1f there --s any reason -why you should use paint, there is dvery P Aiâ7îI reason why you should use Ra9%msaY'ilîonlIxdP it 'IBecause it covers more than Its more economicai other paints. It wears ou wont require to paint seolten It warslonger, if you use t " L~.j.Yon only have to see a job I t looks uettery with it to appreciate this. donel1 Every eau guarantco.d. Get our sample card of new shados. WJeSell S- - Alabastine, Oil Stoins, Varnisli Stains, Enamels, Varnishes, Brushes and every Hardware roquisite that is nooded for the bouse Cleaning time. Inspection invited. Phone 66, BOWMANVILLE. (Opposite Ontario Bank.) Now is the time for Rooni Paper. A lady said to me'last week, "I sent awav for paper for niy hall but after seeing what you have and vour prices, 1 arn very sorry." Don't bo misled. Don't buv from samplos. Inspoct my patterns, get my prices, and know what you are gettilg Satisfaction is the word. Window Shades. No culis, and no trash, ail good stock and good value. Curtain Polos very cheap. Pictures, Picture Frames and Room Moldings are spocialties with rue. No trouble to show goods. Choice Window Plants for sale. P. TRI BI1L CO %-"C K. BOWMANVILLE. VUi £~I LAD~IE Everything in Miiiinery Novelties that can be got in Toronto, wiil be show.n. Dr. A. w.- CHaASE- COMES TO THE~ AID OP =:Sufferers SUCCESS in life is almost impossible for a man with bad breath. Nobedy wants to do business with him. Noboçly wants to associate witbh hm. Hie is handicappéd every. where. Offensive breatb cornes from Catarrb; esmetimes from Catarrh of the Stornacb, some- tirnes of the lungs, sometimes of the bead, nose, and throat. It is froin Catarrb somewhere, and Catarrh is another name for uncleanness. Many men understand thjs, and make every effort to cure it, but it is beyond the reacli of ordinary practice. No self-respecting man can ignore Catarrh. If lie bas it in any form lie makes constant effort to be rid 0f it. Therei sometbing about the mannerof life and the clImate of Canada tbat seemns to breed diseases of the mucous memnbàane. Medical science ordinarîly doesn't try to cure Catareli; it 'relieves" it; but Dr. Chase bas been cirng Catarrb for over tbirty years, and bis name is blessed by tbousands wbo bave shaken off the grasp of this ildious disease. Sold hy ail dealers, price 25 cents per bo, b1gwer free. BOWMnANVILLE. AýPiIL 12, 1899. LAURIER'S GRIEAT SPEECH. The best speech ever delivered by Sir Wilfrid Laurier in the Houso of Cern- mos-at least so many people say- -in this issue. Read it through carefully and note particularly what ho says about the Plebiscito. lf you contempla te going to Manitoba write t o Commissioner of Immigration, Winnipeg, Man , for list of lands for sale with pricos. The first three menths of, 1899 having passed,we shall have to ask ail subscrib- ers in arrears and who do flot pav within the next two weeks', for 81.50 a year. Wo need money bedly this month. Hon. Mr. Sifton's great speech con- tains so much information tl'at we hope every man, an~d especially every young man who wants to be nroporiy informed on public questions will takze the tirne Dnocecsar.v to rcad it through carefully. Farmners' sons and others who have stock for exhibition at Bowmanville Fair should keep a sharp oye te TrEE STATEISAAN for soething now in which theyimay ho snterested. The committee is at work on some new ideas. Rlis Excellency the Governor-General and Countess of Minto will open the big Hers e Show in Toronto te morrow (Thursday) afternoon. The vers' cheap rates by the Grand Trunk will ena hIe a great miany te attend from country towns. l'are from Bowmanv'ilio in- cludîng admittance $195. pis )@910 l kis flm, met fi fifth rib thatý he died." The Unitedi Statü S lias nut wI i ucc guueby ot shameful duplicity, but is daily slaug'h- tering- a people whose only offenco is theîr desire to ho a free and indepen- dent nation. Americans wore justly indignant at the wanton massacre of Armenians by the cruel Turks andt at the slow torturing deaths inflicted upon the reconcont rados in Cuba by Weylcr; and if some prophet had said the United States government would soon bo guilty of like conduct, the roply would doubt- less have been like that of Hazael te Elisha, "Is thy servant a dog, that he s houl d d o this great thing?ý" And yet, CrERING THE UNITED STATES.- Endless discontent is cropping up iu the United States over the Philippine question. The tremendous blunder'our neig-hbors made is every day now bc- ceming more apparent. The plea that the United States Goverument lias possession of the Philippines "1not by cheice but by the fortune of war" is not strictly accurato, as Mr, J. R biHot of St. Louis, Mo., points out in a recont letter to The Outlook. lie says ]Dewey destroyed the Spanish fleet at Manila- it was then determined to taxe Manila; similarly, Cervera's fleet was dostroyed at Santiago-then it was dotermined to take Santiag-o. Neither was taken by accident or chance, but because the Amerieans chose to proceed against them by force. The Filipinos are foeced to dofend their native land against. the oncroachments of a foreign power that is trying to force them into the condition of a subject race. They sent representatîves to plead their cause before the Paris Commissioners and were dcnied the privilege; other ropro- sentativos were sent te Washington and they were treated in the same im- perialistic manner. Tho United States is challeng-ed to point te a single effort te satisfy the Filipinos of their peace- able intentions toward them s 'ince the surrender of the Spanish forces at Manila. Previous te that the Govorn- ment did make, through hier reproson- tativos, very fair promises te the Fuli- pinos, wbich the government bas shamue- fully atnd disgracefully violated. An American officor says - "Consul- General Pratt of Singapore, Consul Wildman of Hong-Kong and Consul Williams of Manila gave Aguinaldo (the Filipino leader) te understand that the Filipinos would become indepen- dent, that the peace commission would provide for their independence, if ho would lead the natives against the Spanish. Such was the understanding on the strength of which he organized his people. H1e received arms and ammunition from the United States for that purpose, -and it is well knewn-that the Spanish forces wero locked in on the land side by Agninaldo's mon, and thus forced te surrender te t-ho Amien- cans." Well mav thîs officer say "Those people have been treated outrageously." "Joab said te Amasa, art thou in health, my brother? and takinghodf hittie, and - a brilliant, - ' lasting, lustre dawns through it. Neither varnish, turpentine, nor wax, to parch leather or seal up its pores, ini- goods 8e -per tint-- Canned-,Sugar- Cern, MVanitoba'-Branid, 3 for 25c. Canned Peas, White Rose Brand, 3 for 25c. Canneci Pork' and Beans 5c per tin. Faucy New Prunes, 4 lbs for 25c. Cheese, nice rich, flavor 12ýe per lb. We have a fulil range of Field and Garden Seeds and Coarse Seed Grains ail selecteci with the greateet care.'c 'Yen should try some of our Danish impreved,,red-top, SugarBeet. The llighest price paid for ail kinds of Farm Preduce. b0V '.5 WEST* ENDaHOUSE, BOWMANVI LLE. Foliowing, are a few lines of goods te which we invite special attention this week. Our stocks are very completeÇ and prices denote speciai value. Corne and see if they don't interest yen. Dress Goods, Ladies' Plain Cloths in Blues, Browns, Greys, Fawns, Greens, and Plnm Shade s, special $5 costumes. Priestley's Black Dress Goods are becoming very pepular. We carry a full range of Priestley's goods. One piece Fancy Black new Goods, regular price $1 a yard, special this week 75c. We have a splendid assortment of wool Sergos, our special 56 inches wide for 75c a yard. It is extra -YV'aue. A big line of Colored Fancies, bran new goods, worth 40e and 35, while they last we seil them at 25c a yard. Hosiery anfd G loves, Cashmere Hosiery in Spring weights te hand,see our 25e cashmere Hose. Cotton Stockings in Black, Chocolate, Tan, and Scotch Plaids. Ladies' Ties in all the newest shapes both in Block Checks and Plain Satins 25eý- and 50c each. elothnq, Speials Our Clay Worsted Suits in Black and Bine, made of Genuine Imported Worsted an d gnaranteed Indigo is a beanty. This suit made te order is worth $18 te $20, our price $11.00. Whipcord Overcoats, light Brown, d[eep French fac- Mlen's Brown Checki-ed ilalifax Suits ail sizes $3.75. SEE OUR $ 1.00 PANTS. 175,Pairs of. Ladies' Oxford Shoes, in Black and -Chncn1g.tep 6fnp -Li 7ýeýk 1 nffle i 1 i .1 --iý