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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1899, p. 5

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ANNOUNMENT NO. 8 Nothillg is too Good for, y ,.... This is pârticularly true of PARIS GREEN. Most people nememben how stroifg Paris Green was yeans ugo wben tbey paid 40c a pouud for il. Now lots of it is udulterated. Ours is the old fasbioned kiud. Ils imotddirect from"lOld Euglund". ls the best the world produces. Use ne. other. We une selling Ibis - - x rva st no&r-gq uulity uat 25e a- o n 4-,5 pounds for $1.00. 'EY CAWK[R, ANNOUNCEMENT No. 4. In stecktaking we found sonue Odds and Ends. We are ciearing thenu at big, reductierus. 200 Te.oth Brushes ehosce for 10C. 5 JIair Brushes we.nlh 25c,cbe.ice 15e 9 fair Brushes woth 60e te. 90c, choice for 50c. 9 flair Brushes won.lh 75e te. ý1.00, oboice for 60c. 12 Ilair Brushes wotb $1 te. $1.25, ehoiîce, for 90c. Littlo Liver Pis, (beýt in the mur- ket) 2 he.xes for 25c. 9ponges for rough wonk 3 for 5e. Sponges, fine quality, 5e te. $1,50. Spenctacles 15e te. 50e chsoice for 10e. Sýpectacles 75e te. $1.50, ehoice 50c. Spectacles, solid gold $3 te. $6. I ancl Brushes, 3 for 5e. llf)od's Sarsaparilla. Ayer's prepar- ation, Celery Uompoïud, Seott's Emulsion, N. and L. Vegetable Discovery, , full $1 size, 75e. Root Beer (making 5 gallons delici- ous temnperance drink) for 10c. MORLEY tCIA'KER. GRAND [RUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOotîeEAST. GOING WEST. ffJ press .... 8 1 a. m. * Express ... 5 23 a. ma *Express. .. 10 17 a. m: Local ...818 ' Puasenger .... 83 32.m. jPassenger.. 1 85 p.m Local ...... 5 p.m. t Express... 4.31 p. m. ExprM... ilOS' Express.. . 7 39 Dail~r.t Sudays only. STOTT & JuRy. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, JULY 5, 1899, Boys' Clothing is selling fast at the West End House. Mr. Ford Qui'ik, Indian Head, N. W. T., is visiting relatives bere., Cali and see the bats and men's new shirts at the WVest End Ilouse. Mr. Jos. Pattinscn is visiting Dr. UHoney-well, Hunter River, P.E.I. Thursday, July 6, Cuban Giants vs. Bowmanville, shops closed from 3 to 5 p. M. Miss Eva eCre-win is visiting friends at Peterboro, Hlavelock and other points In the east. Dr. A. S. Tillev was in Toronto Wedaesday attending the nuptials of ~the Eckardt-Philp wecldin. Ladies' Spring Coats and Capes Ger- man and Canadian just received at Couch, Johniston,& Cr.yderman's. Mrs. Dingman is selling off her 'trimmed a'ndiuntrimmed hatsnat greatly reduced prices, Cali and mee them. Feather Bone Corsets made to seil at one Dollar now selling at sixty-nine ýcentsat CourhJohnston & Cryderman's. Ail orders for trips to the lake in Mc- Murtry's band waggon should be left at his old office and will receive prompt Mr alM. Creelman who is o.n a trip round the world( on a bicycle passed iliughi. town oa uny !e started -ri Nova Scotia. Thursdav, July 6, Cuban Giants Base Býail Club at Bowmanville. Shops will iie closed from 3 to à p. m. during the gane. Everybody go. Black Dress Goods-a beautiful anein ail qilalities up to ýthe finest 00- ood iported just received at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. J. C Weeks bas a dre.p letter box in thie door of lis sbop, Market Square, or a~ card dropped in the post office will zreceive prompt attention. If you don 't see wbat vou want, ask for it. Nichoils has it, if you can't get hat you want, want what you can ~ If Nicholis basn't got it, it-isn't lmade. Over 1000 samples of wall naper to select from--modern lovely patterns- ifrom 5c to ý'5c per roll. Paper-hanging done at lu te;)ts when paper is ordered -from me. J. C. Weeks, Ontario st. .Onlv a few seventeen jewelled Move- inents lef t. Sellinz at the price that' -others ask you for an ordinary Watch -and cased ini goId filed, cases as well as tu Sterling Silver. Hurry up if you want Dune. Rickard'sis ithe>,place to, find them. heurts of bis heaners, and certain lv booths xvere long streamers in red, gýave the key-note for the splendid white and blne., wbile from daintv feliowsbip meeting tbat followed the tables delicious ice cream, cake and morning service. John 3:16 was bis lemonade wene served by a number of text and God's Love bis theme. bis younz ladies and gents, Seuts- were evening subjeet was The BaIlle of Lifeon.i de.d for. thoso desiring te. rest and výas especiaily appropniato for the svhibe others slrolled tabout the lawn, manyyoung people whru listeued allen- chaîîiug and listening te tho lielv tively le. lMr. Dîxon may ho sure of sîrains o! music se. gene.nouslv provided an appreciative bearing and hearty by the D. O & P. Co. Baud under the welcome wbouever ho may supply the leadersbip of Mn, D. Monnison. Pro pulpit agaîn.11 ceeds about $44. 1 , AUl work guaranteed by Jas. Goard. Bicycle Belts for gentlemen at Rick- Get your lanterns,candles,etc. of Jas. ards. Goard. F ull lino of men's and boys' straw Mns. C. Goheen is visiting bier son in hats aI M. Mayer's.1 Oshawa.j Mns. (Dr) \Vm. Cann, Chicago, Ili., Tnspect McMutry's Lace Cutains is visitinig at Mr. XVm. Cann's, this spning. Mr. and 'Mrs. R. D. Davidson are Great bangains lu Ladies' Sailors at visiting relatives in Port Hope. M. Mayer's. Port Hope Amateur Minstrels intend Webb's Ice cneam at the Lake. Caw- giving tbeir concert bore sbortly. j ker and Tait. Mrs. (Col.) Sam. Hugbes, Lindsay, is, Men's and boys'linen bats of al! kinds guest e.flber sister Mrs. S. J. Hall. at M. Maye's. A public founitain is being erected lu Miss M. McCaffery, Toronto, spent Port Hope by tbe Royal Templars. 1 Sunday lu town.f Miss Bertha Shenin is visiting bier M. A. James is Government issuer cousin Mn. R. J, Bruce, Port Penny. of Maniage Licenses. Miss Editb Lvle, Peterboro,is visiting Mn. and Mrs.Nonman Plummen spent hen aunt Mns Jobn Allin, Liberty St. Dominion Day in Oshawa. Mr, John bellyar, jr,, speut Domin- Tbe latest and cheapest in fedonas ion Day witb relives at Fraservilie. and~~~~~~~ stf asa .Myns r. Robt. MeDougaîl and daugbter Mn. Harny L. Martyn is visiting Ella are visiting bier sisten lu Coboung. r elatives in Rochester, N. Y. ?4,ssrs. J. N. and Alex. Lawrie spentf Suits whicb. always suit when made tbef 1olidays witb relatives lu Scarboro, at Couch, Johustoni & Cryderman's. Pd t Hope. merchants bave decided te.r Mn. Rob. Barnett and Miss Maggie closq hein stores Wednesdas' afternoons.1 Graham, Osawa, spent Snnday bers, Mse Geo, Preston, Enniskillen, visit- Mns. S. H. Soiptune and daugbter, ed be' sist-cr, Mrs. Chas, Reeves, Lind- Coîbonne, are visiiug friends in town. say. If you want a stylish Boît Buckle for Watches, dlocks, jeweleny,'spectacles, a small amount of money go te. Rick. rings, etc., repaired by Jas.Goard,Jew- ard's. elien. Mss. Lou. Bounsail and son Harold New Black Dress Goods lu Blister ef- Toronto, are guesîs at Mn, Gus. Boun: fecîs just received at the West End saîî's. bouse. Miss Tottie Jolliffe bas rêtunned fnom Mrs. Jos. M1ayuard bas netunned frorh a montb's visit witb bier mother in To a visit w;lh ber daugbter,Mns. B. Fogg, route., .LCamden . . Mns.L. Munson and Miss Kate Just a 'v Sterling Silver Enameled Castie are gnests of Mns. F. Pbilp, Boît Clas, (,' lef t at Rîckand's will be sold Coiborne. at a redutýion.S Those who approciate artistic pnint- Mrs. Thos. Dancaster, and daugbten, ig sbould send their ordens te. TiE Oillia ,have been visitn irsseMs STATESMANý. Chas. Dancasten. lnbesiens Bowmanville Base Bal Club won $40 Messrs. Arthsur Humber and Frank offened for the winring club at Orono KnÎght spent the Founth of July lu Dominion Day. Rochester, N. Y. Dr. Butchant, Toronto, preacbed on Mn. R. D. Davidsou, beadmasten the Chinese Missions, lu the Disciple Public Sehool, pnesided at the Entrance Churcli Sunday. Examinations ut Irone.. Now is the timne to get yonr Spravers. New subsciptions received at THE Be sure you get the Evanls' Sprayer STATESMAN Office six days a week ho- from. Peter Murdoch. tween 7 a. m. and 6 p.ni. Chanlie Shaw, the li year old son of Rev. ,A. B. Demill, President DemiliJ Thomas Shaw, coutractor, was dnown- Ladies' College, St. Catharines, bas ed aI Picton, June 30. gono te. England for a holiday. Dont fail le. see the beautiful Scotch Miss Bea Joness ententained a pantyJ Giughams jtîst opened ont at Couch, of bier yonng fionds at lber 'home,f Jobuston & Cryderman's, "Retreat Dainy" Fiday evening. Anothen lot of Men's bats- latesî See the logaut Capes specially suit- styles-opened Ibis week at Concis, able for mtddle agedi and elderly, ladiesr Jobnston and Cnydermau's. at Coucb, Jobuston & Crydenmau's. J The latest songs. loc. Send for cal- Messrs. Jas. Morrow and two sons, alogue. Instrumental and vocal music J. Horn, D. Luttreil, Gordon Beiîb,S always in steck.-Jas, Goard. W. MeFeeters spent Dominion Day int Mn. and Mns. J. b. Cryderman and -Port Hope.c Masters Lawry and Fred spent the .I! ns. Dodds, Port Hope, died Friday bolidays with relatives ut Hamilton, niglit from tbe effects of burns by aI Mn. and Mrs. Walter E. Parker, St. lamp exple.ding which. she was i Louis, Mo., are guests of bis mothen at carnysng up stains, "The Idle Houn" Cottage, Pont Bow- Mn. T. J. McMuntny will run bis band manville. waggon te. the lake ýeveny Friday te.i Now is the tume for annanging f or meet Gardon City. Louve ondens at bis 2 your papeing, kalsomining, painting. old office on Thursday. If, etc. J C. Weeks can serve you satis- Farusers wauting "Turnip Seed" ý factorilv. sbould see Mundoch's seloction. Ovon 40 We believe we are selling tbe bost yean's'exnerie.nce and aiways gave sat-c Uine of Pnints for 10c. sbown by any ifcina h xrs fie hos nCanada. Coucb, Jobuston & Mns. Rd. Grills who ri ides with bier8 bouserin. dangbten, Mns, S. Everc South Darl- bis bonon J. A. Barnon of Stratford, sngton, bas roturne<-rom a very Judge of the County Court of Penth pleasant visit wilh Por bpe friends. 1 was guost of Mn. D. B. Simipson las't Big offer: STATEsMtA ýnd Weekly1 Wednesday ovening. Globe, or Weekly Sun,( \Iuil and Em-c RevH, I Alen ad wie o Muraypire. or Montreal Witnes., te end of 1899 bave taken up their nesidence lu Napa-fo50Pet.Orr omMA.J es ueo, Mn. Allen being obliged te. retire M.A.James, Bowmunville, is Govenu- froni the ministny for a time, e.wing le. ment Issuen of Muriage Liceuses for thnoat trouble. the County of Durha.m, during business Mr. m. eed-let hee ystedayhours at office, at bis residence Centre- Mn. m. Red lft ore estedayst., at night. for Montreal wbere hoe takes pasa go by the Beaver Line for Glasgow. sScot- Mn. and Mns. Chas Keith left yester- land. Ho was bce.ked by M. A. James. dlay for Newark, New Jersey, where agent for the Beaver Line. tbey wili spenid some lime unsiong ther Reuden, if you know of anyoel sea breezes. May lhey come-back Canada wbe itedscnossing thoe lan- mnch benefitted lu health. tic, recommend tbem te. inquire of Mý.A, Miss Jane Brun t puncha sod thd fmanie James for rates. Ho doos the steamship dweligon "Weilrngtou St., foely business of Ibis district and represents ewo'b r.einIerSbèh was sol the best linos. b0teSeni uCbourg ou Tbîtnsday, Mrs. H. Poarce, Wellington st., on- Thle pie paid was $3o0. Il is assessedl totained a few friendsat bonrce.sy home t50 Wednesday evening wben alil enjoyed a Dr1ae ilig owcEg pleasant social lime. An excellent land, who bas been spendling a 10w suppen was served. She was assîsted weoks with relatives and frsends bore., by bier daugbter-iu law, Mrs. Geo. A. retunned home by tbe "Vancouver" of Pearce. the Dominion Lino aln nmMn The new ongan of tbe Methodîst roui, July ist.(,, aln rmMn Cburch will be opened ou Wednesdav A lady fnom Chicago called on A. L.r July 26th. A greal musical treat is in Nichoils' the othen day and bold hlmI store for our citizeus on that oc - asion. that she often read bis adventisemenîsf Professor Vogt, organist of Jarvis St. in TrIE STATESMAN and tboug-ht Ibal lie Baptist church, Toonto, and MISS was cetuinly up lo.date. Any doublons bendron, of Lakefleld, will take part are reqnosted te. cal and see.a lu the concert.. Mrs. (Col.) F. Cabitt lefI Fniday oven-a A card received from Mn. J..w. ing for Motreal wbere she sailed li'.n Hîggiubotbam, Virden. Man., says: the Dominion Lino, "Vaiicoc.ver" Sut-F Mrs. Thos. Hoan, Mns. A. Mitchel and nrday merning te. visit relatives in Eng-p childreu urnived bore aflen a mosI coin- land and Wales. Mns. Cublît wusÉ fortable and enjoyable trip from Bow- boe.ked for the passage by M.A. James,S manville. Tbey'lefI Tornto at 1.30) Dominion Lino agent. May she bave f -P. a. Tuesday. reacbed Vinden at 5 p. a safe voyage and a pleasaut ne uionj Miss Neflie Saunders is visiting Mrs. C. Tod, Whitby, Cuban Giants and Bowmanville Base bail match July 6. Send vour work to Jas.Goard,Watch- maker and Jeweller. Get your sc hool supplies at Jas. Goard, Stationer and Jeweller. Mr. Guy Pettsick, Toronto, is spend- !ng bis holidays at home. Mr. John Rankin, Toronto, is renew- ing old acquaintances in town. Mr Jas. Gilifillau, B.A., bas, been at Port Hope presiding at exîaminations. The voluLnteers fromn this section came home fromn camp Saturday iight "brown as bernies." Mr. Jno. Salisbury, a well known Co.bourg curler, was guest this week of Mr. Jno, Stepbens, Miss Lizzie SErv and Miss Eva 'Matt- hew rcenlvenjoyed a visit witb friends in Buffalo, N. Y. The firemen go te. Brockville tourna- ment JuLv l7th for two days. The rate is 81.95 by G. T. R. A few good Leathen Beits for sale at Rickard's at a reduced price, fine for camping or morning -wear. Mr. and Mns.Arthur Chesten, Bank of Commerce, Toronto, bave been n'uests of Mr. J. B. Fairbairs, P.M. Tbcre wesc 64 pupils writing )rn the Entrance exams and 14 on the Public Sebool Leaving here last week. An elegant assortment of Spring Suitisîgs and Dress Goods of ail kinds jilît arrived at Couch, Johnston & Cry. derman's. MrHoan's Letten No. 5 is on ail in- side page, also some comments on Dr. Worknman's case, locals, the Courtice pic-nic, etc. Childress's Dresses and Aprosis in great variety and verv chean at Miss Mantin's Fancy Gooàs Store. Don't fail to cail and see theni. Couich, Johnston & CTvderman are sbowin.- tie veny latest styýles in Men's bats just received direct fnom. the man- ufacturers in Enffland . For 50 cents. THE STATESMAN. Weeklv Globe, or Weekl 'y Witniess for balance of 1899. Onden fnomn M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville. Ail wonk-painting, kalsomining, papering-guaranteed wben doue by J. C. Weeks. Get onders in early be- fore the great rush begins. New Pnints, Sateens, Silven Silks, Scotch and Canadian Gingbams lu im- miense variety just opened out at Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. Presont STATESMAN subscnibens wbose subscription for 1 899 is paid can have this journal sent te. any friend to the century for only $1.00. ()rden te. day. Mr. b. J. Noswonthy, of The Post, Lindsav, i's speviding a two weeks' out- ing with fiends ln Port Hope, Bow. manvîlle, Rochester and othen points. Mn DII. Coatos, B.A,, Mathematical Master of Brantford Collegiate Institute, Mn.s. Coates and Master Lvnn, Brant- fond, are spending the bolidays at Mn. S. Colo's, Maple Grove. Dominion Day was quit1y spent by our citizens, mauy going te. Port Be.w- manville, others te. Hampton, Haydon and elsewhere. It was a lovely'day. No maishaps are reported. The. Band of Hope aud Band of Mercy held unden the auspices of tbe W. C. 'f. U., for a number of months past, ciosed on Friday last by holdinS a venv suc- cessful picnic on the Public School grounds. In addition te. tbe bonors recei ved by Miss Bertha Tamblvu, reconded lu, lait issue, she alse. wonÉfist class honors in Piano, ard first class honors lu Theory, Isîtermediate y ean, at Ontario. Ladies' College, Whitby. Sometbing for nothing' I dou't give, neither does anyoue else, ne. matter what they adventiso Nover expect a gol d dollar for twenty five cents. But îvhen voit want a real gennine bargain go te. Nýichoils' and you will get it, sure The quarterl 'v meeting of the Local Union of Christian Endeavor was held lu the lecture rooni of the Methe.dist chunch, Monday evening, and was fairly well attended. Those who wene absent missezd a treat, as the addresses were good and te. thepoinit. The president, nr, A. McLaughlin, occupied the chair1ý and opeuod the meeting with prayen and a few appropriate nemarks brer- ducing the topic of the evening, ",Pat- riotistu" from. a lawver's standpoint. 11ev. A. E. Harding inhbisaddness spoke from the verse "Blessed is the nation, whoso God is the Lord and the people whom bie bath chosen for bis inhierita nce" and showed how Britain's love of right and justiee had contributed te.lier greèat- ness. 11ev.. E. 0. Irwiu spoke on Patriotism fre.m an American statnd- point. bis prncipal thonght was that the Union Jlackl and the Stars and Stnipes will be found side by side as de- [fenders of the principles of*night. 11ev. J. J. Rae in bis usual'bappv maDner me.ved and Miss Perev seonde-d a vote. le!ephono eNo4 65,, ASRIAS SPRINGFL Ijs The bric'htness of the sun, or the suds of the ï htub will net destroy their beauty. They are -terily :t;asient visitors, the prices are so însfinuating thev ý-, quildy vanishing. 1l200 'Pairs of Ladies' Cotton H ose. The most startiingr bargain ever effe 'ed ir-i Iewran-~ ville in Ladies' ilese. cSee them. Butter Pnd Eggs and,Grocers' Dute Bilis tLken. B]owmAàNVILLL,. Noxt deer te Stai'i-d BIank. IMARBTE GN ANITE 4 S BO0W M AN V 1L L E mmflstraectrof and 1Dealer îir Cail and get rny prices. 1 ain sure My work wiU please yeu. Notices of Eirths, masriages and Deauiss 50 cents; wlien isarruage llcenses are Obtained or faneanoiecs printeci at this office. insertion free. BOR N. GIBArN.-In Clarke, Juei4, the Wlfe ef Mr, David Cilbank, of a daughter. GLxrtvIaaa.-I Clarke, Juie 28, tbc wife of S. George Glanville, cf a son. ABERNBTHY . - Near the Cambian Weeleo Miiis, Joly 1, the wife of Mr. John Abernelby, ef a soli. MARRIED. Buit-Fsnz.-In Oshawa, Jonc 28, by 11ev. J. Hedges, B.A., Mr.Claude Burk, Toronto,.and Miss Minerva Fisher, Oshawa. NORTnCOen-SMItirsc. -At Port Osbawa, en Wednesday, June 28th, by Rev. J. J. Liddy, M. A., Mr. Henry Netheete, sud Miss Mary Jane Smtth, ail of East Whitby. KcsOX-BRAÂsus'.-On Friday, June 21 ai the Methodist Pansons ge, Bowmauiville, by hev. J. J. Rae, Mr Robt.Kiiox and Miss Maud Branton, both of Oshawa, G ESON-SMItrr.-lu Oshawa, Jo nc 28, byllev,. J. J. Liddy, M. A., Mn. Allbn Gibson, Tonento, and Miss Mary Smnith, Oshawa. KIRKPARsttCs-CaANis.-In OshawaJuu e 28, by Rev. J. J.- Liddy, MA., Mr. Hirams Rirkpa t- rick, Cedar Dale, and Miss Clara Chauey, Osh- awa. Wnsnx-STRosEs.-To Osbawa, Jue 27,byRev. J. Hedges, B.A.,MnI. Wm. White and Miss F'an- nie Stenie, eldest daughter of J. D. Storie, both ef Oshawa. SCOrTR IONÂ.-At 922 edferd-readTeronto, Jonc 28. by 11ev. J. E. Lanceiey, Dr.Waliace A. Scott, Ceurtwrigbt. eldest son cf M.Wm. Scott, Principal of the Normal Seheel, aud Evelyn Ross Renan, daogbter ef tbe late H. B. Rouan, ECICARDT PsssaP.-Oil Wedoiesdsy,Jonc 28, ai Widefleld, W7lcex street, Toronto, oy 11ev. Dr. Teveli, as"isted by 11ev. W. H. Hiuicks sud 11ev. J. M, Wilkinson, brother-in-law ef the bride, Albert J. H. Eckardl sud Rese Alberta Maud, daugh ter of Richard Phîlp, Esq., DIEO. Paaan..-Iu PI aine, I-., Jonc 24, Emmia Fer- rini,beeved--wItý o Joseph Perrin, in ber 4th year. MITCIEI-f, NeWtoo.ille, Jue 26, Jacob Mitchell, m 8yas RoGERS.-AtN WhGîby,,Jonc 27,An"aAdi, beloved wife of Fran i: G. Rogersaged 40 ýyearsC 5months sud 26 days. BEscolsu-At Cambray, on Joue iu. ars. Beacom, sr., f ormcrly et Dan. îgto ForIna . '. . The lus. Cialle e DU. L. POTTER. Office and residenice,Churcýh St. ,oppos.,te Trinity Congregationai cburch, Bowmalovilie. 25-6m* MISS EVA LIJTTIIELL le prepared to give lessous on organ and piano at bier residence, King 51.,or at the homes of the pupiis.7 MISS ETHEL MtORRIS, AIITIST. Instructionisgiven in PAIN'iNG- iu 011, Water Celer sud China. Sketching anat painting froin nainure. KILIN on premises, tir- ing at osnal:pniees. 51.6m. C OTTAGE ai Pont Bommnasîville ta reni. $40 for season.new, furisibd for eiglit persons, 60 feet verands h. M. A. JAmEs, Bow- mnvile 2le.7-tf. B IRIiCK COTTAGE-And half acre _Dlad al i orhard lird ud oftwaten, in good repair, situate. in villsge of Hampton. Possession Nev.. For panticniars epplyto THos ftewE, Hampton. 27-8w* s TRAYED-On lot 8, con. 8, I)arling.. Jton, ou or about May 20, 1899, a eteer cal!. f)wner is required topvrpert, pay eipeii. ses auJ cake îtaway. vuios.w eOODLr,Tyreue. 26 1w" JJOUSE AND LOT, FOR SALE.- . T we framne dwelling bouses containing 7 reoms each sitnated on Outanie St., Bowman- ville. Good water. Tenis easy. For particulars apnly on the premises te Mas. C. IIANcqCK on te ScAPrase office. 24,if. il OUSE IN OSHA WA FO R SALE- &LâComnfortable Ronghcast Dweliing House, Drivingr House, Stable fer three heorses anmI 355 acre ef land fon sale. Excellent large and amali fruit. No better wellin suOhawda cisteru. Appi'y ou the premise er if byleicîer fi JescttJâitn.s, William St., Oshaw-a. 26-tf. "OR O SRIE-"Cervera" ente in a streng class and firsù at Qjiehec as shown under eue year. Aise the ou ibeaten York- sbire "Oak LodeeUCommodore. ' Yorksbires, lierkshires aud Tamwertbs fer sale iiucluding the second prize Tamweî di Sew- ai owma:nviîîe and Orono,tu farrew ;, aup,edaTam -werth, T. J. COEs, Maple Gnov, ilewný-uvul P. 0 __________________27-1w* F. WAUGHI ~O . Bc Dental, Office iabova Zt-W'îli ho ut C, s. a. m. ta 2 p ax,.nd ut "e,', 'M 2.30 fnu- ti' .m., on iL.ý, "'t,. pud fo.ýrth Me.ndays o a ût, Gold plates, Crown aud Bridge work alidijPaluless extr action are specialhies eare Fur the finest Groceries, Fruits, Proevisions, Ceoked Mecat and al Carn }iz-gSujplei un the- rJe The Popular Grocers. 1 A Disease Peculiar to Railroad Mien, which is read.iy KIIUNECnred by li, hâsû's Kidney-Liver PRIS. Did ýýt ever occur to you that most railroad Mien diec f kidney disease ? Such i5 the fact, however, and the di sease is known areong rairoaders as -. railroad kidney." Thfr.st and mosî markedsymptomisaweak, lame andI ocbing back. Vu ray think at first that you are oniy tired ; but as this trouble in-. creases day by day, kidney diseese, w'ith ail its terrors, is fa^,î ciaiming you as a victini. Mr. Geo.,-tummnings, for over 20 yer n- gineer ou tfâe Grand Truuk ruuning Ybetsweea. Tocronto and. Ailandale, says: "The constant duty with m)y w ork gave me excessiv e pains in my back, racýciog my kidueve. 1I tricd severai remedies ntit 1 w.as recommended by ruy lire. man, Mr. D&Lve Coniev, to try Dr. Chases Kidney-Liver ýPuis. TÉwo boxes have com- pletely cuxed me and 1 feel to-day a better man than ever. I recommend tbem to aIli ny ,friends.' Dr. Chases ýidney-Liver Pulls, one pull a dose, 25e. a bo~f at ail dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co.", Tu onto. R e'l siou &. U-1m. 1

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