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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1899, p. 6

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BIBLE MAI 1 Willguarantee tilat ryRemts Cure 1 re'ave-an'j An Interesting Discour, ,jrheu .atc pais 1 two or three hours, the Numer and cure la a fow des. MUNTON. At ail druggists, A Favorite Numnber With the Divi 25.a VIaGuide te Health and medi- sent, Says the Great D cal advice free. Tk Caeo 1505 Arch et. Phila. Tk aea I., Waishiu2gton, June 5-Many of the important doctrines of the Bible are by Dr. Talmage presentcd in ibis sermon' la a very ununsual way. Genesis il, 3, "Ged blcsscd the sovenci day." Farmers You W ant .. Tic maîiematics of the Bible is notice- abic, the gcomieiry and tie aritimotie, nesquare in Ezekçiel, the circle spoken ~[fjflof tis Isaici, the curve alluded to in Job, Vtnnlriaho mile of loss and gain in Mark, wiere Christ asks tic people lu cipier eut by linAfl ln&fIlv lai mile wbal il çvouldl "profit a man if 11111 III~ 1fIllIIUIlie' gain the wiole world and lose his PRICE $1.00 -,RCi-H figure tiat la crowecd abovo cli otiers in .t ho Bible. It es thc nimerai, seven, ADVANTAGE S. whio itie Arabians got frein India and It will double wbat the uld style ma- ail following ages bave taien from tic chine did. It is better made in a-1 parts. Ara'oians. It stands. between tic figure It is a baudsomer machine. Tic tube six andi tic figure eigit. In the Bible ail front eau is exposed and ean ho instant- tisecotier nurnerais bow to if. Ovor 300 ]y ceanoed if ht should clog. Tic eau tîsues 1it s sentïoned lu lie Scripturcs, ma o usatl en tic you wan osiler alune or compounded witi oSier te change materîi or dlean il. Tic for- words. In Genesis tic week is rounded mation of tic can allows ailitic materi- suto savon davs, andi I use my toxt be- ai to ho sprayed ont wbcn operated caýuse tihere ibis numneral is for the firsi npward in trees or bushes, Il wili sav inme intruciuced in a journey wiich icits crops front bugs, worms and Fuagi fut ustil in the close of tie book of and fruit trocs fron thti caterpillar and IRvel'tion its monument is bushl ie ether pests. the wail of hctsven su chrysolite, wiichinl tic strate of precions stoues is tic Evaus' Electric Spraycr may be had seeni front Jos. llenry, Orono ; David Bell, ln tise Bible wu find ticS Jacob bcdto, Leskard ; A. S. Toolet-, Miil, Ceurtiee; serve saonen ars tu gel Rachel, but sic Albet Ndder, Etiel; Jhn Pth-was welb worth it, and, fortelliig lie ici, blacksrnitb,* Clarkie ; Sam'l Bell- years of pîosperhty and famine lunFine'- aiban, NewcastlvI John H-ooey, ucar auh's tinse, tic saon fat uxen were antan cadmus. up of tic seven len omis, andi wisdoin is SHsaid to La but oin savon pilicrs. and tic P ~t R lv U RU~j Q ark was bof t wsiticth Philistines saven PETE M UR OCH.yeurs,anad iaaimalitee' tic cure uf bis BOWMANVILLE. Agent fer Durham ioprosy, plsnged la tic Jordan soven Connty. tMasos; Su the bouse ftict Ezokici sawli vision tiore wore sevon stops; tie wclls N EW TT.AILOIR SH.OP. of Jerioho, befgre thov tlldi wwr -- cir passed savon days; Zecharsai describes Tic undersignofi wio bas been carrying on c, stone \ith sevenoves;y05 lceanse a thse teiloring businssasil conîsection witb leprouss hou,o ticefluor mustS ho speinkled Mason'sDytod t for anumior uf yers with pigeons' bluofi soven limes; lu he crnocd busine,, tirinaci fth is roosass King St. wost, wbere his prepared to make Cannan wcre overîirown sevon nations; gents anu' boys sus sunsail t oaet stylos, and on une occasion Christ caet Oui seveni tioweEs' ?ines. For thoso who wts luurder devils; ou a molinrain ho Sd a multitude suits, heowiil carry a full linse of sanîples in ahi ho nowest patterns. Givo hlm aeall of peoOpbe withs savon boaves, lie fragments lafit filtîng saoen baskets, and tieclcosing J. T. ALLIN', passages of tic Bible arc magnificent and Iaioneile Tallr, ovrwhairning wiils thi imgery mcdo Up of sevon eburcies, sevon stars, seven candlesîicks, i sensals, saoen angels and seven bei, uneisaven crowns and savon horns and 'even spirits anc savon pils in a and saonefphcues and seven Ibuaiders. Favorite W sith the Divine Mind. RlOYAL mAIL SrzÂmsrripLIVEROOL ANDiL o-Ný- Yen, tic nunrrai saon sonts a favor - acNPEacv, MuxiaEaAL AN QUF13EC SERVICE. c ite iticth divine mind outside as Woal Frorn as inside tic Bible, for are tbore flot, STEAMER MONTISEAL. saven prismnatiecuioors? And -Wien Qed TauîaniJoue 24h, Iar. iti tic rainbow wrote tic comtoeting Lauronian ' July 1sus, bouglt ibat the worid wouid nover bave Californian " Julytht, anotier doinge ho wrote it on tic seroli Taiiuiuiy Cii, " of tie sky in li uofsavon colors. Ho Parisian ' Aug. Ird Bavarian (new) " Aug. leîî, grouped into tic Piciades seveli stars. Califoriean " Atg. Clii, - Rouse. tic capital of tice'-worbd, sas on Taissui Aug. 2Îth, ' seven his. When' God would maie Sic Parisien Aug. S151, mugI intelligent tiing ou carti, Sie SS. Parisian, 00w enziued aud otiroiY refit- bunian counstenanco, lhe fashioucd ih wih ted, sais frous Liverpool, July 20, ansd frurn Moisiroal, August Sird. Bzavarian, 10,000 Sons, savon features-tie two cars, lie* twe twin scrow, sius frorn Liverpool July 27 andi eyes, tic tWo nestrils and' lie meti. frorn Mouireai, Augssst loti. Yec, eue' body lasIs oniy seven years, Pa ssongors wlll ho transferred itlti r bag- and we graducily shed iti for anoiher body gage frorn tie, ralwey station to lie wharf free c e nte ee drads n o of charge. fe nte ee aradsofr we arc as teonr bodies sopsounallani- RATES OF PASSAGwE. mals. So ,tihenmimerai savons ranges First cahin, 10 andi upwards. Rsturn $100o00 tirougi nature and tirongi roelation.. ced uiswerds. Second Cabus 135, Stoorage $22.50 Jt is tie numbor of perfection. anud 5 I and $2850 use il wiilc I speai ef tie sevon candie- Frorn New York tu Giasgow-Stae of Noiresý sticks, the seven stars, tie saven salais ka, 7ui July; Mongolien, 2ss Julyadthsvetude. For tickets and overy information ape i ee odncnflsii eeaf ply to Tesvngle adetcswr n M. A. AMES, are tie churches. Mark yen, tic churchos %,lan ineAzetBowanvlle neyer wero and nover eau ho candles. illn lce o'et, owmnvlie. Thcy are only candlesticks. Iiey are noS - thi, ligit, but Shey are te hold tic ilgit. 0 A e'oom lu tic nigis migit have lu hi 311 f ± kIIM i1IlL~~7!I 500 candiesticks and ycS yen could net sec your bendi before yeur face. Tie nuse 150of e caulcstici, and tie only ui1f~se et a churci, is te, hold up Sh iht oeu sec i is a dark world, tie nigit of UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT superstition, tic nigii of persecution, the n nh o overty, the nigit et sickness, Extending trom the Atlantiç Seaboard lie nigit oS dccli; eye, about 50 nigils te CHICAGO and MILWAUKEE bave laterbociofi udir shadows. The ihoie race goos stumbiing over prestratod THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR ROUTE Iopes and talion fortunes andi empty fleur barrels and desoiated cradies asnd THE GREAT TOURISI LINE detIes.Hw muci we have use' for allthesavn cndlstikswith ligits To NIAGARA FALLS; RUFFA4LO, blazing from tic top ot eaceone of thorm! NqEW YQRK, PHILADELPIIIAWA4SI{. Ligit et pardon for ail sin! Ligis et INGTON and ail Principal Points in coustort for ail trouble! Ligit t oecour'- the South, and by its Connections it1 agement fer ail despondency! Lgit et IN BIG BOTTLES, 60 CENTS. s-pea were nos made ofr newter or iron. THE DR. HALL MEDICINE CO. Tbey were golden caudlesticks, and geid Canadian Agency, - Kagstan, ont. is noS ouly e valuabbe, but a brigit FOR SLE A ALLDRUGISTS motel.' Have everytiing about your FOR ALEAT LL DUOOSTS church bright-your ushers wlth smlliug faces, voue' music jubilant, yonr iand- Chilren for siakiug cordial, your enSire servI(e Chlrt ryfo attractive. Many people f eei thtinm c hurci Shey must look dull, in order ta brevereutiai, and many wiose faces la I A. other kinds et assembla--e thoW ail tbpe EMATICS. se, by Dr. Talmage on ýaI Seven. ne Mind--Take Care of the Pre- 3ivine; God Wl! Surely ýthe Future. ditleren't fïbases of enrotion have in cniurcui no more expression than the back wheei of a hearse. Brigliten up and be respons- ive. If You feel like smiling, srnile. If von feel indignant ai some wýrong assail- ed fro.ni the puipit, frovvn. Do net leave your naturalness and resiliency home because if Is Sunday morning. If as officers of a church Von rucet people at thse church door with a black look, and have the music black and the minister in black preach a black sermon, and froim invocation to benediction have the im- pression black, f ew wili corne, and thoso who do corni1e will wish they bad nlot corne ai ail. NVorIdty Charches. Golden candlestickis Sour up the six Mies on each brandi and know thet the more lovoly and bright they are the more fit they are to hold thc light. But a Chrlstless light in a dlamage te the world rather than a good. Cromwell r'tabled bis cavalry horses in St. Paul's Cathedral, and many now use- the church in which te stable vanities and worldli- ness. A worldiy cburch is a candlestick wjthout the caudie, and it bcd its proto- type in St. Sophia, in Constantinople, built to the glory of God by Constantine, but transforrnpd to base uses by Moham- mcd the second. Built ont of colored irble, a cupola wiùh 24 windows soar- ing to a height of 180 feet, the ceiling ue grecs bewildermnent cf mosale, galber- ias supported by eight colnmns of por- phyry and 67 colunns of green jasper, nine bronze doors with alto relievo work fascinating to the eyc of any artisi, vases and vestiments icrustcd vs5h ail manner cf proctous sloucs. Four walls, on fire Nith indescribable splendor. Tbough labor was cheap, the building cost $1,500,000. Ecclesistical structure, alinost supernatural in pomp and majes- ty. But Mohamnmedanism tore down from thc walls of that building ail the saintly and Christly images, and bigh up in the domethe figure of the cross -%vas rubbed out that lie crescent oS the bar- barons iurk might be substituted. A grecs ciurch, but no Christ! A gorgeous candiestics, but no candie! Tu Destroy Error. TurunDow in your Bible to the sevonl stars. We are disiinctly told tint ticv are tie ministers of religion. Some are large stars, soee0f tbem sntail stars, some of them sweep a wide circuit and some of themn a srnalt circuit, but so far as tiev are genuine they get tber ligit from tihe grecs centrai sun around whom tioy make revolution. Lot oaci one keop in bis own sphere. The solar systern would be soon wrecked if tie stars, ln- stead of keeping their own orbits, should go te hunting down otier stars. Minisiers of. religion siould nover clash. But in ail the centuries of the Christian ciurch sorne of these stars bave been hnng ont an Edward Irving or a Hor- ace Bushueli or au Albert Barnes, andi the stars tiat were In pursuit of the other stars lost their own orbit, and some of thern couid nover amsain Slnd it. Aies for the boresy huniers! The bosi way te destrey errer is te preach the truth. Tie boss way to scatter darkness is te striko a Iight Thora Is in immonslty room enongh for ail the stars and in the ciurch room enough for ail the ministorg. The meinisters who givo np rlgiteousnoss and the truth will get punisirnent onongh anybow, for they are "the wandering stars for whom is resorved the biacknoss of darkness forover." I siould like, as a minIster. when I amn dying te ho able truthfuily te say what a captain of the English army, fallon at the head of his columan and dy- ing ou the Egyptian battlefield, said te General Wolseley. wio came te coudoIe with hlm: "I led them, straîght. Didn't 'i load them straigbt, General?" God bas put us ministors as captains in ibis bat- tiefield of truth against errer. Great ai last will ho our chagriq if we fali ieading the people the wrong way, but great will beoeue' giadness If wbon the batsie is over wo eau baud eue' sword back te our great commander, saying: "Lord Jesus! We led the people suraigu. Dldu't we lead thom straigit?" Those mîilsters whe go off at a tangent and preach somo othor gospel are net stars, but cornets, and they flash across the heaveus a litile while and maire people stara and throwu dewn a few inetaorlo stones, and thon go out of sight if net eut of existence. Brethren iu the ministe'y, let us remember tniat God calls us stars, and our business is te shine and te keep eue' ewn sphere, and thon wbou we gos donc trylng te light up the darkness of ibis werid ve will wbeel iet highor aphoros, and in us shahl be fui- 111iied the promise, 'lThey that turu maay te rigbteeusness shall shine as the stars forever and oer." and thero was a picture pf a red herse, and thstt ment bloolmhed, and se it roafy camne te paas, and the nlexi 90 YeUssr Were red with assasInatuhis aead wars Then Christ broke the third seal and un- rollod I1% and there was a pioture of a black herse, which lu ahl iterature means leg s magnitude, and tiai ail tic sov en famine, oppression and taxation. and so e sais eftic mysterions future have been " Il roally came te pass. Christ wvout on broien wlde open for us by a ivn until hie broie ail the seven seais and Christ, and tics the sevenSimfos openeti al the seroil. Well, -tic future cf having doue thoe'r work, have e .e ahi et ns is n sealod soroli, and I am glad reverberalion, and tiet the unîneral tint ne one but Christ cen open i. Do seven, wiici did sucb iremendous work not let us john uhal class ef Cirissians iu lu tie hîstery ut nations un earth. bas eue' day wio sare iryiug te break tic sevon been given sncb a bigi place lu liai seals of Shc future. Tiey are trying to Niagara et celors, the weii et hoaven, peei ntoie sings ihoy bave no business "tic irsi toudathon et whlch is jasper;, witi. tic second, sappbire; tic third, a chai. Teke Clare ef lise Present. cedeny, the feumth, emeraid' the fifth,A R sarfionyx; the gsixth, sardius; tie seveuSi Do net go te some, uccromaucer or chrysolite." spirituabisi or sootisayer or fortune toiler Whnsa Seeeesiy evnbut te Slnd out what is going te happen te hnsalteeee h hae ul yourseif or yeur family or your trienfis. walls ýWaii tili Christ breaks the seal te Slnd And pennly gaies beiobd, out wiether lu your own porsonai lIte ,or~ Thy bulwerks witi selvation ste'oug, r., W7hy let your nieighbors the life oS tic nation or tie bite of tie And streets of siining gold? world i is going te bc tie whiltebarge of q And why give tiem a prospoiiy or tie mcd horse of war or the NEXI TO ENGLANDIS. chanlli-ice to guess yeu are even black herse of famine. You will soon t ý, fiveor tecn years more enougi sec hlm pcw and bear hlm neigi. Gee'many's Morchant Marine Second- Beuêr give îbern gaed Taie cars oS lie present, adtho future Ships Number 3,693. -iprios for guessing thc wil taie care of! usel. If a man ive 70 Grmany's focSt is uow second oniy te o0i.er way. It is ver y easy; yeams, bis biugraphy is lu a scroil haviug ihat et Eugland. Iu 1875 German's fothîbng tells of age se ni longtSseven seais. And lets ii- net mercîcus marine nuurbored 4,062 sipg, 7 qhnk as gray hair. during tie tirsiton yeams of bigls ite Sy witli 1,068,000 e'egistered tous net; la to look into tie iweniies, fier lie tweu- 1895 sic bcd 3,66!ý ships, wiii 1,554,000 tics ino hthirlies, nue' tic thirties ie tons; ia 1898, 3,693 siips and 1,555,000 tic Sorties, nolic Se orties if otei fifties, tous. While sic number of ships is nom tic fifties inSu tic sixties, nom tic smalor, Sic aumber of ions, cornpared cixties insu the soveuties. From tic way wiii 1875. bas increasefi 50 per cent. the yecrs have goStithebabil of aciug Tic fciliag off is lu sailhug siips. Iun nboug I guess yen wiil noS have te weii a 1875 tîcro werc 4,303, wiii a cepacity oS greal whiie before ail tic seals of tic 878,385 tons, and 299 steamers, wihi ,future are broken. I wouid not give Swo 189,998 tous; lu 1885 ihere were 3,607 cents to kuow huw long I am going te saiîing siips, wih 880,345 tous, aufi 650 liva or in wiai oay cf wiat year tic steamiers, witi 413,943 tons; lu 1895, worid is guing to h dofluislied. I wouid I2,622 saillng vessels, wih 660,856 Sons, ratier gïve $1,000 not Su iuow. Suppose aund 1,043 steamers, with 893,046 Sons-, lu sorn oune conld break tie nexu seal lu uhe 1898, 2,522 saiiug vessels, witi 585,571 soroîl of your persunai histury aud shoulfi Ions, and 1,171 steamsiips of 969,800 tell yen ticS on lie noxi 4ti et Jnly, tous. 1901, yen wore Su flic, the summner citer lu generai a steamer is 1thougit te ho next, iow ranch wouid von ha gicd for eblbcIto carry tire limes as mui as e is a yooîi-eeewer . hetes con ibis anfi tint? lin wndfotsisg vessel ofthte saine size. Tic fali- h ie i g ae now nutil thon ho a prohongedfiuerai. ing off in sniiing siips frorn 4,3031in 1875 luxuriant growth of baie' tie Yenu wunul hbc uusiug lie months and 50 2522 un 1898 was more than mcdo up calerof etyeuîn. lie days, and yuur famlly and friands for in tic increase et steamers from 299 It neyer feuls te restore i would ho cosuting them, and noxi 4th in 1875 tu 1,171 lu 1898. Tic regîshar caler te gray baie'.it wili ut Juby yen wotsld rui your bauds te- crews aumiered in 1898 42,428 mon. Tie t stop tic baie' front co-ming goSier andi wiine: 1"Ono yeam front te- average was six men te a Saiiug shîp Oui aise. day I cia te go. Dear me! I wisb no one andf 24 tu a stearner. hi feeds thc baie' bulbs. bafi tolfi me su long beore. I wish ticS German writers pointsithii prido e ti te Tliin baire' iterestliek haie', necrornancer bcd net brukon tise seal oS tact tics, wborocs formerîy a good mauy, aýnd short baie' becornes long tie future." Andi smeeting soîno unudor- if net quiSe ail, et Sic big siips were hah'. taker, yoit wonid scy: 'II iopc you wiih but niroafi, Siey arc now bultiinl Ger- - -Ilcleauses the scalp; me- keep yuureatfree Sur au engagemvent the Inari sîipyee'fs by Gcrman mecianins moves ail daudmuli', aud. 4ti of ssy,1901. 'Tint fly you will bc witb Grman maierials, etc. Ail tint is prevents is tr-iaion. noodofi as ry bouse. To save lime yeun n eefled, lhey. sav. Is a powemtul figil- r We bave a book ou tie mnight as weil taie my mensure now. ing marhne. The empire's Iuteresis arc lu Haie' wiicb we wiii giadly 5 Soit Ili mous." I arn glaf tisas Christ every part efthle wurlfi. Tiese must ho send von. droppool cthini veil over tic burfoum u 1e r tected. Gcnany il1roîbygiIf you do net htain 9,11 thbeee doinise and f thethournf theec 1, frey wiiinorbaelyigdine demeeeni S ie ou' S iewoeidsfi'attention Se building a large and power. figor. wrt ectidf h se i raou thni dlestructiun when ho scifi; "Of tint day fui fleet. ?robabiv tbere is sonne dO.fleiian andi boue' kuowti no usan; nu, sot lie __________with yccr en oerai systoi m î aglbut my Father unly." Keep youe' A Promoied -Parnon. Uray A ly renovni.aw - o1, band offtisesevos gols.An arcideccon oS lic Churci et Eag- Thse Sovon i'hutiders. landi bas been Premier oS Tagmania andi There Js anoiier mighty seven oS tic a Roman Catholîn priost bas heon Aitor- Bibio-uemeiy, tie savon thunders. ney-Gencrai et another coiony. Tic Heu. \Vbct liose thunflers meant we are nuS Arthur Rotiefige. the new Attorney- Luüe nta fSre as Sulfi, andi thero bas heen mnuni guessing Generai of Queenslandi, is cas ex-Wesleyan The tewn of Gieni, lu Belgium, lO about lhins. But siey are Su corne, wye minister, and tiese and etîce' auclogons largeiy snlee'sected andi cnt up iy wauer- are tolfi, before tic end f Sail things, and cases go te show ibai reverend gentlemen wsmys andi canis, sce mamch se that street tic woeil cannot gos nlung withuut tient have mors chances Sor politicel filstin- e'ilwaY Service is vcry Uiisatisfactory, Thundler is tic speech 'oS ligituiug. lion in the colonuies than Siey have nI owiug te freqîlent stoppages On aceeunn There areecylsin luour woe'd hd euniusi berne, Mn. Hutiefigobecarno e barirster of open flrawbrsflges. Passongerr mats ba thunderefi fluwn andf which will re- atiths mature cge of 35, aund simaltane- make nînci botter timo, and -new shat <a quire ais iecst seven volleys te prustrate eusiy enterefi lie Parliamnens et Queens- roguee'iy ee'ganized system ef electil thora. Tiere is flunienuýess haciefinp baud as n colleague et Sic piresent Premier lauinches te taie tic place of ýïûreet cars by a capital migitice' Shan lu any oSier (Nie., Dinison) in Sic reprosentasiun ot n IS cultenîpiated sncb e sYst,,np siouid business. Intuxiccting liquors enoughInlu-deuble-sentecl constitnency wiub aul un- prve a iable as the eleot'ccasI suis country te fluaI a navy. Goofi grain prononceable aburigluai naine. Iu a erdînee'y cilios. 'It is aise reported tint te tbeaount of 67,950,000 busheis an- year on two hie becarno Aitoruey-Genrcl electnlo tnwmuig wmll ho employefi, lhe nuehiy flestroyefi to mnace lie docflly lu the Mluisimy of Sie Samuel Griffith. canais roachiug from (liant Se Be'ugos liquifi Be'cwerios, distillerhes, gin siups, Ho bas been ent ut Parliamaent for sortie au fel' m Glisent vte Terneusen. Tie, rum palaces, liguer associations, eue' yeae's, but tic haie general election power wil ho suppiied from ejoeei'ig nation spenfliug annuabby $740,000,000 brougit hlm baci agaiu, and bas once locomotives wbicb inn aloug tic tank O foe' mm, resuiting in bcukruplcy, flisease, more made hit Assorney-Geuerci. Au- peuporisrn, fi, assassination, dccli, otier incident ufthle Queensland general illiasitabie woe. What will stop iiemn? election is lie retutru et Sic vetorain Me'. ~ Hlissi icesuse? No. Prohibition inws? Ne. Groomn, whie d been eleniefi by tie Cinechos? 'No. Moral suasion? No. same censlhtueuly tue' 40 yecrs witbout a Thuderboits wiih do lu; nething cise break, Shereby ceustitutiug a record tee' Are prepared from Na. wiii. Seven thuders! tic soutiemaio hrnisuflsero, andi one only ýture's mild laxatives, and Yondee' are intrencicd lufldoity aud boaten l inte furticrn by Me'. Beach, the w ie gni1aerlal aiieisrn, with their magazines of lbiera- ftli o ei Honse ut Communs. hl get aeribe inre senig ni eue' Ciristlaniiy, sîcir and efficient. They Hec pr intiug presses buisy day and nigit. The Late Carlotte Grisi. theearemunien blcspiemiug aposties, Carlotte Grisi, wiose deti astih age m uo e E D i ther runenTom Faeines andfi bebrtine of 80, is rcpurted rom Geneva, wcs tie aROU c Vroltaircs of sic preseut as webi as the cousin et use more ceichratefi Giohme pasu, re-enfoncefi by ail tise powers ot Grisi, wlte et Marlo, wie dsed neae'ly 80 Cure Sick Headache, Bil- dcrkniess, fe'om higiesi demen te lewest years ago. Sie was one of c ge'oup of iousness, Sour Stomach, hrnp. Wiat.-,vilii xtirpate those moussons brigit stars et the ballet, iaclioding ad C ntpto. Sl eOf iufldebity and athcism? John Brown's Fanny Eihsier, Marie Teglhoni aud Fanny ad C ntpto. Sl shorter caechiant about "Who made yen" Ctrito, lu compcuy wiini ;vom sic dlec- everywhere, 25C. per box. or Westminster cateciism abouts "Wict trified London lu tie eariy torties wiSi I'reparedbyC.I.Hood &Co.,LoweiiMao,. ls tic chieS end ef man?" Ne. Thunder- " pas do quatre. " Carlotia wcs boru ai bouts! Tic seven tbunders! For thse ira- visinlda,- a 'villa ln Sie district et Man- puriies efthtie worlJ, empalaced '.ns weil tua. Sie hegen hoer stage cereor astic ____-____________ as celiarefi, epauieied as weli as reggcd, early ageofe 5 ai Le Scala, Milan, auJ enShnoued as weib as ditciod; for corrupt was for seme urne undccided wleethee' te legislatiou wiici et tinses maies eue' siudy dancing or siuging. Sue studiod stase. auJ nationalcials a hemnis- lie latter wstb Malibran, sud the former phcric sienci; Sur superstitions tiat keep wlit M. Perrot, whern sic afteewards f11 Wiele nations lu squalor century aSter rnarîed. Iu 1841 sie went te Paris. auJndIiF1fll I9 ccntury, uder juggee'ueuts crnshlug, ther appeared aitich Theatre de la Renaissance kulves inceraiug, thehe' waters Jrowning, ha a ballet mebodama called, the "lZin-LA E S uder ftaierai pyres bue'nhng, tic sevon gai," Sic acbieved se, muei succesa Sbct - -As<3odSe Shuntions! sic was sean engaged as a leadiug daucer Cern. Please ealU Tise Heavenly Wall. cItich Grand Opera, wiere, sie crecaicd rou and soc. Oh, ca uJ emen dsieatene a hSicprincipal pars lu tic bellot et Ohmenan woen dibeateed t"Giselie."1 Sic anhived bier greatcsl tri- BOWYÂN VILLE. R. W. JAM ES, thc bad way tiings ofien go, bear yen umpis ha London, iowevrr., Mme. Grisi net a rumbliug J own tbe sky et beavy retîred te'orntic stage mauy yeae's ega,',., artilcry. corning in un eue' ife, the and bas resided fi etae ycars aS Geneva. l11T saven thiuders et tic Almlghty? De net __C_______ ii LI 1t l uIDIII[ltN t)0I'wRI. bot us ie'y te wieid tient ourseives, Tiey Proper Claro of thse inzer Nails. spirit wlti spirhit, Siai aid celer o et i th ie cammen cusit etO tattoulug bas surprise you. Also H1arneý,s Polish, earti, whici bad mûe sway Sien aIl lie bel an efficicnt anti-toxin frmi ans for BugyaCves -id vi otier, cobors put together, will bring bites. Tic tattoocd Bonmese regard thsich o UgyCvr ý.dAI b&ci te us eue' earthiy exporienes, aud, bites et poisoous suake as barmbess. Grease. the best. aeoing tiat Si-is grecu chrysohlite is Sic Titis, aS beast, is tic statement et a gon- Stand opposite Central Liveny, Boit- seventi layer et crystaliized magnificence, temnu from BBurmai, wii ngs tosti- mauv Ilie. we rncy bethIlaiourselves ofthlic domina- mouy te ions' lu corroboration of is tien of tint numeral soven oves' ail otier singuler stetement. Siutisis migit welJOH N S. RU N DLE. nunserals and tiani Qed tisa inlu lie Jerk give his maties lime' atteulien. __________________ eurt¶h we leS î behiud us we5 so long en- ISATRLE arnedb j~~ltieilgt e ticsevis oldn uss- ig e'ssl siag MILBUW" 'S STERILING HEýAD- dlesthcks sud wee'e ah etf us permitted ta Ther Qreenlaud whale bas a heart a ACHE POWDEîIS. No deprossina iter. ahita.amoasg Sie moyen stars oft more or m- f 1darnc5or. effeot. Si'

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