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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1899, p. 3

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SIXTY v'EARS AGO CAR Eeýo ýand1an etatcoman Canada llad a Big Garrison of Britigh71. ce * *ame Regulars. BOWMANVILLE, MAY 17, 1899. Now that thereistlafnresg 1_____IV__________R____Out mllitarY strength lu Canada, writes I AST U H a correspondent of The London Empire, Local and Otherwise. From the Terrible gony il ay ondtaaortihatno onlylalfx tching, Burning mouts of the regulars:, and thoreaer Tortues ~almost enough than te makrea "thin red llr' ri]ne)" around the theu prvince. Ne Mlr'Grp Powders cure. 25c.o o ao c lp tI~ r poics o teeaent200reguilars in the Whele Mr. F. Outrarn is President of Port Domnio. To fonoiugise lScaolp ýÈick Hleadache and relieve ait the troubles ilac!- Hope Base Baliletteabiinslub.f hesytmscha ome cf the cures effected hy Dr Ch'e' regiments and where they Wer$E stOef deznt tes as t.teiof ie ,sye)1tm.Sucas Mr. W.1H. Bewell, Whitby, 15 visit Ocmn roe emrcet aseb in»1839: r t D rie s Eces a. ro us n s. Dninstra ale M n else. The case ecorded here 'as on~e of the Ist Drageon Guardg, C am bly, Low er remrkalesccesha benebwnieuxn8 Mr. and Mrs. William Hislop, visited Werst evecîlaough to the attetionofTorontos Cad. Wde-hope of recovery Dr. Ch-i es Ojeent was tHusrMnea.E day. Successful in poducng a perfect cure. 2nd Batt. Caldstreamn Guards, ebo frindsun hit Tonshp Wdne- b~t hy lan, ed wen octr gv p at 7B sara, MoGreaier u ec. La ~aaiace, rt 01 ~s IdelAvr PiS re Mr. John Joblu, Oshawa, and iRev. Mr. James Scott, 136 _Wright Ave., Toronte, Prairie. iil 1 equll vlubi ~ (fltiptiin crig udpr Dr. ilare occupied Whtby 'Tabernacle State:"My boy Tomn, agd tee, wsfr ltRto I J~ 'çenting thisanuoyingcopae.hl they aise puinit Sunday. rieaily three veirs afflic:ed witb a bad form of ItRg. o Foot, oreaa. 4: correcaail dsrdrs ot{eti, edmitth rf 1A Yug PceiwsFczenma cf the Scalp, hche s' ryuigtl th Eegt. of Faot, Halifax. ~' lver and regulate hhwl,£eif ttey on s Dar.ied n AYoug issein, Arm- 1e lieted ail kinds of rcmcdies and doctors 111h Regt. of Foot, Sorel. s' j U1 10ttr. retet ed'a eatril state. ltth Regt. of Foot, Isle-atn-Noix. sroug, Locust Hil. We lied te keep hirr front school, randlae tirnes 2Srd Regt. of Foot, Halifax. dyor bi -cI ouid bleed, aed the chfld weuld 241h Regt. cf Foot, Moutreal. THIS TRADE MARK I wn Mr. John Wickett, Port Hope, waS s -rm ihente e- a'STAC ewri elcedPblcScol rstelupa erct at.gey. Fnror aedahaîf years 32nd Regt. of Foot; Sandwich, Upper ON EVERY TG ~elsathey woeid ho, kaltprid Publie Sthosl Trucfee inlptacE we battled weuh it le vais, but atiat foruel a CadSE iTXOGTlT Agn , of thefremlesdît-E.Budge. curedan Dr. Cha es Ointmeet. About five 'îiufer fom tlis dstresing onipaint;but ortu cur in r. Chse'sOmInint4 bouteive0fthFoot, f Fot, erstburbur. Wvho once try thom. wl f iid these littie pits valien.Od onr erbss'cr sd b orgieat seres driedupHafa.S AND M05 E abl inse anywav ilthe ivll etbe il.you frend cosul M.A.James, leavieg tlhe sle inits normal condition. To 36th Regt. of Foot, Fredericton. .âing todo witbout Lei. but a ter alsick UQai' steamship ticket agent.Sa tsa lauettsiftohewnru bEb' A D M O E Mr G E Knsfrdofte omnin merîts of Dr. Chase's Oitment hs putueng it 43rd Regt. of Foot, Niagara Front er. Mr .E sgfr fteDmno et y mildi1." 651h Regt. of Foot, Kingston. Bank Lindsay, lias been transferred te Dr. Chi es Ointmneet, ai aii dealers, or fl6th lïegt. of Foot, St. Johns, L.C. the Brandi aI Oshawa, Edmansee BPars & Ce.,Toronto. 67th Regt. of Foot, Wootock, N.B. DO 'ES Q UAL IT Y ( t3 thahaieoof sauviny livri htohre lsw1îer Worms of ail kinds are promptly ex- __________________ 7lst Begt. of Foot, L'Acadila, L.C. ¶emaheoiirgreaLboast. Our pledcre it wbile pelled by Dr. Low's Pleasant Worml 78rd Regt. of Foot, Blaufiford. others do not. Great l Appultsý. Carters tlAo Liver Pibla are ver7 imali sud Syrup. Nice te take. Price 25e. Miss Luttreli lias beeri appoiuted ssrd RegI. 0f Foot, Kingston.Cieoteerlttcd0fh pan ,te resytrie .1.-. 00eaor rn o et sipam e. Mrs. Jas. Hem and daugliter, Miss o r.is 0P. olîrein hucl u lae t Xegi. of Foot, Loedon. est food. Be had a theory that any disease purge. but bY their geteaieon piease ail wbe Lena Coates, Toronto, were ier'e îast ofM.P okrsge.Prd Beizt. of Foot, Toronte. could be overcome by fasting, and often usahe. ts-d A2t5r;i'.4sefor$l. SolÎ week attending the funemal off the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burton, Green asaudfo e o asa ie by dm gitsevrohre, crieont by mail. Goddard L.- Fleming. River, celebrated the sixtieth anuiver- PROUD OF HIS VOICE. drinking only water. CATE MDIîN O. Nw et. Mr. W. F. Burnham, Brockville, son sr f hi edn nMy6h Veronese enjoyed any sort of sweet- off William Butnbam, Port flepceue Parents are hiable te a fine off $20 if The Czar Pays Himsif a Compliment ne- mneats and cendied preparations, Bis ElSEDn ý 1> off the oldest railway clerks lu Canada, Iheir cblidren between the ages off eigîî or nAprcatv outA edi *e physician once told hbie hgweuld muin die Ma 11 aed 6 yams 'ajid feurteen, de net attend school A letter from St. Petersburg relates his stomacb with snch food, andi ho efreshin SIedMay 1, el evilar tisd Tcania etigo.h Mtoitthat the Czar, Who 15 rather proufi of coolly rejoined: "Let the stomnach go." R tr s îg S e p William Moono c lvlewskled Teana tn f teMtoitbLç4 tenor voice, which is sweet andi ad- Hobbes was luxurjous in bis eatingt and an enZine and several cars wreck- churcli, Bowmanville district, will -be mirably traiued, though not 0f great tase.Wînbdo n cainta CO E HNed bv a colliston on the G. T. R. near held in Newcastle May- l7th and l8th. volume, was in very gay spirits and In phisop. helstol eab n ostion, hatsa Napauce Thursday merning.- Mr. G. N. Patterson, Port Hope, has excellent furm at a recent musical party h. was'net philosopher anough to Jeny A portrait off Mr. Jas. A. Werry bought the Stanley Paterson Horne et the imDerial villa at Livadia, Ha sang bis stomacb auything it wantea. r He rtSollîta, and a short sketch of his life and will fit it up for summner visitors. a couple of arias particulerly Wall, and Correggio was teînparate and abstemi- graces the first page off The Sons off ý. ..uWrn ry for VaSs 50pleaseil with blînsaîf that,turm. ans. A littIE) fruit and aplace of black nu Temperance Record for May. ing fromth piano te an eppreclativo bread, sncb as wee ecten by the warking H f ie OPHIS Tise team purchased hb' Mr. R. T- court audience, ho laugbingly ex- eole fuiiy aatirffled the demands of bis Reid front Mr. R. Beith, M. P., te pres- c V À lîe:appetite. ARE USED. cnt te Governor-Genemai Sir Henry Mc- TcnwMteds hrh'a itn Wail, my chilfiren, nîy enamies say Chopin bail a weak stomach, andi any Callum, Ncwfoundiand, cost $1000ene ehdstcuc a itn manyharsh andi unkindl thiugs 0f me, foodi taken in large quantity was certain off which Rcv. W. J. olliffe is pastor, and accuse me off being clestitute of te dîlsagrea, witbhlm, For several years Miss Margaret Brown, 627 Colborne The Bowmauville higi scbool foot wtas dcdicated by Bey. Dr. Potts. It many canacities. But I defy them te say ha livad almost exctusively on liquil diat. St., London, Ont., says :-"My mother bail club will Dlay a game on tic cost $30,000. that I caunot sing as well as the hast of Gray, the anthor of the "Elegy," wa lias been aflicted wth nervousness and athîctie grounds wilh the Whitby Theme are maliv ferms off nervous de- tim fond of applea. Ha always kept tbem lu generai debility fer a long time. She Collegiate Institute on Saturday, May blity in men tiýat yield ltheuecoi om n the fac tatthy ocyf sufet-d agrat ealwii isomie an 20h.Carter's rou Pis. -hs i i DfTÇ U1[ and smelt hadly sesmefi ta ha ne objeo- sniit almiosI- impossible te siec-p. Tic Cobourg- Public Sehool Board treubled witi nervous weakncsci, nigit jA 3 £RJIJUS IJ!I tion. 1 " went te W. T. Strong's drîîg store lias unanimously decidcd te drop the swcats, etc., should tmy tbem. Claude Lorraine was fond of walnnts, and gel a box off Milbur's Ileart and Model Scoocl. which bas heen connect- A "liormor social" is tise latest freak and would speud haîf a day cracking and Nes-ve Pille, wlieh she took, asnd derivcd ed with the Central Public School since mnsoitlaesEcldysex jqUBCFRNRS F EDOR unghrn peme eei o heta o t173ected te bring a resemblauce et whaî .Aubers table w-ts providaîl with every another box for ber. Tbcy have donc ler Dsepal l ves om ilse msldrad.NEARLY TEN YEARS. daint that the 'larls market afforded. a wondeafni lot off geed, naahtng her Dyîeldtph se off Camwotcr's iîîc Ner e ms re .Ha was a greet aater, but so tim that ho' ,yieà t th us of artr'sLîtle erve MesrsCrosleyandHuner aveonce said: "Ail 1 eat seems te go ta ap. nerveus system mucli strenger, gîvitg lier PUIS, aided bv Carter's Li ttle Liver commeccd a series off evangcelistic H-ad tic Best of Medical Treatment, and petite.', restfui sieep, and rcmoving many other Pilîs. Tbey net only relieve prescut dis- services in thse Cenlennamy Methodist symptoms whiei previously distressed tres but stretgheni the stoinaci and di- hrh otel re o pig ihu ee adlwsamutosetr âtc hem. gestîve apparatus. chri otra.Tid o pigsWtotRect-l Y of beefsteak p1eý One of these pies "I cen trsly say that these PUIS~ are a M.A.Jaines, omnilsGve- Backache is almost immedialely me- ing Benefi-Dr. WXilliamns' Pink weighed frein twe te Ibrea p0uuls, and great remedy for auy onec safering from Bwavle lieved by wearing eue off Carter's Smart b opsro h Msib ol weak nerves, generai debility, sîeepîess- metssrofMaigeLcnsfo Weed and Belladonna Backacbe Plas- Puis Cured Him. a a osm hl i tastig nes r eat robl. the Counlv off Dumbm during bsiness ters. Try eue and be free frem pain. Mr. John Sien'ý, off Matryland, Pen- bibr' er n ev il r oums aI office, ai l is residence Centre- Price 25c. tiac Ce.. Que., is well kuowi to al Milurns Hertan Neva ill ~ st.,at night 50c. a boxor 3 for_$1,25, at ail1 druggists. .. MMAOR RiiEm. îIMr- F. C. Craig fommerly manager off rpsidenls'off titat section, and bis cure Howv to 2%1alze En emies. _____________ INLAMMTOiY RIxuîAvsaî-MrSW. Traders' Bank, Newcastle, lias cntered by tiuete, J. Wadsworth, Toronto Junction, sas's: it uiesprnmsi taguî-front ai unusually severe atlack off Aisvays scy that which appears te yen Ktalg eqird"For 3 mentis 1 was coniflncd le my men in Brantfford. rhe-usiatism. by lie use off Dr. XVil te he truc et the rime withîout reference The ofncial kis lanet exclusive!y a oom witi inflamat ony rheumatism and te the feelings or ieteresîs of tise person masculine prorogative. Thare are times suffercd intense pain. Doctorsffailed te THE. PitocÂrLvTEs-Are, that yeum liams' Pink Pilîs, af ter ai other reine- of wlom tyeu speak, and regardlessofi: when ,,Î,:rt etiquetta demanis that do me good. Five boxes off Milburn's lemper will imrrovc,aud you will enjov dies had ffailcd, lias, if possible, added the goed that may be accemplished hy woxnen.,tea, shall kiss. On tb. occasion Rbcumalic Pihîs curcd ie." Prtce 50c. walkin- and -skating lu real earnest t h ouaiyo hsfvrt eiwa o a.Ti ai neaqie ofth ran rnc0f Greeces weddlng, Rev. R. Mlet B. A., formerlv a once that sore cern is removed, Put- 1c iseep.lMr tgi ff th fav oi mcdi dwacl yn .Thinbail onceaîk-ede the brida, Prin.îess Sophia of Pmussia, member off tise Bat- ef Quinte lýleistma' inesCrExaconvr mies of the large majorily of ocne', the Kalsr's sister, was obigad 'te bestowCneenwbfrtîeasîwyam fails, gives ne pain and will relieve you stat,,luent off bis suffferiug and cure. acquaintances. Liars are despicahie per na fear thnC1n0kisse.cThaKing for te,. t wo yar luint wenty-feur heurs. Give Putman's eu :"oe tnyears ago I was sous, aufd scandai nongers and gossipers Kigoflas beeu preaching at est feld, Pa., Cern Extradeor a trial and be happt-. eugagcd ln rcilreading on ticae are cediens, but they are enceuutcercd. Greeca racaivafi three kisses, s0 did bia. rcacied ln tbe S. A. Barra cks, PortLk Quaen, se did thp' Emprasa Fraderick, Hope Suna' - k.Mm. Samuel Ciilds, Newcastlc, wio Spro eto fteC .R a Each litile svorld knows Ibese of ius in- and the King and Queen of Denmark. went te England last December hias e-SpeirsconfftcCP.R Iwa habitants svhe 'are afilictedl witi these and Kaiser Wlhelm and tha Empress Heart disease lias become frighîfnlly tumncd and is engaged with Mm. Camer - exposed te ail kinds off weatier, and as dishontorahie propensîties, and what they whilealal tha Princes and Princesses pres: prevaleul ef ae If youm heart palpi- on for tise summer. a esult sustaiîîed a severe atlack off say ou any gitanl subject is chways taiten eut receivad ona kiss apiace. Tho poor tates, throbs, skips beats or is wcak de t rino at Crawu Prînceas on leaving the church net faiu to use Milburn's IleamI 'and Onît- 50 cents for Tuar STATEsMAN te rbeumalismi. which ahi but crippled me, ibaginfsat must have bildail the kissing ah. want- Nerve Pillp. Tliey strengthen the beart, end off 1899 te newý subscribers. We and frFoin which I suff erc d muci agony . ries weit; cauder is honorable anti ed.-St. James Gazette. stcacy and regulate ils bcal,and estome give TiceXVeckly Globe tic balance off I spent more tban a liundrcd dollars on commands respect. Itis i theraferoees- __________ - il le a iealthy, normal action. thts year allihe sa me prîe.,dcosadfrmdcnbtwsga.dn htacni rt elrwoi M. A. James, Secrelary West Dur- DON'v TEAR DOWN -BUILD UP.-The Idoctorsn forme dicinbuas grhadt dent ayt akcgandtueli teaie dois Kxeep in mild that Scott's ham AL-ricultural Society, will be glad eld.fashioned tlsery off lecring down nlygtigwrs n al ad t nas tlkwngendho use n et a d P 1 reccîve suggestions from auy oee e- dîsease stas entîrely chinged by the quît work. At thîs juncture thc doctor when lie sheuid bc sueènt is lfkely te be Emulsion contains the hypo-. specting any new features for the Faîl advent off Dr. A.W.Clha-e's Nerve Food told me liat lie did not think medicine not only a Iliomu in the side of most ofJ nhos~hies Ehibtio. Th diectrs ae pan-wbicb cures by creating new rici blood phspits Ehiingn1 ' Ta e i tic bst-mreipln-in ad nerve tissue.. Througi tise medium could cure me, and advised me te go te bis acquainances, but an active anti dan- These alone make ~~~~~~~of tise circulation and the nervous ss-s- some iot springs. I tookis advice and gru irpigfrei n oilcr it efeBowmanvilc______ofBot1m tliey strengticu and invigemale t-eu t te lic Harrison Bol Springs, lu If any goed is te bc doue by telling sreat value for ail affectionsecyogniits ua oy Britisli Columbia, where I remained for a trutb wbicb disrebes hypocrisy and ï'PV5 <fzf-~/. ~ Read ltse advcrtisement off Mr. R. W. egîwcc ne iecm ftcles discovers vilainy. let, us bave the trulli ::ofthe ervos sster. U î. 9 rja ep" James. We cau highly recommcnd the on every sncb occasion. But for a man of henevou sstm.Shecp and Cattle Labels made bY bim physician, but expericnced no benefit or wexnan on eil occasions te bluri out It also contains glycerine, Ii. M.Jatssplisasrngcrpn hJten wenl ever 10 Tacomna, and teck ail ho or she happens te know about '3mot b sotin ý '~wiich is a vcr.y bandv bool for iusetîng a course aItishe Greon River neigiheors and neigliborbeed affairs is as va ua e, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ticlabels. Hie alsomDakes alhandybag Hot Springs, but with ne better justifiabea twndb ecI e h : and healing agent. Then CURE DYSPEPSIA truckad bag -hol.îecr that is not nearly rsi.Cmîîî icuae police andi cry "stop thief" wben al con- there is the cod-liver oil, ac- James betng an cxcecdingly modest turncd te my home lu Quebec,and weut lu the scnctuary these people bcd knelt kno ledeol. alJpysinan îaiîgs eovleial s- man, anti a geed honest eue as wcll, is te ffamming, but the rheumatism both and cenfessedti temseives suiserable sin ben a ore tK pras less active in pushîng and pi-ered me so imucisthat Icul crcl i -ne Tedmanorwho us injudiclou iî as the bst remed for oorton Militamy Colege getting ail the new iug bis manufactures than otiers who ~cu~ cmeybskelde rwoua lt n YasPtpeintstmn dmd11,orttack, etc., prcparatemo rc oe gessive, but il is net fr o emy work. Dr. Williams' Pink uslsuihos ssuet i ucsfn bloo an los inweiht. te taking thse 46th Battalion te camp at lc f ofdne ntermrt.wcre recommcnded te mc and I dccided anamy meker. Niagara ncxt monîli. This countrv aili Tbey are reahît- equal, if net superior, tegehmatrl.feraknafw These three great temedial net-cm fully reahîatt ivit tiet- oste to the 10 auy off tise similar articles ste sec ad- boxes 1 feund tbey were helping meîncrigCoos Hughes family for wisat ias been ac- verîiscd soexlensîvele.adIcnine ienus ni a Black is the arrüpted colon for mouru- agents blended into a creamy complished in militam.y circles lutead1 otne trueutic 1 ie-ig tbrougbent Europe; it expresses the Emnulsion, make a remark- Midland district. DR. A. W. CbxeRASESc. tmeev abletisue uiler.A FSHINABE DsEÂE.-a gippR. AWARR 'Sn .5 lknsxeî oeb hc ee- total deprivation off jey on account of the ltl ufrrat o Depenutupeni iloîbers, aysnidfent. tricks ? We intend 10 have offcmed at tbere is ne sistake about il. 1itedtnes Diarrbeis insisting tstecybxyuprbs à1Bownaanville Faim in Seplember prizes regniaes Ihe ronachsud bewlProcerssWons fo es efom11breowe n oi, softeis, the nms, 1 es nlmmto.bears tise fui' name Dr. VWiliams' PinkluEgiaPrcson forbet crforin hrseowedluanti gis-es tons unshienergy +toîCie whoeesystemt. PI o aePol fvu ein-Pronsin1ent Kensan-"I imdertei F-'r infauts -'nd fChildren West Durham. It is fine fun training Mrm'W insiows' Soolhlig Syrop for cbildrerî l orPl epl.I urdae tiat lipple ton saws the air ship semi( <tlem aind il will be a great attraction leetbitsg is pleausant to the taste andi is' the pre- tees net bave them Ibcy svill be sent, limte lest nigît. 110taoî. at lise Faîl Faim. Make a start and sec e-seiansand nurses ie thse United Stat ps-paid, at 50 cents a box on six boxes Second Kansen (aise prorninent)-Yes el et tawiat success 'eu lhavce. A few traineti r e25,i a hoîtie.Soit by al drî-ggiststioel er 250,eswtearslp blt1 M ,a, wrppndegr, would aIse make fun for tie oîttbawerlti. Besureandiask for Mrs. Wrs. yadesigts r.Xi usnka te ar i abo tl'uk, n crowd. Whio will inake the stam ? sLows' Sootisig Sv-ui~ liams Medicine Ce., Brockvillc, Ont,. nke tl îfe iîiit PUREST STRONGEST EVENEST LONGESI dealer does not liandie our fte Plymo-ttl Binder Twine 54 Bay Street, Toronto. CeOýNOMICtAL Trencliigvs.Pi, w ng. Years ago Engiish farm. papers had iuuch te say about the afivantage of trenching land, especially ln gardons, in. stead of plowing il. Labor on the farrù bas always been se cheap that trenchiug or hanfi digging of landi is often resorted te te give employmerit tu labor at low rates. It is a waste cf labor xnostly, for the hand digging of trenches doea fnot fit the soil any botter for crops than will the subsoil plow, which rnsrelio follows the surface plow, pulverizing the subsoil withont bringing it up. In fact, the sub- soil plow, except on the very richest land, does botter work than cau bc done by trenching. in hand digging mach of the subsoil is pretty sure te be mixed with surface soil. Only very-rich soil a bear such mixture without injury te ithý ffrat crop alter lt has been doue, Cure For !Çervous fleadache. When suffering, from nervous headache tvy walkinig Lickward. The walking sbould be done very slowly. Relief is cer- tain and in most cases speedy. Physicians explain the cure by saying that the reflex, action of the body causes a reflex act ion et the brain. The remedy is vcry simple am1d Is worth trial. Another curer for nervens. beadache is te place the feet for about teni minutes, In very bot water, drying therai vigorously afterward. Caie of Palma. A florist afivises thýt when palirs have beeu recently repotted they sflould net bo kept at once in a very warm rcomn. They thrivo botter in a cooler place for a few weeks se as te becoîne gradually acclîmat- ed te increasefi beat, while they do net need, according to the samne authority, se much water wlîen frosbly repottefi. The Caro of what are caUled drawing renm plants in gaslighted bouses is at the beslî a serions ene, and is net alwcys repaifi by thrifty grewths. ANIMALS IN STORMS. The Faculty They Have of Predicting Chauges of Weatlàer. Certain movenients on the part cf the animal creation before a change i wea- ther appear te indicate a reascelng faculty. Snch sems te bc the case wiîli the cemmon gardon spiider, which. on, the approcbcf rainy or windy weatber, will be found te sborten and strengtheii the guys of bis web, lengtbenîng the saine whsn the stormn is ever. ihere is a popular superstition that it is nnlucky for an angler te meet a --single magpie, but two of the birds together are a geod omen, The reasen Is that the birds fere- tell the coming of cold or stormy w'ea- ther. and at such times, iustead cf search- iug for food for tbeir yeung in pairs, oee "vIll always reonain on the lest. Sea- gulis predict storms by asseîubling on the land, as they know that the raie will bring eartbwormis te the surface. This, hewever, ià merely a search for food, and is due te the saine instinct wbich teaches the swaliow te --fy high in fine weather, and skiai aleng the ground wheu loul ir4 comlng. They slinply follow tha files and gnats, which remain in the warni strata âM the air. The different tribes of wadlng birds clwayas migrate before raiu, like- wise to hunt for food. Many hirds fora- tell rain by warning cries and uneasy actions, and swine will carry hay and straw te hidlng-places, oxen will lick thamnselves the wrong wey of the hair, sheep will bleat and skip about, hogs turned out ln thewoods will comae grunt- Ing and squealîng, colts will rub thoir, backs agaluist the grouno, crows will gather in crowds. crickets will sing m2e, loudlv, files conie into the bouse, frega croak and change color te a dîingier hue, dogs eat grass, and rooks 80cr lika hawkg. It is probable that mauy of thefi, which had befallen. The pastor found the homely eld man ln bis desolate cal- tagc, clone. IBe Sald mnany things, and added tbat we must try aund take ali affliction bumbly, as eppointed, te us hy provi-Jenca. "4Yes,"' said the good old. mian, who was liparfectly instruictel in theelegy, "+ihat's rigbî enongh, thlat is; but soimebow that ,here elO providence bave bin agie me ail aloug, but 1 reckon as there's ons aboya as'l put a Etepperoau bo if ha go ton fur

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