Accompanied by Indigestion and Consipaioncured by Dr. Chase's j ConstiPation Pifls j rom Bath, Ont., cornes the parti cuars of a remarkable cure effected by Dr. Chases Xines1-Liver Pills. Mr. Tos. Gar diner stas for forty years the vctinm of indigestion, con- stipation, and violent headaches. Nothing scerrid to h.ave tîhe désire't effectunotit hie 1e- gan tue use of Dr. Chases"s Kiduey-Liver Pllit and they cifectefi a comiplete cure. Mr. Gardiner urites: -t have heen trouhled for over forty years with indigestion andl constipation, would go for two veeks at a time. At intervals 1 w ould be taken with violent headaches. I spent dollars and dollaîrs luvan, on -lvas doalîx ad- vised tu use Dr. Chases Kidue3,-Liîser Plls, andrd nt say tbat they are the only'remedy that gave mue permanient relief. I .vould flot be xihout then foi anythinig.' Dr. Chases Kiduey-Liver PUis,' one gils dose. 25c, a hux. At al dealers, or Ednianson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Farmers You Want ... PRICZ $1.00O À,AcH. ADVANTAGES. It wiii double what the oid style ma- chine did. It is better made in a .i parts. It is a handsomer Machine.' The tube 'rom eau is exposed and can be instant- iy cleanedi t shouid clog. The eau may be instantly emptied il youn wan t ta change materiai or dlean ilt. The for- mation of the can aiiows ail the materi- ai ta be sprayed aut when operated upward in trees or bushesa It wiil save crops from bugs, worms and Ftrngi and fruit trees from the caterpiliar and otber pests. Evans' Electrie Sprayer may be had from Jos. H-enry, Orono Davýid Bell, Leskard; A. S. rf<olev, Miii, Courtice ; Albert Nidderv, Entield; John Peth- ick, biacksmith, Carke ; 'Sam'l Bon- athan, Newcastle ; John Hooey, near Cadmus. PETER MURDOCH. BowmASVlLLE. Agent faor Durham county. NEW TAILOR SHO?. l'he undersigned 'who has been carrying on the tailoring business iu connection with Mason's Dry Goods Star.- for a number of years bas commeneed busines& fjr himself at bis rooms King St. west, where hie is prepared tu make gents aud boys suits in ail the latest styles, and at lowest prices. For those who wish to order sit., lhe wilt carry a fult ine of sain ptes in ai] Ile newest patte rns. Givelma eall J. T. ALLIN, Fîashionabte isor ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP, LIVsîRcaoa AND Las- DlDERRY, MONTREAL AND QUEBEC SERVICE. From STEAXER MONTREAL.. Numidian .. . June 101h, 9 Californian ... ... . . Julie i7th, Tasuni. .. ..... ....Joue 24tb, $S. Parisiari, uew enzined and entirely refit- ted, sait, from LtverDoo1, Juiy 20, n rî M treal, Aogust rd. Bavarian, 10,000 tous, twill screw, sais froin Liverpoot Juty 27 aud from Montreat, Aognlst 101h. Passengers wiit bue transferred wtth their hag- gage from the raitway station 10 the wharf free of charge. RATES 0F PASSAGE. First eahîn, *50 andi upwards. Returu $10000 and Opwards. Second Cabin e35, Steerage $22.50 ad $250 Froml New York b GCIasgow-State of Nebras- kia, 9th Jun.,, Ming,lian, 23rd Jone. For tickets and every înformation ap. ply to laLisM. A. JAMES, ila ieAsent. Bowtnanvitte. MIllls-41 86-MXiles UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT Extendîng fromn the Atlantic Seaboard to CHICAGO and MILWAUKEE THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR ROUTE THE R EÊDAT TO R 1T INE VA elCURE Wili Cure aur Foras ai Rieumatisnt FOUR POINTS INi ITS FAVOR: FIRST-QUICKEST TO CURE SECOND-SAFEn'r TO TAKE THIRD-MOST MIGHLY ENDORSED FOURTH-CHEAPEST TO BUY One battue coutas tua day,' trealsaunt IN BIG BOTTLES, 50 CENTS. TH1E DR. HALL MýEDICINE Ca. Camadian Agency, - Kingeon, Ont. FOR SALE AT ALL DRIJOISTS sxusiintngtou, Julie 4-In tisa isseourse Dr. 'fahmaue areera clie ai ofhe poiiticab euranglamients ai aur rime sud recoin- mends that n'ilob nili meet he upproval ai aln'bu hopo for the porpetuiry ai aur rupublosund Ibe n'eliure ai othor lanfds; text, Genesis xxviii, 14, "Thon shait spruad ubroafi ta the n'est sud ta the Since the Ausuicano-Hispanio n'er is eoucluded sud the United Statuas abas- sanor la on the n'ay a Madrid anti the Span bah anabaaýsador' la on the n'ay Vu WVashingtun the peoplu ai ur countrîy are divided intouxpansioniats asnd anti- oxpansionists. Fromn a differeul stand- point from that usually taken I diseuse this ai-absorbing therme. I leeve the politicai aspect ai Ibis subjet ta statua- men and n'arriors sud pray Aliaighty Gof that they inay hoe enahiefi ta righîly setle the question n'isther tho isiands lu eouîroversy shalblieuialiy annexed, or held nuder protectorure, or resi.gued to thlnasebves, n'hili c uattention to the faut that a cam-1palgu ai moral sud religi- ans expansion ougbt lu bu ininefisîely orened oun'lf est aud graudeat sosie. 1 At the chose ai Ibis n'sr Gad lias put inro the benf s ai this country the k-ey ta the n'orld's rudeuiption. ileretof are the religiotns movemunt lu pagan auds bad tu precede the eoucaliaual. Aitur lu China and Inidia sud tis Islands ai the ses the issioassies have luhoref over 50 or 75 yeans the prntiug, pressud the seoular scouaicaminl. Non'ru btter advaurago titan ever bufors religions sud aucular enighteuaent aay go aide by side, sud se tihe avrk be sccomplisbed !il short liime sud more Iboroughiy. Srarîiug n'lth the fact that lu Cuba and Porto Rica sud the Plîihtppue Islands aI least Ibrue- fourtha ai the people catî neithur- read nom n'rlîe, wbat au opprîunity ion sttbool1 and prnuing press! Within five yuars eveny nana lu those isauf sinaay bu lsnigbt ta read not onhy the Bibis, but Vise Deciamullan ai Indepundenucuandfthueauo- stitustion ai the Uiuted Statusanad the biogruphy of George Washinsgtonan sdof AbrahaLincoln. Il saunas Va me that the govemument af the United Slates ourgbt by vote of con- grus. afford consnon sohoohsaund prlutlug presses ta those benighted regiona. Our nationsal eglsature by onu vote appra- prinîed $50,000,000 ta give bruad sud tuedicino ta Cube. Why ual by a similar guneraslîy give $50,000,000O for feeding sud hcsiing the mindsaund seuls ai those ignorant sud bcsoited anchipehagous. Then let the edirorillassoiations ai the United Statesa, as mny ai sncb orcanîzatious as.'b ue are ataes, resalve aI tue uext con \~tien laersabiish lu every mgsuu ai thoe isadsa spriutîng press.. tubu suppartcd by people ai this country until it cen become sof-support- ing. Wheu Cubans and Porto Ricansansd Filiplstos see the morning sud evenia" uen'spspers thrown luta the doorn'sys sud hsn'ked aioug the tetesaoa Havane sud Santiago sud Maniia, tbose n'ho -an- uat roaf by the force -ai curioaity n'iii lea ta rend so tisaItbey may knN n'bat informnation ta hesng scsttored, sud that whicb may bucuîissionary effort aI Ibeistart snd eseied ou by Americans sent forth la do the.n'drk n'lhl soon bue doue by eucated natives. Porto Rican cf itors! Porto Rican reporters! Port Rican typesettera! Porta Hiosu pnblisb- cmrs! Il n'as a grisaImercy ta take those islands froua under the hucha aif dcapot- isa, but it il llbu a tnightiom mercy ta emancipalo rhum frointignorance sud dogrudalion. The expansion aifIbis kun'l- edge sud iutlhectual qualification ai al Iboso isisndy regiaus is the desire ai abb inteligent Anauricans. An'ake ail yen. sehools sud calleges nud nuiversdtios sud priuling presses Vaoaur apporunity! Open the Doos, for Christiassity. Stili funther, hure is a n'idc-apen f doar for Christînity. Firat ai ail, n'e have the attention ai Ibose people. The hesîhea nations are for the moat part soporiie. The Amenican toissionarlea beretofore had grual difflculty lu gettiug heathen- dam ta isten. Tbey uxciled soins com- ment hy their attire, sa differeut n'as the parriug ai the hair, sud the shape of the bat, sud the cul ai the coat, sud the formation ai the sboe at the evangelizers, but the question conslatliy arase lu re- gard ta, the misaionamy: "Who la he?'" "What isle ho re for?" And thea the laterragalar Nvonld relax intelise previ- ous stupld ludifferouce. But that condi- tion ai thinga bias pessed. Tise guns ai our.'Ametran uavy have awskeued Ibose populations. T9îey do flot ask wha n'e are. Tbey have fouaf out. Thuy are uaw listeuiug ta wbaI Amerîcan civilizatian aud aur Christia religion have la say ou auy subject. Non' is the Mime, n'hile their cars sud uyes are n'ide open, ta tell thent ai the roscuiug asud asvable sud inspirit- ing pow'er of the gospel ai Jeans Christ, lise Saviour oaithebo rld. A Splendid Opportunity. Non', churcis ai God, non' al Christian phllanîbrapista, la yanr apportuuity. Nothing ltke It bas oocurred since Christ came. Perhapa Ibere may be uatbiug liku il liii bis second couulug. Horse tas defliienescf aiti that la mast helpiral sud inspiring. Tbsamllbions ai dollars givua for the efomplion aifIbu n'orif sud the bousnsf a glaons missiou-1 anues n'b bave as voluareers galle forth1 fi a«,,bisonestnmarcteu Dtt Ib i Aenda- Spanish n'sm costr us $300,000,000. Il svouhd ual cost bau aif that ta proclaint sud carry ou sud causummate a hoiy n'ar tha,- n'iii mescue those urchipelagoos iron sastaulo domination. Who wvill vol- untuen? I heat te drmofa a recruiting station. W'ho n'il enliaI under the onu starud, b'lood stripcd banner of Immuan- nel? Cuba sud Ponta Rico sud the Phil- ippines are sleppiug atones for aur Amer- leurs Clsristiauity ta cross aven and take the rotund -world for Gof. We naed s nen' evangelictîl alliance organizef for this one purposu. Iu nil denomitations tiseru ara thass avuth large enoraght huarts sud who have bucu îiaroiihshy eoough con- vartef ta jai inl su atavanced tuove- sment; maen who, putring usîde allnminer differences ai opinion, "believe lu Gaf the Futher Ahaighty, Makcr ai heuven sund uarîh, sud lu Jeans Christ, lais ouly bagorten $ou," sud avho n'uld uaarcb shoalder ta shonidur lu sueh a gospel canapaigu. 'The resuit .n'uhfbu that thase lasafs, aller a sceese ai gaspubiza- ian, Nvoold assarl theaselves luto f sunt- inarions ta suit tieseaves, sud somns wouhld ha apnnki liohy baptisa, sud others n'old bu tanaursof l ihas n'arm rivera, sud seine wonld n'amship in religi- ons assemblage nihust, as the Quaker meeting bouse, sud others n'anld have as îssaay jubhilant ejacsiations as a burli- woods camp meeting, asf saine ai those n'ho pruachuf n'ould bu gowned. sud sur- plicudfofa the n'onk, and othens n'ouhd stand lu cirizeu7s apparui or in their shirt sieuvus pnuacbing that gospel n'hlcb la b sa-ce then'ont]. Religions Educaior,. Mark zou Nva]i Ibat sîatasmauship, however grand 1V is, sud ,vise minaoaithe wvorid, han'avar nabla, canni do Ibis I nonk. Mure secuun uducatloas doua ual iroraiizc. Soine ai the ssost rharoisgbiy etzaucated mua lu ail the wumld bave been the avrr mess. Quioken a mauýs intel- lect. whilu ut the sanie rimie yeno lo a moLze is marais good, sud yerti oly augment bis power for avil. Goognraphy sud ussîhumaticsansd menîphysios sud philosophy will nover quaiify s people ta govemu theascîvus. A corrsîpt pititng press la n'crse thun na prluting press ut ail, but let 105e, au opesn Bible upon those islaisansd let the apocalgptic assgul once fly ovur thuisi sud yoss aili prepure thea ta bacomu elîhur colonies oi the United Statua gavermsuct or, as 1 hooe niil bu the case, indepeudual me- puiblics. 00f dif ual exhausl bintauli n'en bis built ibis nation. Those isiauds wll yul have Vheir Thonas Jettersaus, rîuailiuid ru write for thera deolaraîlans afiInde- peudence; sud George Wushiusttous, cap- able ai achieving thuir libemîlus; sud Abrahama Linoolus, strong enougb ta om-ancipate their seritlosus; sud Long- febbowavand Brysuts, capable ai uutting their hilisansd trhum riversansd their lanidscapus into pauma; sud their Ban- crof tsand Prascotrs, ta maku rhum bhis- larce; andtirm Irvings ru write Ibeir sk-oetobbooks; sud their Charles O'Conors and Ruina Choates te plead ln tbulr caurtroama; sud their Dauiel Websters sud John J. Criltenduns te move their The day coaulb-bear il ail yc n'bo have nso hope for thosp islbsnda ai bu- dn'arfef sud disuased ilbiteratus--tbe day caaetb wn'e those regions avili have a Christian cîvilization eqrsal lu thel n'icb this coutry now n'ejaya, while I hope by that lime Ibis country n'ili bis as superior la n'hat il non' is as ta day Washington sud Non' York are hurler than Menusa sud Sanilago. Da yen ase by Ibis pracesa ai, gaspelizef intelligence Ibosarchipels- goes n'ill as s nation bis prolenledfi ront thq ln'a noes prophesiof iu regard te Ibis country, the ansen'as prapisesief by the expensianisîs enfi Ibis aher n'oe propho- sied by the iauli-oxpausiouists? Il 1, said by thase 'ha n'ould have ras talie sllave, eau iay aur bauds on -as a nation tisat unleusa n'uenter the door non' open for lise unlargement ai aur national demain n'c 'ildecbîue Ibis mission n'hicb Gof lu bis providence, bas assignefi us. But auruby uo avas nill came upon us or is"aon then if n'u Chnistisuize thea, as we non' have tise apparîunity ai doiug. The politicail echuicalitles are notising as coaparef wiîb tise importance ai IbIs movement. I implore ahi pahitical expan- alouisîs ta augment us lu Ibis n'ark ai moral sud religions expansion, for unlesa thuse islande are momahizuf sud elevated la intelligence sud habitswn'o anul wnt thea, sund tIbiiannoxalluan'aouhd ho palilicel damnation. Ou t tisealbm aud, 1 iumplore sîl anIi-expausianists ta bake a baud in Ibis gaspehtzatioa ai Cuba, Porta Ricoand tise Philippine Island s. Tise oaby n'ay ta propane themnte take came ai thoinseives la ta give thin the Ton Com- meufaunts that n'omispubiabef au Mount 5mnai and let tisei bar tise groan oi sacrifice tisaIn'as breatised out au tise heigis of Golgothsa. Wbabtbtey moat Svaut is lise gaspel, tise pure gospel, the omnipotent gospel, tise gospel tisat isuipa brailishe wounds oi the body. andi irradi- ceres the farness ai tise mid sud acilves tise rau soinfth ie seul. donquesl of Nations. But on Ibis piarforn tise sa callef ex- pansioaists sud so-calief anti-expansioýn- ists wiii yul stand aide by aide. Tsoragis I a nuls praphet or tise sun ai a Rev,, Dr, Talmage Gives a Discourse on an Absorbing .Theme. He Points Out the Way for the Americani People to Perform a Mighty Work--They HoId the Key to the World's Redemption. brave boys aonef np Ibis way far a klud ai expansion n'e ail believo lu. They swuug open the gates for tbe speody gospeiizarian ai isîsuda stupid n'itb the snperstilition ai ages. They cleared thu way for mnissionarissasd Bibles. Tbey set those isiauda irise. Leaviug la the United States governteut ta ducide wbat shah bis the political f eetia y ai Ihose pea- ples, lut us ah jain in a,,campaigu ai religions expansion, expansion ai affe tiou tisaIean tako ail thse world lu, ex- ffl fuO QUP thoologies until noue &hll 'antînents are beIiug sa rapidly uvungel- tzed, n'v --Jua lihe is,auda? If Auserica, wby uet Cuba aud tIse Bahamas? If Asia, why not the Philippines sud Ihe Molue. ,aq? If Europe, wlisy nul tbe AEoresansd th~e Orkuencys? If Afies, wby net Mails- gasoar sud SI..Hions? The saine power 1ha1 brake thora off the maiuland eau lif t tbem into evangelizution. Iu the aid book, -,b lob has becamo a uew book by reason ai modemn discovor- les, espucial attention la caled Vo tbe Islands. " Duclare tbe Lard', prai'sq lu the Isands," commands Isaiab. "Lut Ibis mnultitudes ai the isiands bu glad thons- o," says the Psasmist. "Ail the islands i tbe heathea shah n'orsbip bhin,"1 write, Zephauisb. "Ho shall turu is race to the îsiands," praphesies Djaniel. "The ln habitants af the Isles sali ho istouishud as Ihu," forutula Ezek-iel. "Heur it sud deciare il ta the isiands tsiar off," exclaisss Jereonlah. You 500 framn this tbe isîsufis are not ta bu uug- Lcred. Perbaps tbey ara the Lords fav- ories, as in housebolds if ibure is uuy Eavoritism uat ahlit it lfor the n'eakest. The islands tua small lu take cure ai Èheinselvus bave the etraa God te take care ai tbem. Lut nations lookont ban' lhey tread on the ishunds. bowuver smali and weuk, for tbey are aminlpotently defeuded. They muy net be uble ta nas- .hail lai-goesmalas or ta suud ouI navies ta sweep the ses, bot botter than that, tbey have te chariots ai heavuen ou thue ssde sud the drawnusn'rds ai the AI- mighty. I bava as mtsch fatth in tbe slvatlon ai the smaluat islsnd ai the Fuikiands, ai the Caunies, ai the Ladrones, ai the Carolines. ai tbe Fijis, oi the Barbadous, af 'jbe Cape Verdes, ai tbe Society Islandsaus 1 bave in the sel- vation ai Ainunica.' (>bey the Divine Law. The continents tbeuiselves are ouhy targer isiands. sud the n'urld lun'bic h wu live is oniy a still largen lsluud, sud t'ho solsîr systuns is a gnoup ai isiauda, asnd the univursu is au archipelaga slnd-, ded n'ith islauda aifn'orlds surouuded by the great ocean afifinuitude sud !ina- muusily. So you sou n'heni God piauned the, universe ho disgrummed il mb , il- suds, sud lbu n'lli look sitar the interest of eucb ai those isianda,iton'evem amall, sud Eugland sud Holuand anti France sud Germany sud Amerses muat ual trust the saiiest sud n'eskest Island ibat comes nuder their sn'uy any different frana the svsy tbey trust the arrangesI nation af al the eartb. God may cbiedly tiesi n'ith individual libothenuxî warld, but bu deals witb nations eniy lu Ibis n'orid. sud n'heu pemsisreutly a nation practicea injustice ugainst other people i is oniy a question of lime n'beu tbe offeuder n'ili find bis doomi. The patlh ai time la stren'un'witbthe carcasses ai nations that beerrusu of their maltreat- ment ai othur nations perisbed. The higber such offuadiug empires riis the barder n'ill bu their ishi, I believe thbe United Statua govemumneul will iasa as long as the n'orld lesta. 1 ho- lieve the lires ai the judgrnt day n'thi ioap on the dames af our slaVe sud na - tional capiis n'hiie yul they are iu their Suli power.. I blilevtî the isst earlbquuke n'ill put inii Is explosion under aur national foondations n'bile yot they stand ira. I bebieve thal republio sud domo- cratio forai of governnunt n'lll bu the universan form i o goveriinseut for ail nations n'hun lhuy have been evangelizefi. far thon the nations n'ill buc aabuhe ai suif -gosýernm@nt sud n'ill have demianded sud securod hrt rlgbt. Il n'ili bu either thait or a tbeorucy, n'hsch n'ill bis the diruOèt goverumens af Christ lu bis par- sonal ruigîs ou earlb, as mssny Bible tu- dents believe. Yul that jubilant expuota- lion is ionnded ual on thae akili of buman stalesmansbirs or hunsan begilation, but upan Ithe biai thut ibis nation n'iil sub- mit ta divine guidance, sud obey the divine ian', sud carry ont ils divineby imposed mission. But if n'e deiy Ibis Ood oi nations'aur doona la ilxed. The Natiota's Dufy. By so mucb as aur oppartunities bave been greater than arsy nation that ever lived, sud the mission taen'bich she bas h oua ardained ta mare stupeudous than auy bestowed by the Almigbty uipan any peopbe, if n'e forgercaur God and enset wickodnoss aur avertbron' nilbu qulaker sud mare trumundous, sud yoader espfi- baine bilb, witb its architectural magtnifi- douce, n'ibl bucame s heap ai gigautie ruina, ta o evlated by the people ai ather limes sud album nations, n'bo nill read in luttera ai crusbed sud crumbled mamblo tha it 'ih-David rote imany bundred yeaes ago upon parcbmeul, "The way af the n'icked bo Iurnueth upaide don'n." We concludbd a ion' days ago tbe au- uuab decoratton af uarthernansd southema graves. Tbruo yoars aga, aI Ibis seasan, lu memorial sermon I praposud the twist- lug ai tn'a garlaads, ane tela-aput upon tbe grave ai the norîbema soidior sud the othur te bis pub an tbe grave af thu southura solfier, but Ibis year we need tbree garland,tbe third ta bep put upon tbis graves ai Ihase n'ha feu la ib is Am , rico-Hispauic coufliot. The Ihird garland neufs te ho quite as iragraut and as radiant as theo album lwo. Thesu last berces braved more tban bayonets sud bombshebi; they beaved tbc pestiierous breatb ai tho tropica, ,vn'blo arali s n'bale rmeimeuts, n'bale brigades bl £3. KZampen, an the Zuider Zeu, derives ils incoen from tbe lottiug ai municipal banda, and the rate-collocror la unknown, -Ladon Chronioie. - - I reject their broad invitation, expansion of hope that emubraces eturnity ns w cli os tine, expansioa of cflIort that Wfii niot cesse tli the -s. hoiu eartth is sa-A "and the time arrivos when thq prophecy sha,1 bs fiîlfilied ... -h,ýy shah cotue frosu the notth anu iemith. and thoesst and the west and sit do vu lu t1iekinugdom of God, aud the lasý shah hb- first and the first last. " rRAITS OF FEMALE 'PICKPOCKETS. 'I'ieY Are Meianer and Far More Riteorse- less Ttisn the Men. "A womau pickpocket is a mener thief shan a man lu theane lne," saifi Dutective Tihomas 3McQuaido. "A nan h usually iooking for a pocket that la worth while plcking and ouo that will not miss wbat ia taken, but with a womnn it la differeut. She plies hier calling smong womou who can iii ufford to lose a dollar. The female pickpocket haugs urounfi the market bouses, large stores and places of that sort. Sie is conscionsess. She wtt.] stuni the piurse oi a poor womau who hî buyiug food for bier famiiy, perhaps take froim ber a week's iucome and leave the famaily in waut for that periofi. " £ne prof essional. female pickpocket wiil do more. Sbe may flud lu the pursE she steals a few trinkets of triflussg vaine, a pin or a locket containrng a look ol hair, a chid's ring, worn, mav bc, by a 11111e one that is deud, worthless te lber, but Driceiess to the owner. She wlll li- modiateiy take the mouey and tbrow tht purse and trinkets down the nearest sewer opening, wbere tbey are lost for- ever. Money canuot be identifiefi; thE purse and trinkuts could. "I rucall with satisfaction an incidet lu which a, femnale, pickpocket fignred. Shu stole tbe purse of a poor oid womsn aud 1 urreated iber shortly after the uer. She had dlsposed of the purse before] gaI bier. Tbere baid been about $7 lu cash lu il and a smali piece oi jewelry tbal belouged ta a dead cbild ai the wamars, The poor womsn would have williugiy given tbe thief the mouuy la the pursi ros ore fur the, returu of the keepsake, but 1V n'as lbatt0lber beyond reiovery. "I workcd up a fair case ugalnst tbe pickpocket. I gotliber ln court. did sny best to convict lber, but because the purse n'as not foud ilulber possession sbe was aequitted. Sympathy for a woman bud snuchte do Nwltb tbe verdict, but tberE n'as no, sympatby for the womsn whc had been robbed.' It n'as witb great re- gret that I san' the pickpocki-et walk: out of the court rocvin froc. "Iu the corridor she met one cf the jurors. Hoe smiled and shu waiked up te hlma and tbauked bimi for the verdict, H.e assured bier thut that was î]nnueessarv. for bue neyer for a moment doubted bier innocence. That erveuiug lbu ruported te the front office the bass of bis gold watch. Tbe womau had pickud bis pooket whlt tbauking hlmi for acquittiug lber. Shu got away froun us. "A femiale, pickpocket 1 badl recently n'as boardifug lu a bouse don'n on Ninth street. Shu would say grace before evury meal, aud shu went to, churcb at every opportuuity. Uer arrest was announced as au outrage by the famiiy n'itb wbom shý boarded. '[bey belleved bier ta bu n religions woýmun. H-er home la lu Ire- laud. Huer busband muns a smsll store there. She makes regulur trips to the United States for the purpose ai picking puekets, shopliftiug aud opening sawees. She had wiliher wbun we arrested ber bisuk drafts ou an rngltshbhauk. She sens bier stealluga rugularly to ber bus- baud lu Irelsnd. Shu aoperales aimost eutirely amaong poor women. Jurors bave oc) mncb mlspisceil sympathy wheu a womau is the prisouer that il la difficoît to coniviot thena, yct a professloual fumais thief tic the meanest ai ail thieves." Constornaiion Over aL Daraing Neesito. According to the story oi an, agefi resi- dent ai Fltzroy, Ont., hoe well remnembers the time wben tbere n'as but onu damn- lug needie lu tbat county, sud the only miii n'as a day's jauruey distant. One day a Mes. Diclison, n'ha chnced te have Vumpoary possession ai the dura. lug iseedle sud bsd it esrefully stuck lu ber apron lu a boidur sut off for tbeiiil with a bag of, grain laid au the back ai a horse. The gaad lady had a rough road te travel and unfartuuatoly bastthe tltrniug needie.'as ruaily a publiecalamlty lui Fltzroy. Nearly 20 bousewives depund. et upon that darulug needie for repsiring so-ks and for other coarse meudiug. It ]pîssed frei nsnboiuse ta anathur by speelal messengue, and every womsu bad the use afiti one day lu three wueks. Anobuer darnlug usedie could notthobn lbu proosirefi nearer tkaa Perth, a distance ai 50 miles sway. Tidings ai the disaster whicb bsd be- talion Mrs. Dicksou soon spruafi, aud ou tbe ioilowiug maruing a daEen wamen, sameofa them acaompauied. by thuir chil- dren and saine by their busbsnds, tueued out ta aearch Ibruee uiles ai forest patb. It seemed a hopolesa task, but k-ea ceyes were bout upon every portion af the high. way, aud at leugtb ane 11111e girl espied il. A gruat sbout wvas ralseti, sud the gaod uewa was carried aioug the lineofa searchers. The psrty retuened. home, aud B. F. BYE RS has opened the New Centrat Livery neariy opposite the Standard xBaegk, Bowmsuviile, where he bas a fine lot of Sîngle and Doubte Carrnages, Demnocrýts, Wagonsi, etc.. for hire. Good Horses and Careful Driverig, 'No losfing aitowed. Tetephone No 23. Cati1s day a.nd ngi t proruptiy atte,îded. TheJlie Bast We Iberefore ask you i la nd inspeet aur Single Driving Hfarness, Russett and Black, Solid Nickel or Plated Trimmnaigs, made from the best stock and at prices ltaI will surprise you. Also Eiarness, Poliisb> Varnish for Buggy Covers andA Grease. the b.est. Stand opposite Central ,Liverv, 1Bow- manville.4 JOHN S. RUNDLE. Ufildren t.ry for INSTANT RELIEF sEvititeuIAr A-ACHE POWDERS. No dupressing afer C TORI ffect.1 Cubean Bannos. Tise banane eaîiulg habit la thls coran- try suema ta lucrease yeurby. Eachs year ses lise local mark-uts mare sbundautiy suppbied n'ltb basanas sud tise fruit hus oxpunsive, Whlle this la trou ai tise yelboav-skinnef bausuas, tise red or Cuban banane is batâh acarce sud bugis- pricef. Last week lu Toronto a inuit dealer in anc oi tise harge office buildings fowntown haf a-scout bahf bunci ai tise Cuhan benanas, n'bich ho oblaluefn'ltis grenat fiflicu ity iron a a mali cargo tal haf jusî arivud aI this part, Their grawthb-,Vas sunutef andtI ley n'ere but bau 'ripe, yul îbuy soîf et s flac apiece. Tn'o cents might bave pus\4.ased tise Most bîssloaus ai tinsyelaw-skinueci fruit on tise dae' op RosplrILLS Raousete t6ri ilver and cure bîiaususs,sck beadache > aunfIce, nausea, sudiges tien, etc. Tbey are In. Valluahîs ta prevont a coif or break rap a fever. Miid, gentie, certain, Iisey are wortisy your confidence. Pureiy vegetabie, tisey eau he taken by citfr-en, or dulicate n'aaen. Price, 25P. et ait mudicine dealers or by mail Of C. I. HOO & Ca.. Loweil, Mass. flOnÙ'MNVILLE. CRI[[, 'ANDlLE LABELS. R./W. JAMES.