d~tA~P VI~J~c VV4eeLg I In buying a Bicy cle you can aff ord to be more than ordin-ary, particular Be sure your choice is f ully guaranteed. Our Welland Vale Bicycles carry. a double guarantee. That of the makers, The Welland Vaile Manufacturing Co., of St. Catharines, Ont., and our own guarantee that they will prove satisfactory in every respect. The more you examine them and compare with other makes, the more certain you -will be to favor them. Agent, Bowmanville. Opposite Ontario Bank. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------h----------------------------------------a a ----------------aaa fla baa ,aa laa m Aa aaa aaa ----------------,,.a aaa .afaaa PUBLISRER.'S NOTICE.. T'HE STA.TESMAN iS Maiied regulIarly te its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is receiveti aud al arrears are paid la full. Subscription $1,50 per anaum. If paid inla avance 81.00 per anaume JAMES s urofMrraeLicenses, A. B. MeLAUGHfLIN, Barrîster, Solictar and Convo~eor. ffico:- BlýakIey Block, King stre , owmanviile. Money ta laan ai reasonable rates. 48 lyr, $50.000.00 TO LII on good mort- gage secnrity at moderato rates oh interesi, A. E. MLxuon oe itor,B3owmanville,Oiit. 1d -6m., DR. J. C. MITCHELL, m EMBER OF COLLEGEOF PH YSICIANS a.n.Lsd Surgeons, Ontario,Coroner, etc, Resldence, Enniskillen. .74 Rà. E ATETAIILOR Gentlemen's Clothes made te Order. D. BURK~E SI iPSON, B ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' BLOCK, ap stairs, King'Street, flowmau ville. Solicitor for the Ontarie' Bank, Private moncys laaned at lewest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. OFRîCE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS 0Block, where bimaself or is assistant wiIi ho found frein8 a. m. taS9 p. m. ight calîs at residence, diroctly opposite Drill Shedi. Calîs by telographior telephene will recivo prompt an- tentfon. 171 - yr. DPE NTIS TRm'«Y 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S. Graduate cf the Royal Ceiloge cf :Dental- Sui geons, Ontario OFFICE.-Opposite Express Office. VITALIZED AIR DENTIST. Office.-Rear of Messrs. Higgin. botham & Son's Drug Store, (Down stairs), B OWMAN VILLE. LAKE 0F BAYS MUSKOKA This interosting place is new rapin"v comîng lia prominence, situated as it ie in 'the ean t fîte huating grounsiso! Musin. ký t is reacled by Grand Trunk Railway System from n ay pint TO IMUIqTCSVILLE tbence bv steamer ever the beantifal watee of F'airy suid Peninsalar 'Lakes ta Ga"- more. where Mery facility existe for rosi-h ing Sif-ent parts te h île ks hy means oý the Laino oba-ya Nav Cc Anglers wi iflou ibis averitable paradise, andScru 4afel1 lieJ promiseS ami abundan.ce ut speciledtiront Po île resaitoaitleir efforts Excellent hot-eh and boa rding-houne s wiîl tic haunsi lre- Iiatee $1 and upirards per day Tickets. folders aud ail inform ation tram G T R Agents, or write M C DICIKSON , J H JURY, Diât PPues Agent, Toronto C F & T A MISS EVA LUTTRELL Is propared to give lessous on organi and piano ai lier residonee, King St.,or at thc bornes of the pupils.7 MISS ETHEL MORRIS, ARTIS'U. Instructions given ii PAINTING in 011, Water Calai anti Chinia. Sketching aulti painting rom nature. KILN on promises, tir. îng at usuallpriees, 51,dm. H OUSE AND STORE.-That com- foi-table dwelling hanse andi splendid gar- don, large ands mail fruit, etc,, on Miii street, Hamapt"n, will ne sald very cheap. Appiy ta JOSEPH WÂuu, Hampton. 17 nf. T IIMBER FOR SALE.-Heilry Hock Jin, Lot 12, Con, 3, Daringtou, offers for sale alkinds rougli and dresseS lumber, luth and shungies. Flaariuîg nd sidiusg a spocialty. 17-3 mas* S MALL HOUSE WANTED *Must be cheap uLnd inigood repair. State loirest cash dowu înice. M. A. JAMEIs, Bawînanville. 10 tf. BULLS FOR SALE-On Lot 15, BConcession 3, Durîtugton, 5 yearlinughalls for sale. F. J. CLEMEIÇS, inuqaire on promises or asidreas OshuawP.O. 15 if. B O3ARDERS WANTED-Two yxoang -mou wanted who will.room together. Terris mioderate. Apply te M R SMWr.MC K owaI,corner Ontari o andýArgyle erg., Bowmanville. W ANTED SITUJATION.-Ashliuse- keepuri nw o -outY where Ihere are nO chi ln. C0111 try prcferred. Apply et THlE STATES>MAN office. 16-3w. Tp ENDERS WANTED.- Tenders Lwjll b receivuti by the uudersigned op ta Wednesday. Muyv 101h, for the suîe at the aid frame churcli at Suleom. The iawest or an, ten- der îlot îiecssarily accepted. F. L, Bd.sulu, sec- retary-treasurer, box 20, i3owmanvillc. 16-3w. 1111 -OUSE, AND LOT FOR SALE.- MLLho conahortablehbrick dwelling house wiilî au acre and quarter oh gardon winh apple trees an -Daî rits, the praoperny of the lateo Robert Farbes, Brudshaw St. Appiy îo A.E. MCLAUGHý LIN, Barristor, Bau manville. 1d-8w. F OR SALE OR TI) REN T-A lieuse adloi or will soîl lhouseiand lucres of land situatesi ut Nui sery Corner. liard andi soit wan- em an promises anti somne good apple trocs. Termes easy. ADPlY tCa C. M. CAWKEB, flowman- ville. - 16 if. BOWMANVILLE, MAY 10, 1899. IILINC4 WORRERS' EXTER¶'ÂIN- MENT. "The best andi funniest of ail" said the introduction on the programmes anneuncing tlie light comedy draina, "Our Boys" on Wednesday nigît la the Town Hall unuer the auspices of the Willing Workers of St. John's churcli, and the verdict giVen by the splendid audience tinat assembled to hear it con- firmed the statement. The claracters were well cliosea andi spleadîdiy taken and gave the public "the dramatic treat of the season." Mr..A. E. McLaghlin as Sm -Gcoff ry Clîaîpneys,an aristocrat- ic Englishi gentleman, was goed and perfermed bis part well. Talbot Cliampaeys, the son returned from re- ceiviug bis education on the continent, was perhaps the most difficuit part to sustain but was taken by Mn. T. M. Fairbaira with apparently littho difficul- iy, and was quite aniusing. His affect- ed speech anîd manner wonld be bard te disceru from a gentleman of that cliaracter lu real 111e, Mr. T. E. B. HIenrv, as Perkia Middlewick, was Fer- haps the most amusing and crea teti an immense amount of fun as lie figured in the wliole play- as a wealtly English mendiant, wliose heart was ail rjght exien if bis grammatical expressions diti jan asomewliat on the nervous system ef bis aestlietic frieuds, The dialect was equal te the genuineMevagisséyCornisli anti bis gestares and unique movements were frequently applaudeti. lis son "Chariey " Middiewick, anether student For sale by STOTT & JURY, Bowmanv ille. ..... . ..... ..................... ------------ ----------- ............................. . ......... ..... .......... ........................ Mr. Gibson is one of our most enter- prising and up to.date young farmers and is liandling the besi breeds of stock in bis lines. lie is making farming ax-. POP. internai and external use HAG . YARD'S YELLOW CIL cannot e ex- elled as a pain reiieving and sootuing Oenuedy for ail pain. i a MUNYON'S GUARANTEEL U' l.Utrong Asilertions au to Juat WVha th ti.aemedles Wili Do. P:Munyon auarane al; that bîi ihetuwat!si 7a4 Cure wilcure siarl that bis Dyspepsa j i, Wilcure sudigeliuon an ail etonaii htroubl that his. Rîdney Cur lin will cure 90 per* cen -of a11 cases of kidner trouble; that hi Ci lin tarrh, Cure nwil cl n tatarrhbao2mrtter Lov 10o1g standing; tiatih feadache Cure y ilcuii any Lund cfhbeadache ir a few miautta; thu bhls Cold Cure wil Quickly break up au3 lnforrm of effl and go on tbrough the etire liFt üc rmedies. At aul druggists, 25 ceuls a rial. If yuu need medical adrice yvite Prof. Munyoný »05 Arel Et., !l'hlla. It lu absolutely free, who had received lis education abroa{ lwas well cliaracterized by Mr. J.J Bryan. He won tlhe 'sympathy of th audience from tlie first and held it t ithîe end of. the play. His role was no easily filled either, Miss Liliani Ridley as Violet Meirose the dignified heiresý Zgave levidence of strong histrionie abili ïty, personifying in quickz succession disgust, haughtiness, jealousy, pleasur and winsomeness with remarkable eas, and effect. Miss Editli Hillier exempi fied the sweet, character of Miss Mar, Meirose, co-usin of the heiress, ver, gracefully and effectîveiy, winning wel earned applause. Miss A. Medland, & IClarissa Champneys,actied lier part well as the stately isister, of Sir Geoffry majestically sustaining her cliaïactei and creating heaps of fun with l bonnet of roses. Another charactei 1that deserves higliest praise ils tlie lodg ing house girl in thîe amusing anic ridiculous role of Belinda Cinderstaker 1by Miss D. Touli, wlio was frequentI3 applauded. Few professionals could Ihavia played tliis part wîth greate efflciency. A flamber of other WilIing Workers sanz in the choruses witl great satisfaction and presenteda pretty picture as tliey appeared in ap- propriate costumes on the aicel 'v furnish- ed stage. Morrison 's Orchestra with Mîss Luttreli as pianist furaislied music between tlie acts and thus kept tlie audience entertained so that tliere was no tedious' waiting or whuliag a-way time. To the company who presented this play and Mr. Henry,tlie instructor, especially, belongi the tbaaks of tlie publice'for sucli a generous and timelv entertainmeat, They certainly are wortlîy of highest comînendation and encourageaient. COWAN VILLE. Mr. AUf Cobbledick sold some fine cat- tle to Mr. Wm. Hanter, iNewcasile .. Mr. Geo. Davidson purchaseda fine lieavy draft colt from Jabez La ' toa .... Mr. Geo. iReid delîvered a flamber of posts g.t Newcastle .... Mr. J. Turner was visiting at Oshiawa receatly,... The election for tlie presidentship at the Leagune resulted lu favor of W. J. Robinson. REMAIIKABLE P.nsCuE.-Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, III., makes tliestate- ment, that shte cauglit cold, wlîicli set- tled on lier lungs; slie was trea-ted for a montli by lier familv plivsician, but grew -irsl He told lier she was a hope - less victim ot consuraption and that ao miedicine could cure lier,.lier druggist sgstdDr. King's New Discovery flor CnsmptionÎ; she bouglit a bottfé and to lier deliglit f ound lierseif benefit- ted from first dose. She continaed its use and after talzing six bottles found lierseif sound and well; aow does lier own housework, anîd is as well as slie ever was. - Free trial botties of this Great Discovery at Stott and Jury's Drug Store. Oniy 50 cents andi $i.00,lev- ery tiottle guaranteed. ANTIOCH. Mrs. James Waddell lias returned home from Port Hope.... Mr. Steplien Hall, Port Coîborne, visited friends here.. .. Mr and Mrs. Walker, Port Hope, visited at Mr. James Waddell's. *. ... Messrs. Madison Hall and Adoîphus Heur v were recent visitors at- Mr. W. Foster's. . .. Mys., Jas.Hu nter is very ill. . .. Miss Aggie Sommerville visited ber uncle Mr, Jolia Waddell. ... Miss Anale Waddell, Hamîpton, was home Sunday week ..Mr. McLean, Oakwood, is visiting Mr. Albert Sommerville.. .. Mr. David Sommerville, Lindsay, visited Mr. Geo. H. Beer. .Miss Beatrice ?ýoster is imnproving nicelv. . .. Mr. and Steaier Gardon City. Il wil libe pleasant nows te resideuts of ib'iS vicifûity ho learn that tbis populaý Steamer will seon liegin lien regular trips ho Toronto for île seasen et 1899, notice of whidli appears ln this issue. The Gardon City las licou ontirely ronovateti anti witl a non' Eleclric Light Plant anti loveral 011cr improve- monts which have been madee ibis elegant Steamer cannot lie sarpasseti on the lakes for spooti, safety anti com- fort, Captain Cooney will again lie in commandi witl Jas. Brown as chiot enginoor anti Fred. Baker, purser. Wo Ciseana liberai patronage for the GroCity this season, H. Cana is local agent. >18ýl-2w.' W. H. WILLIAMS, -------------------- - ------------ ------- 1 1 9 CARTWRIGHT OOUNCIL. Town Hall, Oatwri-glt, May 1, 1899. Regular meetinrg ef Ceuncil;nmema. bers ail present. The minutes of last meeting were reati and confirmed. Communications were received' as feiiews Frem île Clerk efthîe Township of Darlington in reference te needed re- paira on the boundary lino ef Darling- ton ard Cartwri5zht. Referred ta the Reeve. From Dr. W. A. Fiali, coin- plaining of certain obstructions on the rosde anti eaclosiag an accoai for $2, damages ta bis cuiter, causeS by a atone on Joe Sanderson'a bill, and on motion the maiîe'r was laid avec until nexi meeting. Prom Sam'l T. Fergu soen, asking foc the usnal grant for erecting a wire or snow fonce on the netl side cf the west hlai of lut 9, con. 5; requost granteti. Frem John Toms, dociining tle office et patimaster in roati division No. 5, anti on motion cf Mr. Beacock, secondeti by Mr. Jobli, Wm. Vance waB appointeS paihîmaster lu divisionNo. 5, la pflace et J. Tomns, The Clei-k aulitteti the Aosesament Roll as returned by the Assessor fan 1899. Itoferred te the Court of Re- vision. The Trustees of Schcol Section No. 5, in the Township cf Cartwright, ap- plied te the Council te pass a By-law te raise by assessment on the rateabh properîy lanasiti Schooi Section No. 5, île sum cf $800 for the purpuse of erecting a scbeai bouse la saiti achool section. Meveti by Mc. McLaugblin, secou SeS by Mc. Jcbb, that the ap- plication oethle Trustees cof School Section Na. 5 lie ceceiveti and liai a By law lie passeti by thia Council te 2ive effeot te their application. Carried. The By law was brought la by Mr. Thon-pson anti ceaS the firet lime. On motion et Mr. McLaughlin, sec- onded by Mr, Thompson, Arthur Gili. son was app)ointeti Pailimasier in rond division No. 39, la place of T. F. Bruce, resigned. - On motion the iReeve slgned ordera an the Treasurer as foliows Indigents-John Merrison, Roliert Etigerton anti James Crozier, $4 eacb, Daniel Engliali, salary as Assessor, 1899, $40,00 ; Davidi Galbraith, work anti timber lu Div. 30, $2, ES. Gai- braith, jr., codar tiaiber supplieS ia Div. 27, $5.25. Oni motion thse Council adjourneti un tii île tiret Monda-ginlu ne, 1899, a t one t'ciock, thon te meet as a Court et Revision. W. LucAs, T. Cierk. of Sali Rhenin since." A positive cure for -ail Thnoat, Lung .and Branchial diseases. Heoaling and sootliing la lts action. Pleasant ta haine, prompt andi effeÀ, tuai in its resulis. Mr. Chas. Johnson, Bear River, N.S writes: ',I was troubled.with hoarsone>1 andsoare throai, which tle doctor pro. ncunaced Bronchuhis anti recommended me ta try Dr. Wood's Norway Pinp Syr 1up i diS so, anti afier using three bottles ;Was entirely cuceti." i Take a Laxa-Liver Pili bofore retir-4 lng. 'TwUilwork 'ilE you secp with-. ont a gripeoci pain, euring bilioneness, eonstipation, sicn luadache and dyspep. oie, and make yen feel better in- morning. Prceb 256. HEURFF'S SALE 0F LANDS.- Uited Counties of Northumberland and Duarham, ta wit: By virtue ai au Exocution issueS out of lber Maiesty's First Division Court of Northumberl andianud'Durhamn, to me Sirected in an action wherein Jane Breutis Plaintiff, anS- Margaret Butler and Jaures Butler are Defend-' auts, I have seized anS naken in execution ail the ostate, right, tile, intereet, dlaim, Peerty, demansi and eqaîîv of redenîption aifihe aboya namned Margaret Batler anS James Butler la te anS ont ni ail anS singuaur, the hollowing land, anS promises situats lyiag and being Lot nain- ber 199 , Block G, Wellington Street, ta the Town oh Bowmanvilie, Connty of Durham, one oh the iUiteud (ounties uf Noîrthumberland and Durham. ail of wbich 1 shahi offer for sale ai uny office la Victoria Hall, in the town eh Cobourg on Tbarsday the 111Lh day oh Jane, A.D.,1899,a the hour ai 12 o'clock noon, I. O. PROCTOR., Sheriff, Sheriff's office, Cobourg, March l7th, 1899# 14113 w. ,Mrs. X.-Now Jobny I want you to barry home from sdhloi s afternoon. Johnny-What for, I was waaiting te- Mrs. X.-I wantyen te coroe right home for I want you 'te go ta, LUTTRELL'S for some, buns anticakes for 1.Le-a. Joliaay- l'Il comie hoîne on île rua, for I like goiîg there, for bis bans andi cakes are!ljust fine, A f nil stock oflUonfectie neny is al -vays. Alex. LuttrelU Clarke's Old Stand, Bowmauviile, I f AtLast! ARemelY, h 'a been MIacoveu.edthII wiII Permanently 0Cur0 Catarrh.. JAPANESE CATARRH CURE CURES. ..U Isnereuy cme woraes or the makereS of thi remedy, but lte assertion isJgilcked np by leading physicians and the heinoiabie testi- m onis hundressf cureS ones. .&nrl more, there isan absolute gnaranteo to cure l ever package, or xnoney wll be refnded, We wh aiesnS a two weoks' trial qunti- re osn persan snffériug from this dangeronu1s isase. Japanese Catarrh Cure le a new Siscovery, being a proscription Perfectosi by one of America's Most successiai sp.ocia]uats ln troat- ing this disease. It lu a soothing, penetrating anS healing pounade, prepuered from stainles compatands of lodine and Essential ols, te be lnserted up the nastrils. The boni of the, body melts it, anS the very act of breathiug carrnes it ta the diseased parts. It reaches, soothes and heals every part of the mucous memabrane, caring isuvariably ail forme of catarrh of the nase and throat, and ail farina of catarrhial Seafuess. Mr. Josephi Little, the weli known miii ownor of Part Eesington, B.C., writes: "Japar#es Cataxrh Cure cornletely cnred me cf eýatarxh, -which ha ruldne for 25 years, durlng whuch timo 1 huil spent avec $10d00 ois remedies andi specialiets in Toronto andS Sar Francisco. About twor years ago 1 procurei six boxes of Japatnese Catarrh Cure, and since completung this treatmeuî have not f oit the slightest symptams of my farmner trouble. I can highly recommond it. Relief came from the tiret application. We always keep a sup- ply in the mili for cuts and born, and consider u iponor tea any other remedy for'bouding" Enclose à cent stamp. Addrese, The OrifFIhi & Macpherson Ca. 121 Church Street, Toronto. Cureh ofrri The permanent' cure after per. mnanent cure that is being published week by week bas placed Burdlocit Blaad Bitters fan abave ail other remedies in the estimation of the sick andi suffening. Even the severest and most chro. flic diseases that other remedies fail ta relieve yield to the biood purifying, blood eariching 'praper- tics of B. B.B. Sali Rheum an Eczema-that mast stulibora of skia diseuses, which causes sudh torture andi is so difficuit to cune with ordinary reme- des-cannai withstand B. B. B.'s healing, soothing power. The case of Mns. jas. Sanderson, Emerson, Man., shows haw effec- tive B, B. B. is in curing Sait Rheumn at is warst, andi cuing it ta stay cureti. This îs what she wrote: "Bardock Blooti Bitters cureS me of baS atiack cf Sait Rheam ibree years ago. Ih was S so vere that my finger nails-caine off. I can truly say that I ' know cf no macre valuahle mediîne in the woriÏl iharu B.1.B. It cured me completely and permanently, as I have neverbad a tondh PROVE ALL TIIINGS. Bo'emanville People Look for Proper Proof. To wia a wagor, an Engllsh Marquis stoti on London bridge anti offereti British sovereigas ($5) rer five shillings (81.25), Ho could flot finti a customer. It's nul to bc woatiered ai, île public look asinance ah any proposition wbere the proposer is apparentl 'v a financial loser witlout any direct or indirect gain. Fradulent schemers lave often been successful, aîîd ini these. days skeptics want botter prot than, the word of a stranger. No evitieuce can lie stronger than tle testimoay cf frientis anti neiglibors et people -we know. Hene is 's case cf il: Mr. Frank Pethicin, the pro- prietor of tle King St. Shaving Parlons la Bowmavile,'says-"'Tlree mentIs ago I roceiveti a biow in thie back whicl. injareS my kidneys serioasly. Since thon I bave suffereti a great deal et pain in thie kidneys anti back andi lave also lad aanoying uninary troubles. "Hlearing of Doaa's Kidney Pilîs I got a box anti must say ilat tley acteS witl sslrprising promptness anti remarin- able curative' power in my case, for I bave not had any pain or uriaary diffi - culty since cemmenciag their use, anti feel that they have matie a perfect cure in my case. "I unbeslhatingiy recemmendti tem te any eue requiring a cure for kidney trouble,' lame bacin or any aller com- plaints ari sing tresa wnong action efthie kidauva"1r Doaa's KiSae-y Pis are 50c. a box or 8 for $1,25 ai ail druggists. Ask for Doaabs anti refuse ail ollers. FALL iF AIRS. Toronto Industnial Aug. 28 Sept.,19. .West Durhamn, Bowmanville, Sept. 14-15. Lindsay Central Sept. 21, 22 anti 23. Canada Centrai, Ottawa, Sept. 11-23. Ontarleanti Durham, Whilby Sept. 27-28. East Ridiag cf York anti Markhain Agniculturai anti Hortieullural Societ- os Oct. 4, 5 anti 6. Woodbridg-e Pair Oct. 17 anti 18. Chiidren Cry for ___ 23lî à1A5 Lawn lNowers. I respeclfuiiy tlank my host of cus- lomers fer ibmi liberal patronage ia tle pas, aud would solicit those having Mowers ho place 11cm la my charge, as I am preparedti t sharpen anti give perfect satisfaction. A triai solicileS. Almowers calleti for wlen notice is givon andti nommeS promptly. The West EnS Smilbv, Kiug St., Bowmaa- ville. 11 18-3w. ,