A WRQgnG ID DYSPEPSIA Throis ail the Maine on the. Stomaeh-The Real Seat of Trouble Is the Intestines- The Permanent Cure ls Dr. Chase's Kîdney-Liver Pis. [t is an od idea long since exploded tisat digestion is conifinefi to thse stomacis. No modern scientist denies tisat by far the greater Ipar of digestion and the more difficuit part Ita ecs place in'tise intestines. This explains Iwhy dyspepsia Is neyer really cured by pre. Iparations wich merely aid stomach digestion an anf nt onîy on the stomacb. Thes actPlso explains why Dr. Chase's Kid- neyLivr hlshave been soremarkably duc- cessful as a cure foý the worst forms of dyspep- sia and indigestion. Dr. Chases Kidney-Liver PIS act directly on the kidneys, liver andi bowels, and give new tone andf vigor to the intestines, ansd make them able to perform their work of digesting thse substances on wbicb thse tomach bas no effect. Stomacis treatment ny do well enougit for slight indigestion, but if you have chronie in- digestion or dyspepsa of a serious nature you can profit b>' the experience of scores of thou- san ds who.bave been permanently cured b>' using Dr. Cisases Kidney-Liver Pis. One 11 .I dose, 25c. a box, at ali dealers, or .imnson, Bates & Co., Toronto. BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 2, -1899, 4"ARIING OF A4I'. Twenty-one years ago to-day (AugI) the present proprietor and Editor of THE STATESISIAN entered upon this very uncertain andboisterous sea of journal- ism in this town. How ý quickly thse -Years have sped, too. Eventful titougis the>' have been, thse spant seemts very shor t. Yet when we look aitihe places of býusiness in town, in a remtiniscent mooüdan.d note how few'of tise mon and women who were in active business in 1878 are leftto us, a Ilirili of sorrow strikes througis our being and feelings are aroused tisai we cannôt suppress. Time passes on and withit i one after another of our associates are borne away to the cemnetery. Ilere we are battling with the worid just as if every- tiing depended on our efforts and labors, and still the events remnind us every littie while that tisougis thevwork- men fali the work goes on. Places are soon filled by others and the departed onos quickly forgotten except by their more intiraate friends, When we take a journalistic view, so far as we can remnember, nlot one news- paper iu Toronto is controlled bytise men who were aitise hem in 187S, and front Toronto te Belleville we only know of two men who are proprietors now of the papors they publisise I then- George Wilson,Port Hope, and George Keyes, Coborne-and they both have their sens associated withihit. So that nearly ail of our confreres of our early journalistic days have citiser xemoved, died or gone int other walks in lif e. Truly titis is a world of change. We enter upon our 22nd year to-day witis hopes tisat we may profit by thse mnistakzes of tise past twenty-one and a determination te make our own and titis journal's influence a greater coin- bined power for good than ever, if healîli, streugtlit and years are given us to accomplisis our purposes. YfliLKEE EXTORIttON OR WRAT I A ladly in town sent a hand painted china tea cýup asnd saucer as a birthda-y present 10 a fin across thle lino, New York State,recentINy and titis is the way ib wàs done anid thse expenises: When takl-en 10 thse--.x-press office the sonder wa.sinformedtisaI ilwas neces,,sar v 10 go btiseh Customn office and makýe an ex,,por7t entry. Two tooscap sit8et ors were execuited,signed and stamp- ed wit thtie seal of Rer Majesty's Cus- tcmns, one retained and tise otiter for delivery 1tise express messenger. Tison tise e-_,press agent filled ont four or five offiiai documents in dtiplicate ail of ,vhich had to, be iged by tise- sonder. not Yankee extortiofl with a vengeance, what is il ? eCiHdoen O(yfo îNCIIEÂSED REVENUE. Tise condiition of titings under lte Liberal Goverumeul gives ex\cellent satisfaction Ici ail fair mindeti people, and tise ver>' substantial mneuse lu oun Custoins revenue witicit followed lise red(uction lii duties lu1897 and 1898 sisould' alla>'tise fours of lisose wiso as- seted tisaI sucis reductions wouild remilt iu a loss 0f reveinue and force tise Gev- ernument te resoni 10 sOmoi-e oriof direct taxation. As it becoes generali>' known tisaIa reduction of prebectivo duties, nemalteriluwisat country on- forceti, nesuit lu aunmneuse of revenue, lte main objection, as far as Canada is concerneti, of gotting back te a revenue tariff will diminisis. We have but 10 tracetise influence sucisreductions must have on effective demand te unldenstanti why il is that an incneased revenue from imports resuits. To do titis we must keep in mmnd two well establisised tacts, numnel>', tisat about 90ý per cent ef tise people are wage ounners, and, tisa about tiesamne proportien live up to' Iheir incomo, A goed deal of tise con- fusion witich surrounds ma>' oconemie questions migisilbe avoideti wene tisose twe tacts kept lu mi. Witli our eyes open te our suronndings, and tisese tacts bofore us, a simple but logical ex- planation of tise. seoming anemaly is possible, \Ve aIl knew tisut af to tise Fielding Tariff was breugist dçewn a genenai scaiing down et pnices toek place. In 1898 when prof orontial1 duties went mbt full force tisis scaling down process was reneated. New inasmucit' as 90 pen cent ef tise people spond ail tise monoy tisey have, wisetlser pnices are Iigit on iow, titis scaiing down would immediately give rire bo a'proponiionate mneuse lu effective demand. Te supply tise iu- creased quunitity demanded would cent- ainlv neenine aunmneuse in:tise number et perrons engaged in production aiîd distibution-tius decreasing bise nuin- bon of thse unempleyed. A decrease lu the number of tise unemploeet invari- abiy fo rces wag-es te rire. Veý have, tiserefene, as a nocersary resuit oettiue loweingofethtie tariff an enormmus su creuse of bise number nuroeipi of wuges and aun ctual increase ia tise average wages of those wise weno employed prier te tisereduction. Tise degnoe te iviich tliese improvo- monts in tise position efthbie wuge-earn- ers must have inifluenced effective de- mand ina>' be undenntooti wien we considen tise simple, but net very well understoed tact, that ail tise wealtit et tiigs produced each yoanb>' tise coin- munity, nepresents, lors a smail frac- tion, tise amount et wages paid for temr uctual preduction and distribution. Judgîng troin an estimube of tise annuai production et oun tarms, made by an officiai ofthtie Agriculturul Depurtinent tis&unnuai production et wealtis frein ail sources in Canada,i musI bo in tise neigihenisooti of $1,500,000,ooo. Now as titis sum rougisly nepresents wuges paiti by employons and wagon paid 10 Ihose wise emplov titemselves and puytem- selves ont of tise. proceeds oethtie titings tise>' produce, il is easy 'to undenstunti why an mneuse in lise average number and puy oethtie wugo-earners iinder con- truct. and au mneuse lu tise purcitas- ing power ef wagon generaiiy, wict a decrease iu tise pnice et commodities necessanily invoives, must have pro- duced lte business activity ltaI ha cisuracterined tise lunt, and tise fmIs ten monbhs efttise presoul fiscal your. ,Tise general mneuse lu tise wago n ad lu tise niumier et peopie lu receipl et wag- en ena bienlise community as a wisole 10 rpead more money in lte purchase et lise citeupeued commodition titan tise>' could possi bi>'sPend wlitc wagone were lower, wago-earners tewer, and prices iiglier. Imports would ineruase la pro- portion te tise increaned purcisàsing power of tise people. Aiiowing for ail conditions under wisich production in carried on, il is easy te neeltai lte Fielding Tarîff munI have increused lte purclising power et wagon tuily 20 porcen.t. Assuminlise aggrogato annuai production et weultis te ho 81,500,000,0W0 priÔr 'Iotise redue- lion efthlie tariff i tis mneuse et 20 per Baget; Geoffion,, Cisambly and Ver- ciseres; Pouliot, Temîscouata; Boisx'enî Nicoiet; Wood, Breckvilie; Edigar, (Sir J D.), Ontario West- REGULAII ACTIOýN or the bowels i, nlce8s39ary to hoith. LAXA - LIrvEEC MILLS.are thse best oecelsionlai rCthartie for fansily Or gnrslUse. Prie 2,5 cent. An dmngist. SIR jAM2ES EDQAR DEAD. Members of lte Rouse of Commons are dropping, off witit remankable rapid- ily, Sir James David Edgar. boin lte lasI 10 pasi 10 his rewand. Sir James'1 illn ess itad beon roganded as,- very serious ever rince hoieturnedod -is home in Toronto about ton days ago from OCttawýa. He was under tise con-1 stant attendance of Drs. Camieron and MePisedran.. Dr. Powell of Ottawa per,.formned anoperation utpon tis.e patient reeenily,ilu'tise hope of savýinis iîî, fe, but. aIl tise efforts of iis pisYsicianis were unavailing. Deceased wa sIiig-ily re- spected by al wio knew hlm irrespect- ive of polilical viows. TRE LATE ISAAC JEWYELL. At earlv dawn on Monda>' rning', July 24tisais if eagor 10 begin isîs week's work of isarvesting mortais, Deatis ou- terod our town and took away one of, its citizens, Mn. Isaac Jeweil. Ris deatis was a surprise te many even among iis own immediabe circee f friends, for wisile hoelîad iseon ailing most of tise.past winter ho had se far regaiued tir airenglis as to be able te drive ont and visit some of his relatives ut Welcome, Perr ' town and (irono, as if taking final louve of tisoso ho c loved and of tise scenes of iis early lifle. Ho was bora in England ui tise year 1835, and wiie only a lad, is parents William and Susanna Jewell, wit one otiser child, came te Canada and settled su tise township of Clarke. IHere hoe lived and labored and, beautified is promises. On Januar>' 29tis, 1874, hoe murried Miss Mary M-'ýeCrea, of Bowman- ville, whose cer presence brougist sunsisine isite tise home and helped te make it a very paradise. No happier spot eould ho fouud for quiet retirement titan among tise sisadY nooks of "Pleas- ant Vtew," or for genuine itospitality titan within its four walls., TisouZ-isnover rugged, by giving propen iseed te iimself, once spending a season on tise ra-coast isopissg te build up bis ratiser weakly constitution, hoe massaged te so far ovorconio his weak- ness as te be able te superintend is f arming interests util about seven years ugo lie retired toetise town of 13owmanvilio, that iis two daugistens migist have botter educationul advunt- ages,' and hoe and bis wife thse pleasure of a more netired lite, lu enri>' lite. under tise ministrv of Rev. John Eeg'- uis, ho united with tise Metisodîst churcis. le wus a member'of tise Quart, erly Board ut Kirby, on bihe Newcastle circuit, until iis removal te Bowman- ville, wisere hoe oc cupîed an officiai posi- tien, once reprorentinig tise cisurcis nI tise Conference lu Toronto and aise ut Port Hope. Ho was a mest couscien- tiens supporter ofthtie churcis, was mnost deoply interested n lu aliser interests and rejoiced ut eveny sigu of, ler pros- ponit>'.Ris regulan attendance ut tise cisurcit when able, wýas oni>' an indica- tion of tise f aitistul Performance of every christian duty lu connection witis homne and cisurch and tise ontusîceworld Tise esteosa luwhich ho was iseld b7 tise publi;o v.mas munitented b>'t1ise large numben of people wiso came fnomn miles around te take a lasI look ut tise fornm and te perf onmtise 1asI act for o)ne who wuswideiy known and iigily esýteemed. Tise service ut tise residence was con- duicted L'y 11ev, J. J. Rue, iis pastor, who spoke lu kind and apprecýiative,1 but neot exaggenated termis of tise char- acter of deceasod, and aise words of consolation tle s rrowing widow, ltwo daugisters and friends. Ail his surviving brettons and sistens were present, William Jewell, Batavia, N. Y.', Rev. John A. Jewell, B. A., Welcome, Mrs. Wm. Kelly, Perrvtewn, Mrs. D. F. Walshs and Mrs. Isade Ceb- bledick, Orono. Tise floral tibutes wene numereus and beautifual, tise W. M. S. of Bowmanvllle Metisodist chuci srnd- ingý a Cross; lte Ladies Aid, ani Ancison; Mms. Rue's ciass, a Wreaiit andl several oIsons witit expressions et sympatisy, tnom pivato individuels. Tise roimns, foliowed by alao corÉcege woee taken te Bowmîanville Cemobeeryv, where itis fellow itizens dle pesiled "ourti tot eartit. alisès te ushies, dusltoledunt," unlil tise rsirci "Blessed are tise dead wiso dielu tise Lord, yýea suiti lte Spirit for lhiey rest frein Iter labors and tiseir works do follow Iheini." eThe Jeweïs otf Hotpe." Is tisere any sadder or miore -pratitetÎc spec- than i tat of tise poor womun weigh- ed dlown witit wretcisedness and meu copeà . -, feît entirely wel. I coutinued tt aire it sud te- day I arn in ees- way a well worna sd I hâve found that lite is wortlsliving, vo al wme wbe suiO'er %with Susy wotMb wfreubie Wouid ec- Clsmend this nseslscine. 1 thanik the Lord that such a dector as Dr. Pierce wes bersî- Delicate, pain - weary womnen xeed not hesitate te write te Dr. PNerce. AI! comi- munications are accepted lui- absoluite con- fee nevec puiblishe-d Vitlsoiit express; [perission ; an-d alw«avs auswered wyitla eacnest ceiss.iderutioni to gi-v-e te best pos- sibsle adice ut which a life-long protfes- *ina xperience ii capzible, Sucit aýdylC* iB absolu te4ls(rme. iE WCÂISTLE UNION HïCU!AND PUBLIC SCHOO0L, Tise foliowinig are tise names, in order of mnent, of tlise successfnil pupils aI tise recent Promotion Examinations: Jr. Pt. 1 (A). to Jr. Pt 1I.'B) Stanley Otton, Janet Singeir, Jm'ebeKarl Selby, Louisa Kuigitt, Eari Fisiter. Jr. Pt. (B).eI. 10 Jr. Pt. I. (C)-Dora Bennett, Wesiey Walmsley Alfred Gomme, Richard Finley. Stanley' Bar- rett. Jr. Pt. L. (C). Ici Jr. PI. I. ýD) -Chas. To-m, H elen Toms, Louis rhsompson, EretWrigist, Charles Branton, Eric Jr. Pt. I. (O). tu JrPt. II. Rugit WrgtFrederick Thompron,NMargaret Sey'-mour, Jamîes Quinlan, Mary Faru combI, Alima Douglas, Clinton Rateliffe. J r: Pt,.1Ir, 10 Sr.- Pt. Il-Douglas DIYvidson, Arnold McLood, Irwin Bar- rett, Etta Teishie, Florence Bonatisan, Agnes Mangan, Elroy Gibson, Elvu Ruthserford, George Marten, William Singer, Harold Tuif, Margaret Finaley. Sen. Part Il. te Jun. Il.-B. Barfett, W. Walmslev, L Brunit, E. Orpwood, absent throngis illness lu tise family obtained standing on class work. Jun. IL. 10 son. 11.-O. Wilmoz, D. Langler, S, MUoise, H. Wrightt, F. Lycîtt, F. Gibson, R. Taylor. Sen II tu Jr. III-L. Reneflck, E. Atkinson, J. Spencer, W. Lycitt, P. Taylor. Pearl and Ruby Taylor obtained standing promotion on class work, without examination. Jr. III. te Sr. III.-Emeline Barrett, Ina Rïckard, John Singer. Sr. 111. tu Jr. IV.-Jack Wrigis,Etisel Toms, Edward Warren. >Jr. IVý. t10 Sr. IV-Alan Davidson, Harold Toms, Rose Parson, Hattie Mason. Sr; IV. 10 form. .Rigis Sciool.- Allun Wilmot, Rugit Hunter, Howard Taylor, William McLeod, Runssel Rîck- ard. OnlyDOpe In a life time do you Need to Purchase a SEWING MACH- But yoiu want the best. By "Bort" we moan one builî of A 1 matenial, one built by A 1 workc mon, one built on mecisanical prin- ciples, which will thon wear for a if e lime and witisout wearing ouI tise strengli and nerve power of the operator, uer yol wear out tise Bank Account of tise person layîng oui tise purchase monoy. Any Machine, no malter how poorly constructed will do faney work in tise bands of an expert oporator. Tise above mentioned' quafities are necessary if you wish te do your family sewing. If you wvill eal aI T. N. Rickard's Jewelry Store during this monts you will be shown two of thse Best Sewing Machines in tise world, as well as specimoens of ail kinds of fancy and plain work clone upon tem. Re- membor tise pyices are right as wcll as tise machines. T. N. RICRARD9, Jeweiler and Optician, Bowmanville. 1900 We know ils a 11111e, early, but none teoeoarly, te, lhink et propurimg for tise busiest, brigislest, busi- ness year Canada- tas seon. Row streng yen will feel le, enter upon tist aI or if yen eau say wilis cherry alaerity, "Yen, sir 1 I can MIl bisaIposition." For toy will hogoing, tisose god posîienos, lise khnd we propane young people flor. Send n-s yonr naine and lot ns tellyen how we eau mnake ye n e et lise fortunaleonees - StarI any limue. No vaca- tions. TORONTQ, ONTARIO. TOWN OPJUOWXÀÂNVILLE. Bownsanville is beautifully situated on- an eminauca, surroûtnded b>' picturesque scener>', overlookiug Port Bowmanville Harbor on Lake Ontario, ans eue et the prettiest expanses ef wtecr lu Canada. ln summer bonis pi y dail>' lu fulView up and clown sud the fille boats of lise Ontario & Ricehelieu Lina cvii botis ways in gemâmer.Tise population ef nowmanviiie is be- twee 000 sud 400W. Streetg sud sidewnlks are 5mait ciass and isantisome resldeuces are numer- eus. Streets, public buildings aud residenees are lhi&hted witb electricit>'. Abundance of spriug water, good drainage sud reliabie lire protection. Tise postal service ls ail tisat eaube desimed. TiseDominion Organ & Plane Co's. great fadtons-s for snufactssriug Pianos, Or- B sficycle Rims, etc., are lo9catedisere ; aire ise Bowmanviile Rubiser Ce's werks. Tbere are excellent Public sud Higis Sebeels, net surpass ed in Canada for eqipment aud efficiene>'. The c-hureýbeýs are Methodist Presisyterian, ,Episcopalliu. Ceugragatonai, Disciple and Roman Catisolle-. Oui>' two hotels wiîis reason- able rates sud etiser modern couveulenecca Stores are nuearous sud carry fullinhes et ail kintls of lirtt cisas gooda ; competitien la ircea aLnd pics aS 1w as lu a city. Telegmaph and Leph eue sstcmv ceuseecitise tewn with al] iB laces nearasud distant. Port Bowmauvtîîe la e uu nga avorite summar rasent, bcbng oea oftha nsoaî beialistuiloicatleus;,en the' uortis TarE STATE5MÂ1N la thepopular local news- laper s u ijoyv sa ver>' extensive Meleuatlou, ha l w stads rend>' tooffer Uberail uec- u to jfac-torias te locale su Bowmatnvtie Corresp)onýdae invited. wetnd os BOWMANVI LLE. UùTR Grand Clearing Sale of Ladies' White Goods and Blouses is proving to be a great success. A few Buses left at 25c. A few Blouses left at 50c. A few Blouses Ieft at 75c'. White Skirts $1.25,,for $1l.00. White Skirts $1.501, for $1.15. Ail our Muslins, reg. 15c, 20c and 25e ail at one price 10o yard. OXFORD LF-THOUGH -our sales -of Ladies' Low Tie Shoes have been larger this Summel' tharji ever before,. we find we have on hand more bines. than we care Ito carr>y over tilb next season, and intend to clear, them out while they are still seasonable in order to fil their' places with Fail and Win ter Goods, so keeping our stock fresh, dlean and up-to-date. 'I{ere are a few samples of the bargai ns : Ladies' Oxford Shioes, Vici Kid, coin toe, self tip, (toe Cap saie leatiier as 'rest of shoe) turn soles, J. D. King make, regular $1.35, clearing piice $1.10O. I Vici Kid Oxford Shoes, turn soles., pat. toe cap, coin toe, extra wide joint, regular $1.50, clearitig $1,15. A fine up-todate, Kid Shoe, King.s make, best stock, fit and workmanship, every pair parfect, regular price $1.75, clearing price $1.25. These three lines are only a sample of -the great re- ductions- in present prices. We have several other Unes wrhich it will pay you 'to investigate. following: Fine Red Salmon 10c tin, Thistie Brand Toniatoes 8û. Boneless Pigs Feet 12-jc tin. Sardines 5c. Corned, Bee 'f 12ýc tin. Picnic Pine Apple 15c. Clarke's Pork and Beans 5c. Robroy Pickles 121c bottle. English Fresh Herring 10c., GEM JARS--we neyer sold as cheap before, gèt our prices. We pay the higr,-hest price for GRAI 1N and ail kin ds of farm produce e2%%iASy NI Mu rtry,