I Il Th Bayer Block Sale of Bo0ots and S hoes We have sold piles ol Boots the, last five or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, a;nd very cheap-first-class goods ut very small nriees. My Spriý,g stock is in-most of it-and we find our shelves crowdeci. We want m(ore room and are bound to have it, if low prices have any- thing to do with it. Oui carry agood assortment of Ladies' Oxford,coiored and biack ai $1,00o. Men's Caif and Cordovau Blms, sewed anid rivitted, from $1.40 te $2.50, worth $2.00 to 63.,50. Children's Button and Blms 25c, 5Oc, 75c, worth 50Oc, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond We wilI tell you what the stock is in each and every pair. The reason wu do that is because we know, Latest Spring styles niow 'ID stock in every liue. The public is invited to ixnspect our stock ; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels: Shawl, Straps, fane> and plain:; Dresbing, the very best that can be bought. Cheap trasli dressing is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli, eul4o. Repairing donc in ail its branches in first-class style. Fine work mnade to order,,. sure fit or no sale. Thanking my customers for pasi favore and hopng for a eontinuance of tue came. Beaver Block. 1owmai4vle. RAIN, FLOU-R, SE ED ALUfl PflAI MiQII Given Away FR Ladies' and, Gents' Watches, Air Rifles, ifkateàs, Jewelry' Kiiives, U e , teayne Who will assslst us to introduce0cne SIL ER A LUMUM THIMBLES at 10o each. Tbeyarelighter, more durable andi better than sterling silver or steel. XXe give F R E E with each thimble a package of the best asserted Neediles or a Tape JNeasure foer 10 cents). These are the fastest selling goods ththave ever been pit on the market. EVE-RY LADY BUYS AS SOQN AS SHE SEES THEM. NVO m1v[n'y EtIE ýSimply writn us a few Unes on a post cardl anfi wýe wlii forward the goodis'and oir prumium list. Wheni, soifi, senid os theý money, suid the premimnny select wifl ha senit by fimt mail. We pay ail charwges. HOTJSEBOLD SPEIIALTI CO; Bay r~,Toronito, b~WM~ VilE, AR. 32, 119. S. S.: No. 2. CLARK1E. Mr. and Mrs. S. Perrin vijsitedI Mr. W. 1. Thomas, .. . Master P. Martimi et the 6th line. was a recent visitor .. . .Mr. Wm. Rowlanddfias returnd to the far Wpst. Mr. Alfred Ilvdeir has gene te Toronito te reside,.. .. Mr. Johi Me- Manus, Hope. is unox-imuiron t fe tarin et the laite Ve. Martini.... Mr. Robert Martin fas preparing te build a new barni. 11 NI. McCariïcy, Lombard Street Fireo HIall, Toeronto, <ated March 4tà. 189'7, statets: "Aniî subjecite overY painfui con ditions of cestiveness and other iroub thatI1 bavo fouud a perfect roînedv ini Dr. Chase's Kiduîev-Liver Puis. 1 trust this ma'. i fa, t eneflt te thers, Miss Edith Allan bas been visiting ffriud(I inJanetville .. . .Miss Jones, Ncwtnvilc, isited at Mr. %Vin. Allan's recetk ...Mr oskin, Darlington, wa-i eitt of Mr. Wm. Northcote re colit .... Messrs Robert and Arehie '~hte ttedudthe wedding of MI & Bigclowv at Lontus.... Mr. Thos. Green- wo(ed>i ud Mî.ýs Mry MCulloug-h,Orone), visie bs fthr ecenty.. .. Mr. W. G Greeqnwoed b las remàted the laie Rd. 1)aw-ýon's .fana.... Mr, Relt. Cartiisf vi.sitimmg friends ai Orono A, CARD. We. tht, un dersigned, do herchy agree te refunil thenoney. on a twctvfiv centi bottle of Dr. WiIls' Eu2'iPilN, if afier uiiing three fourths of contents of bottie, tltuv tdenet relleve coiistilps, tien tii(beadaclie. We aise guaramîre fqýur bnttle,. will-permaiiently*cure the nieet el)4inate case ef constipatien. Sat isfattion or ne pay wheni Wills' Pilla e used. Steit & Jury, chiemisi, Bowmanville-. J tlIi(ginbotliam & Sen, chemnisi, Bew manville. 2 4w NBWT ON VILLE. Miss Lizzie ,Rebertson, Lindsay, visited Capt., sud Mrs. Milligan last week... . M r. George Warren, Ne- castle, was.guesi ef Mr. Samuel Bona- than recenily. .,.. Mr. Sam Arnoti hsd a large wood bee Thursdsy week when they capiured several swarms ef becs in seme hellow trees. . .. Mr. George Mit- chell bas purchased the store aud Cooper. shop propertv ai the saion.... Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, Presideni of the Coiiference, ocuid the pulpit cf the Methodisi ChrhSunday evening ... Mr: and Mrs. Newport and lutile daughter Whitb.v, visited friends here...Mrs. Wa]ton and sou Bruce,_Peterbore. are A REMARKABLE ATHLETE. 137-Pound IMaiurge lhDnb beoUs Twice MiA Weight. r emarkabiy museied athiete lg George P. Wallon, a son-th American, 'Who lains tàe abiliby te litt hobe&e diLubbels than any oùher mnan of 'big weight ln thto world. Wallon bardenï the scale te the exteut of only 137 y;unds, bus his museular tissue would more than equip) an average athiete of 70 pourids noe aweigbt. IAbce thas waisb hig anatomy la,&an unending serles of mutscle ridges. Bach rîb 14 narleid by & depression, the bands of muscle standing out se strongly ln between.' The, biceps . f this powertul South Ainenican are more 'fhaný a foot aroünd, and the great balb-lIke arin musoles are developed te an extent rareiy soen, even among welght-lif tors. Wallon'o nether llntbs are stordy and doubtiesa holdar as being niuch above thee rdinary. OriglnaIly' strenq, as l aove yathieteofc note, this lightwetght owes big wondertul upper ltmb davelopmnent te long yearse M exeroije and lahor with penderoug, welghts. ln the ath1stio world nowadayo few car* te Lecomxe muscular freaki, anti ammooih, even mus.le. are sougbt rather thau the rugger, huibous varlety. Connaus toinuset exerelse will,> bowever, briag about the Wallon styletof muselabut suoh'a devigIop.met ousential If ont amei te de Belrculeau stunts ýwIth the welghts. Merever, thoge Whc o"va" theiz attuntaon te 250-peund dumbb.lu Qaiualil baye soeno fiuancolLend In view, as bias Signer wallon, by the, way'. But anyon. Whbo destres te equip hlm- sel ithatiiamusicle-stndded anatolny bag cnly te noe th e points ln Wallon'. ath. etie carean and tellew bis directionm ai te exorcise. 111 hegan with featherwight balli," gays Wallon, "and ' practied assiduiounly. My mu-scles began gte gow harder sud firmer and stronger Then 1, essayed beavler weights. Another parlod of unceasing ,work, and objects whick pravicusly se.nied terribly heavy bocanie as 1bght as a hasabali in rny grasp. "Se 1 Went on for years, ever n lnruas. Ing the weight of niy balîs and, gra~du- alIy forging te the front ameag liftera. Wben fIret I tricd a 250-pound bell it mlght as Weillhave weighed 2,500 poundu. New 1 eau easily ess it up at arnm'a lanrte." LO#"VE IN THE SCALEI «'IleW umuch does the baby weigh 1 'i otlyanoherwaycf akig, la e heathy and strong?" Wen a baby is welcemed iete wenld with loving care and feretheught, hi& chances of beahth and sirength are increased a hun- dred-fold. ~vv~vvi~qq~q'q a*************~ Gcoal Until further 'i will buy fresh mi Coal ut the followl notice SPOT CASE[ ained, well screened ring pries: ail sizes, ut barbor Leivered to any part -. WTA~L Il-