kkhhhkkmuimhhkfmmkmkmkhtkmmmhkkkmkhhmmmagmhhkmimkkkmkhmm m -------- ---kk k CiiiIm M131: 1Clih 1: Viii. ùiii ii1 hlililis 111H: lu buying a Bicycle you can atr to be more t] Be sure your choice is f ully guaranîe-Ied. Our Wellh a double gnarantce. That of the makers, The Wel1: Co., of St. Catharines, Ont., and our own guarantee satisfactory in every respect. The more you examii With other makes, the more certain y ou will be to fa Agent, Bowmanville. 01 !!L ................ ................. -------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------- -------------------- .............................................................................................. 1'UILISHERIS NOTICE. T'HE STATESMAN is maiied regulariy to its subscribers until a deflite order to, discontinue is received and al arrears are paid in full. Subscription $1,50 per annum. If paid ln advance 1.00 per annum. M AR RIAGE LICENSES,-M. Aý JAmEs, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Reaidence. Centre street. A. E.'MeLAIJOBLIN, Barrs'ter, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Office- Eleakley Block, King street, Bowmanville. Money to boan at reasonable rates. 48-lyr, $50.00.00TO LN ~Jm'\f~. m\f. 01ogod mort- gage seeurity ait moderate rate" efooi"terest, A. E.McLAudua.NS.'olicitor,lfowmanville,Onit. 16 -6m. DUI. J. C. MITCHELL, M EMBEROFi'COLLEGEO0F PHYSICIANS and Surgeons, OntarioCoroner, etc, Resîdence. Enmskullen. 74 REPETETAILOR Genltlemen's Ciothes made to Order. D. BURKE SIMPSON, T~ARISPER, SOLICITOR, etc.1 MORRIS' B1 BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowmani ville. Soliitor for the Ontario Bank. Privotto monevs loaned at bnwest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. O -FFlCE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS VBlock, where hhmself or lis assistant wilI be fnnnd fromn 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Nigîtcalls et residence, directly opposite Drili Shed. Cls by tele r.mph or telephone will receive prompt at- ttIon. 171 - yr. jDENTI SR 0. HARNDEN, Lh.D.S. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Su) geons, Ontario OFFICE.-Opposite Express Office. VITALIZED AIR J.M.BRIMACOMBE DENTIST. Office.-Rear ai Messrs. fligginý boiham & Sou's Drug Store, (Down stairs), BOWMANVI LLE. FOR tlOin 3 May 24 1 899 -Will issue velurm tickets et SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE Goiag Ma y 'mrd nd cîi 24th . nrietias. gMUli Betwe-ess -iii stations las Canad(l.î- Beti'eeii dlati aims i. a ad at emlietlZPrt 1-PCroiia, Mich-a ci * vomit ail rait Canaid,TO,bui t CFR0 MBuffalo. PlaekiE Suspet iilUi ri0g .îand Mtsa Falls, N. Y Tickels.rates a" d eailnrmuation frosi AgeUUts of Gransd Fruiula Rstlw'ay by stemi. J.1I. H. JURY, W. -WOOD, C .P. &FT. A. Depot Aci. M. C. DICE SON, 1 iii i i Pess. Agent, Toronto. Tiekets ua illi inforination, etc., et Sioti & Jury's Drng Sore. Str. Garden City. Neweastle, Bownauiille, Oshawa and Whitby te TORONTO, eosamenceing FRIDAIY1 MAY I9tli, 1899. And cnntinuing every Friday throughout the season. wtll leave, N'EWCASTLE 6.30 a.an. BOWMA7NVILLE - - 7.00 OSHAWA ~8 .00 WHITBY-----------8 45 Returninig leaives Toronto ait 5.00 p.na. Special attention given to the handllng ni FreJght. For Ticets and limformation apply to HARRY CA. R08, NIIIAN, Agent, Bnwilianvilie. Manager, Toronto. Hecad Offie Geddes' W harf, Toronto. Tele- photne No. 2947. 18-4 mn. Lake -Ontario. and Bay of Quinte Steamnboat Co.,(Limità.) CO BGFlU .C P-T HOPE -R 0CBEST [2 STRh "'UNRTH KING." SOUTI IOUND. Week Dais-Commneocîng àlay 13t. Lv. Port FHope, North King 2 30 p mý Lv. Conbourg', di) 1.25 P.11u ýAr. Charlotte, dl, 7.1.5 p. ni Ar, Roche4t?, IN. Y. C. 74 . NORTH ]3OUND. Lv, PEechester N.Y.C, and N.I{.I. 8' 20m Lv, chalotte, S5 .Ar, Co.bourg, Ont. i 201pm Port Hlope Ont. 2.0>5 fWRi4hbt res. rv-'d to chaným( lice without notice. J, H. JURY, 9. FI. GILDERSLEEVE, Agent. Bownaanvilie manager. I She cCarnie, oitnHler What a boon to many a man or wonian ilti i because thîs particular organ is shackled h, Agnew's Cure for the Ileart brushed against i Diseases of the hearî are by far the most treache. Io old and young alike-not Însidions but viol suff the emi hbei that wo.l th0 rnepraci teriný, sbortness 4 ~feet and ankies, I spelis, uncaainess more indicatiom Cure for the Hiî to find relief froir MSs. JNO. FITZPAI b=oeinnt physiîi hagdfrom theh acole.pain and p.l every lendency to cured Dr. Agnewîs One dose relieed: and thece boules . COConcR aWsr Hagarstnwn, Md.,, disease-coat lins anmd lie spents speciaiit i rom'se o cauDre, sand al nf benefited, recommended r.AnesCueorteI coictori almosti îmmediately ecntndisust Strong, and says, "Tell al earl suferers tiatlI aim, DR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT cures cmma, sat rh cures piles in threa lu five nighta. 35çents. DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER relis', cure moal stubboro sud long standing catarrh casesq DR. AGNEW'S LIVER PILLS cure onDfsipation sk.m40 doses. go cents. l'or sale by STOTT& \AeL.À D\/ j- leri e ret ianif-oumnd itIgaehmrlfsu 14-15 ý poor sufferers aie belng imposeti uponi Clarke 's Old Stand, Bawmau 'ýfIeý. li a few hoUtles were taken, andin -dsy e's veeli sudby unsus ______________________r.___Graham_ hihyrcmedtis great reznety" Lindsay Central Sept. 2-1, 22 anti 23.- cuunsqasM.Gam lihyeoumncitusuders i1hbis tiuty ta givo bis lellowCIr i'fo lsun, tstterk scsld lsstisimdiqallllching skIn dseasea Canada Central, Ottawa. Sept. 11-28. meu the henefit of bis experînce anti -vo cidinth Laaorha fve i tn inte-wll Outarioanti Durhaa, Whitby Set.ussisîs Clem toa acure lv informing in cl i îehet o lyfeerl tnmiulswil27-28. uuyone wlio wlll write 10 hua lun stric quickly anti pc.mauently. e )nH, biliuus.s sick hiatisele, torId I lver-c-lesu the East Riding ai Yorkl anti Marklium confidence wheîe ta lie curoti. No ut- -Q Agricultuial anti Rorticulturul Societ- lnindnh ie atis vhn JLTRY EowmllesiIOet. 4, 5 anti 6. oui ai more curiosity but u~anc newlio FR intêiiniiaî andexenaDiffse JUR, ownaniIeýreally neetis a cure is utivised to utidress ceeled as a pain relleving S9t Woodbridge Pair Oct. 17 anti 18. Mm9Gaammasiboe. 14tf rmey fr U aISW au a - M-MÊMEN ......... ......... . ........... . .......... . --- -------- ---------------- ImhkmskmmkmmE.kukmmm.hkkSkmmkmmshkm.kkkum.h OBORG EDICAL SCIENCE ADVANCESE ew so ""tive Cuire for A>ý"tliia ioerê ViiE The Peterboro Revîewsas . W A5 cold Is danger- L., Allen leaves on Monlayfor Cobourg It ha long been recognized by Inedicat EuS li iontle t wliere hie wiîî reside in future, having sciontists tîrugbomit th. world Cliii nature 'Y'iikge the start cf you. purchased the old-establislied liard' bas supplitil al reation wl-Cth somp remedy k liii, - ~ " A few doses Of, my ware business of MacNachiton & Co. l h eeai rmnrikndmwee ColO Cure willintevgtMormlea 1,d we- ~ . break U 5fl~ forni M r. A lle n 's d e p a rtu re fro mn P eterb oîro w i , al forn 's of Iilm ç n , a e o l f, Vii:rocold in a few will lie regrettecl as lie lias been active li ~wu o ni h iwiyb tn kil k grippe, dîphther~in business and pop ular in social circles. ley cf ts rîîîIKl ln ln th gmraipIpemoia. il As acurler lie wits otie of the energetie C ,. iber îî iii ta<an-na kis houid bleIli every skips of th.e Granite cluib, liaving last 11nim1ti r i J art. it Wrs n!t - * h orne ad evcy vest xeaî skipped thse tanleard rink that WaS mt:î tuie n :tme by Dr. Clarkie pocket. It 15 better arne pfrthGvroGnîls Cr ' a a dase was hiuhthon a lif3 lueur- arne-pfrteGvrlrGnrls (I,,ýü1, üa 1l I alle cîcy mdalluToono.His leaving- wil 1 fouid curabile he fouud tCii ,t by comblilîg ' SIO~MNTON. entail a loss to thse curling organization I:ts extrur i of Kola Nut w ith tevg- At ai, rgit,25.a~a.G i 0realîl, For five years Mr. Allen lias been in w old perînanently cure astîn.Carke Sia EGuideto iiiiastIck ilS~md tedcs nvic fet150 Aeset. Psia. Peterboro as a partuer in Kinglian & Kola orunîd ias then tried 'ioe 0 Allen hardware flrrn froin whicli lie cases in iiiiferenii hospitaim w ith titi'mar- hi lE hei hejoint soc cornpanY emntJcrdduIsth 6da' Eil!i:was organized and assnmed thse busi- reatment. Clarke's Kola Coanipmiund is uow hi raean representedNo w gists. Free s'ample bottie sent- mi any hlMR .Wrdi h ow oni ls er son. Mention tItis paper. AdfImres LESK RD.Wardin ise ownCounil ast ear G.ifilis & Maepherson C..121 Clurîls Mr. Allen is a yonng mean energetie greet, T-cront o, or Vancounver, B. C., so4k, owanand expeîienced in business, ani lie Cunadian agents. Mr. and Mrs. Dingman, wilî n ville,were guests of Mr.Lawson Sunday qb etwtsts ncs i we i ...Mr. Wi n. Kelly wl iv ihdeserves i ooug ismn et- hi iS te Saîkr Bos. or he ummr.. erboro friends will wish hlm healtli, D Mthe os. leBros.nfrtaekino-a.... liappiness and piospeiitv." Mr. Allen *B, Mr. 15 ts ro wn-lioe '"ig sa o f W. F leEsq., e-ao Toroneoe of tistown, a is m yfriends hr N h hof Dakota ....Miss Lot-riman, oot Rs ad mn i r akes lierunce MrJoh Duvv 'wisl inl success ln lis new business isvl5ltilier neefroron ahe etur... kThe Best Mis. J. Moffatt lias returned fRemetheentre.orc lEluGiveublurs alt...rMssu aryPa[ero Pure and Olean Red Spring W:::hr k .. .. The eblas secuîed the ser- BIood.; vices of thse Whyte Bros, Toronto,June Te piesTeBodi h eyesnealf~ i11h illtiad l2th. TeBodi h eyesneo ie ~ :~~A FRIGHTFUL BLUNrîau,-Wý'ilI often As it courses ilirougli the system it carêtes cause a horrible Buin, Scald, Cnt or .-..ih it, if pure ai-d ridli, nutrition to everý han ordinary particular B:: ue. liucklenAriaSlet bsN is t e Ti e celi in the body. If impure, it spredu and Vale Bicycles car y Ckl ts wrd.wllkl'ts- pinad liseease. If Chin and watery, ît fails to I î :i:luI prom.ptlv lie ai it. Cures Oid Sores,Fever f and Vale Manluf actUrinig l Sorcs. Ulcers, Boils. Felons, Coins, alU nuihec whaeekes dbl tht he wllprve k Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on eaith. ity and decay.i' thttey wl poe : li:Ouîy 25,ts. a box- Cure ,guauuteed T n u stewodru ...h hi ne he1k fi r 'tIts he odefpow er .B " ne them and compare li:il.1îî!' Soldoy tStott andi Jury, Druggists. nprfigipr lomkn h avor henâ.watery blond ridli and îed, that is ai the 1-oR E ONR. Pan' ~ oyCflplld R- btoiof ilsmarvellous success in curîng disease. Mi. and Mis. E. Vittis -îsited atMr hs woaepltinwak )pposite Ontario Ba k. i .Cocniran's '""" wee Mr and rs. tiilds and Strdllgtliens Toe wh otaresple tor, eak,> ::A. Biewett and'family visited friends Boolol adWa- toubeds bbotc hes, pimle B.erB . B k i b, , eently.... MssMàaggie Ttylnr ai? any kindndhnuld Cake ,kkkmshmkkhMhmmEkkkhkkthhhShhmkkk u eit on Mouday for Detroit, Mici., afteî It makes tise pale cheek easy, tlesh i -------- =------ - =ý k d n tlie ,,,i,,tmn'wîth lier bo e, .....-....... pe.ndinTylrg...MrDlier GUllb IIiII' c ean and smoonîl, and infuses new energy Mi. TT.Taylr... MrDavd Gihan I IJUÂLLIinto weaîc, warn, inn down, sisattered and family, of Kirby visited his brother nconstitutions., Mr> W. E. Gilbunk wlio is îegaining TflS ytW Q UtUMafl lealti - . .Miss E. J. Kirk lias îetuîned Skin "I beg ta state 1 have used - home ufttr spending a montli ai Mr. T. Clear. Burdock Blood Bitters for im- BOWMANVILLE, MAY 17, 1899. Bradîcy's, New Park .... Mr. J00 Mc- Quarry ils engaged ut Mi. W. E. Gil- On thte streetin assemblies and wliere pure blond, pimples on tise faces Quk. M.Ioit ros ui men and womeîî do most congiegate, &c., and derived great lienefi from IL. sick'aso .Miss Sa ros sraiWb... Tlie leqikudciicleecndsen Myskin is now very clear and free frorm CLRKLARREheth qikandh eruptians.scrn Ikalo is arh eb onlywanesdusedd isaeafourtins Iolyuouler oueso UNION home of Mr.T.Bîudley was gludeelaunsdeu n ies.tise B.B.B. and cao strongly recammeu4 by the udvent of a young son.. .. Miss The cruel sigus of diseuse and death it ta any persan suffering feam impuiti J 1 Mr. John Berry, Bowmanville, 's Aggie Norihcott was visïtîg lier uncle are ul conflned teauny particular cluss in the blond or eruptians aof the skin." visiting ut Mr. R. Thompson's .... iM:-. Mr. Samuel Noîtficoit, Solina. and Miss or age. There are prolulîent victims lu Mus. G. B. HELMORE, Aldin Parker bas oxciuuged drivers L. Noitheotut lier uncle's M-. W m. youth and full ugo, and tisis is truly ilie Spence's Bridge, B.C. wlth Mr, George Skeldon .,.. Mr. S. D. Nortlicott, Ponlypool. season wlien tlie ariny of diseused peo- Souch recently puîcliased frorn T . J. ______pie shows up lu full strength Evory "«I have taken B.B.B. cecry r la Colo, Esq., of Mupie Grove, a young Tho faces of men and women lu the Spring. spring naw for sonne yeans, t Yokhiehg ..Arbor Day was dulv BOB% T Ç 1TU0 P monlh af Mav are tise tino indicators oIf purify my bloodan epzy *observed by cleaning thie sebolnu Ir l l' L huîl rdsue.Plslowfcs tem in gond order, and dan isonesîly beulifingthesuroudins.M. heeks blouled anddfuli of pimples anti say that I do flot know, of ils equal Il. Davis* disposed of a numiser of liogs Ail Over flowmnanville Tlîey Have niasty eruplions, nervons fwiîcisings of unywisere." Mas. AGGIE BARNES, ta Mi. Wesley Thornloni..Rev. J. P. FudaGo hn n t telnbadused at l elo uebrNS *Berrv viQited ut home îeceutly.. Mi. ona od higudi tieitlsuduntdygt.ilflii- LunurNS fFred. Allun, Humpton, recentiy visited Malkes Them-lHappy. weakness und growing diseuse.__________________ ul- oed blood la the prime cause of trouble Sweet refresliing- sleep isý given 13v people popping up hore uni, there al For sucli as sufer fîomn blood and ski lAni'u' llood's Sarsaparilla, wbicl feeds tise over t, auxious f0 relate Iheïr expert iess an' eeyCopudi A InO A Y nerves, toues tise stomnacl'i adcrsaloc, n uterflo-feeljnoes for adiesPaesClrCopnds dyspeptie s\mtns feilow creature desiious tisut otlierst ehurecr-eronvsvton sliould receive tise sumne benefits tisât I is the gieutesi of ail blood purifiers Finds Laxa-Liver Pills a perfect have been uccorded ta tliem. Many cas- known ta mnedicul mon; ifs marvellous os have been investiguteti, and scores of cures are tise Iruest and best -proafs aocrforSo eaale . t eRcay cr orSOEHadce citizons are giving their experience lu isn fiay tlie public press. Here ils one case and For noîvousness, dyspepsiu, heati-______ Mi. Fdward Davy lefi for the North i ls wortis the reudiug: Revo is what Dr. aches, biliousuess and liver complint West,.. ..Mis, A. S, Tourjee is visitiug C Hlaînden, our well known aud skilful tisai sequickly wear ont nervous enerzy Fnlly ninety per cent. of tie women- of ut Dr. Patterson's, Port Hope,..Rev. deutîsi 'las ta say:-'"Daan's Kiduey und 11ffe. Puiines Celery Compound this couniry suifer froua. sick headaclie. iî. Taylor, -Newcastle, was lu thse viil- PuIs have been used lu my fumily, und stands far uliaou a ll aher medicines Liver disorder and cnstipation are at ago iast weee. . .. Messrs. W. Davv andi from tise relief obtined froin Choir gen- as a curative agent the botto-m ofuà troubele. 1-1 W. Besi have gono ta the North erul use I recommendthflo oîanun- Ilus just now tisai Paine's Ceiev Com- Lexa -Liver Pis cure thn headache by West and British Columbia.... Mi. iivalied cure for pain lu the buck, aud ponud eau lest shiow ifs power ovor dis eoîrecting the cause. Roiseit Foster is iecoîering~ froon lis for kidney troubles, Thcir' action is ouso and weakness A bottie or lwo used And they'do their work easily auid receut ilues .... Mis. Briggs 'bf t iast Quick and tise cura soonîs permanent." belore the liot woatlier cornes on. wiîî peufectly wlthout any gripe, pain or weetoi New York accompanied bY I)oani's Kiduey PuIs are tise only nover certuinly effeet a biossed change for ev- sickening. Miss Tiria Beer as fui as Toronto.faiiing romedY for bacleache, weuk aior ry man anti womun weose blood is But the Hamilton lady we refeured ta- Miss Jenlnie Cisapple, Biiliugs, and iis, lame ladk, Briglts diseuse, dropsv, fOUI, impure andi sîuggish. 11cr namne is Mis. John Tomîlusun. (Dr ) W. W. Andins, Mile City, Mon1t., rheumafîsm, gravel, fomale complaintis, ________ri address is 107 Steven St. No1t>. are visiting relatives andi friends liera. w eukuess aifIe kidneys lu chiltiven, This ils wlat she says: ... Rev. M. E. Wilson, Newtonville, andi aid people etc. Sold l.'11a11 druggis-ts Bicy clos are now s0 numorous hat "Being trould witli severe Lioud- exchianeti wvitli Rev. W. H1. Adams or sent by mail on receipi af puce 50c. ropair sliops are a necessity. The best ahs e die yafiuit r Sunîlay week. ... Board of? Truste'es Of a box ri 3 for 81.2,5, The Doan Kidney equiopeti bicycle repaîr sisop between Laxa-Liver Pis. 1 only reqnired la the M)etii"dist chuîrcis have appoin.ted a Pili Ca., Toronto, Ont. Ask for Doan5s Toronto anti Monîreal we are tl ils use hal£ a boffle wheu the beadmie-be% comiîtel uilsistling of Messrs.R.Knox, and refuse ail others. W. FislIeighýs, Market Square, Bow- vauisbed and I have flot been troublcd A. Pollurd anti W. McCrmack ta make______ mauville. Hie now lias facilities for witl iti since."1 alterations lu the isouinz apparalus aif doing ull kintis of work, brazing, tire- Laxa-Liver Pilis 25e., ail druggiisL lihe durcis. Il wus also urîangoed flat NEWCASTLE. vnlcanizing, and ti fer fine wark. Hoe ________________ flic gullery vews shahll e loi ut $1.00 is building bicycles ta aider andi froa r odsNra ieSrpI pnr nnu. (romTheTims.)local knawIedge of bis tisorougli work- Dr.sWoo st, qu'iesicurefo is ___________________man slip, tise "Fishleigh Special" h ipet sfsqikstcr o i Miss Muggie Wiimot, wbo lias boen sisoulti become a popular wlieel. Wh-en cousgls andi coitis oai ludren or adults. spending ftle winter witli friendtinlu un STATEsmAN readers want any re Price 25c. I Bowmanvilie and Port Hope, lias re- pairs well dane, go t0 Fisîleigli Sec turneti home.bessrs. Warmingon lis ativt. HERIF'S SALE 0F LANDS.- qý-a ndJoi' btchr usnes asincreas- TeesS F S htwelkow n tie rs i aJl' uce uiesla I cîkonat nlTienesineS United Concies of Y ýthumberland as.( I d ta sudh an exieni that iliey finti if urlam, ta wit: By vinSse of an Execuisn Sl ev " rt *alwuys popullar fashlon monihiy, ias issued ont of ber Majestyls Firsi Division Cao» neccssury ta have two cuits on tise roati. adivancedi ifs suliscription price 15 cents of Northumnberland and Durhaîm,:to ne dire, c S lee Ve..,..Autitar Geneial's repaît for the an thc yeaî, but lias ikewîse 50 lua- in an action wbereîu Jane Brentis PlaiintIf, m yer ending .Iune 801h, 1898,Sshows tisai praveti and eniargeti thut t h 15wortl anis, I lave seized sud taken lu exec-ution l were lerally so-How manyspirils are broken tise noney spent by flic Goverumentinl double île dallai now dliaîged for il. tle estate, uight, titis. itreî ailqos by disease-and yet lxow many flimes bas Dr. koeping up theo Newcastle Fisliery was Tise june issue is a credit ta ils pullisis- demand anti equiiy cf redemptionnf-t Je ai the grim reaper and robbed bim of bis victim. $2,579.87. Tise Fîslcry is a gooti tling csbt uilsrtosat ieaynarned Margaret Butler anti-James Butler lu t Leros o aimens wich fflct umaityrutles oi Newcastle as the grealci pari af this work. Tise calaiplates are aofilie besi anIl premises situate lyiug antibelng Laot tros o almets hidi ffiît nmait-rulslssmoney is speint ïlu aur villq ae .Atf île ultat iemn isgsfrbe 9,BokG elntnSrel lffl IL