TOWN0F OW3ANiLLIvlyaffer kindiv neighbors had parforn.j difference in the roomn. Ah na!The "God keep My brave littie Butine, loaingPor BomaA',e iarbr o Lie cite lasi sa-d offices for tire deacd. but brillant sunflighit thiat strearnied faml. and whenever you feel you have toa sueneesurroundeIby ptette'qU scee1yaiwa, s, for îbt reasonslire ke lo.1,e oe luhn or snîgor - What tîrne- i anafraid 1 wili trust in arpia, sudnuePor thepetis xpne o d otble heeTresgtof t1ire house ad- asoftening takl atr roud lhandsomeimass be- Thtee" 1and nelur sum rntst y'7-dasoly îhe effect îupon hlm. One, step more he sWc ierr; il le_1I nstead with pitiful "So 1 did aiiclit ail ,elped, that and Li4fn l iew rpanddowunand the fine bas iisacaeof dyspep. wold (lbewýithijn ranige oflte windowsmockery on the solitary tremlbling form tlire other nice verses siro taught me. tir ual hReiube ct ahwy usiidgsînO~a,ýucîber, Oh, Gud pitý. him !Wiilsire of a mail bowe d witu exceoif confluet- ButevnertdmeIcuntsc gemer.Th poultocndof Bawal~4ks are tira £ cannai ire ie hre watthing for his coming, when igeoioseos atesto r-oenyr again, titi I was nearlyWeill t~yeen 3000 sud 400 Streets sudemotibes.ny stomact trouble ire th >twee cias and 4hanu - __.or ËStrets, pudic bildinssuuesdncsIivd ai nc d ire reaches fi?fretire melodeon lhe tottered, Not enougir ta leave the hospital Nurse lo4 thiets, ubi ctbuiitysandreiudae saety crd Asi nceceattie rwnsiadsdaringta sitt but standing in the aid toid nme 1 wouldn't have got wcll at ail iitspriug wt etedriaeysund ai fe e .-en '~yS uePS A scttedthga xvhyathuld I lot go in position by her side, ire stoapcd to see if they iad and it isn't much use in get- poection. Tise postai service is ait that eau ire UR.wiat music lay open before hlm. One iing botter wiren I can't let lher see or ~%rd.Tie omnio Oga &Pino as -GUFLAh why !Bt fI i* 1 sau n.Fer ae aTores forminoatrg& Pianos, Or MTNYON. W ttxC Saa of lirer favorite bysens,-Newman's tellilher anything about il!1 But oh! 1 F-üa aeicclfrma e to rioanosbore- guAt ail druggists, hu1irr od 'ngi i1es -Twhre"ead Kindly Ligt.'Ah !' iec euld mustn't u~ wav. 3Mothor---s Bwuicyle ubims, 1sworg.Tedhere are25.a ia.Gudeaou 'Il -; - c tiïsaccurs- sec it ail now , 5. i,,Gidpbutit1- Lyse ta D"o roppin into tire near- you naven't aîîy one icIft ta love now eeti-,e mnviulc ad Hg e os no sureare r, aIeatrad d-ed loneliness! Slowly' and stiffly lhe i ,ten chuicsare Met hos, Pnetsutrpasn c e a Vcert iethaleprug, eae ac st car i oee is faceini abject since .sire died, and yoii sec I have eý1uCmd.o qimn td icIensud c i stree Pi0a. lookathetie p her aeoS witsorrow. There sireirad sat just opposite mother yet, and if you thmnk I could e hrleaeMtwodiroîîg iîreagan and crstet Pia lo t h o tus wher airead nowdrops him. Tire dainty gowu sire wore just help uay-e ni~-hrar rnatle udonltîsrodehonutnelsies aud thenun eablead uPsPringing, suitîng tire wearer, gown, wearer, rock- Mr. IMeadows, viat is, ilP Whlat shall os renu er mdarn fennees- ! ail Dbletolook again dragged ,ail cf a piece, and just suited iihk o ir a-n f olcudn d of first ciass gaods ; compeittianis kee An imsl wtadfiuiyucteacutm-e, She had laid aside thre bit cf In resktrain i iseif. Eeyword tireî fidancy.a longer aEveryelgrphedstps ailS~~an prcsa owcneith on al dses white work ouniris entrauce and pro- cirild uttercd4 thrust hlmf throlugh and Islepirone systerscnthes ow th ail ____________________ seesnear and distant. Port Bowmanvile is He rad scarcely succeeded ln turning- ceeded ta cheer and invigarate, and tlirougirh afresiir! cmigafavorite smmer resort, ieg onue .tire lock and crossing tire threshoid compeusate hlm for ail thre steady grind Buta Buthr !-and lu an instantsire oftIremshatf oain te ST wien a ray cf tardysulgt shot ils grindcf iris down-town office Witir flew taoiris arms With irer l1111e gentie is ir ppuarloalaeg-broad baud momentarily athwarl iS the short, semi-wintry davlgirtlber gay irauds she patteS ibis head, and in sweeti THpE SandeujasalerYtnie plrlcietaln. O MAVLIE-MR 2,1899. path~way througir the bail. lie started mood passeS. Bising, she beslowed a childisir toues soothed ii tenderly as- ir tosand os are t lernsiecrcaines-VLE.MR 2,S 1el e 'etw tnsraytoerlbawavl ie. but însîantiy conquerîng thre desire ta tender pressure cf tire hands anS a kiss moer. Thi r t ars were mingied poeais ta factorles ta locale insBwavle retreat, proeeceded luniris weary investi- on eltirer cheek anS then moved natur though tire cheery ciild-heart kept on1 c§l'reseandece invIteS.galion lirrougirtire hall, through 'thre ally ta tire olS eaedfrtri vn saying "Dan'l cry, Mr. Meadows, doni't PUBLISBEIs'tNOTICE. L 1 F' T LE 1 . drawing raom, the diniug room, tire ing irymu lu the gloamî ing. He lhad cry, perj aps she sees us{ Dou't let's guest chambers, tire kîtchen-a look up cf ten taiS irer tire bîrdls of suimer cas- make irer sorry lunireaven! Wbal am reguarly(~ritenfor TÂTE~Ntire toilsame stairway was enougi. fils ed their vesper sangs sdtr id fgo ietebb and herwil av THE STATESMAN 18 mailed eual pitnëo THE TESA by Nia. bodily strength did nat fled equal ta tire wlnter died sobiîngly juta silence when lookiug out foi' us! -But oh! 1 wlsh lu> i scnineue i recefid sudealr ae kis u aietrvaigtask. ,Twa places ire iaS ual entered. sire began. But cf course sireoirad[ tak- sirewas Iere ! I wighrsire was !'Air! todisoninu i reeied ndail LeaenskisonemoentreealngSioulS hedSase now? WhryhiaSdienot en ail tris aà ioving flattery aud rejeet- sarrv littie conforter! anS yet yeu !did .tvears are paiS lu full Subscriptieu a siradowy glimmer of clearing; tire gene tirere first ? He could ual tel! eS il piaYlully. How ît ail stoad eut su bring comfort wla ta breakiug heart. 81,50 per aununa. If paiS lu advsiuce uext as if ashamed, of ils geed inten. Irresolutely iris liaud resteS ou tire door vivid relief!1 Holding the little eue close te iris iîoopr uun.tiens, sboting ireavier, blacker kuair cflirer deatir.ciramber. He enter- Witirout, that dark Marcir night, tire breast, wviile tire draps feli tirick sud 11,00per anulm.vapors across tecireerless expanse. ed witir falleriug step, anS yearniugiv ireavy masses of cloud betokening fast upanli te siuîg head, te clasped Tirere was a suspicion cf spriuo nS turneS i-risgaed. twad tire! cre Oc rm, tire sigi o f tire wind, the oc- irer Ihere tliithre bitteruess cf iris grief ARRIAGE LICENSEM Ahieaiaohegrtree a ptixg ecpedifhenird . Thge! fcarse asina asrfscet againsttire pane; was speut. As fer tire cilS sire could m JAM-Es, Issuer of Marriage LicenSes. suggesî it particuiariy. Put il was ~le tvudie iecra rSbut, withiu, tire indescribairle warmati do nothitîg cxcept liraSoeeband about Et&ldence: Centre street.ý MarcirmiS eue sight reasonably cx- oen removed, ail tire furuiture except ftebih oe om h lceigbsncadwt h te a i ae oeor twe familiar pieces, aud tirere c0iebi l oegom ir iceigirsncsdwihtr Ie ptii ae A. . CLUG ILN.peet a change sean. ofotShmjsttr aewie flames of tire g rate-tire far-away tenderly, saotingy A. B MoAUGLIN.conroned hm jst he brewhie-1yearniug look af tire sweet-voiccd siug- Youhave been- God'S angel ta me, ,%rrister,Solicltor and (k.uveysinteer. Office- Il may ire' tiere was thiral rtire wasired walls, stark and starîng ! Air! er. AnS il was aliis ! Eltirer ta join my 'cbild" ire said, brokenly. at hength ý kiey Block, King streel, Bowm&uviiie sparrow's iitherto rnanotcneus chirp, Tbey iraS net reînoved everythng then!1 -n-tire or lie iracki n cla coulent reiuclanîly releasing lier. 111 came iloney ta boau ai reasonabie rates. 48-yr, wirich bespoke a jcycus expectancv, tire Thiere irung facing wirere sire ay aainS uii uamu atr ul e rr ckuIke d bt Tr woeîul caWing cf tire crows hiraSluIl a irrigirllyilluînitsated prinlal "The Lame tween iraîf closeS lids ire cauld hear angel anSflis preseuce bath saved me " $5 . 0 , 0 TO LEND salund cf awakening, tire jay's discord- Man HealeS". il was not aworkelart I"LeaS kindi y ligirt amiS tire eucircing "Please GoS we shal bath see lher as 50.00t0a-mo0r0l nugond mort- ant note pierced tire densUy frea sanie by any means anS harv it came tirere irhoo sie" ee5aBtn, ypeiu raeso!inergiremete sheiter; but fer the rest, il was ceuld net determine, hmd neyer noticeS "Tire uight is Sark and 1 aa far froni littie camlorter. chilI, so sombre, tiraI Dawn siivered il befere, anSdyet-il imust have been ahe î1 -6m., home, Then teyarase ta go jute tire enter _______________________luir is warm everceat aslire bS a tirhere wiren siredied anS ail Ibrougirlber "LeaS Thon me ou;, keep Thson my feet world again, bier liny bandigirtly DR . j. C. MITCHELL, treeins wouci Il seemed as if theire s wiîirouî nwngwhire didSo, 6"ildo oet ask te sec tedjstant scene, lapdibslarettaa!frto EMsBER 0F COLLEGEOP Pt'YSICIANS tesw u ever cerne toe, uoecrlire read axer the text at tire bottani cf 1'neso ouhfrm.dlctoe.'A tetrsodse .IV n ugos ntroCrie' t, agaiu.lhe dulI buildings neyer marc lose tire engraving "Bis Naine, tirrougi atd Wh sl Io i M M andsreeo n nkillCroeret, thler daleful lao,,lire irrown sodden faiti in Bis Naine, iratirmade tris man fHe remembers maviug uueasily ,aI chalteS W-ato shae I dor wtm nisiln 74 ,fieiSsi neyer again, wear tireir mear- strong." Whv was it tirere le taunt that-'I arn far fre romei,"-SurelycuciSrteSm bfreIvt vellaus, green. Sure enougir tiere tireo hmm? Oh!1 ta tiik tiraIiris darling sire canet long for auytiring bettèr away tiraI wirn I came irack slroug D. BURKE SIMPSON* (ivergrecusskyadlfing rere and iraS lalu tiere andSufeed dcied tran tins ! But tire sweet trligadwlsewne h itecue thr, n èskard litilya i ewt ting suffered, ye tirniiigougn-keep-saiS sire iraSsome alter>tirings AttRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORIS'traS iehsee nel sir iee iitrtmci ttmu oe oo-ta kcep il dempauy tiret wanld neyer, 13 BLOCK, np-stairs, King'Street, Bowma passeS lire dwelling where too close aun ight irefore lier ! Witir a gesture less III was net always tirus- neyer ire useS again! but uow? MoIrer ville. solicitor for thre Ontario Bank 1. iutimacv with a toweine sprueiraSci f anger Iran despair, ire tore tire print (Was there a guif between tirena?) diS ual kuow 1 was camîng, 1 just raul PrIatemonys oand a loestrats. resulejlun tise loosening cf a sîingle. off the well anS tirrust il a crumpled aud-"lI laveS tire garisir day"- ont wircu 1 saw tire door open anS Its mouruful see-saw diS uitIle ta relieve mass jute a Srawer of thec dressing case. (Whoa ceuld revel lu sunsime more tran brongirtirhe cruleli wiîir ne, for I _______________________tire glooni. Talk ta me of a merciful Christ ! To she,?) ,tirogirt, I tirougirt! Oh Scar ! I mustu't ROBERT YOUNG, V. B- Tire ieavy roIr af tire train lu tire me fie has ireen iess pitiful Iran ta à 'But no* leaS Tirait me ou." tai k like thus ta yen! eud tire brave £-tFF10E IN WEST DURHAM NElWS glooniy dii tance. tire steadv grind lame useless be-gar! He uigirt have Be iraS been relieved le have ber, 11111e seul Srew irersel too'eirer sharpiy VJ Êtock, virere iseef or bis assistant wil aof a sawing machine stili nea rer, tire spared ber. irad'àis nature been even leave lie instrument, boiS iris gloomy and clioked down tire sots tirat thrreat- befaundfrona5 e,..ta p-. m. Nigiri caris ai ratle cf passing carrnages dloser vet. irumanlv merciful. 1 cannet love Hua, lace betweeulirer irands for an instant, eueS lier ntter collapse. restdence, dtrectly pposite Dr'il5hed. Calls by anS tirc voices cf uttle clîdren, nearest Feint wilh excess cf emotion, ire turned imprint a gentle kiss upon iris braw' "Wbat diS yeuhn lu, ear? Don't tseîeraph or telproie wiil'Orceive prompt a5- cf ail. It irritated iim-tire childre- wearilv Irca tire roca where threie(ving anS say "Wiraî a grand comforîing býe afraid te- tell me." fis voice was _____________171___-_______wby sironîd îbey wanlte laugir anS eyes af bis darling sengirt hlm sorraw- hymu, Sarliug ! Iarn hall .afraiS yen straugely cala, siroul sa, Ibis beastly day ! Be ireted fallv froni Cvery cerner Jute enotier, Sa ual sirare il, yonr face 18sa very, 'I tiongirt sic ire here. Sire TAI Al ir sesa,îufor diS Il net ireraid tire tie'room ire dreaded most ta cnter, ire very sarrewful. Cau you think for an alweys left tire Sean jusI se mornings. AI mfl approacirof a lime thal'sire loved mosl found bimsclf iralf-steggering. In tire instant, my Dewn, I do ual pnize Ibis "Come rigirht in Ruthr, sire weuld say, .ULU.rT E9'inA LOR -tire gladsoîne Spnîng. XViat iropes Says wirenlire ireS irst brougirllber teonioe,,? Yenanst kuew bow snroly "yen will be sure te finS me irere." Gentlemen's Claîhes made te Order. ire iraS iraSa car aga! iris beantiful ironie, sire bad timidly re- my heart is enlwined round il and lil - "But we SiSu't finS bier bore, diS we, 110 wee tre Saire, îîeîybyquested tris littie portion as lirer very anS especially tris part of il," gîancing sire saecafidiugly-iralftearfnlly. I ~ tirýe incomingcf tireglanions sprng-tideon n ra aleji'"u evn"au, escirrecieus object witir tie radiant aiuls uearn ieiesi " I ish coid file ir ' hv iere was nioliing scifisir in tire passes- love-ligrl af iber eyes finaiiy resling full gravely. But we wili leeve tire crulcir T ISr «w% s ironî 1 I onet d iret ceniepref!rair suon cf il. fils leedas odIeu and as oui him-"here wiree I have scarceiy lu tuis room-irer roon-for the present, sla ir1beseobliviot nlbcalli? \rat c agerît'turneS mirer as bers. Leeving asked for any later Heaven, but or , ne nesirall Sare le touchir iwtirouî 0. H RND NLD.S cat t tàF, f aheraftr !andyetshetire more stalelv fnrnisbiugs cf tire Dawn, tris 18 ual ail Snrely net ! If my permission." Baci sire carnieS il ta believed initiud speike allen cf tia ra iieng room for those wire liked it, in il were wirere is aur irebe ? We munst repose agailsî the liltle softlv-rnsiioned Graduais of tire Rayai Collage o!f:Dental sui Seelirlcss love wiriir siruid outlive ail tione irigirî 11111e spot, only tire near- see&irer sometime iu Bis own good lime rocker aiways dévoteS te bier use dur- geans. Ontario lime, anSunulle us lu eternity. My est and dearcst weu'e uuivileged ta enter, cf wirom witir our eerîirly vision we iug tire tedious irours sire endureS wben iearî is rent wili douliîs as lih .e 'At one blurred glance iris eye 100k luniraS ail tee shrort a gliapse. Oh ! neyer debayred frea tire amusements of other OFFCE.Oposie xprSsOffce fuur an sck ot deli ettie cl-tire fa ailier objeds. Th itt111e aid- fear darlinZ, tbe hoae-coming will ire ciildren. It ireS leoked like a case cf VFiE-op iteLIExpAressaffiof f trereed se nt! W by sbthout- ~fashioned meledeon, descende ta lirer glaons! Il wilire Pure! pire self-sacrifice ou tire part cflire ___________________________great bnik cf frumanitv, ire frigitenedyfreayber grnmeinsreant, teed ire Under tire af 1erinfluence c trehaap- lanug barlveiraS laidainde her - -bv eny sunmise the doctors. iay palm yond any thodn ionstfrume iredZligirt's glew anS lie sense af relief as ta entertain Ibis tiny daiiy visiter.« ~~~~ ~~off on me ? Week lungs! Forsocli!r rces ietnereefrsm uStire conversation flawed luta casier J.IVIBIRIIMUUIVID My lungs are as good as lire hast of visitor, tire bnig-bt covered concir, tire ciranuels ire tergaon o ttilme ail de-- An ail yitying Fatirer sew iluit ltse tira, nd ire tiey haî fis e tlable witi tireir favorite antirers anS pression- or dread cf comiug 111, se easy yearnîng for ciild-ove-tire effort ta ffli DENTTST, Wbemand iras a _11evweekness irereot and etsrangeS invitiugly tireen, soIt wsi eIutlvn ues ~t a place lorever vacant. twvinge or tu o of pain there te do .daeiso iewd a-i-anS Sying a far distantunorcai eveul- nttrt pse, htlisnit iue SanS tire smal raul eue, ta wiremlire t11h11? J1 tell yen 1 siraîl net ic! dows, sunS Ibere a fine iandscàpe on1 tus gledsorne spot-inlirer wiuseme ln otso ufrn a'-vnta clnhn i adtgtvadwaigthe artisticall oueS walls, and on tie reslong monuirs cf snferiug hadngven tas sucis 'a threatelng o Ioo1on iis faegiossy faoon fcur or five nicir Tunkisir longrsce . t sreaS u igh nce eraswesprtlelok aeyfu tiret two on Ibreea utie ciildreu wiore rgs gave e lasI needed compleîeness. convgraiousue toir nia-hI.O ie sswton spritucell. ks ael on ireS tioughtiessiy, mii agaiîsst hin Steeling bis being for tire ondeel ire sigus of nîter wearines Attire gale they parted, ire first winn- Q)ffie.-Bear of Messrs. Higgin- turneS anti fieS iiiau ojpposite direcion moved uusteedily toward tire table, Finaily witira tender goad-lgir lsire. iug from ier a promise ta accompauy wltir ail tira speed ai their comomand. wirere a bit of whrite wes lyiug. B c tH rehe pneig vniihm on iis daily walks euSnd furthernut botham & Soll's Prug Store, Onlire strode not ncling i0w thie gney picked il np, anS spread 1l irefere hl m.-day, iris nigiri, sud mosl blissfnil hougirt ,p-rm îg uiris artce ùa itlei e e day, lire sombre hanses, tire nteiisit.v of A irendkerchief of pure lÛne linen, witir cf ail, tire crawuing cf iris lIfe withirts ~clonsronaguncluewieifse glana everwlere appare-nt ; silîl on bis monegrea partLv fiisired in oue peani emoug wcmen. wlsired. "lIndeeSd, 1 Sa wishi .". It's (P)owu stairs), hirent ual notingweaines o boycorner, lte needit, stîll wîeesr rS Btasrd a nagbesne'naer10ies' threIrn nwiere ese tilîl leaying iis boarding hanuse far ire placeS il Passionately ire presseS le ire most. Itirmuk. sre averre soiemnl bind,lire reeched thal part aI tire tewu 11111e emben aI lave ta iris lips, anS tir s ieoe Up piauetohe bel are "But IÉutiie" jnst as tic separated, BOWMAN VILLE. ire iraS once called home. Home ! lire iren smoothintr ont ail thre ci-cases, e r t erpeec., e, ae mockýert eof the werd ! Sire t i e entes' ercntly placeS it nexu iris ierat. Mev- fear pessessed ia o l antte paklug alaug, the street or sitting stili wirere lSs fret bir ef useS ota naSfor ing stit b enaifl!dazed uve, lire waiked ihae losî ana cfmtsures. el Witirme? --Tbink of how long yen BANK nltr a twelvemontth? He baS ci' te a windaw andîlif teS a sirade a,;if to aveaI tir n f aîin t'masurs.1an - heveu't bee aible te enjoy Yaursehf, ON A IO B N d dtire doar te ire fasten ediimperetivu-- sec wirelier tiraI wais what macle th& m liteg!ah, my nearly h on 11e conitlnuestada a General Bankiag Business at __________sleeping,_but______i__on____________________on_______Pa- Bowmauvilue Agency. -'- iewssepnbtwsilel Cntna nTs ae) S fancv tiret tire brealir came tea quieki, DEPOSITS an J -~A UN ~~'~ sd as lire eusiered tire room lber sharp- ASSE8SMENT, SYSTEM. ~ g~ j'~- ~ muIw ~ ~oueSdireering-, even in sleep, sirould tceved in Savings Bank Department andSas h leeest pnwdwt Interest allawed at carrent rates. Notice n as iroieeestfpnwîc îi wtthdrawal not neccssary. Al deposuts payable a .. --.. startil eu ouiry lu their exoression, on demand Ž -9k 'Tis onît' me Seer ire had speken me- EXCH NGEaudisenie is tiraIiband- assnniugly., hen c' as she iustantly EXO ANG -samcdocs,"1is theold teorcti- setîled irerseif anS tire qnick breati Bongirt anS solS anS Drafts issueS upon Europe. aeadwn gilesopdoe TInteS Sttes anS cnada alsoGald, Siber anS 14cal adage, but after ahi it's tire .cm n tieae U-nited States and Cnad asekolt 5155 5 nd -air.t o catcirtire wonds tiret came in frag- Unte Steat es r n tir s U gît S ad s S tr o . sk agein, sîooped at ra skua-eephautytats ntsq-"Miueee sa e-sa e psto hwas an intense <bat, ta use ber oiitreated iry electricitY wit e onrale ow1 tît'w eetiped arass U thesreNv.'8 61,I98 NE~V TAILOR ~ words ie Ilwent next tig tomtaS." Srpre sdiad eidetogoon tr pera ute d tiem iasowroiedls was tr M atayonmens, salves anS wasbes-was treated bave.a sorgical oprsisupepopo.riait. by specialits on skin diseases- wituout gettug recomended ta try DR.,AGNEw's ONTErissa- supo' ut. C n'tIc ?ban maen in oe-c lire undersigned wira ias beaucnrr9 na wy lastinlu benefit. SIse bougirt a box o5Dat. ire diS so. Tire £rat application o! it reiieved wySnt~uIrnSr sd sg lte iaiii)rng ibusinssasin.coneetion11wlll AesEW'S ONrMssT-One applicattorf gave ber lire intense distress-be persisteS lu lis use sud awe-, ven knoîw. off te tire great irospi lnnliralninihdt u Msrii',sDry Goods Stür- for as numirer ai Yeaî - comfort, anS to-Say, ~e sng tirree boxes ber to-day res rewarded with a cure atien ye-so tl ntenaSeSpiform al uIrs by au'itinre ie oreMim irtFi commeùÏeedirusiuaSK 53r lutasela1iis r(rai'- skinns as clear and pinasu a babys. &ilrntire lâme 1. Wast5here . Be iraS not bers cf tire Order, or aSSa-ess Kîîg S. west, wbere ire is preparodS.ta me1ý1FRTE ER-eivssoteig apttonadlteig gest s sui aya alual tire lateat styles, ai DR. AONHW-S CUR13O blIIATRieeesoieinplIaio n ltesln. Aknown i111111 naw ."It ll ' lots,, regulanulife saver in cases of orgaalc teart troiu -hees. peialla isu_ ie ou-ite ai rw-s 1ree. or as wa in au DR.AGNEW'3 CATARRHNAL POWDSR-Reuieves coldin tirc iead iluia minutes. Cures iraY -ie 1iSpcaI' tfisI hoo-î LLITTHOS.W1E (ueetatr. ieiaalDR. Ac1NEW'5 LIVER PILLS-Rýglatetire bowvels. Tone thesystem. Neyer grtpc. Pleasant Jshu el mcd ade kep l iiny 1R .Rbgrot.HgrScy rnfr liteosea40 in a Vlsh 20 ctu. - sitralhnSaS1el bsin ae J. T.ALLI, sud aevral she saiS te me tliraest ERNST GARTUNes, S.0, Branifor, f l's jeable Tailor. e .'ae bà ~îifuViCmoruing. 1Jiow Japanese ,cCt-ý,-arrh Cure Cures,. Nasal CÎ,,,,aàrrli. Japanee üC;at;urrhl Cure is a penetrating, sioothing. and hea4ling; pomnade, which is i- serted. np ten~tisbya, small cnmel's heiw pencil. Th,,hato tIse body nicitstLàis po;i_,e and the palient breaibes the soothing sej , (ion throuli ýLe noslriis. and tue nasai1l4i L- nels opeià np. The stuifed-up 1' 10 g n ll liead leaves, and the person coi ihrý athe niatur- althr ogh the Dosie. The d(ýul pains aý" ti uoea ese, Contiua1,i usevra sýhortt e soothes the rmucous, membrane util t'kiw ne.s and inflainmation are ail gone. Thre odor ot the brt ath passes away, and tlis sonses of amell and hearing retuira, Tioeà Ping in thre tirroal' i- perrient,iy "checkedend the nase does not stop up towards ni he discirarge tram th C. 3nase, growri leý s dali . and finÏaly stops aitoether. , t does n thre digease inlto the tiroat or luings; or ï, ears, ».6 s0 often la done by washes, dt % vinuffs whichi coiatain cocaine and oq-, aikaloida, which relleve at tir ïe timbOMt rise to a taise teurity. Japitnese Catarrr h a though antiseptie, is leansnig and est. l i iactiFon, sud 13nnthes the minte a> p-rd, Six boxed are, blaiiIy guaranteed cure any case of nasal catarrh, or monoy i bu re ~ aed. A tre î sampi will be sentt IL y pe.,ýi safféoeýia w tra-m tiua osidangeraus dis- eeÀtu4 kýfc_- - -, , m Sold by ait due drmThe t Q 3 &, ac hoeson Co., B.BTwBllPurlfy tib* T his srnt n Io4rgy.I $pri ng. Very fe- people escape the enervaebU infiuence of spring weather. There in a dullnes, drowsineaa and inaptitude fer work on account o f th whol, systern beig clog-ged ulp iM purities accumulated duriog the winew The liver is sluggish, thre bowels isseMa- cd ta be constipated, the blood'imnpture, 8£d the. entire organism i lu eed of a thorough cleansing. Of aill -Spring Medicine.%- Bssr0ck 3100d Bitters la thre best. It atinaulatea the sluggish liver tD ab. Uivity, improves the appetite, acts on tiro bowéls and kidlneys, purifies zadenricaa thse biod, arnoyes aiu paisonoua pro. ducts, uand ispa-ts new life and vigtr te those Who are weak ain debilitated. 7 Big Mr. Wsn J. Hepburn writeï Doua. <franiCeatralia, Ont.: Ilcati 1sircerely say that Burdock Blood Bitters i là* e est spriaag Medicine eonthe market Iý.at aPring Mry blood ect ou% of ordert and 1 hali seven or algt oo sized ball corne out an my body, and theo one onl my leg was mach larger than au, ee-. I got a bottie of Burdock Blood Bitters, and inside of six days, when oal(' haif thre bottie vas taken, there wasat- a boil to be sccu. -I1bave rëecommended B. BB. ta différent people W o ur village, and aUl de.rived benefit -from xit. I wsh B.B.B. every success, as it la Indeed q great medicine for the blood," B.B.B. la a highly concentrated veg. table campound-teaspaonful doses--ýdd water yourself.f Tire aboye is tire nime aud irade umark of tire oiginlal iSaj1ey Pihi Tire only neliairle KidneyBill. Tire y wre plaueS ou tiremarkaI by Mr'. aesDuan, -Kingavhlle, Ont., Feir- nsutry, 18-ogbefere allir Kidey Pis' vere IhQongit of' Their phenon0euah sucesas, in ail Parts a1 thre wonld, as wl aes sin ada-1, bas bronglit fontir sau-y imitations. Taie noîiig tiraIiras a nania tiret louks or sounds hike D-O-A-N-IS. Aiways ask for D-O-A-N-'S Kiduey 'Pilla-tre pillstirai quiekhy and thonougirly cure all kînda of ]Kidney 111es atar aller reinedios faîl. We ahways flesamny ta sec folks tcame a widower about tre grs ,A man may wear taler made elolhe tuS yet suaI kuew wirat not ta say. 1We -can't teil goad caffee wireu'W diniI, but we eu tell baSi ii Il waorîes neariY everv onderby pensan to sc a calendar wiîb tire past moulr's page remainiug. A teste Ion- glass is e malter oa iiul vatien tire seme as a leste fer olives o limburger cireeue , 11 Tire people wiro come ta tell yaui ira toil bave offenSeS soins eune are gencr Ilt' tire offenSeS unes tircaselves. FOR OVER PIzSTY VEARS. vlrs.Wlugiow's sootlîiigsyrupt bas heen useSfb_ nillions ni motiars for tueir ilîdren wli[ aeetig. tIf disturiod ai nitrhi sud brokan n your restbiy-a sick eIilslsuifferiîig aud cryltt wlii tie pain of estlî eebth senS St once abl gt a boille oif Mrs W ,rt'ws Sooihing Syrîo for Cildren Teethliîrg: It wilu relieve tire pror huetl sufferer ai uncý-, o.)upoi[r3ritmos.ati irara lanomsistake airant It.curas Diarrllr -ogulatas tire stemnach and ira-el,. curas Wild Colle, softans tire gains. reuinee(,s sutammati,1 sud gives toue sud oner ' z to tLie whie syst1% drs.Wingiowg' Saatirrg yre foci teetiring is pleasaiulotie fte sud is tir' ceriptinA aone oa!flie- ui i dhast fen4,1 bsclanssud isaue, m Tiie tat c * riesl 25. a1billa 1-S rgb il.rigitstr' sut tire wrid n feisreia ait erIrs. 1V IN- SLOaWS' SOOthlng SymPn One LAXA-LIVEGI PILL night for tblrry days inakes a coasiptetae re of biiiousness and con stl'a ionk,' hat fi -mast 2 5 cents to be ens-elt. RAGYARD'S XELLOW 011, cuvez sorains, bruises. soes, vus, 4m frstbites, ehitblains, si so ndlu bta'sus5 soÉLds, opntugsions, etc. 1rg 26'