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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1899, p. 7

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brikYayer, 6; cabinetumakers et Brus- ey "e nd Gheht ofion wonk 17 heurs a day fo TU PBEOLGIAL ChiIcfren Ory for witli ont-hait heirferneen; anti lu mIn- ei THE PHENOLOICAL ng districts wemoun are ofion kepi at Of JOURi4AL ad 0%tvu4-Dck Joûdtng anti siumlar heauvy laboi, f(Sr r 2 1 A, EATU ~44 ýheurs., Tht normal work-day tbnoghd-l D Knfown evçryvshereou aol sI6husT'Balnie Is ln iits Sixty-frst year. TnàTJTOý ,' etfn dtte fdv-lab t; ~fdins te 27 E. 21 st Si., NeW Yerl<, for mtbcsecuretby 10-e 2hols-lu 4ssime'as1' specimenopy. $1.08 a o ..tdee te xetsiiaeitmsnsin e4 to new subscriberspicIudpg asa OÏTitsRECORDsé. o-as iisaine ýmdes. fi%,uta4n 1»sulu zshiort sumnusry of Chargoer. Ba t~o~ dd. qç)i3~is e4yW b z ABSOLUTE ZERO. MWarvels of Liquefied &Ir-Q!ulcksilver Frozen as Hard as Steel.____________________ A LAKE PILOTIS LEG. tfow It Solved the Xystery of the Wreck id _d i~of the susan B. Peck, M mm "We are neyer aniazed wben vesseis go A.. U Er aground and are wrüeked on Lake Itrie ~ i 1 1wdurfingthegales tatare commonon i ., ~ ~ V. wreoked on a course as clear as the day * i the around like a book we raturaly M . li ..r y wonder a luttle and want te k-iow the wbys and wberefores. Such. was thýe case W of the propeller Susan E. Peck thau wout at .ý,rS aýo.nd near Bar Point and was lest Grand Summer Sale of choice ]Millinery at Mrs th a$25,000co .SsnE a ai Dingmian's. Sailor Hats in great variety. ed successfully hundreds of tirnes between Late;t styles and colors for al trirnimed goods. kinds of weather, and this time he had a wheelman wbo was known froim one end Chiff s, Mechlins, Fancy Mlousselines,Wings,Foliage, of the lake te the other as one of the mst expert navigators in the lake bus!i- Ornaments, Flowers, etc., always in stock. ness. He bad been lying up a long time forth very geed reason thain ow ing te au accident to one of bis legs tbat leg had adies' Bonnets and Children's Hats a specialty. te bo aillputated te save bis life. The lest1 ILmember was replaced by an artificial legf and then the pilot was ready to take bis 0 post at the wheel again. His flrst service 1 #-À%, a fter hjs misfortune wvas this trip of the .4V . ~ ~Susan E. Peck, andhonheruheroid "The puzzle to everybody was bew itt was Possible for the propeller, haudled byt ~BO MAYILE.Fashionable Milliner. a mail ef sucbi skill and experience, on a obraight course, ouly 40 miles long und with every sailing condition favorable,c te leave bier course. The pilot was theé oe most puzzled and astenished person of alil.Ilo soon go t another vessel, and this n e ra l St rti euoe ho rau lu such an erratic mauner Hamlpton General Stoo was compelled te giveber pad' the colddiscover wbut was wrong We "Efld a vaster stock than has been," and are as usual prepared wlth bis $eamnship. Aflten a wbîle tbey 10 ive barritins in Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries an~d Hardware. discovei'ed what they believed was the trouble. Iu tbe pilot's artificlal leg a great deal of steel bafi beou used iu the Gents Clot înz.joiuts and other places. Sitting close te Goo Twed ent' C oth ng.the binnante, as ho did wbile steering,c Good weedSuits to order Ë8.0O. Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. tbis sîçol derauged'the coufpass so tbat it We have a very large and well assorted stock~ to select from, in Serges, hrew the -wbeelmau wuy off bis neckeun- WorsedsandTweds, othForignandDomestic manufacture. We ug nd len te the wrong piloting tIat f orstds njlTwees, oll Forignandhâd wreckeà the Susan E. Peck and. on- ar 'bound to SUIT you. dangered tbe other vessel thnat tbe wheel- mn navigated subsequeuily. This was9 Groceries and nH ardwvare. Nvbut the3ý argued, and te dmnsrt the corsrectniess of the tbeery tbe pileot In our Grw~ery and Ha.rdware Departments you wUl find our stock' toit charge of a vessel wiihout wearing wellassrt-d, ough inthebes maketsat he losst pice, ad wllhis falso leg. EUverytblng worked te a NY~l asor3dboulifluthebes makef atiti coset pice, ad wllehurm. The nivstery of the Susan E., bc sold at, the right price. Some people want quantily others quality, Peck was solved andi the pilot wasa we can pleanse bofli. reslox'et te bis oli place lu the confiden-oe Highiest price paid in cash for produce. Give us a eall. oaeBi sip0 n vse wes Immaiortalit7y Cranks. t D.Mi elil 9% mmentality of famle is something de- N sired by man, but ufiained by few, saysa HAMPTON. uloràlity' lisosmethlug Whîcb bas t _______________________________________________________________hitherto been supposed te be inexorublyb dellieci te hauma. beings. The phrase f "'Ail men are mortal"l figures lu teto- books of logic as th.e truest of isuisnse i WHA 'S YO R DE A OU P IN 2Bût we havelately beau ussured hthi îsmistalte. Se,. at least, I was tol-d by very dowuright pensots who called ou oU lîy me sue asaowîth a huge pancel ofA Low Price is Low Quai ItYiphlm forpubl h or. ie ated en cre in snpi. blc.He hand ee Pait s oodasth -ly snubbed and ill used, but truth wouldE lo's case. 1 took bis address andi lot himd louve bis muunuscript. its recipe fer phy-.b Sher in-W llims P int pagewas simply te learsi how te gon (There is noue better) cannot 'be soid for Wili kili yen by tbe 'lltihK day, but,lif ut g 77that critîcal moment, wvie u te o ý l ess than we ask. If iess is asked you know of deaib, you miake a hoeoi effortKnclual utuy alive, wlsy, tbeu yen will have over- i ~ ,'~ the li quality is iower an.d its net cheap. Ils ene the King of Teniýors onece for al. IL peoiy ade cotai~ por ateial or~ eýrued the gentlemau's manuscnipn, t poory mdecontinspoo matria, c iswith a pole note, regreiiing thut bis v gelwhatyou ay fr ike of resoarch was se remote fromn those short measure. i-OU gt-ýhtyt o te wbicb I wus uccustomed that I culdit , every lime. The Sherwin-W~illlaMS Spceciailot give him.inelligent nid. Floor Paint is made for floors and nothiug Washnn.sx for Conmplexions. ~ ele. l i mad b alkon ad sandbe- Tellng girl.s "Hlow te bc Pretty else Itis ade o wlk n an stnd be-Tbough Plau," Mrs. Humphrey, lu The s.v ,~,y ing walked on, Paint your Wîndow and Laýdies' Home Journal, guarantees any n -,girl a goi complexion wbe will wash z n ' Door Sereens, we have a special paint for hon face every nîgb uund merniing, ad' ki themtwlçe a day besides, according te ber thmalone, Varnish Stain, Buggy Paint, dietosDTeue utnth ut cei'n wintor, and soap sbould ho useti a -Lead, Oils, Turpenfine. Cali and gel a but once a day. The filugers are btter l O ~ coor crd.than aÈy speuge or glove flauuel, antiof -norcad shoulti ho used as the masseuse uses bers, a Omý pressing them:flxmiy but gentiy ie the t skin, anti passing fbem twe on thi'eea a tirees aver evry inch of tho face. -Mýo»e l BOWANVLLE Wet nd ardareStoepartic~ur palis shoulti ho devoieti te the t BOWMNVTI Wet Ed Hadwar Stoe. f'ruers, wbere dust is always hlable to T ________________________________________________________ tiearounti the eyeg, nose and mouth.c If a washcloth is useti it shoniti h o f the i s~ftestand fInest, audtpleuty of watr v d% dlot% boulti ho aplpeà afier the 5ap se as te 'r liiiwash il aJ1 away. The tirying process M shoulti ho equally tbereugh and effectul, a huiried ruh oftninig the way te all sots,f roelmass and cbsppings. Net le onq girl iun 20 knows bow te ý,Yash ber - ~ fade, andi th#tli the reasen wby massage t O f n o "--und Shn o es flounishes. Ih thoroughly leauses."w T he sorage of Eggs. l An ine5restiiug exuerimsut i'u egg stor- i Thta eariler royAl favrirites weroSy e.ririos anti turuspits, but laiol70y cear stalosty 4~s shewu preorence forerc1ihles ,nd Spîtzsnewbuil, àa par'tlcqlunýly Sae u4 ne, wsnmeseuteti ta boz Qu The oxperiments wbich have regultee lu tbe lUquotactien of air seema likely tc revolutionize our ideas of béut anti cold. Mn. Charles E. Tripler et New York u turnlng eut liquefleti air by the gallon. A description of bis achioveuments appoarE lu The Century. lIt certainly is surpris. inz te sec the liquiti air pouroti upen ilEs fly off blssing like water freinhot trou but wben eue reflecis that the ce, is S41J degreos botter tha the liquiti, litdoos net seeni se strungo; or te see oue's breatb, blewu n to theo opeu cun of liquiti sent buck iustantiy, its meisture congealed inte a miniature sneowstorm. A jet et steuum is frezen as quickly, fer steam la the open air is only 114 cegrees botter tban the breufb. wbilc trom the tempera. turc of steam te thut cf liquiti air is a terrible drep of 524 degrees! Inu iis treezing offmct probably Is fo-undi tbn greaesn obstacle te the use et liouiti air as a motive power. The moistureofe tho air is tiopositeti rnpidly, as ice upon tht machine, especially arouati the oriice 'frein wblch the jetet o xtnemclv coiti ait amerges. This seau closes the orifice comn- pletoly anti stops the machine. Anoiber surprise is given wheu the ex- penimoutor puts bis baud tiirectly liet tbe liquiti for a moment. But the'sensa- tion is only as et, a soft cushilon et air abouti the baud. Such il really is. The bout et the baud forums a layer of vapor or air about the baud, anti the hiquid air dees net cerne in contact with the flesh. Shoulti the liquiti acfualiy t.ouch the flash. a severe injury like a humro rsuits, which sometimes is montb î beuiuig. In a féw seconds au egg is frozen se ihat it re- quires a bard blowv et a hammner te break it. Probubly its genm et lite is extinci. Seeds et grains anti vogeaubles bave beau testeti luinlouiti air. These were ail natives et theo tamponate zone, the seetis of whicb ivihi puss the winter iu frozen ourili witbout- loss. et viiallty, sucb as barley anti outs ton grains, anti potis, cucumbor andi squash for vagetables. Tbey are kepi for 110 heurs ut 312 de' - grees belew zeo, anti then slowly thawed for 50 heurs. Atter this treutumont they were stili alive. Ou being plpnied, tbey gormniuatetianti graw. The liqu id air bouls lu a dlsh fi it bas cooledti he dish te ils ow.n temipeaure. Its beiling peint is 812 tiegroas belew zero. AMien ibis the varet o air wvbich coers the liquiti se retards avaporatien thai i may ho kepi elgbt or ton heurs in a eau puoketi only in toit. It bas lu this way been curiot 250 miles trom tise place et manufacture. The ceoling affect upon the air ot theo reoon 25tory umarkoti. Tht writor gave twe lectures in euie atternoon with liquiti air. Saidia lady of the second audience as she onterati the leciure-roem, " How celti your rocîn le !" The toempera- tare hati beau lowedti on or 12 degrees byýthe evaporutien et the air usot in the tirst lecture. Ail othen liquitis are frozen wheu put ibtp liquiti air. Moncury bocoies like iron, sa that l illnvh drive a nuil, bolti up a w,,eight, or serve us any ether parpose as a inoetaI. se long- as it is kepi frozen. Absoluto alcohoksoon becom soseiti. A tube etliquid air dippeti into a &rlass et 4vater rapitily couverts the waier îni b. By remeving the ice trenu tho glass, anti the tube fromr the iee, thére romains a disb et ice ie ;vhiob liquiti oxygen may be toluroti. A steel peu tippeti with a match. on an eieetric-ligbt carben roti-bet ait tip, villhurnini this with intense heat anti light. Between the liquiti oxy- gon anti the burn in g steel are about 8,8300 le.groee, anti yet the ice-tumbler is net aflocted. 0f course, the oxygen tg turneti inie a gas betene combustien begins. [ilquiti oxygen cannot support cembus- tion. THE VULTURE 0F LAMBS. [t Is a Pare Blird and MWay Soosi Beconse Eztiiiot-one Shot Iteoentiy at Blegiers. i apuears that bfrds et prey are net se rare lu the Europeau nureutains as is geuerully suppeseti. Ateacher et Blegiens, lu the, district of Digue, lu France, was huntlng net long igo in the mounituin in the oatskirts et the village. lIe saw ou a rock twe bîrds of pray devourng a la-mb. Ho teok aim at oeefethobeamançl was fertunato ouougb te kuock i t or athe flrst sbot. It wus a "beurdeti -yepaeie," the voiture, et lambs. 'Tbis bird, terumeniy se comumen iu tho Pyrenees. the higl imelauntains et the [Trol, et Swiizonland, ef Germany. et Corscia, anti et Sardinia, bas almost dis. appeareti from Europe. Se the capture made by M. Martin ts et realiy scientifio interest. The baird was sent te the laboratory u t tlarseiies. hit l a bea-utitul spacin et o the#species. The span et the wings mous- ure two moires 80 coutimetes. Tlhe oungth et the boak te the extremnity ot the fail, oue moter 20 cenlimoters, anti veighs ever six kilogrammes. '- lIns plumage is black on the ripper parts, marked with a longitudinal white lune at the conter et each toather ou the back, anti of the supenier anti infanipr coverings et the wiugs. The largo foeathers of the wings anti tail are et an iron gray li; seine measure 70 centimetors lu length. anti il lu width. The heati is whbite. ornaumentoti with I ~ Goal, Gratil, Wooi, Luinber, etc1, etc1 ê >**4*ê4+ê4 Until further 'notice SPOT CASH wiil buy fresi mmced, weii screcned Coal af fthc foilowing prices: Scranton Ceai, ail sizes, at harbor $4.75 per ton ; deiivercd fo any part of town $5.25. Huvîng hantiled fis Ceai fer 124 e - seculive years aud ulumosi ail ethier kintis ai ies iye eau receomeu t fas bofb best anti choapesi. Our shedi capacity being sufflcient for fthe supplv of tbis section tbe public cati deponti on always geiling clean, dry coul. As in the pust we are preparedti t pay fthe vony higbest umarket pnîce for ail kinds ef GRAIN AND SEEDS tieliveneti ut our stomeouses corner King anti George Sf s., on ai Port Darliglon. SALT-coarse, f'e anti tair-,1in bags, anti barrels, also Retsof Rock Sait for caille anti herses always on baud- Lumber, Luth, Sbingles, Sasi, Doors, etc., in stock anti matie te entier. Inspection inviteti and satisfaction guaranleeti.1 MeGLEILAN & GO. BoWMANVILLE. *êp..,o,,..,,,,,,,.. I *1 I I i i i t i .1 H Country people as a rule feel the want of convenient bathing conveniences. One of the ureat advantages of 11f e in the city is the pleasure and luxury of the bath- room witli its hot and cold water, Then there are in every city special Russian and Turkish Baths where those suiffer- ing from ]lheumatism, Skin Diseases, &c., &c., cau secure. the advantages of these well known institutions which have hitherto been, beyond the reach of those living in the country. IN EVERY HOME. Now however ail this is changed and the humblest home in the land can have the ad- vantage of one of the most perfect baths made. Th~e Niagara Vapor Bath K. manufacture a fuil une from $2.00 up. See testimonial prices and samples at 81011 & JURY~S DRUG STORE. BICeYCLE REPMIR SHOrP, MARI<ET SQUARE, BOWMANVILLE. H1aving added considerable new machinery, I am n 1w preparedjro do ALL CLASSES of BXcycle and General Repair work. Brazinig and nPre Vujcanizing donc liere-no need f0 send sucli work to the city. Wheels are built to order. See TH-E FSHLEIGH "SPECIL" bef@re- buying. An Up=to=date Bicycle Livery. Wheels always in A-i repair. 1 18-tf, W. l"11.LQH 'ness and RstContains neither Opun4Morphine no18 ON Tu INOT NÂnC OTIC. j, ziwja RAP R ~ I 0F EVERY AperfeCC Reraedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhdea, h1esndLossOrSLEEE castoria is ptt p i one-size botties only. nt îs not soin in bnlk. Dolort allcnw enyone tasl èv you anytblng else on tlie p1sa or promise that it is "jnst as goodl' and ",will answer every pur- pose," S~ es that yon Cet -A-S-T-O-B-I-A« cipetpes.

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