AD-VANTAGES. It will double what the old styvle ma- chine did. It is better made in ail parts. It is a hands' omer machine. The tube from can is exposed and eau be instant- ly clenod ift ilshould log. The eau may be in siantly emptied if you waut to change m naterialý or dlean it. 'The for- mation of theea allows aIl the materi- al to be sprayed out when operated uipward in trees, or bushes, It will save crops fromn bugs, worms and Fungi and fruit trees fromn the caterpillar and other pests. Evans' El ectric Sprayer may be had from Jos. Hlenry, Orono ; David Bell, Leskýard ; A.' S. Tooiev, Mill, Courtice ; Albert Nid dery, Enfield; John Peth- ick, blacksmith, C larkýe,4 Sam'l Bon- athan, -N'ýewcastle ; John Hooey, near cadmusl" PE-TER MURDOCH. BowmANVILLE. Agent for Durham countv. NEW TAILOR SHOP. The tndersigned who bias been carrying on the taiioring business in connection with Mason's Dry Goods Store for a number of years bas commneneS business for himnseif t bis roomen2 King St. west, where bla prepared to make gents and boys souis lu ail the iatest styles, and at lowent prices. For those who wish to order suits, lie wiil carry a fuil Une of Sampisl i lienewestpatterus. Give hlm aa pe J. T. ALLUN, Fashionabie Tailor. 'ROYAT, MAIL STE Amsuip, LivERpooL AND) LON- DONDERRY, MONTREAL AND QUEBEC SERVICE. From STEAMER MONTEEAL. Içumidian. Jui uth, 9 ar. Californian July 20th, Tani ' Jni11y 27th, Parisian ' Aog. ird Lanrentini 1Aug.lth Californiain Augi7b *Taiuui " Aug. 217th, Parislin ' Ang. 'isi, SS. Parisims, new enirined and- entirely refit- ted, salle from LiverDool, July 20, and, from Montreai, August ird. Bavarlan, 10,000 tons, twin scrow, saîls from Liverpool Aug. 24 and from Montreai, Spptember 7. PssneswU lbe transferredwith their bag- gage fromn the raiiway station to the wharf fre cf char ge. RATES 0 F PASSAGE. Firsi eabin, $50 and upwards. Return $10000 and opwerds. Second Cabin $35, Ste'erage $2250 anS $.50 Frein New York to Glasgow-Stete of Nebras- ka, 7th Jnuly; Mongolian, 21st Joiy Foi ticket, and every Information ap. piy to 1il a îut gnt omavle "Te TourîsftRoulte of Ainerica." s 0 THE MODERIN VESTIBULE COACHES, -PULLMAN &NI) IIINING CAR SERVIC'E, ARE "UP - TO - DATE ." Vestibule trains Saily bebween Hamnilton, Buffli, Niagara Fells, Detroit andi Chicago, ai tihe lest service la also via t4is roule 10 Ottawa, Monitreal, Qnebec, Partiand, etc. A great venlaby of tours. emlraciug the cbarmiug Muskoka, Mdbintd anS Nipissing Lakes, Gear- gian Bey, Mactkinac, Duluth, Thousauti Islandis, St. Lawrence Rivçr, Mftreàal, Quiebee, Seguen- ay river, Seacoast Resorf8, Enrepe, etc. Illutrated publications,. maps anS fil anti e- aleInkformnation mey le b balued t nortb- wesb ýorneýr ig antii Yenige streeba. Tiekets,rates anS alinformation ironsAgents of Grand Trunk Reilway Sy stem. J. Hl H. JURY, W. WOOD, 0. P. & T. A. Depot Agi. M. C. DICIKSXN, District Peisa,. Agent, Toronto. Tickets antI fouJinformaîtion, etc., ai Stott & .Tury's Drug Store. 3 Will Cure RIîy Form of iheana'tismn FOUR POINTS IN ITS FAVOR FIRT-QICg9~TO CURE 8ECOO-S~sTTO TAKo. Onie bottie côntains ' da,'cya eu *aaia BIG BOTTES - CLT FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGISTS - w ash 04u a!t ýýIdiag-wieýh more vivitibv appealed ho imy plain ne- puhîloon hastes than îleï coslly% vecîmreuts wblch lay lu oaken presses-_rýbes tîl lad been embraitiereti with gaiS anS been womn by papes ant(1i-arc7îbish-ops ou great occasions. Irhero ,wae a robe lIaI lad beeu worn by P- luis VII. aithe crawning of theial Na ;,pal"on. There was aise a vesîment lII ad been, wfrfl ai the baptieamaf Napoleaun Il. 'As aur guide apaneti the oaen resses anS brougit out these veshmeubns ai fabulons caesh andi JuleS heibmup ihL fragrance of lie pungent anomalies ln whldh lhey lad bjeen- preserveti illleS tle place vvith a seeoonoas thai was almoat oppressive. Noîbiug that lbaS beandoue lun atone more vi'nidly imhpresse9d me than Iliese thlngs lIaI liad beeuncdoue lu clot anti ombroldeny anid perfumne. But to-day I open bbe drawon of Ibis lexI, anS I Tlook upon tIe ltingly robes of Christ, andi as I bift thbm, felasing wilb, etorual jewols, the whole bouse is filleS with le aù roma of blese garmenha, which "Smeillof imyrrh anti aloes anS cassia ont ai tle ivary palaces." lu my toxi the King steps forth. His robes rusthe and blaze os hoatidvanees. Hic pomp anS power anS gleny aven- master tle specbaton. Mare bnilliaul is le Ihan Quecu 'Vashti, moving -amiS the Pension, princes: thon i]V'e Antoinette ou the day when Lauis XVI. put opon lienthe nectbace of 800 diamaonda; Ilan Aune Boleyn lhe day wheu Henry VIII. welcometi ler la ilsi paiaee-aillbeauty and ail pomp forgahten whiio w. stand lu tlie presence ai this, impenlal glary, King af Zion, King of earth, King ai licaven, King foreven! Hie go;rments ual worn euh, ual duel hoadraggleti, but raSi- ont anS jeweletianS redaient. 1h eaetns as if tliey must bave heon presseS a bundteS yeare amiS the ,flowers ai heaven. The wardra les frons whlch. Ihey have been tatou must have been sweet with clostens of campiire. anti frankin- ceuise, andi ail mannor of prodiana wooti. Do you nat inhale the odois? Aye, oye, "They smell of myrrh anS aloce anti cassaouot of the irury palaces." Your firsI curiosihy la te tnow why the ro«bes of Christ are odorous witi inyrni. This was a bnigit leaied Abyssiulnin plant. It was trifoliateti. Theo Grecha, lgyptlaus Remons anti Jewe baugit anS so.lah a bi'hgl price. - The Érst presenh liaI was aven gîven la Christ wjès a aiprig of myrri thrawn ou lis infantile lied lu Bethlehems, andti lbast gif I that Christ over lad wos myrrh presseS inta he eup ai bis crucifixion. The natives woulti taka a clone anti lruise theIre, anti thon lt wouidcexuSe a guns îlot w.oulS sain- rate ail the grenS beneoti. This guns was useS for purpasces oimerchaudise. Oue piae.faitlbne langer Ilion a chesînut wonid wbebm a whole raom withadors. Il *as put lu elosets, lu cleste, ilu 5mw- ens, lu roame, anS ils parfume adheneti alianaI intermlna9bly tlanoyhIng thal was anywere ner il. Sa wheu lu my texl I reand îlot Clricî'1s gommants smeli ai m,-ynnr Iiuh t~ycouelude Iý he ex- I i knw I ta mauay le ila, only lilte H anaailier îphilaànthropie Obenlin, anoîhen Con11fucins, andabject 1fan a painting, a lierolc1e1 thm fan a poem-, o beantifuil iors for a statue, but ta t!iosi wlia havý e boomS1lÉs olce anti fobhi, portion and recolveti bis bouedtiton ho le uxusie anS light anti warmîb and tirll and etornal fragrance, sweet as a' frieuti stieting ta yen. whebn ail lebetnay, b itt- In& you up while allers try ta puaI Yen ounot Sa nuci lit. morning glaneés liaI loi snly wbenîltfe sun, la coaing, up. no ike "four oeok, lthablaom only wbau tle sun la gping cSowu, bot litre myrrh, pempeuueliy arnalie, the same mni)nin3g, nacu ant i ngî, yealen- day, ta-day, foneen":. Il s-eimeas asf we canet weay inlmout. WVe put on hini ail our bandons andi aýffilaIhlm with ali oun griefs&ad §;eot hlm foreoat lu .all aur bailles1 taS y#ho la ready ta lift andte sympathisze axiS bo lilp. Wo bave so îm- poseS up*n hini #10 ne wouldl thluk lu aternal Pfrnn 1&0 ý'nId quit aur sani, and yei ta-day h * dresses os with the UMrneudndem q rueupoxi as witi lbe 6mre s1nsle, Piý 1 wlIi lhe salue coin- Th-ar, s X le»u~r9ke bis fer ns. Itlal moltre Imperial lbýOaesar uons musie- 9,i tih-gi esb nmoaeconqnerng thon ljhaniemagiie's, iaxeaelequent Ilion Cleao'e. Il ibrebg lwiih ail lits. It weops with all pathos. Il praons; wIth aIl pain. Il sboopa swith rai condescenelon. Il breatbea with ail penfume.- Who like Jeasta o mt a breken bans, te plby a bonseeeaOnpbani, te nutra. o sick mn, ta take a prodigp a len wilbeut ony Seoltiig, te illumine a cemetery a Il plowed wlIh gra-ves, t. makre a qncoa unie Gaoo tihelbst wantan, ~ocatch 1h.e tears af hîîman aanrew lu a lcrna to2y that shall neyer ho broken? ,-WIo has sudb an eyo hoe see aur need, suoliao hp ho kias away aur sort o- ut, anala bad ta enalci us ont ai île fire, sncb o foottle trample aur enesu les, sucI a hoanttahoern- broc. aIl aur nsecesslties? I struggie for some motaphon itbhiwhlol ta express hlm- la le net iika tle bnrsting forth af a muil Orchestra; tînit 19 Ina IonS,'li l net 'ikthle mn e',,s.ýn lashed te rage by the toeste,tint la too boisierone. Ho je oe-uer one of car ove csýýes !ssyae, suE i1 nssrl s"Il ldiscover bisapreFseace. Rej1 ecuxas, un a is. ilku spp j . -tOP 4 - mnynrh anS alees iandi cassia, eut oaithe 'Vour aseond enriosity la ta know why the ïrobes cýf Jesus are adoronsq with ale. Thorais cmedîffer(ance i« piioabout whecre Is 1c growý, wbaýt la the cellei et ùhIe foewhal le îlhe pantieulon ap- pearane ef tî-le eri,. ffiilfer you anSlme ii n kuwthIal alooýs mean elr nees îe n'oiS ovor, and -wheýn Christ co ve7ilh garmeuts beariug lIaI parti- enlar otior thley uggest ta mle flie bitter- nIof ILa Savlonn's suffeninge. Were thons oel suai nigits as JeasAivodt troogh L-nilits on thiemouniains, nïiiha ou lie son, nighls un tle doset? Who evor bad such a lardý reiteption as Jeans h-ad? A hoseLry lhe final. au unjual trial lu oyer anti teriniiier anoîher, a foui moibed, Yel!lîng mioli lehe ls.Wa Iere a space on1 lis boc aswlde as"yonn l'a fingeni where lie was ulne ippdWas thene a spaca ou lis broan an ci square wbers le was ual cul ai îl1e blirsWien the spike struck eah îleinsîep, 515 il fnot go dlean tlraugh ta, lie lollaw ai the foot? 01, long, tdeep, bitternplîgrnmage I Aloes, aloes!, John beS edhis eaoaSauChrist, but wha diS Christ bean on? Fivethlousanti mon foti by lb. Saviaur. Who feS Jeasa The sympâthy ai a Savior'eanI gaing out te the laer anti the atialteroas; but who sootbed Christ? HRdliaS a fit place nlîher late baibon non lu due. A poor bobo!1 A pon lad! A paon yaung mau 1 Net so mueli as a laper ha abeer is tiylng lionne. Even tle caudie ai tihe sun anuffeti out. Was Iluat l al aloas? Our oina, son- rows, bereavements, lasses and'oll lhe* tanies ai earthianti bell pîcted -ap as in anecluister anS squeezeti mb aone cap anS lIaI presseS ta ha lipsutil the acrid, uouselting, bitter draft n'as swal- iawed wilI a Sishonteticnuoaneand a shudder ironi boaS ta foot anS a gang- ing strangulation. Alees! Alo(-a! Nobhiag bol aines! Ail tbilafon lilmeeli? Ail tis la gel tle famne ilu îleworlti ai being a martyr? AIl tuis in a spirit ai alubtiorn- nece, because ha 515 ual like Coosar? No. ne! AUl Ibis beaane ho wantoti te pluek me anS-yen irons bell. Beca eho n'ont- oS t la ase me anS yan ta hen.ven. Be. causen'a wene leat, anS lý ie itetoSus feund. Becanse* we weune blinti, ant ile n'auhcd us lae se.Becanso %Iweeoserfs, anS hie wauted us manumitteti. O ye lu wivîse cap of life the saccharine lias pro- dominatedi; O ye wlo lave laS briglit and spanklng bevemages, hnw do yau feel lawarS Iim n'ha lu your statiand ta purdhase yonr dlinhhrallment tot the alees, îhe unsavory aloos, the billon alees? 'Your thirti curiesily ils ta know wky Ilese garmouts oi Christ are adorons ,wiîh cassia. This n'as a planit whicb ine l India anS île atijoinfiig Islandse. Yen udofnat cane tla bar wlat k inS ai n fnower il baS or what kinS i a staît. Il is enongî fonme hoebteyen bet 15 twos useS motilcinally. I n t land anti lu lIaI age, n'hee'lIo tow bul tt11el nIant phanmacy, crusia n'asusSewar-resi3 nsany formu iles e. Sa, when in My, lexI we finSChrii snigw gret liaI aeofaicassija, i il uos e honm hiie bealiug anS curative paweýr cai îe Son ot GoS. "l."yn a,ro"n on have oa sperfina1us idea! We arecal, it Why (So we n'ont c s a eare al1lti. Our respiration le perfect. Oun limbes ara 1111e, aeuS ou bight cool dayvs -we feel we conid bouiilike a ro.1 Ibeg te diffeýr, my brother, irons yon. Nane ai you eau lie bIlter lu physical lealltha I amn, and yal I muest say wve are ail sicot. I bave taken lhe dSiognosis ai your cass anti bave examineS ail tle lestauonie on île subjeet, ant i ve ha hll yon liaI yau ane "fu etf wNounda anti braises anti pntrefying sares ,wbilch have ual beau bouS up on usaolllifed wîth oint- ment." Ic marasmnus 0f sir£laetne,9 lie. paisy, the dropyiýw, tha iepasThei man 1iial lu expirîng ho-nlghl lu the nexKt Street-the allopathie andi homieapatisi Sucions liave given hlm oup ani îIl ints naw standing aouni uta lke bs last Nvords--Is no imore cemîla inly elylp.g as te his lbody than yoli anti I are d'ring à nleesw. bave takan lb. maedîcîbe frosu GoPSaapalhecar#. Al 1th. bauves of tibI Bible are ouly ao snany prescninhlauas irons the Divine Phýys1ican, n'nllten, ual lu Latini, ithelb.prescriptions oi earbIhly physielans, but wrllteu lu plain Englisu su Ibat a "man. thaugi a f aal, neeti nol onm tiierein." Tisank CoS liaI lthe 11ev- iau's garmientss arnoîl of casîsia Suioppase a moan were siok, andtihtirs 1a ap on a hemaulelpiece wiIlx meticie h ten' wouid cure lDins, anSd hoe refused1ta o ts il, whil aul i e aay of hlins? Hla a sicidîe. .Aad wnhat da yon syof ai lailonwha, III inlusin, ba.s-i hie beling miîcinE aif Ge's grace off oreS hlm antIrefusas hotek. t,ýéil? If lie dies, hlisa osuicide. Peeple talk osj tbougi God, tbot a man n i!led 1him oui ta danki-ots;sani l eoýýj i as Ibani ho-, baraugîl hlm ulp bu 5h. ciif sani Ie pochleS hMnoff. 0,1.n! Weua man la lelt, lb is Mual becanse GoS pushes hlmU off; itlel becanse ha lumrps off'. lunalten l liesasuicýide waa S luneS a,' h e crýase- noants, anIItildh.peeople wemro ccuim dot lion tonIes up'on h iesga. I(_Se t ilrsem bo Inae hhe-ir may le _aithis tisae oman, n'ba lef, ryig iesel and os Ibongi the &nugela af oi S ere bore Li0 "'yhbisa ai tle pon elu Wena î1le rGacis aife a nti deaIl cross eoaci alÊler, lhïmow,,nlin pon Rf Ieeh. ~h. orne nie rs~A)îea lifices' hUm,... aans that opd into basins af ivory anti rooms tha-t bad ceilings of ivory. oh, white andioerateigboauty 1 Green tro branches swoeping the white oiarbo. Tapnstry trailing tbc snowy floors. Brack. etc e f liglil flashing on the lustrons sur- *roundln1gs. Siilvery imusic rippiingan the beach aof the arches. The mare thonght of lb almiost aluns my brain, and you Say: "Oh, if I couid only have waikod over such floors! If I conld have thrown -mysoîf lu such a chair! If 1 coulti have Bohard the tiD noad Saab QI those fount- aainsi"' You ahail have somoething better ethan that if you only let Christ introduce 1you. From that place Lie came, and ta Lthat place ho proposes ta transport you, rfer his "1garments smell of mnyrnh and ,aloos andi cassia out of the lvory palaces.'1 ElWhat a place beaven must be! The Tuil- c ries of the Frenchi, the Windsor Castl 1ofthe English, the Spanisb Alhiambra. 9the Rusian Kremlin, are more dungeons acompared with il! Not sa many casîleo Don elther ide the Rhino as on-bath aides of the river of Goi-the lvary palaces! One for the angels, insufferably briglit winged, firo eycd, tomnpest charioted- on@ tfor the mnartyrs, wvith blooti noS robes 1from uinder the altar; one for the King, the Sepof bi is palace the crown of the clinrcha militant; one for the singera, *wbo ioad the one hundreti and forty and four thousanti; one for you, ransamed *from sn; one for me, pinoked from the 1burning. 'Oh, the îvory palaces! To-day il seems ta me as if thie win- dows of blase palaces were illumineS for sorne great victary, anti I lok and see climbing the siairs 0f ivory and walking a n the 'fiaone of ivery anti iooking from >the, windows of îvory soma whom we kriew and loveS on carti. Yes, 1 know «them. There are father and mother, n L82 years and 79 years ag,%vhen thoy lbu .us, but blithe and young as when or gthoîr wodding day. And, thoe. art 5brothers and sisters, mornior than wber we used ta remp acros e i eadows ta- gethen. The cougli gono. The cancer cured. The erysipolas healed. The heart- break ovor. 'Oh, how fair hhey are in tie ivo-ry palaces!1 Andi vour dean uittle chilS- yen lIat went ont from yon-Christ did net let one of tonCrop as ho lii lti iàbom. Hoe diS atwnonch one of them frons you. No. They went as fram.ana lhey loveS wllta one, wlom they loved »botter. If I ehould talte yonr littl h d anS prees,, its soit face'againsl- my rougi ceek, I might keop lb a blle whilo; but i hbonyou. the motier, came aloug lb would aîruggio ta go with yeu. AnS sa you stood holding your dyiug child whon Jesnus passeS by in tie room anti the lit- itio one sprang out ta greet ,hlîp. That le ail. Youn Christian Send did not go down into thIe dusl and -tle gravel and tie muS. Though iti rained al Ibat î uerai day and the wator came up ta the wlseel's hub as yon drove out ta the cemetery. t Lbdao nodiffereccota tIbm, for lheysepeSrrm the homo bore t0 ti hoe lhor, rig t but he ivory palla. Allael iihe. ili Il is not a doad weigit that yen 11f t when you c-arry a Crsinout. Jeas m te1he bed 11p so I ith Velvet proisies, and hEa says-: "Put lier dowvn bore vl'gniy ut that lbead wiich will nover ache again onIblis pillow af ballelulalis. SonS up word tiat the pro- cession la comlng. Ring the belle. Ring! Open your gates, ye lvorF palaces!1" And su your loveS ones are tIare. They are juai as certalnly thore, baving duoS in Christ, as that you are bore. Tliere le ouly-one thing moGre tbey want, Indeed, tbere la on. lhlug linlipaven tlicy bava net gaI. They want IL. What ls il ý Your comnpany! But, oh, xny brother, unles You change your truck Von caÉmai rejacli that harbor 1Yeu might~ as well talete Sauthern Pacif c Itallroati, expetlng in thait direction ta reaci Tarant3, as te go On ln the way soma of Yenu1o'egganti aiepoct ta reach thIe lvar palaces. 1 ;ouir loed anasare looltlug ont af the windows ai heaven now, and yet you seem lto turn youn baclt upon tiens. Yýou do nlot seetn ta kuow Ibte qauiid af Ibeir veices as îveli as y'ou used te or t. b. inayaS by tlie siglit of tbeir dean faces. Gall louden, y. tieparted onea! Cnll louder frirns theuvory palaces!I And bereJ ast yen t. salve a ïnaystery that bas beaun ppressig ne for 30 yearé. 1 bave been askring il of docors of dlvluihy -who have beon studyîng lheology haîf a century, and lthey hav# giva me no satisfachory anawoer. T1 have turneS over al l te books la my bbrary, but got no solution te the question, and to- day I corne anti aslt yiu for'an explana- tien. By what logic was Christ induced ta exehango the ivory palaces of beayen for the crucliin agonies of eartl I shalltake the Ërst thausanti million years lui hoaven to study ont the problens, meaawhie anS n ow, talting il as the toniderest, mightiest of aIl facetatu Christ diS coame, liaI lie came with sipikeA in his feet, came witli thornasui ha Ibnow, carne 'wih spears in bis hort, e taSave you ainS te gave me, "GoS se, laveS 1th. world lIaIlieo gavebis ouly 'begetoten Son, that whosoeven beiieveîh lu liimshouid non pends, but have ever- iaaiingJilfe." Oh, Christ, wholm ail our siouls wthb thy compassion 1 Mow liens dan lutes uimer grain wibb the harvoat- ýy Use Soapy1 water for makiug starcli. , The linen wiiI have a glossien appeanance n and the tran will not lie se apt ta stick. 9. To griiaIod seissorsaI home saw the c.blaSe on the neet af a glass bottle, as if r-you wero lnying ta saw that part off. In te a short tiime bhe scissora will bie quite it Sharp. -ao Tu wliiten the titchen table: Spreati ýd lb ail over witb a thin paste of dlilonide of ,n limse andi bot waters blave on alngt le ant inl the morning wasi off. f To remove tran ruaI irons marble: Use ra solution of ana quart of nltric aeid ln ýe 25 parts of water. Apply ha the spots oonly,, thon inse wlth waher andi am- 1,moula. d The lionsewife wba wishes ta Iuy egga wheu tbey are ebeap anti preserve thora -for future use will do well te follow these ýe directions- Mix, equal portions ai un- slateti lime and saI. Put a goati layer af. e ibis mls.ture in a deep box. then a layer a a of ggs fan apont irons each allier, anti es standing au end (brotideud up). Cou- 0 iue wlhh albornate layers ai eggs anti the mixture util the box la filleS, wliicb s' ia then fasteneti. Properly packedt ley aâ will easily ltoep for~ a yean. A hasby oxpodiont wheu youn postage a taînp refuses ta, stick is ta moisten il anti rub the gommeS flop of yonr envolope. d It Nvill take on a sufflcient ameunit ai d guns witliout affectiug luc latter. He Was Puzzled. - Christine P' r The youug m~an's soul was la bis valce.> o tChniatine." ho repeateti, "list ,en ta me." 'II ouglit naeta, Mn. Spoonamore. You -do't tuaw-" "You are goiug te aay I Soni't ltaw, 'yau well enough. We have beau acquolul- o nces ouiy a feW moubia. What daes tlot asignify? Whon a man loces bis hoant aI first sigit, doos ho needt 1 walt-"I 'I augit naltaenlot yeu go an Ibis woy. Mr. Spoonamre-l' * "It la tbo a ltsfer lIaI. I've gaI short- od, anti a sleans brake couldn't stopi me now. I've beeu bottleti p op 0 long al- neatiyl Yau've gel talilstpn ta me. If yen can't oven bo a, alsten-whot are you laugblng ah?" "CYan lbiuk yon lknow me, So yen, Mn. Spon-"I * "Conîti I know yon any. botter ln a * Iband iyears? QI,' Chistine-" "'Thal's l!" aie broke lu, With a peal ai laughton. "You are nel talking ta me ai all, Mn. Spoonamoro. This la my lwin iter" -All tle way homo-for whici ho stant- cd aiortly aitenwrd-young Spoonamone, with a hopelessly puzzleS look oubis lace, was tnying ta figure out iow thal couiti poslbly bo. 1The Girl's Seund'Logice. An Inioli isiest was walking te cbapei medxtahîng 'on thie toroptatons of lis people, whon Ibre. youug wýaen ai bis pariai paseei un. Ho knewthem lte be well-meaulug, dIfftient girls, anti becamne eome-wbat alarmeS an seeiug that a gentleman nabeti fon sceptical teutieucies stoppeS ta speok ta Ilion., He Ibenefore quicteneti bis stops lu orSon ta hear lbe conversation, anti immotiiateiyruatci auy akoptîcal toaching front lie 'minda ai île ponishianiers. Af ton listeniug la the f 01- lowiug, bawever, lie feu tntfurthen ce- marks wera auperfluaus: "'GooS morn- Ing, girls. la Jil ta the obapel you're gaîng? Wbat harm'Il coaet yen If yau atay ai home? I baven't been la dbapel lut twe ,years, anti I welgh 200 paunds hbie day. ' Anti ane of lhe Ibm.. answon- eti: , Ya u haven't been te chapel ln tw-,o years, yen soy, anti yen wreiglis 200 ponda Sure mne faîher bas a jakassa that nover weul tû chapel lie liueif, anti lie weigis 400 punts! Bales ye baller !"1 au.d th* Chiidrêu, Wnlting lu The Century ou Charles Dictkeus' Interest lu lie cause ai edtiuco- lion, Mn. James L. Hugies cancludes1 bis article by sayl He Nras the firet greal Euglish studeul of Froebel. Be Soeaswltb.19 diffeorent 0eboola lu bis booas.lie gives more at- tention te lb. training oai litiooti thasa auy allier noveliel, or an2y oher etiucatar excepî Froebei. IHa wajSane ai th. final Englielimen ta demauti national contrel oi educalian, even in privas. sahools, andt'ho thanaugli training of al l eachens. Hoe exposeSt Il types oi coercien, and i 51 mare liait any oe else ho lend Christ- tan men anS wromerpt. treat ahiltrene bumeey. Evary book le irale exeept lwoe là.rlch la eduicotional ihougl. Ha tank ilie misach atiacet position on overy phase of modern eticaionai Ihouglit, except matnual tnaining. When le le tliorougbiyundenstoti ho wîll be recagniz- cd as, tb. Fýroelei of Englanci. culIurs 16 Best Acqîtired t aome. Thora is a mistakon idea of culture prevabeul. Culture does ual mean menoîTr eQimM!tting ta menmory a greal number of focts euh ai text-booka, butý ilt dnes, meanuà aerfnlanti thouglitini assimila- tion of every bit ai knowledge liat conmes our way for the punppse af mat- !Dg onrselves more i4tobIligentC, more - ----- -~-------- ~---- ~ ~ lSeacl. -. wP~45J~erea~u 1' k w itey pll w l lase blood from all Mpurilies aof is a e a o n t o e n e v s Wpu ia tha Dotna te seo 0f the tempinent plhsicinl te Uor. Stt es. Tel the co ls ow yenarç smufrin . Fand illa reeetheonieatte ncs.dvc ofitheut ost i. dde s cas DR. . jë. AYER, Lowen, Mass. lIii sno* twenty years aince a poow Franciscan moult prophesied that Le* XIII., 'who was thon only just made Pope, would reign for twenty yoars. As Leo XIII. was at that time an extremely fragile anS delicate man, lb was not ex. pected that lie would, live as long as twenty years; buth liais, and itlise said that those about ilim are very fearful now lest the prophecy shonld be fullilled. Tihe story goos, hy 'the way, that toea years ago an atterhpt was nia&e t shako the faibli of the Francisean nl)t in lis oWu prediction. A telogramwa brought Into the monastery, where ho anS his brethoru were soated, announdiing tho Polie'@ death. Ail preseniU except this man foUl into bitter distres. le alono rrmaie unmoved, declaring th-at the nowî ' aald -not ho 1true, ,Xor the Pope -had sesi1 ton yoars ta live. Io ofton a warning that the. ilver l torpiti or inactive,. More serions troubles may foiiow. For a prompt, efficient cure of Headacie andi ail, liver troubles, take Whilc tbey rouse the liver, restoire full, regular actrion of the boweis, tbey do net gripe or pai.n, do net irritate or iiame t he internai organe, but have a posiie tonlic effeetI. 25C. atal druggists or by iniliof C. I. Ho & C.,Loweli, 'M ass. t 1 1 il-