WELLA-ND VALES ARE DURABLE, being madle of matenial c:f tic higliost grade. WELLAND VALES ARE LIGJIT RUNNING, because they are built by mechanica of skilîl andI long expenionco in wheel building. WELLAND VALES ARE HANDSPOME, because they are btiilt,.01p correct linos and beautifully and substantially finished., Cail and examuine them before placing your order. - - - - - - - - ~~ ~ *fl....... ............aS. ................. ..........EStflS PUBLISHER'S-NOTICE. THE STATESMAN is mailed'regulani>' te its subacribers until a dofinite orden te discontinue is received -and all This word is OUI copyrigbtet guarantea for amous ae pidtinl full- Subseita Purity anti Sireugili wbee taon on our goods. Il, arr&rsarepai. sripionmarks them lte standards for tireir severai pur- $1,50. per annum. If paid in udvance pssand tls presence protecris yolt frons emta-I 81.0 perannun. tonsanti inferior gonds. Look for it. 1/ARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A. esae Plant S prit cn a y. omnea os M .LJAmEas, Issuer of Marrtage Licensas. IPiitePa oa otîsn iee os Résidence: Centre street. on a-rsenic or Paris Green. Sure death te ail iii- seet 1f e ugi, etc. Haralleos te vegetation. Canatiasnnly reliable spray. Barrister, Solicitor anti Conveyancer. Office-She î D *li%0 Béakley Bock. King street. Bnwmaaviiie I Meney te boan at reasonable rates. 45-lyr, 1 Persiatle Sireep Dtp is a preparatile for tire dure of skie diseases andth ie eradicatien of vermin in sheep and caille. It is igily medicinal ati ~ TO LEND toc s work with no drasticeor irritaiing et- $ ~ ~ ~ T LEn otimrtD fots. Eutiorsed by leading slreep raisers. gage securit>' at rooderate rates of inlerest, A. E. McLAcGIILIN .tloiitor,Bnwatanville,Oflt, o s a i6 -6m. Persîatsc Horse Washi s a specall11 prepared medicameut for tire cure of skie diseases pecu- DR. J. C. MITCHELL, liar te horses sud for ridding thens of al lusect, EMBER OF COL' ,EGE eOF PHYSICIANS pesîs anti vormrn. It bas a siîrpassingly refresh- I~I OtaniCnrnersic, ing effect, irigitens the pelt andi puis the 5kin M and Surgeons, Otrjeoour tc natborongirîy iraltir>'canditinuPrie $1.00 Residence. EnDusknlen. 74 per 84 on.. eau maPETETAI3R' Pig Washl. unPers atic P e'Wash s succesfully used ia al P r EA E , T ILOR cases ef sk ndiseases nf swiue, sud for destrey- Gentlemen's Clothos made te Ordor. sug aIils, lice sud verme generaliy. Kee=tise ska fi healthy coudition sud ensures a batiry __________________________________ apparance ie tire dresseti animal for market. D. BURKE SIMPSON, HePoueOrUmLTRY J3ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' 1J JPOWDER .13 BLOCK, up-stairs, King'Street, Bowman Persiatic lieu inuse Spray anti Poulttry Pow- der tiestrey vermin peculiar te tire featirereti ville. Soicitor for tire Ontario Bank. stock-on fowis er in sireds. Act as a tilsinfeet- PIvate monsys loaned at lowest rates,. stdctroy iug gcrms au d nrifying lire aimes- __________________________________ phee. l iberally tirey prevent roup and ktnei dis..ases ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. Puirchasetirese gonds from your dealer or seuti 0X FFlCE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS teous direct for tirm. We inýite correspondenre. .JBlock, wirere himself onriis assistant wili THE PICKIIARDT RENFREW CO., be, found from S a. m. te 9 e. m.__Nsi4t ialîs _at Limlted, Stouffville, Ont. residence, directly opposite Drill Sbêd. Calls by telegnap or teisphone whlrecelve prompt at- tenton. 171 - yr. DENIxTR C. HARNDEN, L.D.S. Graduate efthtie Royal College of Dental Sui geons, Ontario OFFICE.-Opposite Express Office. VITALIZED AIR contînuestodo a Genrai Banking Business at Bowmanviîle Ageney.. DEPOSITS received la Savings Bank Departiment and lnterest aiiowed at cm rent rates. oieo withdrawai not mecessary. Ail depsis payable on demand, XEA G Bougiri anti soitianti Drafts issueti pn ouEus-e Unitedi States andi Canrada alto (Sold Silver anâi Unitesd States Grecuhs'cks'hongisl anti solti COLLECTIONS Proytly matie at enrrent raies upou sîl parts of Grat Britain, tire Unitedi States andthie Dn- minionuof Canada, Telegrapli Transfers Matie for largo or emaîl sunes ou ail parts nf Canada. This is seîialy adi aitageus te per- sons living iu Maissrtaba or tire Noth-West, il makes tire fends avaîhairle at once aitirhe place of payment. Foir er partieuilars cal atlthe bank. A. J. MCCLELLAN, GEO. McGILL, Aceuitairt Manager J .IBRIMACOMBE DENTIST. Office.-Rear cf Messrs. Higgin. botham & Son's Drug Store, (Down tairs), BOWMANVI LLEO Str. Garden, City., Newcastle, Bowsnan-slles, O*awa and Whîtby te 'TORONTO, FIIIDAY, JUUE l8tli, 1899. And contieuing every Friday tirougirnut tire season. wlll leave, NEWCASTLE - 6.30 a.m. BOWMANVILLE - - - 7.00 OSrrAWA -8.00 WHITBX-----------8.45 Returning leaves Toronto ut 5.00 p.m. Speiaiattention gixcu te tire bantin" el Fegr.Fer Tickets anti Information appTy 10 HARRY CANN,:ý THOS. NIHAN, Agent,jBowmanville, Manager, Toronto. Headi Offic e Getides' Whrarf, Toonte. Telo- pliions No. 2947. ,18-4 Me, BOWMANVILLE. JUNE 14, 1899., "I WANT TO BE A SOLDIER." Can anyhody tell me if tliore's going to ho a war, For, I want to ho a soldier. 1 love tho srnell of powder and to liear tlie eannou's rear, For, I want to ho a soldier. I've lots of ammunition, I'm equipped dlear out* olsiglit, I'm Ioaded down witli huliots, bucksbot and dynamite, I'rn a ripe old,snortin' son of a gun and looking for a figlit, For 1 want to ho a soldien. Riglit face! Ferward! Don't you heur tbom about, Last niglit I dnearnt I put a negirnont, te rout, Oh!1 I'd give anything if a war'd break eut, For, I want te ho a seldier. I'ye studied ail the military boks that I could find, For, I want te ho a soldion, I've foug'ht a bundred thousand bleody hutties in rny mind, For, I wunt te ho a soldier. I fell asleep the other day whie aitting in a chair, The enerny surrounded me but stili I didn't cane, I cupturod sixty tliousand men and nover tunned a bain, Fer, I want te be a soldier. I saîd gpod-hyo te ail my feuks and went te see rny gal, Fer, I want to, ho a soldier. Sie said, When yen cerne baci again, you'l ho a genoral, Net an erdinan>' soldior. I knew P'Ibeh premotod niglit away fer bravory, For l'Il ho wiore the cannon balla are t4ickest, don't, yen aco, Benea tte ammunitie-n wa-geon therels the place for me, Fer, I want te ho a seldion. But whien I go te the front yen bot I want te figit, Fer I want te ho a soldior. Pmr rea.dy an>' tirne for ha.ttie, mern- ing, noon and night, For, I want te ho a soidier. l'mi u awflul hum>' andI must fight witliout dolay, Perliapa te-nîorrew 1 won't feel Just like 1 feel to-day, Se hning aieng yeur arrny, and l'Il jein Fer, I want te ho a soidier. C1Hidren QCry for MIJNYON'S GUARANTEES Btwossg Assertiomm as te Just 'What ihe Remedien Wi11 Do. Munyou grarantees that bis lerinransin curs eil uete early all cases of rirenin- tism lu a few hcrrr; -tirat bis Dyspeii Cire will cure indtgestionantid 811 stemaarh tromtir ' - . tirat bis Kidaey C vo wiii care 90 iyr rrr of aIl cases ef Lidrey f trouble; tirat iis Ca- tarrir date w il cure - catarrir ne matier irow long standing; tirat Idis eadaclie (Cure sli cura i, any klad ef beatiache i a few minutes;thtia iris Cold Cure sili qluirkiy break up sn)y £Orm Of eM and se on tirroagir tie satire list et ruinedies. At ail druggisis, 25 cents a viol. If Yeu nsed medIcal adrice write Prof. Sianyon, 1505 A-ch Et., l'ldia. Ih laabsolutely free. SOL1LOQUY, USDER A BEECH TREE. Spring with its bright sunshine, its propliesy ing robins and orchestral frogs bas once more tripped along. Gushing rivulets bubble with glee wliero dainty cowslips grow coquettish with the first rays of morn. Direct your eyos to the1 east of nortb, centre tbema upon a twolve acre field somowliat undulating but rich 'n loam, follow those straight parallel ridgelets to a prancing toam of dappled bays, get acquainted with tbe driver a strong robust man of ý21. Be sure you read beneatb the surface for he is of quiet disposition and unassumn- ing lu mannor. No, such privilege will flot be yours to day for behold the louds are dark- ening and the gallant youtli is driven for shlter to a spreadinZ beeci nut tree. The dense foliage assisted bv a stray plank suffice to make him- a unique rustic covering. Seatod on a moss grown sap bucket, carving an even spiral fromn a willow cane lie faîls into steady thought:-Cupid lias tippod bis ightning arrows witli fervour and and bas taken straight definite aim. Ambition for citv fame tliriils bis overv nerve followed by a comparison of rela- tive advantages. "The taxes on mny bundred acres are no more than those on a small cîty lot our school tax is very small. the rent of four small scats iu a city churciL would nay for a wbole seating accommodation in ours, true I would ike an intellect- ual lecture now and thon but my 11h- rarv is full and bas its unclerlined pages, to obtain the polisli of socioty would be pleasant but I would not want the non- sense that oftent accomijauies it, liere I amn independent, cau he original, ru ged and at the same time ;courteous justly regarding the feelings of others. The politicians are good to me, those1 people in the city who livo consistently1 neyer, show themsolvos superior. Na- ture directod by good reR ding is tho best disciplinarian 1I know oi. Our1 9coPntr- h4ý b00e1 as well served by vol, unteers as the réogulars. Those- men who wrote those articles for The Satun-- day NL\igldt prohably nover lived in the country, if they did tbey certainly JD: flot picture mv life. Farrning liard work! 0f course it is tliose nations that have made a success of living are those wliose mon in every capacity have worked dilig-ently, lion- estlv and faitlfully.-A farmer 1 shal: Just here a crystal drop tell upon n hiade cf grass causing it to swing with gentie vibrations. "Hlow nnassuming in growtli our grass is ! The gentloness of the sunshine aidod by tlie quiet mod- ifving power of moist vegetablo mould transforms those fields into living green. Steadil 'y,,noiselosslv, atom by atom the planet thirows out- its tiny- branches. Quietnoss seems to ho the secret of growtb." A gentie 'breezo and tlie leaves are ail set quivering, the sun peeps out from under tlie silvor lining of a craven cloud, a bob-o-link echatters merrily over the lover meadow wbile Ned tunes bis whistle to the clini of the seed-drill and ail Nature soems in ecstasy. "Wlio makes by force bis menit known And lives to lutcli tho golden k-eys T-o lount a migbty state's decrees And shape the whisper of the throne." ORIEINTAL. A Sulre Reward Wlien Paill&s Ce1ory Com- Pound is llsed. The Only Medicine That is Able to Gall a Hait to Al Wasting and Dan- gerous Diseases. If sick poopl-young and old-acted witli greater promptness and decision, suffering, agony and misery would he vastly reduced. .To delay tlie work of regulating and hracing- the nerves and purifying tlie blood is a serious mistake. When the blood is sluggish, impure and poisoned, wben the nervous system is unbalanced, wlien digestion is de- -anged, and the appetite poor and var- iable, bo assured your condition la cnit- ical andi call,, for instant attention befoze the bot summîer weatlier brings its many added dangers. At this time the use of Paine's Celery Conmpound-wldfa&avlluxnf for eveny rundown, sick and discased man audwoman. Its lifo-giving-work- flrst commences with thie hlood, whicli is made dlean and pure; tlien the norves SONG IVRITING AND POPULAR SONGS. Our attention was rocently called te the trernendous increaso lu sales cf popular songa, and musical "hits" cf the day, wliich b>' a good rnany is at- tributed te the illustrativo lid es, whici centaini>' bave; lu great part, lielped the sale cf songa vhon sung in public b>' oun diff enent variet>' ingers, and vaudeville unlists. Twenty-five years ugo the rnost peop- ular song lu Amnenica was " Show Fly. Tien carnel'Corne, Birdie, cerne," A little lator "Molly Darling" ivas ground off every hand organ, felloweîi bv "Sul- ver Tlireads umong tie Gold, " "Grand- fatbon's Ciock ", " The Mulli,-an Guards," and other ilarnigau & Hart successes. Stili laten "Wuit until the Clouda Rell B13vy" Peek-a boo, and '"Daisv Bell" iad their day. For a song to ellout the extt'nt cf 50,000 copies was considered verv largo in those days, and if tic claimed circu- lationwas 150,000 copies, tie authenti- city cf sncb a circulation was question. cd. Todav unless a seng sella tote extont of 500,000 copies, it ean handlv ho considered popular, and rnany songs cf late have run inte the million and overn Tliat tic illustrative sldes bave cor- tainl'v lielped -tic sale cf songs tins il- lustrated on tic stage and elsewiere, la unquestioned, but pnehably the real neuson te wiich the incneasad sales ean ho attributed la. te the fact that we are raising a crop of sang wnitens, who do net offor more doggcrel and naamb.v- pumnby rubbisi-hut reali>' good music te striiing w'ords, and wieneas some of tiese song writens cunuot bantuonize or evon write their own accompanimonts (wiici was Stephen C. Foster's case) tbey neventheless in a measure seem al tic W.ore succesaful hocause deprivod *of tic very scbooling tic>' need. As la Journalism, Litenature, Electricity and other Sciences, so in Music, and partie- ulanly in popular son.- writing, dees Amreicu soons te ieep abrat with tic times. Amon- rodent sengs, Hattie Stunn's "Grandmýa'sLastAmen" stands pro cmi- nent. Net alone is tic music of this composition extneînolv swoet and tune- fuI, but tic words tell a stor>' wbich ap- poals te tic beurer's heurt. Good judgos consider this song a wotiv suc- cesser te Sullivan's "Lest Cierd" and "Adams' "Hoi>' City" and wbereas, from a critica standpoint, 1'Gnandma's Lat Amen" cant quite rani witi theso compositions, us cf aIl rodent song writors, Hattie Starr seema te have tie inaci cf writing tic sert cf "Folk Song" which se endeuns a writor te tic poople. The great Haydn once suid lie wouid rather have- written "Robin Adair" than the "Creatien." Will 'Grundma's Lat Amen" outlivo tic "lLest Chord" ? JIoest Atly1ce free to Meien 'rhe CXANÀuIAN STiATË8IIAN is roqucat- ed te publialiftic fllowing: Ail mon who are nerveus and debilitated or B'boI are suffering frem an>' cf the Vâtlibus treubles resuiting f rom oerwori .excess or youtifui ornons, are uware tiat moat medical firms advortising te cure these conditions cunnet ho relled upon. Mn. Grahams, a nesident cf Lendon, Ont., living ut 487k Richmond St., was for a long tirne a sufferen fnem above troubles and uften trying ln vain mun>' advor- tisod remedies, electric boita, etc. bhe- corne ulmost entinel>' dis rouraged and hopol4cass. Finuil>' ho cenfided ini an -old Clergyman who dinected him te an ominent and reliahie physician,througi. wiose skillful treatmont a speody and perfect cure was ohtained- Knowing te bis sorrow tiat se mun>' peen suiferens are being imposed upon by unscrupuleus quacis, Mr. Grarnm ce)nsiders it bis dut>' te give bis fellow mon the henefit of bis expenînce and assista thern te a cure bv infonming anyene who will write to fiim in strict confidence wiere te ho cuned. Ne at- tention cun ho givon ,to those writing eut cf more curiosit>' but un>' one who reully needa a cure is advised te addnoss Mn. Graharn as abeve 14-tf. CLARKE UNION Mns. John Parier visite 'd reconti>' ut Mn. Gea. Cain's, Welcomo .. Mn. and Mrs. Thas. Pewers, Kinhy, wone rodent visitos . . .. Mrs. James Tlambl «yn lias been il. ... On Wednesday, June 7th, un accuronce cf unusuai interest oc- cured ut the residence cf ERuas Berry, Esq., it heing the maniago of bis eldeat daugitor, Rostta, te Mn. Colin Smith, Clarke. Tice nuptial meot was securel>' tined b>' Rev. J. F. Berry, brother cf the bride asaisted hy Reva.MeKeen and Adamns., ROBBED THE GRAVE-A startling in- cident of whicli Mr.John Oliver cf Pii- adeiphia, was tic subject, is narrated b>' bue as folliws: "I was in a meat dreudful condition. My Skin was airneat yellow, eyca sunien, tangue coated, DR. A. W. CHASE'$ 2 CATARRH CURE...2 e is sent direct to tire dîseaseti parts ry lire Improved Blower. Heais ire alcers, clears lire sic pas sages, stops droppin ssin the tirroat aud permananlly cures rrse.Ail da r D, . . Cirase fre atl dar r D HyFr.BoW.aer Medcine Co.. Toronto a" BuUso. Clarke's iKola Co-iIound Ç ures. Somne -earls ago this vwouJibave ecu cdl- sidered an linpossiblitY,-,Ihu lr. C'alLao OSB solved the preblem in. ece itnu l.-es- periments witb the wonderful'i aplai, nl England. In t9ecmber. 1111,hefolind, tbat by comnbning extraýctsfrmi RII with otber c-tracta aeCos h iei doti a lt which gTows inCafen, bl the compound would cure thoseurfi cases of astbma. Upon cpr-c'Ji i one of the learilng London b'ia~ho fonnd that ira per cent. of thecae's cured in frein Lc9 te 190 date'reoýtnît t t3ice the introduction of tilima ly Canada i18115 ibere bave b1, L) cases crrred j,,tC'îiqda alne M'tr. 1. IlnnieC. P. R. unlner, W-, ~v -,rites :-1 bave -L-11 la glar sa 1rin asthme in iris w CIt forifor evrr v e year'i, and urvr succeecde!d lot£ arnything te I lp me Der:,aniit,: l C. P. R1. doctri pr-redCa0~ Cowmpounid for me i I ertnbr, ISh, twe hertes entiire-ly ,ri me ;ai .,i hrave net ince bad a'rirerrvrrn cf em 11a1. 1 airrpeirr mQuaily 'd ljrnt least six personce whe ha_ý be.'ut It asthma br'- Carkes KolaCeivula feel it ny d'ty e reýmnnr!L 'o ilI WIo mas bec trnublcd w ih this , c-. bre bottierarec.ab-olnîelx "gr' i i te, cure. .- free iamp:,e botue , r , ,.uset te aîiv per ---on_ i d iriba' ýri. Adriress e 'eGllte& ajrî'Ce, sole Canarlian agents, 121 Ch.;rr'i te Toronto, Oiarie. Seld by a i d 1S.i Others may relieve, but 0'arLutsHl Cempound fer astbia permanc"î y ureÏ r A Port Hope Lady UndùErgoos a trying experionce, from whicb $ho !S at Iast freed by the use of Mlburn's Hear-t and Nerva PilIs. Mn. F. J. ARMSTRONG, one of Port H jope's best known citizens, speaks as follews' "My wife has had a terrible time wýith her heant for the last fifteen montis. "The pains were intense, and slie lid a, smnotlmering feeling together with sbortness of breath, weakncss and general debility. Medicine seemed to, do lier no good, and We had about gV*en ptry*ngwben she e ated tetake M1lbrn'sH eart and Nerve Ilîs They bave 'toned ber up wonder- fully. b"(She is stronger to-day than she lias been for montba, tbanks te Milhurn's Hearf bnd Nerve Puis. I am sure tbere cana ho hio better nemedy frnm their remankable hffects in Mrs. Armstrong's case." Laxa-Llver Pils o u P eConstipatlon, Bick Headache and Dyspepsia. Sprains, Straiiis and Injý wieS of th@ Baek often eause Kidney Trobible.- DOU'fS KI»RY FILIS THE CURE. Here is the proofi-4_ j Mrs. S. Horniog, GlasgOW Strt Guelphi, Ont.,- seys: IlDeens Ridney Pills are" grand. I have net been ilt since takîng tbem, -which w as over a year ago lest winter, andI cen give tbeml my warmest praise ; for tbey nestored mue te beelth aller 25 years of Aultering. Twenty-five ycars ago I spralned rny back severely, and ever since my kidncys bave been in a very hait state. The dectors teltI me that my left kidney especially was in a very bad con- dition. A terrible bnrning pain was aiiays present, and I sufferect terribly frern'tlun.. bage and pain in tbe amali of ns> bacit, tegether witb otber painful and distressinK symptema, commoni in kidney complairntes. 1 conld net steep, aiad suffened muni frota sait rheum. Ilien I first commenccdâtaking Doan'& r KidnQy Pis Ilied little or nufaithI in thieni, but I' thougbt I weuld try them; and IL. î roved the best eliperiment I ever maclo, had only taken twe boxes wieti the pain left my back eritirely. Tbree boxýes more, orllve in ail, made a cemplete cuire. 'lAfter 25 ycars' of suffring fremi kidnevy disease I amn now bealthy ,j ad slrong again, and will be pleased te subentiate -whatI bave said, should anyone wish te eniqire".' Laxa-Liver PIS are the mnos,! perfect remedy known fer the cure of Con. stiplation, Dyspepsia Biliousncss and Sick Ileadache. The>' work without a grip or pain, dou net sickea or weaken or ieav an>' bad after cifeets, SllERIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS.- k)United Counties of Nerthnmberland aç for I wunt/ yen te go to LUTTRELI'S for sorna huns and ci4keq for tea. J olnny- l'il corne lionM on thie rmLn, for' 1 luke going thiere, for hi~s bu sandcae are jurt fine. A fulIl stock ofConfet,(ioievsalvv. kopt on hami.or saiwy