Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1899, p. 8

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AN IRISHMAN'S DOCTOR. el Thestory given below carnies its ap- à Yeucan'tinak a man sober by Act à% Ow xru 4am nt." 1 ethey said. i tbought it over. It a lu Mn ditn't seoîn te me a sef-evident propoal Sottirs' xcursonstion "Why net?" said L Thau Caq a. 'fou Mlgbt as Wel- try te cure tiio toothache by Act of ParIiantil& C anadian 'loubled with toothache. woried by 10,' Thasis md hplm bfL. IMya ben wa al'Igin consoquenco. My tem301 tja c ific-was gune. My Mmnd wamü going. 1 was *lnvited tW try various remediea. - t0op 1." aald fme. 41t. hw? inquired. W-C te "1i1 the tooth wlth gold," thy air- gI The tooth Was tbus primod, but Ohe «'Clear-t ou$." said oOberm. To Manitoba and Canadian 6HWhw, uM et4 x North West, via North Bay. Clao h bless.d thing,' " hey said. Get ~ ~ ~ Aw yo1 ticet from usIt 00 inspected, Ilhnninated, Get our ickes font s -- f Yrlngod, furnîgated, made .bsautiful now. For information and Vith caxnphorated chalk, bath-brik,. literature, call at "Uv lérto udys adaoéi g I tried this. Even on Bundays thora ILIPUDlT A 01l * er hosotel gus twinges; on Mon- in HIGN O H M & SON X Yl wam as bad as ven. Wha0 wami J. ~~Aens UIUIIUIIMI dot, BoWKÂNILL'L Be extra oaretul whai Y" 104o té .Et, il" advimed at civie functi«nayy. J ohng'could oxceed my cans. ',Thms ~ magistn ar etifled Oh.ý good. harmiless, axel aO baacter of all 1 pu$ lnto my %otlh. î [olé mate. Net for long. 1 soou du A fait soId. TiireauiSa weo dimappointlng, V P distnmsslng, excruclatIng. Somahow Ohe cortialcated- application lent Il. virue th* K' l-e rnko atri your mouth W eant tblak tbis wam the onîy t'erndy. At lent 1 took counuel of a fan- "Try thm Parltementary cure," said lie. Ao- "Wha'm thatl" said 1. 4I ..... "Have the tooh pulled out; a short act L e, 1 R R I'S --«w Thissemed drastlo. lé would leavea t LAu * gap ln My -6ocia yatein. I ahould MIma au old friand. The booth bad a vemted lateros. I humitated. 1 book courage. ____________ -vi wurruu 2~. .ew~ .i a.uî.ry L-%egai;ta bmirts, aiso soute chlce seleetions from other factoreo. Furntur Dealer_______ I 'ed New Ties, New Collars, in very newest styles. __ I r rady for thoPA metu GROOERY DEPARTMENT..... AN D O Ur," sald L It took a trong puL. It ...~ was dons. The teoili was goe. 1Se waseaesligalrg uniyo u lpeilhg rd"Ca ________i totac4 galn for ha0py a fie0aaia 1i, "prime white" 4 gallons 75e. ________F ~~~ ~nc mor Iea Dileod rectorio z uIwsbap Ou, We arellin g ,9 a large quatiye u spea il gae o w..ra Liceto n .W av odassortmeut and good values in grocerie8. Our grocery B IËNIL A ORONO. etrang:, but Orne. And yetyou canuot sened Ditrc onche.eayqaniyo peue feheg B0WTIANILEmeVnat West D)u rharn. BOOTS AND SHOES. Les e". Ne ooth, n otah 1 rantG, Ne drinkingS trso, ne drink. ,We are ready with plnyof Rubbers and Waterproof Boots far tii I ii, wharl la that a faût? Ne drink TOlet tr»Nfo, ne drink. 1 noyer Ohough* t o tat. TO TAYERN-KBBPERSI wtsrnweather now eoming, we seli ail Boots and Shees at lowe>t doo-eN drink, no drunknnam., I sae. A roule ' prices. See our patent tastener plow boots, a handy strong boot, E _ ~witb ne lmInd legs doeg,t kick. ne la___ Squiet. If a Mau eau gui noOhing te A drink, ho dosn't drink. Ho In notion An Notice is hereby ie that applications will Act f Prliménteaumak himso.13Ynow bc received at my office fron persons de- whltewashing the saloon? Net quîte. Llcîuor in the Wesit lîiding of Durham for the 1T ancfifying 10 on Sunday andi eluctlon License Year 1898-9. FALLFilS. daa ou? Sarcly.Wha, Oen, o ~ Aplictios fer license for promises net now IALFU .dy ny crey ht hn d o nr lienenis ho acrompanied by a certi- want Ptsniiament to enact? PI'chbitlun. lcate slgned bf a majority of electors entltled ,~t~tun~n~ - ______________to, vote at eleet fns for the Leeilative Assenibly BO MNILE ~R 5 19. West Durham, Bowmanville, Sept. ,,Speaking of collectins bi" Il ald Oh. N application can ho eelyed alter the firetla BW NVLEMA.1.19.14-16. m&. fream the Wst.,* bw avea &*ont day of of April. BE'FR SOITO. Lindsay Central Sept. 21122 and 23' effective niethod ln Chicag->. Thsre, in. ROBERT____________ BEJOBM ASOCIÂTION-Canada Oentral, Ottawa, Sept. il 23 j tend of Young mon, tliay e.npley young O E T N X Ontario and Durham, Whitby Sept. women. 1 tried il inysoif, and 10 work.d Inspecter'. Office, Orono, ont. lespcr The Treasn rer i n'accou nt With ,the Corporation, A well attended'meeting ef West 278.lkei magie. A fellew by the Dame ef Mach4,i8M9. 2w* Durham Reform Association was held East Riding of York and Markham Green owed me a amail bill, a matter pf o n o o m nil e.3s 8' in the Town Hall 8atunday atterncon Agnicultural and Hortieultural Societ $17 or #o. It smeod inîposaibls to make T w fg wn nîlD c t 8 8 Mn. W. F. Allen, J. P . eccupied the les Oct. 4 5 and 6. loc pay It, se I engaged ote seryices of Fariners You WTant , chair. The pninciýal business was eiec- Weodbridge Fair Oct. 17 anîd 18. a protty and styills girl. I mont bar tien et efficers and nesulted as tollows: _______around te bis office. Ho wam ont. She RECEIPTS. Honary President. D.B.Simpsou, Bow- The 1.ate John MeIJougall. in anted, s.He niad sthirdtbt anot.Fnnri Balance~a fromn 1897 .....205.......... manville, President: W. F. Allen, J P. n eld agn.d he madeth athi nt, b to- Cemet-u ur~uI aac............ ......... .........."'*ý$ 12573$ 105 73 Bowanvlle Vie Pesîent: Jhn r. ohnfounth oeil. The fourth turne lie waa rI ii, ~1IlV Cmtr........... ...................... 591 5e KyBowmanville ic Weintn FJsohn pMer. Jof 'McDougali, eue of the but ho firrdiy nefused ta pay ohs bi-il. LVLIU LIÙI~ JJM Fines anid Fees...»..................... ............... 104 017 Newcastle; Samuel Pallard. Tyrone;' residence, Grey township , aftéra hi Look haro, Mn. Green,' said the girlïîrinr Public Pnopenty........................314 81 Robert Philp, Cadmue; Chas. G.Am hr rses e.2,atra 'I will make a propoaition ta yon. If yo L604e..................... 818 SecetryGM A. m Jm s or ilinoss fr<,m bronchitis in ies 8Oth Riîpyf, et a nOi i SI AWiIiII otes adsounted............. 1 0 stongauono. e rearn . A Johmesr ye wl a iecnsadyo hsbl ar. Deceased was boru in the islanti wiîî cat each day and cotlect tisam«,ount Roae and et......................1400 strong ono.le unairmen oi: Lrwîîug cae t ,-, C -- -'i8à.n,,,'-- --- Schnole ....rant.. ....eiti..............3 000 àuy - ivso m ns:Boî ave; Jno.Pecy ca et-a a a l 8 1 A ten îpend J "But Green wam a ard p ro. He DIâ TÂ E .a es Ar e s . . . . . . . .................... .... 7 8 8 J. C. Vanstone, W. Canu, W. H. Wil i.ng a yean at Whitby hoe meved intoî agi eueadtegr a otteTsudnio s........................................1.1885 ubDvs>n:owaile Wi.Grey township taking up a 100 acrefl agareed ntii girl ha4 tatiThe t will double what the nid style ma- Taxes, Dog, 1897 ........................................ 61 00 liames, R. H. Hamley, Hanry Rice. Dan- farm upon which. he lived tili 1§95 when ohieaprnt rsfle h a i chn did. It le bejttor m±ade in aà parts. '£axes, Statute Labor, 1897............................ 270 ligo:W .Bag .J oW. hoe soîd it an moved into Bruseels, 11 day Cahli net b ni bou oThe, bup witaL is a handsomer machine. The tube Taxeas, Pnopentym. 1897 ...................................ow osý3 1,'oeyI, . Bnwu.H. . WrnyW. 854Mn. eDogaîW.a 1n85d4umMrd.dcatDaOubiabou.. b. eer .. ror canle xpoed nd in b intani TaesDog 189.............................1-, R. Countice Eli G. Pascoe. Clarke: W. nae te Mise Cathanine, daughter o ee 'la Oh. Grernt iu sa h on y cleaned if it should clog. The can: Taxes,% Statute Labor,i8e ................ . ...... ...... .7 00 Meadows, ~~~~~ ~'I Mn. R3resn J.~ M.ko Oh.ldik then mayAlnLaot h urie o be instantlv emptied if you waut Taxes, Property, 1898..............................11270 42 60.? i6O -John Stewart, H. Mouiton, Jas. Cole, hlm. Thein eildren are: John N.. " Nm'm'te chaýnge ma-terisior dean it. The fer- - -T,. Heudenson, Isaac Stank, Jas.Huutek. Bowmauville, Peter and Atlan, Bran "Tbe girl lof t, but It zoomis tOat Ohe nation et the can allows ail the mateni- Cartwright: Wesley Mountjoy, J. M. don, Man; Angus, Sauit Ste.- Marie, sv a til eported Ohe Cali et te ai te be spraý.-ed eut when operated. DISBURSÉMENTS., Johuston, W. C. Ferguson, Jas. E. Em- Mrs. H1. lli, Algorua; and Misses Mary srvat nd syts yen woa wh upward lu ires$or bushes .ýtwill savo erson. Newcastle. W.T.Lockhart, John and Maggîe, at horne. Two daughters prett0 and ish ou n. (inea ta 0 cropa1 frei bugs, worins and Fungi Cemeteny .... ...................... tS4 .Allin. î pne-deceased him, Deceased was a wite se usxte daoy. Geen Oh. bis and fruit treos fnom the caterpillan sud 'Public, Propety ..._....................... - * ..........8 3 Speeches weno made by President straight-foîwand, honorable man,. The w an aaet, h. wfon thbung ve ote peS R -c l 771........... .. 5 401 enjoyed the good opinion Ot the comn- the banisters, Oaking audre p.e at..................... Oh..a..r. dtRobt. C. SinciairjTeronto), ]RObIt, nty Ho a Preebyteniati in ne- honbe own acoeunî. The. Young Poa ETER -R'.Noe d....... pd -......................... i............47 36000 BetM. P., Robt., Philip, Cantwnight) ligion'and a Liberal in politice 11ev askod if Mr. Green was In, sePat BMNV E AM n fo Duh Intaead ..treet... 290185 Whd. Pascoe. Enfleld, Dr. C.Mitchell, John Rose. B. A.,, conducted tner 'No.viE Aagent, for.e turha County n Shovelln t.; '..,*.. ï*..*.. ,,......... .....1 00 iEnniskillen, Thos. Baker, County Coun- ai service.-Post. 'but bis wife liO, The wlte had told lier So hvliî t. hre olns........... 1 0 ýciller,, and othere. The meeting which t______ u gay ibis, of course. Dehentures anc Coupons................................ 4770 40 was most euthusiastic was adjeurned te HmwfI tnree h il Wy ieDpatet..................699 the caîl cf the chair. The 1ite Calit. Simpson. lits n. Oen samwle' St ir.whFreet Lighting ..................................... 1629 93 M.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I imoneuetteb4 Ti.wf.anngve iehiar, I .. J"treet Watering,.. ...................................3 25 40 Captain Eatrcsuesfr«gonbard thls. She turneti Paled and gaîped aIu M. u Police ................................. ............. 1219,9 Dainty Easten costumos for geukwnsibudeslCadaddmto air, ýwhile theu girl, s-pemngly Vary W ~ I Poon Roef............................................ 1125 12 ups" sud little tolks must ho ready so Toronto on Taesday eveuing March mucli con .fusod, andi distresasa bar dis- Printing U..................... ..... 09 early this season that the Apnil DEsiGN- 1 PSiti......................091 man efor' SaarieCo ...t............................... ..............1 00617 ian beieforo.A lnc hruh the mast who saile 'on the the street 10 là impossible te say jus$ Bon alan e ........u....... Ba9k 25171 97 luacie oau.À lnc hnuhislakes but knew the ieceaSed ad wbat happuneti ai the bouse that night, I2I1 6h5i well-stocked pages will lie certain te esteemed him for hie characten. HiS -wbeîhen pokers aud'curling Songs wene Balanc inlh Bak.......Q-..... ...... muake eue desirous cf a dloser acquais- doath w iiibe regnetted by hundredis ot hnnimd, or the turnituro rar frein itu 111f*62e8 tanug rce i t an ftractinis. Udis hes wt 111m llfe wa ivut oca 6 CICooee y ait e xnnyatrcio Udn t hoso-ou with- whmh a niaesca oundations and flung i adiy about, or l111______________________________________ "Coeery are ie n twefo tv-tour apphes n nbsiesdrn hie, long the roof, raisod skyward; but oe thing I1 UU stndr Fsho C..8 Wst10hSt.career. At a vern*Y early age hoe tarneti do know-tia noit day Green proinptly We hereby certîty that oe have oxamiued the wccounts cf the Treasuep. hie atetoYorkpbidngsde ai h 1. niIegrldO a Payirg Pediars for Brass Watches, eompared the vouchers aud the e'ntries., and fouud the6 saine correct. The i. ewYk,170 vessels sud steamers have boon con- for lt, sithar. He caime arounti snd sueh au ameunt et meuey. suce due by the Treasunen la $251.65, which awnees with the ameunt at the credit structed sud designed under hie super itandeut me the inonuy blinsif, andi hoofheCrrainnteOtroBnknte s Dcmr18. vision. For a nimber of yeans tic ueenuuti te tiula ho waa geLbilng off prett! Wlieu yen eau purehase 'a eic tteCroainl h nal ako h ItDcme 88 ImCI G I M S ado bis home in St. CathariLes where easy ai thai' ard'1s, reliable watches for fair less. J. S. EDSRA, Auditr 1TC ING LIM S he'rrid O anextnsie bsinssJ. S. MOORA T, beug one otite promineult men when ,.,*This ,year ho 'las redued the Bewmauviile, Jauuany 24th, 18"8. For Three Year8. Nights Itohing St. Catharines was a nushing marine l1(10 waan't fer enthu,Iasm but li001, prices again fer your benefit._______ Sand Burning Terrible. 'ity. 1For the last15 years oe bas matie -wouid eý.er be accooullahed,_______ __________ ._,.Ornuhn . ýýun-ý .us îeumer îaaceush. si- ion ..m.ptt A-11 Wfli - o_ ni prsu tC<lssJ UI -l AsOtT i~T lniliuir lIfI Wife Suggests CUTICURA. Uses it Presto! W-bat a Change. ?OW PERMANENTLY CIJRED. The itching andbturning 1 auffured In my fot sud 5mb, for tbree yearawere terrib4e. .Atnight they 'rere worseeand wouid keep me ewake a greater part fthOe night. I eonsulted deier af Ian doctor. None knew what the trouble 'ras. 1 coneluded I would have te go te e Cinoinnail tospitat before I wooid get relief, My vife &lay prevailed upon me to tryQnvricuArame- diie. l'reoto 1'Wt a change. I amn now cured, and it lm a permanent cure. EL faut iko kicing Év'me denier or myseif for suffeering thr'ee yeams Sept. 11, i8U. H. JENINS, Midebore. Ky. sol 'rP,l te.HOW to Cure Ever7 limUwO"frt. LSAVE fOUR 8KIN adziarbnl ho spent in Bowmanville wit is hemnate hile fuel out eo place. y e au ebtain a geod Wateh for rey bn hrck t, 6 oomanv'10h al one-[ I ii flE iiEIu Mrs R. £1. eury, 'where -ho If Yeu can'î s"y apything gooti et your on Ciiurch St BeWanVlil .iteW uurE mr..uunv' dauhte, R.mot il.ug.M. C0 ABJIAI,,H, Barriater, Bowmanvtlle, or I I III llIIIElIUf made friende who will regret te hear of noigh ber yen can ait ast keep shuent teoD. TXyLOR, Hampton. 8-4w* 1LI, IIL ,U1Ij~ hie sudden demise. He wss 72 years of If a nman gives yeu advicu tneulY it's Look out and get eue fer the age, s Canadian by birth, a Liberal in prebably bacause hoe vanta te got nid cfIt. wholesi.le prices are advaueiug. OTICE -Ail perseus having dlaims pilticesuad for nlany vears a preminnt If wolaa peeoiOurjcîuwudNorilicote o! Bowmanv'tlle, wîdow, are requca- At.xx. LuTT"a..le us ow preproid t member et the Meîhcodist church, beingo, ruali ber preeti apirit btiyûnd ecovely. Manutacturers edaim te have been ad tagora a t e staoine ta I a L abrother ot Rovs. C. A sud Jas. Simp If every nan cidnihave Oe makOIs b slg oeadwt i fvd oerw oturdrlcigea Yo!tmarit.189 .ii! son very well known lu this section aul putatîu o re nîîght bu more gond caag. J. C.VÀss'rolis, Bowmanvhlle. 8-6aw. upytectzeso uni the Aay oft Quinte district,' Belleville rem a woinan tins bionde bain I ut deen't tintes, thoy are boundti teMake 'wth bnead and cakes, fresli favery dey. beinz the birth lplace ot the tarniiv. 1-1w. nE aL4arliy toiiew tiiat eh* tm ligüt- seMething, so 10 is te yeur oWn in-ARST ET-etzpr ey opeese fcnetoay leaves a widow, and thnee chiide- beadeu. tenest te sce thet yen take advaut- 40ofACRESo2. rnjat,Bl eiprdenyclt oke olcIEay Nirs. R. H Henry, eft tus tewn, Mir,. C. If a girl tuils yen eh@ can'i Ring, gITS age et Riekàrd's prosent prices. d6wîý,,wanited by good 'ral,ý Easy ternis w'll fruis, e&6. Kirk, iMinnesota, aud Mný Williani ber credus for being truful andi koop 1bu en. qA ntity o! standing Codar fr Simupson, Buffalo, N. Y. ue. 'Gotr'deble a na al,ýeiply to W. C TYLE, Purnp Manufact' Weddiug Cakes mnade to ordew. q-ur neighbens wemeibills tîn!a as a. ta. urer Bo'rmanvrille St.AeL trt Ieir *,ysihbeuitidowecl a le . utAi tR.LOtuk *boyU 1 a' eT R i waW D eM" MILBURN'S STERLINGRHEADACHE Clarke&s Qlè ;tRnt, 134w inanville. D.LWSW N RU osaf,, tasmen Ou avê ihuiitN . ua, fOmit fie the tn t ueadadlheav AInOK-Lde frmt1 ur"' and reliabie Worm enmeer. Ata Ilthobra la one hipg tu ioma weI.Te Ne Rh" POWfein S curo enthé wrs utadhe a aune ou gt LOWa. man mor.ttan anoLher, us la tOuhave . the ele ud an. ne bad i4fOr C et.. One powder 5c., 3Âdone over, cla ,i Miw IDîcig()x &KYtne sueuy eIi o ehuldat ak frna. r41adulte hov. Jeellr adptï'CauBowaiaaYg*. wders 10c., 10 powdoerm 25e, East atldcf Qet 0%igost Bowanvaes?ïi7 SATTJRIPÂ,MAc 18.-The exocutors0 Of the estate Of the late Lewis QuîckTE M will seil on the premises, Kinz St. ail the goods, chattels, etc. Sale at 1 O IIN IL E o'cock. L. A. W. ToLn, auctioneer. B W A V L E MOetDAY, MAROIE 20,-Mr: Geo. Welch, Tyrone, will seli on the premises, horse, buggy, cutter, wood, coal and varions other articles, as he is movrng front the village. Sale at 1 o'clock. L. M y TUESDAY MÂACa 21-Mir. James Pooley, mRYW B U S y lot 14, con. 5, Darlington, will, seli u x bis valuable tarin, stock, implements, etc. Giving Up tarming See bis. Sale WWA-* at 1 p. m. L A. W. ToLz, auctioneer W ~ . t 8. cODÂ,&r[H23,-R. H. Coliacutt, lo cn5, Darlington, will offfer for sale the whole f his valuabie stock. %JNW4 6 Implenients, etc. This will be one ofDr God Deamet, o'clock sharp. L. A. W. ToLE, alletion- new coat of paint and it Iooks spic- and span new. Wý1h paiinters at work and new goods arriving we have tea Mr. Levi Morris, Undertaker and more than busy to keep up wîth our work. Furniture Dealer, has purchased a handsome black t.,am fro0m Mr. J. C. "B IIS ý Martin, Garden 111i11. JNEW .IVV The, publisher ,ý (f Harpen's Bazar A re now pretty well distributed throughput the store and are rea4y have issued a s (ýa1 Easter number. frsl.W a nieyu npcinwt ofdne h ausm The cover le beàifuitllV illustrated in frsl.W a nieyu npcinwt ofdne h auss heliotrope and green and the magazine' the best the styles the latest and the assortmnent immense. We are more contains all the latest styles la. dress than ever convinced, that to buy goods right we muet largely do oir and millinery. owimporting. WATERPROOF OLOTHING ..... We are advased of the shipment of a large lot ot Men's Waterproof TiiatFolisi oy are incladed in this shipment, ruhber goods are going Up bynw and Fooli Sl Girl@ MEN'S, BOYS' ANO LADIES' HATS. ,, Another large case otfilats inclading straw hats, feit hats, tweed Thygive rather and Mother worry. hats, sailor hats, golf hats,; &o., are among our new arrivais. ias nyil Dg else is a course ina aIb n obe.et nle mre phar EW CLOTHING REA]YY TO WEAR. , bsinesa ïh and their appetite ta whetted. and ambition trred.1 We are reeeiving big lots of new elothing this week. We buy a, Write.for hand8ome calendar or if in big lot beeause we eau buy eheap that way. We ca.n seil you al w.ol Toroto atian4hav a hatwlt fl. Hlifax Suite at 4.5 and al Wool Blue Serge, a heavy .wëffht at $4.50. DUITJSH AÎLICAN Business Coilege 6f TO 'NTO',Ltd.,Y M.C.A. Our $1.00 Tweed Pants,all wool, are neot equalled. We fixmd it very easy Building, or. Yonge and McGiL1 Sta. to give better values than. our cempetitors in elothing. DAVID HOSKIN, chartered acc'tant, Pricipl.ENT'S FURNISEINGS. . We have juLst to hand a large shipment of the oelebrated Van Allen'mk

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