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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1899, p. 1

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týERMS :-$1.50 PB R- ÂNNtIM. OUR TOWNq AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD ÂrTERWARDS. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNIESDAY, JUNE 28, 1899. VOLumE XLV. No. 26. NE~w SERTES.1 ALL FABOUTý Jcura ,OCU, JOHN STON & CRYDERMAN have neyer shown as fine a stock of ;',.Uýrpets and Curtains as they do now, every yard of their Carpets being bouglit direct rm the best makers both in England and Canada. They have Union Carpets from 20e, Up to 50c. Two ply-wool Carpets 65c, '75c,1 and 85el, for very 'best. Three ply Carpets 90e and $1.00 for the extra heavy. Tapestry Çarpets f rom 35e to 75c. Brussels Carpets from 85e to $1.25, for Crossley's best., Ax- minster Carpets for $1.15. Crossley's best quality Velvet Pile $1.25. N o house in Canada selis the same quantities of Carpet for less money. An immense variety in ail qualities and in the ne-Wýst designs just received direct fromi England. No better value anywhere. Comuch, Johnston & Cryderm'an.' s OUJt STOGfÇ 0fz Parleur Suite Bcd RQom Su Diuing Rocu. And ail other hunes arecoci furnish a home cf fisg Ther's ne place like home whun it is cosy and ~. comfortable, and thccc's 'ano place like our ware- rooms te purchase the means te make it se, es froln $16.50 up. ultes f rom 810.00 up. i Suites from 8$14.50 up. )mplete, call and sec them. We vc rooms for $65.00. WILLIAMS. & SON. eives prompt and personai attention. _New Son gs. i Look h&xe, did you know I carry a full stock, 0à îvocal and Itstrumentai music,? SA Specia1 Ofier==I Musi specia] arrangement I will sellio 30 da*s, Mscat about llalfiusualprlce, Below i few names of the latest songs that Miay be lad for 10e eadh, or 3 Sfor Mec, "A Hero ail for Lov%" "Speak to Me Mabel," "CûDhir Boy"," "She was bred in Old Kentutcky" and Q.others. Write for list of 10e songs. WATCHlS ..e..... Soldat very .lowee tpri,4es. Choîce assortmcnt of Je.wciry. In repairing my price is as low as any, and ýwrknanship the best. Ail work cloue with dispatdh and guara'nteed. School Books. A full assortment od WIn4g St, BOw1X,4NVILbý. (EUson's-old stand) Only Once ln'a ife time do you - Need to Purchase a SEWING MACH- But you want the best. By "'Best" we mean onu built cf A 1i naterial, onu built by A 1 work- mua, onu built on meohanical prin- ciples, which wili then wear for a 11f e time and witlioiit wuariug out thc strength and nerve pow er cf thc operator, nor yet wcar eut Vhe Bank Account cf tic person'laying eut the purchase mcney. Any Machine, ne natter how pocrly constri;cted will do faucy work in the'hands cf an- expert operator. Thc above mentioned quali ies arc uecessaI-y if you wish te tic your family sewing.. If ycu wiil eall at 'Pl~. N. Rickard's Jewclry Store during hils month you will bu showu two cf the Best Sewing Machines'lu tbe world, as well as specimens cf ail ki.nds cf faucy and plain work donc upon tien. Re- membur the prices arc riglit as well as thc machines. 1T. N. RIaKARD, lJeweller anti Optician, Bowmanviîie. TEA-4CiIERPS AND univoîyrsity StudU n ts Are invîteti to linpreve tlîeir holiday §eason by attending oui ýUIYIYER SESSION. A -few wuulis training during July anti August wiil strengtien any tuacier, while Vrementis study wili quality any under-graduate te flil a gocti mer- cantile position. Open througlieut the Vear. Enter at any limne. Get Partieniars TORONTO W. H.ýS$IAW, PîincIpal. Y onge and COe'ard.Sta., Torqato, parent13 'incurAe sympttnts i nail1 pat ef thc boiyÇ A terrible case cf clivonie scrofula la descributi hy an Iowva lady, Mrs. Jamnes Murphy, cf Fonda, Pocabonitas wortly letter o Dr. R. V. Pierce, cf No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N.- Y. ,ýjI wiil fox'ever thank you for the adviceyo gave me," sheisays. Dr. liercesGold(ci MeYdi. eal ,.scveryhlas ctîred, me of chronlscrefula Of tet years' standiug. 1 had doc'cored for the tole 'nntil i was compieteiîciscouragedI. 1 ase had chronie diarrhea for twelve years. 1 amrn l good health now-better than I ever was in îny life, owtng to Dr. Pierces ',Discovýeîy.' I, returu thanlçs; and iis with pleasure 1.seýd yen my naeie te pubiish." A life-tinte cf practical experiduce has qUalified Dr. Pierce to'deal v'cli obstinate Ch1in1ni dista-ses muere sucCessfnlly Ilian prlbably any ether physiei t is time. Dg notî bu idiscouraged hoevéïrseveî-e your ~cae tay bu, but write te hinti. Your anie *e ili send, iri a plain sealed efivel.. ojse ;;ithnt charge, tie best profdssice2al dve-eobtained ti th4&acp1uy BqWMÂICVILLE. M. ID Undertuking ceCE ELIFORD FAMILY PICN1C.- The great annual social gathering c the'decendants and relatives of the lat, William Elford and associated famille was heId ]ast Saturday at Mr. Samue Souch's, near Bradley's Schcol House and we may safely assert that neyeý has the meeting been held under.mori favorable conditions. It was truly a. idyllic picnic day-clear ileasant 'an( June like, leaving nothin.- to be desire in1 this respect. Early in the forenoo: the clans began to arrive and Mr. anc Mrs. Souch had a smile and a glad hanc for al. Man and brute were soon madE comfortabie and no effort was spared tc make ail feel at home. Thev are in thE truest sense mnodel entertainers. ThE dinuier hour found the niceiy arranged tables "groaning-" with weight of thE chicken pies. beef pies, roast fowi, roast beef, roast lamb, cold tongue,sandwich. es, pumpkin Vies, lemon pies, goose- berry pies, plum pies, tarts,iayer cakes, etc., etc., indeed, seidom have ve behel( a more tempting spread and the quality was par excelIence. Nimble waiters anc waitresses serveci the multitude witha skill and promptness worthy of a Paris- ian café. During the afternoon the men- folk and boys plaved foot hall and hase bail 'behin d the barii." The base bal. score---21 to 3-is flot a fair indication of the plaving,but there was very weak flelding oý (n one side. Mr. J. C. Vanstorn was umpire. With sharpened appetites the compauy sat down again at 5 o'clock to a most tempting dispiay of the culin- arv art, and full justice was donc to the ahutidant and varied provision, Like ai] good things, titis happy social assemhly came to an end as the shades off night began to fali, and with bearty hand- shakes and expressions of havinghad a mosýt eljovable time, one after another bade mr!. and Mrs. Souch good-bye and spedi on their homeward journey. The following is as full a list of those present as we couid obtain: Mrs.,'W. Elford, W. Soucit and wife, Miss Eya SclCW. Souch and wife, Mrs. John K n ml, Fred Souch and wife, Wi. Foiley, wife and son, ileher, A. W. Foiey an.d wife, Jue. ID. Stevens and wife, W.11- Foley and wife, Chas. Rog- ers, wifle and familY, Mrs. John Elford and famîty,' à1r. Milton and Miss Effa Wight, H., L. Pascoe, wife and family, Rich. Parco, wife and famUv, Thos. Pascoe, wife and family, G. Pascoe and ,wife, A. L. Pascoe and wife, Misses Hogarth and Stephen Hogarth, W. L. Law,wife and famiiv, Aif.flogarth and wife, Geo. Argýue, wife and daughter, Thos. Bradley, wife and fami1y, James Hleatiie, wife and famiiy, D.' Heddon, ,If and famiiy, Geo. Reid, andt wife, Johni Pascoe and wife, Jas. Garfat and daughter, Ethiel, Ed.die,Mertie and May MiîoAbsolamii,Misses, Ada, Sara and 2irltt Arahams, Jas. Parr, wife andfai, Johin. Cephas and Lucy CapelÀlex, Smith and wife, Mrs.A, Havs, . Tordiff and wife, Rev. W.J. Wtealand wife, Dr. Mitchel , wife and larold, Jas. Pye and wife, James Curti, wife and daughter, Ethel, Mrs, P. Farrell, W. Lee, Mrs. Jas. Vice and Franki Wilhur Hloar, Mr. Arnot, Harrv and Jas. Annms,Herb Tink,M.Iss Leask, Miss Power, Dariington. Johin Gilbert and wife, Arthtur Gilbert. W. J. Tre- noutit and wife, J. C. Vanstone, wife and famiiy, J.M.Joness and famil " , Dr. A. S, Tiliey, Mrs. W. E. Tilley, M. A. James and wife, Samuel Allun and fani- ily, A4ýý. Allia and family, Miss Alice Souch, Bowmanvilie, Johin Bradley, wiffe and family, Mrs. Chas. Peara and family, Port Perrv; Arthur McWood, Chicago, ll.; Chas. Munro,Detroit; Dr. Jokn BaIsted, C. J. Pascoe, wife and family,Robt.Munro, Norman Nortlîcott, Toreinto; Thos, Grimnston and wife,Oak - wood; C. Mackey and wife, Kinsale; _U. C. Brittain and wife, Strathroy; Dr. M. W. Pascoe, Ottumwa, Iowa; Rev J. P. Wilson and wife, Oshawa; Mr. Addison and Miss Winaie Bradley, Llstowei;' Miss Ryiey, Bethany ; Miss Luchla Bcacock and brothers, Biackstock; Miss McDermaid, Rockford, 111. and others whose names we did not get. **eue* 'wk Svk -Wkl MIL "Vk A M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. WERIRY IFAMILY PICsif, UNION PICNIC AT TYRONE. Of The great annual reunien of the Picnics haive now hecome such coin- e Werry Family was held on Fridav last mo vrday affairs that to make 'S at the residence cf Mr. H. Fleher special mention of any one seems super- el Werry, "Sunnyside Farm," near Ked- fluons yet tie event cf Tiursday last, e, ron, East Wlithy. Tic weather was the union picnic of the townships, is ,rida for a pienie and over two hnndred worthy of at least passiag mention. .e relatives and friends assembled te par- Unpromising weather carlier in the, day ,n ticipate in this pleasant event. The no douht prevented a goodly number Id spacious lawn and grounds in conne- from attendîng, notwithstanding tic ýd tien witi the residence were lu splendid goedly crowd who distributed tiem- nl condition and were exceedingly well selves la fricndlv gronps lu Mr. Wm,. d adapted for a large gatheriDg of titis McLaughlii's romantic grave. Ten d character, Long tables with seating ac- cents admission was the price paid hy. ecommodation for seventy-five persans the maie persuasion te cover expenses ;0 were arranged lu the orchard while the cf foot hall prize, etc. It is a puzzler ýe large iawn and house afforded ample why the gentler sex were net asked te e' facilities for al t f ully enjeytem- coatribute as theY were remarkably ln d selves. Eariy la the forenoon the guests evidence at the closing coatest of tie e began te arrive and wheu the noon heur day, and net the least enthusiastic. came a hungry and happy company sat Agladsome sigit to the tinv tot, the -down te a splendid hot dinner of clhdeken meliow youth and thc festive ice-cream -and.beef pies, hani, etc. ,and thorp)ughly girl was the sigit of Messrs, Souci & satisfied the craviegs ocf the muner man. Watts' refreshment hooti flrst thiag asi d Af uer dianer tic company was cailed te they entered tic grounds, and for tiat yorder hy tic chairman, Mr.M.A.James, thcy made Rtraigiuway and migit have 1and after greeting the prolifle family heen there tili now iad they net espied aassembled, propesed a welcome te Mr. anotier stopping place further te tic *James A.Werry and Euglish bride who nerti-west. proprietored by Messrs. se recentiy airived from tic Oid Land. Moore & M -,Cullougih. At tuis point Suci a cieeriag greeting as tic mention. tic display of flaga anti ad's cf summer cf their names drew forth wili long be drinks kept a ci-tain element riveted remembercd by the young' couple. Short te tic spot, se ta speak. Our opinion la -speeches followed by 11ev. H. Thomas, divided as te wich was tic more hliss- Mr. W. Werry on behait of tic Werry ruliy content, the young couple who family and Mr. Jas. A Werry on behaif hent over tic counter tasting first hils of his bride and self fittingiy responded daiaty sweet, then that, or the uncon- te tic generous wclcome extended1 andi scions eaîîow yeutti whe stalked aaeut tic kinti wisies expressed. Tic cein- tic field mnnchiag good tiings by tic pany tien disperset ad enjoyedt tem- wholesale from twe prominent paroels suives lu varions W4ays. Many cf theinlais coat pockets. gentlemen, olti and young, repaired te Titis is a worid cf compensation. A tic base hall field where a livel ae was euga,uod in witi Mr. Beaj. Werry tiougit.ful committée hati provided as umpire. Croquet and cther games everytàiing needful inu tic wav' of were3 enjeyed wnile many renewed swings, hot water cenvenieuce and fricndship cf past years anti fermeti seats for tic weary. No one iowever nuw acquaintances for ticeyears ta was prevented fromn locating on a come-, Ica time arrived ail too quickly messy Dank 'neati rnstling oaks" on but every one seemcd fullv teaeoDjythea sloping stump, or e ven a tria n gular excellent repast cf goodti igs provid fence rail, if hie sa dctermincd. Wien cd. Eufieid Brass Baud arrived in tic tic crowti iad nicely gaticred andi hati evening and enlivencd tic proceedings excianged frien 'dly grectings, atten- witi a number cf selections wiilc Miss tion was calieti te tic portion cf tic James furnished several vocal solos grounds allotted to the sports. wiici were thoroughily enjeyed by ail. Following is a list cf prize winners. Tic first baud selection 'Beield tic Tic only difficnlty as usuai was te keep Conqncring Hero 'Contes" may have back tic spectators, tic, contestants hee acitintalyciosen, but itserveti themnselves manifcsting (i ums for a laugi at James A's expense. Tic gced behavieur tirougihont. tinte forrticparting arrivuti aIl toc soon. 50 yds. boys under 7: F. Wight 15c. Many iad long distances te drive andi John Lindsay 10c. 50 yds. Girls under the spl0dtiid mobnlight andcool evening 7. Mabel Wight 15c., Florence Rai were a most appropriate cntiing te a loc. 75 yds, Boys untier 12: Howardi warm day cf pleasure and enjeymeut. Sadr 0. eleTopo ü.7 wrndas unya i e ndwinerketicyds. Girls under 12; Elia Sanders 20c., year, a abet netk th Lena Earl 10c. 100 yds. Boys under 16. journey but ivas kiatily remcmhered la Bert Creeper 25c., Sidney Hoar L5e. 100 varions ways turing tic day. As a social yds. Girls under 16: Lena Earl 25, Lily unction, it would be hardtat conccîve Hiotge 15c. 200 yd.for ail: Milton Wight of a more enjoyable affair, andi many 50c-, Wiihur Hdar 25. 100yd. ver 40. w ill loektorward witi expectant hopes Tic*s. Creeper 50c., John *Wrig it 25e. te tlic rennion ef 1900, tinie and place Potato race: Sidney Roar 25ec.,Ho warti net tiecided. Sanders 15c. 8 legged race.: Wright andi Tic followiug were pibsent: Mr. and Trewin S0c,, Wright andti Rcc2Oc. Bot Mrs. T. A. Wright; Mr. VWiii and Miss race:Sidney Hoar 25e ,Otto Saudersi16c. AnnieWright; Messrs.Arthur anti Jabez Sack race: S. Rice 25e., E. Rice 15e, anti Miss Effa Wright; Mr.T.F.Wright, Wieei barrow race: Wilhnr Hoar 2e B.A.B.C. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Ilice 15c. Running long jump, Lane and Roy Nestieton; MrsJonathan beys under 18: Bert Creeper, Otto Laue, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs, P. Sa-nders. Rua, hep, stop and jump,boys Werry and family, Tyrone; W. R. Cole nuder 16. Bert Creeper 25C., Otto San- and wife; J.H. Werry and wife, Flossie ders 15c. Ruuning long Jnmp open ta and Percv; H. J. Werry anti wife anti ail: Harold Mitchell 25e., Rebt. Clarke Helena, Enniskilien; John Larmer anti 15c. Rua, hep, step and jump, open te wifu and family ; Mr. and Mrs. al:. Harold, Mitchell 25c,, Robt. Clarke S. Bray, Irene and George; Mr. and 15. Mrs. Id. VanNest and famiy, Dr. Mitchell nlow annunced that tea Mdr. and Mrs. Fred Lue, Hurma, Frank was rcady. Tlc licaltiful breezes front and John; Mr.and Mrs. WRH. Stainton,- 'Ciear Grit Hill1" iuaddition te tie vig-. and Ligiher anti Ada; Mr,and Mrs. Win. ous exýercise recently enga.-ed i inhad Bat ' ý., Frank, Florence, Clarence and given cvery oeu a disposition te do jus- EarJ; iliranti Mrs.B. Werry anti Wesley, te ti theumpting spreat inlusein!- Bowmaanville; Mr. anti rEd.ai duMr. cireulqr forr4 npon tic green sward. Le anti' Miss Eih Coe;Witi expédit(ion and tic ntmest got Mrs. Puardon and Mr, Frank A. Puar- nature tic catables vanislied. Tiere don, Toronto; Mr. and Mr.z. Martin Ar- was ahuntauce ant inte te spare. Tic jal an Mis Lzzi Arall Necasle;task cf gatiering up the fragments was Jmes Flortop, Kiasale; Joe. N. Hortop, nût a îengtîy oe Kiiîsaue; Mr. Jos. Puaru anti Miss E. ee Peara, Fenelon Falls; Mr. Fred. Smith- Only eue tumporary ffteli oceurret in erain anti Miss A. Smitheram, Fenelon the afternoou s pregram-ncithcr cf tie Falls; Miss M. S. Geaci, Lindsay; Mr. visiting tuans hati brougit a foot bal, anti Mrs. S. Bray, laremont; Mr.'John Aftur considérable delav tic Tyrone- Bray and Miss Fiossie Bray, Brookla Pacers'bali was brougit on tic fildt by Mrs.Rlch.Moore, Brookln; Mlîant Mrs. the Capt. Mr. W. E. Hawes. An excIt- John Vipond, Brooklil; Misses Addie îng gante was tien plaveti betwcen Rébecca and Dorothy Viponti, Breoklil; Poutypoel anti Blacksteck tcams resuit. George W. Cowle, Coleman; Mrs Ge. îng in 2 goals te O lu favor of Blackstock. Moeîre anti 4 boys, Columbus; Mrs. W., It spealis wuli for tic visitors anti our Iliss Z. audt Mr. HL Lander, Oshawa; townspeople gcneraily, tiat no exhibi- yt. and iMrs, O. Lantier, Oshawa; Mrs. tie'n cf iarti feelinag was permitteti te S.,ana Miss 1. Kerr, Oshawa; Mrs. H. mar te tay's caicyment, Vie large Kerr, Oshawa; Miss Sykes, Oshawa; crowd dispersing quietiy anti orderly aù Mr. anti Mrs.O.flLnke, Miss M. Luke an early hour "I appy te meet, sorry Ve anti Miss Guriey; John Osborne, wif e part anti ioping te meet again," Black- anti Della, town; M. A. James ant i ftn- stock receiveti a prize of $5 for thc play. iiy,town; Miss Haycraft; W. Werry andTis andthti otherexpenses werc niccly f amiiy;. R. T. and Mrs. Phil p anti Mast met hy te eate receîpts. er Clarence, Pickering; Misses Atidie _____ ant i Lbble Piilp; Mr. anti Mrs. Wesley OOO Philp anti Misses Etina anti 3 brotiers; OOO Mr. anti Mrs. T. Et. Piilp, Pickering; Mr. E. Runtile, Oshawa. Mrs. W. Jenk- Miss Idia Gerry is htome froin Toccato las, SLuart anti Horace, Kingston; Mr. ..Mr. James Hallett. Torento, was. antiMcs. T.Orciard antiMiaule; Mi. home Suudav week .. .. Miss Minnie E. anti Mrs. tcii; M.aad Mrs. G. Vicu, Rail is vîsiting lier sister Mrs. J. B. Buatrice, Cccii anti Earl; Mr. anti Mrs. Moat, Toronte. . ..Miss S. A. Olforti, S. Werry andi 2 chiltiren; Mr., anti Mrs. ee, visiteti at Mr. Il. Hecpers, J. F, Gruirson, Osiawa; _Mrs. Lue anti recently _ Miss Allie Hckin lias been ,A%, 17n, MI Imý IMI Iffl, ýnl lin, 1 Infl lin,

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