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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1899, p. 8

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J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, Chemists and Drue'ists. AIR.- FieB t Soe s(from 5c t 5.j E Cream of Witeh ilazel for Sunburn, Tan, E and Freekies. E Crab Apple and Lilae Cologne, Florida EWater, Fine Perfume and Toilet Soap. E Foot Comfort, and ail Toilet requisites, E Tanglefoot Fly Paper, Inseet Powder, &c. J. HICCINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMÂNVILLE. Druggists. TEACHERS 0F BUSINESS. S-'tudy Business. Do -not think you can make a snccess of business knowing littie about business. More than ever in the history of the world employers demand of their empiloyees* * a practical knowledge of business affairs. The teaching in this college is the kind that con- forms with the practice of business life. We impart an actual knowledge of book-keeping, stenography and type writing based on business principles. Hundreds of sue- : testimony of this fat * llandsome calendar, beautifully illnstrated, and telling how successful business men owe their success to the teachings of this college, will give you particulars of ouàr methods -of teaching and mnany other useful and helpful business hints. It is yours for the asking fi von mention this paper. Students ean enter the College at any time. BRITISH AMERIGAN BUSINESS GOLLEGE. Y. M. C. A. Bldg, Cor. Yonge and McGill Sts, Toronto. DAVID IIOSKIN, Chartered Accountant, Principal. BOWMANVILLE, JULY 26, 1899. HAYDON. Vsirs:-Mis$ Lily Pethick, Bow- manville, with Mise Eva Brown; Mise Ethel JeweiI and Mrs. Whiteside, Tor - onto, at Mn5,ýVm.Broad's; M rs.Squair, Norwood, at bier sisters Mrs. R. Ashton; Masters Tom -Douglas and Russell Pick- ard,1 Newcastle, ai Mr. W. H. Creeper'e Mise Edilli Mountjoy with friende in Mariposa. . . Miss Etta Campbell at Deeronto .... Mies Kate McNeil with fionde iu Bethany. .. . At the young people's picnic ai Lake Scugog, Satur- day, the day beiug perfect, ail report a, good tume and compiain cof notbing but a blistered face .... Mr. Wm. Cowling is building a uow barn. Ho had a ver.y ýsuccessful raîsing Friday. HAMPTON. Visitors:-Mr. L, E. Ruse, Oshawa, ai Mr, J. Ruse's; Mise Ethel Cryden- juan, Crossley, Mich., U. S., at Mr. M. Crydorman'5; Miss Susie MeLean and Miss Benson, Toronto, at Miss Ada Hasting's . .. .Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cat- worthyspent Sunday with frienda in Oshawa .. ..Thc, E. L. C E. lawn social ai Mr. M.B. Cryderman'e, on Thursday eveiug, was a decided succese, a mxch langer company being prosoni than was expectod owing to the damp 'weaiher during the day. A short program was rendered, consiting cf music by the Orchestra, a solo, by Mn. C.- E. Brown, chorus by the male choir and a short addrees by Rov. W. J. Weathrll. The resi cf the evening being spent in games and social Chit chat. Proceede NEW HAVEN. Rtecent vistors-Mr. Fnank H. Mann and family, Windsor, at Mn. Henrv Mann'elMiss Nannie Mannino',Toronto, at Mn. James Towns'; Mrs. B. Moffat, Oshawa, and Mn. Harold and Miss Matyn, Welcome, at Mr. T. Powers'; Mise Mabel Witheidge, Toronto, at homte; Mrs. Frank Burns and chiidren ai Mr. S. Wood's .. . .Miss Nancy Van- Camp le visiiing relatives lu Osbawa.. ..,Miss Elia Britton gave a veny ploasant birihday party to lhon young friende Fniday .. ..Mr. Edgar W. Alun je very ii.,..Base Lino, S. S. -held their picnic lasi Wednesday on Bnrk 's beach. The woather was ail that conid be desired and the aftornoon passed vorv pleasant- Iy. .... No. 2 School held ihéir annual picnic on Goode's beach yesirday... We congratulato Misses Bertha Van- Camp and Ediih Jenniluge on succese- f ull y passung the Entrance Examina- tionýs.. .. Mr. C. W, Siemon, Haydon, assisted by Messrs, Russell Langmaid and Fred Truli led the meeting cf Christian Endeavor lasi Suudav even- ing. Topic, " Houning the Lord' s Day. " REAmrnuE-We don't advertiso for mare effeci, but for b)usiness. 'We know that, if yenu are subjeci to crampe, that yen should have a prompt, efficient re- rnedy on baud. Nerviline-nerve-painl cu-as a wondonfui and immédeiate curative power. It nelleves lu one min- ute; it cures In. five. Pleasanite the tasie and the beet known 'remedy for pain. TYRONE. For the next thirty days Mrs. J. IL. Manning willl sou the nomaindor of lher summer stock cf boots and shoos, at the very.lowest cash margin. E ggs taken as cash. A cail solicited. 29-tf. SMiss E. M. Werry Miss Ida E. Adamis are having a ton day outing at Grimsby Park ... :Miss Vinèent, Beiievi.iie, is a pareonage guest .... .Mrs. R. Failis. Miss Edua and Master- Leslie Fallils. Toronto, are guoste cf Mr. and Mrs.Jas. Byers. . .. Harvest is going with a rush and crops fairlv goci _. Miss, Bertba Rutherford, Orono was a receult gues, of Mr.andMrs, S. Bîuiglam, MOUINT VERNON. Visiforz;-Mr. and Miss May Curry Oshawa, aiMaple Corners; Miss MaY Vanstone, Bowmanviile, at Mr. Chas. Rogers'; Miss Ruby Crago, Bowman- ville, Rev. J.,J. Johnston, at Mr. Jl. Garfats; Mrs. and Miss AI lin, New- castle, at Mr, J. Pascoe's: Mrs. H. J. Worry, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mountjoy, Enniskiion, at Mr. G. Milson's; Mrs. (Rev.) J. Aunis, Toronto, Mrs. L. An- nie, Mrs. J. and Miss Langmaid, Eben- ezon at Mr. E. Annis'; Rev. W. J. and Mrs Weatherill, ai Mr. H. Abrah- am's; Mrs. J. Mosee, Bowmanviiie, ai Mr. S. Butson's; Mîs. Butson and Mrs. Norris, Brcokiin, at Mr. J. Orchard's; Miss Moyse, New York, Miss Ada Oke, ai Mr.J.Moore's; Miss Winnie Bradley, Listowell, has 'roturnod home, after a peasat visit with relatives here .... Mr. J. Heailie, $r., is in poor health .. IAbundance cf raspberrios and pickors pientiful in pÎmporten . . . . Haing is ovor and an average crop .. .. Harvesi le here and gives promise cf being good .... Mrs. S. Souch, Mrs. J. Pasce and Mrs. and Miss Heddon, teck a trip to Toronto, by boat, visiing Mrs. C. Pas- co ana other friends .. .. Tramps are numerous . . Mr. S. Buison is manager cf the beef ring. A FRiGiHTFUL BLJI\Dm,-Wil Often cause a horrible Buru, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Buckien'e Arnica. Saive,the besi in the world, wiil kili the pain and p romptly healili. Cures Oid Scres,Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils. Felons, Corne, al Skmn Eruptione. Beet Pile cure on earth. Oniy 25cts. a box Cure guaranteod. Sold by Stoti and Jury. Druggiste. MauLCERS YEAR CIJRED BY CUTICURA. My mother bas been a victim to ulcera from varîcose veine for thiriy-five yeare. Eleven of ibese terrible sores bave existed ai one tinie on lie limb affecied. Excruciating pain sud intense s ufferingwereendured, wiih ail sorts of remedieia on trial sud numberlese physicians' callesud prescriptions applied, il witli but Uitle henefit. j.At lait the remedial agent WaS foUud lu CUTI. ccnA, wicli surely proved worthils i weightinl geid, alleviatîug1 pain and causing lieaiig pro- cesses te ommitence and a cure speedily effeced. CUTicurtA SoAp is cleansiug, purifying, and beal- Ing in its naturel roigtiself a Mos excellent and valuable auxiiay oCoTîcCURh(Oimet). March.a,189. -W. T. MORSE, Cabot, Vt. es'Warrn baihs wiih CuricuRA eOAs', gentle aaiisi- lag Wih CerICîlnAî thie reai skia cure snd punît of &a.lientS sud rL.asfcciRiLErgit ý'fblûoâl puriteýnssnd hum., cure, , a0 îured thon- sands whs ,ufiîringfm- ns hamcsusos.0m,: iyond Snldthroughouthewo'id- POrrz2 latrnîi.COa'Rr, Sols propg ,s }.r ,,e'rsEvezyHumor"free. I 8Ak YOUR MKPaR by igu5Wiih ý NEWCJASTLE. [Getati~o visitors:-Mr. and Mrs. Bi;ckle and j Awy G oS'e daughtor Ada, Welcome, are guests ;atAtas rdSed." Mr. Jas. Rickard's; Mrs. Ira L,.Poarco, ~ - -' -- - Darlington, at Mr. W.ll. Pearce's; Mi'. &I52n. peopte trust to -tuck~ and Mrs. J. W. Hutchinson and h Toronto, at Mr. 'AT.Ifutehhll,,iins; Mr, to pull tnem tfiroUgh, and are Bickerton Edmison, Wêlland, at hoûme otndispoitd0D tt Mr. and Mrs. Sanford, New York, in tndspote.D nt their surnmer residonce here .. .. Miss di 7t datty in mats May Pinch is camping with frîonds at dit at Is o Lake Simcoe ... Mrs; Jno. Rickard and fzeatth. WitIi, Lt you can son Frank spent Sunday at Orono.. -. accomplis/i miracles. Withi- Mys. Thos. Douglas bas' retu rned from a lesat stat St Mary's .... Miss out it you are "no good." ary aln prvided.t at the Methodist Keep the liver, kidneys, bowels and" church orga, Sunday in the absence biood hecalthy by the use of Hlood's Sar- of Miss Rinch.... Miss Heildrou again saparilla, the fauitless blood purifier. delighted the congregation of the Meth- RheumatlM - " I had amute rheuma- odist church, Sunday evening by. sing- tism in My 11mb and foot. I comuaencel ing "No, Neyer Alone." Sie also sang twatment wlth Hlood's- Sarsaparilla and in St. George's church in the morning. Elood's PlUs and in a short tîme was eured." WILLIAM flASEaIT, Brantford, Ont. OSHAWA. crofuIa-'l I was troubled.witli scrofula OSHAWA anUlmpq.re blood. A eut on =y arm wRùid not heal, Hood's Sarsaparilla was ÂWJIIJ.LVJU -dU.L ff- . JT hod *.U,. A joiiy party, incinding Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mitchell, Mrs. Geo .-Broughali, Mrs. Wiliie Phiilips, Mr. and Mrs.Fred. Cowan and Mr. James Cowan, Oshawa, have roturned after a most xlelightfui outing at the Tadenac Club on Georgian Bay .. . .At the recent convocation of the University of Manitoba, Miss Winnii- fred H. Beaul, Wesley College, Winni- peg, receivêd the degree of B. A. Miss Beail's course was a brilliant one and she worthiiy won the higli regard of the professors. She is poscibly the youngest graduate of the University, being onlv eighteen, a grand daughter of the late William Beali, Columbus..Johnny McTaggart, 13 years old, bas passed into the second fo6rm of, the High School with first ciass honors, gettiug 100 per cent in bis mathematical oxaminations, and winning a bicycle.,_.,On Wednos- day, Juiv l9th, the home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. Armstrong, Lindsa -y, was the scone of a very prottv wedding, it being the marriag e of his second daughter. Caroline, and Mr. J,.I. McLatigblin , of this town. The wedd- ing march was plaved by Miss Gertie Fe. The charming bride wore a pretty gown of white silk organdy and carried a bouquet of whitecarnations. She was assisted by ber cousin, Miss Carnie Armstrong, who was dressed in vellow muslin and who aiso carried a bouquet of carnations, while Mr. Sam'l Babe, Oshawa, ably performed the duties ou groomsman. 1ev. Mr. Thos, Manninz, B. A., officiatod in the pros. once of a large number of invited guests. Among the many costiy and useful prosents to the bride was a handseme gold watch and chain from the groon. After. partaking of a sumptuons repast, the happy couple loft on tho ovonîng train amîd showers of rit~e and good wishos. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin wil reside in Oshawa .... .Mrs. (Rev.) Albert Reynolds 18 visiting relatives here.... Mr. Richard Lancaster,Leeds,Engiand, le visiting his unclo, R. M. Sugden.... Mrs, A. Tourjee and Mrs. M. Travel le are guests of Mrs. S. W. Cawkor. A Remarkable Cradle, When Thomas A. Eiisorn'S second daughter wae bora his technical assist- anis In the lahoratory at Orange prosent- ed him vrIth pl ans for a craie lntended to save Mrs. Edison mucli of the worry and troubla usually experieuced by mothers. Several other Ideas were sbjtdt the commiittee, but the tbougbt of the wlzard ambllng up and down the roon lu the dead of the niglït. occasionally stepping on a'seml-submerged tack, was tao inucli forý theffi, so the cradle was decidefi on. It was called the "automatie electric baby tender."ý It as an ordinary cradie with ingenlous devicas for the "bld's comfori attadbcd. Immediately aboye the spot where the babys head would lie was a diaphragin, somewbat like a telephone receiver. if $he Infant should start crying, at the very firet wal communication was estab- lishefi betwean the diaphragm and the electric cdock. At the saine tme the cradîs was set rocking hy nieans of a amal inmtor. If the remonstrance continuefi heyond a certain time the clock relsased a lever and an arin attachefi to the side of the cradie (operated by what le callefi a bell- crank lever,) carrying a nuirsiýng bottis, was swung over the baby's mouili wlth pare goric. At the samee urne the electio current Was turned lnto a set of magnets placed around the cradie and any pinu which might b. causing the trouble would ho a% once removei. If the yells oontinued theo "83r4 de- cree" Wâs applied. ftwo arme, lying flat In the cradîs under the baby, wrere slow- ly raised and the child turned over. Thon an electilo panker fastenefi to the footboard procoeded ta do its work wvith coatuess and dispatoli. However, Mr. Edison persistaein re- gardlng the "Baby Joy" electio oradls ts a 0ke.. Se= BraOdd Thinge in Banat. an@ might naturally imagine that au tbulmal which, lk. the familier oyeier, epende Its existünce ln more or les. calm repose between tyro sboila would posera ome quaint peoulianity of structure. Economy of @Pace le evldently Wall con- idered, for the beast llterally dirags through lil. wltb but one foot. Nor dos lie sonn. of thrlft pause boe; for tisla ogan. ln addition té blug-,uaed for purposes of locomotion, la aise used for the cemfortable housing of is epology for a braln, or raiher for two of these structures. And yei, again, how xnany loyera of the bivalve are aware of the faci that it passes is intestine nlght through Ise benr? The lobster Io anotber ýprovidentiel beant. Prom constantly living 'in cold water it evidently possasse d wholesome dread o! toothache; it accordingly keeps is, teeth in is stomaoh. Scientilfeally it bas no legs, but iù makes up the de- ficiency wlth four pairs of ambuiatory appendages, as they are termed. Thse worm,being a humble animal ln the @cale o! ereation, le not the prondi owner of a heaxi. This muet hobe me- whet awkward when it becomes mati- TmH E MASONÇCo. 50 WMAN VI LLE. Coming RightAIn/r Our early Fall Goods have cornmenced to arrive,. Several cases have corne to hand this week., This very forcibly remincis us that we must make room for Fait orders and no0 delay so ail sum mer goods must go. A chance in Gentlemen's Sailor Hats, We have rodueed for the hot weathor a line of Mens Fine Strawl Sailors, the niee new natty shapes regular price $1.00, now 50c. .um- erons other linos of straw bats for Boys and Mon at decidee,, "lî1jpg' prices. 1A special drive in Men's Cambrie Soft Front Shirts in bine aî whi4te spots, ail sizes at 50c. Boys' Bathing Trunks at 10c. Men's Peari Grey Fedoras, regular priee $2.00, no w for $1.50. A large variety of Mon's and Boys' Suits and Canvas and Manilla Light Weight Hats and Caps at cool prices. Parasols. a a. 12 Black Si1k Parasols, Fancy ilandies, regniar $1,50, sale price $1. 4 Black Gloria Sllk Parasols, very pretty 'Handies, regular price 81.75§ sale price, $1.25. 6 Black Silk Parasols, steel rods, faney handies, regiar prico e 2 sale priee 85e. 6 Black Taffetta Si1k Parasols, black handlos, rogular prie $ ý2.25,. sale priee $1.50. Wash Goods.-- Wo mako shopping easy in the Wash Goods Department by dividing them up in three separate lots, The prices will be 10e, 12z1c and 15c. The 10e lot eonsists of Muslins, Ginghams, Dueks, etc. Iu this lot will be found goods worth 12ý- to 20c. The 12-le lot consists of Finer Ginghams, Organdies, Dimities, Mus- lins, etc. On this table will be found goods worth 15e to 25c. The 15e table consists of plain and Faney Piques, White Ducks,- Faney Zephar Ginghatns, etc., which are very handsome. Pri nts.--- 25 pieces regular 121-e En glish Prints and Sateens, nice ne w piatterus: guaranteed fast colors, sale price 10c. Ladies' Vests. , 2 spocial lots. No. 1 eonsists of long and short sleevos, bleaehed and unbloaehed, special at 9e eaeh. No. 2 consists of flner Vests, worth from 15e to 25e, sale price 2 for 25e. bottles Iwas wefl." DnoxsLR«mnsoe,523 Treauley Street, 'Toronto), Ont. Eecd's Fllt cure Uiver ifl; the non-lrritating andi only cuthartie So talle MthBod r Sx a.1 DR. L. POTTER. Office and residenceOhurcli St.,opposite Trinity Congregational churcli, Bowmanville. 25-6m* MISS EVA LUTTRELL Ie prepared te give lessons on organ and piano at ber residence, King Stor a the homes of the puplls.7 MISS ETHEL MORRIS, ARTIST. Instructions zivenin PAINTING in 011, Water Color and China. Sltetching andi painting from nature. KILN on premises, fur- 3 hW at usualPprices. 51.6m. Ir UMBER FOR SALE.-Henry Hock- ...LJen,Lot 12, Con 8, Darlington, offers for sale ail kind rougli and dressed lumber, laili and shingles. Flooring and stdlug a specîalty. 17--3 mes.* T EACHERWANTED.-For S.S. No. JL19, Darlington to end of 1899. Dettes to comn 3mence after sommer hlidays. Appl tatlng 1qualifications and salary expected to J..SMITH, 1Enniskillen. 28-3w. 13~RICK COTTAGE-And haif acre ...land ail iu orchard, hard and soft water, in good repair, sitnate ln village of Hampton te rent. Possession Nov.1. For particulars apply teoTHO$ RowE, Hampton. 293-w* H EIFER STRAYED-On the prem- ises of the subscriber,Lot 15, con.8, Clarke, on or about Joue 1bih, a two-year old heifer. Owner je requested to prove property. pay ex. penses and take lier away. ALBERT J. STAPLES, Leskard. 29-3w. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- LTwo frame dwelling bouses containing 7 rooms each situated ou Ontario St., Bowman- ville. Goofi water. Termes easy. For particulars apuly on the premises to Muts. C. IHÂNCOcx or te STIESHAN office. 24 itf. T O THLE DEAF.-A ricli lady, cured Lof lier Deafcess and Noises iu the Head hy Dr. Nîcholson's Artificial Ear Drums, lias sent £,000 to bis Institute, se that deaf people unable '0 procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Apl oDepartment A. R. C , The Inetitute, "YPLougco.tt , ' Gunnersbury ,London,W.,England. 27-lyr, -TOUSE IN OSHIAWA FOR SALE.- .LLComfortahle ibouglicast Dwalling House. Drivinur House. Stable for tliree horses andi 3-5 acre of land tor sale. Excellent large and smal fruit. No better well in Oshawa, cieteru. Applyr on the premises% or if hy letter te JouiNJAmEs, William St., Oshawa 26-tf. F ARM FOR SALE OR TO LIENT- 12Beiug lot 19 ,eoo.4,Darlington,containiuig 100 ace f good laud,knowu as the Stewart farm. Cood buildings, well fenced,good orcliard,hard and soft water. Haîf mile from n Hampton,5 miles from Bowmanville. Possession given to plow Spt. st, Inllpossession March 1, 1900. For fur- therparticulnrs apply te MRC. JOHN MAYNAun, Bowmanville. 28 3w* F. WAUGH, Lu D S1, Du. D S, 1BOWMXANVMILE. Dental Office in the Rooms abômyt M. 0. WILLIAMS ~8SUIS f urniure 8iorel 3àD Will be at Oronn from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and at Newcastle from 2.30 un- tii 7 p. m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each Month. Gold plates, Crown and Bridge work and Painless extraction are specialties BOWMANV ILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J.McMurtry eaeh Tuesday FOU, P 100 bo.........$81 80:to 82 1C W iÂ,Faîlubush. O ...0 0 il O65 t' Spring .. O0 00 tuO065 Red FYife .,.000" 065 n Gooss ,.0 00 0 64 BARIzsy, Vbush, No. 1 .0 40 9 0 40 'il lu tu2 ,0262 085 il i u8.... 025 0 30 le lu Two rowed 0 25 ut 040 OÂ's, white tn........... 000tg 0830 RYE il............000"tg0 50 BIJOKWEAT Il............O0 0 Il 060 PEAs, Blackeye, 'P bush.. 0 69 tu 0 65 tuCanadian Beauties,, 609 iO065 ilMummey il Ow i0 nO5 il Small, il 000"tu0 65 nBiue, il 0 47 i 0 55 BuTTER, best table, P lb.. O0 0 piO012' E cIfs, pdoz............ 000"lu0 12 PoTÂTOES, bush ........ O 40 il 0 50 Hay per ton.* .......... 5 (10 ' 6 00) Children Cryfor CASTORA. Children Cry for CASÉz**TO r 121A a 10 black Fine Straw Sailors, sale price, 10e each. 18 blaek Fine Straw Sailors, trimmed, worth 40e,,sale price 25c. We are also offering ail of our better Sailors worth f om 50c to $1.50 at exaetly haîf price. Redueed pricea on Ladies' Blouses to elear., TH"E MASO N Do. dum Funiur Dele wA N D ,FunetrDal Der_ BOWIIANYILLE ~ORONO. Fruit anns SÊ"'trawberries, RKaisins, etc,.,, etc. Everything in Groceries, Provisions, Croekery, Glass_ý ware. Graniteware given with Baking Powder. We give big value and take small -profit.f llr ighest cash price paid for any quantity of Wýool. 1leal =40%to se Telephone 57, BoýWMANYILLPE. i . Ladies' Straw Sailors.

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