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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1899, p. 5

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UP Columnbia, '9S, new, price $1.30, for .......... $7511 1898, llighest Grade, ne, 4 ýt year $90.00, foir.. .. ...$45 g', 1898, üsd..........$1 8. Ladies, used ...,..........$1 51, 110W, 1899, flush joints, best O E Canada for the money.. . th Coaster, saves haif the wheeling'...............yU offering- the best value in town.. STOTT & JURY. E 1V 'wilappeal to your intelligence, It Wi l ean i murities from the skin, IT will cure pileumonia. 1V will cure EaZema. It will cure Gout. - It wiil cure kidney and liver troubles. It -wili. make beautiful complexions. It will cure Rheumatism. It wili cure Neuralgia. IV will cure Asthma and Catarrh. Ik wili relieve ladies of irregularities. It wili relieve ladiês of monthly pains. It1 will cure Obesity. 1V wiil cure Constipation and Piles, ,&.. j ~ ., It wili free the system of Tobacco. Z " - 1 wiii give life Vo every organ. 1V wiil cure the worst coids. 1V wiil relieve the system -of the effects '~ /5 It wli leve ail congestions. Iwiii give you a better bath than any 3" water on earth. 1V wilt cure Insomnia. It will be endorsed by .every honest phyvsician. Sec samples and pi ices dt Stott & J Uryy'S. BOWMANVILLE. GRANDý FRUNK RAILWAY. BowxMAN-vlLLE STATION. GOIXG EAST. GOING WEST. Ef~~~~~~~~~ oe .31am xre..523 a.m à 0 19 aý'. .[Lc .88 3 40 p.m. Passenger.. 1 85 P. M Locai.6 51 î.m. t1 Express... 4.31 p.mn. ýX eff il 03 Express.. . I8 19 g li t Sundays ly STO'rT & Juar.ý Townî Agenîs BOWMANVILLE, MAY 3, 1899. Carpet tacks 3c. at Niholis'. Scrub brush 5c. at Nichoîls', Shoe bhacking 3c. a lin aV Nichohîs'. -Machine needies ail kzinds at Nichohis'. Machine oil, big bot dle 5c. aV Nichoils'.' Local option weut into effecV in beach townstip Monday. The Grand Trunk Railway has book- ýeti 40 excursions for June. Mr. Geo. J. Bell, editor Newcastle Times. was lu towu Friday. Mlisses Adella anti Bertha Doncaster, Who teach in Clarke, spent Snnday at home. Dr. TalmaýIÏc discoures on "Woes of Drunkard,-," Don'V fail Vo reati what lie sa «ys on page 2. William Anghin. laVe bursarof bock- 'wood Intirmary, Kingston, dieti on Fri- day, agei 85 years. Jas. Goard is selling popular music for 80 days at 10c or 3 songs for 25'c Write hlm for lisV of 10c. songs. John b. Webber, Christian Scientist, Pete'rboro,, ag-ed 62 years. shot him self and wife on Friday while mentally de- rangeti. An elegant assortment of Spring Suitings and Dress Goods of ahI kinds just arrived at Couch, Johuston & Cry- derman 's. 11ev. J. Ilodges, .AOsa, occupied the pualpit of St. PanEs thuneh , fra0î2 spedd semons at .each service. New Prints, Sateens, Silver Silks, Scotch anti Canadiaii Gingbhains in im- mnse variety just opened ont at Couch, Johustoni & Cryderman's. J. C Weeks bas a drop letter box in the door of his shop, Mark et Square, or .a card droppeti iu the post office wili receive prompt attention. 11ev. J. J. Liddv. Mi. A., Oshawa, preachet in the Metbodist church Sun- .day morning and eveniing. bis sermons were very practical andi -%ere well, ne- ceived by both congregations Over 1000 sampies of wall naper Vo select from-modern loveivY patterns- Lrom 5cVo 55e per roli. Paper-hanging ýne at 10 cents when paper is ordened mpi me. J. C. XVeeks, Ontario st. 'bev.E O Jrwin pa stor of the Disciples' church has heen suffering from a severe attack of lnflamnmatory rheumatism. Mn. Jas. Gýiltihlan, B. A., took his work on Sunday morning preaching a veny timiely sermon. Reader, if.yen knrsw of any one in Canada who ,intends crossîng ihe Atlan- tic, necommenti them. Vo inquine of M.A James for rates. 11e doesthe steamship bu,-siness of this district and repre-sents the hest fine&, Milk Pans at Nicholîs'. "Ont Boys," Wetinesday May 3rd. Atiditional locals ou ad insitie page. beati anti digest bickand's Main Advt. When you want Buns anti Scones ry Toti's. Two counnus cf hoçals on au insitie page. Scarcis for T, N. bickartis' intcresting locals. Latest styles in Sping bats at M. Mayer's. Buy your Fielti anti Gardien Seetis at Mundocb's. Boys' Clothing is selling fast aV the West Enti bouse. A twilight recitai is oeeof tise latest enter aiumen s. Reati the poem "Canada Foneven" on an inside page. If yen areout cf work rend what Tise Bnadiley, Gannetsou Ce. say., Cail anti sec the bats anti men's new shints at thse West Endi bouse. La test styles lu beys' bats, caps anti tamo'sbantens at M. Mayer's. May 23 is Empire Day. Are our schcols goiug Vo geV p a patniotic tiemostration 't beady-matie Wrappens anti Cildrnus Aprons lu great variety at Miss Matin's faucy gootis store. 11ev. J. Hotiges. M. A.. Oshawa, was guest cf Air. W. b. Williams, "Oncbarti Farm" oven Sunntay. bey. J. b. Turnsbull, M. A.,' preacheti for tise cougregatien cf the Presbyterian eburcis, Oshawa, Suntiay. Mn. anti Mrs. D. Davis anti Mn. anti Miss MeCabe, Lotus,were neceut guests of Col Hughes, Newtonvihle. Feather Boue Corsets matie Vo sehh at eue Dollan now selling at sixty-uine cenVs at Conch ,Johnston & Crytierman 's. We believe we anc scling Vise best Ue cf Pnints for 10e. shown by auy bouse iu Canada.' Concis, Joisuston& Crydeiman. Mr. Wm. Armstrong, manager cf tise fishenies, Newcastle, shippeti 500,000 white fisis Vo Toto nto,300,000 te Cobonrg anti 500,000 Vo Hamihton. Miss Gertie Meteahf, tiaugister cf Wartien Meeaif, bas been appointeti assistant aceountant at Kingston Peu- iteniary at a saiary cf $500. Black Dness Gots-a beautiful range lu ail qualities up Vo Vise finest gootis imponteti just receiveti at Concb, Johuston & Crydenman's. We are pheasedt t sec onrtownsmau, ,Mn. Thos. Creeper, able Vo be eut again after bis very sevene iiiuess cf about tisree mouths dunaion resnlting fnom la grippe. Tise Mason Co. are sbowîng au im- mense range cf Misses anti Ladies' SVaw Salions. The styles this season are very choice anti the how prices are a stnîking feature ranging fnom 2âe Vo $150 caci. Mns. M. W. Williams anti Miss Cota Wiliams, Cobourg, have been guests of ber sister, Mns. M. Maven. Miss Williams bas jnst returneti from a pleasanV visiV with fieutis at Wootistock anti St Tbomas. Directors cf tise West Durhsam Agri- cutural Society are, Vo meet at tise Council Chamber Satnrday, May 13, for general business, Chairmen cf pnize- lust nevision commnittees tire expectedtu V present their complete roports. ChAinless last year Co)lum-bli1 price last i4ýpeed King Dutchess,L Albatross, wheel in Eclipse, wil labor in iýDWe are BOWMA'NVILLE ville were unitet inl the bonds of matni- mouy. The ceremonv was performed at hîgh noon by 11ev. G. b. Turk, Pastor cf the chorcis. onhy thse immediate relatives anti a few frientis being pres eut. The, younu couple wene welh kncwn lu Viis Vcwn andthie best wi',hes cf a very lange circle cf fientis follow them Vo their home lu Brockpcnt, N. Y. Sec the elegant Capes specýally suiV- able for mitidle ageti anti cldcrly ladies at Coucis, Johnoton & Cryderman's. ----------- - 1 E Carriages for Sale Second hanS Top Family Phaston; i En Srling Buggy. i ' Dexter Quesis. 1 Nslariy ne-w Haiues -Cari. 1 Neariy new Brantford c art, Coil s ring .Apply te JOHiN PERcy, iiowïinn tise. 15 tf. Ink Se. a bottle at Nicholis', Carpet.beaters lOc.at Nicholis'. Pant Buttons 2c. a tioz. aV Nichoils'. Key found-lnquire at STATESMAN'of- fice. Try the Angel Cake made by Thos. Tod. c Inspect McMurtry 's Lace Curtains this spring. LaVest stvies in Fedoras anti Stiffbats at M. Mayer's. Evan's Sprayer is the best-b',uy no other-at Murdoch's. Mr.' Thos. Humphrey, Toronto, is guest of his brother William. Hear the comedy, l'unr Bo-s-" lu the Town bail Wednesday evening. 11ev. J. J. Lidtiy, M. A., Oshawa,was guest of Mr. T. E. Higgiubotham. Suits whîcb always suit wheu matie at Couch, Jobns on & Crydermau's. Mr. F. A. Herdman,' Toronto, was guest of Mrs. W, H, Hanson, recently. We keep the best churn anti wasbing machine in the woriti. CAWKE11 & TAIT. A choice lot of confectionery jnst openeti ont at Tot's-new hueës, try them. Those who appreciate artistie print- ing shouiti senti their ortiers Vo -THE STATESMAN. Prudent buyers know hat here tbey eau geV the best groceries for the ieast mouc11y. CAWIIER & TAIT. Mr. H-. W. Lairti, formerly editor of Cobourg Sentinel Star, anti son have gone Vo British Columbia. Don't fail Vo sec the beautifni Scotch Giughams just openeti ont at Couch, Johnston & Crydermau's. 11ev. J L. Alexander, Mititleville, has withdrawn hiis resig-nation andi wil remain in bis present pastorate. .Mr. T. Brown, caionetist, bas gone Vo Cinton. We ýreg-ret Vo hose f rom owu eue of such great musical talent. Dr. Julia Thomas, 241 CariVou St, Toronto, bas been re-ehectedti o the Board of Young Womien's Christian Guilti. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman are sbowing t1ie ver -y la test styles lu Men's bats just recciveti direct from the man- ufacturers in Enghlaud. Ahi work-.paiuting-, haisomining, papering -guaranteeti wheu donc by J. C. Weeks, Get ortiers lu eariy bc- fore the great rush begins. The good points of the Gendron Wheei are buiht into them noV aiketi into hem. Ride a Geudron. F.C. PE T- iCR Agent, Bowmauvilhe. Mihiners must have had a good sea- sou alreatiy if one mav jutige by the great dispiay of new heati-gear lu evid- ence the past Iwo Suundavs-. Mr. b. C. Webb, tihe gveial Deputv- Sheriff of Cobourg, was le towu Friday ou officiai business anti favoredti 'H1 SnI-vES'IîAx with a friendly eau,. Chief of Police Horsey, brother of Mn. W. M. borsey of this town,was present- cd witb a handsome easy chair by the police force of the city of Kingston be- fore retiring from cilice. 11ev, S. C. Bethune w'ho recenthy re- signed the bcadmastership et Tinity Colege School, Portbo-1pc bias been vôteti $500 a year for a nerioti of 5 ycans by the authorities of the Coliege. Ladiesý requiring ready-made wrap-. pers, cildren's aprons, etc., wouhd (10 wchh Vo cali anti sec Miss Martin's new sock. Ail the iatest styles lu Bazar Patterns at 10e eacb. Give bier a cahi. -Tise Mason Co. are tioing Ea fine dres goods trade tis esntir choice of costumes uiheetiingsilades being particnlarhy attractive. They also show a fulh range of Roman Satins for ceat Iliiiso. Mn. V. E Hutcheson, of the b. P., EckardV & Co., Toronto, an olti Bow- mauville boy, was presented on Satur.- day eveniug with a golti leeket anti chain, on the occasion of severing bis counec tien with the firm. Mir. Richard Sylvester, pro-rietor cf, the Sylvester Impiement.Wor]-ýýs, Linti- say, bas eased the "Cranticiha" for Mday 24tb and intentis Vo give bis emphoye6s anti thein, wives, families anti swect- hearts a grand outing on that day nt Bobcaygeon Park. Mn. Wm. Mcbeynohds' milk waggcn bas been given iVs new sprnug drenss anti looks quite fancy. Pretty scenes atioru he doors while the beati cf a splendid bovine assures the custemers whene Vev eau be- supphieti wiVh the best artiche from Brookhili Dairy. 11ev. A. E. Harding bas arniveti in towu anti will occupv the puhpit cf Trinitv chunch next Sabbath. 11e spent last siimmer in Cobourg andth ie local papens cf that owu speak iu highest terms c f bis work lu connection with the Congregational chnrch there. Mn. W. McClung, a fermer resident cf West Durham for many^ years, bas matie a six-montbs' contract with thse Singer Sewing Machine Company Vo act as travelling agent lu this district. Tack hammer,5c. at Nicholîs'. Jeily Roi lec each aV Thos. Tod's. Bananas, Oranges, Lemons aV Thos. Tod's, Town. Council report on an inside paze. Mr. W. R. Fenton, Beeton, gave us a cali Monday. New Black Dress Goods in Blister ef- fect5 just received at the West End House. Before bnving, a sprayer sec Evans' Bug Exterinator aV Murdoch's, Ex- press Office. Don't miss "Our Boys " next Wed- nesday evening. Reserve seats with. outV extra charge. Another lot of Men's IIas- la test styles-opened this week at Couch, JohnsVon and Cryderman's. The door of heaven is opened on earth, and every man has a key, çwhich he is free Vo use or not, as hie chooses. Now is the ime for arranging for your papering, -kalsomiuing, painting, etc. J C. Weeks cau serve you satis- factorily-. Mr. and Mrs. W:* Cooney, Kirby, at- ended tbe Oddfeilows' At Home of which a report wili be fonnd on an in- side page. 11ev. A. C. Courtice, D. D., editor of the Christian Guardian, wil attend the conference of the Methodist chnrch iu Manitoba and the North-WesV aV Win. nipeg iu June. We eongratulate Messrs. J. Seward Somers, Garnet Trewin and James DeviVV on successfuiiy passing their respective years at the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Miss Daisy Wallbridge of New York City is spending a week at ber uncle's, Mtr. D. B. Simpson. lier many friends are glad Vo muet her after long absence and to sec hier looking so weli. The April shower Sundav morning settled the dust and freshened thing's considerably. In another week the trees wili be in full leaf and all nature lnxnriautly adorned in Spring attire. Ladies' Spring Coats and Capes Ger- man and Canaçdian just receiveci ati Couch, johnston & Cryderman's. Rev.. J. A. Rankin, of Dulnu Avenue Methodist church, Parkdale, asked hi s congregation for $2,50C) lasV Sunday and they responded by placing $2,600 on the plates Vo liquidate a rieht on that church. For home furnishings Lace Curtains will be lu demand this week. Ladies furchaging in this uine are invited Vo sec the many richi artis tic desigus being shown by The Mason Co-the $1.50 unle is a great favorite. Notices of Births, lflars-lages and Deaths 50 cents;, wlen muarriage 1licena ses are obtainedi or funerai notices printed at thlis office. insertion free. BORN. PARniý,-In Clarike, Aipril24th, the wjfe of George Parker, of a daught,,r. MCMILLAN.-Ini Oshawa, Aoril 27th, the wife of David MeMillan, of a daughter, WILSON.At the Methodist parsona e, Cour- tice, April 26th, the wife of 11ev. J, S. I. Wilson, of a daugbiter. BRA-,NTON.-Ià BOwMaMnv!ile,, April 27, is99, lirs. Wesley Brantcn, of a daughter, VANNEt, -Near Solina, April 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. William vanNest, a daughter. 'RoLSON.-At Burketon, April 28th,the wif e of Mir. Jos. Iloison, of a datiglter. MORDEN.-At Deseronte, April 5nh,the w if e of Mr. L. E. Morden, 0f a dangliter. MARRI ED. Grea JAGS ToBowmanville, April 26th,' by 11ev. J. J. Ilae, Mr. Frederiek Gibbs and Miss Eliza Jackts, bothi of Darlington. NIcHOaS-SHAW.-In Carlton St. Methodist church, Toronto, April 22rd by 11ev, G. R1. Turk, Mr. Charles E. Niehois, Brockport. N. Y., and Miss Ida Gertrude, eidest daughier of the laie Richard J. Shaw, Bowmanvslle. BARFETT GIBBONS-l1 Staynor, April 25th, Mr. Geo. Barf ett, Newcastle and Miss Kate Gib bons. DIE0. HAWKEY.-iT Tyroneon Thursday, April Siih, Edward Herbert, youngest son of Mr. Jos. TIaw- key, aged 25 years. FOîxaR.-In Newcastle, Aprîl 29, Sarah Way, widow 0f thse late Horace Foster, aged 86 years il months, Tuccsnn.-At i61fHenry St, Toronto, Apil 21st, George L.. oldest survix ing sois of [ev. Samuel Tucker, aged 28 years. LoGA'n,.-f n Whiby, April 26th, Jean Elliott, relici of the late John Logan. Toronto, aged 98 ysars. Alýtos.-To Exeter: April 22, Lanra Ruth Man- nîing, wife of T. A. Amnos, Esq., M. D., L.R.C.P. S., 11dir.. agef. 33 years, S months and 3 days. SCaNEiDin.a.-In Oshawa, Aprîl 22nd, Adam Schneider, aged 48 years. BLA.-In EastàWhitby,,'April 22, Wilmoi Robert. yonngest son of Mr. Dhlncan Blair, jr, aged 8 mnonths and 12 days. Fi-19AUGHI L. D. S. D sil BOWVMA>-VILLED. Dental Office in the Rooms above M. 0. VwILLIU M 0'3 FuFlulru 810[e, ,2D Wiii be ai Orono from 9 a. m. Vo 2 p m., and at Newcastle from 2.30 un- BONWMANVILLE, Next door to Standard Bank. Our stock' of Wall Paper bas been selected with great care fromn the best-manufacturers, design, color, and gen- eral effect, lias been cai efully considered. The following items convey a slight idea of the values which caýn only be appreciated when you see the go.ods. Plain anti embosseti giits,with mnatch ceiliugs, seroil, heraltile anti con- ventional patterns, ich green, tank blue anti creainicelons, a very cheice selection, 15e a roll. Borders Vo match, 9 incises wide, 4e a yard. Bordens, 18 incises wite, beautifully blendeti, 10e a yard. Eîubcssed gilts antl flats, witb match ceiliugs, floral tiesigns treatet inl natunal colons, rococo, renaissance and Frenchs designs, enimson, dark blue, yellow, brcwn anti buff shades, 20e and 25e a roll. Sisadeti anti cloutied, 18 inchs bottiers 10e, 121c, and 15c a yard. A very ehoice selection cf embosseti gilts, 21 luches wide, especially suitable for tirawiug-rccms, din- ing-tooms, reception halls, etc., tise la test designs lintiamasks, breendeti effeets, tapestnies anti heatisenettes, ivony, silvery white, olti blue, dank olive, anti crimson colons, 30e, 40e a roll. Blendeti bottiers, 18 anti 21 incises wide, 10e anti 15e a yard. Ingrain wall papers, 16-oz stock, 30 incises -witie, 8 yards long. Our selection includes al cf the 0newest colors, tith match botti- ers anti ceilings, stnaw, light anti mediumn tenta cotta, bine, light Big 20, BOWMANVILLE. green, 15e a roll; ceiling 20e andi 25e a roll. Blendeti bottiers, 18 incises wide 10e 21 incises witie, 15e a yard. Ungroundeti wall papens, neat cle- signs ln lîght anti mediium colons, for halls anti kiteisens, 5e a roll. Match bottiers. 6 anti 9 incises wide, le, 11-e a yard. White blanks, with match ceilingsl pretty floral anti conventiona, tiesigins, eream, green anti terra cotta ccl ots, suitable for any recta or small halls, 5e, 6c, anti 7c roîL4 Match bottiers, 9 incises witie, llec 2e, 3c, a yard. Gliînmers, pninteti on heavy stock, colonial, floral anti chintz desiguis, in a variety cf tise newest colons, for betinoons, sittiug rocms anti tiining nooms, 7e, 8e, anti10c roll. Blentict 18 inchs match bottiers, 5e, a yard. Glt wall papens, complete combina- tiens, matie up lu tise latest color effects, bine, green, olive, tan anti, eream are ail representeti, large seleetion cf paterus, suitable for iîany apartment, 8,e, 10e a roll. Match bottiers, 9 incises wide, plain 2e ; ssatieti 3e a yard. Blentiet bottiers, 18 incises witie, 5e a yard. T. ALLEN, BIC0YCLE REPMIR SHOP,' MARKET SQUARE, BOWMANVILLE. Having adtied considerable new inachinery, I amrnuow prepareti to do ALL CLASSES of Bicycle and General bepair work. Brazing andi Tire Vulcaftizing douecliere---no nee t o senti sncb work to the citv. -Wkeeis are built toerder. SeceTHE FISHLEIGH "SPECIAÈ'- before bu yîng. An Up=to=date Bicycle Livery. Wheels always lu A-1 repair. W. F SH LG GH J c I f o ov 'i e Neweastle, flowmnanv lite, Oshaw*a and Whitby to TORONTO, eonniencing FRIDAYI RAY I9tb, 1899. And colrnnî every Friday throughonî the seuson. will leay,e NEWCASTLE - - - 6.30 a.m. BOWMANVILLE - - -7.00 OSHAWA - - - - 8.00 WHITBV-------------545 Retnrnine leaves Tor-onto at 5.00 p.in. Special attention given to the ha-idliný cf Freightý For Tickets and Imformatioss apply to HARRY CAINN, THOS. NIHAN, Agent, Bowimanville. Manager, Toronto.ý Head Office Geddes' Wharf, Toronto. Tels- phone No. 2947.1 18-4 mo. B"CYL FOR SL Wl esl 1 . Vithout denial the best values ever shown in Bowmaipville. SEE THEM. L-FBuItter anîd Egrgs and Grocers'Du-e Bis takenl.

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