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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1899, p. 2

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- - -LÊ e 5 -- --- -- -- -- -- MMI tiiiiiiia I iliiim I~~~ iiitiiii. iiiid niiiiit tuf,,. a,,,, nii,,,a amur amuirri nu,,,, "il'li E,'! WELLAND VALE AB IYCLES ARE PRbeaIseD H rebit ymch n f anl n ogeprec i he ulig i'l WELLAND VALES ARE J)URABLE, beneae of aerbial n of the ighes gadElI iaia1 ,,ii, ailiiîi, Caladexamine te before pa vn our omii::Cl Agent, Bowmanville. Phonie 66. Opposite Ontario Bank. ,iii" ai un: --- --- --- --- ---- --- - -- .nanatan.inan ---------------ntnnnna= aa=n= n ýH T'in SAEsMAN 19 Mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and al arrears are paid in funl, Subsription $1,50 per annum. If paid in advstnce $1.00 per annum. M AJUIAGE LICENSES,-M.. A. JÂnEs, Issiier of Marriage Licebses. Residence: cent,% street, Barrister, Solicitor and conveyancer. Office:- Bleakley Bock, King street, Bowmaliville. Money to an at reasonabie rates. 4-lyr, $ 5.00.00TO LEND $5V , "U .00 ..od mort- age sccurity at moderate rates of imterest, A. EMcLAUGHILIýN .Slicitor,Bowmainville,Out. 16 -6m. DR. J. C. MITCHELL, M EMBER 0F COLTEGE OF PHIYSICIANS and Surgeons, Ontario,Coroner, etc, Residence. Enniskilien, ý74 R.P1EATEff, TAILOR Gentlemen's lothes made to Order. D. BURKE SIMVPSON, B ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' 3BLOCK, np-stairs, KingStreet, Bowman ville. Solicitor for the Ontario lBank. Private moneys loaned at lowest rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. O FîCE IN WEST DURRIAM NEWS 0Block, where himself or is assistant will be found from a. m. to 9 p. mn. Niglit calis at residence, directiy opposite Drill Shed. Calls by telegraph or telephone will receive prompt at- tention. 171 -yr. On HARNDEN, LaD.S. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sur geons, Ontario OFFICE.-Opposite Express Offie. VITALÏZED AIR ONTARIO BANK continues to do a Ganerai Banking Business at Bowmanvilie Agecy. DEPOSITS received in Savinga Bank Department anS interest allowed aI currant ratas. Notice oh withdrawai net uecessary. Ah Sdeposits payable on demand., EXOHRANGE Bougbt anS soiS anS Drafts issueS upon Europe UnteS States anS Canada aise GolS, Silver and United States reeuhucks'bought anS soiS .COLL ECTIONS I'romptiy made aI coment rates upon al parts cf Grnt Brth ie United States aSlt o minion of aaa. Telegrapli Transfers Made for large or amaîl suma on al parts oh Canada. This ila SpaIaly advaDtageousto par- sons 'IVin in Manalohebla or the North-West, il make the funds avaîlable at once ai the place Ph paymfent. F~or other particulars cali atlthelbank. ,A. J, MCCLELLAN, GEO. MoGILL, j .Accouiaut Manager, This Word is Our copyrighled guarantee for Purity ad Stre'ngth wheu sen .On ur goods. It marks them the standards for their severai pur- poses and its presence proleets you from imita- tions and mnferior goods. Look for it. Plant Spray. Persiatic Plan t 5praycnan omneipea ou arsenic or Paris reen. Sure death to alin-' secl lif'e fungi, etc. Harmiess lu vegetalion. Canada's oly reliable spray. 'Sheep Dip. Persiaib Sheep 1" i a preparalion for the cnre of skin diseases an te eradicalbon cf vermin lu sheep and cattie. It is highly medicinal and does ita work with uo drastic or irritaling et- fects. Eudoisedby leading sheep raisers. H orse Wash. Persiatie Herse Wash s a specialy prepared miedicainent for te cure of skin diseases pecu- liar t0 herses and for ridding them of ail insect, pesta anS vermin. It bas a surpagsingiy refreah- ing effect, brightens the pelt and puts the skin in a tltoroughly heatby c indition. Price el.0 par 34 ez. eau. Pig Wash. Persiatie Pig Wash is succeafuliy used in ait cases cf akin diseases of swlne, and for destroy- in 'lit"' lice and vermin generally. Keeps lbhe ski. u healthy condition and ensures a healh y appearance in the di essel animai for market. Hen House Spa Persiaib Heu flouse Spray au S Poutry Pow- der daslroy vermin peeliar to the feathdred stock-on fewls or lu sheds. Act as a disinfect- tant, destreying germa and unrifyang the almos- phere. UseS liberaliy they prevent roup and kindred diseases. Purchase these goods from your dealer or send tens direct forthem. Weinuitecorreapondence. TH-E PICKIIARDT RENFREW CO., Llmited, Stouffville, Ofltn J M.BRIMACOMBE DENTIST. Offie-Rear of Messrs. Higgiu- botlam & Son's Drug Store,- (Dowxt stairs), BO WMAN VIL LE. Str. Garden City.1 Newcastle, Bowmanuille, Oshawa and Whitbylto TORONTO, FRIDAY, JULY 7t11, 1899. AnS continuing every Friday lbrongbout the season. wil leaye, NEWCASTLE .-.-. 0.30 a.m. BOWMANVILLE ----.7.00 OSHAWA -8.00 WHITBY-----------8 45 Returning leaiuesTorônto at 5.00 p.m. bSpecial attention given 10 the bandIlig of Fraigbt. For Tickets anS Imformation apply toi HARRT CÂNN, 5ý THOS. NIHAN, Agent, Bowmanvie.,?rt, Manager, Toronto.' Head (t fln-e Geddes' Wbharf, Trno ee phone No. 2a47.1-tao 91. g ata»în5tUe n BOWMANVILLE, JULY 5, 1899. NO LICEZiSF FOR HANFTO.N. 110W IT WILL BE AFTER AuGuST lst. Our ývillage is quite and peaceful, No drunken disorder we hear. Little children cau play on the roadside With iaughter and voices of cheer; When we drive or waik on the highway No drunkard unsightly we meet; 0 grant flot a license, we pray you - Raise your hands this cuise to defeat. Think of the innocent children Depending on the father's care And think of the true, faithful women, Loving contented and fair, Making the home a bright picture, 0f love, contentment and ease. 0 grant not a license we pray yo:; Raise your hands up against it please. Think of the men who are strhýing To live a sober, industrious life,' Yet 'we ik to withstand the deadly cup That causes such bitter strif e; Think, too, of the boys who arc coLýiing Into manhood, with prospects bright. 0 grant not a license, we pray you; Stand firm lun the cause of right. Place not the cup before them To tempt them at every turn, The man to make it victims, The boys to follow and learu. Drive away "the wily tempter, ", That 's been here too many years; Please send it not; among us, To cause distress and tears. Honest Advice Fre W Men. The CANADIAN STATESMAN is request- ed to publish the following: Ail men who are nervousi and debilitated or who are suffering from any of the varions troubles resulting fromn overwork,excess or youthf ul errors, are aware that most medicai firms advertising to cure these conditions cannot be relled upon. Mr. Graham, a resident of London, Ont.,, living at 43712-lRichmond St., was for a long tiMe a suif erer from above troubles and after trying in vain many adver- tised remnedies, electrie beits, etc. ,bc- corne aimost entirely diseouraged and hopeless. Finaliy hie confided in an old Clergyman who directed hlm to an eminent and reliable physician,througii whose skiiifui treatment a speedy and perfect cure was obtained- Knowing to his sorrow that so man3 poor suiferers are being imposed upor by unscrupulous quacks, Mr. Grahair cinsiders it his duty to give lis fellow emen the benefit of his experince anc assists them to a cure bv informing anyone who -wiii write to hlm in strîci confidence where to be cured. No at 1tention can be given to those writinc out of mere curiosity but any one wh( really needs a cure is advised to addresi Mr. Graham as above. 14-tf. DU. LOW'S WORM BYRIJP la a s afe, sure and reliabie worni expeller. Aets equaiby weil on ehlldren or adulis, Be sure you get Low's. GEZ'1~ÂDT~NTGEANDi CoNVENaý Xe-NÇLI !OP 111MINSTITUTION. The dernand for promp t work, îlot- îughly donc and styllsh In effecci, ereated île modern. steam laundry. It Is nbsclutely, Impossible 'to lanuder shirts, collars and euffs ut berne lu a. inanner te satisfy the týaSteS of ~Weil- dresseS gentlemen. The adaptIng of machinery anS the eceony of labor las caused ibis te le effectcd. Ont -well-dressed youug mcn eau uow have their.laundry -work donc to suit tlcm and donc promptly on trne, ut lesa ex- pense ail around than if donc ut home, net to spcak of the worry and irritation wbich are saved. The Paristan Stcam Laundny cf On- tario, Limnited, Toronto, Hamnilton, anS London, offers ibis vcry iicccssary fin- lshing to ahi -who would appaur -well drcsscd. By leu-ing tîcir orders ut thc ageucy la this iown, our young men can bc certain of having tlcm ex- ecutcd lu quick trne and lu tle vcry lest manner. The fan-fumeS "Paris- lan" la an old-establishcd laundry, anS it bas thc most compîcta madhincry lu Amenicu. lb is conductcd by people who have mudc bbe business alfe- sbudy, and who seize upon evcry new- Improvement and turu lbte othe benetit of iheir custorners. This bhec uundanit capital of thc conceru always cuabies It te do. Shirts, collars, and cuffs; from the ?arisiau Laundry retuini their sbape anuS clcanlineas twice a3 long as whcu laundcred ln inf crier :Places. The "Panisian" guaranices tle lest ,wonk to e hIad anywlcre lu île worlca, anS ut prîces -whichr dcfy competition- Tîcere la ne reuson why tiIs should! net le se, wleu we consider île ex- tensive facilithes and long experience i has enlisted lu île business. We' de net decm i uecssary te advise the young men anS eider men of our iownk wbo wish aiways ýte appear wlli- dresscd te, "get île lest" in laundry wonhî Trhen île lest costs 'ne more than wbat is fan Infenier. So thai it iii net be requhred te urgte them te, send tbeir work te île Panisian Latin- dry. The foregolng facits are enoughi te couivice ahi lnterested. tha~ t hl For information and berms apphy to F. C. PETIIICK, Bowmanvilhe, Ont. No. 5. DEAu EuîTOR.-On leuvilg' the ity cf Belfast, Irehand, I boarded the steam slip 055cr at 4 P. in. Aflber a bea-utiful run of four leurs I ianded ai Arnossan, blan a run ly rail te Glasgow, Scot- land. iasg-ow is a vers' large com- mercial anSdrnanufacturîng ity. One need net speud many days in it te find il la wcll entitied to tle name. I teck bhc ferry which gees up and down île river Clyde wherc I got a beautiful view cf 'tle ship.hîiilding operations. Many large steamships and, man cf- war vessels are now bing built and ether slips une lu the dry-docks beinz overlauled This la a most wonder- fui place anS notlîing but the neality cf sight-scing eau ccnvey to tle mind enougi tot enabie eue te comprehiend it. TIe naine cf Glasgow lias found lis way into eveny civiized nation lu bhe wonld tîrcug-h its slip-building indus- tries, One of the finest bridges of mnod- eru limes uow spans île Clyde. There are 17 arches, the leavy naiinga and pilars supporting bbe saine are all pcished granite. It was opened for traffic May 24t1. The ity la improv- ing wonderfuily, rnany very large buildings are in course cf eredtien and many are being remedehed and mcd- ernizel. The city la divided by the Clyde but la under eue municipal gev- erunent. The city clambers or muni- cipal buiildings la a very large building. Iwas kindly shown bînougli rany cf ils ccmpartments, nameiy: Reception Hall, Banquetting Hall, Council Cham- ber, where ils 77 members and lis wôr- draw singley. I weut te the weighing masber's office and lad a litthe chat with hlm as te thc wigbt of boaSa gen- Serall 'v. They draw from tîrce te five tons inciuding dray aud its contents. dune 101h, te relieve myseif cf île raill e and noise of thec ity, I teck the G. & S. W. ýR. to visit the dîby cf Ayr, a most beautifi cowuntry lies along the route and xany-- larg-e cities. One Î's calied Kilburnie, the City of ironl, or, rather the manuifactoryv of liron. lu e3very direction you look yon cau see where shafts are sunk thr ougli which theybring up the mettie. The refuse minerais and earth that is brouglit to the surface and dumped out make hîgli mounds like mountains. It is aiso a large raiiway center. Ayr is soon reached. This city is within two miles of the monument and cottage -yf Scot- iand's greatest poet-Robbie Burns. Iu Ayr the cabs of ail descriptions and and motor cars are lu readiness to re- ceive passengers for th e trip at 6d each. The cottage is first reached. It las a thatcled roof, the floor of the interior is stone. The bed in which he was boru is in a recess in the wall. Ail the pieces of furniture look very ancient- thte frying pan lu particular. There is a restaurant in part of the building. Alt1out two or three hundred yards dis- tant is the original monument situated lu a littie park or garden. This is beantifullv laid ont wîth fiowers and shrubs asgood asthe land can produce. The monument is very large bultitnlua triangular shape wîth winding stairs inside by which the balcony is reached. The continuation goes on with very heavy pillars 20 feet high with a pedes- tai on the summit surrounded with an- dient figures encircling the whole top.' Thousands upon thousands of people yeariv pav respect to the poet's cot- tage and the monument, returning again to the busv metropolis. Argyle and Jamaica streets are the most crowded. Double deck tram cars take the lead. Very few electric cars here as yet. Sundav dune lîth. The observance of the Sabbath is very quiet for sudb a larze city. To ail apparance there is a very large number of church attend- ants. l2th, I visited one of the great parks, the scenery is Io vely-beyond de- scription. Close by this park the cor- poration is erectiDg a manimoth build- ing to hoid the Exposition lu 1901, such as was held in 1888 whereby theY real- ized over expenses £50,000 and are now utilizing the same with grants from the city iu building an Art gallery cover- ing the space of one block. If you wish to see Scotland in all its beauty, corne in 1901. I have now been in Glasgow over one week and am just getting a tourist ticket to yisit the pria- cipal cities, namely, from Glasgow to Aberdeen, Dundee, Stirling and Edin- burgh, ail of which the Wandering Boy will give a few hunes by the way. THOMAS HOAR. Çdasgow, dune 12;'1890. Blood Posollillg. TERRIBLE SUFFEIN O0F PRISCE EDWARD COUNTY FARMER. Hlospital Treatment Failed to Benefit Hilm and Ris Lif e Was Despaired Of-Again W cli and Strong. Fror'n the Belleville Sun. A reporter of the Belheville Sun re- cently had an opportunity to investi- gate a cure made through the use, of Dr. Williams' Pink Pis for Paie People which is little short of miracul ous. The subject of the cure is Mr. William H. Conkln, a well known farmer who lives lu Amliasburg town- ship, Prince Edward county. Whou the reporter drove over to see Mr. Conkli li e was under the impression, fromn what hie had heard of the case, that hie would find a partial in-vflid, but to lis surprise found a stahwart',I robust man of six feet, antively eigsag- ed unioading logs from a sleigh. On makinig known the object of lis visit the reporter was iuvited into the house and Mr. Conklil gave his story as foliows- You can see for yourseht that my condition is now one of good lealtI, and yet I have been near death's door. A year ago last summer I injured my hand,' with the resuit that bhood poisoning set in.l A doctor was called lu and the usual treatment given and the band apparenthy got weii and I started to work. It soon turned ont, lauwevtr, thrat the poison lad not been entireh'y got rid Of and it.1 spread through my whole system. The doc- tor was again caihed lu, but looking upon my case as critical, advised met-,to strengthen the nerves, thus driying disease from the system. Avoid imi- tations by insisting that every box you purchase la euclosed lu a wrapper bearing tle full trade mark, Dr. Wih- liams' Pink Pilîs for Pale Peophe. If yonr dealer does not keep theni tley wiil be sent postpaid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brock- ville, Ont. At Last!l A emediy ha, beon Di,Ôcmsn4 *hà wiIl pormanently cure Oata&rrh. JAPAHIESE CATARRII CURE CURES. 1hs a oiel he çolods of thie rnakers 0fý thls remedy, butthe assert ion la backed up by leaSing physiclans and the hontrabeu testi- Moules of hundreda of cured onies. , tpd more, there is an absolute, guaraute to cure ïn e vaïry package, or mouey wili be refu idced.( Ve wl, aise senS a two weeks' trial quant it y fý -ceto any person snffering from thid davgerons diseuse. Japanese Catarrh Cure ta a Ytw discovery being a prescription perfected b$ one Y Amecrica's Most succesaful spncirllst8 in treat- ing tbis disease. It la a eoothing, p)eà,traýting and healing poade, prepared froint sailess compounids of lodine and Esseidal oila, to li- înserted up the nostrils. The beat' of thLe body' aneits hË, anS the very act of breat hiuýgçarries it te the diseased parts. It realihes, soothes and heais every part of the mucous mLembrane curtng invariably ait fornis of catarrb of tM nose aud throat, anS ail forma of catarrhal deafuess. Mr. Joseph Little, the well-known usill owner of Port Essinigton BC, writes. " Japanese Catarrh Cure coimnfetely cureS me 0f eatarrh, which baS troubleS me for 25 years, Suring which tinte 1 haiS spent over 81,000 on remedies anS speclalisto in Toronto andSaSn Francisco, About two years ago rcrj six boxes of J apanese Catarrh Cure, a noic completing ibis treatment have not f ei t ti alightest ayxnptoms of mny former trouble. 1 anu highty recommend it. Relief came from the frin application. We always keep a sup- ply lu the miii for cuts anS humas, anS consider it superior te any other remedy for heaiing;. SoiS by al Sruggists. 50 cents. Samplefre Enclose 5 cent stamp. Addreaa, The Griffithe & Macpherson Co., 121 Church Street. Toronto. Socrof-ru la. Another permanent cure by B.B.B. after twa dootors faîled. Ask any doctor and he wlI1 telï yon thut, next to cancer, scrcfuha is one of the hardesi diseuses to cure. Yet Burdock Biood Bitters a pplied externahly te the parts affecbed and taken internahhy cured Rev. -Wmn. S tout, of Kirkton, Ont., permanenîly, after many prominent physicians fuiled ; Cured Mrs. W. Bennet, of Crewson's Corners, Ont., perman- enthy, when evcryene thought she wouhd die. Now Mr. H. H. Forest, Windsor Milhs, P.Q., stabes his case as foliows :1 ' " After laviug nsed Burdock Blood Bit- ters for scrofuia in tle blood, 1 feel it my duty to make known the resuits, I was trcatcd by two skilbed physiciaus, but they failed to cure nie. 1 had uuning sores on My bandsaund legs which I conld get nothing te heal until 1 tried B. B. B. This remedy healed thcmt cornïplctcly and per. maneutly, leaving the skin and final aound and whole." FOR W EAkIPEO.PL.e.@ AND TH~OSÇ TROUBLEO WITH Ealptation, Thnoblbing or Ier-egular eatiîn g01t the H eart, Dlzzlnese horýt nè8 of B )ab.Dstroesafte; X e r t ïIn Smothering Feeijng, pasms or b'ain thr8ugh the Breas dt dl-I rt IMorbid Condh tIon of the Ml fd, Farilal Paaly8ia, Sleepless- aes, , 4evule as, Anemnia. Gene- 3osor Aï5petlte, etc. Remerniber Mlburn's Heart 'and Nerve PIlits cure the worst cases after other remnecies fait. LuaxLIver Pilla cure Sonstlpatlon. Mrs. X -1,Now Johnny I want you te lurry home from achool thla, afternoon. Johnny-Wlat for, I was wanting- to- Mrs. X.-I want you to corne rigbt home for I want you to go te, LUTTIIELL'S for somne buns and cakes for tea. Joluny- l'l corne home on île run, for I like going there, for lis buns and cakes are just fine. Str. "North King."' SOUTHI BOUND. WEEK DAYS. Lv. Port Hope, North King 2.30 pn Lv. Cobourg, do 1.25 P. Il' Ar. Charlotte, do 7.15 ,f Ar. Rochester, N.Y.C. 7,45 'pf. NORTHl BOUNID. Lv.Rodlester,N.Y.C.and NQI.R.8.2oýau Lv.Charlotte, 8.50 amu Ar.Cobourg, Ont, 1.20 p.il ArPort Hope, Ont, 2.0I5 p.x 5-ýeRight reserved to changle tiin.e witlout n,tice- J.H.JURY, 1.H.GILDERSI-EEVfl, Agent, Bowmanvile.' Maiiager, d

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