasaniturnme spent by' rAI Gi MISS EVA ]LUT'RFeL e5peperedt 1 give lessons on organ andi piano et ber residence, King St.,or as itth hmes of' the puplls.7 MISS ETHEL MORRIIS, ARTIST. Instructions given 10 PAINTING in 011, Water Color and China. Sketching and painting fromi nature. KILN on premises, lir- ing et usual:prices. 51.6m. HTORSE FOR SALE .-Active strong h. orse for sale. AiFRED GULLEY. Bowman- ville. 0-f BI1CYCLE FOR SALE.-Wl1 be sold ecp oI5MAiN S. B. JAmEs, Bowmer.yille. MOý,[NEY LOST.-On Thursday lae., between Ontario Bank andi this office, a $5û bill. Reward for returu 10 STAirxsmMqýjffie. QMALL 11OUSE WANTED- Must KY Jbeeheap and in good repair, State lowest cash down price. M. A. JÀ:ms Bowmanville. 10-tf. A PPRENTICE WANTED-At once .1Xto learn mibnery, apply lu MRs. DOîGANax.5 N OTlCE.-All persans indebted to the late Mrs. Northcote for Music, &ci, will please settie for sanie et once, with J. C. VAN~- STONE, Bowmanville. 8-6W. p ICYCLE FOR SALE.-Gents' very -ID>Flittle nsed-sprocket brake, flexible saddle antinb very good condition. Inquire at Ontario Bank. Il-ý3 w. L INES LOST-Between' Bowman- ville anti Mitehell's Corners, Darlinigton, on Monday, a pair of new team leather lines. Sinder will please leave at Mason & Dale's, or' at Mrs. T. l{ardy's. 11-i1 w. SEED, BAR LEY.-A quantit-y ,0f No. ,J 1 six-rowed barley suitafile for seed beine: free frorn noxions weeds. . J. Bragýg, lot 2, H -OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE - That comfortable brick iCottage on Con- cession St. E., and il acre of garden with somes goofi fruit. Neyer failing spring 0f, water. Everyihing in good condition. WIl be solti cheap. Apply on ihe ?remisegtoeDîGoRaT Tas- cor-r, or to Bowmanville, P. 0. 10 3w* BowmANVILLE. Dental Office lu the Rooms above ,,3 Will be at Orono fromn 9 a. m. to 2 P m , and at Newcastle from 2.30 un- tii 7 p in., on the second and fourth Mondays of each Month. Gold plates, Crown and Bridge work and Painless extraction are specialties, IN ONE DAY for well quali5ied Yon Mon etnd Wonen to aceept positionsinBs ness offices is not a common event even in the leadlng Business Training School in Canada- the TORONTO Bot t actually ocnurred on jan. 26, as foi- bows: ()'Telegram for young woman, stenographer, .from Fort Mcteod. (b) Telephouie for yon an,, Clerk, Yiniun Station, Toronton m (c) Oeil for yua'g lýdy, Telegrapher, Temple BuildigTo onto ( d) Telephone for yonng man, Stenographer, Dom. Express C>. This explains why onr competent students gpt gooa, positions. We train them proerly and Bustn ess men know il. ,Members admIttetdiu t eny ie. (Catalogue free. W. H. SHAW, Prinîcipal. llouFe and lot for .ïale. See ad. The Sunday SholIllustrator for April has a splendid' article 'Teusch with a Sche aile"' that every S S. teacher should read, 1Lt also hai the bible les sons for the xnonth. Fleming H. Reveli, Co., Toron~to, publîshmr. 2e. buys nest eggs this rnonth, at Nie- halls'. Nieholls' has thé proper thing in Side Combs. 8c. buvs boxMatches this month at Nicholîs'. Miss Maud Emmerson hais gone to Niagara Falls. Mrs. Dingxnan's millinery opeuing. March 22 and 23. M. Maser is selling off his entire stock of furs at cast. Miss P. Alexander, Canton, N. Y., is visiting ber parents. Have vou a smal ihouse te tell? If so, see M. A. James at once. Riding a biclycle on the sidewalk at Peterboro cost a gentleman $2. A Grood House to let witli * rooms. XNotieus of Births, Marriages and Dethg 50 cents: when Inarriage licon ses are obtaîned or fuinerai notices printed at tht. office. Insertion free. BORN. WALTON.-IuI Clarke Mareh 11h, the wife ci À nson Walton Esq., oï a son. HloncES.-In Oshawa, March ôtb, the wife of 11ev. J. Hodges, of a son. MARRIED. GILL-RICHÀRD&At the residence of the bridç's parents, March site, be Rev. J. J. %ie, James Gi, Toronto, andtizaet Alice, daughter of Mr. Robert Richards, Bowm anville. A)oLs'-HUTCnxeow.-At the residence of of the bride's parents, Listoweî, on March 2nd, bY 11ev. Dr. WillIiams, Mr. Samuel Adoiph hardware merehant, and Luella, daugh ter o Mrý Robt. 1Hutchfson, formerly cf'Enniskillen. IBICKLL-In Bowmanvlle, on Sunday, March lette Emily Jane Sav ~oewIo&r B.i. -Biceel, aged 37 years. BUeROWS.-111 Hampton. on Snnday, March 12tb, Tryphena Burrows. beloveti wife of Jas. B. Peinton, aged 32 yeers, il months, 9 days. QUÂAY.-On Saturday, March llth, of heart fallure, Donald De Witt Quay, M.D., late of Loendon, England., tbird son 0f Wm. Quay, Esq., of Port Hope. MCDOUG.ÂL-In russels, Feb. 20, John~Me- Dougull, ageti 79 years. 8 mofettes and 18 days. S'aller of Mr. J. 9~. MteDonuraH, Bowmanville. LvrTL,-Iii Clarke Maeh Sîli, Agnes Dieu- son, relie: of the late àino. Little, egeti 77 years. CÂLIEt.-At Columbus, Marcis 7th, John Calder, ageti 92 years and 9 montiez. TBIXRLE.-In Clarke, Mareis 4tb, William Thirtle, aged 84 yearg. KING.-At Burketon, March 4, Maggie Piekeil, beovçd wil!e of D. N. King, ageti 35 years. UCCOLL.-At the Mthodist Farsoneage. Port Ferry. Mercb Sth, Marguerite, yonnger 4laugb- ter o! 11ev. G. W. McColl. Interreti et Peter- BAisxEx-ln Oshawa, Mareis 11h, Suqie M"Mie, yonngest daughter of Mr. Samuel Barker, aged il years and 9 montbls. -BOWMANVILLE MARKETS Crrected by J.3foMurtry each Thesday FimuR P100 lbs........ il95 to$2 2ý WHEAT, Fail, bush... O 0O00 Oi0 ta Spring .... O0 0 ilO070 " Red Fife, .... 000 et0 72 'I 0005E .... 000"of0 70 Bi,ày,, fbush, No. 1..0 45il 0 46 fi fi' el2 .0 26 035 t' n w3.... 025 et0 80 t' te Two rowed 0 25 #1 0 45 dAiE, White et .......... ... 000 il08vù P.YB et.'...........0 00 fi0 55 DUOKWEMAT f'............000 n 0 45 PEAs, Blackeye, VI bush., 0 69 e 0 75 ri Canadian Beauties ' 69 il 0 75 s -Muunmey tel O 00 ilO055 tg Small, il 0 ()0 ilO 57 elBine, 'e 0 17 il 0 55 BuvrER, best table, ;P 1b 0 0 te o 14 EGfl, VIdoz, ............ 000 tg 0 12 POYTÂToEg, bush .........O0 00.'0O30 Hlay per ton ...........5 0 " 6 00 The Popular Dry EGoods Store for E c> .lbta.le Goode at EH 0 Lowest Prices. mOR I This store has no'baits, no trash, E - but quality and variety. We liai'- It) oeways keep the ehoiecest, newest and E FR~SPR1TY. * best of everything, except higlih w prices. Cali anld see for yourselves. Spring goods nearly ail in. t: BowmkNvnj.E. Next door to Standard Bank. Cordially invite the publie o attend the Opening r Are two commerch Snew-laid eggs are eom: we expeet to sell more eanPuy it here any w We, seli the best su at from 12ecto 14ca po Absolutely new lai CORNER MILLINERY STORE, Ou tlhc AFTERNOON and EVENING o Wodllosday,1Vlrch 22 And the following days of that week. Corner King sud Temperauce Sis.' BowmANviLrLE. INOW~ Is the time Io get your repairing doue, bfoethe Sbusy springtime. If, you cannot cali yourself, send Syour orders by mailthey will receive prompt attention and return. Choice assortment of Watches andJewery. Great variety in Ladies' Guards. Latest and popular Instrumental and VoalMusie; alsoMuscalMerehandise, SSchool Books and Stationory. Iti pne;; a1Y:tzzabeYLoaWno: can increase neede of hool boodeStwting ad s, lsupes a crayons, skipping ropes, balis, etc. Wïttch î1'nd Clock? repairing a specialty. Al work popl done and gùaranteed. King St.,BowýmANviLLE. Elhsonïsold stand.) 14 7r. 7 1 1 1 1 lai chumis. Now that Ling within reacli again, ham than ever. You ,ay.you' prefer. agar-eured .hams, whole >und. tid Eggs at 12e a, dozen. S-0. ,ill arrive in a. 1ew days. D a full supply of Redpath's ýnd S0c a gallon. cure a syrup with the ut- nnot do better than buy low sugar for borne boiing 1 no factory syrup at ail Ibos. for $1. 4uce.&Tati :BOWMAN'V Crýz:%eee New MapeSrpwi Prices will be igh. Aso fine light Syrups at 60e ai Thos who wish to se most delicacy of flavor ca our lightest brand ot yell It lis easily prepared, and approaches it in taste, 201 Cash for ail farm proi eak e VILLE.

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