itat my Kidney Cure rwUa curé 90 per cent. -et ail forma cf kldnéy conîplint and lu lmny Instances the most serions ferma ef Brkh!t's <isasse. if - thé dsease la corn- pleetesi send a four- Ounce vialofetuniine- We WhIl analyze lh and advlse yen free wba±te odo. At 8i1 drnggste, 2fl. a viat. Guide to Helth q~ tdcisiieie.10 mt t.Pia Farmers You Want PflICE $1.00MACH. ADVANTAGES. It rili double -%%,at the odO style ma- chine did. 1lu le btter mado un ahi parts. It is a haudsomer nmachine. The tube frem eau is exposed and can bc instint- ]y cleaned if il should cîog. The can may ho instaiitly etnptied il yen uant to change matenial on dlean it. The for- mation cf t'le eau allows al tceniatri- ai te bc sp-ay cd out ruben operated upveard introcson buises Itlsih ave crop fromn bugs, worns and Fungi aid fruit trocs troni the caterpillerand other pests. Evans' Electnie Spraveonmay bh bd fnom Jos. Henry, Orotue ; David Bell, Lesirard ; A.« S. Toolev, Miii, Coutice; Albert Nidderv, Eîîfield; John Peth ick, blacksmitb, Clarke ; Samil Bon- athan, Newucastle ; John Hoey, uîcan Cadînus. PETER MURDOON. BOXVMANVILLE. Agent fon Drham County. NEW TAILOR SIlO?. rThe undersignefi who bas bien cariylug on tiie îaioing Sesinems in conneetion with 'Maen's DryGoofis Stora for a numaber of yeers ha eomned bueinese i-r himeoif atbis reoins King S. wcst, ruhere he ie prepared te maki gents end beys uits lu ail the irt.est style, and nt loweÉi _rices. For those who wiîb te orîler soirs, bewill1 carry a fulli hue of semples in al lie newesi patterns. Give bu e eau J. T. ALUIN, FaShionahle Tailor - ROYAL MAIL STEASiiip, LIVERPOOL, AND LON- DNDERRY, MON'CREAIAaNQilEazE SERICE. Froni STEA-.Iiaa MON TiEAL. Temnui ' Jonc 24th, 9 arnu Leurentian July th, Nurndiap. July 1.îh, Californien " July 2Oh, Taini, jly 27 th, Parisian Aug. 3rd Bavarian (new) ' Aug. loth, Ceiforulil *Aug. l7thb Tainui ' Atig. 24th, Parisien ' Aug. 31st: SS. Parisien, new euîgin'ed Led entirely refit- ted, sails frein Lix erpool, JuIy 20, and froin Mentreal, Augpt srrd. Bavanuan, 10ooo toine, tw-1- ecrew sais froIni Lverpool Juiy- 27 and troui Montreal, A.guet lOub. Pîseéngors will ho transferredi th their bat'- gage frini the nilway stetion un the wbarf fres of charge. RATES 0F PASSAGE. First Sabin, 850 and iupwarde . Retoru $10000 and upwerds. Second Caine1;35, Steerage l"2i.5 andi $2.50 Freni New York te Gînegoru State of Nebres ka, 7th July; Mongelien,21st July For tickets and cenery informiiation ap. phy te M1. A. JAMES, NleîiLfne c Amnt. Bowuenivilllo. llls---4486 -iV ileos UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT Exlendingfrom the Atlantic Seaboard te CHICAGO and MILWAUKEE THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR ROUTE THE GREAT TOURISI LINE ¶To NI.A('oARA FALLS, BUFFALO, NEW YORK ,PHILADELPIIIA,WASII- 1NtGTON aàd il Principal Points in V ~ CURE *Will Cure env Eorm Ple3ýý f Rbeumatism -FOUR POI1NTS IN ITS FAVOR FIRST'-QUICKCSTr TO CURE SECOND-SAFEST TO TAKE THIRO-MOST HIGHLY ENDORSED FOURTI-CUEAPEST TO BUY One bottie centaine ton days' tretmient lIN BIG BOTTLES, 60 CENTS. THE DR. HALL MEDICINE CO. Canadian Agency, - Kingston, Ont. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGOISTS Children Cry for RlA SINS 0F ( Rev. Dr, Talmage- Sft Wh isperir It Is Classed Among the Wofld's Than Open Siandet--I the Worst Washington, Juiy 2-Inu iisdiscounse Dr. Taimege vigoronshy areigne one of the greet evils that have cursed the îvonld and urges generous intorpretation ot the characiore of othons; texu, Romans i, 29, "Fil of envy, murder, debate, deceit, îcaligniy-ruhisperers'" Paul rues bore caling the long moll 0f the xorld's villaînY, and ho puis lu the miulci of this roll those pensons kuorun lu ail cities and communities and places as Nvbispeere. Thcy are se, called because thoy geuemally sponir undervoice and lu e confidentiel ruay, their baud te the side cf tb'ir mouth acting as a tunnel te keen the precieus information from ruanderninto iethe wrnut' r. They speair softiy net beuse they have lacir cf lung force or beccuse they are ovor- poruoredtirih the spimrit ef geutionose, but hecause tbey ruant te escape the couse- quences of defamatien. If no oDe benne but the person rubispencd unto and the offeoder ho erralgned, ho eau deny the ruhola thint', for 'whispeners are elruays first-cdase liens! Serre people ruhisper boceuse thon are boarse fnom e cold or hocause they rish to conve oico neef ni information rih- ont disurbint' orbers, but the cuetures photographed by the apostie lu my text give mtîffied utterance frorn sinleten and depraved motive, and somtimes you cen ooiy hear the sibilant sound as the letton "-S'I drolis from the tongue iethe isicît- ing ear, the bnief bise of the-serpent as it projents is venom. W bisp2erme are masculine aid tominine, wihb a tendency te inejoity on the side of those who arecacllefi "the lords ot creatio. " Whispeners are heard et every rindoru et baak cashier and are beard lu al counting rmoi as weil as lu sering societJses and et meetings et asylurn dInoc- tors and managers. Tbey anc the ruorsi foes of society, respousibie for misuties innumerablez tbey are the scaveugens of the woîld, diviîîg their cent through every community, and te-day 'I hoîd up for your hoiy anattia and exocretion these wbisporrs, From itbe freqîtency riih ruich Paul speaire of tbom under different tîthes I conclude that ho muet have suffeued soenruat tnom ihern. His personal pros- once vas very detecîlve. and that ruade hirin perhaps the tanget (5f iheir ridicule, and besides that ho rusas bacheior, per- sistlug in hie celîbacy dorunie thé sixties-indeed, al! the ruey thnoug- andi,corne havinig I.Iilod in their connu- bil designs upon hb'm, thelitile mission- amy ruas put uîîden ube nakint' fine of tmccc ruhispoers. Hoe wa ne douhi a rare monsel fer thoir scandalihation, and he cantiot keep bis petieo c any longer, and ho laye hold of these miecreante eftihe Éongela and givos tibm a very bard soi- tinit dorun in tny teýxi cmoug the, scoundreiîy and the murdenone. "Envy, murdor, debate, deceit, uialigiiy-rubls- perers." TIhe leru of libel tnekes fqùick and tout gnip ot open sîcuder. If I sbooild' in a plein ruay, callilut yoa- by nae, change you rith treud or thefi or murden or unu- cleannees, te-morrow mrnming ïl migbt have perempteny documents served on me, and I ruould have to, pay in dollars anfi cents ton the damaze I bcd donc your charecter. But these ereainres spokon of in my tort arc so stiaii that tbey escape the fine teoth comdb of thé laru. They go on, aid they go on, escap- ing the judges and the Juries and the penitentianies. The district attorney eau- not find them, the sheriff canne flnd theni, the grand jury cannot find thoni. Shut them off ftonoeeroute et penfidy, and ihoy suet on another. Yen canuiot by the force of moral sentiment persuade theru te desiet. 'Youn ight as rueli neeui the Ton Commaudmente to a fiocir of crorus, expectiat' them te netreat under the terce et moral sentiment. Tbey are te ho tound everyruhene, these ruhisponérs. I tbink thoir paradise me a country village of about 1,000 or 2,000 people wre eveybody kuorus evenybedy, but theT aise are te bc fouud lu large quentitios hn ahi our cities. Tbey have a prying disposition. They loot mue the basenmentruudorus et thé tables of theirnouighhors and eau tell jusi ruhat tbey have mernlng and ulgbt te ont. They cen cee as far tbrough a' key- bole as othor peepfle cen ses ritb a door ruide open. Thoy cen hear conversation on the opposite side et the ooni. Indced, thé ruorld te theni is a wblspening gel- leny. Tbey alwaye put the ruorat con- struction on everythmng Some monning a rile descends Into thé nuquiro any vory great bralu. Thé oblat equlsîte le that thre romen bave a ernali farnlly om no tamily et ail, because if she bave a large tamily thon she ruould bave te et ay et borne asd lok aften theu1u. I111 very important thet she ho single or have ne children ai ail, sud thon she enu attenîd lu ahi thé secrets of thé ueighbomheod ahI the time. A runn ritb a large farnily mates a vemy peer ruhispener. htis easionishina heru these ruhýI1ilAt'm8 Jesue Christ bcd t 1 ese Wuh 1speere thé eveulng twiight ef a gathering bop-grewers cf Newu Yorir State, ruho surpri atter hlm, and they cherged !hlm rlth night, but the mornng twiligbt ef an find thée kunir their main releance liVn n driniring ,tee mueb and; kecpiug bad cern- everlastiug day. keepiug dorun evry destructive grub Greas( panv. "A rine hlbber ând thé fniond cf This mrening at hall past 4 o'clock I ruhicb- otherrulse would ruin thoir crops. publieas and sinniers.' Yenteksa4 thé iooired eut ef my ruindoru. and the stars Stani besau ua bt ever ivçi1d and put a deeco- wree vcsr3'dim. I ioéket¶ ont a feru wI..t ratin Eau-aid. manvi. tilv en bis track for teýu years, «rutchlng moments ef 1er, and thé stars wree ainiest In 1882 Mapieson rues ehliged'te ralsé ruhere b%0 MS and wýllei he cornes paid invIsible. I loeked out au heur or true Pattl'es aleny ftra $1,000 a nigbute ____ rultI a determleationbo e meurné ey et terruard. Net e t a "" e ho ÇO ad flnall iy *,OM 'a sr gf thirig and to tiillhk hg#gees bers f0r?à a Wbt1ua th «esY rrheard eô(In5*0 aPusals Of opéra.for thil purpose ai>d theré fer a bâd put-poe, they" mélted it daekN. Thé7 Vil su,, moe"eor, *as dtnuýpded, et 2 billon, wltb t ~dçlKwMniDtloa et 4PStréy1ug4 dbb tedth e «. ,'t4S'k oft t r où e wbâo pa' ul& just 25 9 @bd CMut taén Yearsuè*l-b bà mt-. h _Wu_ hd despicable ln the sight ofta râ THE SUN'S MAKE-UP. raany people le G S 'S Ip I N I G beIf it is an outrageons thing te despol sane Fopular -Ntijohs Cetàcertal.g the lu a man's oharacter, how ranch worse la t E rth'g Urti of Light Corrected- Faý t.. te damiage a woman s reputation P Ye th at evil grows from century te century, About OtherGroater Suo. and itsle ail done by whisperers. A sus- Htherto an absolutely mistaken rongly Denounces the piclon 15 started. The next whigperer notion seenis to have beeni accepted who gets hoid of it states the suspicionl regarding the maire-up 0f the'sun, which ~g f E a proven fact, and many a good bas been supposed to bie a homogeneous ig ofEvil.woman, as honorable as your wife or body ln densitY throughout. As a matter ________________your inother, bas been whispered out of of fart, while is material lislIlgbter-than ail kindly associations, and whispered our owna ainospiire on is surface, the _; s Great Vi[lainies--,More Harmiful into the grave. Some people say there'is interior 'is very much denser than the (" no bell, but if there bie no bell for sucbhbeaviest known substances that go to p' esrygGo Nmsa despoiler of womanl' character Itle compose the earth. In faci, the solar orb, C >estrying ood Nrneshigh urne that some 'phllanthropist built rnear is center Ie about three urnes as of ïMs one. But there iesnouc a place establish- dense as mercury. As for the future of Crims. d, and what a time tbey will have when the sun, we may suppose that for a gaier p eeryhin. Tby no~eve~-ail the whisDerers get down there te- while, af 1er cooling, it will becorbe habit- hgahat pevhappn. Toe arnOe elepon gether rehearsing thingal Everlasting able by living forme, animal and vege- and telegrapli wires reaching fromn their, carnival ofrmud. Were it net for the nu- table; but these are not likely te be de- ears to ail the bouses la the neighbor. conifortablaeurroundings you lght veloped higbly or te endure for any bood. They have no teste for bealrby suppose tbey would be glad to get tIbere. lenztb of urne, inesniucb as the maigbty news, bot for the scraps- and peellngs uttrein hrebe aea]bd globe wiil have ne exiernial source o;f thrown out of the scullery Into the back wber opportunities for exploitai/,;n by heat to depeud upon. Ç yar reyhav gea avdîy.On the dav ibese whisperers. On eartb, ofepi Sirius, as I have said, ls a bine star. yardtheyhavegrea aviity.- their ncighossmtmste/a.t whube there is a new scandet lu the news- gbr oeie hyhdt Beta, lu the beair of the constellation of papers thev have nîo rime te go abroed. lie about thorm. but dov'n there ti ey ca1 the Swtan, Js a double sun. one of its On the (ley When there are four or five say the orst ihinzs possible abolut theh' members being pale yellow and the other columns of del i ghtful private letters neighbors ani tell the truth. Jubilee of deep biue. The fiery-red sun of Scorpio pt.blished lu a divorce case she stays ai whisperers. Semi-beaven, of ;scandai- i iko with anoiher one that ia emal borne and reede and reeds and reads. No mongers stopping their galbie about and green. These double stars are truc trne for lber Bible that day, but toward their diabolical neighbors only long cosmic twins, and occasionally triplets nlght, perbaps, sbe mev fiuid urne to rua enlorgh to go up te the iron gaie and as appear! ouia itlewhleandse weuerthresaime newcomer froin the earth, "'What is Castor, in Gemini, is a pair of suris, oa eny ne whideelpns.wete h the lest gossip ln the city en eerth where sncb of wbich le langer than our orb of Satan does not bave toeireep a vcry .eue olv? day, and it is believed tbat the greater sharp lookout for bis cvii dominion ilu Noqwhw a orse t wryagoinetibsof the two revelves eround a ihird gigen- thet neigbbonhood. Hie bas let out te bier iiut bc usseevcrmuniuy tic and invisible body, the presence of tbe whole contract. She gets husbands on earth? Finsi, bY refusîug /o listen te wblch lesusggested by the swaying move- and wivcs into a quanrel and brothers or believe a wbVisperer. Eveny court of the meute of the mighiy luminary lu ques- and sisters into antagonism, and elle dis- lad bas for a lew and ah ccnt er-tin guets the pastor With theo dock and the munieshv fo alaibtOUme Algol, the so-called Demon Star, bas fock with the pastor. and she maires hold people innocent untilý they are sucb a body revolving around ht, shut- neighbors who before %vere kiudly dis-, proved guilty. Thare le ouly one persan ring off its- liglit se as to make it glare posed towand eech othon oversuspicious worse than the whispener, and thet is the and fade ai aiternate intervals. I myscîf, and critical, so when one of the neighbors mnrwoa ho listens wltboui pro- as I hasve already said, have dlscovened a passes byin l a canniage tbey bise througb test. The trouble is, yen hold the sacli dozen great stars ihat are almosi blackr, their toih and say, "Ah, we "'ould ail while tbey fli it. The receiver ef the shining merely by relle"ted lighi froua ireep carniages if rue neyer paid our stolen geods is just as bad as the thief. neighboring sous. What worids they debir. ~~~~~~~~An anciont writer doclares that a slanden- ma o ob ue n o tag h When two or threc whisperens get te- er and a man who noceives the lander forme of life wbich may bc imagined te geuher, thoy stir ) caîdren of trouble eught botb to bie banged-tbe one by the inhabit theml! which maires nie think of the ihnee tongue and the other by the ear-and I Aloyene, 1,000 unies as big as cuir suri, witebes of "Mýkacbeth" dancing around a agree wîuh him. ie la the constellation Lyre, toward boiiing caidron lu a darir cave: Whcn you heur soentbing bad about whlcb the whole of our own solar sys- Douledouletol ad toube, your neighibors, do net go all over and ten is .moving. It may even be conceived Doube, oube, ell nd roule, ask about it, whether it le truc, and a osbeta u o vnulywi Fire buru and celt.ron bubblo. scatter ih and spnead Il. ,Yeu rnight as s pcoessi lte of uneaen BtArctu-i Fillet of a fenny snacRe well go to a enialîpox hospiral andi taire a buscome asait of ansga'vs.5,ButiArdu Iu the caîdron boil and bake, patient and carry hlm all tbnough the rs h rn fsngvs500iîe Eeto newi end tout to frog, coonmunity asking people if tbey really as much light as our sun-a staiemenu Wolofbtaneonu f owblcb becemes iînpnessive wben lu le Woo ofbatandtonue f dgthought lu a case of emalîpox. That would considered ihai our solar orb woula "eut Adder's forir and bliod worr's stiug, bie very bad for the parient and for all up" into 1,250,000 picces, eacb one as Lizards leg and owvet's wing the neighbors. Do not netail slanders and For a charrn of pouvrful trouble, wvhisperin gs. Do not mako yoorseef the large a the erb n whichawe iv eï f Like a bell both hou eaud bublble. inspecter of warts, and the superviser of ofvathr îaiea, iesniwed npre aoidbocir Double, double, toil and trouble, carbuncles, and the commissioner for 0fatrciecaigic n ueoy Fire humn and caîdron buhbble, stetgtes n h odro uie o,i would burru outinl 1,7610 years. tooî ofwol, fr a d ght. en ibethe et yfu, an The atinosphere of the sun le supposed Seule of dragon, tbe 5,000 milesr a despghbcing cthornposed ofa Wltchese' nmmmy, maru and guif immnortel man; ihat yoD, au immortel varlions,00gmes evpors n omos Asf 0f the navin'd sai seu sharir; ruoinn, cau find no better business ihen Vosv e ndghihe oftelecple. sr Maire the gruel thicir and starir; te become a gutter inspecter.' face ivred o ihthminteecohit fore Addtheetoa tgers caudonBesiie that, et your family table aliow appaennry floating lu an ocean of grevieli For the ingredients of our caîdron, no detraction. Teecb your eilidren to fluid. These are cloude, cornposed not of It le Double, double, toil and trouble; spealu Weil of ethens. Show iheni the wtr but chlofiy of carbon. mient N Fic hbumn and caîdron bubble; diff eenee bctwcen a bec and a wesp-the Just as the elecinician uses carbon for self-rie' Cool it with a baboons blood, one gauhering boney, the othenr hrusting Thon the cbanm us firmn and good. a stîng. I rend of -a femnily wlîere te producing the brightest of artificiel desiret I would only change Shakrepeare In kept wbet ubey caiied "A Slander Book,." iigbts, se the sun employs the sane xnasur agent in the manufacture of ius trans- It w0u] ibis. that whene 'ho pute the word and when eny sianderous words wers cendant light and beut. The sun-cloude te the "ýwtch" I should put the word "whls- uttened lu the bouse, about eny.bedy or are made up ef drops of iiquld carbon day wil perer." Ah, what a ceuidron! Did you detraction uttened it wes all'put down lun he aeardac vsl xedn ttn evor gsi a teste of it? I have mono ne- ibis bookr. e bookr was kept éefully. the gow hev ailamcenat lu aneecingie hnclid spece for the poor weif of the streci ibat For the finstf ew weoirs theore were a groat lrnp. fullî w goos dlown under the gaslight witb ne tliy entrie1 but af ter ewhilo thrbdio wre. Wheu, as a faous astronemner enys, succeed home and no God-for she deccives no ne entries w eebeihttl.nm sraeofdyp eue as te whet shle ls-ihan I have for Aeay ougentibshitf the linge lumninary is coated witb these selves1 thoso buegs of respectable society who wbispcrin jut others? Lot me per- clue vr atcl fw bl hs inUt fl coven up thoîr tiger claws wiih a fine suade von I îecisi. hMeunt Tauruesrues clnis ey lori l fwic et shswl and boit the bell of their heurt a grenut place for-ongles, and crane would muten elylmnue. re need no longer This Li with a diemnoud breasipin. fiy adeug ihat wey, and they would odrttedazngbghnswic.tby cacke selou tha theeages wuldevan acrese the aruful gaîf 0f 93,000,000 andir The worir of masculine rubisperers e s aclsoou taihe ngswud miles, produces for us the incenceivable 5weetu( ch efely ceeu lu the embemnesernent of busi- iruow of their cernlng, and- they would glery of dayiight. noe. Now. 1 suppose thore are bundrede ois saîpthatthemed raestreuudthorIs The groatési and mostIimportant lu- of mon bore ruho et corne urne have baen adta hldcao on hsoui, vention te be, made lu the next century lu business trouble. I wili undortake te and before ithey staried on their fiigbt wh eamciefrsoigteha sey that lu nine cases oui of ion it wuas they would elways have a tone ln iheir wef the sunmacdhinafor rng iItoutc- Te the resut of seule whsperr'e wori. The mouthse tey could not cacklo. and theno h u n rnfrigi noee- Tl ruisp oer uterd some suspicion ia re- uey wou d fiy lu perfect safey. Oh, M v trlcty or ore othen fera suitbe for cb( gar t yor rodt.-Ye sld ou hosefnlends, be as ruise as théeidcasad -ready employrneni. Thie beu, which le pet( and carniage becauso you bad ne use for avoid the foll7 0f the yeung crenes Do nwpritdt ot atwl c so rhrn ad heruiserr ei: Sod isnet cacirle. appled te the runuing of einlle, the, buy borse and carniage beceuso hoe had to sali Let me charge you, my fniend, w mngobuss, antar ohrpr thorn. The fact that hoe sold bis horse and malte riget and boit' use ef the tongue. pose for whlch euengy le uitilized. I le sI wonth mentioning lu thie conuection carniage shows his going down in huai- It is loose et eue end and cen sing thet everyr square yard of the sun' s sur- Ane One of your friende gete embarrassed, cnd;te the floor of yeur mouth, and that fctmisahrnutofba eqtlt maks yn rspnsile orthewayitthai ef a biai furnae co eouumiDgone hea: and yen are a lîttie involyed wiuh hm arsynrsosbefreWi him ton ef ceai overy ten minutes. The boni. live The rubisporor says: "I1ruonder If lho cer rags. Xanibns, the philosopher, 'iold bise 1 h 1 stndune al hs resre Itinr oservant that on the morrow ho ruas goîng veou by the sein globe ta eue second A 25c le gtan g dorun. IthinrhsurI hinkave t ohv oeflnst ie n edwould raise 195,000,000 cubte miles of Je goin down. think e willesvecoede haveronte boilingtepoint adend 0f give np. " You borrow mrnoey oui of e hlm te get the besi thlug héo ould find lo-codwtrt ol onado bauk, and the directer rubispers outside lu the markret. The philosopher and hietishetteothrevsonyn- about ht, and af 1er awhiie the suspicion guesis set dorun the next day ai the 2,000,000,OOth part.-Prof. T. J. J. Ses __ gets feirly staried, and h leups froni one table. Tboy hed nothing but tongue- fteUS.N albsvto. whisperer's lips te anothenr whlsperer'e four 'or flve courses ef tongue-tonue lipsuntil all the people you orue rant cooed lu ibis ruay and tengue cooked in UeflE1oqUe,,ce. thein money and ruent h nright away, and that way, andi the philosopher lest bls At thé Oxford Assizes recently a man thé business circles corna arouud yon lire patience and said te bis servent, "-Didn't rues piaced lu the dock ou thé charge of a' a 0 N les nd, tbougb yen had ItollTou te got the best thing in thé having siolea a horse. assois four times mono than ruere noces- akt"lesl: Iddgttébs Thé case for the prosecution seerned to s ary te muet your liabilities, crash weut- thiug lu the market. I132t the tengue l'ave ne doubt on the miuds Of ibese ovrything. Wbieperonsi Oh, horu mucb the organ of sociallty. the organ of dlo- preseut that a conviction would hoe sure business mon bave suffercd! quence, the organ ef thnucs, the organ te folloW. Hoever. It transpired that a Sornetirnes lu the circies ef clergymen of ruorsip?" very ciever ceunsel had heen engagod for rue aiseuse why lu is thai e grenu rnsny 1 Thon Xanihus sadd "Th-morroru 1 the defese, and the construction hoe put ]noruis merchauts de net go te eburcfl. î1 'viîî ant yen te get the wevru tbing lu thé upon the case, together ruiib bis cloquent tel you wby they de net go te eburcb market." And ou the mevïicru the philos- pieeding, had such an effect on the jury By the tîme Snturdey uigbt cornes they epher et et thé tabI3, and thons ruas that they bronghtinl a verdict of "notnrn are. voru oui wiih the annoyences onthiug ihene but tcugue-four or five guilty," and the pnisenen ruas according- I menuee racicd po thrnteseteu ngenir, o oi that eheé Idthîq ubilos- c.nci-f1th-courthe1rua -ccoscdulyM RAN VILLE. LABELS. corn. lease eaUi and sec., R. W. JAMES. r. BEHS bas opened the New Centra, , carly Opposite the Standard Bank, unvule, where ho bas e fine lotet Single ouble Carniages, Demraîas, Wagons, lruirel. ýd iorses and Uareful Drivers, efint' ehiowed. Telephene No. 23., ls t night prornpthy ett ended. e Bet..a. therefore ask yen b cl]ud et our Single Driving liar at and Black, Solid Nicl,(R0r Id Trimmings, made frouLi t stock ind ai pylces that wlll1 se yeu. 'Aise Hýrriress Polish, ish for Buggy CAesadAxIe se, the besi. d opposite Central Livery, Bow- ile. JOHN S. RUNOLE. LAXA-LIVERII, LLevery uiight .rty dais ae acmlte~ieo oness a onstipation. Tiret ta- i5 conta te o e .d. IntrGesr. ct li. srueli te frequently enter loto judg- witb ouenrihos. Not in any irorbid, bhteous spirit, ont ruith an honesi te asccc ,in liorufar on in ruhat ir ive bave ettined our oîvuidcvUs. Ild be ot alnot infiite titi calage c verage Chrhstuian did he hecto the th a clean, defiîuite idea of Nrubet ha led te bcbng do pes Ifor GoJ coul bis ltbaî day, and te ebjso it Ly ft- askisig bis huart ho r e hbd led. We sboohd rosolx-c te let ne ces un ruicb rue did not unare ont- botter, and ln order to do that ue, fmd oui finIrst bwat rue are wr lid et introspection wruld ij~~- uînive us choser te our divitto ,'rd, cunu that ruouldcomin îiexpressible aess ced nbiding s.trongth. hal thce tory. Wbcn yonm bond es, and yen beel biins, consti ced, and ont of lune, wh yonr miach cour and ne appetito, jusi r a package of id tnke a dose, froni 1 te, 4 puis. )u iill ho surpriced et how easîiy. ay wihl do their work, cure ,youn adache and buliounss, ronce the er andi make you teel happy again. cents. Sold by ail medicine dealers.