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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1899, p. 4

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The celebrated WOOD- YATT LAWN MOWERS are the best that skill and money cari produce. In fact ir you cannot appreciate their many excellent qualities without seeing them. They are light, durable and easy -running. We know of no _______ better Mower in America. Garden anld F-arm 1Tools, We have gathered together the largest and most complote line ever off ered in this locality. Very carefully selected and off ered at exceedingly low prices. Inspect- ion invited. Phono 66, BOwMÂNVILLu. (Opposite Ontario Bank.) Now is the time for Room Paper. A lady said ta me last week, "I sent awav for paper for my hall but after seeing hat you have and your prices, 1 arn vory sarry. " Don't be misled. Dan't buy from samples. Inspect my patterns, get my prices, and knaw what you are getting. Satisfaction is the ward. Windaw Shades. Na culis, and no trasis. ail goad stock and gaad value. Curtain Pales very cheap. Pictures, Picture Frames and Room Mldiagas are specialties wlth me. No trouble ta show gaods. Choice Window Plants for sale. P. TIR EBIL C 0C'K Our Businebs Is our hobby. To buy the best goods we eau. To keep them the best till they're scld. To give big values, -and take little profits, and to extend to our customers and every- body else generous, cordial treatment. N1o order too smail to receive the most caref ni attention, and none too large for us to handile. There isn't a single article of eatables which it wonldn't pay househeepers to buy here. And housekeeprs-thrift3', prudent house- keepers-are finding ont more and more that their dollars are made bigger by using the kind of Groceries which we seil. Clean, fresh Groceries mean 'no waste,- healthfuli food, and always satisfactory results, SHighest cash price paid for'any quantity of Wooi. yJ-le-l B iweo0 Telephone 57, BOWMANVILLE. Millnery -Z:ýSýTHURSDAY AFTERNOONa A display of Summer Hats in White and Colors, both Trimmed and Untrimmed at the CORNER MILLINERY STORE. Dainty Lace and Chiffon Hats in endless variety. The balance of our Spring Stock at cost to clear. A - ffiin~rs~iI~r5U-~ -- r ufferngÉCaluse by Piles bs Quickly Ended when- Dr. A. W. Ohas.'sa intment is appuîet Besides the intense agony casssed by, the Itching, burning sensations of piles, there are other symptoms wbicb produoe restlessness and at time.5 excruciating fains known only ta the victim of piles Wbat would one give ta be free of this terrible disease? And yet there is a cure-o.. positive cue--hich does oct cost mnuch and is flot painfulI or difficutto apply. Dr. A. W. Chases Oiotmeot is, so flsr as è3 known, tbe only absolute cure for blind, itch.. ing, bleeding and protruding piles. It gives relief at the first application and affords a per- fect cure iu the most aggravated cases. Mr. Isaac Foster, Erieview, Ont., says:01 was troubled witb ftcbing piles for two years and could flot sleep at nigbt. Iw~as hall crazed and trieti everytbing. Finally s.ýeeing Dr. Chasesa Ointment advertised I tried it and fouod it gond.. Aller a second application 1 found relief, and one large box cured me. Have neyer been botbered since, and I cao re- comnend it to ail sullering from thse same trouble.' Dr. Cbase's Oloîment ia for sale by al dealers, or Ednaoson, Bates & Co., Toronto. zh uUn ttt~ BOWMANVILLEJTNE 7, 1899. 11ev. Dr. Talrnage's sermon in this Week's issue is a Most remarkable dis- course. THE STATESMAN is the only journal in Bowrnanville that publishes these sermons the week thev are deliv- ered. Other papers publish aid sermons. Dont miss reading this rernarkable ar- ticle and then cansider how much force tilere is in Dr. Talrnage's proposais. WEST JDURHAMX PIONEERS. Hampton people in particular and many Darlington people in general will be greatly, interested in Mr. W. L. Smith's article on an inside page under this heading. Read this article aloud iu your farnily ta interest the younger members who will neyer know by per- sonal experience what Canadian pion- eers endured bef are this -eneration was bora. After readiag send this paper ta a distant friend. BAY OF QUINTE CONFERENCE. (Prom our ozvn Correspondent.) It matters nat how wet and miserable thse weather mnay be when conference time is hastening on, as soon as that body assembles there is a total change. My hair is grawing grey in the service of the churcis, but 1 hav e yet ta attend thse conference at which we have nat been desirau.s of havîng every door and window oaened, and, if passible, aur very cuticle peeled off. Thse cynic migbt say that this distress- ing state af affairs la owiug ta thelever geaerated la conference debates. That hawever is not the case. Fire there may be in those fierce contests, lever there is nat. Moreover, it is observed that tee citizens of t he Conference tawn thera- selves share in the general discomfart nîthaugli tiey may nut atte~nd the Con- ference church. The truttis is aid Sol ai- ways lays himself out ta give thse con- ference a watm welcome. And if ho averdoes it, we must set it down ta his senile but layai enthusiasm,-wbich is bora in a warrner atmasphere than aur awn. Belleville is a beautiful city and is1 praud of its beauty. Thse Canference1 pragram, which bore initernai evidence af having camne fram the practised hand af thse Rev. C. W. Watch, cantaiued a concise history ai the place. Anciently kuown as Meyer's Creek, it received is preseat name la 1816, It was incarpar- ated a city la 1878. It is a pleasant spot,1 and the waters af "Old Quinte's Day," as the laocal poets put if, which lave thse tity's feet, affard a free and delightful playground for the people. Methadisma boasts seven churches with a seating capacîty af over three thousand ; while Albert Calle-e, which crowns thse heights, is a1 y educatianai centre where yaung Methadism is being la- structed, braadened and equipped far lii e's endeavaur. Thse ministerial session apened an tise iast af May. it has already been repart- ed ln the papers. But, in as inucis as tise otiser tisan he pobby xpc eNver possibly la tise Iistary aianyConferenice basî tise presidiag cofficer receivoed sncb a reproaf as hie did Hoe wiii neyer speak la that absurd manner in tise Day Con- fereace again. ani- L ,i s quite likely that bis fulminations la othier quarters will be brought ta a fliis. It is tîme they were. Tise 1ev. W. R. Young, B.A., af Port Hopýe, is tise new Presideat, and Rev.J. J.Eae , ai Bowmanville, Secretary. Thse Mavor- ai Belleville extended a very hearty welcame ta tise tawn la a speech tisat brisked with points. Ho urged tise miaisters, when tbey retired from tise active work, aill ta came and make tiseir homes in Belleville as it was mach nearer ta Paradise than aay other place on earth. Tise mayr-who is filliia his tisird tern i faffice-is evidently enam- oured af his city, and bis argument ta demanstrate it tise hub af tisa universe was short'and convincing, if you could but accopt his promises. Thie Rev. Ed: ward Roberts in repiying ta tise mayor's address created a great uproar ai af laugister when hie stated that in coin- irag ta Belleville tise canference had foi- iowed tise advice af tise great John Wesley who saici "Go not anly ta tisase wiso want you, but go ta tisase who need you Mast." Preachers well knowa on Bowman- ville District were well to tise fore in Suaday's services, for amang those who occupied Belleville pulpits we note Revs, T. W. Jollilfe, J.J. Bae, C. Parker, W, Coombe, R. McCullougis, J. C. Bel], W. A. Bunner' E. A. Tonkin, E. Roberts, W. H. Adams, and Mr. R. W. Clarke, Millbrook, delivered an address. If we may believe tise Belleville Sun, tise dis- courses were ail very good and deliver- od ta very large audiences. NaTES. 11ev. E. Rioberts moved and Mr. W. H. Reid, M. P. P., West Durham, seconded tise vote in reply ta tise address ai welcome by Mayor Johaston. 11ev. E. E Howard, Biackstock, was taken suddenly iii while attending tise canference, buit is a great deai better. lie is staying with bis sister, Mrs, Mal- lory, Moira street. Tise retiring president, 11ev. T. W. Jollifie, and secretary, 1ev. D. M. Me. Camus, were bath unanimouslv vated "ITiseheartiest tisanks of theConference"' for their wise and faithf ai discisarge af Tise next Conferenca meeting will take place at Cobourg on Tisursday, tise 7tis ai dune, 1900. Tise Ministerial ses- sion will take place tise day previaus. It was alsa decided, aiter an animated discussion, ta luicrease tise billet fao ta $2, anti $4 for each laymaa and minister. Tise average gîving par member: Par cannexional funds 94c, ministers' salary $2 30, circuit purDoses $8.80, al purpases $7.04 Oaa hundred and forty six ministors on circuits or missions re- ceive a salarv of $93,036, an average ai $637.27 probationers receive a sa!ary of $5,649. an average ai $209; 173 ministers and probationers rocelve a tatal af $98- 685, an average ai $570. Tise new ministers receîved into fuli cannectian and ardained Sunday moru- lng in which service tisa president, 11ev. W.R. Y oung, was assisted by tiesenior ministers in tise ordination service, were by tise laying on ai hands, and set apart ta tise wark af the christian ministry A.J. Terrili, B. A., A. M. Irwin, B A., G. cConel, R. P. Stilîman, R. Em- berson, E. B. Cooke, S. C. Moare, B, A., H. T. Lewis, B. A. Members ai tise churcinlatise confer- ence 40,379, number ai Sundav scisools 496, teaches's 4,578, scisolars 377,927, Y. P. sacieties 274, members of -yaung peope's scieties 10,469, local preaciers M32 ciass lehders 1,059, money %,ontri- buted for tise general missianary socioty $21,531, for wamen's missionarv society $6,292, educational saciety si,491, con- tingent fund $551, union churcis relief $460,' Sunday scisool aid $348, general coaference iund $60O9, temperance iund $56. sustentation fund $457, Epworth League fund $174, total amnount con- tributed for cannexional funds $38,049, for circuit purpases $143i364, for ail pur- poses $284,383. number af ministers ia active wark 173. CHILDIIEN'S DAY. Ciidren's Day was fttingly observed la Trinity churcis Sunday evening when a very interesting pragram was render- ed ta a large audience. Special effort had been exercised la tise floral decora- tians, wici were la green and white..I Accross tise front ai tise cisurcis trellis, work was erected cavered la green while on eltiser side a Union Jack was tastefully draped and la tise centre tise words"Children's Day"in white flawers. Prom tfie floor ta tise platform" was baaked wltis vigorous looking feras, while calla liles, and ather patted plants were nicely arranged and inter mingling amon, tise green were pretty banquets ai lily ai tise valley, eaaw ----- - . E, BQWMANVI LLE. We have sold nearly ail our good uIne.s in fancies at 50e, 50 we have eut some of our best Unes of 75o silks to 50e a yd. This lin? ineludes Blue Grounds, Green, Plaids and some nice Red Fiancies. A few faney Brocades, reg. :prie 45o and 50e, special for two weeks 25e per yard. Our: stociks of these goocls are being assorted up every week and we are stili showing a good range. We are keepig the same numbers of Piques ail the time at 122, 15e, 18e, 20e, 25e and 30e a yard. Just reeeived 3 dozen Boys' 3 pieee Suits, sizes 28 to 33, a good range of patterns, reg. price from $3.50 to $4.00, while they-last our price is $2.00. I. From the' shoes of the infant. to the perfect man or wo"- man, we can, from our large stock fit any foot, to suit the custbrner., Sonie Yery Specia1 Bargaîins for'This Woek. Men's Waterproot lace and buekie Boots for warm weather, for 85c per pair. Men's Dongola Kid, fair -stiteli, light. weight, sum- mer shoes for $1.25. Boys' Running Shoes, rubber soies, blue canvass tops, Maple I-eaf Brand, 50e perpa. Lradies Doî 'ola Kid Oxford Shoes, turned soIes. -Goadyear welted, namxa stamped on the soles, $35o and $5.m~ JOHN HELLVAR, Sole Local Agent 130 coý D amm Wo ro thebni of elin Ldg Bring us your w oo1. begmning bas stood witb tise persecut iag party, ru]ed ont this report., More- Ws uhmFrnr'Isiue aver, ho proceedod as ho isad otten doue H. C. HOAP, Secretary M -M u t y before elsewbere, ta abtrude bis tiseor- West Durham rnarmers' Inatitute. o hM cu t y les and denunciations. Tise issue was &Qwmanville, j une 5, j59~. h iu - Li

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