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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1899, p. 6

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The CaadalSae ta BOWM NVILE, AR.1,5> 189 C-ause LIoong Sufferlng. A Case that le Causlng Talk Wben a lad about eight yeairs of age <.11 into a cellar a distanc~e of ten fée xtriking on my head, and causing co, rus-ion of the brain.. I was taiken to Londoni, Eng., Hospital, the first -"eg days not recovering consclousness. I now 35 years old and froro the lime ofn accident until I began taking Dr. Warc Pills five months ago 1 had been subject faïting speils, never being more than tv weeks without an attack of faintixug.j 1 grew older these speils became mu frequent, lasted longer, and left me wi less vitality. I was weak, bad no streng ,or stamina, always very low-spirited a down-hearted; imagined that every thi and every person was going against i and life only had a dark side for me. appetite was poor most of the tîme, bi arn nww ha y to say that, since taki Dr. Wards B.lood and Nerve Pis, 1 ha oinly had one fainting spell, shortly af 1 began taking them, so I have hesitation ia saying that Dr. War Pilîs cured me. I3efore taking thE pills I always looked for a fainting sp 2ot morze than two weeks apart; no :1 wosuld be greatly surprsed at a roi rcrnce cof these spells. Lifie is now brig -the constant, morbid, down-hearted fe Img is gone, being replaced by a conte: ,-d, hopeful feeling. I feel like -workir My appetite is good, and in every resi I have exlperieniced fthe ha n te eestoring properties of Dr. War-d's BIo and Necrve Pis. Thoy certainly ha proVed a great besgto nme. Yci truiy, <Sgned), Thomas Staniton, Bri t'30, Ontk. Dr. Ward'a, Blood and Nerve P. are sold ai 50C. per box, 5 boxes for $2, at druggists, or mailed on receipt of pr by The, Doctor Wa.rd Co., Limil Toronto. r' *u , - ~~~~mou bave bison deigbiei ai hbcug edisibttemuossîptda y rpttaacp Lad"betAtilratos lolbi ociu riis hcGod, ha i ike ite squeering -of Artemisia Tho eadng Se~iIIss 0fAmeica but itia e iedbusei sd demauied sbsinibiur n taadraft alresdy distastis- ibsi others caU hl ibisheSiourge of fuhi>' pungeut? Thon you are ibis star c 20 Years Iln Detroit, ai"Wornwood. Ycura s habe fun ofa s ale- J250,000 gured. At thbe bond of 700,000 iroops, mouuied snako irying bow well it eau stiug. It hp au Cappadocia horses, hoe swept e'ver>'- the fun ot a bawk iryiug bow quiek i WE UPESTRCTU E îtag, t he iisAdrietic ta the BInck ecau siiko oui he oye of s dove. Sea. Ho bt is trou bicl ou Macedlonia WayIs of Douung Good. Tlousansuiof tyeung sud riddle-aged sLud Greise sud Tbrace. IHemaie Mlan But h wMi change ibis sud supposa e n anis tnoubied with ibis diseae-,unsy sdlai udPdasdVrnabgfr>o ressa fwrBl raimt sneouiiouiiy. Ibi'unay bave a wsmantT*,-reasaofwrdyprseiy ýn6 in ensation. anll.twiting streern. l)more>', wbic - ho bestowed: net. T benhon aelreopruiy sharp est tîug pains a iesih i- Byzantine ensiles, te moe is ruo hvs ageopotni>. o chengm, emiiou u a il ibis sympiewuiev>', put up. ai anction massive sile au encootrage ibat atilat b>' buyiug is ert emn iity- nd&te y m ptom- tbe sdvss dsligoi le picturo. Yen eau improve ibis fields, tle of nevousdebiity-hey hve S1ý_T ýÏ able an 'il vsesstables, g ibisW -nbastawes,,heb>'hwlutroduciugcin TUlUl. Do'tletdotoms experirnt'nin it>' was capturai b>' buma, ibisinliabitants bge tl ffw u oa u o yen b' utiu, treehog o tanag wisrisbrouight oui and 5imi lran'-d sbeep. Yeu eau biesa ibis woSd wibh yen. 'bis wvili net cre y'au. sait wil n< - cass.Te . s Ls, ibosis wba ioulid tu. Our NEW MEV HOI) IRIAT cass.Tef-s hSposuologle-al achies emont intahiisrcliand. -MENT absorba ibis structure tisane; luiar amas, muati moedisiely enliati iner Yueuavneabrcluesdars hn eeremoves the stricinreparrnueuîly. Attila Or ho butcberisi; ibissecond lass, ii eîtldsrcini bsAnsia h eaunnover ratura. Na pain, no suffer-pth ehf dsrcinoteAm ca ins, rio deteution trorn business by Our' iithe auitul -ome, w-o-e tecaptive foresia. Yen eau put s piece afi sculpture iuetbod. is hesexuaorgn,sanesrength- L thbi Huns; ibis third css, ibis agod into the niche oethtuipublie c aidxu>, eoe. Iis orvsa raiuvaorted axi on sud womnen, wisre xobbed ofet er>- oouedo r.oigsyunu to- ibisbils e maboo reura. îîugsudlotgo baek ta tube cli>' to pa>' ig 1,000 haro fret trous ibi winte-r frýosi, R F. CU G L.EET abeay ttaL you eau huild a cburub, you eau put a * Âouands et yenug sud uidd1e-aged Seourge of Hel. misshouar>' of Christ on ,ibat frelýgu u..o are flaving their sexual vigor sud " h wasan common sayiug tuaiibis grass shoe, >'ou cau heip te ansoin a worl-d.. vitality continually sapsyed b>' this.dis- ena oasi. Ii> nsfeuesyueues nèyer gî-ew weristhe boof sef Aitil's -A iriinu thîb is beurt ib-s cf the eau.et fthese symptomi. -Genonal '-ors(, nad tmod. Ris armies thee dibsyoe ol me how mucli good a Jamnes WVenkuess, Unuatunal isiihangea, Pail- wteîi bsSissdiisMelssu Loxora erg Penbody or a Peter ofathManeie andNetvesudmeÂsoPoora Geo-g oa n>',Irrtabli ahurnes smant fin the Rluie wiib. carnage snd lought au Cooper or s William B. -Dadge did wbilo sation, Srinken ï yes, with dark circles, th e Catealonian plaina thbe frs battis living or la doing uow that hla Ocaia? Weak hlsek, Gînenai Depression, 2buek *shnoO the world stood-300, OL0 dead hofi There la net a city, tawu or neiglhor- ofe Ambition Varicocele, Shuinken ýi on ibis fjeld. (On sud on until ahi those hood ibat bas nai glanions speelmeus of Parts. t.G EET aud 8TRICT1URE "ï maybetibo ause. Don't eoussit family ",jWho iouhi not oppose hLm' wituh arma lnv cousecratei we4ul1h. uoctor, as ibis> havis no experiee in l prostrate on ibeir faSs n l prayer, thon a But supposa, you grind the face, of the these' spieisi diseses-dou'i allow eodo 1s a S ntedsàopo.Spoe hnamn ae r qak teexperimnn on you. Consnît coii miwas~l bsdaaspa.Spoe bnana' ae r Specia2 x Wehavernadeaslifesiedycif sud abisbop cried, "htislatuba aid et due, you lx»ake h !m wait for thaxu because Diisisot MenandWemen. OsrNEW God, " sud alibis people took ,u.p the or, bis cannai belpi htuseif. Suppose ibat, METRD TIEAIMNT 081; 1- "itl is eaid! id God. " As ibis chaud of boesuse bis farnil>' le suck sud lie bas liai tivisi>'cure yen. One ibousani dollarsw sd h anr fr-etaexess i hudpltl s o Sfr a case we acuepi for irsairnent sud ~dusi wsblo-uaaii bsbnea0 e xr xesa osol oîe> s a enu>-,noteure. Tisnmderai fora cure. enforctag armies..aaarebed in teo lsp tua raise bis wages for this yisar, sud yen CURE GU RAN EED agaisi Atila;,"ibis- Scourge, of Ged." rougbly tell M if ho wsnts a boiter The most unimportaîsi ocurrènoesle place togoad get t Suppose, b>' your Wýe ireiansd cune: EMISSIOýNS, usai as a supelraural ressource. Muter marner, you aci as thotagb ho were noib- VARIOCLESYPHILIS, GLEEýT. ibriemoniba af tallaistn arp4ure ibising sud yau wero os-oîytbing. Suppose 1ýITR1ICTURE, ÙIPOTENCjY: SECRET DI)'.%NS. UNNATURAL D)ISCIIARG - ci>' of Aquileia, wben li'ý srmy hlai yon are selfisbb sud avembeamhug sud arma- * E. iIDNYînBI.DDIRI)aeaes. given up ibis siege, ibis fighi (it a âtork gant. Yaum firat nains ougbt ta ho Attila, CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS aud lber youug trom ibis tor f itis oit>' sud your lasi naie Attila bieause you QUSI Nablet aNK f ierHoE was taken b>' hlm as a igu trhat lie wae are tbe star Wormwoad, sud yau ha1vis TItEATMENT. te capture ibis city, sud bis army, lu- ombittoris an-iid il netu ibrei-ibis spirei wiib ibis saine occurrenme resumuisiof ibis waters ibat roil pasi your emnployées ilibis siegé sud tlookibis wails ai a pointu sud opertilves aud depenldenis sudasaga- EN ED CKEfGA ram whicb ibis stork bai ornerged. Sao intes, sud the long lins af carniages brillant was ibis couqueorriluattire that; wbieb the nudortaker ornera for your ~ i Wign i nd Shelby St bis enemies could, net lobk ai hlm, but funemai, in aider te make ibis occasion qIFETRoilT1 CMICH. abadisi their e>'es or turnisi fbiirbhends, respectable, wil bis flelciwitb iwiee as - . Siain ou tube eveuiug et bis iniarriage i3nu> dry, tearhess cyes as ibero ar e pr- b>' ha bride, Ildico, wbe was bired for 'sens accupying thein. You wlll ho lu ibis ibhe assaslnationi, bis followers bowaviled world but a fsw minutes. As comparaid 1him ne- ýthxt tears, but witb blood, Ont- wibh eterlity, ibis sta ofethtue longeai life t ing ibemselves wiib buives,,sud lances, an ennili is not more tihan a minute. Hoe waa put ie otîrce coffins, bhe firsi ai What are we daiug witb that minute? .iran, ibis second af silver sud ibhe ibird of Are we ernbiitemlug the dornesio or social _______________________ old. He was buried b>' nigbi, sud Into or polluiaI fountalus, or are we like Writefor our iuteresting bocks "' Invent- coins aud prociosus tones, smaning ta wilderness; cornplainod ibatibis waters af or's Help" sudd ' Hcw yen, are swrndled." tibi wealib of a kingdoxu. Tise grave- Laite Magah were bitter sud ibis>'cauli Send us a rougit sketch or modt 1 af ypur diggers sud ah ibhose wbo assisteda aiibi net drink ibem iboir leader cut off ibis invention or !improvemneni sudA we whfltell huriliwisre masaamced, 5seibsi iwonld brandi et a certain trois sud ibrow ibat yeunfre. our opinien " a ewbether it i aesokouw.r e ubwut rnbmeth ae.sdh ean probahîF patentable. We malté a speciaîty ee ekonwees nc.wathbac noteWtr n tbcm et applacations rejectisi la other banda. was entombai. swisot as lakisi ibis iirst 0f ibis sufisr- Hligbosu references furisishisi.' The Roman Empire couquorisi the iug hosi? Are wo witb s brancb 0f ibis DURION & DUIRION worid, but Attilia conquered tibi Roman ure etf fe swestening al ibe brackh PATEN(T SOL.ICITORS &s EXPERTS Empire. He was nrigbtinh callng blunsehi founitaiasa ta we eau taucli? Civil & Mecluanlcau Fagineers, Graistes cf thes a socurge, but insteaof etbing "tube The Ouiy Sweete iuî PW e Pa!ylechnuie Seheol cf EngineeringIticlielorfll S a"iinwsiissougni enodYan s ilowouibris ipplois ciences, Lavai t'niver'ity, meuniers So o God lewstecor f Da Id enusl utnt m- Patnt aw sieiatien, Aneican Waten Wcrke bell. -Alaon sian. Al r u luimbittierisi ilves--Is- Associaison, 'New Enguan w-ai r WOrks Asssois. Becausis of bis biilinnc> sud bies bitter aib'pimrnioinbtors > P. Q.,iSiveyt)55 Asociation' Assois. Membom OCan..btee yprStin mitrd iSociety' of Civil Engineers. ibis commistatera might wll havi s up- hypercrliicisrn, imbiiterisi b>' povorty, NE OKLIFE BLPO., MONTREAL, CA. posedi hlm ta o bish star WormwOOd Of imbitterisi lb>' pain, imbitteredyi 'tjus- OFFIE: 1 N BO Ultaîso., WASHII5ITON, DO. the text. As ibis regiauns devastuated tice, ibhttorsin , .Wby nai go fort ...were paria mosi opulent witb founitaina sudaee ietb>cunls b' 1ap sud areass su rivra, 'wsos ow iug words, b>' benetaciions, b>' heart> graphie rn> texfi la: 1"There teil a grisai conasse, b>' pryer, b>' gaspelLzed behav- 50 YEARS' star frorn beaven, buming as il weris a tom? Ltu enm ua fw r EXPERIENCE îmsdh e pnii bdpr iwermwoaî te athers we- are wormwood T * 1112L' ibis riversansd upon ibis founiains 1of1to ounrgelves, sud aur lia will lhobitter waters, sud ibis munie of île star is cal id and aur eterait> biteror.Th gospel of Wormrwood." lflIflecs , JeassChrist isshe uh>'sweetening 15a!fui î'luseoes.power ihatislasuflicient. Il sweiens ibis - îBat are sa>' eof yon ibis star Woranwoed? disposition; ih aweesesthibi auns; i Do yen scoId uýna gro-', 1 from tbhe ibronos swecteas lie; lu swreteus imystonions TRADE MARKS S 4t rna1 Or mtraArc yonr ohîdrisu providence; isweens afflictions; 15 DEIGISswiseteus desili; ils swooieus iver>'iig. I COPYRIGHTS &Co. everlsstiugl>' peeisi ai? Are You always hbave eard pisople fskod lu social corn- Anyene senlng askislls ands descrIptonma>' crying "R1-ush 1 Y" teibis memry voices sud pauv, "If, yau couli bava three wishea qnieicly asertin c ur opinion ifre wheir an swit fret sud ta ibis laagter whkbgaiicwa ondyu bra se inventionus laprebably pyeintable. Conmsotca- tibe iwo gr-at"Iff I cht oul ais trowihe s e tiens strietly confIdentual. Haudlsookon Patent±s acessionsl>' ibmkesthougb twogb?"I ol hvtre ihsmt an t frie OIdisît agonisforirng patenmts. tuiaes, sud is suppressisi b>' iem i nii tell yen wbaî ibis> would ho.Fismr Patents taise. hnoo>b Mnu & C0. reme 8pecsi sotice, w tt isant % inibis>ea banhldino longer, and ail ibisOfd ibisgrace of Gai; secoi, more et ibe 1"barriers bumatI nia unlirnited ggufaw aud~ gratie 0f (ed,; thirIl, more of tbis grace of Scktn'Iïc merkan., cachhuation. as Lu ibis watiherribiswatr om A eadsomely illuatx.aedlweekîy. Iloegenobix- has iricelii rougb sa light opeuiug lu lu tse dooryarul ot su>'brother John, usatfur nth ysi$1. 8i by au eeàâ9l$s, Sa tibismilldant, but sfterward imakos wh.der once missionar>' Ln Amoy', Cbina, ibere sai: fermeeha St S SlP il is am lsan sd widism breacli until it caries aIl biç- s ar oslai ithe omperrietb ~IJN CO.sî~a~yNeWYMIN tare ih with irresistibia freshAti' Do net tw, chamaoiteristuaio f hch are ibati h îitraneu Offiee. 625 p st. . iglon, D. <C. ho ina mucb afeje aù taihbisnoise yom, always grows higher tuas ts snrrund- c'hiidren uow inake. itwil ho stil ngsandssi us lisavSes tue ,the fart 0fsa ~ re ~ fr enoaugh wbenoneofatlius dend, Thenon .If his aemporreia bis plautis her aadersebk, tgrows, i jtilie, ý a onis aout tram ibstheIîent v<ses tni Uauitdio ~bsh mmd apreais iont ebove it stop frOTUnibis til fù,ot. your, U a & wn.MTi haplantad by îl 5ado ai 1*A n>' of yeu have ,te wnit veryolong bson oit, rasu owsahtiaJiiia K~i1 h~us siUer bsu ' ~Wut _ ___ Il ~ r'~ t ian ihai ires nsu apread8 above i t fTHE STURGVON FISHING INDUSTERF. L41 ~-rown. Would Gad ibai ibis religion i o m9 Tigbt overshadow ail yorir lives! Are Ltuxe f Cemauuuiu 1h. 9.You lowly tvainambition or crcxuisce is aqatonîsb1ing lipw 1)unlsoux nei,, - pn _îg over you its crown? Areyo apreditors,ý wbo are supposuld ta o ibigl inl talent aiad position, putting oveur more ibn suuaslly well iuformedi, bave Rev. Dr. Talmage Drawvs a Contrast B3etween % yoS1ii crown? Oh, for more o)f ibis yeita learn of tberoouco f ibeiy ownj sacchan in o lires sud lissaof ibiscountry. Quite reoutly tttheito fa S ,elf ishn(ess and Kindness. W *olod1Wnnipeg paper wenit i! io ctso e k RHundred gaiecd Thebes, foyr afl -time t dian osviarc in London. The shlpmoni etc aiganis froeis heLýLke of<iisWoods e! ho ibis estudy of antiquarlan sud hiena- district,.but the oditor d1iinetsecmnte ýet, We Shoutd Strive ta Make This, World a Pleasant Place-Those glyphiat; bier sbupendow.s r.ina 3prmad h r tii a btii air ýon- 1 ~~~~~over 27 miles; ber suptrspreuting b<1wre f hf-thth ýui n aWho Scatter Wormw6od Are Likened lu figures of warrior sud chario>t tibis vic- dusiry ha oue a fiourisbmg oue in tube tes tories witb wioibi s ute ow forgoftWinnipeg for ny years. The arn e Atml th Hu. kugsof gyp sbok bisnatons be trads and navigation returas donot give, my ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ig Alstaiior aesexau hms obhikasu ornsheKrak oisud e under a s;eparate beading, ibis exporta of Ala, tlatthre re o mnyhoms nrLuxor, ibis9tupeudous, temples of lier but accordiug ta reports iu pas- rd Washington, Marc]b 12-The conaiff known ta ibis Society for the Provention rî.Wloaumaieisg tes of e sesslop of ibis Deparimeut of Fisheris, t ta boteeu hie ofsellsb~ su gihileai f t wbero chfl-de -sever;u[ hundrsid kegs bave beSu sent front two jhnrue lacet forth b Dr. T anCreli>' d ndcufh dre Thles in those days, wbeii the hippo- Rai Portage during ibis pasi iWo or ibriS As~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wbl itusa ~o ~ sg r bc u u dsderpuhled. drome rang with hem sports sud forign ibis bai,, uont leful W, f-asd senselessly callisi tao oder, sud ian- royslty bowed ai bier alirines u bryears. PoesrPicCxrainro ,ore actrd0 liesur'ibenestes g rii normei ibis ilb of crouqueror ld 5isu tiMji x, swisred sbapl>', adsupprefld, unîf itavenues roarisi withtubh le dpoeshren lbbln grtauinrsd iens ýgh Revelati0on Viii, '10, 11, "TPhons fell a ha a wonder ibhaiunder sc roosssiens libisth e id eiuring ofqurores? trenfgigi and a trfou evn unu s l bs'd etalhmoiNn Sabiba !, Whai dasbed dowu ibis vision of chariots ibsi Canadiansturgoon, fromis re osoa 'wero a larnp, sudi feUl upon Ceo thirul Wbaî la your influence upon ibis neigli- sud temples and ibrouisa? Letibishmu- wbich caviare ila madIe, take first place 'l'gpart ibitheriversansd upon ibis feuntaiua borhood, ibis tawu or tib, city ai your mies break ibeir longsilence' sud core ne the blis t onalites Afe yar o hi wa ne, of waters, sud ibis nainisof ibisstar iâ rosidonce? 1 wnll suppose ibsi you are u oahve a h dslain u pit ib cuxuliisAruiw eastsda s My callisi Worrwood."1star'of wii? Wbai kL'd of raya do you up fa.lle gathedsatimii satuesntth sudm o t ;I PtiksdLoi.Toa Scott, shoot forth? Do yon use tuai splendlid defaced sculpture, resporxding: "lThebes al>' lu British Colombin, ta look upo hug atthew Heur>, Albisrt Bamnes sud soeisfaculty ta irradiat' ibis wonld or ta raud uî ltanstml the sturgeon as of littie value as a fo SVs OTbrm, mn tators sa>' ibai ibisstari? I blesa al ibis apoataloc ollege Ofhat ",i"beousnessa dôvdsin Teb fil, but a difforout opinion prervails now. ir ornwo 0f mrY tsx Wasa Yre of hunsorists. Thes man thai makes me was a star, but aseturuisi ta wormnwoadAsÔn gas15PrisoOw ,ai rd Attila, Ring of tube Huns. Ho wasss0 laugl i la y benefactor. I do not1 thank an a aln minentuthibnt>', publici> drew atteni- x d s cal ici b e u se bis w ass b rill ia xti a s s star , a n y ho d y t a uak e m e cry . 1 eau do ibatu a d B ab y l l, .w t b l er 2 0 t w rs s d b r0f i i t rg o b a suM, ikeo warrw d, is imbitterci ever>'- witbouî an>' assistance. We al crM enongb brazen gaies sud ber ebtliiw 'sii ho uilCadanrvraxaibs îe1thhng lie touched. We have studied tube sud baveisnaugb ta cm>' about. (3od blesa apleador aifibis earth gaýsbered Nwitibin lier urnDeaf the great exhibition i London lI Star 40f Beiblebein sud ibis Morniug Star al akilîfuil punsters, all reparteeis, l aelir îgail ,. bi.It bis o gh t iisinrfo a1!ý i LL of 1Revelsiion sud ibhe Star of Pence, but propounders of , ing nious c n n t m mbc a n m r t l& s i r d ý T e s u g o 'are r t aie a te to Fee- m sujeu cals s o gze t t(, taral thse ho irtu o urp rus. ga _&iets, wber banglng gandens puin a i ibisth ýn-Wornuwood, and un>' ieme migtb ho ail- unuanal juxtaposition of womds. Thoimas ý,Mniion, un S.Jh ni ed "Brillant Bhiternes." Ho u hre ikn u >d~Imountainaus country>'asd eouhd not su- ~.Jh iver, N. B., lu Ilbo an Chrlff Di-kes an Syneydure tibis fiai country' round' BabylonibistheSt. Lawrence,in uso Byad pegt A more eistraordiuary characier history Sinuib had s dl.vins imissioad,;daiLave Te BniggrosbittraeL l tegetlkso r a>, ai igth dee(s 1notfu>'nab issu 1aibis man Attila, ibeir successors lu these is rn ý'es. Tbsti above terrce -tillýai ibhe-is ht et40 toisa sud lu certain waters of the uufftb- oaci ibising6f ibis Huns. The star>' res into tue acid beveage of ile th(-sccbar- fet hee erw oodswav suad tolan.. ThePacifie 'sisrgeon. esecill>' lae, hAat eue day a wounded bier carnle hhup- lue. This> make ibis cup of ia.rily eist- ~talus playiug, tube verdure, ibis tolage, tiosis oftube F'aer River, are cf iimense urs h4, aong tbro;pgbtube fieflds, suds ea s ence, whicb, is somnetulues stale, effervesce ibis glory looklug as if a inmnialu wsre 'sire, but tixasi most valuable for (caviare ,ih u olwdieboxyrkou the ansd bubbie. Tbe>' placate simuiosities. outhe wing. eu iis s b Iin)g W.alk- ,t'i bssugo fii ae0 h od gras tahisewssud e stuen ofthena. fthe Caods grass tod, sud wbore the beieur wswouud- The>' foster longeviiy. The>' s>' alles ing wiib bis queisu. Arnug ibisstatues, ewd awester y Ontari' Tahe celobad p-111,edandwent ou back fa.-rib an sd farther sud absurdities whicb alibis sermons of snow-y white, booking up ai birds brought czt pr ardis, ud reati>the elor 2.00 nutil ho camne toa i. worntfas l is heal the pulpîts caunot imeacb. Bttwhist Rfroxu diataut landndsud dmluking eut ai ,rjee earib, ibis point .dawnwýard, as thbcxugh use are you maktag of your wIt? Isi taards of soîi god or looking off Ôver ta inucb iliat la produod luibis ýUnied te, ith ad.droppisi tramibishebsaveus, mand beaircbed wih profanit ansunuclean- rivons sud lakea upoa nations subdued States ansd eibir couninies. The demsuad against tWieaigeo f ibias swor0 theis hiler neas? Do yon omplo>' h in uamusement ai sud iioa>,cyu,"ha not ibis grisatilase ogreat, snd tibisuppl>' eonparatis-ely badiK beau but.The hemsman puflisi sap physical detects for -wbich 1tube'vIctime ýBabylon wbich I hava builtt" ulmitei, lieues, NWberevem sturgeon accur - ~ ~ ~ ' tua wzd*ipeoiih aAll.acfo opuil re your powers o Wbfba th~~ h wlsiere lias beenau s tndisue>', nring tube A itilesii tuai swori muai bla ve dropped miruiery useul ta put religinl au*b powhrçpu~Iii ardiss? ast isiglt or ton yea.r5, ar ue from thibis lvens from tihesgrasp e th-ebstempti ha ha bnncb of nittlesoei IvSI- IWhist army shatierisi tuhe bmaris gaies? l uiefsug h ouii ie yqge-d Mars, sud ius hing givon tW hlmtivole îha aboli of unjstsi comu? La t h atln, ecbato tnptotaboundisi lu sturgean ton yeais ago. -At ~Jmisantthat Attila abouli couquer aud fun ai ailiers' misfortune l a It eaiutWha,log, foce bliuniotatdrtheput on?[thiat turne sregularshurgeon fishisry ho- zA ovemu ibhé wb-ulsparth. Othox.r . in i , iishigt hhh hbxliu-1 iis ord? _ , - 1-11 -- Do flot think fora moment that consutnpti ever strike you a sudde hdees not come that w If oreeps its way *1911 ing cough ; ten a litth weighv then a harder the, tile fever and th sweats. The :scddenness comn you bave a hemorrhage, Bettr stop, the diseas it laý yet creeping. , og can do itiwith Ton firsi notice that y, cougli les. The pressen the cbes is Iified., Thatfeeil of suffocation is removeci. clm 1ahastenci byplacingone Dr. Ayers Cherry Pectoral Plaster over the Chest. Ai1 -soqk Fpse What C811 01CeI>n.o.1 d-.. clwn t- mnusic that poured from palace window dressed fresh ano ]pickled s1tuxroon were Throai andciLungs. aand gardon grove and, called the ban- Plnpped away, having a vale of $15,000. WP0I*Fo r,. Fuul. quetors to their revel and theé<aqers to n 9 erl ,0,0 ptid &If y, have a~ ouiit'i>ev their feeti' 1 walk upon the scene of obtained, ate9ai4-,0 Air fe sd eue h - smde dolto 11da nwradpiek psees thouPI- ill a i of bituinen and brick a.nd broken, In the Sacramuento and other western ,-YhO(-ot t potrthe romains of Babylon. I hear rivrs, and the U ited' State frns n- m .C Y R Lw rM M the wild waves sayihg, "Babylon was gaged in- tbe dsr attempted to follow ~ ~ proud, Babylon 'wa impure, Babylon the saine coure iln British Columabia,, butL 0wa.s a star, but by sin she turidto the Canadian fishery laws prevented i. wornwood aud lias fallen."ý Last year the Fraser River sturgeon e- Th od&Gedn0.cedod $0000 in value, Whitby has a resideht in the per.uon Tho ords Godnss.Caviare is one of the nsost valuable of of Mrs Logan wbo bas almost reached e I pray that Ouir nation Many not copy fl1sh products, being eonsidered by epi- the centurýy mark,being 91 '.%ears of age 9the crimes of nations that have perished; cures as a groni dolicacy. Canada sup- in-Mav. Vtuai our eup of blossiug tura not plies, and bam done for xuany years a The prizes offered for the three best àwormwood and we go down. 1 axli by greaier quantity than ýany other couritry,, POems On Orono new town hall by nature and by grace au optimaist, and I aud much of ibhe vainable Russuan cav- pupils of Clarke sohools were awarded texpeet ibat this country wiii continue to aire is really the product of $3ie Donin- to Miss Edith L. H-ammi, Orono, Miss 1adrance untilthe world shaîl reach ithe ion. For about 20 years 'Uited States L-na E. Dobson, Leskard, sm-i Miss 0 millounial ors. Our only safety is in buyors bave sought the raw . maierial, Lillian Rae, Starkville. righteousnoss towsrd God and justice whkbh is the uearlyripe eggs of the stur- Whitbv Unid nk nhdaro- toward man. If we forget the goodness, geon, but' witbin the last e iebt or tOIX gl ro-4 of heLod a iisiad nd rek isyears mauy Candian fish Wht rnxshae s meeting on Mouday evenls'ý,- last iii disastrs tha haveagain thdeag incr adte xb re miatorial and convertoceddnmeibrh. Sabbatbs, nud iroprovo fotyt, edieh1 d . ib x'Mr. F ii xeo h 1 dsaserstha hae aainandagan crne1 ,by roessof cloaulng, saltiug and ,rganizers5of the Order, bas been hero to 'us as-a people, and we learn saviug 'pressing it dark, pla.stic suibstancef' tops e a nteiîrsso lesson neithor fromn civil war nar raging ratheor lie bramnblebo-rry jam lu appear- this flohrishing socioty.-CitronýiCle. s eildomie, nor drought uer mildew, nor ance, cailed ar.Thiestory of the9 s courge of loonsi and grasshoppcr; If the Uanadian sturgerà;.i;Gerioe la ishe, saie-- epolitical corruption wbichlias poisoned- in. every province. At first indifference as "-_______ ? ,tho fountains of public virtue and be-, to tho value of thbe fish, and thoen an., n- sliinid ibis igh places of auihority, mak- Ordînate desire to captureý everything ingY Q fing f rec goverument ai urnesua hissiug the shape of sturgeon, when, its marliet and a byword inalal the -esrth; Iflibhe value was realized, was followed by the J druakonness and licentiousnoss that stag- decline, and in some cases total cessation, g grand blaspheme in>ibis streets of our of thbe industry. Manitoba aud western!Fr 0,Ta-E egreat cites, as ihougli tbey wore reaching Ontario (Lakeofi the Wooàs) have for 24 ;after the faine of a Corinili and a Sodorn, nany years bocu the great hoadquartors Jagi er 1are not reponied of, we will yoi see the for the caviare and srnoked stureni _______________ srnoke of our natiou's muin; ibhe pillars of ,uty u a aka 880 Unte our -National sud Siate capitols wil fail States buyers bogan te urge the St. John > more disastrousiy than when Samsonu River (N. B.) fIshernen ta a btain ail th rpulled down Dagon, and future -histor-- sturgeon ihey conld. Those New York îans wil record upon ibes'page bedewed buy.ers, it is said, hsd encouragod in ibhe wiih generous tears thxe story ibat the rivers of Plorida the pursuit0of ibis star- free nation of ibis west arose in splendor geon ifishiery to suchan extent ibat ihey which made ibis world stare. It-bad uuag- were rapidiy clesned oui. The St. John nificent possibililies; it forgot ,God; ît River atturgeonefisbery did not last More ebated justice; it hugge l is crimes ; jt than six years. At is height as mnany as E 0a shàlted on. ias high usaxeh; it reeled under 200 siurgtsun wuire ofi-en taken lu a single ibthe blow of calamity; it foul, and as it haul, and the Ieaping 0f a large fish was Often Coldssettl inthe Th1rntat nd -was goiag down alibhe despotisma of a common sight as far up the rivor as Bronchial Tuboes, anid make ithe xiýe seartb froxu the top of bloody ibrones Fredericton., Thon for a period of eigbi hourse snd husky, and an efforltite poiu, rbegan ta shout: "Aha! So would webhave or ton years ibis total prohibition, of the distre'ssîng. 1tt w;y bo, reduced le a lu!" whiie struggltag and oppressed pio- fishery was carried oui. The denxand for whisper or lcst entirely for a whiilc. pies looked oui from. dungeoni bars, with sturgeon bas continued te incroase, snd Iii cases of this'hind rohigwill so tears and groans aud cries of untold 'wiih the decay of great fisberios like the soon give relief and restorebeoiceas agouy, ithe scomu of those and ithe woe of sturngoon fisherles of tbhe Delaware River vieu ibese u.niting libish exclamation: "ýLaok aud bay, sud ibis smaller fisheries ou the youderl1 There fell a gr eat star front boa- Potomac, Hudson, Kenuebec, etc., Uni- Dr -o' yent, burniug as hi were a lsmp, 1sudi ted States merchauts bave bad to reiy on pfeUl upon the third part of the riversanad supplies from Canada.' Canadian' fisber- Ncr'-ýiay Pina 1vinon the founiains of 'waters, sud the men rspidly lesmued the bigb value 6f a naneofth sariscloe omwoi fisb wbicb bibhe-.to ibey had treatod wiùb Syrup. contornpt On àîl the'greai lakes, but especiaily in Lako Huron sud the St. 9mi7 is wbatThos. ih, aiedonia. Orlt Use for Liquefied Air. 'Clair waters, bturgean fisblng bas been wriz-" Ayerr ic azd v1 severe ('u' ht is .rcported ibat a use bas bison found actively pursued; but ibes bst cavlire, 1 sth'goneh ndtost. atse for liqeffed ibisthepossibiliies of aud, lu some respects, ibis best sturgeon, , cculd seztraely s1 ,i':odr tha&n a whs,îr. wbic bae ben mtiies a disussonhave been sbipped for xuauy years fromtnz~ud1Iu.esc'iou atbtisît r aogscieutiflo men for soutetimo. the waters of Manitoba aud fmnhe W-1,di Noûrway Pinù yrup, whiush eomplotoly Aocordlug Vo The Mhing Reporter, a dis- Lake of the Woods. Ou Lake of tbe Woods ________________________ eovery was made rocently by wbich h i alone thons. were hast year between 200 now practicable,,to use liquefied'air in sud 300 largo pouud nets set, in the lixu- Laxa-Liver PUiis cure constipati!on underground work, sucb as mlniug, driv- ied ares wbich lies wiibin United States Without an>' gr!piug, weakeuing Or slck- ing tunnels sud stnkiug sbsfts. htisl said tesrtary. Iu the Canadian pari the nurn- ening. Price 23ec., ail druggists. ibat under proper conditions thxe libers- i alfon8 a0.Nal .0,0 _____________ »tion of air fromn the iiquîd conubis offe- pouuds wigbt af sturgeoon was sbipped tive iu generatmng power witb wbicb tofroim ibese inets, iu 1895, al of xvbich4 run drills under grouud, purnps, bolsts, passed ibraugh. Rat Piittago on rute te etc., while cool air cen aluso becsupplied ibis United States. Several, E-ms ai Rai in the dtle"et mines. The liquid air oan Portage bave employed experts, to mianu- also bo used lu freering soft ground, fa cture caviaro, sud ibis bas for sortie xnaking tunnel cutting less bazardons years bison doue ai Selkirk, Manitieba, ibis snd tedious., fiesb of the sturgeon being frozen, plckled, R T sinoked, sud in sorne instances caune-d A lNew Use for Spiders. 'like sairnon. Cauned srnokod sturgoonla In ibis profossional sebool ai Chahis- superior ta saîrnon. Inu espound cana ht Meudon, The Industrie Textile states selis wbolesale for $2. 50 per dozen, ibat spiders bave now ta spin for th be br(,ns Pacifie saimon realize oui>' $1.25 I - beneffi Off tib'ulions wbich are used for ta *.50 per dozen.( M U IN sciontilic sud military researches. The It s lana ibi Pacifie cesst that ibis stur- spiders are grouped lu dorons beo re sgea xccdaimahrsfo1sresu nx reel wbicb witbdraws tbis delicate ibreads. ber. Wbereas sturgeon 40, 60, iip ta 1f00 Oue spider cau give n ibread from 20 tc, ponds arc considered large ta ni und 40 'yards iu lcugtb, nftcr whicb perforta- and Atlantic waters, ibere are spS. nons &î 'ance'it la released. The tbreads> are of taken luIbish Fraser River nt urnes \veigbi h pinkisb bue, aud are wasbed te remove ing f ront 800 ta 1,000 pouinda linish tbe sticky surface layer. Eigbt thoosds Britishi Clumibia Board of Trade reportfW. "E have ta ho cornbined. ' The resultiig tex- 1890, the opinion of the Dominion Cori of ibis saine bulk, sud strong cords for Io.s "The sturgeon wbicb are sa plenti- ý ý .. i1!. mllitary biahloons eau no doubi ho obtain- fulinl British Columbia aif ord a f1sbery ed lu ibis way. whhch is capable of developineui ou a M large sosie. Professor Prinois stated that Fisls Wilu aux lasticiSot'hoh. tuaurgoon found here are fluer ihan JR The god ol ru-1 thatibose In Ruslan waters, and he' saw ne Thegoo ol mue iata receptarlo 1 roaon wby tibis province should not coni muas ho b argriban is co nttfs fluap 1pé ihRs ntesero.'aîprorlucta p4rent refutati2u lu tube case 0 f oibis bi potw lhR aluis uxodon, fisb ~et sue&as iudutry." iblack swahîower. " t ta noted for its vo)rracit>' sud for tlu oxee icul Tous of 1,0tL b4hiv ~jia ~asan1.,wbieli permits t 4-0 (Mm 4heussu4 tons of soot ,setu&e.mosla &Agaéor~um argeuss th"tvr*f. -19 1ti a luSq unre udmid- Mla&udâ o! a sialgle don 1il1 ln blow. ng. le hack- rcougli; îe night swheli, r-, e DQ Put M.MMý-ý ýl mai ýbn. "-vr --A A-e-ýo m gt le,ý-n

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