I dent te iiu t' f h ytm nba Dizz!neas iuca MulueDstress afier eating. Pi utCie. .',T ile their anost g"emekable ucea bsbe eon1curi equaliy viW lcllIetp o, arigadp- iive sot r.~ulte ho ot oa. veni]ethei zehethaywonidbealtroatpriceieseto thogewle affer trou n tiis diassling cotuplaint; but tortu satey theirgooduesa does noteudbare,andthese3 Wiho ence tcy ibe.n ciiifi nd these 1111e pille valu- allai in se31-any way s that tbey wiii1 net be wil- lu the liane cf senany l1estha t liera is whére Werameaunrgreat boal, Our pille cureait while oSiers do net. Carlere Little Livar Pilln are very qimail andt Very easy b babaE. One or two pisainake a dose. They are strielly vegebabla andt de net gripe or p:rse.. bt by their gentia action piease ail wha us -the. n,,lviaiat 25 cents; fiva for $. 014 kWy drugn)et everywhere, or sent hy mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. hall H11habi ll uhall ?r!l N EPPS'S COCOA GRATEFU L COMFORTING Distin guished everywhere for delicacy of flavor sup- erior quality and nu- tritive properties. Spec- ially gratef ul, and comfor- tiî.g to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only n lb tins, labelled -JAMES EPPS & GO., Ltd, Hom oeopathir, Chemists, 4Lo1- don, Ehgland. BREAKFAS - SUPPER CHILDREN'S COUGIIS QUICKLY CUREB. Hlardlto keep the children from catch- Ing cold-wiii run out of doors not prop4rly wrapped-get wet feet-kick the ,bed clothes ol at niglit. What's mother going to do about it 1' Mstn't negleet the children's Cougbs.- and Cls-ïgîend lu Croup-and Croup end fatally or weaken-the lungs for life. ~'. Mosit mothers now give their chidren - ~~Dr. Wood's Norway Pine- Syrup. lt's niee to take, ard cures Il kinds of Couglis and Colds more qiekly-and- efectually than u.ny remedy known. Mrs. R. P. Leonard, Parry; $ound, Ont.- wrtes: 1I have used Dr. -Woo'Us Norwsy Pine Syrui) for CougLhs and olds of ysyulf and also of nly baby. I fiod it always cures a Cold Quicker than any other Çough mixture l ever tried." Price 25. LAXA- Cr o~tptoLiiuus sick beadiche and dyspepsia. LV REvery pill guarauteedI perfect L1VE àand to net without any grip- FL S.ing, -eakcning or siekening P!LScfeets. 25e. at aIl druggists, THÇCO:K'S -1 FPIEN I ep -nTSAI mNF p IAEf,,D A GENTSWANTED.-For cities, A Gtowns and Country Districts. Free sam pie case and exclusive territory. Those des! ring a gocci district should write at Once. we bave ove r 600 acres under cultivation. Our stock is pronouneed free from San Jose Seale byv ermu Inspecter. Agents suppied. witlk copy of certificate. We aiso handie the aeetadbest v,rieties cf Seed Potatoea. Wr*ite ,for particulars. PELHAm NURSERY CO. T'oron to, Ont $500,0OO,000 FORTUNES FROM THE OLD COUNTRY.- Enormous foitunes lie buried inu'the Court cf Chancery, whichbelongs to the English speak. ing people throughout the world. This vast ac- cuuainl almosct euîirely due to heirs and next of kmn or legatees haviing emlgrated. A Copyright Reglster(275 pages, has 110w been publis hed, containiug the n ames in full cf the ">,50 persons te wbm al iis vasi wealth b- 1%ongs, witix fuit instructions how to proceed. price $1, post f ree, (by post office order or papr currency) Idvery man and woman should sPlend for this invaluable bock,, an that the rightful owners may be fcuud for this enormous wealth A fortune ma a arat yeoa. Tl-,s le the only bonafide and reliabie bock ptiblished. TrUil NER & CO., 63 and6i Ciescery Latie, London, Engi and. COLON IST EXCURSIONS- TO THE 0CANA DIA N NORTH -WEST S Will leave Toronto, via North Bay, at 3.15 p. mn, and 9.00 p. m., each Tuesdsy durlng March and Ap ril (if silieient business offters. COLONI'IT SLEEPING CARS for passengers with ordlnary baggaga will be attached to train leiving % Tronto at 3.5 p.m., and wil run throug t t nuipeg OL ISS SLEE PING CARS for passang- ers travelling on samne train as tl.eir luve stock wýill bc attaehed te train leavipg Oonte at 9,00 pm. and will rmn through te Winnipeg. 1 BERTIIS will be fraeelinte cars, and cau be tecured by lassengere o application te Grenct Trurnk Agente. Tickets, rats anfd isl information trom Agents of Grand Trnnk Ralwaýy .Syotem. C. P. & T. A. Deliot Âgt. M. C. DICKSON, District Passeenger Agent, Toronto, M te1kets twrifiil partieulars at 8STOTT & sDEUG IITORE%, the well kuown breeder, andMr, GCýiO. Cockburn of Baltimore, Ont., were lu towu Monday last and inspected Mr. J. Jsaac's late.st importationof thorouhig- bred Clydesdale horses. - 3IVarkham Economîst. RECENT SCIENTiFic REsEAnREbas it seenis, resulted in a sure cure for cat- arrh,1 a most offensive and insidious dis- ease, until lateiy eonsidered incurable. This remedy is called Catarrhozhone, and is simply inhaled, being carried bv the air dîrectly to the diseased parts of the throat or nasal passages, thus snp- Erseding former disgusting and useless ' nugs and ointment'i. Catarrh, bronchit- is, irritable tkroat,etc., yield to Catis rrh ozone every tiîne. Write for a free sam- pie of Catarrhozone Vo N.- C. PoxLsôî & Co., Kingston, Ont. Mr. Thos. Nihan, owner of the Gardeu City, was lu Toroutô last week making arrangements for the summer trade. The boat will again be lu charge o! Capt. Cooney and will run between Poronto and points east on the nortlî shore cf Lake Ontario. What is Scott's Emnul- sion ? It is the best-cod-liver ofl, partly digested, and com- bined with the hypophos- phites and glycerine.- What will it do ? It will make the poor blood of the anomeî rich and red. 1Itwill give nervous energy to the overworked brain and nerves. 'It will add flesh to the thin form of a child,9 wasted from -fat-starvation. It is everywhere acknowl- cdged -as The Standard of the World. 50e. andel Ii.. an5 ragg1ts. SCOQ-TT a OWNZ, Cktiossi, Tmrate. togetiier and every ald coger amoog un was the hotter for ItL "it was au aid joite we bat on the leamnat professer of botcny, but It was as geod ta us as when it was uew, and il causad itt t bleeli juet as vividly. He liai been lactnring ta bis close which sliowed a disposition -taelie huarions thet day. They porpetratet bat puma. trans.- pesed letters and syllables and were rid. Ing a high hoirs se liard that the pro. fesser was, corapelled te oeii a hait. Aftat oufllcîontly lmprossîng thani with the Imprepriety of their conduct, he saidt 'New, young gentlemen, -we wiii resume. You se this pettan -ced 1 have Lu uy band.' But tbay saw notblog but th. Joke which was on ths professer and thas' were doublet up with laugliter as ha waved theni ont the door witb thc lune sent cttan potl that lie milght have a chance ta vent hie own risibles. "Of course they hait te recaîl how 1 hait brokon my repeatat platge that 1 would nover teste suythîng intoxicatîiug. Hurrying te imy room n euefeu uig!ut 1 liait taken a cross-out, the planit bridge over the creek hait givan way under iny weight cnd I was limnersedin luthe loy water. 1 îeached the rcon taefâne a lot o! the boys assembiet t hora. 'Fallows,' 1 sait, witb chattering teelli, 'mi u»ix mýe a sti-stilf to-to-teddy, quick. An-ced if 1 d-do-de't wa-want. il she-hen l-tl' muxet, malie lu-im-mue taesil epyliew.1 "Frltzy, wba lea a great preachar 00w, relatet how ho madea hie fIret ccll on tb% chie! lady afIsi original parleli . Ho wias a beardless youtb of email stature suit the nervous inovements ai a Frenchi dancing master. Feciog th.eiclal ardeal wltli fear sud tremhling, ho na seoner confronteit the lady et th. bouse than se toIt hlm that il veent o ecaonlent ta have hlm at tlat tume. They were expecting the OOw mInister asuit Itwoula flot do ta annay hlm with constanl dmuining aud thrunming 'o! a plane tuner. Poor Frltzy was hall way acrens. the front yard bofore lie couit muster the courage ta ga back anti estabîllihbis Identlity. 110, I hait a groat Mrne andt I feel just ase strong -for wamk au I dît _ton yearg ag." _________ 1 tstf ntsSens. À liu of Atliiutic water wbon evapor- ihted 701dq 81 pouinda of mat; % ton ef Pacific wator 79 paunns. Ar-tcaiol4 Au- aiette waters yIpld 85 pauniéts taelbones and I). 4 Usateap '127 poumdu, t3oWMNANVLLLE. MAR. 22,1i899. _ Local'and Otherwise., -Miller's Compound Iron Pis. 50 dos- es 25c Mr. Wes. WVotten of, Enniskilien visited his.old friend Clerk WVhite, Mark-, It is said that the soldiers who had taken Hlood's. Sarsaparilla Ftood the long marches in Cuba much better than the others. Miss Jane fliali mysteriously disap- peared from lier home near Peterboro on the night of Mardi I4th. when taking Carter's Little Liver Pills: they are-very sinali; no bad effects; ail troubles from torpid liver are relleved by their use. Wing Chung a Chinaman from Bow- manvilie, was in town last week withl the view of itarting a Iaundry.-Mark ham L'conomist.. No need to suifer the agony of llheum atispu, Scialieà., Laimbago or lqeut aigia. Miliburn's Rhtiumatic Pis cure you et fectiîvel -euîre after othér remedies fail. Price àOc,, ail1 dealers. Simon Johnston, a farmer living near Thamesford, was killed by lîgtitnhkg duriog a ttnunderstorm that passed over that section March lb5th. Mrs. Jobeph Langtry, Brockville. Ont., says: «'I have used Dr. Low's Worm Syrup, and 1 eau ,say that it hia s doue my children good. It.neyer fails t'o act promptly.", Price 25C. "The Best Way to manage an Agri cultural S"ýhow" by J. TI'os Murphy, Simcoe, Ont , is an interesting article in the last issue of Farming. To be free from sick headache, bit- iousness, constipation, etc.,* use Carter's Littie-Liver Pis' Stricklv vegetable. They geuïtly stimulate- the liver and free the stomýach from bile. County Councillor J.- H. Devitt, Blackstock, attended the annual meet- ing of the Orange Lodge *of Ontario East at Po rt Hope.' Not one in tweuty m re free from some, littie ailment caused by mnacti-n of the li'Ner. Use Carter's Littie Pils. The res- uIt will be a pleasant surprise. They give positive relief. Mr. and Mrs, Thoii. Tamblvn, Eliza- bethville, celebrated their golden wedding_ on MNardi Sth. They were presented with a purse of gold contain- ing $100. Prof. J. W. Crouter writes from Pen- etanguishene: "I was troubled with pal- pitationr of the heart whichi became very severe. Heariug ofMillburn's Heart and Nerve Pis 1 determiued to try them, and after taking théma for about a week 1 was curéd." 1Ian Maclaren, who is uow on a lectur- in tour in this -country, begins in an early issue of The Ladies' Home Jour- nal, Philadeiphia, Pa., his latest piee of hiterary work., 1. Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, blower ln- cluded, 25e., acts magically and cures. One application allays pains, clears the passage, reduces inflammation a-nd gvscomfort. Cures cold lu the head H-ay Fever, Rose Fever, Catarrhai Deafuess and ail head'and throat afflic- tions which if not taken lu, time will resuit lu Chronie Catarrh >and later cou- suraption. It is sure, pure and harmless and easiiy applied. Iu April 'Miss Mary E. Wilkins' i ttes story, "The Jamesons ln the couutrv, whlch is uow ruuning, serially in Theý Ladies' Home Journal, will be puiblish- cd in book form by the Doubleday and McClure Company, of New York. CHRoSIc BRONCinTIS CURED.- Mr Chas. E Reid, the leading druggist of Heveistoke, B. C., says: "I have every reason to believe Grifflths' Meuth6l Liniment will cure Chronie Brouchitis. A lady customer says she has been trou- bled with Chronie Brouchitis for years', and that three botties of Menthol Liui- meut bave eutirely cured her. It alwavs gives the bcst of satisfaction to my cus- Vomers.", Xff. c O.iMi 4P refosu nowovsr, are Mroegnîy sntisty. ing te Mi. cone, "since it le damon- aîtrable," lie gays1' that -the Volces ol Aniericans may bis quite as musical as tiiose af French, or Italians. For genera- tionos sarp, higÊ-pitobcd voices, usait wvith a idoklese tisragard a! alls /lawd pertainilug ta' sweet, meoeions speech, have so faetened these fauits upen us, thaýt îe resoît Is the upieaeant tons wflich la se oearly univeïsel and whlol la designatod as 'Aînrican.' A. mistekee tle meel conmeon anioog Our maus' faultâ, cnt fatal ta the production o! n musical toue, les the tee great axertien ai muscular effort lu the ibroat and cleet;, harem liaseË the main cause ai indistinct- ues as aise of honreenees and axhaustion. The voice ehenît hoe pureiy puimentc, tbis heing ifs netural quality, etteineit when thora le abeinta freedeni cf the vocal parts."- To correct the inuIis en%àmeiated, My. Cone rscemmsnds tIai a sclantillo niethod e! valua training boi engin! ted iota Ilse publicecheeol systoni. Mr. Montagueo DUNNVILLE, Ont. Has an Inicreaiing Chai about ».Dr. Chase's Ointme-nt. His suffering from Llcerating Piles Cured. He gays --I wias troublait with ibchIug piles for five years, and was badiy nîcer- atait. They were very painful, so mrueb go that 1 coulit fot sieep. 1, tried almust, every remiedy hennit of, and wcs recoin- incndcd ta use Dr. Chases Ointment. 1 purchascit a box, anud fromn the firai appli- cation got snch relief that 1 was satisficit a cure would be made. I usait in ail twe boxes, andt am now cemipleteiy curcit. Every remady givan by Dr. Chase cost ycnrs -of study and rascarch, and wit ane eye single to its adaptation for the aiknents for which it was intandeit. Dr. Chase detestait cure-ails, anui it bas been proven tan thousanit tîmes dhaï not onfe of his formulas leave a bat a.-fter-effect. Dr. Chase's Cointmrent is bnsed an lanioline, and< the hest physicians prescribe il. Soid by all dealers. Dr. Chase's Cletl' BoYnud Recipe Book ,000 pagea, sent ta any aditrese in Canada, price Sa cents. Edmauean, Batts &' Co.. Taronto THE MINISTER'S STORIES. Being a jchiy minister and a good Ftory taller, lie goas tlirough the world seeîng the briglit side cf thinge and maklng lifs pleasanter for those with whom lie le thrown. Hli@ fondoase fer travel la otily less than his zeal lu tha-wcrk to whîch his lufe tle ddcaied, and itla1 a treat ta len te hlm af 1er one of bis sommer Campaigne. 'Il vant te Seosois o0f thesesstorles lun print," lie reniarksd the other evening wben under tlie sootbiucriz nfluence of a arood dInner. "I have no patience with the preacher who thinits that the funny aide ot existence la te 'be>kept under a veol and that a mnan's <hristianlty le ta bie mcasured by the length of his.face. The people who honestly saek te do right are those entitled te enjcy ife te the full, and I often thinit that assu.meit solemnity le rasponsible for a popular pretidice agaîtf techfàCierfl nese is the bast andt muet attractive side of bumau nature, and it la actually dan- garcue to supprese it. Keep inithe sun- shine antd extact al lich raqïonal pleastire you cen irum your temporal experiance. >Tliat'e îny mette. IILst week I was vlsting moine frîcuds uer Danville, Ohio. I couIc! sec that my presence Imposed a restreint upon theni aud I lougeil for the oppertunty te re- move the embargo upen thoir naturai feelings. It caune lu an unexpecteit way. Tbey. took nie eut te ses the pretty littie cametery. Among themonuments I noted a shait of! maîbîs suraoouuled by a linge bail. I'ni near sighted, yen know, go 1 adjusteit my glasses andt saw that the bal was a globe. Jumping te the conclusion that it muet mark the ast resing place îe sainie distinguislid geegrapher, 1 turned toeniy hosts s ad askad lber wliat i&Eo! sence was buried âtere. "'RouaithIe inscription,' se.replit, bar face as selemu, as that ai au awl, though there vae a tell-tale, twlukio lu lier mye. I compli andt 'Sh. was al the werld te me' was what I read. The great globe, wlth al the naturel dilvisions marked wth an âàccuracy to -justlfy its use iu a sobool roem, andt the accampany- Ing words, were the tribute et a humbanit ti hie ýdepartait wlfe. 1 ylold ta no anc InI MY rbgarfi for thiges Rcred, but 1Iafin. piy weut dcwn eu the green sward and lang«hod till the tsars reliait down m'y esekg and J was Jlneit by the entire Party. That it was rîglateaus te. 1k natural appêared ln the sequel, fer 1 was cloe' ta tbose Who wee eutortainiflg me aund la bettýýr pasition ta do theni gead thau 1 coultithavebheon as the recuit a1 years of fermialI ntercourge. "At another peint ln Ohioa1I attendeit services aI, a Ilttle cisurch te whlch a Young theological stutient hy the naine et Hill hait been cailed as iscor andt wan to, appear the next Sunday. Mr. Hli ait iormerly been a, Mthedist vanioler and the venerabie reetor wlie lid liesn tom- poratily in char-go bespak i n dulgence for hiei successor until ho iaould learo thie forme. 'The congregatian w.111 have te bie isolent with Mi. Hill -fer a tme,' salit the apelogist, 'and I amn suis lie willl renoive kindiy any suggestions that will assiet lu the proper cauduct o! the serv- lce. 1 bespeak for hlm a cordial welcanie at yeur bande; udniDw Jet us siog liyni "Ther.'s a green bli, fur away."1 "in frsnk te admit that 1 was one af the 'youz~ig "lkg! that tittereit, and th"h 1 was lu full syuapathy witli the littho choir wlien it went-ta pleces bpoyanit ré- dlaini en that 'green li. "At My aima matei w. mat up tîli 8a a.m. telliug-,experleïncss and reviewiog the. days tËat came but once la a man's lIretIme, -Sanie of My aid classaoates are %Iai professera now and others were thero te 'reune,' juet- au I was. Bldy was there, andt at hie beet. W.' caîheit hlm Bal«Y In those days because neolied o ninclihair, annow t00wtitb la especi- ally apprepriste, for lis le q shining-paIcit liglit lu the educatioiîsl fieid and ane of tbe moot eonsieotioua workars te hoe funod thtere. Beldy ýceuit not rest until lie toit law h lie hd piaceit a truk lu a darkened hailway anti then calait me, how 1 respoudet luin y usually active way, haw I toek a header ever that treoit, hew 1 thun;lero n. iraared te the lImitations of speechè l i a '1tho-. log,' how 1 sent the îetl~îawn twa flIghýs of etairs, wrecking it as tliough il hait heen an eprgstell, liow l ofered a reward of $5 fer the' cwner o! tii. trunk, aud iow Balldy amneit the mnny by preving that il was my own. We iaughed EMPRE8SS AND PIANIT in Wouldzn't Await lto3,al" le re WVhen the Skatinlg Was tins. J 3'mnann, the famous yaunqr le 'fond of ail soite of sporfli yi of skatIng, ln which, as a bgy led. "When visitlng St. Petee'f 'car or twe agoý' wrilt es Mar~ye, in the Ladies' -Home Journal, was summau' ed te play before tie% ose, the bour namsd being front tour ln the afternoon. [t was a day. The Neya was frozen over. e, and the skating was at its Iznmediately after- luncheouL 'ather found bis son dressintg t ta the ualace. aere are yon goingl" lie demanded., 1play for the Er4prs., mt yeuwera net tô goc unt,1 three ira o'clock I If I wait unt'kl theni sent.' Ait tis net a surprise ta ,,vlo kniows H1ofinanu te learu playait for- the ox-Exupraîs,, as soon nchad the palace, acu ittt e Dut, off eut sitatet the reat e! the T-rue Life! 'Js GELBRY CGOIMPO(1 u N» ;d by Physicians as the est Sprillg Ivedicine. ecortîs andt hîstorv o! medicîe D cine's Celery Cýomipounit as successful remedy ever given it snffering bumcnity. Ih is en- by the medical faculty because ow its formulacuit have confi- its virtues. s Ceiery Compoundt wurkjs giuî'- inarvellous cures This 18 the 4ils success, cuit eccounts for dwîde anit enormous sales. in the spriug time6-this very - Tbeu inen cuit women are iervous, rheumatic, neuralgic ic, have beaitacle. kitnev and oubes, andt btooit that is slug. i impure, thet the gi eat medi. nIld ha usei to restore nervous midi bloot, heelthy digestion, appetito cuit sweet refreshing vinter lias beau a tuei wherein dwomen have storeit i1i lealth ,o keepiug the body sounut it full o! truc hife. The nerves, nd digestive orwane mueiitlbe fat, cd landt cleanseitbd aîo' ,.l.l~ Y HEAE ICAN VCE.- Vamadians Speak lu a More Pleas-ant Tome Than That Ifeard Acroas the Line. The subject of the disagreeable . quel!. ties of the American Voice was treatad a$ iength In a recent address ln Brooklînu, Mass., hy Richard Wood Cane. It isnet an lneradicable fauît, Mr. Cono.says, andi It la flot due, as bias been clainied, ta the extreme and frequent clîmatie changes. He points out that the people of lafi more trying climates than ours-notably Our neigh bors, the Canadiens - speab with much more sweetneos and suifer fai legs difriculties of the vocal mechanisiii than we. A gain, the nervous tenipera- meut and supersonsitivemess of Our peopis ard aUggesteed as causing the bigli piteli which le so cornmonly beard, espeoiaiiy among Women; also, the hurry and rush af business, the crowding and pushiug noticeable in all ilelds, professioaom maercial and industrial. Non.e fths ...... . .... NEVV LUGGAGE FOR MEN. E A fLat Case Holding Pour Rfat's aaad iletf' ani Cases for Sitoas ou Trees. Leisux The newest,' thing In meu's traveling Josaf liat bcxas is oe made te carry four bats. piaulet, The oitd c ýOmn)on stylaeOf ieaher bal, ospecial box witb flaaLng sites, made te carry a ho axcel. euh bhat, bas long benu familier, as lias& iurg av aiseý beColie N'bat inay ho describad as Mullat flthe-ixy bat box, mcde te carry a "Jqsef vi derby as waht as n sik bat 'by ethding s ex-ErmPr narrow, staight sitait section rising thîso te abelve the fleing<part o! the box. 'Phaie perfect d is aise a bat box made for s3ilk bats that o! course is squ&a-cube-shape-1. liiglit. 'Thb four-haï, box, made te carry a silk Jasef's fi bat, a iudema, c derby andt a straw hat, if ta T(j le lu the farn o! c dep drees suit case, "Wh, aud fIttot vywîti two buwis, ns the ataI" Tc liolders are elleit. une lu huit the silik 'Bnl baI eut the federa, and the other ithe ,o'ck., derby aud-the stmaw; the bewls are re. 'Ti may ha uet for iha pumposa of a suit Iiig now case o 0cryshirts ln. "nc'w Men's trnnks, have long bean mate 501 one wilh suitable cinpartiuents for ehees, that lie1 aud Ihera are madte aiso "ole leaiher cases as ha met foi traveling use dosignat ospeclaliy for then wer, the carrying cf the tmeveir's boots andt aftemneot shoes eniy. Thare aro now mate sole leather caess itteta1 carry shuas ou trucs. Tlisearemaaïn twe szàs afour-parir t ( case aut an siglit-pai cae, ong silice popia.)rly estaibtieoi use for th. 'pur- poes of ac traveling bug as Wall as for thast wbihicl is ne-ni implieas, was early tckzec5 u,11 s a traveling bag hy wemen aise. Thore are 00w mate drame suit caeüfligh e aght,, having c llgbter frame cant mate of iigh¶1ýr icather, thatPAR are eanecially tasigiied for weînen. A Prcvi(leueat Escap e.Inos ru "Meuitche 'Meineies" BRey. George Young relatas au caperielica o! his bey- B hoot rhlch, lie scys,,formedt the tunnîg peint lu hIe caeer cnd lad hlm eveutu- ally ta choose the life ai c miseionery lun her Clhai ort lalnt.Th e onely ee stermy memniog 'iven Iî0po1nt Vu as boy,"1scys Mr. Young, ' Il was the mat Nesting the cattls lu the'- basemeunt of a tu sick ac stable when c terrîflo wlidstorni strucit dorseit b the building cnt crouht ilte u eg-tliey kuc she 'tl'ju u' eg-dence lu sheli. Heariug the crash of thc falling Ple -ant braaking timubers, 1 fait oni my koac . ionand un terror cnt began te pray. in n "lu a mment, as il seemet, 1he storm secret of pessetd cntstilîness prevaileit. I was cin~- its world plaeié,y eaccmpesei by the brokan tire- I i bers and the mows o! heya nd grain mnon th-- whlch hart been stereit lu tle upper part weak, n( a! the hern. I wcs 1n utter daîkss, ta, dyspepti( mud t ent eGaipletely dazed. Fliningtiver Iroi mnymel! uymhaermud, îowever, 1 ret.averod giali ané niy senses ent began te tig iota, the liay dune stîs ta oscape. euergy, "Af fer a long struggie 1 werkedh my- naturel self free froni tle hey sut stood lu the sleep. nidst o! the wreck. The wi "Il wae 'cfterwaids ascertalmet liow !men eud oarrewlî I1lied escapeit balug cmusbei t tainstead doatb by the lalliog tîiebers. Hait I boen cean an( standing et the moment 1 muet have blooe au been Rilitti. The spece whcieio Ilied nnii knmît wae about a yardI square sud il 'h"" -.oni.r[ place where 1 cenildhave eqeaptd ï itatdealli. I~ "Mucli was mate a!no/ m y rnieitbl ' esccape, wbieb 1 have aiay or i' utS a direct Interpisllo f Proî' cýcale t O ln cansoqueuce 1 have devotet My lige tA ft rbe Master't icric."