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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1899, p. 8

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SJ. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, Chemists and Druggists. and Feckls,. WaeFine Paf Spons fo e t oa50. Foo and Franeekieslt eusie E Tanglefoot Fly Paper, Inseet Powder, &e. J. HICCINBOTHAM & SON, 9»: BOWMANVILLE. Druggists. M.- BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 28, 1899. NEWCASTLE. Visitors: Mr.- George Douglas, Strat- f ord; Miss Lily Fligg, Bowmanville, at Mr. Gasper Scott's; Mr. Geo. Bamsay and Miss Mary Nott. Welcome, at Mr, George Rickards; Mr. and NIrs. T. C. Bragz at Providence ...The new Methodist pastor ev. T. J.Edmison, M. A., B. D., preached to large congre- gations Snnday and bis discourses at both services were much enjoyed. H1e lias received a cordial wlcome., . Great preparations are being made for l2th of July 'celebration which is to be held here this year. Bicyclists should keep on hand a bot- tle of llagyard's Yellow Ol. It is dlean to use and will nlot soul the clothes. Cures cuts and bruises, takes out pain and limbers up stiff sore joints and mus- cles, COURTICE. Visitors: Mr. and Miss Thomas, Port. Perry, and Mr. Miller, Buffalo, at Mr. Geo. liyillds; Mr. Armagh, Uxbridge, at Mr. i.F. Richards; Miss Ethel Hall, town, at Mr. S. S. Brooks'; 11ev. W. H1. Adam-~, Claremont, and Rev.1.Thomas, Hlampton, guests off 1ev. J. S. 1. Wilson ... ev. W. Jolliffe, town, occupied the pulpit at Ebenezer, Sunday night, verY acceptably .... Many from this section, are taking adlý7antage of -the indisposi- tion off the KÇnapp roller boat to visit that curioity ... A teani from the main road is arranglng to fflay 'bail with a 1ake shore nine next 'uesday,. A team 18 intending to go to HaYdon July ist, to play those from tbh lui country. A CARD. W e, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the momey on a twenty-flve cent bottie off Dr. Wills' Enzlish Pis, if after using three-fourths off contents, off bottle, they do nlot relieve constipa- tion andheadache. We aiso guarantee tour botties wil permanently cure tke xnost obstinate case off constipation. Sat- isfaction or ne pay when Whlls' Pills are Stott & Jury, chemist, Bowmanville. J. Higginbotham &,Son, chemist, Bi' manvïlle. 2 4w HAMPTON. The Sunday services off the Sundayj School Aiiniversary were very snccess- fui. 1ev. J. J. Lîddy, B. A., Ohshawa, a former popular pastor, was greeted with a large congregation at each ser- vice, who were pleased to listen to bis f amiliar voîce ... . Mr. W. Allun spent Saturdiiy and Sunday at Kin sale, being called thiere by the serions illness of is sister, Mrs. John Lewis. Sight hopes are entertained off hem recovery... Visitors: Mr. J. A. Werrv, wife, and sister Nora, Solina, at Mr.3.E L.Cole's; Mr. C. Goodman and famîly, Oshawa, at Mr. J. H. Burrows; Mr. S. H. Ashley, and f anily, Oshawa, at Mr. J- Cryder- man's, Mr and Mrs, W. Coram, Les- kard, at Mr. J. Lord's; Mr. F. Grigg, Miss L. Gifford and Miss L. Potter, at Mr. C.,IHastings; Miss Heddon, Mount Vernon, Miss Ethel Stevenson, Oshawa, at Mr. E. Trennuth's; Mr. and Mrs. A. Gully and son Harold, Bowmanville, at Mr. J. Clatworthy's; Misses Clark and Barker and Messrs. Peacock and Cuttie, Oshawa, at Mr. W. L. Ward's; Mrs. J. Wickett and daugliters, Eva and Greta, Bowmanville, Rt Mr. W. Shorts. Anniversary serviees in cone.tion with the Methodist Sunday SehoqI at Hamptoni will be held as follows: Sun- day, juite 25, serrmons wYjI'l be preached by Rev. J. J. Li ddy, Oshawýa, at 10.30 a. in. and 7 p. in. Special music wili be fumnished at both services hy mnembers of the school under the leadership of Mr. A. B. Cî'yderman. Collections w1Ill be taken in aid of Sohool fnnd, On Satur- day, Jjpy lst, at Willow Park the atter. noon eill be made interesting by oat- ing, foot-bail and otl2er amusements., Tou from 4 o'clock tili all ale served. In the evening at 8 p. m. a fist-lass Concert xvi le given in the cdurch by members of the School, assisted by 1ev. J. S. 1. Wilson, B A., B. D., Courtice, Rev. H-. Thomas, pastor, and others. Admissioîî Tea and Concert 25c; Child- reu not members off the school 15c.; Concert only, l0c. A. B, CaYDEnIIAN, F. T. ALLIN, 1Supeiuitendent, Seorqtary. riig~ -a --a i111~ ZION. Annix'ersary services Suudav, Juiv 9. The Coîmittee are fortunste in haviug secumed the services off Rex'. J. S. I. Wilson, B. D,, off Southu Darlington, to preacl at 10.30 a.m. sud 7 o'clock, p.m. Siuging by Sobool, collection in aid cf S. S. Fund. Come eue, come al, MAPLE GROVE. Mns. Geo. Power is sick, . . .Mr. John Crumb, jr., gel an ugly gasb in the leg with su adze. . .. Mm. E. T. Sleman, B. A., Oshawa, gave a x'cmy interesting instructive sddrcss ou "Sound" at our League. Hle Pou.-ht ont'many start- liug facts. The pastor snd Mr. Cyrus Shemon gave a Suet whicb wss mcl appreciated .. . .1ev. W. JoRiffe took tIe pastom's work xery acceptably on Sun- [To Tuatow GOOD Mozax AI'TER BA- IWill but incresse my pain. If vou lave ~tPrown away îouey for mediclues that diS net aud could not cure, whY should you net uow Pegin taking Hood's Sars- sparilla, the medicine that never dissp- points? Thousauds off people who weme iu yeur condition and teck Hood's Sans- spanilla say it wss the licît investmcut they ever made, for it bought thci health. Hood«s Pilis cure sick leadache and indigestion.- IIAYDON. The anniversery, services off Haydon Suuday School will be held as follows. Satumda, July lst, coimnrecing at .2.30 p.m. a 1¶ogram off readings, recitations and sitiging williec given by the scoel sud addresses- by 1ev. E. O.. Irwin, aîîd others. Tea served from 4. o'clock. At 8 p. lu a first class concert will be given by Mjissýes Trebilcock,Saunders and Me- Dowell and Mr. L. T, Courtice, Bow- manville, Miss Jennie MeLaughlin, Tyrone, Mrs. Wight and family, Prpv- idence, the Ileat.lie family, Mount Ve r- non, and others, On Sunday, July 2nd services will be mesumed when 11ev. E. O. Irwin will preacli at 2.30 and 7 p. m. Collection at each service. A game off base bail between Cgurtice and ilsydon will lie played ht'ie cin Dominion Day at 4 o'clock. Do not fail te see this game as il promises to lie very interestinig. W.1I.CREEPER, W.J.S. Rundle, Superintendent. Secretary. NEW HAVEN. Mm, Russell Langmaid entertained several friends Wednesday eveuing wheu a very pleasant eveniug wasespent -.... The national flag floated frdon the tower off Mr. Casey Tmnl's residence, Fiday evening last when about 100 friend8 assembled by invitation to a lawn paty. Croqpu t, Crokinole and other gamles were i rffulged lu and sup- ,per served on the lawn, affter which the organ, was dawn to the v eandah and the company being seated on the lawn, were treated to a program off musie, ecitations and readings, ending with a rhumerons speech from Mm. Casey Trull. The National Anthemn was then beartily sung by ail and the company dîspersed having spent a very emjoyable evening. . ..Hecolnt visitors: Misg Hoskiu, town, at Mm. Jos. VauCamup's; Mrs. J. Cory, Moorefield, at Mr. John Metcalf's ; Mr. Stanley Mann, Toronto, at Mm. Hcnry Mann's, Mm. Geo. ,Shurtliff, Belleville, at Mr. Casey Trulls. .... Miss M. E.ýVan Camp has retur4ed to hem home, sf ter a prolonged visit at Elkhart, md .. . .Miss Winnie ,Trull is visiting in town.... 'Miss Stitton off Toronto, a tained nurse, bas been in attendanceon Mrs. Henry Mann, in hem recent illness. S' Wilth CUrICURtA 5UAVING SÔÂr?, andl beoh ' eansring the face gcutiy anoui.. 'P7itis cic7' Ri.(ointmoit), urest of ecmollieiit sthîR cures. -Wah w'th OCUIcuitA TOILir SoAe and 110T WATatt. Tihis simple and in- e:',pcnsive treatment iili preveut unpleasant dryness and runghness, anS prove agmeat con- fort 10 those with tender, easiiy irritated skins. Pold everywhere. PriCe, CUTC, ASnI.VIIÇ O Soir 15C.; TOILEr SOAP, 25~C.; CUTICURA oiUtotent)i t 'c. POr'rEs Dore Àau CHBM. eorP., Sole Pôpý.., Botice. ce-I' -Alibut ho@bui, 8o3p, adswlHi, troc. ESFIELD. Visitors: Dr. M. W. Pascoe, Ottum- ~wa, Iowa; Miss Nellie Heys, Toronto; Miss Mabel Pascoe, Selîna; Mm. sud Mrs..Johin Bright, MYrtie; Miss A. Gil- hert at Port Perry: Mr. and Mrs. l, MoCullodli at Manchester. . .. Eùfleld baudi are inteuding te bedeck them- selves with new uuiformn in the near future .... Mr. James Gilbert and bride were sereuaded by Enfield Baud on Wednesday. A very pleasant evening wss spent wltb songs sud music. The boys speak highlv off their enter-tain nient bvx host and hostess sud Miss Gil- liert.Ail wish the wortby couple inucli jey. (In which Tînt STATESMAN heartily joins.) SOLINA. The funemal off Mrs, Trimble was well attended on Weonesday last. 11ev. H. Thomas conducted the services. Mr. TIres. Ward, Draytou, atteudcd the funemal. 11ev. H. Thomas will preacli a teniperance sermon at Eldad July 16, Loyal Crusaders aud Sons off Temper- auce will attend. Pleased to report Mr. Walter Vice able te resume work after after being off duty for seme moutbs with uunflammatory rheumatism. ... . Mr. T. Psoehad a raisiug Iast week.... troni a severe attack froni a sheep which hit him bard confiuiug hlm. te bis lied under the doctor's came for soie davs...., Sand lias been drawu for the uew school house which will be erected shortly.. .. Mm. Jas. A. Wemry sud bride have taken up their abode lu River- side Cottage on bis father's farm... Recent visitors: Miss M. Rylev, Beth- auy; Miss C. B. Littiejohus, 'Ebenezer;' Mms. W. Lauder, Oshawa, at Mm. A. Hogarth's; Mr. sud Miss Pearu, Feu-, clou Falls, sud Mms. W, C. T. Jeukins sud two sous, Kingston, at Mr. Win. Werrv's; Mm. sud Mms. Thos. Williams, Port Perry; Mr. an d Mms. Thos. Wil- liais, jr., Ciesamea, at Mr. P. Williams'. ...Mr. sud Mmi. Thcs. Ward, Dray- ton, retumued borne last week ... , Mrs. J.T.Rundle gave a partylun houer ofDr. Pascoe, Ottumwa, Iowa, hast Thursday civenug . . . .1ev.,J. J. Lidd.v, i4, A, Oshawa, preached very acceptabhy at Eldad Suuday. TYRONE, Our public sdhool sobolars su d faculty were photoed on Mondav...Miss Florence Fraser bas been very iii, but is mýecvering ...Principal Reîmem's division sends eut pupils ecs follows for upidsummer exaîs : Public sehool leax'- ing-May Sauders, Percy Clemeus, Bert. Creeper; Entrauce-Howard Sauxders; Ftmmn 1, 11. 5.-Coma Scott, Bert Creeper. . .. Pastor Adams returu- ed Monday iuvigorated by bis Easfwsrd trip. 1ev. S F. Dixon bas fihled the position admimabiy dumiug the pastoral vacation sud bears with hlm tIe best wishes off Tvroue circuit for bis future- success ... . The uew junior pastor, Mm. W. A. J. McKim Young, delivemed bis inaugural very agmeeably on Sabbath lomitng. It is expected anr acquaint- suce willibe fformed with the young peeple cf bis charge at the Senior League's At Home in the vestry ou Fmi- day exeniug. Everybody wloe Mm. WV.-J. Roy gave us s treat at hast League meeting. Extracts from Burns' peems lu chamacteristic Scotch conpled. witb the poet's own sketch off bis life, madle littie more te lie hoped for. Bc- fore it wss ep.ded we were ail trausfcm ced into "Scots Wha Hae" sud "A Manýs a Man for A' That", made us feel at least six juches taller sud xvidth te cor- respond. 51r. C. E. Browuu's solo,,"The Day Is Donc" was apprecia bly good,.. Mms. W.. H. Moore sud Baby Myrtie, leave on Thursday te acconipany bier sister, Mrs. VVvyborn, ou a visut to Grand Rapids, Micb., wluere their sister M~rs. Ed. Moses, and brother, Mr. Jas. C. Walter. meside ... . EstEudors eujoyed Billy's ice-cream very much ou Friday hast sud suggest t1it Pc make lots off it uow, te kccp bim ffrom loueliuuess... Lily Sauders bas gene te Bowîauvillc. te engage in dressm,3iiig. .. .11ev. Mr. Miller, Hunter's River, P. E. 1.,ils gucst off Mm. sud Mrs. W. R. Ciehnens,..,. Mrs.' Rowat, Miss Jean sud Miss Luluan, are guests cf Mms. Adams. Visitors: Mrs. Joseph Pye, Oshaas, g uest off Miss L. Milîs; Mrs. Johustcu, 4iugstou, guet of lber sister, Mmi. W. J. Wetîerall at the Parsouage: Mm. T. Wilbum, Mt. Vernu nsd cousin, Miss Brock, Markban , at Mr. Jas. Pye's; Miss Arnot is bomne for vacationi freni Ontamio Ladies' Cellege, Whitby, ac- companied by Miss Cbisholm, Frank- ford. -... Mmi . Cbas. Williams sud Mr. L. W. WilNams Otended the Com- mencement exercises cf Ontario Ladies' COllegN , Wbitby, on eu say.. Mms.M. A. Elford iisvusutuug fruendi at Scugog Island. ... We congratulate Mm. Wm. Bingai ou bis youthful pear- made by the chumch officiais sud 11ev. Hl Thomas, iHampton, sud feeling re- plies by Revs. S.'-G. Ronke sud W. J. Wethemall. Rex'. Mr-. WciiIemall and family were well meceived sud welcem- cd by evemyoue ..A great îaieiy at- tended tP-e excursi.on te Fenleloi Falls y esterday unden the -auspices of tPe, Presbytcmian Suiiday ScIrPol5 TEE CÔA B0WA'WýNVI ILE. '#A Fair Outside Lç a Poor Subsftute For Inward Woth. Good healtli, Inwarc1Iy, of the kidneys, liver andbowets, ts sU,'ýe to corne if Hood's Sar- sapaàritta t'ç promptly used., TIhis secures a fair outside, and a consequent vigor in the frame, with the glow off health on the cheek, good appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood. Losof Appetite - 111 was in poor heaith,tronbied with dizzlness, tîred feeling and loss of appetite. I was completely ran down. 1 took Hlood's Sarsaparlila and after awhile I feit niuch better. Hlood's Sersapa- rilla built me up." LizziE A. IIussELL, Old Chelsea, near Ottawa, Que. BiII1ousiess-" I have been tron7bisa With headache and billousnessansd was rnudhrmndown. Tried Hood's Sarsaparifla and it gave Mie relief and buUt me up.1" A. MoRRisoN, 89 Defoe Street, Toronto, Ont Hlood's Pills cure 11,cr isl; the non-frritatlng peai JUNE WEI)DINGS. BROAD1IEAD -Fotco. One cf tbe mest enjoyable June ho me weddiugs ln Camndeu, N. Y ., occurred at 7 o'clock Weduesday eveniiu, June 14, at the residence off Bevemly Fogg on Fourth St. The contractiug par tics wcre the chammi ngdaughter, Miss Maud anid Frcdemick H. Broadbead off Jaumes- towîî, N. Y. TPe affair was quiet sud modeit lu its appoiuttuents sud showed the good sense cf its participants. The floral decorations cf the oofus weme temus sud Saisies, sud the happy cou ple uusttended pesentcd themsel ves at the sItar, where tIc hymeneal tic was bound by 11ev. Edwamd Evans cf the Cougregatiousl cîurch, sud wituessed by s feV relatives sud intimate lniends. T he bride was tsstefully attireS in white organdis, trmîmed wvith lace sud white roses. Miss Fogg bas licen a resident off Caîden duing the past y eam sud bas made many friends bv ber lady like bearng sud sweet disposition sud she will lic misseS froî the circle cf young fiends amoug whoî she mcved sud was gmeathy loveS. Mr. Broadhcad is a prusperous youug clotb- ing merchant cf Jamcstown, N. Y., lattie known in Caiden, but we wil trust in the voung lsdv's good sense sud take ut for grautcd that she bas made a wise'choice. Af 1cr the cere- mony a luncheon wss semved. The preseuts werc fumerons sund beantiful. Mr. sud Mrs. Boadbcad lef t Caîden ou the ex'eniug train ou tPe R., W, & O, for saliief wedding trip to Albany sud New York, showered copiously witîi rice sud followed wîth many good wisbes for a hiappy sud prospemous wedded life. They will retumu to Cam- den June 201h sud will Pc at borne at Jamestewn after inly lst.-Âdvance- Journal. BEACOC-FALLIS. A: pleasing eveut teck place at tIc home cf Mr. Gco. Fallis, Cadmus, on June 2lst wben bis cîdest daughtem, Mabel wss united inî the holy bonds off wedlock te Mm Wm. J. S. Bearock, elS- est son of Mn. W. J. Beacock, Coesarea. Thc cercîouy was perfornmed by 11ev, E. E. llowar(i in a plcasing manner. The bride was àssisteS by Miss Maggie Beacock, sister off the groom, while Mr. Taylor, uncle off thc bride, support cd tPe groom'. Aller the ccremony al epaired te the diuing bail wlieme oven eue hundred sat dowu sunS satîslied the muner ian. The weddiug preseuts were very numerous, suitalile sud val- nable as follows: A Procl, the groom: cook steve sud f uruishings, Mr. sud Mms. W. J. Beacock; Dozen table uap- kins, Miss E. M. Bcacock; 'table incu, Miss M. E. Bcaeock; dlock, Mm. and Mrs. Isaac Beaccck; silver butter disb, Mm. sud AIrs, Wesley Beacock; silver fruit spoon, Miss Emuma E. Beacock; mirror, Mr. A. E. Beacoek; lienry set snd spoon,,Mm. sud Mrs. Chas. Fallis; lace spread sud shams, Mm. sud Mrs. L. Fallis; $10, Mr. sud Mrs. R. Fallis, Dakota; wickem ocking chair, Mr. sud Mrs. i)avid Fallis; oking chair, Mr. Lew."FalIis; 2 cil psintiugs, Miss Rilla~ Fallis; coloreS fruit dish, Mm. Fred. sud Miss W. Fallis; combineS set dishes, Mr. sud Mms. W. J. Joncs; lemonade set, Mm. sud Ahi. W. R,. Ferguson; sul- ver butter sud paper knife, Mrs. W. Robinson; ý dozen tes spoons, Miss Mabel Lswson; ý dozen tes spoons, Mm. W. sud Miss I. Walsh; centre table, Miss E. J . Jackson; sîlver s 'ymup pitcher sud tmay, Mm. sud Mrs-. Sisson; white sprc'tS, Misses M. sud M. Edgemton; table cloth, Mm. sud Mms. Isaac Hes.lip; slver sali sud pepper castor, Mr. sud Mms, J. Carscsdden; silver carS eccciv- cm, Miss May Euglisb; hsndkerchief case, Mm. ,Sid. -McQuaîd; silver pie ituife, Mr. sud Mms. Spmsgge, fruit dish, Mr. sud Mmi. N. Mamhow; Dezen teaspoons, Mr. sud Miss Moore; table linen, Mms. J.ý H. Dhxitt; ý dozen table napkins, Mm. aud Mrs. W. C. Ferguscu; carvlug set sud case, Mm. P. C. Edgerton; glass bréad plate, Miss A. Miller; dlock, Mm. aiS Mr&. Robt, Philp sud W. G. Pbilp; srnootbin& ironsMm. A. andl Miss A. Birowu: sivxem sugar liowl, Mm. sud Mms S. A;« Dcxitt; cil painting famed, Miss Addie Hvlaud; coverlet, Mm sud Mrs. John Trcwiu; music rack, Miss L. Hy, land; bedroci set, Mm. sud Mrs. Robt. Jackson; silver pickle omuet, Mr. sud Mrs. Jas. Devitt; colored table cover, Mr J. sud L. Pollen; pair lace cur- tains; Mm. sud iMi. J.*H. Tsvlom; color- eS glass fruit set, Miss M. Nairu; sal- mou set, Mn. sud Mrs. A. H. Vea»-le,; 5 o'cdock table cover, Mr. sud Miss Ax- wo1rthy'; fruit dish, Misses L. sud M. Po"er; lamp, .Mt. Eldon Taylor; cook's outfit, Mr. Chas, Jackson; salad fruit disI, Mn. apd Miss Gibson; 2 fruit disî- ci, Mr. sud Miss Rowan; silver sugar bowl sud creain pitcher, Mm. J. W. Taylor aud sister; csmviug set, Mm. sud Mrs, E. M. Sanderson; cheese dish, Mr. Relit.Taylor glass set, Dm, Howard audrllev. F. 7HoHward; che&,e dish, Mr. W. H Ivne; lar-ge vase, Mm. sud Mms. A. E. Ssndems6n;, lanrp, Misses L. sud L. McCrea; pair vases, Mm. W. Me- Cnes; table lineu, Miss Faunie Mabood- tdozeu table uspkins, Mr- sud AIr. J, 13OWMANVILLE IMARKETS, Oorrected rey J.1iiemuÊtrY eaeh Tuesdaýr eLUR 100 Ibs,........1ý 95 te o 2 WHAFail, bush ...000 ntQ 73 t' Sprinu-'- ..0 00il0 70 Ried fP'If 0 ()0oIl o 75 " GOOSE ...9 00 te 0 64 BAIILEY, P bush~, No, 1 _M 40 4 0 O40 Ir I Il2 ..,O26 ~0385 IC il Il .... 025 '080o Ir Ir Two rowed 0 25 r 0 40 ¶JOAT5, whîite il..............O0 00 Il O 30 BUCKWEAT Il.............000il0 7() PEAS, Blackeye,2P bush.. 0 69 et O 65 il Canadian eauties.. 69 i" 0 65 il Mummey O0 01'ilO0 5. il SmaI, ' (I0 W ri O 65 ilBlue, e 047 il 0 55 BUTTER, best table,, r lb.. O 00 0 12 EoOùs, edoz ............. 000 POTATOIIS, bush.......... 0 40 0 o t UýaY perton ............ .t1< t6 00 JIAIR W'OR.-Ijadies wishin~ al .LLdonc over, cali at MRs. Dicxewsamq;s,Kin auad Cor of Ontario St Bowmanivile. S4-I B3OADERSWANTED--T,,,. oung- Ontario and Argyle ses., Bovmanvjilcý. iL .MB'ER FOR4 SALE,-.-Henriy Hoclk- J~eu Lot 12, Con, 3, Darlington, offers fu-salit ail kinds mougli an i dressed lutuber, lath and~ shingles. ffioorng- and sldii4g a speciaity.- 17--3 mes.* IliARMTOSELL OR PENT.-.5 west haif cf lot 22,on 7, Clarke, on wlicb ) re good dwclling hose and commodieu, buildings lu good repair. Large stens stabes and moot cellirs, excellent or87hard, well feneed. plienty cf water. AU in first-c1ass qrder. 110f mie frma Kirby P. 0. 4nquire ou the promises or te Wîii., Coosar, Rirby. 22-If, TOWN OF BOWAANVIIsLE., Bowmauavilie <s beautifuliy situated, on' ait eminece, s urundedbylpictutesque seenes'y, ovorlo ing Prt &,wmnu,. e Iarbor on fl£e Ontari., an5 one of the pretticat exparise3of watcr n anada. In summer bouts pi y du<ly lie full view up and down anS the flunç batq of the Ontario & Rhelieu Lineealbotet,71way l summer. The populatioe, Gut owmanvilUe 19 be- tween 3000 and 4000 Streets and sidewailk.s oa' flrsýt class anS baucisome residences are nuýý,- ens. Streets, public buildings and resid ne are li8hted witth electricity. .&bnnidi et spring water, good drainage and reliabie,<e protection. The postai serviceis au that caL1 11bti desire. The DoiiuOrgain & ÙPhoCeo 's, egreat factories for manufactnring Planc,,'l rO- gs anBicycle E1im's'etc., are iocatcdlhere R r the Bowmaiiiclubber Co's works. Thoe, a"r E,,eelleuit Publie and migh Schois, rnot suirpas.,- cdin l Canada for equiptuent and 1licc5 The churches are Methodist, PresbyýterIan4, E'piscopaLlian, Cengregatioual, Di i n Romon Catholip cunly two hotels with masoni- able ates and other modern conveniiences.. Stores arc nuimertms and carry fulll unes of til] kinds of tirst class goods ; empetition s kcs anS pries as 10w as ina a ity. Teleg,sph wi telephone systeuiscuect lte tewn itýeLl THE STATESINIAN is the 1k1),u1ar 1loc i :-n ewIS. Paer and enoys a very u>ive circulation. Th tustnsreadIv ho <x rzeral mdcc- ments te factories te locate 1 ow 1 n4115 Corrc.spondence Lnîjteal. élit re Ar1fo Select Summer Sundries and Some Seasonble Snaps Now~n.Qi~oIcDoinanc"U Mern's light weight Coats, Vest and Pants, per garment $î.od up. Men's Suits in light tweeds, worsteds and serges, per suit $2.75 upT. Boy's Blouse Suits,"blue Serge 22 to 26," neatly trimmed,per Suit 65c Up. Boy's 3 piece Suits, 1'see these",, Halifax and Wire tweeds,per'Suit $2 Up, Boy's Brownie Overals in blae and black, 35c uP. Our clothinlg de- partment has more emphatically than usual shown its decided leâd ' rship during this spring's business. For best choice and value we-are v- ly very much ahead. See our grand stock of Cutaway Worsted \,u . in black and colored goods, kept in dust proof boxes. 1101 WENI1EP% W4ýNJS- Gent's light weight Pearl Fedoras, fancy bands, from Yi up. Gent's light weight Christies, black or colored, from $i.5o up. Gent's venti- lated Bicycle Caps, special'quality at 50c. Gent's Linen and Straw Hat newest styles, from 25e up. Gent's Colored Shirts, large checks-, 14 tg 1621, 75c, 85c, $I- Boys' Sweaters, wool, deep roll collar. 75c. A speciai hune cf Colored Shirts, collis attached, for 50e. A new ship' ment of White Unlaundered Shirts, special at 35c each. The new thing in Gents' Pùif Ties--'Kipling" in neat patterns, lovely quality ex s-ilks for Soc. Men's Leather Bicycle Belts, for 25c and 40c. A choice rance cf Summer Suitings.in navy serges, scotch twe.-ds, dlay worsteds, ,roxn" $13~ to $18 per suit. SNAPS IN SUMMER SHOES. Ladies' chocolate caîf; oxford tie shoe, tumu soles, reg",lar $.ofor $ î.co, Misses oxford tie shoe, neat and streng, patent tfp, regular >7,5c for 5oc. A special iine of Misses buif oxford, patent tîp, regular Soc'foýr 6oc. We now have six clearing boxes and they contain many big bar- gains. The prices for choice cf the2e boxes are- Box 1-$1.25; Box 2-95-,; Box 3-75C ; Box 4-60e; Box 5-55C ; Box 6-soc. LADIES' & CIIILDREN~'S STRAW NIAITS. Wge still have a fine assortment cf this season's styles and have re- duced the pr;ces to-clear eut every-hat in a short time. Don't miss thi.- chance. PRINT WRAPPERS-A special lot worth from 85c te $1ý25, now your choîce for 7 Sc. LADIES' & QH1LDREN'S SUMMER UN~DERWEAR. Special line at 5ç each. Anether extra nice ;Iquahity, good shape, at i oc. Also full assortment very fine goo ds at, special prices. P'rint and Muslin Blouses at reduced prices. See our special at 500 each. SUMMER GLUVES AND HOSI ERY-Best values we have ever offere d. A few ciearÎng lines at very low prices. Carniage Dusters 35, each. GROCERY DEPT. NEW ARRIVALS-5 barrels Rolled, Oats, our special brand, 8 lbs for 25C, special prices by the cet. 2 vwaggon loads Crown Gem Jars, prices-pints, 45c a dozen ; quarts, 55c a doxen ; -,gallon, 75c a dozen. We fully expect the price te advance and after this lat is soid we wil. net be able to get them again'at as 'low a price. Also rece.ived thîs week Alyrner Canned Tomames, 3 tins for 25c. Vostizza ligh grade Currants, ioc a IL We are clearing eut several boxes cf Trilby, Cycl'one and Prinirose Soap, 6 one pound bars for 25a. Potatoes 'in 5 busheïl lote at 45C. TheM- L00NS , NCo. IAMILY Picuec.-Tbî mnual Truli Fam- iîY Piaula t0 aonmimcrati ttielsudin'g cf Jne. Trali, one ofthlie- fir8t setihirs in ibis section cf country, will hi bel 'd et the residenai cf Jesse Truli Esq. Lo,,t, 2cou 1, Dailington, on Jufly 81b, eommeuang ai 10 o'cioek a. m. Belrealimentsa Will hi serveS ou the ground8, and abundtinos cf ententainumeni will hi provided, lu the wsy cf prograni, speeches, mude, bcating etc. It is proposeS ltai ea geusation sitaîl wear diffeent colcned badges which will bi forwearded on arrivaI, aud as te lineage bai alneafly decuded te ttie onrti generaticu, thîlaili ih, Ooonmeuaîng witb oldesi, nid, white, bloc and orange. Mr Truil requees s lattliai relatives will bring, in addition te their baskets, any cld relies or mimeutoîs ln their possegssin te add teeinte mrait of thei large collection uow iu bis possession., Te gs.thing ~rmses te hi of great interist te the, = ebrs ofthiis large famuly ciroli, and every relative ibeuld avail itimicif or ber- self of the opportuuity cf beiurz prisent, partianla.nly ase it is titi- 741h birtitday or Mn- Jesse Truil, titi oldest surviving mii. bar cf titis historia alan. For Infants "mi. Children.. 1esinsion of Gondolence. At a reguýlar meeting cf Bowmtiqvilîe Lodgî, No. 99, A.. O. U. W., buS ou Jue 9t, 1899. TÏfe following resoîntion was moved by Brother MaMurtry, secondeS ity Brother Pearson, and neoilved: That witîneas it bas pleased Almightiy GoS te nemove from aur midst Brother, Thomas Jeweil, wi mourn tite losof ou£ esteemed itrother, and while we meurs his lois in aur Ladge bine below, we.Tejoioe in titi hope ef a grand renuion in tbe asîsîtiai lodge above. We aise exteuti aur Pinaire £ympatity lalite widow and family cf our dieesed Brother, lvlo tbroqgh bis deth have sustaied titilosaf an affeatianate busband and kiud fater; and our pray3r is tai the allwisî sudt menaifofl GoS, who doetit ail thingi welI, will give them Grace enffilient to instain them in Ibis, lte heur of sfflPîtiou. AnS nesolvîd ltaI a aopy cf tiisresoluionitî seutto tbewidowasud fam- ily efttie diasased, and ltai Our citant hi hi drapeS for titi perleS et six menthe. R. RuG ecrdpr, JAP., GàLE. Master WonL-man, B-owmauviile Lotige, No. 99. SPÂiN's CIIEATEST NEE.-Mm. R. P. Olivia, off Bamcelorua, Spain, spends bis winters ai Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves lad caftsed severe pains in the batik cf bis heaS. Ou using Electric Bitters, Am- 'cnica's greatest BlocS aud Nerve Romn- edy, ahi pain seen lef t lii.11e says ihisý grand medicîno is what lis contry needs. Ail Ameica kuews that il cumes iver'autl, kiduey trouble, purifies île blocS ,toncs np the stcmach,stmongiheus tIc norves, puis vii, vigor and new 'if em eemmsc. nerve and organ 'off the liody. Jf weakýý tireS cm ailiung,-yen uced it. Evèýyvbettle, guaranteý, oly 50 cents. SoiS by Stoti andS .lry,'Drug- gist

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