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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1899, p. 8

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V' J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SONe Chemists and ruggists. Snciulies LJ 1111 muuîuum Fine Bath Sponges from 5c to 50e. Crearn of Witch Hazel for Sunburn, Tan, Eand Freekies. Crab Apple and Lilac Cologne, Florida SWater, Fine Perf ure and Toilet Soap. Foot Comfort, and ail Toilet requisites. - E Tanglefoot Fly Papeî', Insect Powder, &c. 5 J. HICCINýî'BOTHAM & SON, a-. B0WMANVLLLE. Druggists. This is King'Quality It is a pretty nico looking shôe, but fine as it looks, it feels 'a great deal fluer,' The King Quality sheuld te woru by every womn-a who desires, comfort, style, dur- ability, and 'wants it ecouomicaliy. T1his describes the King Quality Shoe. It costs $3, and it is Worth more. TRAL -~MARK HAYDON. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs, Pred. Fai-i-ll, BOWMANVILLE, JULY. 5, 1899. Hamilton, ut Mi-. T. Brimacombe's; Mi-. and Mi-s, T. McGill ut Mi-. T. Asliteu's; Mr,.'Wullace Reid, Toi-ente, ut Mr, W.' MCCRAE'S CORNERS. Aunger's; Mr. W. H. Broad and tam- liv, Toi-ente, at Mr. W. Broad's; Miss Ethel McNeil, ut home, Mi-. and Mrs. Mi-. W, T. Taylor and xvîfe are visit- Wm. Creeper, Hiampton, ut Mi-. W. H. iag friends la Coiborne ... MissM. Creeper's; Mr. Wm. Trewinî ad îamily, Thompson risited lier aunt, Mrs. Wm. Bowmauville, ut Mi-. John Slemon's; Nerthcott...Mr-. Frank Gilbaak and Miss Creba, Peterboro, ut Miss Ettie famiiy, Leskaid, visited lis brother Cumpbell's; Miss Editli Monntjoy home horo,. -. .Mr. Geo. Tueor ad tanily foi- vacation.... Mrs, Hicks ha sufferIlg weto risiting ut Mi%. Blewtt's, Antiocli troni a blood ressol barsting in ier .',Miss Jennie Giibank, Pontypeol, lioud. Mi-s. R. Ashton is quite Mi. ..« was guest etflier cousins, the Misses Anniversary.was a gîea.t succeess, the Tuneor..,.. Mr. W, H. Tonkin teck the preceeds amountieg te $100. Tlhe sert eiewinthe Sabbiath School Suaday meu os preactied by Ber, E. 0. I-vin et week .. . Mr. W. Greenwood and Miss Disciples' chai-ch, Bowmanrilie, were J. Webb attended thc Gardon Party ut ejyd I'y both'young and old. A Mi-. Geo. Lapp's, Pontypool. spenid tea -vas served te au immense crovd et good-nuttired peo pie. ... We ANT400H. had a rofreshing shower Monday moi- cag. Ci-eps ai-eookiagvriypremising. Mi-. John Hall aînd f amily veto recent guests et Mr-. R. MceLeod . ... Mrs. Chest- OIA et lias returaed te Toi-nt .... Mr. 'Kili OIA Pringie lias reshingled lis residence. .Mi-. John Waddel and son visited at Recent visiteis:-Mr. and Mrs. R. Mi-. James Waddel's. . .. Mi-. Thomas Pascoe, Enfîeid - Mts. liellingshead, Mottatt and vite, Lake Shore veto Toi-ente; Mr-. and Mis. H. P. Wei-ry, guests ethils brother, Mi-. David Moftatt Kedron; Miss Rogers,. Editress Cobourg ...Mr. Jlobt. Little vus guost et Mi-. Wotld ; Mi-. and Mrs. M. A. James. Dure Sommervilie. . ... Mr-. *Dure Som- Bowmanvillo; Mr., und Mrs. E. G. Pas- moi-ville las secured a situation ln a cee and Eva atliaydon; Masters liai-iy ,dental office ia Lindsay. ... Mrs. Geo. Bianton, Percy Vice. Percy Westluke, Waddell visited Mdr.J .L.Rowe's. Orono. and Miss Editi Vice ut Osawa ; Di-. ...Miss M. E. Best risited ici- sistor. Jas. Coirilie, lute et London, Eagland; VOLCANIc EP.Uî"rrIos-Ai-e grand but Mi-. F.. L. VanNest and W. Scott, skin eruptiens rob liteetfjey. Bucklen's Oshawa, Mi-. and Mts. S. Reynolds and Arnica Salve cures theni; aise Old Rua- family, Bowmanviiîe,..Miss Nellie ning and Fovr Soi-es, Ulcers, Boulslicys, lias returned home te Toi-nt... Pelons, Coi-ns, Watts, Cuts, Briul ' * Dr.- M, W. Puscoe lias returined liome BunSculds, Chapped Hands, Chi' te Iowa, Miss Mubel Puscoe aécompani- Muas, etPlCueo at.Dis ed 1dm te Toi-nte.-, Messrs. Harold butlains astdliecue.onIv2eat DrivesWilliams and Aitînt Baker vi-ote ut ont ain aa Ads. Oly 5 es aboxtic Entrance Exuminations last weeli.. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Stott and ..'oatcdM- ae .Pibia Jury Drggits.Bowmanrille's geulul postmuster, dril'- KIRBY.ing some Toirouto frieads thi-ough ttus KIRBY. .section on Dominion Day showiag tlem oui- fertile fields and cenifortable home Rer, Fletcher Chupma, visited ut steads. Mrs. William Maityn, Bow- home befete leaving foi- lis now station, manvillo, vus guest et Mi-. W. Ashton. ut Mvanet .. .. Mn. andi Mrs. Gee. Cala Welcome, nisited ut Mrs Chapman's... .Mrs. Alex. Rutherford lus returacti ftem visiting fri-bnds ut Millbrook.... Rer. J. Morgan anti brotier, Maton, Mi-. ad Mrs. Percy G. Breckon and fumily, Purlidale, visiteti ut Mi-. John lRickay's .... A vriy ounly pioncer died June 21st, John Bigelew ut tle great ugeofe 95 yeurs. The tunerul, vhioli vas largely &ttended, teeli place fi-em the tesidence et Mi-. Alex. Lang, Kinby. Deceased vas one efthie oidest taimers in the township. Jndeed le voulti ho a geod sized boy vlen the liattie etf'Wat- erloo vas fougit, the introduction et steani pover, railreads, &c.' Bei-nLla 1804 le avusriy near tukia)g in the viole efthie nineteenti centui-y, For many years lie lived a noeti lite, ad vonid onlv e kuova tte lider gen eration. !lie caves vwo sens, Messrs. Philip and Joseph Biigelov, te moura is deuth. A CARD. We, the undersigned, "o hercby agi-cci te retund the mmecy on a tventv-fire, cent bottie et Dr. Wils' Eno'lisi «Pils,i if after using three-fourtla et contente et bottie, they de net reliere constipa-. tien antiheadache. We aise guatautee. foui- bottles viii petmuneatiy cure theie most obstiaute case et constipation. Sat- isfaction or ne puy vheîî Wills' Pis ai-o useti. - Stott & Jury, cliemist, Bovmunri-lle. J. Higginlîotlam & Son, chemist,'Bow. 3nanville. 2-4w, MOTJNT ERNON.- Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs.Geo. Milsen ... . Mi-. Chas. and Miss Rogers uttondedth îe tuneral et Mrs. Fraunk Rogers, Wiitby .... Visiteis-Mr. F. Joness, Bowmnilie, Miss Launa Ran- ton, Enniskillen, ut Mi-. Chas, Rogens; Miss Jennie. Hudson ut lier brothen's, Mi- Chas. Muni-o, Detroit; Mrs. Chus. Peara andi tumiy, Port Pet-y, ut Mi-. Wm. Souci's; Mi-. anti Mrs. Thomas Grimston, Oakvoed; Mi-. Adidison and Miss 'Kinaifreti Bradley, Listovel; Miss pMabel Ryiey, Betlanyý; Miss M. E. Stevens, Detroit; Mn. Chas. Puscee,wite anti daughteî-, Toi-ente, ut Mi-. George Argue's; Dr-. John Hlsteti, Toronto; Miss Elu ani , ,sî-s T-1e' anti Roger Beacock, Blucksteck; Mr-. B. F. Souch, Bowmunrille, ut Mi-.S.E, Souch's; Mrs,. hale,Eglingtoa),at Mi-. H. Abralam's; Miss Nellie Stuinten, Toi-ente, ut )Mr. Jas. Garfats; Mr.P.ýand Miss M. Heatlie visiteti Miss Ettie Wight, Providence .... Musions Gordon Souci, Rai-iy Annis, Percy Cýilbei-î anti Miss Alle Gibert are vriting- on the En ti-anco exams. ... Mr. C. W. SoucI is îushiug tic sale et hay-torks .. . .Our iLov pastot, Rer. W.J. 'Ketiet-ali made a vriy faxvorable impression lu lis la- troductony remarks ... . Mn. anti Mrs. E. Anale risiteti Mts. Heiden, Whitby, recently .... i-, \W. Trenouti, toucher ut Baker's scheel, lus tesignoti. 00hiidren *Uvry for C'"AS0"TORIA NE WTOSNVILLE. Miss Sprouie, Whitby, Coll,, e, was Zuest of Miss Gertie Moase recýently.... Miss CiaraJones is visiting friends in Port Hope.... .The home of Mr. W. H1. Sharpe was brightoned by the arrivai of a yeung daughter, . . . Mr.Rob Clarxe, Bowmanville,t was guest of Edgar Hughes ...Miss Lillie MeLaughlin, Gorrie, is visiting lier cousin, Miss G. Hughes.. .. Miss Hughes and lier friend Miss MeLaughlin attended a party at Newcastle given b Miss M. Eilheck. . :'The social givon by the Ladies of the Methodist Church onl Mr Penwarden's heautiful grounds on Tuesday ovenling week wvas a decided success,..The cemmunity was startiod on "une 26 to hear that Mr, Jacobi Mitchell, J.P., liad died very suddeniy. Mr. Mitchell was ail riglit a few minutes before lis death and seemed to be in lis usual healtli, lie was one of the pioneer settiers lu this section and was weil known as one of our most successful farmers liaving retired te the village te- lire about ten years age. Mr. Mitchell was appointed a magistrate a number of years ago. He was a supporter of the"Methodist churcli, and leares a family of one daugliter and two sons to mourn lis ioss, ORONO. Miss Aille Hockin lias returned from the city ... Miss Kate Rutherford is vis- iting- ber aunt at Elra ... . Miss Loua Dancaster , Bowmanville , is visiting friends liore., ... Miss Gleesman, Rocton, Ill., is visiting at Mr. R. Winter's... Miss R. A. Gifford and Miss Carscadden are visiting friends at Burnt River... Mr. Thos. Cowaiilias been guest of Mr. R. Cowan's ... . Miss Lottie Brimacombe, Bowmanvillo, lias been guest of Miss Nellie Polard.. .. Miss Kate iluglison is visiting lier sister, Mrs.Parker Smith, Cobourg. . .. Mr, H. Hooper and sister, -Mrs. W. Blewett, visited their parents in Oshawa.. .. Mrs. Wim. Nichois and Miss Annie Nichols, Toronto, are visit- ing Mr. T. W. Jackson .... Mr. Josephi Rickaby, Camilla, is home on a visit.. The gardon party and strawherry festival at Mr. Robt.Morton's. jr..under the auspices ef St Savionr's churcli, Tuesday evenîng was in evory way a success. Canon Farncomb eccupied the chair, An interesting address was de- liiered by Rev. J. A. McKeen, selec- tiens by'Orono band, singing bv the choir and a very swotiy rendeêred song hy Miss Gertio* Stewart who aiso gare a ploasing recitation Proceeds $30.,. Newcastle Mites piaved a bail game agaiutst Orono MIidgets Saturday week3 and were defeated by a score of 23 te 28.f ...Reys. T. W. Leggott and C. W. û Demili, the new pasters of the Methoe dist dhurci, have licou weil received. I lits LrPE WAS SAVED- Mr. J. E. P Liliy, a promineut citizen of Hannibal,0 Mo., lately had a wondorf ul deliverance 8' from a friglitful death. In teliing of itb ho savs: "I was taken with T3 ploid 1'ever, that tan into Pneumonia. My iungs became hardened. I was se weakt 1 couldu't oron sit up lu bed. Nothing t( helped me. I expected te seen di etf Consumption, whou I heard of Drs K ings New Disco verv. One bettie garev great rolief. I continued te use it, andiv new am well and streng. I can't say tee sý muci in its praiso " This rniarvellous a' medicine is the surest and quickest cure t lu the world fer ail Throat and Lung Trouble. Regniar sizos 50 cnts anst i .00. Trial hotties free at Stott and Jury's Drug Store; erory bettie, guar- anteed.c HAMPTON. Mi-. T. J. Ciutke's 'infant son dieti Thitrsday ereuing. Tic interment vhich M'as prirate taking place place ut the old B. C. ceuietery Pritiay euiang. ...Mr. and Mi-s. Jos, Ciatveîrtlyspent Suaday vith trionds ut Ebonezer..,. Recent risitors: Mi-. F. Clatworthy. Senti Dariingtou; Miss Hielenîa Lune, Mr-. H. Eatou, Toi-ente; lM1is. WV. Stott and tiaughtor, Mrs. Philops anti daught et, Torinte; Mrs C. Gfo-dman, Mrs. J. Boddy, Misses Ethel Clar-ke andi Mabel Boddy, Oshawa; Miss Ada Lord, Gardon Hill: Mi-. J. Kaiker, Ogdeushurg; Mi-. anti Mrs. F. Ruse, Exeter; Mr-. A. Aber- netiy, Scurboro.. Mr-. IV., LW'ard, butchet, %vas unable te take lis trip Saturtiav oviug te ilinese . ... Mrs. J. Johns -oenues vriy veali. ... Mi-. Wm.' Allia shippeti a flac youug theteuglibred Yorkqhi-e bout te Gi-atton. Saturday... .The, Sunduy Sdliool Anu'irersary on Dominion Day vas quite succestul, Tic, veatier being ail that ceuhd le desircd a gi-eut many e*joed thc bout- inz on the lake. Tic fiotbi mth Maple Gi-ove vs. a team picked from tiose on ticheiti, lad te lie calioti short- ly alter littime tic hull haring lie- ceme disabieti, Score 1-0 l atar ofe the picked team. Mi-. Jas. Bai-as acteti as reterce, About 8 o'clock a sufficient aumber haring gatliered te 1111 the clinicI, order vus culleti by tic paster, Rer. H. Thomas, wien a vriy interest ing program vus rendened by members et the school censistiag et dialogues, teadings, song8 and solos. Rer. J. S. I. Wilson, B. A , B. Dl., Courtice, a foi-met member et oui- sclool. gave un interest.- ing uddress. Proceeds ab ,out $115 .... Mi-. W. J. Inchi assisted Brooklu foot ball teum ln defeating Scarbero Rang-, ersaL Murkham, Dominion Day.... Mi-. Ieos. Rove is adrertislng eue of tic nicest resideaces lanlHampton for suie. 1 wash xMy child's head every. week çriti warm water and CUTICURA SoAP, andi tub in a little CUTIcURA (inment). Rler hait is fine, thick, and very long, reaching beiow her waist wheni standing erect. MRS. C. GRIAM, 1087 No. Calfornia Ave., Chicago, Ill. soId thrOU hOUt the WO~id. POTTER 1). AND C. CÔE,, ~e1Pres.,Batn."AaiLÂUutthe Scalp lan.re DR. LOWS WQYRM iYlcUr is a safe, sure and reilable %vorm expelier. Acts equally,,welI on 3hldren or aduits, Be' sure you get Low's. FOR OVER FIÎîTXY EARS. ira.,Wiuslow's SoothingSyrup has been oaed by millions ef metiera for their cilîdren wiile teethiig. If disturbeti ai nigit anti broken of your raut by a slik chilti saffering anti crying with the pain of cuttiag ieeth send ai once andi ïet a hottle of lira. Winiowsl Seothing Syrup ,or ilîdren Teeting. It witl retieve the pour liltte sofferer ai once. Depenti npon it,mothers, there h île mistake aboutit. h cures Diarrhoîa regjulatea lie stomaci anti bowels, cures Wind Colle, sofiens the goms, reducea inflammation, anti gives toue ane eergy te the whole system. lra, Wieslows' Soothiig Symup for childreu teething ta pleasani to tie tasie anti is the pro- geriptieu et one nf tie oltiesi anti heat female physielatia andi nurses in the Unitedi States Price 25e a bottle. Setti by aul druggists thro'.gt' oui the world. Be sure aund asIc for'lirs. Wii. SLOWS' 500tl= SYruP - "GreatHaste fs Not Always Good Spee J." cMany people trust to luck to pull tfzem througz, and -are often Jisappointed. Do not Jilly-Jatly in * matters . of healtli. Wt/i t you can accomplish imiracles. WitIi- out it you are l-no goodJ, Keep the liver, kidueys, howels and biood healthy by the use of Hood's Sz- sapurilla, the fultless blood puriflir.' Rheumatism-" I had acute rhïôuma- tism in my 11mb and foot. J comnmced treatment wlth Hood's Sarsaparili andi Heod's Pis and le a shodrt tn e was Cuted." WILLIAM IIAsxETT, Brantford., ent. Sorofula-Il I was troubled wltbjsefu1a and impure blood. A ent on iuy atm wonld net heai. Hoed's SarsapaTilla was tecommended and after I bad tal7ion tlcree bettles Iwas well." nxx.RBNSM 2 Tteauiey Street, Toronto, Ont, NEWCASTLE. Visiýors :-Mr. and Mrs., Harry Stev- eus, Toronto, ut Mt. G. J. Belîs'; Miss Ida Eilbeck, Toronto, and' Miss Ethel Copelaud, Deserouto, at Mr. Geo. Eil- beck's;ý Mr. and Mrs. E.IiBeilman, Boy- manvilie, at Mr. Robt. 0iarlis'; Mr. R S. Rowland, Feuelon I'alls, and Miss Aggie Rowland, Desereuto, at homo; Mi-s. A. Nott and son Eruest, Welcome, at Mr-. Gee. P. Rickatd's; Mr. W. R. Douglas, Toronto, at boole; Mr. lia-iy Meakin, Pott Hope at'Mr,W. Jacksen's; Mr. W. Piekard is visiting his son at Notvood; Mi-. Ernest Gibson, Toronto, and Miss iIglow, Hope,at Nr.J.Uglow's; Miss Annie Muir, Bownanville, and Mrs. J. M. Muir and dhuld, Honolula, at Mr. T. Ellisons'; Miss Mubel Jordan, Toronto, at Mr. T. Keats'; Miss Fanny Ellenot at Bowmanv ie; Miss Minnie Baskerville,Clarke,at Miss Mina Scott's; Mr. and Mrs, McCoy, aud daugliters Blanche and Hazel, Toi-ente at Mr, W. Riekurds', P. M. ; Miss Mabel Rickard, Sliaws, gnest ef Miss Gertie Pearce; Mri. David Law, Pontypool, at homo; Mri. Ernest Lee, Toronto, with Miss Miinnie Parnelli..., Mr. and Mrs. McCoy favored the cougregation of the Method- iSt churdli with twe beautifnlly tender- ed duets Snnday. evenîng. . .. Master H{oward Taylor left Monday te join lis parents at Norwood. . .. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Churdli held a very successf ni strawberry festival at the )Oantifui homeofe Mrs. Wmn. Aluin, on Fr'iday.- vening. A splendid programn was rendered, consisting ef instrumen- ai music by Messrs. Scott and Middle - on, Miss Mary Aluin and Prof. Cooper. Recitations by Misss Minaie Eilh<'ck, Solos, by Mr. E. W. Allia, Bowman- vilc, and Miss Annie Allia. Duets by Miss Allun and Faauy Ellenor. Addres- os by tli dhairman, Mr. Geo. Rickard, and Rev.'1T. J. Edminson, and selec-. ions b/ the Newcastle Brass Baud. After the programme abuadance eto ]'tra beîriescake, ibe creami etc., were Wref i/d ail pi-sent spent a very on- oyabicèrniug, Mrs. Allin vith lier liarmiiig sons and daugliters malte- model lests and hostesses. TYRONE. Mi-.Riýchard Hawes, Otterville, was éecenitguest et lis son, Mr. W. E. Iawes. . .. Mr. Robert Awde is visiting is brother Mi-. Johin Awde .Domin- )fl Day was very quiet ln Tyrone most tf eut young people betaking them- 3eives te necighboring towns .. A pleas- tt eveming vas spent Frlday ut 1e junior pastor's receptien. The ,vnt was marl ed bv a participation iun ce cream, cake, etc.- Miss Alico Creep- î-, Miss Lena Cade, Miss E. Couch, and Rer. McK. Young ceutributed towards 1e litera-y,mupical and spiritual part, )f the program., , . Mi-. A. W. Annis' ,mmodius barn was raisod without tu accident et any kiad on Thursday. 'bis is uadoubtediy one ef the fineAt ' )uildings lu this section. The crowd g vas photegraphed by Mr. W. Andrus a ,.Mr. Harold 'Kelci, Mr. and Mrs S 3.F. Gardiner and dhiîdren, Cobourg, ti ire ameuir oui- visitors .... Rev. R. N. qj dams wiii p)reach his second intcrest h, ng sermon on Sabbath observance a ixt Lord's Day evening. ,Rer. McK, e oung, oui- junior paster, takes tie pic tuis Friday eveninz, "A geod ication ". Ail our yeung friends N case come. ... Tiec friendiy spirit ho- e veu ourselves and sister nation was IV 7inced bv the report et several Peurth P iily firecrackers, etc., on Tuesday. e: The foilowinz is a list etof csfu under geerl ies Boots and-Shoes, We have had a goed seuson in this depurtment and vo have- piaceci large orders for a Pull stock ut bottom rates. We are bound te clear eut preseut stock te make roem for them aud yeu can buy Boots from us nov ut prices that viii pieuse you and save your cash. Dry âooqds. For this week vo are putting on sale ut special prices a lot et new Linon and Pique Skirts. These are up-to-,date in evory wuy and the prices are lover thun you viii expeot te puy. A pile et Ladies' Print, Wrappers regulur price, 85e te $1.25, your dco for 75c. JustwReceived New Piques, Plain and Celors, aise Muslius and Oiughams,' &C., suituble for the hot weuther. Ribbons-We have just recoived direct, from Glasgow a shipment et rhbbons. Wo are sure that these are botter value than has ever been effered lu Bovnuanvillo. Whi'te -.;Wear. We have put eut for quick selling un assertment et Ladies' White Nîglit Gowns. Good material and handsemeiy made ut $1.00 oach, aise. several other specials in White Skirts, Corset Covers, Drawers, &c We lave a large stock oft tus class et geecis and are quoting vory spocial prices te clear. THÉ AS Visitera; Mi-. Edwai-ds,. Keene, ut Mrt. J. 'Kulter's; Mrs. Jory and daugh- ter, Peterboro, Miss McLeod, Rat Port- age, andi Miss Wilson, Brighton, ut Rer. J. S. J. Wiisen's . Miss Piloeuse and Miss Mdi\ahea, Toi-ente, andtihte Mi/isses Eversea, Harmony, ut Mi-. Jas. Couitice's; Miss Bonnie Richards, is visitiug trienda lu Port Pet-y and Miss Stella Richards lu Orone' Oui- base ba11 teum risited Rulydon on Jaly lat and lad a gamne viti their club. Tiey speuk vriy highiy et the vay tliey vero entei-tained andi enjoyod the trip muci; Thc Truil picnic whlci tukes place ou Saturday ut Mi-, Jesse Tî-uil's bids te be ene &eticlargest gatherings et theý ouason. EN NISKILLEN. Recent visitors: Mi-. and Mrs. F. Temple and famiiy, Toi-ente Junction, guests et Mi-. J". W. Williams; Miss M. id Mi-. J. E. Vu-tue and triead Mi-. W. liepherd atMr. J.W.Vintue 's;MissStaia- to Toi-ente ,und Mi-. and Mrs.J.Brovu, Tiny, gueats et Mi-. Jas. Stainton; tic atter received a warm velcome from ll theur eid fticds; Miss Minnie Rog- i-s homo fi-emlicr seleol in Pickering. ..Mi-. C. Brisbin lias gene home te Listowel toi- vacation.._ .Mis. FE anti Ni-. W. F. Rogers uttendeth îe fuaci-ul t the late Mrs. Frank Hozets, Whitby, hi-s. Rýogers is now visiting frienda in 'ickering .... At the rocent Promotion ,am ut Public Sehool Mr-. Stucey pro- îoted froni Junior te Senior 3rd, Olgu WVilliams, Duisy Tliompson, Flossie ye, Hiler Stainton; Prom Si- 2nd te Ir i-d, Albert Oke, Roland Vu-tue, AI- an Sylvester, Howard Stevens. MOTHERHOOD AS A PROFESSION. mck of Proper *Trainiug for Lt the, Cause of Most of Illuess'AmonÛst Chlldre». "Ideal nietherlooti ls the weurk net of nstinct, but et eulightened knovîctige onscientieusiy acquiroti andi cai-etully gestei, " vi-ites Helen Watei-soa Moedy, i "The True Meaning et Mothethonti," nthe Ladies' Homre Journal. "If natoraity la an instinct, niothetiood lsaa 'ofessien; and yet many a gi-i under- akes'it viih lss nndorstanding et bts lties anti boss anxiety for their diacharge aller vbe 19 temalte ber nov gowus,-oi- eo costumes et the liritiesmaida linlier veddbug procession. It is quite, the fasiion voadays, lu vell.io -do familles, to pi-o- de the daugiters viii anme apeciai uining hy means et vhîch they cenid i-n their evu breati -anti butter If tuie Rmiy fortunes shonîti sutiteuiy fail. Iii heidti ibchoaliogetier vise andi preper oeducate a daughter for- a possible pro.- Bson lu a remote coniingeucy, yet vhile 9 eut et 20 of ont- girls mar-y and le- omes mothers, ne training w4laterer for ho roui profession oetiheir lires le enught te ho neceaaary. Aay practicing mysiolan viii tell yen tint tour-tifths et eo ibîness among cihitirea coulti ho 'oidei!,hy lproper lino-veige and cure on eo part of 4hc meilpers, anti yet ou- girls -l tiat the ' viinuaSýt tile up coîlege seille- ount weuk, ýaid scientific whist aud tic ilijo, te get ai le oGxciiemeat into thel, ic-mat-e lires -until --te gi-eut excite- louietofMais>~age Coules,". tai is te t e' 19 thi thi ph t tee lac ME BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J.MCllurtry eo ~.sa FLOUR, P 00 iliS........ $1 95 te $2 2, 'KIIEAT,,Pull, -bush...0 00 er 0 7i3p Sprîîn .... O00îet0 70 R led Elfe ..000il 0 7,à GoosE 0 00ee il"0 61 BARLEY, e bush, Ne. J1..0O40 l 0 40 Ri il 'il2 .0 26 0 .5 'il fi il3.... 025 ,0 30 le I Two reved 0 25 0 îCl1> OÂ'rs,witele.....000 0iý li- ......0 00' 0 30 BTJOKWEAIT .......050 PEAS, Blackeye, e bush..0 f69 te i0t> IlCanadian Beauties.. (69 il'0O6 ilMumnmey il 0 00 tg O 55 ifSmali, Lt 0 00"if 0 G ilBlue, te 047 i 5. Bu'IIER, best table, #1 lb.. 0 00 fi 0 12 Eoos, P dOZ ............. 0001) f0 12 POTAToE,bush .........0 40ot'o l Ray per ton........... c 6Oo lAIR WORK.-Ladies vishin- halj- ALdone over, eall ai Mas. Dîc --) lÇ jl East ani Cor of eetario St BowmaINville. %-1Y _B ARDERS WANý '1PD-T wopioung- Mon wnedwi wloom togeiher, 'Ternis modeao Apply to MRS.WM.mcKowANc,,neU Ontario and Argyle ais., Bowinanivitl. L UMBER FOR SALE.-Henry 1ok uo n, Lot 12 Con 3, Darliugton, effets for ile ail kinds rough and d~ressed lumber, lattl an shîngles. Flooriag aad sidutng a spocialty. 117--S i».e FAR MbTO SELL OR PENT.- 10 JUacres b'ing south-west quarter amd ra t- wesi haif of lot 22, con. 7, Clarke, ou whie tr good dwelling bouse aud commeodious -ir buildings le gond repair. Large stone sals andi root celiars, excellent orchard, weli fen ced pieniy of water. Al lui first-class order. tl miefrein KirbyP. 0, Inquire ou the promss or to WILLIAM UýOONEy, Klrby, 221f. TOWN OF BOWIRANVLE. Bowmae-ville la beanttfully aituated o a- eminenco, sure-ouuded by pictnreîque se,-i orerlooktng Port Bevmaaville HarboronL Ontario, aed-ne of the prettiesi oxpanss i water in Canada. Ie summer hoata pi -cfl ie foul view up and doWe Sud the fine vt àu the Ontario & Richelieu Lin e cati boih wyl a sommer. The population of Bowmanvllla tween 3000amd14000. Streets aed sidlewalkir tdrst clasa andi handsome residences are ime, oua. Streets, publie ui2g~nc. ,arc ar ited th ë~eecriciîy. Abiiilae o'5 sprîng ater, gond drainage and-,relialeÈv Protection. The poitl service la ail that et i deaired. The Dominion Ilrgan & Pian( o's great factoriea for manufacturîugPrzani., Or. anüs, Bicycle Rima, etc., are locatedlefihereflil ~ieBowmanviltp Iiobber Co's works. ThvfQv excellent Public and High Scbools, neit sipý ed in Canada for eqoipmeeî and effem ly Tbe ehurehlea are MoîhodistPresby afla-> Episcopalian, Congregation'u, DiscpllovM Roman Catheuie. enîy iwo hoteis with rfLin able rates and other modern conve âtel Stores are tînnierous and carry foull11 o!Ili kinda of drst daissgooda ; coà petitiCII hki(1 and prices as low as in a dlîy. eeg ~afief telephone systems conneci the iewnwii Wti al places ,near, and distant. Port Bowmnanville rL~ beoigafavorite sumher resort, belg one- 9thmuihaliliful cbollis 0on tie inrth paper and eejoys a rery extenisive c-ireuilation. i-h towe standslaready te offer -libere lidc ments te faciories to locate iiu Boviisavîlle. Correpondence invited. - -- cine LAXA-LIVER PIL e-verv night for- thirty dayqs makes a com pieti- ure of li] ousnaëls anid constipation. Thtis- just 25 veau» tebeoured, BOWMANVI LLE.- You Are Lucky If you want a new Sait new ! We are going te send out the balanceê ef our Spring Stock at astonishingly low prices. We have had a big biz lu Clotldng this season likely the best we ever had and we feel likae making a dlean sweep. It wil l ot be our fauît if we dio net soul every' suit now lu stock before faîl goods arrive. We have placed our fait ord ors L) r importing and this is what the Globe of July Ist says in. spoakiug of the Dry Goods and Woolen Trade, "Not only are the goodi now much dearer than thoy vote 6 or 8 weeks ago, but owing te the enormous demand for geods European manufacturers in many cases P-ln4 themselves unable te guaranteo the fllling of erders in time for t[s en-, suing season's trade." Having our Faul steck of Clothing a Dry Goods bouglit under more favorable conditions than are now ebtainabie vo feel warranted. in selling eut presont stock off at greater teductierts than vo otherwise would cure to give. This viii most emphatically be the case lu Clothing, Men's and Boys' Suits wo aire now effering at meney saviug prices. Odd garmeuts of ail kinds at sacrifice prices. %àr o ceries A largo shipment of Granula ted andi Cream Yellow, Golden Yellow~ and Dark Yellow Sugurs just received,. We will sou for cash by the' barrel ut $4,00 pet iQO pounds for yellow and 85.00 per 100 pounds for granuluted. This offer may notet o ntinued more thun 10 days. Our regular lineofe quick selliug groceries are kuovu te bo the best value obtainubie. Try eur Teas, they are frem JC per cent, te 20 pet cent. COUICTICE. p d a t( E 0 Di

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