E99 BICYCLES$2 HIG'H GRADE5 We have flot been sleeping during the long cold winter, but have been planning, îlvestigating, and negotiating with some of the largest Bicycle manufacturers in the* world. The resuit is that we have taken everybody by surprise and are seling a strictly up-to-date Bicycle for $2.5, which is superior to what some dealers are trying to get $35.00 and $40.00 for. If youi are a judge of wheels corne in and see it. We invite comparison with any 840.00 wheel on the market. SPECTFICATIONS: F'RAME-Very best Sheiby Seamiess Tubing, Flash Joints, carefuiiy reinforced. CRAýNK RANGER.-Improved 1899 two-piece Cran1k, Detachable Sprockets, ail best - steel forging obtainabie. BEARTINGS.-Fitted with bail retainers and dust proof cnps and cones made of the finesi bool steel carefuily tempered in oi,.&rronnd and polished, FINISIf.-Frame inished in 1 coats best enamei, ecd coat band rubbed and pollshed, ail bright part$ heavily coated on copper. TIRES.-Made by Bowmnanvillie Co. (1899 make.) PRICE.-$2.Oo Cash. P~NOH~RSURPRISE $55.00 BUYS A COLUMBIA. We have coneluded arrangements whereby we are able to supply the, celebrated Columbia 189 9 model for $55.00 fitted with ail the 1]atest improvements and of the finest- quality in every respect. The Columbia is admitted by ail opposition makers to be the height of perfection in every partieular and now that it ean be purehased at this low price no one sliould pay more for any wlieel made. Bargains in Wheels from $10 up. Stott & Jury-, BoWMANVThLE. GRAND rRUNK RAILWAY. Bowmi.NvuaL STATION. GOIEG EÂS'. GoING WIEsT. Ey press ....8831 a. m. 'Expr .5 28 a. M *Express .... 10 195.m.I oa. : 8 Faesenge. 4 ..Passenger.. 1 85 p. M L-cal.651:p.m: t Express... 4.31 p. m. m 1108 i O "jExpress.. . 7 A9 "DaiLr.tfSundays oniy. SToTT & JuRy. Town Aginis BOWMÂNVILLE. MAIl, 29, 1899. Hlot Cross Buns at Tod's. flot X Buns at Luttrell's. Miss Fisber bas been visiting frieuds in Toronto. Miss Adams, Oshawa, is guest of Mrs. J. B. Mitchel. Tod always has!the best flot Cross Bans. Order early. A bicycle new, ladv's wheel, onl y $25. See it at the Mason Co's. Leave your orders early at Luttrell's Bakery for flot Cross Buns. Suits which always suit when made at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman 's. lAttend the Easter musical service iu , h Methodist church Sunday uikht. The equinox was marked by the ~usual tbunderstorm Wednesday uigbt. We keep the best churu and wasWing machine in the world. CAwER & TAIT. Those who appreciate artistic print- iug should send, their orders to Tînt STATESMAN. Several lines of Dress Goods selling off below cost at Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman's. The'suow bas gone again but there were many sleighrides during the Iew days it las ted. Z Miss Beacock who recentlv came to town f rom Blackstock bas joined tbe Methodist choir. Corp. A. flobbs bas purchased the Tesidence on Ontario St. known as the Peter Deyînan property. Don't fail to sec the beautifi Scotch Gingbams just opened out at Couclh, Jobuston & Crdras. iRev. Dr. Cârmau, Toronto, preached iducational sermons in Simcoe St-. Metbodist churcb, Osbawa, Sunday. Feather Boue Corsets made to seil at *one Dollar now seling at sixt.y-nine- cen1ýs at Couch,Johnston & Cryderman's. Rev. Chas. T. Paul, Cecil St. Churcb of Christ, Toronto, preacbed very ac- ceptablv in the Disciples' cburcb here Sun-.day. * An electric storm patîsed over this dis-' trict Wednesday night. We bave been having cold wëathori,since so the -old sign must bold good. -10w Prints, Sateens, Slver Silks, Scotch and Canadian Gingbams in !im- mnen se variety just opeued out at Coucb, Jobuiston & Cryderman's. The Mason Co. are sbowing a large -and tempting range of Fancv Colored« ,Shirts for vouug men in soft and starcb- bosoins. Prices raugîung from 5Oc, to Bill Arnold was sentenced to six mnotbs at bard lahor ln the Central Prison for stealinz a horse and cart bc- Ion-7iun to Jos. Cochrane, Darlington, at 0sh91wa. Judgiug front the many new!desig-ns beiug sbown lu mep's Suitings hy The1 Mason Go. gentlemen will do well to accept the invitation extended in their new advt. this week. The -ood of the pudding is in the .eating flot in cbewing the string. The proof of the quality of the Geudron is in the riding; therefore ride a Geudroti. F. C. PETincu Agent. Second-haud wheels for sale cbeap. Miss MNcTavisb. Bowmanville, wisbes to thank, ber nîanv frieuds and cns- tomers for past patronage and desires to iýnform them thut -site is open for Spring- orders for m-illinery everY day from 8, a.m.. tili ail are served. 12.2 w To the Publc-If vou will watch this paper from week to week, you ivili find a tiee of diffeient reductions, which ýTN.Rickard is making lu prices. Kind- ly make a note of the same and when y7ou are taking -your summer trips and outings compare bis prices with those of other places and you will thas prove to your owni satisfaction, tbat you are better served at Richrd's thaunatany other place. Note this. watcb glasses are tohbe loc. each for 189 A new stock of very heavy ones just in. Remember the placýe, three doors east of the Standard Bank. flot Cross Buns at Tod's., flot Cross Bans for Good Friduy ut Luttrell's. Latest styles in Fedoras and'Stiff flats at M. Mayer's. Thousauds eat flot Cross Bans ou Good Friday. Tod bas them. A 50-acre farm torent 3 miles north of Bowmanville. Apply to HEAL BROC. Mr. Fred. Kitchenir, Kingston. was Euest of Mr. John McConnachie last weelr. .Prudent bayers know that bere tbey cau get the best groceries for the least money. CÂWKER & TAIT. Another lot of Meu's fiats- latest styles-opened this week ut Couch, Johuston and Cryderman's. Mrs. fi. FeIt, Oshawa, visited lber mother Mrs. D. MeCounachie, who bas been quite iii with la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. James Richards, Pick- ering, were guests of bier father, Mr. John L. Perkin, over Sunday. Ladies' Sýring C oats and Capes Ger- Mau and Canadian just received at Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman's., Nicklo Wltham watches are aimost given away ut Richard's and fally guar- anteed. Grozer's due biLîs taken as cash. Mr. Fred.- E. Hunghes of the U. S. Army is spendiug a few days. with .friends in towu before going to the Philippines. I have the goods, the prices are right. I want your trade. I soul for cash,, if 1 can't suiit yoa the money is yours and the goods A. Nicholis'. Black Dress Goods -a beautiful rang'e in all qualities up to the flnest gools imported just received ut Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. The good points of tbe Goudron Wbeel are hut into ther u nt taiked into theru. Ride a Goudron. F.C. PETH- tcK Agent, Bowxnanvillo., Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman are showing tlw very latest styles in Men's fiats just received direct from the man- ufacturers in England. The choir of Cambridge St., Metbod- lst,çhurcb,, Lindsay, were bospitubly entertained ut the resideuco of Dr. and, MNrs. florriman on March 22. Bey. Wmn. Stiff, Toronto, officiated in the Cougregationai churcb Sundav. Boy. Mr. MeGregor was unable to fili bis engagement owing to illness. Selina Jobb died at the Generai Hiospital, Toronto, on Saturday, aged 81 yours. The romains were taken to Port Ferry for interment lu Cartwright. Sylvanus Freeman, Brighton, bas heen apnointed Fishery Overseer for NorthuÎmberland and Durbaru and waters of Lake Ontario borderiug Sthereon, M.A.James, Bowmanville, is Goi'eru. ment Issur wof Marriage Licenses for the County of Durham., during business bor t fie, ut bis resideuce Centre- st., ut nigbt. A reception servicew~as beld lu cou- nection witb the praver-rueeting ut the Metbodist churcit Thursday eveuiug several new naines wore admitted to memhership., Miss Dianu Cale is prepared to do dressniuking eltber ut lber home King St.. or ut the homes of bier qustomers. Good fit guuranteed. Char&-es mo- derato. Il 4 w. The vote ounte by-law lu the town of Palmeorston guarauteering the dehen- tures of the Farmer's Co-operative Pork Co., amounting to S25,000,- was carried by a large ruajority., The Mason Co. inforrus us that Sîiff fiats will be the leadiug stylo for gentlemen this souson. See the' Iru- penial Brand" ospecially suited to youug mon. A 82.00 special.' The price of crude rubber bus been advancing for a good while. Another advance 'of 5e. per lb. wus declared last week. The finest Para rubber is now worth $1.05 the poand lu New York. Wbich is the higbest price reacbed for twonty yeurs. Riekard is running off some 17 jew- ouled Waltham Movements iu 20 year gold filed cases ut the price that is cbarged by others for niekle watcbeq. Socure one wbile you may and heur in mind that bis guarante, means some'- thing. fie is not here to-day an&d gone to ruorrow. An Easter song service wiil be giveb lu tbe Metbodisî chareh,. The choir bas prepared choice music, and an inberest- ing and profitable time ruay be expeet- ed. Suitable sermons will ho preacbed by Bey. Win. Jolliffe in the, m orning and by Bey. J. J. Rue lu the eveniug. Public alwayS welcozpe. i T i A Musical' Eveuiug, under tbe aus- pice1s of Trinity churcit Ladies' Aid, wll be beld at Mrs. Meatb's on'Good Friday,- Marcb 8lst, at 8 p. m. Miss Fairbairu, Miss McDowell, Miss Tilley, Mr. F. L. Squair, Mr. Geo. Freelaud and others will take part lu the pro- gram. Admission 10c. Public cordial- lv invited. flot Cross Bans at Tod's. Try Luttrell's flot Cross Bans. A colurun of locals on.,au inside page. Latest styles in Spring flats at M. Mayer 's. 1Lamp cbimueys 8c. 4c. and 5e. at A. L. Nicholis', Order your gHot Cross iBuns at once at Luttrell's. 1 Great stock sale Tbursd ay April 6. See Auction Sales. .Mr. Mark Prout and family bave re- moved to Toronto. Miss Emeline Williams is visiting frieuds at Toronto. 1Order flot Cross Buns to-day fromn Tod's store or driver. Mr Tbos.Tauunton bas g one toSeattle, Wasbington Territory. Egg-cups, egg-cups, egg-cups fromn 20c. a doz. up at Nichols'. Dont* fail to see the novelties lu Easter eggs at Thos. Tod's. Attend the Musical Evening at Mrs. E. S. Meath's, Good Friday. Mr. Geo. J. Bell, editor Newcastle Tîmes, gave us a cali Friday.,. Latest styles in boys' bats, caps and tamo 'shauters at M. Mayer's. Mrs. (Dr.) J. Spencer bas returned from a pleasaut visit in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Clare, Parry Sound, bas been visiting bis sister, Miss Florence Clare. Mr. M. ,M. Feuwick of the Publishers' Syndicate', Toronto, iwas lu town last week. fleal Bros. bave just received Ban. nanas, New Maple Syrup and Maple Sugar. Miss Josephine Williams is visit iug at Mr s. J. C. Trulîs' and Mrs. Brooks', Courtice. SNewcastle itizeus are anxious for the l2th of July celebration to be held there t his year,. Editor James is ln Cobourg this week as juror at the Spring AsstzMs 'which opcned there on Tuesdy. Mrs. John and Miss Ida Bailey have returned froru a month's visit at Mr. John Archibald's, Belleville. Dr.Talmnage draws lessons of comfort for people in trouble in bis sermon on 'Christs Last Days " this week. Sce the eleoeant Capes specially suit- able for midle aged and elderly ladies at Coucb, Jobnstou & Cryderman's. Mr. Geo. Weston of the Model Bak- ery, Toronto, bas purchased the busi- ness of Mr. E. S. Edmonson, Oshawa, Mr. Chas. 'Young and Mrs. F. K lladdy attended the funeral of bis sister Mrs. Wm. Brittain lu Toronto Friday. Easter is at baud and the 'stores are in gala attire, and, thougit always at- tractive, are particulary beautiful now. Mr. andsqrs.,,Henry Mann and Miss Mann, Baby Ijead, bave been V'ery iii with la grippe bat are very mach better now. "«Lîf ted" will be found very iuterest ing to aIl lovers of storiettes, on'an in- side pag-e. The writer lives in West Durbaru, Au elegant assortment of Spring Suitings and Dress Goods of alI kinds just arrived at Coucb, Johuston & Cry. derman s. The Skating Rink bas losed for this season. Our young people find a great deal of enjoymênt there during the winter mouths- We believe we are sellin- the best Uine of Prints for lOc. shown by any bouse lu Canada. Couch, Johuston& Cryderman. Every farmer and cla îmy-man lu West Durham should not failte, read 'Dairy Cow Test" froru the peai of Mr. J. M. Joness, on an inside page. A 850,000 fire lu Toronto Wednesday ibigbt destroyed the establishments of Elliott & Brook-e, paper box makers and Douglas Bros. metal works. Burglars broke into Mr. J. flarcourt's express and ticket îofflce, Port Hlope, Sunday morning aud bored boes in the safe. No furtber damage, was doue.' Prof. Wroug, M. A., Toronto Univer- sity, will lecture lu Assembly Boom of the fligh Schoolon "Oliver Cromwell" uext Wednesdav evening, April tb, Mr. D. N. McBride, formerly of New ëastle, salis from California April 5tb for Melbourne, Australia where hoe bas a position witb the Massey-flarris Co. Mr. Alfred Hlardy, Zion. Darlington, accom.panied bv bis sister, Miss Martha, visited NewcasýU1e friends last Sundav. Miss flardy is stay.iug there during this week. Mr. A. J. flook is ropresenting Bow- handled lu excellent papers by Misses E Freeland and A McKowan and Mr. A. W. McLau ghlin,. Mr. L. T. Cour- tide led a- short praver service whichi was-heartily cnmgarged In by the En- deavorers present. The uewly elected officers are- President-'Mr. A. W. Me- Laughlin; Vice Presidont-Mr. L. Tr. Courtice; Secretary-Miss E. Freelaud; Treasurèr-Misa V.iGilfillan., Mrs. Pope, Peterboro. 5visiting lber cousin, Mrs. C. L. Munson., Rev. Dr. Workman was guest of Mr. M. A. James, Lorne Villa, during bis stay in, town. An important change in the classifi- cation of mail matter will go into effect in a few days. The present fourtb class, wbich fixed the rate on closed parcéels up to five pounds at 6 cents for four ounces is abolisbed, and the present flfth class will become fourth the rate on wbich is 1 cent per ounce., The April Number of The Delineator le calledthe Spring Number, and em- bodies a Comprehiensive Summary of Present and Incoming Styles in, every Department of Dress, a choice vs riety articles of sterling Literary excellence and a profusion of cbaracteristic Social and Housebold features, Inspiration for many a pleasant home gathering is furnished in An Easter-tide Evening. A group of Ilousehold Subjects, the Possibilities of a Can of Salmon, and Dainty Buffet Lunches, are also inter- esting., The regular DeDartment will be found entertaining and instructive. Numerous pages are devoted to Millin- erv,Lace- Mazing,Crocheting-. Knitting. Addresg The Delîneator Publishing Go. Tt"ronto, Limited, 83 Ricbmond St. West, Toronto, Ontario. Suhscription price of The Delineator, $1.00 per year, single. copies, 15c. Notices of BIrilis, Marriages and Deaths 50 cents; -when anarriage licen ses are ob~tEýined or funerai notices Printed at this offie. Insertion free. BORN., QuiNNEY.-ITI Darlington, Marcb l9th, the wife of J. Harry Quinney, of a son. MARRIED. MÂRTIN4-STOCK.-At the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J. B. McLaren, Mareh 22ud, Mr. Miron P. Martin, Raglan, and Miss Jessie, eldest daughter of Mr. James Stock, jr., Columbus. BAREEýTT-SMIiTs.-In Newcastle March 22ndi by Rev. Canon Farncomb, Mr. William Barret and Miss Annie Smith, both of Carke.. HODEBY-GALIBXAITII -In BOWManville, on March 27th, by Rev. Y'. H. Turnbu1I, M. A., Mr., ,Robt. J. Hooey of Langdon, North Dakota, and Miss Sara Maud, daughter of Edward Galbraith, Esq , Cartwright. WOOLNER-RoBnNsoN..-Iu Bowmauvilie, Mail. 27th, by Rev. W. Jolliffe, Mr. Joseph Woolner, and Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson, both of Bowman, ville. DIED. flunGEss-In Clarke, March 2th, Robert Blurgess, aged 88 y.ears. JOLLIFFE.-At 515' Clinton street, Toronto, M4arch 19th, Benjamin Jolliffe, in bis 6ith year, formerly.of Bowmnanvilie. BRiTTrÂN.-PasBed peacefnlly to rest i the f amily resî6lence, 58 Bathurst St,, Toronto, Mar. 218t, Mariha Young, bel oved wife of Mr, William Brittain, formeriy of Bowinanviile. GALBRAiT.-At Port Ho pe, on Mardi 22nd; Mr. Thomas Galbraith..inuflls 77th year, for 27 years travelling agentin Canada of The Scottish Amý1erican Journal of New York. LE.-At East Wiitby, March 23rd, Maniha Bursey Pascoe, wife of Juo. Lee, aged 74 years, and il months. Interred i Union cemetery on Saturday. _ BOxNNTT,-IUi Darlington, March 27th, Char. lotte Yeo, beleved wlfe of Robert Bonuetta, aged 67 y ears. FISirER,-In Toronto, Mar eh 25ti, Jean Maria, daughter of the laie Charles MeKeizie and Eunice Burk Fisher, niece of Mr. David Fisher, Bowmanyilie. Intürred: in Bowmauviiie cent- etery, Monday. CTTTELL.-At4 Beatrice St., Toronto, John B, Catteli, aged 52 years. BuLGE.-In Port Hope, Marci 2411, Edward Bndge, Merciant, aged 66years. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS (Jorrectedby J.MeMurtry each Thenday Frou V 100 lbs........ $1 95 to 82 2c WHEÂT,' Fail, bush ... 0 0 "t070 t' Spring ..0 00 il0 70 :1 RQÏ Pife 1).(0O"0 72 fi GOOSEi .... 000t'0 70 Bâ.RLuy,ebush,No.,l .. 045 il 0 46 il 3, ....0 25 il0830 et ilTwo rowedo0 25 i0 45 QATS, white le .... O ..000 et' O30, RYE '.......0 00"le055 BUCKWEAT I ......0O0 ifO045 PEAS, Blackeye P bush..O069 et O 75 leCanadian beauties.. 69 etO 75 il Mummey Il 0 0QilO055 iSmall, le -0 00 et0 65 i' Blue, il 0 47.i0 55 BurrR, best table, P IIb. . O0 0le O14 EGGs, edoz .............0 00"fi011l Po-TAToBS, bush ........O 000"fiO80 flay per ton............ 5f) til 6 00 MISS EVA LUTTRELL Is prepared to give lessons on organ and piano i hier residence, King St.,or at the homes of the pupils.7 MISS ETIHEL MORRIS, ARTIST. InYstructions given in PAINTING iiu 011, Water Color and China. Sketching and painting from nature. KILN on premises, fer- ing at usualpricesb. 51.6m. S TOCK FOR SALE .-Two Tborobred Bulles andl12 montis old, vrices moderate. Aise good work horse cheap. W. P. R. JoatEs, Basam.Ontario. 13-1w. 1? OR RENT-Blacksmnith sbop,house. _L: I acretand tolet. Good opening. Terms moderate. Immediate possession. Address, Mus. W. M .HicKS, Tyrone. 12-4w* XTJOTCE.-~A1l persolîs indebted f o -1- 1hei laie Mrs. Nortitete for Mnsie, &c.. wiii please setile for sanie ai once, witi J. C. VAN- STONE, Bowmnanville. 8-6w. .BI CL FO SALE .-Gents' very auid luvery good COnaitioni. Iîîquire i Ontario [Bank. 11-.3 w. SERD'BAILEY.-A quautity of No. 1J six-rowed barley suitabie for seed beinmr frce froni noxions weeds. W. J. Bragg, lot 2, con. 3, Dzrlingin, near Providence curclu or' Bowmavi 0 ., 11-3 W. GLITTNGREADY FOR HAUVEST -Noned fr orssa bran new Steam Thresiing Plant with Traction En gine wili be ready for work in ibis district about Jnly 181,. 1899. JOHN hmd JAMES TRIMBLE, Proprietors, Maple Grove, Bownhavlle P. 0, 12-3w* F ARULTO IIENTL-58 acres moi'e or iess, being th othpr f Lot 261, in the 21id 0ocsii f Darlingîcu, lair buildings, orcliard amnd runmi ng water. Possession at once. Apply Ou pr-eumises 10 MAIS. RS. WEBSTER, Or 10 AM. WEBSTER, Oshawa. JJ OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- J- 2-stoney brick, 8 mrnem, on S. W, corner of Wellington and Division Sis., Bowmanville. The bouse ls lu a good state uf repair, a uew oiled shingle roof baviug lately boee put on at a cost of over $100. ill be soid cbeap. Apply to 1-. C. TAIT, Photograpier, Bowmamville. 12-2w. E1 WAUGH, L. D. S.3 D. D S.1 BowmANviLLEc. Dental Office in the Booms above jfàff Will be at Orono from 9 a. ru. to 2 P Mu., and at Newcastle from 2.80 unt-i tii 7 p. Mu., on the second' and fourth Mondays of etici Month. Gold plates, Crowu and Bridg-e work aud'Painless extraction Are specialties. Are two coi Snew-laid eggs a: we expect to sel eau buy it here We sell the at from 12e o10 Absoiutely ~Syrucps New Maplep ft7W Prices wiil be i fine light Syrupse Those who wi Smost deiicac v off our lightest brun( i5t' is easily prepai Sapproaches it i Cash for all f, SBOWMANVILLE. idEgS ommercial ehums. Now that are coming within reacli again, ell more ham than ever, Yo ,any way you prefer. L best sagar-cured hams, whole 14e a pound. new laid Eggs at 12e a dozen. -S-4 Syrup will arrive -in a few days. ght. Also a full supplv of Redpatb's sut 60e and 80c a gallon. wish to secure a syrup ýwitb the ut- flavor cannot do botter than buy ~ id of yellow sugar for borne boilng. ared, and no factory syrup at i taste, 20 lbs, for $1. farmn produce. Mker & Tait. 3 mo om,,,wou, .5JL ,.uj~ ~u, 'J, WALL PAPIER. Our stock of Spring Paper bas boon selected w1tb great care frorn the best manufacturers ; design, color, and general artistic effeet bas been earefully cousidered. For years we have had an enviable repatation for our Wabll Papers, but titis season's preparations eclipse every- thing of the kind every attempted by us., Larger stock, grtnIer varieties, botter qualities and a larger assorîment of artistie novelties, buying in large quantities and, carrying the paper in stock enables us 10 Com-, mand botter values, and 10 bouse owners and decorators that means botter papors for boss money titan they have 'been nccustomed 10 pay. We'll sutisfy you if anyone eau. Matuto 1lte test, W. T. LhE14. Cordial1y ivte the' their s CORNER MIli Where ahl the latf Millineîy1 Corner King and Temper public to cail and see ;ock at tuie ,LIN ERY STORE, test E.tyles of Spring can be seen. Brance Sts. BOWMA"~VILLE, le dip We do o' ut 49 Claim to betheonlyî House in West Dur= -4 _ hani. . . * But for elegance in style, lateness Sin design and value in Dress Goods, we are becoming, leaders. It will Spay you to, see them. ~t~BOWMANVILLE.' Ne kt door to Standard Bank. ~~ Packing cases for sale. 'u4uu~ PRING BOWMANVILLU. 'mmeflm~. bttotbbmî -1 Lii e