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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1899, p. 4

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OMM! Il Now is the time for Room Paper. A lady said to me last week, "I sent away for paper for my hall but after seeing whatyo hvean yur prices, I arn very sorry." Don't be misled. Dntbay frorn samples. Inspect my patterns, get my prices, and know what you are getting. Satisfaction is the word. Window Shades. No culîs, and no trash. all good stock and good value. Curtain Poles very cheap Pictures, Picture Frames and Room Moldings are specialties with e. No trouble to show goods. Choice Window Plants for sale. -pTRILOK BOWMA'NVILLE. 't e ee *44~es,,*4ê4 Everything in Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Glass- ware. Granite ware given with Baking Powder. We give big value and take small profit. L.U llighest cash price paid for any quantity of Wool. Telephone 57, BUWMANVILLE. ï, ïttt Y1fit- tl( t -ý Furniture Dealer___ A ND__ ___Funeral Director BOWMA.NYILLE ~ORONO. -:::ýTHURSDAY AFIERNOON. A display of Summer ilats in White and Colors,' both Trirnmed and Tjntrimnied at the CORNER MILLINERY STORE. Dainty Lace and Chiffon Hats in endless variety. The balance of our Spring Stock at cost to clear. A full line of Sailors at 50c. Your choice of 75c, $1.00, and $1.25 Flowers at 50c. Do not forget the date Thursclay, Jnne 22nd. Misses Veale& Medland. BOý,MAÂV1Ln. AN EASY PROPOSITION Eeauty and style withont eomnfort is easily obtaillable, consfor t with- out appearance ia cqually sinmple. Yon neyer saw anl ugly pair of 'Sîster Shoes, " yct many of them -cover comifortably mnost unlovely - The combination cf these two- - comnfort asnd beauty-are ouly tolie f had in the -Slater Shoe. 7 Made in twelve shapes, on asats snodelled froi-a actual feet, ail wdths and sazes, leathers, styles andi colora. Every pair Goodyear welted, name andJ price stamuped ons the sole. $3.50 AND $5.00.- JOHN HF.LLYAR,'ý Sole Local Agent. NERVOUS.» DEPRESSUON Means Impoverished and Exhausted Nerves -Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food Restores and Revitalizes the Nerve Celis. People h o sufer from Nervous Depression and Exhaustion frequently look healthy and strong. They alone know the thousand dis- tressing symptoms which make their lives miserable. The lack of nerve force resuits in a slow and sluggish action of the heart, impaired diges- tion, headache, despondency, and a fear to venture, loss of energy, sleeplessneas, incapa- city for mental labor or business. With thes symptoms there is usually melancholy and fear of death, which tends to increase nervousness, but there is every reason to bc hopeful if the right treatment is used. Dr. Chases Nerve Food contains 2,11 the nutri- tion rcquired to create new brain and nerve tissue. It imparts to the nervous systema that life-giving jýrinciple whieb sends a tbrill of new strengtb and vigor tbrougb the system. Dr. A. W. Chases Nerve Food will cure by the building-up process, wbich enables the body to laisgh at disease and wealness. Face cut and fac-simile signature of Dr. A. W. Chase on ecery box of the genuine. Soc. a box, as ail dealers, or ]Ldmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 'el, 1899. T11E G. T. IR. STRIKE OVER. The public will lie pleased to learu that the trackm en's strîke on tlie G. T. H. is endeti. There was intense anxiety over the suatter on the part of the travelling public audtheir frieads. One gentleman tolti us that s0 strong was the feeling in Toronto that wbile long. passenger trains ou the C. P. R. were leaving tlie Union Station loadeti, tlie G. T. R. trains were comparatîvely empty. Ia several towns public meet- ings were held to discuss the situation and stroag resolutions bave heen pass- eti. In Lindsay hast week Victoria County's Grand Jury ia. its presenti- ment referred to the trouble anstiex- pressed a hope for a speedy settiement for "the continuance of tbe strike will bce dangerous to the travelling public." Replving to tlic presentment, Judge Harding said :-"Surely tha G. T. R. shoulti bave some cousideration for the safety of tise public, if they bave not any for ýhe safety of their owni property. It is tu lic bupeti thaf they will give sncb wages as will secure the loyal sup- port of their employees. There is no doubt that the travelling public, as wcll as the property of the railway, are in great danger." The truthfulaesscf the foregoing -apprehension was verifleti Sunday morning wbea dastardly work near Kingston nearly cost twelve pas- sengers and anutnber of train hiantis their lives. Some malielous person turned a switcli causing the derailment and wreck of an engine anti passenger coachi, A dispatch says : "The Grand Trunk railway people say the wreck is the work of a person or persons exper- lencet inl the switcli business, while friends of the trackmen say it-may hav e been tlie work of enthusiastic sympath- izers, over wbom tbey have no control, or are not responsible for. ilat a ligbt been on tlie turneti switch the engine driver would bave'seen the danger signal anti stoppeti short. Tbe damage to the engine anti coach is consider- able." To the great credit of the sfnik- ing trackmen, their beliavior turing the trouble lias on the whole been com- mendible. We cannotsece exactly wby public sympathy lias been almost uni versally on the ýside of the strikers. As we un- tierstandth le situation, the trackmen accepteti the positions tliey have lielti on the ternis ,and conditions ,pecifieti by thse company. If tbey became dissatis- fieti with their pay, tbey bati the pnivil- ege of leaving the company 's employ anti seekîug work elsewhere. Again, we cannot say that tbey were under- paiti in the way that unskillcd labor le paiti. We may misintige their necessary qualifications, but if tbey da not require skill anti-intelligence superior to thse ordîuary farm banti, wbicb we under- stand they do not, then we consider that a dollar a day ail the year round la quite a liberal remunerafion as Ont- ario farmers are paying. WTe have neyer seen gooti reason yet for sympafli- izing witb stikers, especially wben they are allowed the option of leaving their position when tbey are, or wben tbey consitier tbey are, mnot sufficiently recompenseti for services or justly treat ed. Sympathy usuaily '.-es against great corporations, anti no doubt quite correctiy la some instances, but often not so correctly. Dr. Talmage bas a splendid sermon on "The Mission of Art." Doa't miss reading it on inside dage. At the last meeting Of the Counties' Council the popular Warden, J. 'H. Devitt, Esq., gave the members, a clice of tliree ways of entertaining tliem-au excurs-ion to either Rocliester or Niagara, a supper, or havirig a pic- ture of the counceil in a botiy taken. The latter was chosen. If any citizen is sufficently interesteti in tbe matter of the dotiger circulateti by- James Gale last Thursia-y headeti "Contradiction," to cati at THE STATES- M~AN office. we will conviiebita in fwo minutes of wbo is guilfy. of tbe "vile action"; or if preferreti, ask Mr. H. C. Iloar, secretary of West 'Durham Far- mers'Institlite. He can*give the ýpub- lie some officiai information about 'Jas. Gale, Presitieit W. D- F. I." Local and Otherwise. Welab's Ice cream at the Lake. Caw- ker and Tait. Mr. Chas. Sparling, Toronto, is guest at Mr. R. WortWs. Mr. Fred Pethick, Toronto, lias been visiting relatives here. Miss Addie MeDowell is visiting lier sister Mrs. (Rev.) J. J. Rare, Whîtby. Miss Young and Mr. Thos. Hewsoni Toronto, are guests of Dr. S. C. Hillier'- Mrs.Tlios. Stapelton,Coteau Juncti<-n, Que., lias been vîssting hier father, Mr. Geo. Brimacombe. ,Mr. J. Moiyneux Brown, Toronto, travelling representatîve of Cycling, gave us a cati Monday. Miss S. A. Olford, Welcome, was guest of Miss White and other Bow- manilîle friends this week. Ail orders for trips to the lake in Mc- Murtry's band waggon should be left at bis old office and.wi]l receive prompDt attention. Miss Miunne E. Joness gave an after- noon tea to a number of ber frientis in bonor of Miss Graham, Brampton, wbo is guest at Retreat Dairy. qBig offer: STATESMAN adWel Glbe, or Weekly Sun, or Mail and Em- pire or Montreal Witness to end of 1899 for 50 cents. Order from. M. A. James., If you don't see wliat von wasît, ask for it. Nichoîls lias it. if 'you cant get wbat you want, want what 'you can get. If Nicliolîs basn't got it, it isn't made. Mr. W. C. Tole, Phua. B , spent Sun- day in Lindsay, guest of bis aunt Mrs. Robt. H. Sylvester. Hielias accepted a position la the leading drug store in Peterboro. Success,, William. Mr. R. B Andrew bas been afppoint- eti secretarv of the Canadian Piano and Organ Manufacturers Association. A better appointment could niot bie made. Whatever hie takes hold of usually goes. Monday June 26, the great Fore- paugh circus la Toroato. Steamer Garden City will runa sn excursion, leaving Newcastle 6.30 a. m. Bowman- ville 7 ;Oshiawa S. Reuring, leaves -foronto 6 p. m. Fare, round trip, 50c. Sometbhing for nothinz I doa't give, neither does aa.yone else, no matter what they ativertise. Neyer expect a gold dollar for twenty-five cents. But when you want a real genuine bargain go to N'icliohîs' andi you will get it, sure Miss MeDermaiti. daughter of Mr. John McDermaid, the well knowýn cburn patentee andtirmanufacturer of Rockford, Il]., bas returneti from Toronto. She will spend tlie summer as guesi of bier cousin, Miss Edith Leask, "Ryland" Taunton. Cadet Garnet Burk Hughes, son of Col. Sam. Hughes, M. P., Lindsay, and gr&ndson of Mr. H-. W. Bnrk, ex-M. P.. Bowmanville, beads the. lst of flrst vear studeats at the Military College, Kingston, anti takes the first prize for general profieiency, Mr. Jas. L. Hughes wlio bas been In- spector of the Publie Scbools, cîty of Toronto, for 25 vears, was presented with an oil portrait of bimself anti an culogistie address bY the city teachers in the Pavilion on Monday iight. There was a large and enthusiastic gatherin- and the uuveiling of the por - tri vsgreeted with a burst of ap-]1 planse.1 A most delightful eveniug was spent on the lawn of 'Dr. W. E. Tillev on Taesday when Miss Tilley, enteitaineti a number of lier yonng lady frientis. The table was laid for fourteen anti was beautifullv decorateti with butter- caps. Miss Tilley waited mostgrace fulli upon bier guesta anti eacb spent an enjoyable eveuing. The Young ladies looketi quite charming iu their dainty summer frocks. Awly dresseti assembly of about 70 inviteti guests partîcipatet inl a garden Party at "Ravens Crag". the fine resi- dence of Dr. S. C. Hilier on Saturday evening. The lawn was beautifully lit with Cîsinese hanterus whîch, added to the billiantly illuminateti house, gave the whole scene a verv gay appearance. A choice luncheon was served anti the guesta enjoyedt temselves in strolling about the lawn, croquet anti dancing. Mr. James Stanley hati a large br- raising on Saturdas when about two bundreti assembleti to assist Iu putting together the structure. Messrs. H. Gay & Sons, Courtice, are the contractors anti everything went together without a hitcb. -The'stone foundation whîch is said to lie a first class job was huiltt by the Vice Bros. Solina. When coin- pleteti it will be one of the finest barns in the vicinity being 104x42 feet A splentied supper was serveti on long tables on the lawn by a bevy of wiling waiters. A very excellent meeting of the Methodist Epworth League was helti on Montiay evening. Mr. Edigar W. Allia wbo is campaignino' the district ln the interests oi the "9tudents For- warti Movement" for Missions gave an interesting atidreas, oufining the plan of the Forwarti Movensent and the atmi of its promoters anti addîng a gooti measure of Missionary information, es- pecially in reference to the workers lu thse Metbodist Mission fieltis. Rev. J. S. I. WVilson, B. A., B., D., Courtice, gave an carneat anti inspining address, dealing with the encouraging ant iap- parently ciscouraging features of the missionary prohlemn anti urging the neetis of the hour upon the young people. A collection was taken for missionary lilirary purposes. There was a gooti attentiance, anti ah]i ere helpeti anti inspireti to nobler service Rev. J. J. Rae, preacheti a splendid sermonSuudav evenîng in tbe Metbodist churcli on - Ieeping fhe Sabbathi Day. "' His remarks were plain, pointeti anti forceful regarding the proper observ- anco of the day. -Many young people's muinis causeti ly negleet f0 keep divine command,by sulistitutîng bics-de riding, Suntiay driving, visiting, anti other forma of amusement. Ile strongly con- demned flic indifference shown by people visiting summer resorts wbo strictly atibere toSabbath observance at home but who join the fbrong of care- hes pîasure-selters wbiteaway,. While admitting flic usefulnesa of many of the above nameti recreafions, yet fhere-was great danger of thieir being mi-sapplieti on the Sabiafli day. Hie said Sundas- bicycle ridinz openedtifhe door to hl for more young people than any other amusement la the present day. lis sulijeet next Sundav evening will lie tlic "First Commantiment." WEST * END * HOUSE, BOWMAN VILLE. n,01P Some special and splendid bar- gains in Summer Dress Goods, Silk s and Stockings. A nice range of Figured Muslins, reg. 15e and 18c, special 1232c per yard. Two Snaps in fosietry. 100 doz. Plain Blk Cotton" Roseq Hermsdorpf dye, reg. 1 8c, special' 2 pairs for 25c. 10 doz. 1lk Cashmere, Ribbed, reg. 35c, special 25e per pair. Silks.. ** 1We are stili showing a nice choice of Silks. We are selling three uines of good, pure silks in stripes and checks, reg, price, 7 5 ts while they Iast 50e per yard. Embroi et'ies &Jnsertions. Just reeeiîve-d more new inser- tions and embý-roideriesprices from 3c to 35e per yard. Piques. e e T-hese are very scarice gôods. Hfa-vestl a large range of Piques at ail prices from 12'2c to 30e a yç' We invite every mother to inspeet our range of Boys' Washing Suits. One very nice unie at $1 a suit. Five ýdiffer- ent patterns at $1.2 5 a suit. One style at $1.35 a suit. Gool Shoo-s for Rotcter Don't you think it will pay you to give your f eet a littie attention duringý the hot weath er ? Uncornfortable feetmake the whole body sutter. Why -%ear your heavy winter shoes and have hot and burningý feet ? Put them away tili winter cornes again, th.eý won't cost you any- thing, to keep. Get a pair of our ligýht surumer shoes and 'be happy. ilere is a test that will suit any occupation, and any purse. Men's Liglit Weight Boston Caif Farm Boots, single sale, two buekie, pegged sole, liglit but strong $1. Women's Liglit Cordivan low shoes (or milking shoes,) pegged soles stroug enough for, bard work and lighlt enougli for ease and comfort, special 75c., Men's Dongola KMd Lace Boots, fair stitched, Mc- Kay sewn soles, light, porous, flexible,spec. $1.2 5. Ladies' Vici Kid Oxford shoes, and strap slippers, 1turu soles, special light weight, at 75c. Ohildren's LoW> Shoes and strap slippers in Dongola Kid and GTlove Grain 75c and $ 1.00. Women's Prunella Gaiters, and slippers, light, easy and neat, 50c, 65e and $1.00. GROCERY IDEPF\RTMF-NT. Our Grocery Department is supplied with the freshest aud "best the mnarket affords. We have just openecl up a lot of Fearman's Cetebrated Goods, comprising, Selected Sugar Curedl Breakfast Bacon, Selected Sugar Cured Skinned Backs, very choie; Star Brand Sugar Cured Hams; Bologna Sausage; Long Clear Bacon; Selected Leaf Lard. Niece Rich 1898,Cheese for 12k, per lh. Fancy Lemons, the best in the market for 20e per dozen. We pay the highest price for al kinds of farm produce. l

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