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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1899, p. 6

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t t, t~L f f tat ou aveta htspoctf""Oh"_h accopt i hlm? ill not thiwhohe utilece cav, "tht e WstinserAssmbySay: "I arninafiiet 'Ian a sauner, I Ca ecis."I ay4'very gooti. W"atarn lest by reason cf my tramislýgrfflsionS, -li i. -> .- . ._______ 4L~ ~ ___ h -~ r-r 4 ~ 1' t~;~:e 4.-.- ,-~' __________________________ _____ ~ ~ ~t- ,"-.- t, i - ~4- t- _______ T ANNUAILMEETING, Noticeis hereby giventha+ the Annual gener- ai Meeting o el Shareholders of thtoe Cepo tibe held et their office at port IIONDAY,5 ÔTH DAY OF JUNE, ext at the hour of 3 0-e10k P. M- for the elet- on of Directors antd ther purposes. By ortier 1D. B. SIMPSON, Bowmanviiie, may 2n1d, 1899. 18-4 w. Str.- Garden City. Newcastle, Bowrnanvi 11e, Oshawa and Whitby te TORIONTO, cernmening FRIDAI, MAY l9th, 1899. ne-hmgo, mavnacn tre was-an auuev [-la'sc ,c e -sQeun -van iou. -Waris tant atory o'bere astronomers taîked the voîce cOniug np from Sedan ? Weighed stars. There %vas la that temple ont anti founti wanting? image which would toit what weulti be Plersonal Apfflication. Our $52,000,000. Buit I mlusit become mncre indivitinal Handw ritinz on the %vail. anti more pereonal in my atidrese. Some Oh, what a city 1 Tht earth nover saw people cay thoN de net think clergymen ani thing ltkp it, novyer will cee anythtng ought to be personal in their religions like it. Andi vet 1 have te tell ýon that atidress, brut ought to deal Nvith subjects t te going 10 be tiestroyeti. Tht king antid in tht abstract. I do flot think tbat wvay. his princes are abt a feast. They are ahl What would ynn thtnk of a hanter wv1s intoxicateti. Pour ont tht rich wtne inte shoulti go to tht Atiirondncks te shoot the chalices! Drink to, the hcalth of tht deer ta tht abstract ? Ah, ne! He loade king 1 Drink te, the gtory of Babyton!1 the gun; ho pute tht butt of it againct Drink to a greai future! A thousan il hie brenst, hemus his oye atong the lords reel intoxicated. Tht king. seateti barret, ho takos sure atm, anti thon crash unon a chair, with vacant look, as intox- go the antlers on tht rocks! A nd so, if, icateti mon wll-with vacant look stareti1 we want 40 be huniters for tht Lord, we at tht wall, But soon that vacant look musit take sure atmi anti lire. Not in tht takes on intensity, and t i t an affrighted1 abstract are wo to treat rl'ings ia religions look, and ahl tht princes begin te look discussions. If a physician cornes itea and wender what te tht mattor, anti they ickrooni, dots ho, treat disease lunthe look at tht carne point on the walh. Anti abstract? No; ho foots tht pulse, makes thon thoro drops a darkness toto the room tht titagnosis, thon ho, wrttes tht prescrip- that pute ont tht blaze of tht golden tien. Anti, if we want te heal seuls for plate, anti eut of the sheeve of tht dnrk- this tife anti tht life te coee we de net nesthere cornes a fiugr-a finger of fiery want te treat ther n t tht abstract. Tht terreir, circiing areunti anti circling areand facti t, yen anti I have a malady which, ns thongh it wentti Write, anti thon it if uncureti by grace, iviii kill us forever. cernes up, anti with sharp tip of flame it Now, I want ne abstraction. Where te tht inscribes on tht ptastering of tht watt the batm? Where te tht physictan? doom of tht king, "Weighod in tht bal- Peopie say thero tes a day of intigment autos anti feunti wantin g." coni tag. My frientie, every day te a day Tht bang of heavy fits agaînet thteof jutigment, anti yen anti I te-day are gates of the palace te fettowed by tht bting canvassoti, insnecteti, weghed. litre broaking-in of tht deers. A thousanti are the balances of tht sanctuary. They gtearnlng kuives strike inte a thousànd are tif ted, anti we must ahi bo weighed. quiveriug hoarits. Now denth te king, anti Who will cerne and ba woighod firet? ha te seateti on a threne of corpsos. lunlitre te a nioratiet who votunteers. Ht te that hall there te a batance tiftei. Qed 0one of the moet upright mon in the ceun- swin it. On ont side of tht balances are trY. Ht cornes. "Wetl, my brother, get put Betshazzar's epportunites; on the tu-get into tht balances now, anti ho ether side of the batance are put Bcishaz- wotghet." But as hot gots inte tht bai- =za's-tns -Te--in- tnia clwn. -It-p- nct I ay,"Wht.le -th&ct banit loyau- I n moralstianer yg seul, a soul tripped or aIl wotihdIfi3vatage -[ a seul on ono --!de the ceaies. On the othcr side the balances are wasted Sab- baths, lisregarded sermons, 10,000 oppor- tunities of rnercy and pardon that were cact acide. Thcy are on tht other side tht sciles, and there God stands, anti, in tht presence of mon anti devile, chorubimn and archangel, ho annotances, whtle groaning eartbquake and crackling con- flagration anti judgmoent truanpct and everlasring storm repeat it, "Wetghed anti founti*anting." Ail Musit be Weigheti. But say corne, whe are Christians- "Certaiutv yen don't mean te say that we wtll have te get inte the balances? Our' sins are ail pardoned; our titie te heaven te secure. Certainly you are net going to Dut us in the balances." "Yes, any brother, we muet ail appear hefore tht judgsnent seat of Christ, andi on that day yen are going te be weighed.- Oh, follow'er of Christ, yen get into the bal- ances! The bell of tht jutigment is ring- ing. Yeun-must get into the balances. You get in on- this side. On the other side the balances we will place ail the opportunities of geeti whioh you did not improve, ail the attainmonts in piety which yon might have had, but which yen rot nsed te take. We place them al on tht other sitie. They go down, and your coul rise in the ceate. Yeu cannot weigh against ail those imperfections. Weil. thon, wo xmust give you tht advant- age, and on your side the ceaie we wil place ail the good deetis you. have evor done anti ail the kind words yen have ever ntêred. 'Toa tight yot! Well, we must put on your sddt ail the consecra- tien of your if e, ail tht hotiness of your life, ail tht prayers of rour lifo, ah the Ceufineti to 11evlRed for Week-ler Linibs e onite so Narb That a lRed îlot Iroît Coutti h2 Placeti Upon it WI!thouit 11er Kne-wledge. Onlv these whe bave feit tht agoniz- ing pains of sciatica can formn any.con- eeptien of the torture whicb tht victhuî untirgots. Tht case of Mrs. Job. Pal- mer, of Fenolon Faits, was onet 0f unus- ual obstinacy anti eeverit.v, anti she rmakes tht follewing affatiavit ta refer- tacetote er cure,for tht gooti of human- ity. "I arn 29 yeare of age anti hav e livet inl this viciaity al] my tit. I hati always enjoyeti the beet of heatth until November 1897, when I took a stingîing pain in niy riglit hip which seemedti t be in my verc4 marrow as it aff ecteti ev- ery muscle anti joint. I keep up fer several weeks althongh snffering ihe mest intense pain, freely using liniments anti manv other intern- ai anti externat. preparatiens that syrn- pathizing frientis woulti sug'gest. I was thon competiedti t stay in beti as I got se weak anti undown that I could i st up ne longer. I receiveti several courses of medicat treatment sucli as electrie batteries, poul i1cing, etc., -but got ne ease from excruciating pains which woult ishoot diown my Ieg into my very heel where it causeti a bursting feeling. Qft.n. pm~yet tbt- ebeLel ond asyïe, ari n4teMore eensïve -tney are to ýCocnt tl oh greafer the saving that Iwill tlîoreby bo matie, anti increasoti oficlency cecrec.-Gooti Roatis. LABELS. AieGood Soscd Corn., Please cati andi sot. BOWMANVILLE. R. W. JAMES, R. F. 3YEIRS lias openeti tht New Centra Livcry aeariy opposite tht Standard Bank, B owmanville, where be has a tint lot of Single anti Double Carrnages, Democrats, Wagons, etc., for hire. Good Horses and Careful Drivers.' Ne loafing ailowtd. Telephont No -93. Cails day anti aight promptiy attenieti. recerding angel, "Mark down .se nany Balances of the Saxctuary. wou c not Udmce, Scal&eb NVwit Chris au .. i...Tells01 sîteriblesle r aucrîu b '-'-.'- i IU.maclitom &tt appes ee ow-n ipereetmenure" til th baancs o th sactnry reon year sddt tht scales. Go fret!1 Thert te anti the rerarkabte cure effecteti by Dr. busS stock and aS priceS that wii Wpes may chewa ou rsesati e ny " susodti, te aanicaes e dy te wtighenecondeimnation 10 them that are ini Williams' pink-Pille." surprise you. Aise Harness Polis- chent t ht or bt woanNot tonays.nwho condw ar e.hsa h o t eitChrist Jesus. Chains broken, prisonMR.USEPLE. Vrîhfroesan A&f chet hewold bt e annt het nywh cme Wh sal b, henetbouses epenoti, dus pardôneti. Go fret! MSSSEPLE. Vril o Buggy oesal Qed, ant ilii tht great day of jatgment Welh, here te a formaliet. Ho cornes, anti Weighed lu tht balances anti noîhing, Taken anti declareti before me, aS Grease, the best. il witt ho founutiout that what we lotira- ho gets inte tht balances, anti ne he gots nothing wanted. Oh, what a glerteas FenelonFaIls,in the county of Victoria, Stand opposite Central Uv~erY, lEow. eti in beyheod atS chootle corret-that tn I seet tat att hie religion 's in eu hope! Witi yen accept it this day? Christ this l-t day of May, A. D. 1898. maanville. so20 fo makdedwih ma tr tfwod l o r 20et, o es adtn otarentesranches. m nking np fer whait yen lack. Christ thteJ. P soli fet mae acor of ood ýjo-inra.heenos ntethe for 1att, youris sins.e W or lo wur ins DhoCESON, JOHN S0-NJ. .RUHNN8 OLELE

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