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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1899, p. 1

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FIJ5 ' 0/1u à tics0 TERMS :-81.50 PERi ANNtYM. OUR TOWN A"D COUNTY 11RS1T TH WORLD APTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEw SERrF.s. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1899. VOLUME XL-.N. 1 baie, Shlirt, Waists n Other Summr Goods. Ciouchi, 4ohnston & Cryderman are selling BLOUSES WORTHI 50 CENTS 49 id 75 c t' $1.00 $1.25 $2.00 FOR 35 CENTS. cc 50 e 94 75 4 4185 de$1.00 cc$1.38 These are ail New Goods, fit perfectly, and were cheap at the original price. we have too many and they must be cleahied out. But] at about haif price. Corne aly and 1g et YourM choice of these' Genuine fictiejous bargains. Couéh, Johnston & Cryderman., J.- The long and The short 0f the whole matter ~ is siniply this. We E show the goods and quote the prices of E the town, and Our gocds are as broad as they are long, that is to say they are honest and as represented to be, Eandi the price is flot merely goo d but is the best Sthia;t we cau make. 'Solid Oak Cobbler $2~ Wire Camp Mattres*$'2 Rockers ...... ses .............. 4-Wire Camp Beds ....Varandah Chairs ..... BOM~ILE.M., ). WILLIAMS & SON. Undertakmng receives prompt and personai attention. When InTown,== Leave your repairing at Jas. Goard's. Al work attended to promptly and guaranteed. Gold Filled Watthes sold at prices usually asked for silver, Full assortment of Writing Material always kept in stock. Choice in Colored and Crinklled Tissue Paper. j7~~ ~t BowMANYILLfl. MAPLE GROVE. The lawn social ai Mr. Wmý Foley's was a splendid success. Proceeds $15.25. ...The Trimble brothers have com- menced operations with their new threshing outfit. It's a hummer .... Mrs. John and Miss Annie Crumb are visit. in relatives at Newmarket .... Visitors. MIisses Edua Webst.er and Eva Jack- son, Cambray, and Mr. S. A. Picknp, Elizabethviile, at Mr. W. Foley's; Miss Edith Platford, Toronto, ai Mr. Wmn. Pethick's; Miss Clara ColwelI ai Mr.W. J. Coliacutt's. RIER 92ND BIIRTHDÂY. AUNT BELL DuNr\'s FRIENDS I'OREGATHI- ER TO CONGRATULATE RER. A most enjoyable social gathering was held ai the house of Mrs. Isabella Jardine Dunn on the occasion of her 92nd birthday. The commodious bouse and grounds made the arrangement al t he more pleasing, while the reputation of Mrs. Dunn as a delightfuall hostess is 100 well known to require comment. Fine weather and a goodiy attendance made this an especîally picnicîai occa- sion. Among those who did honor 10 their aged relative, the sole remaining member of the Jardine family in this part of Ontario, we may note the fol- 13wing:-Mrs. J. Mitchell, sr, Dr . and Mrs'. J. C. Mitchell, Ennaiskillen'- Mr, and Mrs. R. T. Philp, Clarence Pliilîp, Pickering- Lewis Philip, Tyrone; Mr, and Mrs. J1. Rundie, Norman Rundie, Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Legg and two children, London; 1ev. and Mrs. S. H. Rice and daughter, Miii- IonN B.; Mr. J. H. Werry and'fam- ilBthesda ; Mr. D.Pollard and wife, Miss Birdie Pollard, Miss Annie Kuiver, Oshawa; Mr. S; Poilard and wif e, Miss Aima Pollard, Mr. Thomas Scott and farnily, Miss E. Couch, Mr. Jas. Bingh- am and faxily, Mrs. Waiters, Mrs. Ag- nes Harris, M r. and Mrs. W. H.*Moore,t Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Short,i Courtice; Mrs. J. H. Hicks and family, Toronto Junction; Mr. W. E. and Miss Pollard, Bowmanville; Mr. R. S. Pol- lard and wife, Preston.t A very xnerry sociable lime was spent1 in tea-drinking and feasting on the Iawn. The guests departing at an earlyt hour for their respective lhomes, wish-( inc their aged and respectedl relativet and' friend still happy returns of the i day wbich find her as set in the full en-t joyment of ber intellectual, faculties, ,and a reasoliable amount of physical vigr "Aunt Bell," as she is affec- tiognatiy called, was also the recipient of severai tasteful rpementoes of the celebration by ber friends of whomn were unable to be present Mrs. Adam Con- neil, Brantford - David Fisher, Esqi., Bowmanville; Mrs. G. H. Jardine, Alexander, Man. Long mnay she live anidmray her vigorous mI-entality and wonderful memiorY ne-ver show symp- tons of decay.t Wat chmaker aid Jeweller.1 Childrenl Cry for .(Ellison's Old Stad.) CA ZS TO0 R 1IA, THEIR N'EW PIPE ORGAN. GRAND> ORGAN OPENIRG AND CONCERT IN TIE METIIODIST CHJURCH, Big Grand Excursion 0ON- Monday, August 7th. ','AREN CITY" Wili Leave Newcastle at Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby 6.3 0 a. m. 7.00 8.00 8.45 The historv of a nation or people ih usually maarked by the milestones whict stand promiuently along its pathway. Such a point has been reached in thE history of the Mlethodist churcli of thh town. When the present church edifiet was erected nine years ago, a large or- gan chamber was bult for the recep. tion of an organ to be !in size and ap- pearance in keeping wîth the fine inter. lor of the churcli. Nut being in a hur topurchase such an instrument ther the Officiai Board decided to use th( organ formerly !in use in the Queen St. church until such time as they could purchase a larger instrument. Last year the Methodist churchi at Madoc being in need of ail organ made thE Bowmanvifle Board a good offer of purchase which was finally accepted. 'Ele Board at gnce proceeded to secure plans and interview organ-builders for a new instrument and after deliberate and careful. investigation of the differý ent mnakes placed their order with Messrs. Edward Lye & Sons, Toronto. For two weeks previous to, the opening workmren were busily engaged putting the organ in Place and on Wednesday evening- last it was publicly opened by a grand concert and organ recital. The sacred edifice coutained a large and select audience, ixlcludiag many musical critics, assýembled to view and hear this new; pipe organi and who weni awa'y delighted with the singing, and the appearance, tone and volume of the instrument. Prof.ý A. S. Vogt, organ. ist and choirmnaster of the renowned Jarvçis St. Baptist church choir, Toron- to, and one who is considered to be among the best infornied, and leading Canadian authorities, kindly favored thie congregation with has presence and in a numbier of difficuit and varied selec tions displayed, the possibilities and powers of this splendid instrument. Prof. Vogt was ahly assisted in the pro- gram by Miss Hendron, contralto, Pet- erboro, whose singing charmed and de- lhghtea this congregation two years ago. Miss Hendron possesses an easy gracef ni manner and a voice of mucli volume. Miss Glover aiways sustains her reputtation as a pleasing soprano soloist and on this occasion was in good voice and as usual delighted her hear- ers. iler singing in duo with Mr. Lye wasecpioay fine. Mr. E. Lye, tenor, Toronto, wýho) was a stranger :to a Bowmianville audience, sang with much ,_cepta1nc(a and favor, especially in the duhet. Each received the hearty 'applause of thec au-dience who were re- questý_d not to as., for encores. ThFLe choir under the leadiership of Mr. HÂ. J. Knight, splenididly sustained their part of the programi and received weli-meýrit- ed applauise. Miss Ena Trebilccck, or- ganist, played the anthems and aitho' she had nlad scarcely anv opportunity to famîiliarize herseif with the new or- gan, handled it surprisingly well and broui-it ontits high qualities with the skill of an old organist. 11ev. J. J. Rae inadec, a short speech congratulating the congregation on the acquisition'of such a fine instrument and paid the builders a high compliment for their gentle 'man- iy con duLct with the Board in ail their buinýess relations. Mr. iRae was re- qui,esto sing a solo but in deference to the musical taste of the audience respectfully declîned. That the public may have a better idea o f the concert we gîve the program whichà was as follows: PART I. OFErIO HYM.... .................... OGaSOLo, Introduction and Bridai Music f Lohieufriu) ..,......Wager. -OO The Resurrection ....Shelley. MISS RENDRON. Sono....... ... Cone Unto Me. ..Coenan. MR. E. LYE. ORGA;,t4ScOO, ..... Selepted................. PROF. VOGT. DuET,,..The F îsherman ........ .... ... 1,1 SS GLO VER AND MISS!'REN DRON, PART 1IL O-fSOL Meditatton........ Lucas. Pilgri.-n's Chorus (T,,nhitaGuser) PROF. VOGT. [Wagiiiur-Eddy. SOLO ,,,. iieRdee..... MISS GLO VER. SOLO .Sweet Aiton.. ........... MISS HENDRON. DUET ...Love Di'vine ............ Stainer. tISGLO VER AND MR. E. LY Eé. ORcA-a iOLO..Grand Cou in F.. Guilmant. PROF. VOOT". ANTUEM Rear My Prayer O Lord_.-. CHOIE. ORÂi OO Sonig of tneo Nlght .. . .Spinney. I.Coronation Mýarch. .Meyerbeer. PROF. VOGT.1 T he'Board was exceedi ngly fortunate in securing the services 0of Prof. A. S. Yogi, as he has flot only assisted them very ma terîally in draughting specifica - tions but he also inspected and passed il as bult in strict accordance with the contract. Prrom our knowleclge of the iwho i,, transaction we feel sure that no bettýr mani could have been secured in the 4I)oiinionl. Then in the opening his ttlever skill as an organist was of grerd,ýest service in demonstrating to the large audience that gathered in1the church the remarkably fi ne qualîties of this pipeý org-an. Its great compass foutevery fne whîsper tone to the Bourdon treble - 16 Bourdon hais .ZlSoIine 8 S't. Diapason 8 Tnaverse Pluie 4 'Picolo 2 Violin Diapason Cornopean, reedm 8 Obeand Bassoon reedss S PEDLrP rOnàÂN Double Open Diapa'son 16 Bourdon 1 MECRÂA NICAL REG4ISTERt Swell te, Great unisonw Selte GrIea't suIper .octave SwelltoePedaIls Great te Pedals Bele'wS signmai Forte te Great Pedal Pliano te Great Pedal Forte te 5wefu iPed.ai Wood 61 metai l Wood 1 Il 61. matai 61. 61. 61. Wood 30. Wood 30. Total pipes 975. Piano te Swell Pedal Balance Swell Pedal Tremnolo Pedal Thle Organl Committee wbo have taken great pains in securing the very best value possible in this instrument are receiving the thanks of the people for their success. They are Rev. J, J. Rae, Dr. Brimacombe, Dr. Tilley and P. C. Trebilcock. Life-Size Portrait Free. A life-size crayon potrait given free with every doýzen cabinet photos, made by Tait & Co., cash with order, frames for crayons 10 be purchased from. them ai frame prices and photos ai usujal prices. Offer good for 80 days. 29 if. MARKEIT SQUARE, Bowmanville, DURHIAM OLD BOYS. The Durham Oid Boys' Excursion wil take place on August 7tb 10 Port,,Hope, The train wili reacb Bowmanville at 10.35 a. m.,, Newcastle 10.45. Tickets from Bowmanville and returu 60e, Chui. dren 30c. Newcastle and returin Soc. Cbildren 25c. Tickets may be had from the regular agents of the G. T. R..lRe- turning the train will arrive ai New- castle at 9.21), Bwavleat 9 30. The Gr'enadiers band will accomPanty thie party. In AGYARD'S YL aW il-, cres ail paini in inajn or b)east; jfor sprains, ente, bruises, oalious lumps,,Nvellin-s In- flammnation, rh-eumaItsmnd erlî it~ 1;; a peeltiü. For Toronto, arriving at the City at il a. m. TReturning, will LEAVE TORONTO at 10 P. M. giving excursio nists, eleven hours in City. Amongst other attractions in the City on that day will be the CHAMPIONSHIP LACROSSE MATCH at Rosedale Shamrocks vs. Torontos, CIIAMPIONSHIP BASEBALL MATCH at the Island, Toronto vs. Worcester, Grand Parade of Trades Societies, Grand Display of Fireworks in the evening. The usual fares wiIl be charged and will be availabie to return on day of issue, or on Friday, August Il. New Boîa-t %Service TO 1000 ShA,î11DS PER STEAMER"AIBR" Tickets froni Toronto to I3owmnanville and Whitby 50e returu, same rate to Toronto and return, good to the end of the season. Every Wednesday and Saturday. Leaves Toronito at 2.30O p. m.. Arrives at Whitby at 5.15 p. mi. Bowmanville at 6.30 p. m., Auo'ust 2nd. Kingston 7 to 8 a.ni. Thursdas ad Sna Alexandria Bay at il a. mi. ynSn s RETURNINO LeavesAlexandria Bay 12 noon Thursdays and Sundays. Arrives at Kingston between 3 eandý 4 p. mi. &4 Bowmanville 5.30 a. mi. Friday and Mondave 41 Whitby 6.45 a. ni.& 41 Toronto 9.30 a. mi.4 Wednes dî, Return Ticket $1.50 Saturday<Return Ticket '21 2.00 EXTENSION 50 CENTS EXTRA. .LMEALS: Dinner 50c, Supper and Breakfast 35c. each, Berths $1,00 per night, or cots 50c. per iiglit. Full ticket including everything, meals, berths, trans- portation, etc., WEDNESDAY $4.50, SATIJRDAY $5.00. This does flot include supper Wednesday or Saturday, or breakfast Friday or.Vlonday. Freiglit, ail kinds, lowest rate. For tickets, state-roonis,freight, etc., apply to STATES-. MAN OFFICE STEAMSHIP TICKET! AGENCY, Bow- manville. We shall give the seiictosin tbis connection(but afier reading it hem our readers wilL<possibly be verylittle wiser as oniy musie-iains high Up in the art understand the character of al of them. Two nianuals compass from CC to C 61 notes. Pedale compass froni CCC 10 F 30 notes. Registers- Toae, Quaiity Pipes. GREAT ORGÂN Open Diapason 5f t metal. 61. Dulciana metal 61. Meldi . wood 61. Principal 4ft metal 6L, Harmonie Flute I nl tl 1 Fifteenth 2ft metal 61. Twelfth 3%, matai 61. SWELL ORGÂN.

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