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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1899, p. 7

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U STOTORE jVisit il- when and as often as you want millinery. je are pleased to serve you at ail times. WTe keep the jst in millinery supplies of ail kinds suited. to this 3rict-all the new styles, patterns, shades, etc. Our ~'csare low, oui' trîuirn can't be beat arouncl here. ake our 'Bonnets, ilats, Ribbons, Feathers, etc., your ~Our goods and styles please and our prices sell. 1 ViJL an, BOWMANVILLE. Fas,,hionable Milliner.1 ,kHampton eneral Store. We "Holi'd a vaster stock than has been," and are as usual prepared to give birgains ini Clothing, Dry <oods, <roceries and Hardware. Gents' Clothing, Good Tweed Suits to order $8.00. Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. We have a very large and well assorted stock to seect from, in Serges, Wosesand Tweeds, both Foreign and Domestie auatr.W are bound c to SUIT ý ou. Groceries and Hardware. Ini our Grocery and Hardware Departments you will flnd our stock well assort2td, bouglit in the best markets at the closest prices, and will bc sold at the rigbt price. Some people want quantity others quality, rwe ceau plemse botli. lighest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a eaul. r-7anik A. eçole. HAMPTON. WHA'8 OURlOF BOIPANL Low Price is Low Quality. Paint as, good as the --- Sher -hua saint , ,amM (There is noue better) cannot be solti for 'c~ -5 ' .IIL.- -e- less than -we ask. If less is asked you know the quality is lower and its net cheap. ts poorly made, contains poor material, cr [s short measure. You get what yen pay for' every tinte, The Sherwiu-Williams Special Floor Paint is matie for floors ant inothing else. It is matie te walk ou anti stand be- ing walked on. Paint your Window anti Door Sereens, we have a special paint for them alone. Varnish Stain, Buggy Paint, Leati, Oils, Turpeutitte. Cali and get a celer card. BoWmANVILLE. West End Hardware Store. Tic eavr BockSale Of Boots and Shoes Stili Going On,. We have sold piles of Boots the Iast five or sIx weeks and have lots t~o dispose of yet, and very cheap-first-class goods at very small 'Driees. My Spring stock is in-most of it-and we find our shelves crowdec,. We'want more room and are bound. to have it, if low prices have any- lhing to-do with it. Oui carry a good assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and black at $1.00. Men's'Caif and Cordovan Blms, sewed and rivitted, from $1.40 to $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50., Children's Button and Blms 25c, 50c,, 75c, worth 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in prices. We will tell you what the stock is in each and every pair. The reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now in stock in every hune. The public is invited to inspeet our stock; 11o trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Shawl Straps, fancý and plain, Dresbing, the very best that-can be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli. ed to. Ilepairinig donc in ail its branches in flrst-class style. Fie work made to order, sure fit or no sale. Thanking my customers for past favors and hopîng for a continuance of the L.ame. 'eaver Block, Bowmanville. Dr THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURN"AL and SSCIENCE oMIHEALTH. iKnowa verywberc ~si l it-frst year. WVritr FOWLER &, WELLS Cn,ý 27 . 21st st. New York, tor speoîimen~copy. $1,00 ayeai te new subescribers incIuding a short sweLm'-ary etof aalr Élsirin g a gond district sbeulti write et once. \ve bave ever 600 acres onder cultivation. Our stock is preneunceti free frem San Jese Seale by Gevemument Inspecter. Agents suppit wttbcepy et certificate. We aise bantile lte aewestanti best vareties et Seeti Potatees. write for particulans, l'ErfAm ~NuaseexGC Toronto, Ont. For Infants ,n(l hilcireun- Th fao. imll 5l1nature 0, ITELEGRAPHY 0F THOUGHT. '-lan Nlaclarenl" Declaires Sympa thy ig the Medjun.i Beti, oct, riecnd ad That Distaunce u., No Difiera,,ce. The newesb thîng in wireless tele- graphv is the theorv ef the noveliLo, feula Maclden (the Rev.TJohn WtsDn), that costly electrical transmitters and receivers are net always nocessary for the sending of messages te any quarter of the globe. Hie says wýaves of ideas and emotiens mnay be sent baclr and forth between persens widely separated, jast as electrical wtaves travel between twe points without wires. Hie declares sympathy is the modiumn that carnies the thoughts, and that distance maltes ne difference. Accerding te his teoery. te bc sucoeesful in sending thenght messages ene must be unselfish and be filled with love fer bis feilewmnen. SHere is the staa'tling statement of the world-famous novelisa, theolegiait andi preacher: "I believe it is possible for peeple hundretis ef miles apart te signal te oe another withoua 'aires. Between yen andi the persea there must be a common feel- ing. It most frequiently makes jaseif felt in the heurs ef trouble, and is etten a caîl for help. The correspoutionce here l9 betweeu beart anti heart, andi the medium tbreugli wbich the message passÀs is love. "Indeed, this invisible medium ifor carrying the waves ef theug-ht and feel- ing is the bedy ef the risen Christ. It is Christ who unites the whole race,! andi especially ail Christian folk, by His in- carnation. Into HM are gatbered aIl the fears, sorrews, pains, treubles et oach member, se that île feels with ali, andi from Hlm flows the same feeling te ether me'nbers of the body. Hie is the commen spring of sensitiveness andi sympatby who cenecets each man witb his neigh- ber andi maltes of theusauds a living organle spir-itual unity. "In exact proportion as ene abides in Christ te abat degree will hoe be able -te communicate with fis bretbren, seen and unseen, Have yeu net neticeti how oe of delicate seul will dtect secret trouble lu the failure of a smile, in the subtene ofa veice, in a fooeting sbadow lu the oye? llow did hie know? we duller peeple say. By hjs fellowship with, Christ, is the oaly answer. Why did we net knew? On accouat of our bardniess and selflsh- f055. "If eue lives self-centreti, ever con- cerneti about his own affairs, there is ne callousness te which hie may net descend; if one lives the selfless life, there is ne mysterieus secret ef sympatby which may net ho his. In prenertion as wVu liv,, fer oursolves are we soparateti freim our familles, our frieutis, our nighbers; lu preportion as we enter inte, the 11f e ef the cross we are eue witb them ail, beiug ene with Christ, whe is eue witb Ced." At the conclusion et bis lecturiug tour througb the western States Dr. Watson was asked what exporieuce lho bad lu his career which corroberateti his uew theory ef theught transmission. In answor ho referroti the interviewer te a boek euaitled "lun.Auswer te Prayer," wherein iehoas narrateti several of bis strauce ecaponi- onces. Perhaps the mest remarkable case Outed is as followvs: ï"It was My privilego, before I came te Setton Park Chiurch, to ser've as a col- boague with a vonoerableininister te wbom I was siucerely attacheti, and whe sbowed meimuch kindnesý. We both felt, the separttiou keenly, aud kept up a cou- stant correspondance, wbile this goti and affectionate man telloweti my werk with spiritual iutorest andi- constant prayer. Wheu uews came one day that hoe was daugerouslv 111 It is naturai abat Lis tl'end shouýld bc greatly concerueti, anti, as the days E)f anxiety grow, that the matter shoulti take farm holti et bis mind. "lIt was a groat relief te learn, toward the aund et a week, that the sickuess had abateti, and whou, on Suuday meruiug, a letter came wltb strong antifisai assurances of recevery, the strain Nas quite relaxed, anti I did my duty at moruing service with a light beart. Dur- ing the afternoen my satisfactien began te fail, and I grew uneasy, until by eveuifig service the letter of the inorning counteti for uotbing. l'After returniug home iny mmnd was tomn witb anxiety and became meosS mis- erabla, fearing that this god man was stililu in dager, anti, it might ho, near unte death. Gradually the conviction deepeneti and teck hld utfnme that hoe was dyiug anti that I would noever see hlmi again, tili at last it was laid ou me that if I hepeti te roeive bis blessing 1 must malke haste, andi by-and-bye abat I hati botter go àt once. "lIt did net seem as if I now bati any oeice, and 1 certainly ne longer bad any tieuba, so, having written te break twe engagements for Menday, I lot t at miti- uigbt fer Glasgow. As I whirled through the darkness it certaiuly diticoccur te me that I bati doue an unusual tbing, for bore was a fairly busy man ]eaving bis werk andi going a long nlght's journey te visit a sick frienti, ef whoes well bei'îg ho had been assured ou god autbority. By every evideuce which ceuld tell ou another persen, hoe was acting feelisbly, andi yet lie was obeyiug au almest irri- sistible impulse. "The day breke as we climbeti the for an unexpecteti caîl. Wheu the dee] epeniet it turucti ent that straugers aoci occupieti the bouse, and that my familý bai gene te another address, which wa, la the s-smo street, but coulti not bE givon. "This was euougb, la mîgbt appeer, t( tomn me frem aimless visitiug, but stil. the pressure couainueti, as if a baud werc drawing me, and I set eut te diseevei the uew bouse, tili I hati disturbeti feui families with vain inquiries. '£hon th( remnembrauce et my nmatie anti impora jtive culis came upea me, anti I abandoned rny fruitless- qaest witb seme sense CI shame. Had a busy clergyman nel enougir te do without sncb a wild geosu. chase: -antioeegrutigeti the time oe hati lest. "Next meruing the beati et that bouse- bolti I hati yesterday seugba in vaiu came mac miy stutiy witb cucb evitient sorrow on bis face abat oee asteued te meet bhim witb auxieus inquirice. 'Yes, we are in a groat treubl e; yosterday our little oe (a yeuug baby) týok vary' 1fi anti dieti in the aftrneon. My wife was utterly over- come by the shock anti we weulti have sont for yeu aa the time but hati ne messeuger. I wiseti yeu bati beau there -if yen bati ouly kuown. "'Anti the time?' 'About balf-past 8.' "Se I hati lanowni, but bad been tee impatient,1' Countess Scbimmelmaun, wbe recoutly visiteti Teronte in ber yacht, tolls a reinarkable incident. "There bas been a groat deal writteu anti saiti about -,virelesAs telegraphy," sho said, "anti I lately reati a very intcrest- ing article about the wireless telegrapby efthabeught. Now, I am a scoptie mysoît about the matter eft elegraphy oftahougbt, but thore is eue way lu which certaiuly there is a wireiess telegraçiby froem spirit te spirit, andti aat is frem the spirit et Get te ur -eul. "IWbat is prayer else? Anti the wender- fuI tbiugabout tlis telegrapby is that the mere' yen use it the strenger it werlts. If yen set these unseen waves, iu motion, andi leep tbem waving, they witl just by abat motien get strongor, anti this will explain the uecessity anti the power et ceutinneti prayer, If we teucb abese linos, we get into a terriaery et very wende 'rful anti many yet unknowa things. As the poot eays, thore are-many thiugs betweon heaven anti oartb et wbich our seheol wisdom bas 'net as yet the capacity te dream. There are geeti anti bad influences comiug lu contact wyitb us ont et unkuown Épheres. The only tbing I know anti an sure ut is the influence my Heavenly Father sentis threugb lis spirit anti lis angels. "I have beau askoti te givo, a tew strilt- ing incidents et my lite that I cannet explain, but simply bave experienceti. The euiy explanatien yen can possibly give te it is a wirèless telQgrapby froim beaven abat was sent me as a waraiug. "lIt is uew twe years since I anchoreti Nwithrmy yacht, tbe Duen, in the Lym- fjord. My youngest son, a brigba, golden, eurly-baired boy, was rowiug with oe ef eur s-siiars lu a beat about a mile andi a baît from our yacht. Iu the clear air ef the nertb tbcy vere yet te ho seen, anti 1, -ivatbIng the-u disainctly saw the boy rise anti eketrnthe boat se abat it \vas fillti with watar. I saw hlm anti bis cemnradte struggrinluthe waves anti my lad sinking unýtil bis golden curîs wero floating ou thle wavea. "Ail this teok several mninutas et time, anti alreatiy at the first sigbt et the over- turning boat I cnieti fer 1elp auti burrieti the @rew ie othe lifeboat. Witb great quickness tbey triedti t reacb the spot, but la was impossible te de se befere the lapse et 15 minutes. Wbeu tbey arriveti they tounti the boat quite safe anti both lads flsbing. "Tbcy coulti net thiak wbat bau matie me see this, anti turne t t row homne, but aftVr tbey bati taken several strekes hol-eward t'le whole tbing bappeneti exacaly as I hati seau it about 15 minutes before, but the boat belng near, the mute wvas just in tinme te catch the gelden curie et my boy wbeu becivas siuking, while the seller was clingiug te, the boat, se both were rescueti, I am nont subjeet te sigbts et any kinti generally, anti I simply give this tact as w'e ail saw it bappen, anti Cannet givoit any ether explanation thau that it '&os a warniag sent frem Ged te rescue the lives et the beys." THiE WILDEST LIONS. Habits of ahe Man-Eating BRing of 3e as ts. Whon liens becoe man-eators, these mnent anti treacherous brutes talte nen- necessary trouble te catch mon, anti whilo human beinge are plentif ni noue et themn ndertake porious onterprises er procooti on auy baphazarti expetitiens. Thoy kuew what te de anti where te go in erder that prey may be procuretiwith the least ameunt et nisk or oxertien, Sncb a lieu is weli aware et who tille this cern- fieldi or abat inealle patch. Ho bas ln- tormo i hm self et bow many mou accem- pany the village borde, nhere any eut- lying camps are situateti, anti bew tbey are guarie. There is ne route by wbich travellens preceeti or traffie is carrieti ou, APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. Goal, Giralil, 44~~~ê44O Until further notice SPOT CASHI will buy fresh mineti, well screened Coal at the following pricts: Scranton Coal, all sizes, at harbor $4,75 per ton; delivered to auy part of town $5.25. Having hantileti this Coal for ý24 ce - secutive îears anti almost ail other kintis at tintes we can recommenti it as both best anti cheapest. Our shoed capachay being sufflicient for the suppit- et this section the publieceau depeuti ou always getting dlean, dry ceai. As in the past ,ve are prepanedti t pay the very higheit imarket price fer all kintis et GRAIN AND SEEDS delivereti at our stereheuses corner King anti George Sts.,' or at Port Darliugten. SALT-cearse, faoe anti tair7 iu bags anti barreis, also Retsef Hock Sait for cattle anti herses always on baud Lumber, Lath, Sbingles, Sash, Deers, etc., in stock anti madtiste rter.Inspection inviteti anti satidfaction guaranteeti. BoWMAIÇVILLE. i I i i i I i vvvv',vvvvvvvvvus~ç~v~~ ~I N. ---~--~ Country people as a rule feel the want of convenient bathing conveniences. One of the zreat advantages of if e in the ciyis the pleasure and iuxury of the bath- room with its hot and coid water, Then. there are in every city speciai Russian and Turkish Baths where those suif er- ing from Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, &c., &c., can secure the advantages of these weli known institutions which have' hitherto been beyond the reach of those living in the country. IN EVERY HOME. Now however ail this is changeci and the humblest home in the land can have the ad-. vantaQ:e of one of the most perfect baths made. The Niagara Vapor Bath Co. manufacture a fulil ine from $2.00 up. See testimonial prices and sampies at STOIT & JURY'S DRUG STORE. BOWMANVILLEI ByCLE R EPR8HP MARKET SQUARE, BOWMAWIVILLE. Having -added considerable new rnachinery, I arn now prepared to do ALL.CLASSES of Bicycle and General ilepair work. Brazing and Tire Vulcauizing doue here-no need to send such work to the, city. Wheels are buîlt to order. See THE FISIILEIGU "SPECIAL" before buying. An Up=to=date Bicycle LI*very,. Wheels always îu A-i repair. i 8-tf. e Wa. LJ HLIG H. îs Crsstoria hi for Infants and Clilidren. Castoria is a harnsless substitute for Castor O11, Paregoie, ]Drops and Soothling Syrups. It coutains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Lt is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thiirty years' use by Millions- of Mothers. Castoria destroys Woris anud allays Feverisia- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhosja and Wind Colle. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation andi Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Foodi, regulates the Stomacli and Bowels cf Infants and Cliiren, givinig healthy and naturni slc-ep. Castorla ha the Clhldren's Panacea-The Motlier's Frienti. Castoria. Catitoria. "Casteria is au excellent medicilue for "Castonia is se wcll adapted te chiltiren childaien. Mothers havae repeatedly toltime thiat Irecommnendi t as auperior teany pro- ot its good effect Opel, their children." scription i n ot me." Da. G. C. OsGooD, Lae'eZ7, Me'ss. Fi. AAcna, M. D. Brooklyaa, N. Y THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F ----------- ----------- Immigrant-At last I ain in free Arn' mica. A manl can aie pretty mnueb as ha pleases la abis country, cen't ho? Native-Y-e-s, iless he's marrieti. Preutiltigh-lM 'y fiathar, yen know, was a lNefi-ib 'nr P.fis ogress, anti- De .Ân., -I'at's ail nigbt, olti ohapl Ldarea"y YOUTlbu a ble te lly ,lt dowui, etc§

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