The Calladiail Statesifail. BOWMANVILLE, MUAY 10, 1899. Eapry co ents Cause Lifelong Sufferlng. A case that s Causlnq Talk. Wh4n a lad about eight years of age 1 felintô a cellar a distance of ten feet, striking on my head, and causing con- cussion of the brain. 1 was taken to a London, Eng., Hospital, the first seven slow 35 years old and from the time of my accident until 1 began taking Dr. Ward's Pis five rnonths ago i had been subject to fainting spelis,ý neyer being more than two weeks without an attack of fainting. As 1 grew older these speils became more frequent, lasted longer, and left me with iess vitality. I was weak, had no strengîh or stamina, always very low-spirited and down-hearted; imagined that every thing andi every person was going against me, and life only had a dark side for me. My appetite was poor miost of the time, but 1 ar nDaw happy 10 say that, since takiîig Dr. Xard's Blood and Nerve Pis, 1 have only hati one fainting speil, shortiy aiter I began taking them, an I have no hesitation in saying that Dr. Wards Pis cured me.,l3efore takin.- these pis I always lonked for a fainting speli Mot More than two weeks apart; now, 1 would be greatly surpriseti at a recur- rence of these speils. Life is now bright -the constant, mort id, down-bearted feel- ing is gone, being repiaceti by a content- ed, hopeful feeling. 1 feel like working. My appetite is good, and in every respect 1 have experienced the heaith and strengili restnring properties of Dr. Ward's Blond andi Nerve Pilîs. They certainly have proveti a great blessing to me., Vours truly, (Signeti), Thomas Stanton, Brigli- ton, Ont. Dr. Ward's Blond andi Nerve Pis are solti at 50C. per box, 5 boxes for$2.oo at druggists, or maileti on receipt of price by The Doctor Ward Co., Limaiteti, Toronto. Farmers You Want.. PRICE $1.00 EACH. ÂnV ANTAGUçS. It will double w'hat the olti style ma- chine dii. .it is better made in afl parts. It is a bandsorner machine. The tube from cani is exposeti andi cani bc instant- ly cleaneti if it shoulti ciog. The can may lic instant1v emp tied il you wanit to change material or clean it. The for- mation of thic an allows ail the materi- al to be sprax cd ont w-len, operateti upward in trees or bushe's il wili cave crops froin bu(_'s, wotrns ant iFungi andi fruit trees from thec caterpillar and other pesîs. PETERMURDOCH. BO\V.NANý,VL[E. Agcnt for Durhiam Counîy. NEW TAILOR SHOP. 171se undersihned w-ho bas beau carrying onc the tailoring business ln connecion wittl Masons Dry (oods Stù.-, for anurnber of.'years bas cornreneed. businese. fatr hirnself at hi$ morne Kng St. west, iehere heise prepared- to maire gents andi boys suite in ail the latest styles, ami at loweet priées. For those who wish to order suits, hoewililcarry a fulll une of samples in aa] lie newest patteras. Give hlma cel J. T. ALLLN, Faebiouable Taior, ONTARIO BANK continues to do a General Bauiring Business ai Bowmanville Açeîîey. DEPOSITS receiveti in Savngs Banir Department andi interest allowed at current rates. Notice of withdrawai aot necessary. Ail deposits payable ondemanti EXCHANGE Bough iland lantiDrafts issuetiop on Europ .nited ttes and Canada, also Golti, Silver ane Untedi States Greenbaeks bnught andi sold COLLECTIONS Promptiy made at currerît rares upon ail parts of Great Britain, the United States andi the De- minion of Canada. Telegraph Transfers Madie for large or small aurns on ail parts of Canada. This issleeiaily ativan ageous to per- sons li vin g ln Manitobia or the North- West, it naires the funds availabie at once ai the place of payment. For other Darticulars eall at.0the banir, A. J. MCCLELLAîs, GEO. MCGILL .. m03fl1S1UPPLY C. IMtM4 ~rntOnt. LIVER TROUBLES,biliousness. sallonw complexion. yeIIow eyesjaîndieet. . eld te the curative pewrers of LwA iVER PILLIS. They are sure to cure. Dr. Talmage Calis the Rail of Many Stirring Memories. Drawing Helpful Lessons From Past Experiences and Viciss't- tudes of Life--Advantages of the Eari'y Home- Teachinti nd î<' Srroîînd'ingsà Washington, 1sly 7.-Tuis sermon et Dr. Tubînagu -,ails île roll o! manv stirriug meruüries anti interprebs tîle renoning uFt i i!s vicissitudes. The text la Pans xxxix, 8, "Wlilc I was musiug the Sire buruet." Home is Daviti, the psalmist, wilh lhe foretinger of hie rught haut aganst Is temple andtihtic oor chut ugaînst tle worid, ongaget inluconlompiflatlon. Anti i. iývoulti lie veli for us te luire the same posture nîten while we sit town iu sîveet solitde to conhemplate. Iu a sî-nail islanti off tle ceesi o! Nova Secotia 1 once passet a Salibati in toligit- fui solitude, for 1hI ldrosolvedttt1 wouit have one day o! oulime quiet before 1 entreriupou anumnal wnrk. I tiengit te lave speîît the duy iu laying ont plans for Chistiran xvonk, but instoat of liat it bocaino a day o! tender reminiscenco. 1 rccviowetimy pushorato; I1eboir hauts with au oit tepartet t'-ieud, wiom I shahl greet again wieu the curtulus o! lii c arc liftIo. The tinys o! my bnyhoot carne bucir, anti I was 10 yeans o! age, and 1I wus 8, anti I nas 5. There was but oeeo-Luse on the isant, anti yet fmoni Sablinti tiybrear, xvhon tic bird chant woke me, until the evening meitet mbt lie Bay o! Fuanty, frmshaore te clore tiere xvere tion asunt mcmenies, anthti groves weme e hum wiîh voiccsa tt d long ugo coasti. Yeîîî i S pt Ion muci te epenti ail ils lime in looiring forwart. Qîti age is apt; ton ranch te epenti ail ils limneil ourng bacirwarti. People lunucitiife anti on tic -apex lookr boti ways. It woult ho woll fer us, I tiui, lowevem, le speunînmre time in reminisconce. By île constitutlon of nus- nature xve speut moal o! île rime liooiýiug ferwart. Andtihti, vasi mejoriîy o! people lve not an muchinlutle prescrit us Su tic future. I futin ht yen nei maire a roputation, yeti moun to establisi younseif, anti tie atvautugea hal you. evpeeb te ai-hieve absorli a greuttideal o! your lime. But 1 sec no arr n u 111, if i tocs net maireyen discoutentet wlti che pmosoîci or tisqunify yon for oxisting dutnes. Il is a useful tling snmctimos le looir bucirandti tesec tie dangers xve have escapet andtie10sec ticeemorews xv lave sufferet andtihîe trials anti wantinga of oun earilily pilgrimage andti lesoimnp our eujeymnenrs. I menui. se fer us(loti îuiay heip me, te stir op youn memnory o! tle paI, se blet ilutho revicxv yen muy blienouoraget anti iumblet antiurgedto pnay. Tbore la a ciapel lu Florence wlti n frosce by Guido. hIr, ws coveret up xvith two inclos o! stucco untîl oun Americun anti Enropean artists weuî liens, anti ufrer long toil remoeethîe cevering eut roîmacodthîe fresco. AntiI arn aware tint tie rnemory o! the puetxvith mary o! yen, is ail covoret up witi obltematieus, anti 1 now propose, an fan as tle Lord înay bielp me, te taire axvuy bic covoning, thut tie oit pîcturo înay- oblue ont agnin. 1 xvaut te bhlutinSuone sica! ahi yonr past ativanhagos, aund I xveni te binti in an- othen sica! ail yonr ,past ativersities. htisl a precioqa lharvest, anti l muai hbceau- tiens how 1 swing tic scythe. Our Maris- Surrounidîngs. Amoug the groatoat ativeutages o! your puot lite were an onrly home anti ils sur- mounutiuge. The bat meo e day, for tic moat part, dip lhios heaeet passions ont of tle biling apring et au unbappy home. We arc net sumpriset te futd that Byron's heurt wa a concentration et sin when wc ions- is mobier waa abaudonet andti at sic mate sport o! his infs-mity anti oftea cahot hlim "thn lame bs-at." Ho wbo bas vicions parents les te f gît every inci et is xvy if le woulti main- tainis iutegrity anti ut lusi s-oach tic home o! the goot lu lonvea, Perbapa gesou hy l ome wus in a city. Il may bave liea when Pounsylvunia avenue, Washington, was resideutial, as new il la commercil, anti Canal streel, New Yorkr, was tas- np town. Tlat oit house Su tic cily may have been demoliehet os- chaugeti lute stores, ant iSt seemeti lire sacs-iege le yen, for tiore was more meaniag la tint amali house tlin bere laSina agran- Ste mansion or a lurreteti cathetmal. Looiring bacir, yen sc it as tieughit wsre yelemtny-bho sittlng s-oom, where thc love one sat by bic plain lump ligit, the motIon aI thc cvening stand, the brsthers anti sisters, perlapa long ago gathoredt ate skies, bien phettmng misciiet ou tie floos- on unten lie table, your father with firra voice o mrnding n silence tlat lasteti mît a minute. Oh. these weme gent tinys! If yen hati youm tenu burt, your motIon alwnys bat a sooihing salve le ical il. If Yeu wene wrouged inSathe sîreet, youns- tler was aixvays renty te proteet yen. The yean waa eue round o! frohic anti mis-th. our grentosu trouble was au April aiower, mere stuishine tlIn aower. Tic hennI had net licou mnsacketi by trouble, non but aicirnesiroircu St, anti no lmib at n wanmer sheopfoidti hun the home in whici yeun chiltihoont sieti. Peniaps yen wers bronght up lu the counts-y. Yen stand uow be-day iu morn- es-y nuter the oldti rec. Yen clbbitl for fruit tint was net quite ripe, liecause you couldn'l wainy lngor. -Yen Ions- lhe brook numling along oves- the pcb- bloc. Yeu stop agalu into, the!nmrow wiere youn fatheien luis shirt aleeves sheutedtle bic lazy oen. You ngie tle awallows from lhe natons o lic in- bmow mev lavep gone 10 hi eïeeriasting rer. The nîether xvho usedt 10sit ut tic door aî iltîle bout over, cap anti spectacles on, hiem face mcibo-wiug with the vicissi- tudes o! many yeurs, niay have put towu ber gray icati ou tic piiiew lu bbc valley, but forger nul hbomoeyon nover xiii. Have yen thacîketi (et for il? Have you rehearset ail ihese blesseti reriiiceccs? Oh, thanir (ot for a Christian falier! Thak (loti for a Christian mother! Thank (lot for uil eari-g Christiaenltar ut viich yon were tnnghl, te kneel! Tieuk (lot for au eurly Christian home! 1 bring te mind another passage Su lie history of yenr liSe. The day came when yen set up yens- ewu iousneitid. The tinys pgisscd aloig lu qiet bicsoetiess. Yen iwain sut eb tic table memniug anti night andt lket over your plans fer the future. Tic mestu insignificant uffair Su yous- lit e became tie sulijocl of mutuel consulta- tion eutdativisemeut. Yen were se happy yen feu yen noever coulti bc any happier. Oue day a tarir lodntovenet over yens- dwolliig, anti il got tanker anti terrer, but eut o! liat lodnthticshining messen- gem o!f(lotitescentiot to incarnateanu iniînertal spirit. Txvo litho fecretertet on an olerual jeurney, eut yo exee l le-id 11cm, a gemr 10flash Su leaven'e coouel, anti yen to polisi it. Etemni ages o! ligit anti derkuess wut.oling tls cinmiing ont ot a -nowly-createt croninre. Yen rejoicet. antiyou trembleti ut thc respeusibility tînt in yonr possession un immortal reanre ivas placet. Yen prayot anti rejoicot anti wept anti won- dcned. Yen wore caruostinS supplication tiet vye nmight loati h tirengi lit o mbc tie kingclor of (loti. Tiere was a tromor Su your etnoss. Tiere xvas a double inter-est about tiat home. Theme was an uttitionalinStoeat wly yen amouit stay ticere anti be failiful, anti wicu Su a few menthe yonr botuse wus filuet witi tle mîusic of the ciild's laugiter yon wene sînccir rougi witu lie facutînht yen lad a tupeucions misson. Have yenkept tint vow? Have yen neglcteti a.ny o! these duties? la your hoe a"nmch te yen as SW'usedt b le9 Have those anticipations aeliougraifled? (lot iolp yen Su yonm selernu remin- isconce, eut lot bis mercy feil ripou yonr soul, if yonr kintiose ha been iii requlteti.(lot bave mercy onulie panent ou tie wrinkles of iviose face la xvitteu tie srery e! a child's sn.(lot have mercy ou tle moiher xvie, in addition 13 lier orlon penga, lins tie pang of n chiltis iuiquiîy. Oh, tlero are muuy, mauy set eonî ntsluthis cati world, but tie outitest soundt tnt laever hert la tie breakiug of a moîber's heurt! I fut eanoîher point lu youm life lis- tory. You founut one da7yeyn were in the xroug rend; yen conît flot sleep ut nighrîthomo xvus jusl une word tuai seemodtut sob tirougi yonr banking bouse or lirongli your office or yenrs ip or your botncomn, andti tn ord wae 1"eenity. " Yen sait: "l'mi net rentiy for lb. Oh,God t.havernercy!" The Lord icard. Ponce came te your heurt. Iu the breati o!tie hilîl ant inluthe waterfall's tasb you lieardth e velce of (lotis love; lie clouta andt trees laileti yen witi gintinese; yen camne ie tihebouse o! (loti. Yen rememiber iow your baud trembleti ns yen book up the cup et tic communion. Yen romember lie oit min- later who consecratet it, anti yen mcmem- ber the churci officiais who carniet it lhroîîgi thc aiale; yen emember tic olti peopleo, ie t the close o! tie service bok youm baud lu theirs lu congratulat- ing sympelhy, as muci as te ouy, "Wel- corne home, yen lest prodiga," anti, blieugi tbose hauts lie aIl witliered away, tint communion Sabliathisl reausroectet te-day. It la resurrectet wii cil ita pmay- ers anti sangs anti leurs anti sermons anti transfigur-ation. Have yen kept those vows? Have you been a baciier?.. (ld help yon. This daykineel aitic font ot mercy anti slart again for honven. Start now as yon starbeti thon. I reuse yous- soul by tbat reminiscence. But I must net spenti any morce!frny lime in going oves- the ativantages o! yeur lite. 1 juat put -11cm Suinoae gs-at sIca!. anti I conu bic up iSu es-mcm- ory xiii one lbut lasveat aoug, sud uas tic reapers sing. Ps-aise tic Lord, ye bloot bougit immoniala on eartl!1 Pmaise tle Lord, ye crowneti spirits et leaven! la ithe Sladows. But sorne o! yen have nt always lhad n arneoth lite. Seme of yen are now la tic slatnw. Olors lad their'troubles ycars cge. Yen are a moe wreck et wlat yen once wcrc. I muet gabier up tie seorrows o! yens- past lite. But hxv siali I do it? You suy that le impassible, ae yon have bat se many troubles anti ut- vomaties. Tben I xiii jusI taire tw-llhe firet trouble andtie leIsu trouble. As wbeu yen are walking aleug tIe streel anti there las licou music lu the distance you unconsciously fut ynnrselves kecp- ing step te tIc music, an, wheu yen saateti life, yonr vcry lite wns a musical lime bout. The air was full o! joy andi iilarity. Witi tic brigit dean oar yen muatie ticelient sklp. You went on, anti lite grew brigiles-, until a les- awhile sud- ticnly n volce !rom ioane sait, "Hait!" anti quick as the sunahine yon ballet, yen grew pale, younfmolntetd your finl surs-ew. Yen lad n idt tthIe flush ou your chitds chcki was an unhealiy fluai. Yen sait lbt cannet lie anytling anti inscanîiy all e ligîts weut ont, andt ibreivas tiarknes-thick, mnrky, impenetmable, siutitering tarirnees. But (loti ti not louve you there. Mercy spoke. As yen took up tle bitter cnp te put il un yeux lips loti sait, "Let il pas, " anti forthwitb, ns iy tle liant o! angois, an- uther cnp was put int your bande. Il xvaa lie cup o! God's consolation. Anti as you bave somotimes liftedth le bond o! a wountiet soltiier anti poured wiii n m bis îips, se (lotipute hie left urm unter your bond anti with is right baud ho pours intoyour lips the WinuOfo! is coin- fort anti bis consolation, anti yon looketi at tie cmpby cratile anti lonketi aI ynnr broken heurt, anti yen loniredti athe Lodschaiseinent, and vo,, s¶d "1lt-un so, Tatler, for se il seineti gond lu thy -sîgit.' Ah, il was vour firat trouble. How titi yen gel uver il? Goti comforteti yen. You bave been a botter man ever sînce. Yen have licou a botter woman ed'or sducs. Iu the jar o! tieclcosing gabe of the sopul- cher you hertheîle inging o! île open- ing gato of beavon, anti you, toit au !rre- siatilile tirawing icavenward. You bave been spirîtually botter ever sinon that nigit whon thec utile one for lie lait tinie put its armsaraounti ynur neck anti sait: "Gond nigil, papa; goot i rgit, mamma. Ment me iu heaven." But I must corne vo your lateat sor- row. Whaî waaS t? Periapas t xvus sick- nesa. The chida troati on lhe stair or lie tic-k o! the xvateh on lhe stand itiatr bet yen. Througi lhe long weury tinys you counleti the figures lu the carpet or t.-- flowers li îhe wull paper. Oh, tie wcari-' noce o! cabaustion 1 Oh, tle bunng pange! Wouîiti (loit were morning, would (lotilb were ruigit, xvas yous- fre- quont es-y. But yon are botter, or perlapa even weii. Have you thanketi (odt t to-day you eau come ont Su lhe fresi. air-, tal you are lu yoîîr place tho bar Got's nume andte10slng (lod's praise anti te implore Gode îheip andti e usirGot's forgiveüsa Biesethie Lord who heaieti ail our diseases anti reticemeti our lives fs-oin destruction. Periaps your lasI sormow wus n imuan- ciai embamasamont. I congrutulato anme o! yen on your lucrative profession or occupation, on onte upparel, on a coin-, mnotions resitiece-overylhiug you put your bauds on seoma te turu te goiti. But thome are others o! you who are like lie slip ou wbicl Paul sailet wlere two sons nid, anti you are broken by tie violence of lie waves. By an unativiseti intorse- meut, or by a conjunction of unforeseen evonts, or by ire or storm, or a sensoiesa panic, ynu lave been fluug beadiong, anti xvere you once diseonsot groat char- lties now you have hart xvork ho -%in your daily breat. Have yen forgtten te îhank (loti for yonr tiays o! poperity anti that timnugi your triais seime o! you lave made iuvestnîeuca xvhicb wý11 con- tinue after lie lest banit o! Ibis world bas exploeet andthbi silver anti golti are molteion luticlires o! a ius-ning xvorlti? Have yen, umnitiail your basses anti dis- couragemoents, forgol thtinthome wae broad on your table ti monnu anti thal thoeshall be a shecher for-your lent froinliii' stormi, anti there is air for your lungsaneutbieeti for your beart anti lîgit for your cyn anti a glati anti giorinua andti iplant religion for your seul? Porlaps ynîrlr mc troîuhle was a ber- cavemenit. Tînt heurt whlchinl chiltihoot wus your refuge, tle parental houri, anti whicb bas been a source -of the quickest sympatiy ever since, bas sudteufly be- corne silent forever. Anti now sometimes, whoueycr in suttien anuoyuuce anti witi- ont tieliberution yen suy, "I wîli go anti tell motier,'" thc thougîl flashes ou yen, " I have ne mother. " Or the fatier, with voico icea tender, but with heurt as lov- lug, waîchfui o! ail yonr ways, exultant over yonr succesa wibhoub suying mucli, aithongihie olti people do îalk t over býy tbemseîves, bis îrembling baud on tînt staff wiici yon now keep'as n tam- ily relie, bis memory ombalmet.inl grale- fnl bearta--is taken nway forever. Or theme was yons- companiion lu life, chai cm o! yonm inys anti aommnws, tairen, leaving the hban an oit muin, wheretlee lîl xviuds blow oves- a witie xvlltemess o! desoietion, the sanda o! lhe tesert driviug acmosa the place whici once bloomoti lire ,tle gardon o!floti. Anti Abraham mous-ns for Surah ut the cave of Mach- polah. As yon were mnvlng aloug yens- pnth Su life. sutiteuly, igit before yen, was au open grave. People looket tiown, andt tey eaw il 'was only a few feet wlte, but te yen il was a cavemu, tiown wiich went ail your liopea anti ali youx expecta- tions. But cleer up, Su tle mane o! the Lord ,esns Chisit, tic Cern!ortes-. Ho is n going te forsake you. Diti tic L-rd taire that chut ontt of yonm arma? Wby, le is gelug te shelter t botter than yon couiti. He is going te nrmay t ln a white robe anti palm lianci anti have t ahl ready te greet yenu t yonm comîng home. Blessedtihîe ,brokea learItntaJeas Icalal Bloasedthbi importunate cry tînt Jeans cempassionates! Biesseti the w-eep- ing cye, fmom which tic soft haut et Jeans wipes away tle tbar! Thse Closior of Lite. Some yens -ago I was saliug down the St. John Hiver, whioh is tle Rhine anti île Hudson comminglet, anti xhiie 1 was on tic teck e! thc steamer a gentle- man pointet eut to me the place e! lu- Mrs. Jutisons tying resnlniscenco, as sic came home !rom ber micsionar-v tnil anti liem life o! soif sacrifice for (loti, tving lu tie cahin o! lie slip lu the harbor of St. Helena. waa, 'II aiwaya tilt love lie Lord Jeans Chislt." Andtihtin, tuie bisterlan says, she fou mb nta sounti sleep for an heur anti woire amiti the songs of angela. I place tle dting reminiscuce o! Augus- tus Ceasar againat tle clying rmrnniscence of the âpoé-tiePaul. Th'e dyln e.4 & tbe presence or absence o! living tiings. The proopiasm of rosting aetia may witistandtihle colt o!lilquiti ais- nearly 200 degrees Centigrade below the freezing point, or more then 800 degrees belnwv teo Fahrenheit. Tie-,e seetis anti spores o! bacieria live anti grnw a! ter being sub- betd10 natemperntcîre o! 125 tegrees Centigrade, or niearly 260 tegrees above zero Fahrenheit. It a in hs te be seen thnt terrestrial pmotoplnsm la capable o! an adjualment 10 a range o! tempemature Df 825 tegroos Centigrade, or ncas-ly 6< awgm.uFalmenheit.-- iacenco o! Angustus Ceasar was, address- ing his attendants, "H1ave 1 played i ny part well ou the stage of life?" uand they answeret inl the afflimative, and lie sali, "Wby, thon, ton't you applaud me?" LThe tying reminisceuce of Paul the »apostie vas, 111 have fouzht a gond figit, I b ave finisieti my course, I have kept [the faith; hencefortih tem la laid up for rme a crowu of rigiteousuesa, whlchtic 'Lord, the righbeous Jutige, ciii give me iu that day, anti n tet me only, but to ail tiom ta oe his appearing." Augustus Caesar dieti amiti pomp anti LiLreat ausroundings. Paul uttereti bis tiy- nreminiscence looking unp lhrough the I wail of a dungeon. loti grant that our L rvina g pl ow may bcethe clos!ingof anuse- fnili1f e anti the upening of a glorlous eternity. L ints to ifensekeepers. L Ton anti coffee ahou Idinover lie left un- covereti, as their strengtl anti flavor evaporate by expusure. Grease hathe effect of bluntiug sharp knives, so they shoulti nover be allowed to romain iin this. Lay a ltle bag of powdered muatard in the mouli of a piekie jar to prevent the contennta turung mouidy. Damu- sait reinoves stains of ton anti egg fri china articles. Coul in the cellar shoulti nover be tiampeti, as it generates poisonous fumes. White spots on furniture may ho speeti- îly rieoved by rnbbing witi spirits of 3camiphor. (bot forks shoulti nover be useti for toasting purposes. The kirchen iu every householti, be il big or liSte, shouiti bc kept porfoctiy pleasant andi whluesome by regular cleansing. The sink shoulti li an object of speciai atrention, for if not weil rinseti anti sluiceti aftor washiug up it wiil become the hotbeti of disease. The ve.-etable matter whichisl kept lu the kitccen shouid lbe pincet inl a covereti lamper, anti overiaulet constautly, anti any rmot xhici shows aigus of tiaa t once throuvn ont. Kitchen clotis muet, of couse; , h Nwasiod ont tiaiiy anti inng ou the lino to dntry, insteat of being tbrown bogetier iu lb tarir corner or tub till a washing day Sa due. Moanwhile these ciotia are holding grease anti harboring smolle. The shoives should bo acrulboti as ofteu as tb ose of the larder, anti occasionaliy anme disinfeclant atitedt the rinsing wator. Twice a week a lump of soda ehould lie placeti on the top of the sinir draina anti very hot xvatr pourot dîroctiy on to it. This sa to cleanso tho pipe of any greasy malter adhering 10 il. The wails anti cilingas soulti li wasi- eti if paiultd, or whihewasieti if plain plaster, ah loast once a yeur. The garbago pail abouit nover lie stooti besido the houso, for thon lie contenta are thmown in, anti ugly aplashes on the walla arc the result. Medicine taîns on ilver may lie mc- moeiby thie application of tuluteti sul- pburic acit rubliet upon the silver with a soft rag. Finaliy rinse the article iu warin soapsuda. Attacira of bore throat turing coiti wentherare iargeiy attriliutabie te lu- sufficient exorcise in the open air. Fre- querit sufferera are nntoriouaiy iacking in this respect. To maire a linaeti ponîtice put the meal into a bag o! flannel of the size o! poultice requirs-ewx up the open euti, ant iblg anti ail, in a mnal quan- tity uf water. Wien the seeotisl soft squeeze ont ait moisture, anti uie bhc bag inîtantiy as a pouitice. To freehen a room pince a gond lump of camnpior on aunid plate or saucer, heat a poker, anti wiîilit hum the camphor. Tic fumes xill tboroughly purify the room, anti the amneil of camipbor xii only lest for a short time. This procesaSai neeful te get rit of lie ameli o! iamp, o! a new carpet or in illuess. 1Tendier Itecollecti.ns. The balioonu was tugging at its ope anti bonnclng abott lumsiiy Sa tic puiffs ofwind. A widow stooti regarting il xiti aleaming eyes. She was alone, but a crowd gathereti aboutliher, atîracteti by ber untimcly tears. She solibeti for len minutes, wbilc the cmowti restraineti tiomselves, but at last an olti gentleman -whose long white bair.anti saintiy face teclaret lie belief that le was privilegeti to timuet hirnecfif Sto anybotiy's business -aleppeti forwarti anti sait: "Madam, wly do you weep? Wby, oh, wby those tours?" Tie woman snuMfeti lontly anti then repiiet: 1"1It's tle balloon," "But," queriedthe îlend gentleman, "why tocs the spectacle o! a balloon cause you te weep? Diti a loveti son once perlali as an aconaut?" "No," replicdth le weepcr, "it waen't a so-lt was my hualiaut." "Ah, ynur luabanti was killed wie balioouing?' " "No, le wnsn 't; my luaband tict inl his lied, but ho weigi'rd 21 stune, anti that jumping bailoon remintis me o! jnst how Henry looketi tie lal lime I saw hîm a-dancing. His figure wns like tint!" andthle witow tiiesolved in a new JwiIl. lu makestule liver, kidricys, skia and boweis perforrn iheir Q proper %vork. lu removes ail irn- purîties from the blood. And, st maltes the blooti rich inla js life- giving properties. Tro Haste,, You vwililiec more rapIdly cureti If you wil take a laxative dose of Ayer puiis each nîght. They arouse the siaggisb liver and thus cure bilousness. Wff4.Irou,. Doc0cPn.ý We biave the eAlnsive asrvices of ,solýe gf4le Mosit inineut physicians un ai'>Jn5PldState. Wrte freely ailthe partîcolars ILi youR case. Address, DU. J. C. AI-ER, Lowell, Mass. Mow to Figbt Early Lice, It îs a task to get juto the poultryhouse at nghl, take ecd hen off the rnost andi dust the body w ith some substance obnoxinus te lice, yet there are times when St should lie donc, espoially dur- ing the warm scason. A mixture for that purpose, andi which is cheap, is made by using one pnund nf suiphur, four ounces of Scotch snuf, two ounces of Dalmatian insect powder and haîf a ponti of car- bolate (flot carbonate) of lime. Tt must ho thoroughly mixed andi kcç5 in a cioscd vesse!. Hoid lie fowl's icati down, aud with a peppcr-iîox dust wellinl' among the feathers.-Farm and Firealde, h noften a warning that the liver 19 torpiti or inactive. More serions trnubles may, foliow. For a prompt, efficient cure nf Headache and ail liver troubles, taire Wbiie tbey mouse the liver, restore fu, regular action of the bowels, they do flot gripo or pain, do nt irrîtate or înflame the internai organs, but bave a positive tonîc effeet. 25c. at ail druggîsts or by mail of C. I. Hond & Co., LowelI, Mass. Ha Was "Next 111 Smith-Smart Sa a pretty slick indivld- ual, but 1 manageti to get abeati o! lir to-day. Brown-HIow did you do t? Smitb-.-BY getting te the barber shop first. That B ookAgnt, The Pastor-"Good morning. Ero. Rloberts, what makes you look se sad this morning ?" Bro. H.-" I have corne to say gooti- bye, Mr.Brown,for 1 arn ont of employ- ment, and must go back to Englanti." The Pastor-"Go bacir to Englanti to get employment, what nonsense ! I can gel lots o! work for a young man lika you lu this country." Bro. R.-"Well, 1 have hunted high anti iow anti eau get nothing, so what arn I to do ?" The Pastor-"I tel xou what vou eau do, Bro Roberts, take an agency for a good book, for there is money lin eu- Bro. R -"~Do von think I wonld stoop to bgok canvassing ?" Thc Pastor-(somcwhat warmly) "Sto to canvassîng! Better men thanU you have canvasseti. I put myself throngi Coilege with a book rospectus, andi I know many successful men who got their start la lîfe as canvassers. My youngest soi1 18 cauvassiîcg now, anti le makes enough at the business to pay his way at bue University. 1inl- tueti a man wlio faileti in business, to take up canvasslng, anti lie mate enough money to start business again. I gave the same ativice to a young mechanie, who was out of ernploymeut, anti lie is now a prosperous Publisher. Wly corne of the biggest men in history hlave been boolz ag2ents i 'Stoop to can- vassing! ,you are vcmy forbunate that Yen eau STEP UP te it. I advise Vou te write bo thc Bradicy.Garretsen Co., Linitcd, Toronto, Ont., for this firmn publialies fast selling' books, anti I know mans- who are doingwell lu its ernplov."ý Bro. R.-"I arn sorrY for speakiing as I diti for 1 was certaini y wrong. i will write the Bradlev-Garmetson Comnpaxly anti sec wbat they have teoffeïïr, anid ivili posbpone my departure in the, meantime" Your heart beats over one htin- dred thousand trnes each day. e One hundredthousand supplies olf wnicn is i?' If bad, impure blood, then your braini aches. You are trnubied wilth drowsiness yet carnnt sieep. You are as tired in the m-orning as at night. You have no nerve power, Yourfo oe o u rile good. haah P Stimulants, tonics, haah î powclers, cannot cure you( u