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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1899, p. 5

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ANNOUNMENT NO., 8. llothing is too- Good fo, yn This is parti cularly true of PARIS GRIEEN. Most people remnember how strong Paris Green was years ago when they paid 40e a pound for *t. Now lots of it is adulterated. Ours is the old fashioned kind. Its îimported direct from"01Od England". 1ts the best the world produces. L'Jse no other. We are sellng this ~extra strong quality at 25e a. pound Ipounds for $100. ',ORLEY CAWEER. III JUII ANNOUNCESIENT NO. 4. flu stocktaking'we found somne Odds and Ends. We are clearingr them at big, reductions. ý00 Tooth Brushes ehoice for 10e. !~farBrushes worth 25,choice 15e Slair Brushes worth 60e to 90c, chiefor 50e. IJ flair Brushes worth 75c, to $1.00, chioiceý for 60c. 12 flair Brushes worth $.1 to $1.25, 1choice for 90c. Little Liver Pis, (best lu. the mar- ket) 2 boxes for 25c. Sponges for rough work 3 for 5c. Sponges, fine quality, 5ce to $1.50. Spectacles 15e, to 50e ehoiee for 10c. Sýpectacles 75e to $1.50, ehoice 50e. Spectacles, soid gold $3 to $6. lland Brushes Vý fur 5t. Ilood's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's prepar- ation, Celery Compound, Scott's Emulsion, N. and L. Vegetable Diseovery, &c., full $1 size, 75c. Root Beer (unaking 5 gallons deliel- ous temperance drink) for 10c. J.IH.H.J 'uRv, ' MORLEY CAWKER. 91BAND VRIJNK RAILWAY. 'fBowmANviLLE STATION. GoING EAST. GOING WEST. E.- vress .. l ;'Za. m, . E x pres18:::5 2 3 a. M *Express ... . 10 7 . . Lca .S18 Passenger .. . S3lpm Passenger.. 1 35 p. m Local. 65pm t Express... 4.31 p.m. 'Exre... 103" IExpress.. . 7'39 0 'Dail~.t Sundays only. STOTT & JURY. Town Agents BOWMANVTLLE, JIJLY 26, 1899. Gem Jars, Fruit jars at Nichoils'. 251)DarninigNeedies5Seat Nieholls'. Rubb)er Rings for gem jars at Nich- ells'. 7 only Gent's Leather Bets 49 ets at 'Nieholfs'. Miss Victoria Tamblyn is visiting Miss Vrgie Barclay, WÈitby. Master Burton Taylor bas returned rom a bicycle trip to Toroato. M1iss Inez Pearce is guest of ber grapdmother M1rs. H. Pearce. Organdie and other Muslins selling off atreue prices at Coueh, John- ston & Cryderman's. Mr. Thos. Bassett and Messrs Ed. Bassett and Chas Tamblyn are camp- ing at Lake Scugog. The primnary class of the Methodist Sabbath School held a pleasant pienie at the Lake, Tue,ýsday afternoon. Mr. W. W. Tamblyn, M. A', was in Toronto, examîinng Deparîmental eam.papers at the Normal School, Ail orders for trips to the lake in Mc. Murtry's b)and waggon should be lef t at his oldi office and will receive prompt attention, Mrs. Edl. fodgkiss and daughter, Lunie, and 'Mrs. H. J. Lawry, Elamil- toni, are visiting their si;ster Mrs. J. H. (Yderman, Ontario St, JC Weeks bas a drop letter box in tedoor of bis shop, Market Square, or acard dropped in the post office will receive prompt attention, Mrs. A. L. Vanstone, Miss- Sinclair and Masters Russeli and Wilfrid and Miss Gertrude Vanstone, Brantford, are visiting Dr. W. E. Tilley andi ottner relatives here. .1ev. S. ,J. Shorey, Peterboro, is at- tnding the fourth International con- vention of the Epworth 'League at Indianapolis, Ind., where be taltes part i the program. Over 1000 samples of wall vaper to seleetfrom-rnodern lovely patterns-- iroiçm ýe to 55eper roî.l. Paper-banging do" ' at 10 cents when paper is ordered Fra te- J. C. Weeks, Ontario st. Ora few seventeen jewelled Move- mients lef t. SelLinZ at the price that ýo1hers ask you-,for an ordinary Watch and cased in gdlflled cases as well as in Sterling Silv-er. Huirry up if you want onie. Rickards is the Ppace to find tbem. Thtrsdav-, Jutly2I, l11ev. W. Kan nawi, She1burne, who supplied St. 3Paul's pulpit for 1ev J. H. Turnbull, M. A , wvas former]l% indncted Into the pastora.te of Omrnee, 11ev. J. G. P6;tter cf S,. Andrew's, Peterboro, presiding. Hain Pins lec a buncb ai Niebolls'. Wbite Tape le a buucb ai Niehoils'. Leather Beits baîf pnice ai Nîcholîs'. Mendiug Cotton 2 cis a card ai Nieb - olis'. Bicycle Belis for gentlemen ai Riek- ards. Miss Biekeil, welcome, is guesi of Mn. Jas. Riekard. Full inhueof men's and boys' strair bats ai M. Mayer's. 1ev. Wm. Johiffe is visiting relatives iu Wisconsin, fU. S. Miss Barbara Yellowless, Toronto, is home for vacation. Miss M. Adehalde Cawker is visiting friends lu Toronto. Send your work 10 Jas.Goard,Watch- maken ami Jcwelier. Miss Olive flislop is visiting ber aunt Mns. Cooper, Whiiby. Get your sehool supplies ai Jas.Goard, Stationen and Jcweller. Mr. H. Kennedy Gray, Peterboro, is guesi ai Mrs. W. H. Hanison'g. Mn. Chas. Keilli bas gone 10 Whitby to work in the Chronicle office. The Publie Library and Reading Room bas been choscd for repairs. Mr. Perey Barrett, St. Catharines, îs vîsiiing bis mother, Mrs. J. C. Weeks. Watches, dlocks, jewelcny, spectacles, rings, etc., nepaired by Jas.Goand,Jew- The Bowmanville Lacrosse team are expected 10 play Oshawa boys this week. Mn. Chas. Sweet, Essex, visited bis sister, Mrs. S. Mason, Kiug St., hast weck. M,. John Grey, Harniston, formerly of Tyrone, is guest of Mrs. James Me- Feeters. 1ev. J. H. Turubuli, M. A., pneacb- cd lu St. Andnew's churcli, Whltby, Suuday. Make a note of'the big sale of Sum- mer goods ai Coucli, Jobuston & Crv- denman's. Jusi a few Sterling Silver Enamehed Bell Chasps lefi ai Rickard's will be sold ai a reduction. Mrs. Isaac Smale, Lindsay, is visiting ber sisten-iu-haw, Mrs. JohnL. Perkin, Who is very 1l'ow. Mn. Chas Dickinson of TisE STATES- MAN staff is spending his vacation in Rocbester, N. Y. Mrs. Lewis Jolhow, Miss Ella and Master Howard Jollow are visitiiu fieuds lu Toronto. e Do you want a perfect fitting suit? If so eave your order ai Coucb, John- ston & Cr3 denman's. Mrs. Wm. Rankin and daughten, Marjory, Toronto, are visiîing ber mothen, Mrs. Chas. Tod, New subseiptions reeeived ai Tiis STATESMAN officeý,, six days a week be- twenu 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. A fcw good Leather Belts for sale ai Rickard's at a reduccd price, fine for camping on moning Wear. Mr. Charlie Corigan, Toronto, and Mn. Addison of Toronto University, are camping ai Port Bowmanville. Mrs. J. K. Galbraith 15 visiting Mn. E. G. Silîs, ex-M. P. P., Bellvillc,whose daughten was dnowucd lasi wcck. 11ev. S. fiRice, wife and two daught- ens, Milltown, N. B., are guesis of ber brother, Mr. W. E. Polard, Salem. Mn. Neil Yelowlccs bas rcturued from Cilton 10 accepi a situation lu the Dominion Organ Company's factory. Eldmr, Dempster & Co_ announce the followiug reductions in Beaver Line Steenage rate, Montreal to Liverpool $25. Now is tbe lime for arranging for your papering, kahsomining, painting. etc. J C. Weeks eau serve you satis- factorily. Mrs. Thco. Sweit, St. Catharines, and Miss MeGihi, Exeter, speut Suuday in town, guesis of INrs. John Wiekett, Horsey Si. Mn. Thos. Ycllowlecs, Whitby, To- ronto, 13 stock takiue' ai R S. Cor- mack's, Whiiby, wbo bas sold oui to Mn. Will Richardson. Mn. T. J. McMutry wiih u bis baud waggon 10, the lake every Friday 10 meet Garden Cit y. Leave onders ai bis old office on Thunsday. tf. Trinity Sunday Sehool bad a spheudîd urne ai iheir pienie ai Jackman's fiais, Friday afiernoon. Tbey report il an ideal place for a pienie. AIl work-painting, kalsomining, papeing-guaranteed wben doue, by J. C. W eeks. Gel orders lu carhy bc-1 fore the.greai rush begins. Present STATE5MAN sttbscribens wbose subseiption for 1899 is paid eau bave tbis journal sent t0 any f iend 10 the century for only $1.00. Orden 10 day. 1ev. C. Parkr, Napance, rcceived mauy a beanin bandsbake from bis numenous friends wbile lu town hast wcek. fie was on bis way 10 Sout4ern Muir, isses Ciaaand Care Allen le! t Monday eveing bY Str. 1'flamilton"' of the OUtario and Richelieu Navigation Co. line, for a tnip dowu the St. Lawrence and to visit Monireai and Qucbee cities. This is one of the cbeapest and best o>uiings to be biad froin ibis ,qsrîiau naythere be who should take it.11 besthoaf býrea md wt Pure Gold Yeast, 2-for best pan biscuits baked mUth. Pure Gold Bs qkiug Pcwder, *and 8-for best dish of curdis and cream made ý vith Pure Geld XVine of' Rennet and fla-vored with Pure Gohd Extraci of Vanilla. Al ihese Pure Gold articles are s->ld hi Cawker & Tait and John McMurtry. Now, ladies, let there be keen comipetition. AU work guaranteed by Jas. Goard Get your lanterns,candles,etc. of Jas Goard. Bowmanville Civie Holiday, Mondav August 7th. Great bargains in Ladies' Sailors a M. Mayer's. Men's and boys'linen bats of ail kindi at M. Mayer's. Mn. Ford Quiek bas returned to In dian Head, N. W. T. M. A. James is Government issueu of Marriage Licenses. Mrs, R., H. Collacutt, Salem, is visit ing friends lu Toronto. Mr. Walter Baker, Cobourg, is visit ing Mr. Geo. Freeland. Miss Mary and Master John Gi arE sisiting friends in Toronto. Mr, Albert B. Coucb, Toronto, if spending holidays at borne. The latest and cheapest in fedoraE and stiff hats at M. Mayer's. Mrs. T. Gili bas returned to Toronte af ter two weeks' visit lu town. Miss Annie Cook, Toronto, is visiting at Mn. J. Sinclair's, George St. Miss Ethel Bennett. Tor-onto, is g'uest ,of hier sister, Mrs, J. F. Manning. Miss Alice Scott, McCaul St.. Toron- to, is visiting Miss Winnifred Jones. If you want a stylish Beit Buekie for a small amount of money go to Rick ard's. Miss Rose Hall and Miss Jessie Duns- ford, Toronto, are guests of Mn. Fred, fleal. Misses Flossie and Aida Burton, Tor- onto. are guests of Mr. W. Law,$Liberty street. Miss LiDton who bas been visiting Miss Hulda Log-an bas returned borne to Gaît. Mr. and Mns. W. Hi. Williams, Con- cession St., visited 11ev. J. flodges, Oshawa. Mr. W. G. Gloven's bus bas received a coat of paint and looks ver-v gay in its new dress. Parasols of ail kînds sellhing off at reduced prices at Coueh, Jolihnston& Crydermau's. Some hunes of Dness Goods selling off at about haîf price at Couch, Johinston & Crydermanýs. Mrs. T. C. Jewell and Miss Frankie Jewell have returned fromn a pleasaut visit lu Tornto. Mr. Wm. Jewell, Batavia, N. Y., is bere attending the funeral of bis bro- their, Mn. Isaac Jewell. Mr. W. S. McKo wan, foneman of THEi STATESMAM oflice, visited relatives in Port Hope over Sunday. Mrs. C. Wý. Hicks and twc eilîdren, Grand Rapidis, Mich.. are visiting bier faîher, Mr. John Perkin, A beautiful lot of uew Blouses selling off for very littie mîney at- Coueli, Jolinston & Cryderman s. Messrs. Robt. and John Coyle, R1. Rutherford, Coîborue,, appie 'buvers, are here looking up fruit. 11ev. John Abraham , Whitby, preached two interestiug sermons in St. Paul's church Sunday. The latest songs. l0e. Send for cat- alogue. Instrumental and vocal music always lu stock-Jas. Goard. Mrs. A, L. Nicholis and eilîdren are visiting bier parents ai Niagara Falls and sister at Chippewa and Buffalo,N.Y. Mrs. Wilson aynd family, Port New- castle, have moved to town and taken residence lu Cornish's Terrace, King St E. The pnice of ebeese bas risen con- sîderabl.v during the last few days 9e and 99e being quoted on tbe market on SaturuLay. Mn. S. A Choate, Toronto, who bas been visiting ai Mn. R. H. Collacutt's Salem, has returned borne af ter a pleas- ant visit here. The Steamer "Torpedo" of Toronto. ou hier wax' to Ottawa via the Rideau Canal,' called ai Port Bowmanville Tuesday uight. .Mr.llI.Ben-nett, Toronto, was guest of bis daughter, Mrs. F. J. Manning, and received mauv bearty gneetings froim former acquaintances. Mn. and Mrs.Clare Gilbank, Toronto, Miss Maggie Gilbank,Londou, and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Thompsou, Oshawa, are camping at Port Bowmanville. When Messrs. Coucb, Jobuston and Cryderman announce a reduction sale, depenid uponi it thev do as then adver- tise. Read their advt. on first page. The examinens at the Normal sebool flnisbed the marking of Form IL. papers on Saturday The results will flot be made publie until the second weo.k of August. Dr. W. F. Tamblyn, B. A., bas suc- cessfully passed the exams of the Provincial Normal College. Mn. N. S. McDonald was also successful at the Normal Sehool. The Methodist Sunday SebooIl bave 25 Sewing Needles le as Niebolîs'. Mr. Wm. Freeland, Toronto, is home fer vacation. Miss Greta Simpson 15 visiting fniends in Detroit, Mich. Mrs. W. Hallett, Thornbury, is visit- ing bier sister Mrs. W. Puley. West Durham Fair pnize lisits wilI be mailed finsi week in Aug-ust. Miss Emma Brown. Toronto, is guest of bier uncle, Mn. Thos. Bassett. Miss Ethel Petenkin, Toronto, bas bfoen visiting Miss Ethel Mollon. Miss Mary Cryderman is guest of Mr. and Mns. R. J. Jolinston, Lindsay. Mn. James Smith is lu Neweastle this week on business.-Galt Reformer. Mn. and Mrs. James Gilbert, Eufield, spent Sunday ai Mn. John Giibent's. Miss Ethel Towusend, Toronto, is guest at Mr. R. Richards' Ontario St. Miss 'Minnie MePherson, Toronto, is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. J. N. Lawrie. Miss Florence Dale, Brooklin, is visiting bier brother, Mn. W. F. Dale. Reader. bave you money lu pocket that rig-htly belou-gs to M. A, James? Cbildreu will ail want to attend Bow- manvihie Fair tbis year. Wby? Wait. Miss Ida Richards bas returued after a pleasant visit wiîb friends lu Ponty- pool. Mrs. Chas.Doucaster and Miss Adella Doncaster are visitinig relatives at Onillia, Make a date with your besi girl 10 go to Kingston and'the 1000 Islands Aug. 18. Misses Phillips, Toronto, are i7isiting thein cousins, the Misses Rundie, WTell- ington St. Mrs. R. Monroe Miss May, sud Mas- ter Sydney, Toronto, are visitiug ai Mn . S. Alliu's. Rey. D. N. MeCamus, pastor Cobourg Methodisi chiurcb,is enjoyiug- a moutb's holiday ai Keene. Mn. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchel. visited friends iu Brockvilhe and attended the Fireman's Touruament Oshawa is making au effort to bave the Tampa Cadets, of Tcrouto, visit that town ou Labor Day., Mn. E. A. Rutherford and family are rusticating down castinluthe vicinitv of Bowmauvilhe -Gaît Reformer. A by-law to raise $15,000 for a uew ehectrie hig-ht plant for Picton was voted on and carricd. by a majority of 51. Mn. Richard Joues, son of Mn. W. J. Joues, agent Standard Bank, is home from Bisbop Ridlev College, St. Cath- arines. Toronto World, Jult- 25, says:-MNiss- es L. D. Keitb, L. C. Annini, E. Bros- ingtonaud G. fluhl, of Newtonville, are ai the Quiecn's. Messrs. Geo. Mason and Mcrwiu Worth hef t ycsterday mornng on the St. Aune deBeaupre excursion 10 visit Montreai and Quebec. Wc notice some bad thistle patches ou the road side in Darhiugton. Pate- master are hiable 10 heavy penalty for allowiug them 10 go 10 seed. The bo3dv o! Robi. G. Ingersoîl, the great a,, ýoiitie, who died suddeuhy hast we'ek, ii >Iew York City, will be cre- mated -., 9ecordance witb deceased's wish. Prof. Vogt wili show oun citizeus thie superion quahîties of the uew ongan lu the Methodist churcli to-right. Go 10 hear ibis taleuted professional organisi play. Good vocal pnognam 1to. ExOHiANGu, or DUTY.-Tbe 11ev. Can- ou Farucomb, Newcastle, will conduct the services in St. john's cburcb nex t Sund av, and 11ev., R. Seaboru will take bis dnty at Newcastle and Orono. Mns Eliz. Moore, Denver, Col , bas been bookcd by M. A. James, agent of tbe Allan Line, 10 sal from Monti-cal next Thursdav ou the S. S. ParIsi*,6an for Engiaud. She is mother-in-haw o! 11ev. W. F. Allan, B. D., formcnly of Newcastle, Ont. Rev. Dr. Taliug, Toronto, visited bis sister, Mrs R. White, ou bis wav home from London, Ont., whiere he had been assistinglat the corner stone layiug o! a new Presbyicnian churcli, for the] cougregation of which be was formerhy pastor.-lleformer Bowmanv ie Fine Brigoade won ai the Firemau's touruameul at Brockvilhc lst prize for Besi Uuiforms and isi prize( for c9)mpanv eomiug Iongest distance. 'The baud <f the Dominion Organ Co., Bowmauvihe, screnaded their agent,, Mn. J. Cuntin, ai bis store. "-Recorder. Tbe opcuing of the new organ of the Methodist churcb, ibis (Weduesday) ev- cniug, bids fair t0 prove the musical eveni of the season. It s an oppontuuity our citizens bave neyer had befone and they will no doubt eagerly embrace it. The churete doors wiloe open ai 7 80. Concert commences aiS8 o'clock. Tickets onhy 25 cents to ail paris. Go carhy. mAIT, 71owmanville, The Popular Grocers. Telephone No. 65, ..T-ISWEEK. If You Want Them Hustie. Organdie Muslins worth 25e for 121c. Organdie Muslins worth 12,1c for 8e. Zephyr Ginghams worth 25c for 15c. 4 4 '-)c for 121c. 15e for 10e. Ladies' P-Pint Blouses worth 40e for 19c. Best Prints in the trade, worth 121c for 8e. Prints. Fast Colors, special for 5c. Ladies Cotton ilose, worth 17e a pair, 3 for 25e. Dress Goods worth 50e for 25c. Dress Goods worth 25e for 12-le. Linen Table Darnask worth 40e for 32e. Linen Table Damask worth 30e for 23e. White Bed Quilts worth $1.25 for 95e. Toweliing worth 10e for 7c. Toeln worth 5e for 3e. Colored Cotton Shirting worth 10e for 7*1e. Colored Cotton Shirting special for 5e. S. W. 11ASON &,5ONf» BOWMANVILLE. Next door to Standard Bank.. NARBRE A-ND GRANITnE WORKSlwyb, B0 W M A N V1L LE,. eRI. BUNSLL, Manufaetuier of and Dea1etr in Fine Monumental Work, In best aOtrades Oî Cfaterrial. Call and get rny priees. I arn sure my work will please you. Now is the time for Room Paper. A lady said to me last week, "I sent away for paper for my hall but after seeing what you have and your prices, I arn very sorry.' Don't be misled. Don't buy from samples. Inspeet my patterns, get my prices, and know what you are getting. Satisfaction is the word. Window Shades. No culîs, and no trasb, ahl good stock and good value. Curtain Poles very cbeap. Pictures, Picture Frames and Room Moldings are specialties with me. No troub!e to show goods. Choice Window Plants for sale. P. TRIEBILCOC.K.' BOWMANVILLE. È.- AN EASY PROPOSITION Beauty atil style withoitt conifort is easily obtainable, conîfort with- out appearance is equally simnple. You never saw an ugly pair of "Slater Shoes, - yet mnany ot th en ~ cover co>mfortably nost unlovely =- The cointitn cf ILbese two- coinfort and beauty-are only to be ,~,~,.Z9 .. f lhadîn the "Slater Shoe. Made iir twelve shapes, on lasts niodelled froiu actual feet, ail widths and sizes, jj eterstyles and colors. vrypair Goodyear welted, naine and P price stanxped on the sole. $3.50 AND $5,00. JOHN. HILLYAR, Sole Locali Agent. Weare- For the finest Groceries, Fruits, Provisions, Cooked Meat and ail Camping Supplies in the town. Notices of Births, Marriages.and Deaths 50 cents: when muarria-. licenses are obtalned. or fanerai notTes printed at this office, insertion free. BORN. MCPHEnsoN In Marshalltown, Ta., July 15, to Sberiff and Mrs. J. W. McPherson,. a soli. BUNNER.-At ilaliburton, July 14, to Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Bunner, Blairton, a soli, 1BALL-At 335 Markham street, Toronto, July 18, the wife of.Geo. B. Bail, of a son. KNOX.-in Orono, Jnly 16th, the wife of ZMr. Andrew Kuiox. of a daugliter. TALLING.-At 148 Berkeley street, Toronto, July 19, to Rev. Dr. M. P'.'Talling and wife, a soli KETCIINuv-At Cobourg, July 20, the wife of bis Honor Jndge Ketcbnm, of a son. HIGGINBOTRAMI.-In Milton. Jnly 16, te Mr. and Mis. A. Hîggînnthlam, a daughter., COULTHÂ3iD.-Iri Oshawa, Jnly 9, the wife of Mr. R. A. Conthard, of a son. MARRIED. MCLÂUGHLIN - ARMSIRÇCNG. In Lindsay, July 19, by Rev. Thos Mannii g B. A., Mr. J. T. MeLau ghlin. Oshawa, and Caroline, second daugliter of Mr. J. D. Armstrong, Lindsay. BRÂArON ELLIs8 - In OshaWa, July 12, by Rey. A.E. qulun, Ntr. \Vesley Branton and Miss Emma Ellis. botlh of Oshîawa, DIED. JEWELL. - In Bowma,,ville, July 24, Isaac Jemell,-aged 67, y ars, Puneral to-day (Wedlies- day) at 2.80 to the ceaietery. MOORF.Y. -In Darlingtoîi. on Friday, July 21, Ethel M.ay, daugliter of James and Elizabeth ,M. 3. Moorey, aged 3 years and Il nioilths. BAIN.-At Wbitby, Juiy 18, Agnes Brown, relict of the late James Wallace Bain, in lier 82 year. TALLIG.-At 148 Berkeley street, Toronto, July 1p. William CU(ooper Earte, s8 Di fBev. D)r. Tailiiig, aged on1e day. GRAY.-In Oshawa, Joly 19, Fauthl Saunders, beloved wile oi George G.ray, aged 43 ytars, 6 moiltbs and 19 days. JOHNSsON --Il] Oshawa, July 19, Isaac Nassau .JohnerOn,, aged,27 years, 1 montiliSnd 2 d1asB. Gowx.-Ti'o vowmanville,Juiy iStb .H, ena B. Holske, ioýýved wlfe of Aloierti B. (otw caged 24 yelrs., leVKER &bb 81011 & MRY. 1

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