Premptly made aI curreut raies upon ailpart.s cni lgeeyFrdytrugotte Knoviug tebis seovi that se mauyyu tb ik ii utrn ryl itae bod sc s coulcrei e und the meuey on a tviontvve heing irnposeda ewith the pain cf cutttug taeth aend at ocseauh T ent bottie et Dr. Wilis' Ee-bPills et Great Brilain the United Sates euS the Do n mllae poor sufferers are upeng get abotie cf Mrs. viinslcws' Seotiin Syrup orysîpelas, etc. boey are also a specîfie ntents, minien oi Canada. NE.WCASTLE - - - 6.30 by unscrupulous qnacks, Mm. Graham irnTtig.hilrev h er frtobe eu rt eaecrn if atter using tItiee-fourths etof net BO WIA]NVILLE .- . - - 7.00 counsiders it bis duty te give bis teIlevi litile suff erar at onces. epupen litmetbers, thtitail e oiv osia Telegraph Transfers OSHAWA - - - 8.00 mo theeefttbiexrncan iers is ne mistake about it. Il cures irrhce'a alterms et woakuess. Iu mon they et- tien ansiheadache. We aIse gidilaentee or aail umaIn ai pars5osasnithetbem fteofe curexbvpefin ng rgulataa lie stomach anS bowels, enrea viind Made fer large or TBY S su àicssottensers tumacurducas sudammatietetaeradical cure in aeh cases eising four bottles.wiln prmnaetiy curethe Canada. 'lits sspeeily advaniageouste R tusrnng ieaevs Toronto et 5.00 P.m. euyene vihe vili write te hilm lu strict and givea tene anSdeergy te the whole astlr. tram mental iommy, oeork, er excos- most obstinate clsnnetf constipatoin. Set- Sonm livintg ilu Mnitoba cr the Ncrtlij t Sell teitn ven tce ba badlilu cf confidence viheme to e umesiNo at- Mrs. in s leas o e tgsyrupndfor thildren istection or <n . Soldheu WildealePuis mnakas tne fnds available at once t' c Freig', rj- qî(,,ts andîmîî'matieiî appyto tE . tebn s iaaut siasce atape e tan eue os ya daeso sc.aa etnio paymnl. gîven t hs vimîtng ncripionnf onne of the 015551 and beau famnala For otisar particulars eau Pclu-bs lir ManagerEToronto. out et meme cuiositY but anyone vie hysi iesa,,s sugu eteUistds tetssntps eiie 5 et ebxo sxSet u',ceis1Bvmavle realiy neosis a cure is advised0taddress re cht .Slbalrgiîtrîg-boxes for $2.50, hy addressiug the Dr. J, HigUgin Irtm - Son, chînii w J.,.MCCLÊniLAN, GEO, MeGILI ý-!n-u 12i-e Gecde' Whtarf, Toronto. Tale- ont tbe werld. Be sure anS ask for Mrs. W iN. Accoutavt Mau .e, lpneus NQ. 94. 1-4 Mc. Mm. Graham as above. 14-tf. SLOWS' Sooiiiug Syrup Williams' Medicine Ce.,Brockville, Ont, manviîbe. 2-4w~ ....... .....!...... iis I .le L L! I ...Wffl -------UUiCUPU Miller's Grip Powders cure. 25c.ta r i a-i--ll-----a--- - 7- l C a t îrnCSI.,.hhnaaaaamnamaaw H.Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kemhr n do lotbeiev threMav 24. aacase o dypeC Will be found an excellent rmd eia, indigesticn or for siek headache. Carter's Little Liver 11:eny stomacli trouble Pis. huad of letters from people Ja a e e C Ta r i1,~that canuot be r- who have used thora prove this f act.J p n s ,aJ r r lieved e~ t once e.nd Tvthem. 1111 i.permanenitly eured c r * y yfflEPI Master Jim Gowlev, Port Hope,breke efllopdwt byl my -:: n cURE. is arin in two places while playing tag hasscgeros un ese ,h Most kilON îlE school to stay cured. rn~ : :~: n A ai drggits, WE.ERYor EXPERIMENTIN~ With Miss A. Knott, of ]3eachville, Ont., w r es lia~ýî"î 25c. a vial. Guide salves, sup-oositories and ointments and ý"I e a olykow t a * iî W to g '~'Catarrh Cure years ao, m~Tather a ct 1al a nd fee. 1f505 cadini Heathan m di- din a sutrgical oiieration, scores have been saved frein spending ~î1i ~Arh sret, hi a nd Chudreds have turnecl to Dr. A. W. dreds of dollars, nd 1 would have îlE~i Ili: absolute cure for piles. The first appli- haehdctrhfrya y head a cation brings relief from the terrible it. stuffed up mo that I couilflot breathe thro *ii il ~cing, an(l it is verv seldom that more imstacostn pain in mylieuai 111 u: than ~one box is reqirenemaeaper- vrm ys Nothing 1 could get ave ilut Ml 11WII ~manent cure. au ,prmanent relief, until using japan s ::: Mr.JamesAllison,Zion has been visit- atarrh Cure. From the very first it gave ru, il-' ing friendbr e. M.Jh Bny ome eietrelief, and in a short time bldremoved the er.o f Bowmanville. died May lSth at his alciuion se that I conld breatie frealy : : Port Hope Methodist, éurch is hav- core i S Pal isthde nostrils. The pain left my head hom in St aullla adeys.its effect upou my breatb was trul i:1r j - *, steeples epitd wonderful, purifying and removing.every R ii 1ev T. R. Hull, Port Hope, celebrat- Master James Plaskitt, deliverv boy tige of the unpleasant odor, and dnirg 7 his 80th birhday My a7.igu of my former trouble. lilIEiI~ M. W B.Tapsn atened he a very painful accident last îveelk. highly recommend if, aud know of severl Mr W . apo atedE h Wbile coming eut of the gateway he others in areighborhoodwhom ithasCurud. L=1 citizens' bail in Port Hlope insi week. felI of a 'oad ef straw ente the pitch Sold by all druggists. 60 cents. Six boxes alla !~~~~~~~~iiIIII Mr. R1. Tamblyn, Zion, recently had fork whicenrdbirgltidbeo with cur u~'~~$* a tw-yer od bastkiled y lghth t e am ante d o his gts.boytepie sent te any add ass Enclose 5Scents8t'P ZIIII-' a wo-yer oldbeastkille by lghtn-the am cauing te sid ofddrebos TheAdGrssThe ti s &h &MacpPhersou CCa.12 I,::11î1 inoe ~~become paralysed. hahtre ort. !iE People say Hood's Sarsaparilia cures_______ 111W 1:11when ah other preparations fail te do aygeed, adyurnn risk in giving lHlL A E I P Y O the first indica- 111:t:it a fair trial. AfO H A E"An " i 111!1 E ~15 1000 salmon treut fry from the gev- .T1 I 111 WE'5erument hatcheries at Newcastle, were __tion of .L)arrnoea d o aîîîî a I1~~,1: ten. MRS. TUCKER, OF NIAGARA FALLS, D7 e trae d s 11 31painIll»sIelings are always promptlv X mllll: panf t w EIiII i~iirelevd b lagyard's Yellew Oil. Lt is o 911111Ii1cleau te use. Price 25 cents, 1 11v. . Tom, . A, hs doate a ier Paughtcr Was Afflicted With St.~ 911 . J.Tomn.fanbstoaedaO W IL D S TR AW 9 ~î.valuable enevelo podia ef religions Vitus' Dance and Heolpless as ai antO ICIJ knowl edge te Pickering Putbli Library. -Dr Williamis' Pink Pis Cured Hier îI13 GRITTH TEETH. Do von notice yeur AtrSeilssla ald BERRY wÎIl prompotly Ellir lacilit liitUEl I~î~tIIl ,~jchuîdren ritting or grindiug the teeth From theet nrgech ckNthgardvanles. En a I1Il night It's a sure sign ef worms. check tevhew NiagaaFalos a111ll .111 Botter give them Dr. Low's Pleasant tiahorbeflngokowht Ii1ialways effectuai. _ven have lest ail command or control of these dangerous dis- UITU VUY UDP I urig th vey hevy huater tor yer limbs, and must depend upen your Il WELL ND BIOY LES PRA SEDj.-- Monday May 0, the lightning struck friends te wait upon and serve you the eases. 'W L A D YALEBL ES REL.EY RIPR2R i the kitchen chimney on the heuse et Mr. saine as an infant. This was the condi- bsbe vr4 er E1ES. M. Newton, editbWib Gazette. i' fMs-yteTce o eryaI a enlvr4 er 1111: WTELAND ALESARE URAB E, b.ingnîad et ateral o thehighst gade. E~! he wll,ï looin gglas, a ed seadtienef Mss MrtieTuckr fo nealy I M WELLAND 1 IlR UR B E en md fmtrilo h ïg tgae etc. were kîîocked te smithereens. year, and the Review learning that shé n use and bas no equal for ~: WELLAND VALES ARE L1GHT]RUNNIN1G4ý because they are buit by niechanies 'Ili« IMPURE BLeOD.-Miss Agnes Faro,, had been wonderfnlly cured by the use be cu~re ef bowei compiaints ofiii. ef and long experience inwheel building. MiIIE o ne, Ont., writes "bot toorr 'I -1W ago1 was treubled with impure bleod, People sent a reporter te hear hiem story. many dangerous imitations WELLAND VA.LES ARE HAXDSOME, -because they are built on correct Inesi, d .1 buget no'relief until 1 took BurdockWealeatheesdneeMrEdi on the market, so it -,vould be t beutifllyand ubstntilly inised.eL%! B e ty lme hl, opeeyadTucker, ef the village et Niagara Falls. wise te sec that the fuil name, LAll Mr.Tce eeie sTr oiilyD.FweP x.o id Cali1 and examine them before placing, your order. OnP mT, sdaymemning, May 8oth two r.Tee eevdn eycrdal r fWZ liii. ~~ÂY~~I~>E~II I1~~~ yeunngbeys aged espectively 14 and 16 on ascertaininoe the object et our visit. Srllnri neeybtl lilili EI;tIyears, sens of Capt. W. H. Floyd, a Asnearly as possible these are ber ex-YObu 111111~ : Il11 bo and shee merchaur, and ex-Mavor 111111 11111: ~~~~~~~Richard Wilson, druggist, Cobourg,atwodluseinofbragtes gen, B wmnvile. Phne 6. ppsit Onaro B nk. IA were drowned while eut in a canoe. case:-"My daughter Myrtle is unlhem SHERIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS.- !1~,!fiteenth year. About a year age alarm-S United Connties of Northumberland and ing ympomset t. Vtus dace adeDnrham, te wit: By virine of an Execotion ... ................. .. ....... ... ....... .ingsymisned ont of lber Majesty'a First Division Court --------------s---- ---------- their appearanc:, but tom some time we p o unel-idýidD r tqom drce A Disal Hwl. id nt kn wbsht was reaUly the mat- Margaret Bntier and James Butler are Dfefend- man se e berarms hemanis, I have seized and taken in exeention ail TL anwt hai e.Sh os h, irthe estate, right, tlte. interest, Malim, propary PUBLISHRER'S NfOTICE. -UW ght andm4 day with pain., But mht ig ht amm was cempletely, pamaiyzed. de-and aînd equity of redemption of theabo.'y, (Min the need of it wheu D. Hal's Rheûmatic naned Miargret Enlier and James Buter in te rhematc affeer en et t fr 5 cets ein teahlunblete elpheroît and promiss ituatp lying and being Lot nm te its subseibers until a definite order BW ANILE UE ,189 um g îcstolrerWhy ela lonerT e be t oall nbt é sicians er19, lock G, Wellington Strecet, in the - ei t at rgsoe h elylneeb oalny cin er ale nTov f Bowmanvils, County cf Dui.bam, 0oua te discontinue is eceved and al This word ta or copyrigbted gcarantee for _________________ r hs udfrer iceIlnadpecie o ebtte p f teiteed Conutes of Northumberland sud amears are paid in full. Subseiptien Purity and sirnt when seen on or goods. Il suffered wjth Muscular Rheuinatism forDnhmal fhihIhaoferorsea m $150pe anm.Ifpadinadanemarks them tins standards for their severau-i r t ffice in Victoria Hall, in the town cf Cobourg, po,50 penditsprsfaenceproadveetsyou from iia-ian terte ibyears. Hait a boUle ef Dr. Hall's peamed te be unable to affeord relief. Ve on Thnrsday the 29th day of June, A.D., 1899, ai $100pe anu, on ndineLocalds Lo Rheunxatic Cure cnred hini coienciy made a trip te Buffalo last januamv and the heur eit 12 clInoi ___________________________ I1- - c 1 'T'his preparation is taken iutemnally. a speciaiist was censulted, whe reeom- Sheriff 's office, Cobourg, Mardhi 711s, 1899. PlI-antL Spr.ay. Bfm snigteteOî5enoyfr~ cents a bottie centaing ten dàys' mended thàt Myrtle be shut up- lu a w ARRIAGEILICENSES -M. A. PersiatierPlantSdray containa e minerarypois-treatment, Fer sale et ail drug stores. drkoe frthe thaowg M.V JAMES, IsSuar of Marriage Lîeunses. on-rseicrPais re nt Sroierdail o iis- yenr friends censult M., A. James, d________for_____ mns, alwn Rasidence: Centra street.onasncoPaiGre.Sr etteali--e mhptcktgn. set life fungi tc. Harmlesa itn vogeîs ien. jStemsnotcetaennue te soeelber er speak te hemr but Canadas ouly îelîable spray. Inl Self Culture tom Juiîe. Professer NATURE AND FAITII. the nurse. ln tact the docter insisted Ao.eU.e Me::A:::Ï::wmNviîaGldwiu Smnith furnishes aa trongly ,bsias rei u ttep tt ltl Barrister,Soicitor and Conveyancer. Office:- ShIeep uipv. written article egaiust Impemialism,tak-W et 'wsNauewp btupen ber being sent te eueetfthe city M l ý boe elan al reasonable ýrates. 45lyr, Persiatie Shsep Dsp isea preparsison ifor the crs Ingng Fland ass a model. wle oque srtectim- cf Skie disasesansd the radcation ef vermin Olv 50 cents tom TUE be"ed quet fIfUsfl fllf inlu heep and caie. It la higbly medicinai and SAESA t an ith îcs te lon o us oermanen.t re fer otie de l doesails work witb ne drastie or irrîîatinig of-end et 1899 te new subscibers. We Ce irebyn h le tbtnepraetrle a band RHW)MES U900D TO LEND tacts. Endorsedby le ding sheep asera. give The Weekly Globe the balance et deatb, Af ter our retumu frem Bufflale, my soun m.XNwJhn etynt $50.000-0.Podmrt hsva attesieprice.Adivo olsfarndbgh 3Ms .-owJnyIwntouo gags sscnrîly et moderates of ntgodmrt- o sii ereh aeAdluynwrd efi u rgi, urgeu me te tmy Dm. Williams' Pink hurmy home frein sekol tis A._________________________________ Heý fl rse e XNash. if sick headache is miserm'y, what are Behoid tbee in refulgent ligbt! Pilîs for Myrtle. He said hie was sue fteruoon. Persati Wah i e pscali prpard Lttî Lier uisif hey Wil e miss tue iere, yet FPeUh weuld wenid do bier geod as il bed cumed bis Jehnnv-What fer, I îvas wanting t- medicament for the cure of skm dssases pecu- pesitively cure ht? People whe have DII J C IbI¶-HLL lier te horses and for rhiddîng them cof ah inseet, used them pa mnlre hi et ather bye a similar con-plint. I thon doter- Mrs. X.-J wan e eceergthomne EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHySICIANS pest and vermi. It bas a surpassinglyrefreah- They are smail aud easy te teke. IKnoîv thon art witb, thv Hevelymiedtotr iemas1 asT .cou for 1 want yen te go to Il/I - ingeffect, brightenslie peit and pots the ki evny nn. eim ima wscnceLUTTIIELL'S fom someG M cnd Surgeens, OntaroCereper, e, inathereughly beaithy cindition. Price 1.00 Christian Guardian seays the Bey et Father, the tetment she was getting vies do-bn nlcksfrte Ilesidence. Enlsklllen. 74 per à40oz. can. Quinte confemenco etf the Methodist Nature seles the body dead-1 igher ne on.I ucae a box and usadcksfrt. U~. AJa h.chumcb bas 49 churches in debt te nig ged casedJehnny- l'Il cerne home on the mnir, for P-ig a h ameunt over $500 each ; 54 eburches Feith beliolds the spirit fied, the off ect et the pilîs vies eimest mervel- I like going there, fer ýbis Ruern"'E A E, TA LOR Pr.iatc Plg Wasb la auccesfully used lu ail under that emeunt. and 57 etreyfro Nature etp t Jemdan's tide- i ons from the vér emy nig befome buns andi cakes'erejust fine. cases cf skin-diseasea etfamine, and for dsstroy- ef debt. Feith bebeldsteete ie h frtbx1a se niprvmn A full stock ofCoufectienery is ialwys8 R. PgAF ,T IL Perslcan emngnrly epth steéhrsdte st fer nbixely5tOP5 egin ing;ve Gentlemen's Clthes made te Order. lneinin healtiy condition ced ensurea a healtisy If yen once tmy Catm's Litti. Liver Thet, but beers faeoveli, and sighs- vies plainly discernable. Fivo boxes in kept on baud, ___________________appearance inthe dressed animai o market. il o ihaah, biliousuess or Tbis, thy vilceme in the skies'; al bave been nsod and Myrtle is new AlIex, Lu ttre Il AD constipation, yuwilnover bo withiont D. BUIRKE SIMPlSON, He os Pa POULTRY Hen H uPOWDER " thern. They are pumely vegetable-, smaîî atue mourus e cruel blowi able te mun and enjoy bersoît in a mail- Clamke's Obi Stand, Bovirneuville. ARRSTR, OLCIORai. MRRS'Persiatic Han Heusa Sprar- ad Peaitry Pow- and easy te teke. Don't ferget this. Feith assures it isnet 50; nom she could net do fer menths and B BLOCK, upstairshsigStreet, Bowmau der destrcy .varmnin pecuI'lar te the fetiared M.A.Jarnes, Bowrnville, is Govemu- Nature nover sees thee more- montbs baçk. T wo weeks age -she cern- The 4-veer old son et Rîçîar2d P. ville. Soicitor for theIarioBank. stock-eu fowls or t li leds. Act as a diainfect- meut Issuer et Marriaîge Liceues for Feitb but.seos tboe gene bot ore mne . te ftra b Beatty, Eli zabethviiie, died la t ok Private m onevs loened t icwast ratas. n nt, detreying germas and vnrtfyiug the aimes- mue t ted scbeol atra b the comour's jury bolieve thmougb nIi eg- kd re.Used ltherally they prevent reuond the Ceunty et Durham, duriug business Nature tells a dismel stey- snee iemnb.~Iveti i-lc asdb oifl hiti ~'nred diseases. heurs et office, et bis residence Centre- bas visions et s. I wan i ci encaedba eifnChstn ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. FPerchase tiese ooda frcm yeur deaer or seud Fisi.sviiosetl f loy EFCEIN WET URAMNEISto ua direct fer them. Vinieccrreapondeece. st, atnîgbtu. Fihmle ;tînctly uudorsteod," saîd eurs. ineker, Sine FFC I ET UHA E$ H PCHRD EFPWCO em. F H AY-veyo 1e. Nature vievis the change with sedness that the physiciens all agreed that m-g REMEDY FR WHOOPING COUGH-If 0oBiock, wbarahimslfor is assistent wiîîTH PKiARd, toufRlent.E co, TrisdOr te ai-Evy deue 15at onep-tsi it ldes;yorcide ae hoigcul bececy Feîth contompletosn.t witb gladuess; daugliter vies afficted with St. Vitus' dyeusr bidosnghvwih oug icues.l residance, direty opposite Drill Shed. Oeils by_________________ witb whicb Nervilino-nervo- pain cure Nature murmus-Feith gvsmeek- dne that the treatment et the medie- dntsa eigwt eg itrs tearp or taiephona will recive prompt ai- -melieves neumalgia and huaim nesGrfts'M tolLieti heot tentio.r: 171 - yr. Y T 7Nriioi pcii o buaîr. usai attendants did net benefit bier aud snccessful rernedy. Applied te the êhest 'Iole 1 1l, rTln peîiefrall norvo pain lsil't -