p £ T.M -81.50 FECR ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY PIRSI ; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. Nuw SERTES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRIO, WEDN1ESDAY1 JULY 5, 1899. VOLUME XLV. No. 27. ALLA0UT N COU.-TCH, JOINSTON & CRYDERMHAN have neyer shown as fine a stock of Carpet .s and Curtains as they do now, every yard of their Carpets being bought direct from the best makers botli in England and Canada. They have U-nion Carpets from 20e, up to 50c. TWO ply wool Carpe.ts 65c, 75c,1 and 85c, for very best. Three ply Carpets 90e and $1.00 for the extra heavy. Tapestry Carpets f rom 35e to 75c., Brussels Carpets -from 85e to $1.25, for Crossley's best. Ax- minster Carpets for $1.15. Crossley's best quality Velvet Pile $1.25. No house in Canada selis the same quantities of Carpet for less money. - LiaeeCaUrtaiDs. An immense variety in ail qualities and in the newest designs just reeeived direct from Enigland. No better value anywhere. CouchJohnson& ry#derman. Bo'WMANVILLE. The long and The short 0f the whole matter is simply this. We Mshow the goods andi5 Ji quote the prices of ký the town, and our gocds are as broad as tlîey are long9 that is to say they are honest and as an~theprie i no meelyrepresented to be, andth prceis otmerlygood but is the best E Ethat we can make. a .d Oak Cobbler $ Wire Camp Mattres- gp- Rockers .......ses ..... ......... do-Wire Camp Beds... Varandali Chairs .....$12 .AS 'O s=EJ 'Ti~sm cGQODS.. 'I M. 1). WILLIAM~S & SON.»~ S BOWMANVILLE. Undertaktng receives prompt and personal attention. New Songs. ~ Look here, did yen know 1 carry a full stopk of vocal and instrumental musice? SASpecia1'Offer= = 3dasI S By specia]. arrangement I will seli for 3 as Smusic ai about Half unaa price, Below is a fcw naines oh the lahesi songs that may be had for 10e each, or 3 fr25c, "A ilero ail for Love," "Speak ho Me Mabel," " Choir Boy," "SIc was hred in' Old Kentucky" and j heSoldWrite for list of 10e songs. Sl tvery lowest pnices. Choice assormment of Jewclry, In rcpaining my pnice is as low as any, and workmanship the besi. Ail work doue with dispahch and guaranheed. School Books. A funil assonmment of t Statiinery. KnStBowmANviLLE. (Elisoni's.old stand.) Only Once In a ife time do you Need to Purchase a SEWING MACH- But you want the best. By "Besi" we mean one buit of A 1 material, one built by A 1 wo rk- men, one buili on mecianical prin- ciples, whidli will then wear for a 11f e tinte and without wearing out tlie strength and nerve power of tlie operator, nor yet -wcar out the Bank Account of tlie person laying ont the purehase money. Any Machine-, no matter how poorly constructed will do fancy, work in the 'hands of an expert operator. The above ntentioned qnalities are necessary if you wish to do your famlly sewing. If you will eall ah T. N. Riekard's Jewelry Store during #hîs month you will be shown hwo of the Best Sewing Machines in tbe'world, as well as specimens of all kinds of fancy and plain work done upon thent. Rle- member the prices are right as well as the machines. .T. N. RICRARD, lJeweiier and Optician, Bowmanviile. TEACIIERS AND Are invited to improve their holiday geason by attending our SUJMER SESSION. A few weeks training during July, and August will strengtlien any teacler, while three months study %will qualify any, under-graduate to tlli a good mer- cantile position. Open throughout the Year. Enter at any Time. Get Partieulars TORONTO W. H.ISHÂW, PtÊnecipa. Y ongeand Gerrard Sta.,*Torontc,, ýpets %,urtains BOW3iÂNVILLE FAIR. Besides the special prizes offered bv Messrs. J. M. Joness and D. J, Gibson for the dairv caw test, a special prize is offtered for the best collection of Native Flowers. Particulars as to drying, mounting,etc., maY be had at Stot and Jury's drug store. The Fair is to be held on Thurs.day and Fridav, Sept. 14 and 15 Our town business mien are making liberýal donations again for special prizes. MAPLE GROVE. Mr. W. J. Collacutt lifted lis barn Thursday; Mr'. W. H. Foley lad a very suLccessful raisilig F rida v and Mr. C. Axford expects tb raise"his barn this week. .....Miss Velma Tyler lias entered hospital service in Philadeiphia, P..... 11ev. H. W. Foley, B A., is home. H1e goes to College in October. . .. Miss Annie Crumb is home from Toronto... Mr. Fred R. Foley visited friends in Peterboro Snnday. .j..oliday Visitors, Misses Goard and Bll, Toronto; Miss Ida Souci, Clarke Union; Miss Alice Souci, town. DARLINGTON (JOUNCIL. Town Hall, Hampton, June 21. Regular monthly meeting, members ail present, ýReeve Courtice presiding, minutes of last meeting read and con- flrmed. Communication received trom N. F. Macnachtan, connty clerk, advis ing of amount of Countv rate $3389 and« special rate $2b9, which Darlington is required to raise by assessment and P ay over '.o County Treasurer before ~Irst day of Deceuiber, also memorand- umi as to records fyied in lis office in reference to School Section boundaries, from D. Burke Simpson, as to legalit.y of By lawssNos. 540 and 560, From LiensegInpector Knox witli license funid report for District of West Dur- bamn, ail of whicli are fyled. E. Ricef applied to have road opened between Concessions 9 and 10. H1e wi's request-1 ed to have a petition presented signed by ratepayers. G. Allun and F. Rundiej complained of the b.d state of the sinice way and road near Mr. Rundle's-re- ferred to Reeve Courtice. The Trustees of School Sections 19 and '20 were leard ini reference to Bv-law No. 560 recently passed by which ht was intend(ed to correct ail error in the Sehool Map, transferring some 50 acres from section No 20 to section 19. It was suggested1 that the parties concerned sliould try1 to come to a mutual arrangement, in connection with which Councillor Brown gave notice that lie would at the ne xt m'eeting uf the Council introduce a By law to repeal Byý-iaw No. 560, and tç~c~palclase5 ini By-law No. 490, transferringt north hbaîf of the sonth haIf of lots N'o. 21 and 22, in the tli Concession from section 19 V) section 20. F. L. Squair claimed damages ln con- sequence of a defective bridze;laidover to next meeting. Council]or Clemenis reported as to ternis on wliidl Mr.Gaud will dispose of gravel in the rd Con- cession, report adopted. rie Reeve was authorized to grant orders on the Treasurer as follows: J. Heeken,I lumber, $25.04 ; J. Bartlett, lumber contre ct $10; T_ Scott, cedar $25.80, P. M'ýurdoch, fencing $11.40; T. MountjoY, gravel, $3.10 ; L. Potter, gravel $3.25; ditto, $3.80 ; J. Martin, gravel and stone $6.76; A. Trimm, gravel 25c ; H. Argue, gravel $7.60 ; W. S. Bragg, sheep damages $18; J. H-1 Byers, cedar posts, etc. $3.50; FRogers, nails 85 78; Sawyer & Massev Co.,road grader $200; IL. Elliott, salary $42.50; H. Elliott, jr., salary $100. Indigents' Janet Wilson and Mrs. Staples $5 ecd; J. Campbell, Mrs. Hoidge andi J.Peters $1 each; Mrs. Lane $3; T. Wilcox $2. Council adjourned to Saturday, July 29, ai 10 o'ciock a. m. H. ELLIOTT, JR. Tp. Cierk. Lovu-cHARris. Trhe love-charm stilil lingers, the last link to the old days of ignorance and supersti- tion when charms were believed to be pow- e-rful to cure disease and defeat death. The day of charns ta gone,, althongh A very rare treai was given tethie some aweet misa now nd aainladies of the Epwortl Leagne on Tues- procures a love day evening last ai tle home oh Mn. A. fcharm, not know- J. Ceurtice, "ILower Alswortnly," it ing that the great- being tle evening for the gentlemen te est love charm cf enieniain. The spacious lawn was dec- al la the beanty orated with Clinese lanterns, rusiic of perfect haalth. seats ml alsadatgte ýav Schanm ja 18 n quite an athraetive appearance. I neach of every' people began ho assemble about 7 o'- woman.When dlock, and shortly afier 8 tic Presideni, fro m t ha Mn. R. E. Osborne, called the friends te drains caused order wlen a first-class prognam was -.by feminine rendened by the gentlemen. Speeches ...'der were given ha which oun Ebenezer beys girtselbeu excelled themselves, and a mosi pleas- tyhefbform îng feature was a "gramophone" ac- andOfair-7 companied by Mn. Jas. Goard, Bow- n esas of manrville. which captivated ail present face which mena admire, they may cure the by uts ean and distinct nendering of trouble and renew trength sud beauty bY tic latesi son gs, quartettes, marchies, the use cf Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- etc., given by New York antisis. One tien, It overcomes al the ijus peculiar t eeto hdi a msn a i women. itimparta strengih te deicýatý eleto hc a msn h organs, stops the drains that sap vitality 1Cat and Deg fighi in morning on tic restoes the celer te the check and round' f arm" île barking of tie dog behng se ness te the form. itbninga health back natunal thait th dogs aronnd aciuaily and healtisl ef is beauty. It is imposai- began te barl. At tle close oh thc pro. bie fer lte face te be fair or the figure gram refneshments censisting of straw- shapely if tthane are pains, irregularities, bre n rabkrsbn n diplce hnsda, or weakness in theo lemonade werc served by thc gentle. e r g a n a c f w o m a n h 0o d .m e a n a i t e s c l t m w p n . "I had female weakness very hadly," wries mnadauil oiljmewsset Mrs. 0. S. Adams, cf Fargo, casa do., N. Dk Jusi bOfone tie crewd dispersed Miss I had to ha lu bed part cf the time. 1 wasFie, Countice made a speech uof con- tired ail the tiase, couid not do my housework;, gratulaions te île gentlemen onu1 lhein had fainting speIls, nervous headache, hackzache~ and pain iene etade hmIwul i en splendid ability in tic art oh ente i ain- had panai aches al ever.- I cominenced ing, tic ladies ail slowing ileir ai sre- taking Dr. Pirces Faorite Prescription and ciati nb ori g i h l h r q had neitakee twe bettles when 1iwas ableatohbe teryuinn utc l irs jaround again and te do my work, with no pain. They're à lot of jolly good feilows I a=n now feeling hetter t han for many yeara." maling imore effective by some new ]Jon'i ycu want a relialle. doctor' book? verses composed cspecia]ly for tic oc- By aending y oe-cent stamps te Dr. R. V. casion. Mn. and Mrs. Courtice show- Pierce, BuÈdo, N. Y., to cover ceai cf cd,.tîcir gennine hospitality and lind- cuaýtems and mailing only, you ýwill get hy ness by makhng everyene feel a. home, returu mail a fraecocpy of bis great hook. and we trust ilat tuis social gatherhng "The rec2le's Cemmen Sensa Madicai Adviser," iliustrated, reeS pagea, in pa- nay be the means eh creating deeper per-co-lera, Cloth bonnd, 50 tampa. enierestin lour Epwenth League work Dr. Piaree's Pleasant Pellets cure bil. and that otlers may join us lu our iensness. efforts to further the cause of Christ, what appears teobe "tricky" 'conduci on y our part, as we have tle proof of yonr "tricliness" and will publislh i, if yen want te sec htinluprint. This is a business malter wiih us, becauso by your paper being rated higler tian ours, you get seme adver- ising contracts ilai wonld otherwise have come te Tnn STATE5mAN, and we believe yen obtined them by falsihing your circulation. Now, didn't yon? ZION,. Anniversary services Sunday, Jnly 9, Tic Commitice are forinnate in lavîng secured the services of 11ev, J. S. I. Wiuson, B.D., oh South Darlingiton, te preacl at 10.30 a.m. and 7 o'clock, p.m. Singing by School, collection lu aid of S. S. Fund. Come ene, come ail. E.NFIELD. Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. W. Werry and Mr. J. A. Werry, Solina, ai Mn. Sam. Bray's, Bnoside; Mr. J. Alexander. To- rente, ai 'home; 'Thle Misses Huribut, Toronto, ai Mr. J. F. Hnrlbut's; Mrs, W, H. Halfacre,. Tyrone, ai Mr. W. H. Nicho's,.. _ Miss Nellie MeCulloci wreie on île Entrance exams ai Ostn- awa. ...Mr, C. R. Campueli bas been engaged te teadli ai Pèeman's school ah ter helidavs ... . Tic Powell famiy picnic was held ai le residence oh Mr. J3. Powell on July isi when a general geed time was indulged in .. . .The newly elecied officers oh the Sons of Temperance arc: W. P-J. F. Huribut: W. A.-Mrs. R. Pascoe; R. S.-L. Ton- diff; A. R. S-Miss A. Giîbeti; F. S.- F. Reynolds; Treas.-Miss E. Woiien; Clap.-Mrs, J. Hurîbut; Con.-C. Pow- ell; A. C-Miss Fannv leynolds; O. S. ArthurnI Hubbard; I. S.- Miss J. Ashton, P. W. P.-Albert Dyer; Organist-E. W. Pascoe. DOMINION DAY VISITORS. PRETTY JUNE WEDDIN G., Miss Kate Forbes, Toronto, at liome. IIOSKIN-1NOPTHCOTT, MissBesie ick, Trono, i lme, It was a more than usuailv interesting Mis Bssi IIilz-sTornt, t hme -Wedding-that- bol place-W-ednffsday. Mr. ilsn PoerOitwa, t hme.June 2Ist, at the beautiful residence of Mr. Geo. McKowan, Greensville, at Mr. and Mrs. W. Northcoît, Lot 20, cou, home. 9, Clarke, wlen their second daughter, Mr. Donald McDonald, Beilville, at Miss Agiies Morrow was united in tic home. bonds of lioly wedlock with Mr. Henry Miss Edna A. Muir, Toronto, ai J, Hoskinu, Beilesda. Precisely at 4.30 home.p. m. as tle beautif ni strhins of the liome.Wedding mardh were being played by Mr. J. Jolliffe, Toronto, witli friends Miss O. T'hompson,Janetville,and when in town. the rays of the sun beaâmed so pleasant- Mrs. A. J. Saunders, Toronto, at Mr, Iv bringîng joy to every heart present, A. Gully's. ,the bride leaning upon7 the arm of lier Mr W. Hanes, Toronto, at Mr. John fatlier was presented. under an ardi Babcock's. beautilulîr eand artistically erected for Mrs. A Davis, Woodstock, at Mr. the occasion. M. Mayer's. The bride looled verY beautiful .n a Mr. has MilerTorntoat rs.robe of slate-colored Ben galine trimmed Mr. CasMlr TrntatMs. with white and pink gimap insertion, Geo Lang's.Miss Lillie Northcott, Solina, cousin, Mr. A. Skitcl, Port Hope, was in who acted as bride's maîd lool-ed very town Monday. nrettv in a suit of slate-colored Benga- Mr. and Mrs. E. llaggitli, Xoodstock uine similar to ilat of thc bride. Both ai Mr. I. Haggith's. bride and bride's-maid wore beautiful Mr. Frankinu Nortlicote, Toronto, at bouquets of wliile lillies, Mr. J. C. Vanstone's. Mr. Richard Hoskin, teacher, Port Mr. Chas. McClellan, St, Thomas, Granby. ably supported lis brother as witli friends in town. groofmsman. Litile Miss Ora Truli, Miss Galbraithi, Whitby, ai. Mrs. D. cousin of tbe bride, Hampton, dreýssed Galbrahth's, Qucen St ini pale bine cashmere n'as Maid of Honor. The bouse was very landsomely Miss Minnie E. Haines, Teadlier, decorated and presented a very pretiv- Walkerville, ai home. scene as tle bridai partysurrounded by Mr. and Mrs.A.A.Thompson, Oshiawa, the fricnds stood before Rev. O. P. Os- ai Mr. W. Dingman's. wald, Janetville, and enacted tic sev- Miss Lucy Scott, Sutton, ai Mr. w. eral parts thai werc 50 full of happy F. Allen's. B eech Ave. import toilhe contractîng parties. Wlien Miss Carnie Cherry, Toronto, at lier tic ceremony was concluded Mr, and motber'~, Mrs, R, Cherry. Mrs.lIloskin were the recipients of warmn congratulations fromi their numerous MISS Mabel Grigg, Central Business fiends, ail wishing them tic nimosi Colleg-e, Toronto, at home. lappincss during ther wedded life. The Miss Virgie Barclay, Whitby, iS giiest hic'h estecm in which the bride was ou Miss Victoria TamÎblyn. he'I was well demonstrated by many Mr. Jack McClellan, Gaît, at l is choice and varied presents including a, faiher's, Port Bowmanville. beautiful Parlor Suite by Mr. and Mrs. Mn. John and Miss May Shaw, To- Samuel Northcoit, Solina, uncle cf tle ronto, ai Mr. P. Murdoci's. bride. About forty relatives sat down te a sprlendid weddîng supper including Mr. and Mrs. Sid Barreti and son, Mt. aul the dainties and delicacies of tie Albert, ai Mrs.Thos. Barreti's. season. M~r. and Mrs. Hoskin will reside Miss Annie Cale, Toronto, and Mr. on ileir fanm souli ohfL'vrone. W. Cale, Oshawa, ai Mr. Rbt. Cale's. ______ Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Boyd and Mr. MR. GALE, IPLEASE EXPL&IN. Bnimson, 'Toronto, at Mr.W.G .Glover's. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cubiti and Mr. In île 1899 edition of The Canadian lys, Fairbairu ai Mr. J. B. Fairbairn's. Ncwspaper Directory, Messrs. A. Me Mr. Jas. Perlin, Moorefild, visited Kim & Co., Montreal, publishers, just lis failier, Mr. John L. Pen'kin, ibtis to hanid TuE STATESMAN is given a rat- week. ing oh 2,115 copies wceklv, sworn cir- culation, wiile tic West Durham News Mr. saa Smae, îndsv, i ls is raîed ai only 1,250 copies, not sworn sister's, Mrs, John L. Perkin, wo circu.ation. In tie previons issue oh quite iii. this directory tle News is rated ai Mn. and Mrs. W. N. Tilley and 'excceding 2,000 copies" wcekly and dutrToronto, ai Dr. W. E. THiE STATESMAN is gîven second place, Tilley's. the sworn circulation being only 1,975 Messrs. Jas. Corbiti and Bert, Wain- copies. lu lie saine volume appears wrigit, Toronto, ai Mr. W, R R. this advertisement Cawkcr 's. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Gilbank,,TorontoT e u h m N w and Miss Gilban, London, at Mr. W h u h m N w Dingman's. ýBOWM~AXV1LLE, ONT. Misses Ethel Trebilcock, Brighton, Etbihd17) Lillian SîcLean, Pontypoou, and Grace(Etiihd17. Lain, tachrs, t hme.Largesi circulation of any weeklv p&per in Laig, eacer, a hoe.the county of Durhiam and ia unequalled Mr. Wm. Meicaîf of 11cr Majesty's as an advertising mFdlun. I is the Customs, Toronto, ai 1ev. Dr. J J. yehicle of reliible news t t three Ilare's Port Bowmanvillc. notncenients of tuehe st Mn. nd Ms Pndiam andMr.home and foreign ad- Mr, nd Ms Prdham andMr.tisers inito the dwel- Stewart Wells, Toronto, ai Mrs.Scott's, lings cf the Jubilce Cottage, Port Bowmanville. people. Mr. and Mrs Fred N. Farrell, Hamil- JAMES GAL.E,-Editor and Publisher, ton, were in town Mondav. Theýv spenal ia A drop cf 750 copies seems an !m- Domninion Day wîth relatives iIa mense falling off. donu.1 Now, Mr.Glhwd o co Miss E. Braden, ofhetiC anadian for this? Er. ThGale, o wynacceun Viavi Co.PetErtoer and MissIdewas - ven a RoiariC.Pobor,andr.Miss. Jdmesefalse rating and your advertisement Rogners CbVrillMra... aeswas equally fal se lu île 1892 Directory, or your paper is not fairly rated in the MNI. Epiraim Jeffery, Hamilton, ac- 1899 Directory, Whenc dees thie mis- companied by lis niece Mrs. Linton tale lie and whe is responsibie for it? andi chîldren, East Teronto, ai Mrs. H. Having persenal knowledge that your Jeffery 's, Wellington St. edition of Thse News tuis very week Messrs. J. H. Alexander and Geo weighs 95 lbs. whici means ilat you. Freeland, Norman Laing, lebi., Ted, will print from 960 te 1050 copies accord.- Chas. Keitl, C. Veale, A. B. Coudh. A. ing te tie particular ream-weiglt of S. Goard, Clarence Meati, W. Gi, this paper, we belleve your rating in Toronto, ai uder homes, tle 1899 edition is tle more nearly EBEEZRcorrect. Yen accused us of being EBENEZERý I.triizv" iset week. Wili vounlai