'J. HIQGINBOTHAM & SON, Chemnists and Druggistgi Fine Bath Sponges from. 5c to 50c. 'îxn f Witch Ilazel foi Sunburn, Tan , and Feckl.I~~. Crab Apple and Lilac Cologne, Florida SWater, Fine Perf urne and Toilet Soap. Foot Cornlort, and ail Toilet requisites. Tanglefoot Fly Paper, Insect Powder, &c. E J. HICCINBOTHAM & SON, BowmANVILLE. Druggists. M-o A Woman's Shoe slaould be like herseif -dainty and delicate --yet strong to endure. This is the Kingà Quality ail over. It's as pretty as a shoe can be made and as strong also, and yet it doesn't look as though it was muade for a man. People who dont know it, guess the price somewhiere around $5, and yet it is only $3. .Ask to see King Quality. TRAOEpK i s BOWMIANVILLE, JULY 12, 1899. HAMPTON. Visitors: Mrs. Sweet anti Miss May Gil, Exeter, at Mm, W, Sbort's; Mrs. H. anti Gladys Occomome, Tomonto, at Mr. W.Allun's; Miss Katie Dustan.Bowman- ville, at Mn. R. Katereon's; Miss Dicki- inson, Hope, at Mm. T. Rowe's; Mrs. S. anti Miss Jennie Wartioronfto, at Mm, J. Ward's; Miss M. J. Eliuott le spenti- ing lier vacation et Gravenliurt. A CARD. We, the undersigneti, do herely agnee- to efunti the mouey on a trenty-five cent bottie of Dr. Wlls' Enlilsh Pis, if aften using tbroe-fourtlis o! contents of bottle, they do not elieve constipa- tion antiheatiecie. We elso guarantee four botties wil ponvuanently cure Vie nmost obstinate case of constipation. Sat- isfaction or Jie pay rhen Wills'ils are useti.. Stott & Jury, cbemist, Bormanville. J. Higginbotliam & Son, cbernist, Bow. inanville. 2 4w SOLINA. Masters Arthiur Baker anti Harolti Williams successfully passedtihVe En- trance Exams. ... . Rev. H. W. Foley, B. A., Ma ple Grove, preacedt very abîy home Sunntav. . .. Mrs. W. H. Gor- iii has boen visiting lu Toronto.... Miss Lelia Hogarthi bas boen visiting frientsinl Qsara . . .. Rev. H. Thomas preadlies a temperance sermon hoe next Suntiay. ... Mm. T. Baker, C. C., has purclieseti a thorolmeti Yorkshire White sow Vo improvo bis stock frons Messrs. W. Allia & Sons, Hampton.... Vîsitors: M~r. Clarkie anti Miss Rlioda Hudson, Pickering, et Mr. 'T . Baker's ; Mm. Hertnell Colo anti Miss Editi Colo, Geneval at Mn., W. Werrv's .. . .New officers of Sauina Division; W. P.-Miss Laura Hogarth; W. AI-H. TiÙk; R. S. -S. Etigar Werry; A. R. S.-Miss Lila Branton; F. S.-Arthur Cox; Treas- Miss Atidie Pascoe; Chap.-Levi Wamd; Con,-Will, Smith; A. Con,-Miss Rose Ashton; 1. Senti-Miss Loa Argue: O. Sent-A. IL. Pascoo; P. W. P.-Silas Wer; Organist-Miss Maggie Pascoe. ENN ISKILLEN. Recent visitons: Mrs. Goodwin, Misses M. anti Etna Hoskini, Mms. Moyse anti son, Mr W. D--owney, Bormanville, Miss Nettie Reeves, Lindsay; Mr. C. Tamblyn, Oono; Miss Hayes, Man- cheoster; Miss Grace Rogers, Toronto, anti Mm. anti Mrs. WV. %W Noble are spending thib vacation liore. . .. Miss Luea Gilbont lias retunneti home from Whitby .. .. Mrs. Jno.Sylvester o! Wom- an's Inflrmary,New York City,is spenti- ing ber vacation he.... Mrs. George Preston has boen visiting frientis in Lindisay _.Mm. anti Mrs. P. Mamoney spont Dominion Day anti Sahbathinl Haldimaad .... Mrs. John Martin lias been visiting lu Toronto... . Mr. Josepli Martin is spontiing bis vacation ln Hamiltop, . .. Mn. anti Mrs. W.J, Stacey are visiting lu Cavan anti Menvers... Mrs. (Dr.) anti Mn. C. IH. Mitchell are visivinz in Pickering ..Miss Maie ~Virt Ve las accepteti a position as type wrýýiter at Heat ioffice I.O.O.F., Toronto. Rev. W. J. Wetienall anti !amily are nievsettiotiant i nu prove vemy tiseful aiIpopular la ticir great wrkm. rliey are muaking many frienis, -. NEWCASTLE.- Mr- -T -i-Ï.- Mrs.1iEd. Brittain anti chiîdren, Toronto, at Mr. J. Douglas'; Miss Eppa Warren, at home; Mrs. T. Douglas with ber daugbter, Mrs. J. H. Tugr St. a -s Miss Lizzie Argal guest of Miss Mande Clemence, Shaws, recentlv; Messrs, Rob. and ClareClem- ence, Kýirby, at Mr . J. M. Cobbledick's; Mr. E. B Neal, Port Hope, iith bis sister, Mrs. J. Uglow .. .. Mrs. ti. It- tain, Toronto, sang the beautiful solo "iThe Heaveaix Song," iu Vhe Methoti- ist churel Sunday evening, to the great satisfaction of the 'largo congregation. Miss Laura Rickardentertainedhler young frientis, Fridny, in honor of the Misses Blanche. anti Hazel. McCôy, of Toronto. RED H OT FROm THE GuN,-Was the bail tlîat hit GB. Steadman of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. 1V caused hor rible Ulcers. that no treatment lielpeti for 20 years. Then Bncklen's Arnica Salve cured hlm Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Bouls, Felons, Corus, Ski.n Erup- tions, Best Pile cure on eartih. 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteeti. Solti by Stott ORONO. Miss Mev inson is visting frientis lu Oshawa. . ..Miss Berthîa Pope bas retumneti home from Whitbv .. .. Miss Gertie Fisher, Toronto, visiteti frientis here recently ... . Master Arthur Lamb, Toronto, is visiting at Mr. J. L. Rowe's ...Mr. C. E. Cuttell, Toronto, visiteti bis father Sunday week .. .. Mr. Jas. Cnttell, G. T. R. agent at Potterville, MýchiZan, is home .... Masters Frank anti Grenville Boddy,Toronto, are visit- ing frîcutis ia town. ... Mr.Glea Henry, New York, visiteti frientis bore last week .... Mr. anti Mms. Schraf and 'famn ily. Toronto, visiteti ler father Mr.John Watson .. .. Mrs. H. H. Odeli anti son John W. Odeli,B. A., spent the 4th 0f July in Rochester.. .. Mrs. Bort Hockin, Miss Chester anti Miss Nellie Hockin, Toronto, visiteti frientis here recently.. .Editor Gale, of Vhe News, anti Mr. Cnas. Medlanti, foreman, were ln town Tuesdav evening week .... Mm. T. B. Moat, Tforonto, vîsiteti Mr. N. F. Hall ...W. 1IL Reidi, M. P.P.. was la town Monday week. Mm. Reid bas just re- turneti from Vhe Legislator's jannt through Algoina, andi is very muel pleaseti witb the trip.... Mr Chas. Adams. lias resigneti bis position of cheese maker at the faetomy on account of ill-health, Mr. Thos. Trumphour, Trenton, succeeds hi...... Mr. lDavid Noble lias bougbt Vhe Lewis Clarke farm, 75 acres .. .. The Cardon Party at ex-Wardea T. W. Uuderwoo>d's,, on Friday eveuing week under the aus piesof the ladies o! the Presbyterian churci, was agrand success. Proceetis SCRATCHEOTLi R Eczema on Lcg from Knee to Toe. No '~es' DaorNight. Doctor's Salves, etc., Cud Not Cure. CUTI CURA Rernedies Cured. My hnshand'e legs, fron knee te tees, were ithing with Eczemaa. Il ad no rosi day or lelgl, anti would scratchi so bis legs e'ould ho nlw. Rie Lad a gooti Many doctors, Who gave hlm about a peck cf hottles, salve anti other thingi to rub on, but noue did hlm any good. I toit hilm te try CUTounR remedies. 11e went tInt instant anti get CUTICURA .SO.tr, OcîcuUA (ointmaot), anti CUmICtIax RESOLTENT. Tht nîghibe resiet well, anti kepi geiiing heiierunoil liewas cureti, lra. H. Jzis, Mittleboro, Ry. lvsArMvrnouEF AND SPEFCuuTP.asTEATMET-A warn bath with drlcUuA SoAp, sud a single îaintieg With CUTOrîttA, foliowed by a full dosof CevîCosA IIsoOLvzNT, inslsntiy relieves and speediiy cures the moi torturing and disfigurlng humor, ef Ils skia, scalp, and lood, wllh lons of hssr, when al clsefolle. ,Aid lîregont euliwerld. POrve.B )AiDVCO 7oser., sole Fripe., fboston. *Hewta cure Every ijumor," Ires. SAVE VOUR lIAIR ÇI Çut AN INDIAN POTLAOH. 'Formationa of a Peace Society by the No. ble Ried Men-Distribution of Plankets andi rresonts. News wiït broughttby ie hésteamer Vili. àpa of a "tiolete iiyu" potledli now bo- ing bld ai Fort Rupert. TIc erstwhil6 quiet anti sparsely occupieti Inian vill- age, whca Vhe, steamer ieft, was crowieti with the swarthy tribesmaen, uearly 1, 200 having gethereti there, anti more wlyce coming luntinily. 1v seemc 51eV tho mid- winter dances,- the wild, weirti Tamon- amece,. or devil tances, lad been stenveti but Vive weeks \vhen Vhe chief -of Vhe Fort iRupert Indians sent hic messengers forth te eau Vthe tribes fmom the isianti rencheries andtihVe iarnilets of thc adjacent mainiant o a monstrous Dlot- ladh-n potiecli of potiadhes. The ebject of tie gathering lu VIe firsi, place was te cernent a friendship among the various tribes, andti tat this miight bc successfniiy accomplisheti, tbe chief of the ifort Ruperts decitiedtio establidli a society, a la Free Mesons, among tIe nom- Viennatives. Ah whe camne ie Veh organization were Vo lave thcîr brows deeketi with turbans of roti cetiar barli, for, according Vo thc superstîtibns of tIe legenti-ioving aborigines, Vhe roti cedar is suppocodtiev possece a chnrm. which work- ed into the inid anti ceucedth e wearer to have a more peaceable nature. Accordingly'Vie klootdhînen. were sont into VIe woodc Vo gathor Vhe mcd coder bark, anti lasketfnl after basketfnl were brouglit Vo VIe peece-loving chief of the Fort Buperts. Every Indian who came Vo Vie petiadli ias te le Vurbaneti with Vie berli, as the Odtifeilow is with regalin, ag an insignia of membership lu VIe new Society. Ije primary cause of the dhief's meve- ment was tînt VIe tongue of the scandai- monger was making ili-feeiing anti wiiem growing breohes betwçeen Vie tribes, f om like the people who live within tIe city wall, Vie Indiens lave aise nmoag Vhem, Vînso ivirs teligit to epreati celumny anti beclibite thoir, fellows. If there wnc Vo be poace among the tribes, VIe chief argnoti, ae h ts must be stoppoti, andti o bring about fnientiuineessVhe new ortier was Vo be estabisîcti. Whou the klootchmen returneod fromn Vie woods cerrying big packs of Vie pence-producîng barli VIe Fort Rupert tribesmen forsooli Vheir dancos anti gatI- ereti round, the group of totems lu front of VIe chief's lut, wiere, wiVI due pomp anti cimcumistnnce, tIc chief initiateti Viom into VIe now ortier anti boundth le barli arounti their tiusky fomeleutis. Tins decomaVti Vthey nwaited VIe domn- ing of tic visiting Siwashes. Thc iirsV contingent arriveti some Von heurs eftem Vie invitation, when seven long wnr daubes swung luto tie bey from. VIe northwarti anti poureti some lundroti or more natives ou Vo the beach. Wlien Vhe strango barli turbans were oxplainet tly cousentedti o obey VIe adjunets of VIe peace ortier, andi, like tIe Fort Buports, Viey wero initia ted anti lad Vie cedar bandages bont arounti their heatis. Tribe efter tribe came, untîl at lengtlî VIe beach wns crowtied wlth Vie big wnr canees for ndretis of yards, anti all ncknowledged Viat tic chiot's objeet wns a very lautinle eue, ant iconsentet o woar the berli beatidress. On Tiursday last, however, there am. miveti eue tribe who refucedti o join VIe pence society. A sturtiy yomig chiofteiu from Vie niainlunti arriveti ivith nine long canoos and'oetween 60 anti 70 bravos. As le swung into VIe canoe-littercd cove la front of tbe village lie, like Vie provi- ous arrivais, was astonishodti o sec VIe stmange ieadgear of tioce on shore, li, onqutreti frein tiec rowti wio awaivtid hic lantiing as te what it wns anti wbet it moant. The tribes, who were stetionet inusopar- ae groups, truce by tribe, elong Vie beach to welcorne Chief Jim, Volti him. that it was because a socievy lad been formedti o stop all qunrreliing. Ciief Jirn et once refusedti o jola Vie new entier, anti nu hic feliow-tribesmen saiti ho wonld not weer tIe coder berk. He stooti erect lu tIe feremoct cenoe, linrling hic refusai Vo the assemhleti tribes, waving a big scrord fnnntically tIc while anti making big show ef dcli- aunce. Oue ly oua vie tribes began Vo argue with hlm, each tribo, boginning with tic 3Font Ruperts, wio were stationeti u the 3upper enti of Vie bn'-talion of trîibusmen, Veliing him of the benefits which they hopeti woulti accrue froîn Vie new institu- tion. Tien, finding lie voulti noV yieit o cejoling, the truces eue after tIc other begnVo abuse Iirn. culling hlm, anti his followers ail Vie vile opithets Vie Smwash veruaculer poscesces. Ticy nore angoreti, andtihVe barli seemedti o have lest ehl its peat e-protiueing power. Some were for goig- into the cenoos anti bringing Vie meicontents lu by force. Whet mugit have'boen is noV linown, for,, seing Vint if it came Vo a quesvion of force, lie anti lis mon wouiti le ovcrpowered, Chief Jiîu sulmittei. Standung et Vhe bow of bis foremost canoe, lhe ordereti lis followers Vo mise, anti ail matie sweopiug bowc Vo, Vhe assembleti tribes, snying, as Vbey tiid se: fuily tic objeets of lis eociety, anti aketiÏ-éd if lie woulti net join anti le frientis. Chie! .lim,-boyeer, Nwas stili beiliger- enV. " What cen ne do"" e saiti. "YVou have us lu a hlb bite dogs. Vie have te, wear yonr maris. Moe are doge. " "Vs"replie thVe assembieti chiefs. I"we".e got TOU bore, anti youi've geV Vo "Vieil, ne sulmif," sait Chief Jim, "ifor we are matie, luke dog;." la rosponse Vo, a signal Irons Vhe port Hood's Pilns cure liver illOithe non-irritating and -puly cathartie to take with Ileod's Sarsaparilla. Rupert chief a number of klootchmer then stepped into the barn and bounti the lients of the prostrate msen with the barli. At the samne tiMe a terrible-looking apparition sprang înto the building fromj the roof and with demoniacal howls lie rushedte t and fro among the prostrato Siwashes. This was supposedte V be the ovil spirit which had corne Vo scare the mainland Indians into submaission. It was one of the Fort Ruperts, who, with masks and wolf skins, looked like a strange devil. Ho had been hiding lu the woods and came Vte riglten the tribe wbo lay arounti the ire in answer to a signal. Af er they had lain ia silence, nlot dar- ing to maise their boads, andi flt moving, despite the licat, the stoical Jim andi lis tribe sprang up at 9 o'clocli and. as they hati submitted, were recoived as frientis by the other tribes. Baglo feathers were placeti in their bark turbans, and they were hailoti as 'hIyu tiilicums" by ail. Peace was restoreti, and for having sub- itted the chief s presentod Chief Jim with a big canoe. According Vo Slwash custom, howover, lie must net keep hs craf t. Ho must give 1V away or break iV up, and just Vo show thora that he is "big medidino" Chef Jlm Is going Vo break 1V up. With the restoration of pence eacùu chief sent ont lis favorite dancers and Vhey began Vo dance with the objeet of seeing which tribe wvould have the honor of the longest-windcd dancor. Thon came another protest from Chiof Jim. Ho had noV corne Vo figlit for supremacy with dancers, he said, but with blankets, andi hebrouglit out a big copper box, ongraved with a strango col- lection of characters, la whldh %vere 6,000 blankets. This iV was determineti to break. and the tribesmen were thon to scramble for the 6,000 blankets. Biankets galore would thon be distrib- uteti, fo>, according to Siwash etiquette, the other tribes must also break boxes of blankets, andi the tribe whlch distributes. in hs fashion the most blankets is Vo bo declared victor. Whon the Willapa loft the boxes of blankets wen ti1 intact, but it was ex- pectod that the scramble for them wonld not long be deferred. .Aftor the scrim- mage for Vliom the assemblage ivili holti a sories of dances of ail sorts andi kinds, and thon corne the feasts. The breaking of the blanket boxes is postponed until the arrivai 'of the othor tribes bitiden Vo the feast, and ail of which are oxpoctot IVo join th, new order. Shouldth ley not do 50 of their own froc will they will be initiaoed by force, as we--e Chief Jim andi bis braves. A strange sight witnossed by a pason- ger of the Wiliapa wvho was prosont at the scones above doaceriboti, as that of an old klootchmaa who was distributing 500 blankets among the Fort Rupert tribesmen. Au lnteresting story hangs ou hils lithoe occurrence. The olti squaw was distrîbuting the blankets Vo pay np the dobt she owod the tribe. Mier son bati lately returned Vo Fort Rupert after sorv- ing a eim of fÈve years la the New Westmlnseer ponîtentiary for baving killeti a fellow-tribesmnan. Wlien liep son's case camne ap for trial she engagoti a iaw- yer, and being too poor Vo pay for his assistance, she asked the tribe for agsist- ance, whieli tbey gave. During Vhe fIve yeams hor son spent n jail the oldi lilooteliman was gatheriug ber blankets together, andi after lier lengthy struggle liad at last obtained a sufficient number Vo liquidate lier debt. There, with the visiting tribes looking on, she wac tlirow- ingd the blankets arounti among the Fort Ruperts to pay for lier strnggle for lio: sons liberty. While ongagcd in the distribution Vhe olti klootcbman from time Vo tirno aiseti lier sbrill voice and with lier arma out- stretchedt owamtis one of the Fort Rupert Indians present, she again andi again dhargeti him with having been the mur- dorer, for wliose crime lier son had spent fIve years in prison. The accuseti man linng down lis liead la silence andi neyer spole-lu fact there was a strange stillness un il the last of the 500 blankets was given out and Vhe oid, witlicred Siwash woman lad pamsed tlirough Vhs linos of tribesmen ont into the mysterlous dimness of the niglit. The potIacli is iikely Vo continue for some ime yet. SThoso wlio bave witnessed potiadhee bave of ten commented upon Vhe way the Indians stali endl other and draw mucli blooti. A passenger by tIe Willapa wlio saw this one investigatod 10wtVIls was donc while at For', Rupert, anti matie the discovery that Vhe stabbed ma was neot cnt, andi the blooti whieli followed VIe jabbing of the linif c into hlmtii neot coine from bis bocly. The dancers. it wvas found, bounti kelp aroundti tbir bodies containing blooti, and when thoy were stabed the, bluod uuzeti out of tIe kelp.' Tbougli Vothoso standing arouwnd it seemedteV corne from Vtheïr bodiies, Nin eteenth Century Folly. Trhe greatest piece of f olly of the nine- teenth century is to suifer the tortures of OSHAWA. Visitors:-Mr. John Kaiser, Weston, witi son, Dr. T. E. Kaiser; Mm. Jacki Sommerville, Toronîto; Mn. J.T.Goulti, Montreal, et homo; Miss Alice Brima- combe anti Miss D. Turner, Kempt- ville; Miss Annie Kinver, Sutten; Miss E. Sundens, Toronto; Dr. J. G. Me- Brien, St. Louis, et bis fathers, Dm. Me. Brion; Mrs. T. W. Lrnîî anti Master Percy anti Miss Hazel, anti Miss Mauti Barclay, Toronto, guests o! Miss Jennie Goyne; Mm. C. H. Gordon, editor o! the Ridgetown Standard; Mmc. (Rev.) Jas. Anderson, Belleville, et ber tiauglitor's, Mrs. M. F. Cross; Miss Emily Luke, Montreal; Messrs. J. Sheridan anti W. Bennett, Now York; Mr. anti Mmc, T. N. Kinsman, have gone Voe resie lu Toronto . . . Tic McLaugilin Carruage Ce., bave decidedt o open eut a brandli hanse la Winnipe..,.. Mr. anti Mrs.W. Laucilanti have goîîe on e visit Vo Eng- lent,.... Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Jackson visiteditheir son, Mm. Harry Jackson, Onllia .... On July lst the corner stone o! VIe Canatiiau Preslyterian clinrIdl ras laid bv Hic Worship, Mayor Me- Leugiuin, la Vhe «:pmesence of a large number of people. The members anti ex-members o! Vhe local anti Dominion Parliament, ex-mayors of the town anti the local anti other clergymen were la- viteti to take part in the procoedings. The ceremony ras commenceti by Vie paston, Rov. James Hotiges, B. A., fol- loweti 1v pravor, by Rev. A. E. Quinn, pastor o! the laptiât church. Mr. J, D. Stomie ýpresentedthetIcMayor niti a hautisome silver trorel, wha gave a sketch of the church in tlie pest. anti of tIe emction o! the present edifice. anti expresseti a hope that at the tiedicatory services the ientisome structure roulti le openeti free from doIt. There is ai- reatiy in Vie teasury npwamtis a! 89,000, nhicli covers more than haîf VIe con- templateti expenditure. AV the close o! lis remarie the stone ras lorered, Vo its position anti pronouncedti o le reli and truly laid. Atidresses rere -deliv- ereti ly Rev. J. J. Litdvy, M. A., au be- hlI o! Vie Ministerial Association o! the town; by Mm. Wm. Smith, ex-M. P. on bebal! of the parliamentary epre- sentativos of the county, anti by. cx- Mayor Parie on behel! o! Vhe munidip- altty anti by Rev. A. McAuley, Modem- atr, Pickering, on belial! o! the de- nomination, The chair ras very accept- ablyv filet lx' ex- Mayor XV. J.HI-are. EPPS'8 Distinguished eo for delicecy of erior quality tritive Jproporti ially grateful ai tiii.g t otho ne dyspoptie Sc EPPS & CO., 1 oeopathic Chenr don, Eugland. EPPS'S BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Ejorroctecd by J.1lIeMurtry eaehTu3esdar FLOUR,P4 100 lbs .........$81 Vo $2 2c WHAFaîl, bush ...000n:;.0 V spff .'0 00 n0 70 Red ]ýi ..t 0 00 et075. G7,o- .... 000 06ý4 BAItLEY, e bush, No. i1..0O40 n0OI40 11 il 2 .0 2 6 0 ýs 11 fi .0 25 leOSuï il ilTwo rowed 0 25 et 0 4o OÂrS, white in...........00 n O01 RYE il.... «....... 0 0 fi0 5 BUOKWEAT et.............O00 0 -O V PHAS, Blackeye, e bush.. O 61C n (;î il Canadian Beauties.. G690t' O ilMummey le 000 il l 5 Small, e 000ùle (' nBlue, il, O047 05& BUTTER, best table, e lb.. O00 t' O 12 EGffS, e doz ............o0 oo 01 l PoTATonS, bush .........0 4oý0 50O Hay per tonu............500,' LTJAIR WORK.-LadJies )wish' Ih .Ldonc over, eat a1t MRs Dl(;" so' Il East anti Cor of Inalo St B.Wman lvillet3 T EAHERWANTED-For S S.'NI summer holitiays. App ly stating qualif'isu anti salary expectedti t J. J. SMITH, Ennisit5ill B OARDERS WANTED-Twoy<, mon wanted who will room togethor. -i moderato. Ap)ply Vo Mas.Wm.McKownx,ce LOntario andi Argyle sis., flowmanville.- T UBERFOR SALE.-Henry H ail intis roughandi dresseti lumâber, 1V], shînges Flooriug anti sîiîîîg a speeielty.' TO SELL OR TIENT.- Fbsing sontli-wesi quarter anti i West half of lot 22, con. 7, Clarkie, on whe good tiweling house anti commotions buildings ln good repeir. Large sione st and root ûellers, excellent orchard, well fe: plenly of water. Ail la firiBt-class order. miefrom Kirby P. 0. lnqmire on Vhepr or to WILLIAM COONEY, Kirby. 2ý1 TOWN OF BOWIMANV1ILLE, Bowmenviile is beautiftully sîtuateti t eminence, surroundeti by pieinresque ses overlooking Port Bowmenville Harber on Otario, anti one of the preltiest oxpîusi w2u.,ii uu, o. T-Smme --ets I ______________in full view up anti town andth i tic L a , OAhVe Ontaneo & ichelieu Liaee aul oti way 0 C 0 A sommer. The population of Bowmauvýilleý CO Q teeen 3000 anti 4000, Streets anti sitewalh first classandu liancisome î'esidenees are n oos. Streets, public buildings anti rosido ýverywhere are Iligîtet with eleetrieilv. Aboutnd of apriug weter, gooti maiuage and reliaib flavor sup- protection. The postal servieis aIl thnt cÉ desîret. The Dominion Organ &'Piano1 and nu- great fectonies for manufactnrtng Pianos, fnsBicycle RAms, etc., are lenatetihere les. Spec- fheBewmanville Rubber Co's works. Tlic excellent Publie eut Higli Sclo, uisu ,nd corufor- eti luCanada for equipment 1 ÀelEc Thec durcies are Mîol v, Presb Va arvous and Episcopaîîan. Congregatova, iud i )dRoman Cathelie. Oiy two ie wlill Ddonly n aile rates anti other modem n Stores are aiumerociýs anti carry fuii - ilý ed JAIMES kluds of first eas ot;cmoîi Ltd., Homu at ncseuwsnet eo places neer and distanit. Port HOwmý,,j nîsts, Lon- oeeomring a favorite summner resort, 0ftic most'heeltif ilocam-ttionson oiý. shore. TuE STATESEÂAN!zIslVe 1popiLr (D à%à OA paper antienjovi a very -ext et The towu standi eaidy tooffGer lepm 000mente te feetories te loeate Ii 0ý %OU C-orrespondene iinitQetI. ##Example ("s Bettep Than Precept." .t Î(s fot what WC say, but wkat Hood>'s Sapsaparita does, that telis the story. housarzJs of testtimont'ais are exam pies of 'what Hood's hias done for 'others, and whzat it wiII do for you. DyspePSia - "I1 nas weak anti had fainting spoils. Dyspepsia and Indigestion lu severe formm trouileti me. Five bottles of Hood's Serseparille matis me Weil and Etrong." MES. WILL AM VArIVÂLREEDtIE, WbiVby, Ont. tA Cood Medicine - "We have Vtaken 'Rod>is Sa rsaeilielau r--femily as a spring medicine anti useti Hood'à PlUs for billousuesa anti founti loti medicines very ýffective. For Impure blooti we kuow Hoot's SarsaparIlla la a gaad motilcine."1 I. S. PELTON, publisher lise, Atwoodi, Ont. Z4-ý__ L- THE NMASO N Go, BOWMAN VILLE, Von Are Lucky If yen rant a non Suit non ! We are gohng Vo send eut Vie balance o! our Spring'Stock et astonishingly lor pricos. We kave had a bigý biz lu Clothing Vils season likoly the lest ne ever had and ne feel like making a dlean sreep. If wnu noV be our fault if ne do noV soîl every' suit nor ln stock before feul gootis arrive. We have pleced our feul ortiers f, r import.ing and Vhis is nIat Vhe Globe o! Juhy îst says ln speaiing oVeDry Ioods and W oolen Tratie, I'NoV only -are Vie gootis non muci dearer Vian tiey were 6 or S rocks ago, but owing Von"'e enormons demand for goods Buropean manufacturers lu meny caseî1 âd tiemselves unable Vo guarantee the filling o! orders ln time for thig-4 en- sning seson's trade." Heving our Faîl stock of Cloti-ing and Dry Goods bonght under more favorable conditions Vlan are non obtaineble, ne feel rarranted lu solllng our present stock off et greater reductions Vian ne otiemnise wo-ahd came Vo give. This wnu most omphaticehly ho Vie case in Clothing, Meni's end Boys' Suits ne are non offering et. money saving prudes. Odd garments o! ail kintis et sacrifice prices. 0roC erl1ie s. A large shipment o! Granula ted and Cream Yellow, Golden Yllow, and Damk Yellon Sugars just received. We,.wnu soîl for cash by the barrel at $4.00 per 100 pounde for yellow aiid $5.00 per 100 pýountis for ganulatled. This offer mey net le contlnued more Vian 10 days. Our~ roguler lineofo quick selling grocerios are kuownVo be tîte lest value oltainehie. Try our Teas, tiey are front 10 per cent,.t 20 per cent. untier genc.ral prices. Bo%t s anI&mld "Shlio ek;s, n e aepl We have had -a gooti season lu Vils depertmcnt adw aep e large orders for e Fehi stock at bottom rates. We are bound Vo- c car ont prosont stock Vo ni ake room. for tieun and yen cen luy Boots from us non et prices Viat nill ploase yen and save your cash. Diry "Goobtds, a For this rock re are putting on sale et spociel prices a lot of non Linon and Pique, SklrVs. Tiese are up-to-date in every ray and ther prices are loner than yen u ioxpect Vo pay. A pile o! Ladies' Print~ Wrappers rogular price, 85e Vo $1.25, your choice for 75c. JustReeed Non Piques, Plain and Colore, aise Muslins and Gingiams, &o., suitalle for the bot neether. Ribbons-We have just roceivod direct from Glasgow a siipment o! rilbons. We are sure tiet these are botter valne tien bas ever boen off ered lu Bormanville. W hit e W ealr. We have put ont for quick solling au assortment o! Ladies' White Night Goras. Gooti materiel and handsomclv matie at $1.00 oach, also- several etier specials lu White Skirts, Corset Covers, Drawers, &c We have e largo stock o!Vhils clees o! gootis and are quoting vemy special prices Vo cleam.i THEMAONCo