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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1899, p. 5

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r- ~, i ANNWOUNCE.MENT NO. 3. ~&thllgis too Oood for yo .... This is particnlarlytrue of PARISa 6 EE~ Most people nememben hoaw slong Paris Green was years ega when thoy puid 40e a paund iorn il. Now lts oai h is adultorated. O)urs is the aid iushioned klnd. Ilsv -imported directifrom"Old Englaud". i ils the lest tle, world produces. Use no allher. We are seliug ibis eýxtra strong qulity ai 2àe a ponndp on 5 pawinds !on $1.00. A-NNOUINCEMEYIT NO. 4. Stookt 'akllg lui stoektakiug we found sorne 9dds and Ends. We a-ueelearing thenm at bigr reduetions. .200 Too)thBushes choiee for 10e. 5 H1air Bruslies worth 25c,ehoice 15e 9Hair Brushes worth 60e ta 90e, ehc(e f or 50e. 9 R1a;mrBrushes worth 75e to $1.00, ehoice for 60e. 12 Rair Bushes worth $1 ta $1.25, cýhoic-e for 90e. Litho L11iver Pi.lls, (lest lu the mur-i ket) 2 boxes for 25c. Sponiges for rough work 3 for 5c. Sponiges, finle qualiiy, 5c la $1.50. Spectacles 15e ta 50e ehoice for 10e.. Spectacles 75e ta $1,50, choice 50c. .Spectacles, solid gald $3 to $6. Ranci Brushes 3 for 5e. Hoodl's Sarsapamilla. Ayer's prepar- atian, Celery Conipounci, Seott's Emulsion, N. and L. Vegetable Diseavery, &e., full $1 size, 75c. 1ot Boom (making 5 gallons delici- ans tempemance dr-ink) ior 10c. J .H..Juuv, MORLEY CAWKER. GRAND' VRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVtLLE STATION. GaINQ EAST. GoNs WEST. "(es . S.. 31 a. m. Exrs..528 a. in , 1ýJress .... 10 17 a. mi. ILocl . S s 8 ?ý£ssenger .... 3 32 p.m. iPas enger..* 1 85 p. m Local ........ Express 7 39 ~Ezpesu. il03 STOTT & Juav. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE. AUG. 2, 1899. Gemà Jars, Fruit jars at Nicholls'. 25 Darning Needies 5c at Nichllis'. Rbber Rings for gem jars at Nich- '0iis'. 7 only Gent's Leather Bets 49 ets at Nicholis', Miss Haycraf t visited her parents at Myrtie over Sunnay. isNeieWilliams is guest of Miss Mertie Curtis, Port Hope., Mr. Archie McDonald visited his )rother in Belleville last week. Miss Wilkinuson, St. Paul, Mina., kias beenl gilest of the Misses Rundie, Well- ing-ton st. ,' -yis .Tebiicock is visiting lier son Dr. Franký Trebilcock at The Sanitari- -um, Gravenhurst. Organdie and other Muslins selling off at reduced prices at Coudh, John- ston & Cr yderman's. MNess'rs. 'Neil aud Donald MeDouald' wheeled to Rlichmond Hili last week .advisited friends there. Misï Edna Spry, Boston, Mass., and Miss Mlaggie Gainor, Toronto, are gtfests at M r. John sprv's. Ail1 orders for trips to the lake in Me- Murtry's band waggon should be left .at his old office and will receive, prompt attention. J. C Weeks lias a drop letter box in the door 01 is shep, Maket Square, or n card dropped îu the post offceG will receive prompt attention. Cambray correspond ence in Lindsav Watchman says - Misses Edua Webster and Eva Jackson left on Tuesdav for a -visit to Peterboro and Bowmanville. Over 1000 samples Of Wall Daper to select from-modern iovely patterns- from D-e to 55c per roll. Paper-hanging doue at 10 cents when paper is ordered from me. J. C. Weeks, Ontario st, The Auzust rumber of TuE CosMno 1'OLITAN contains an article on "vIour true relation to Soi~~bv J. W. Bennett. The illustrations this month- are -oog Onlv a few seventeen jewelled, Move- monts leit. Sellinz at the prico that d»ýthers'ask; you for an ordinary 'Watch qtlid eased in gold filed cases as well as ~SterlingSilver. Hurry up if yon want one. Rickard's is the plae to find tleim On JulyV tt, whilo Mr. James PoC- .iack., of tl-ýe UoWiusipl of Ho(-pe, was driving hiome, ho fou ont a [tiswgo and ;itjuredî lis head vory seýverey causing paralysis of the baçk. , Afiler £uferig ~ratdeal hieci Wednes- day Juiy2. Onono uews ou inside0 page. 25 Sewing Needies le as Nidliolîs'. Rair Pins le a lunch ait Nichoils'. White Tape lc a bunel ut Nicholîs'.A Leather Boîts half pnice ut Nichoils'. Mending Cotton 2 cts a card ut Nidh- olts'. Bicycle Boîts for gentlemen ut Rick- ards. Full lineofai men's and boys' strawa bats ut M. Mayer's. Seud vaur w ork ta Jus.Goard,Watch- nuker and Jowelter., Miss 'Edith Butchunt, Toronto, is visitiug fniends home. ,Mm. Wm., Brittuin, Toronto, is visit-0 ng Mm. Chus. Young. Gel yaur school supplies ut Jas.Gourd,S Stationer and Jeweller. Have a place 1om the boys. Reud the aoetry on an inside page. Miss Andrea Fenwick, Toronto, 'Sd in town vlsitiug Miss May Gand. Mr. TIas, McClng"s Caliiomnia latter f .s very inlamsting-on inside page. Summner Vestsn balance af stock sou-. ing ut half pnice ut the Mason Co's. Mr. Thas. ITIoar's 9th letier appears on un inside page irom Isle ai Wight. Wutdlies, clocks, jewetery, spectacles, riuýgs , etc., repaired hy Jus.Goamd,Jew- ser. If you wuut a stylish Boit Bnckto forl a smull amont ai money go ta Rick, ard's. Make a note of tle big sale of Snm- mer gaods ut Concb, Joînston & Cmv-i dormau's. Mms. Beatty and son lierbent, Camp- beltiord, wono recent gnosts ai Mms. P. Trebitcoek.i Jnst a iew Sterling Silver Enameled Boit Ctasps t oit ut Rickard's wilbc sali ut a reduction. Do yon wunt u perfect fltting suit? If so louve yonr order ut Couch, John- stan & Crydermau's. 11ev. H. W. Faoy, B. A, Mapte, Grave, preaciod in Prince Allient church Sunday Jnly 23. New suliscriplions recoived ut TuEi STATESMAN office six duys a weak ho-1 twe(àn 7 um. and 6 pým. A iew good Leather Bous ianr sale ut Rickard's ut u reduced pnice, fluiefor camping or mornung waar. Master Eddy Medland wlo bus beau assisting Mr. J. L.,Rowe, Omono, in tbe liarness sliop las retumned home, Mr. J. E. Dieksan, Newmarket, lias been uppointed Principal ai Onillia High Sebool ut a salary of $1200.. Now'1s the timo ion amanigiugfor your pupering, kulsomining, painting. etc. J C. Weoks cen serve you satis- iactanily. Mr. and Mms. E. A. Rutherford and fumily,Gait,ame guasts of ber sister Mns. John'Rice ulso Mrs. H. W. Bymno and iumily. irom Gaît. Mr. T. J. McMurtry will un is baud wuggan ta tbe tako ovory Friduy ta meet Gardon City. Louve onders ut bis aid office on Thumsday. ti. All work-paintino- kulsominîng, papering-guranted'wlion doue by J. C. Waeks. Get ordars lu eanly be- fore île great rush begins. Prasont STATESMAN suliscrihers wliose subscriptian for 1899 is paid cen-hbave ibis journal sent ta any friand ta tle century ion onty $1.00. Order ta day. M.A.Jumes, Ba-wmanvillo, is Gavemu- ment Issuer ai Mamiage Licenses ion tle Cannly ai Dnnlium, dnning business louns et office, ut lis residence Centre- st., ut nig-ht. Sa many'peapîe do flot moud inside pages ai local papens beceuse lhey do flot insert lame nows, but THE STAT- ESMAN inside pages are always interesl. ing. Seo this week's inside. The Monelarýv Times will pieuse ac- copt aur thunks for a smatl map ai Canada und Newioundtaud. Jndging fmomib te number ai red spots on tle map, the Times lias a very extensive circulation. A notice lias boen orocted ut the bead ai tle p ion et Port Bowmanville barbon fombîd ding bic.ycle ridlng down tle pilfonm ta end ai pion. Ih is a vonv wiso pr'mcaution us same cyctisîs are very careless and Ibis mnay prevênt accidents. Receut visiiors ut Mr. Jas. McLeuu's: Misses S. Muean and N . Benson. Miss Ranual and Etta Fee,.Mrs. James Me- Lunty and son Mrs. Thomas MeLeun and Mrs. W.- P. Warren, Mrs James McLeau and dangitor al ai Toronto, Ma ster Frank Colo, Oshawa. The romains ai tle laIe Mrs. Annie Scott Brodio, wiie ai Mn. Thos. Brodie, fonmenly accauntant lu the Ontario Bank iu Ibis towu, who died ut hon home in Lindsay, ou Wednosday lest, twere brought home for intermeut Fmi- day aftornoon, the itinerul taking place irom the G. T. R1. station. Deceused was a daughtor ai the laie David Towns -and wus welt knowu hbaving tived home ionmany yoars. Sbe louves a bisbaud q.nd au invalid sn. lier popularity is shown by Ithe faet he tshe carrieed 237 fisiqtcein passeugers and made th)o rmn rom Rimnoi ta Liverpool lu 7 duvs, 19 linrs. Mrs. Cubitti writos hack thut she was verv camiont- able and lias only praise, for îlec- Vanl- couver. This fiue steamîer saiLs frin Montreal au Salurday Ibhis -wýeok hvig imade anoîbien very fast mun ta Canada' re,-ediurg Manïtreal aarlySuuda.M. A. James is agent for tis popular steamship lino as well us other leudliug liios. W W.$a.Among tbe rotatives fcimm distance wore; Mm\l. Frank Gaadwin. Miss J. Hoskell, Mrs.ý Brownlow, Mise Mary a Ui'. VruMr. and Mrs. B Viîrtuew son, Robert, and Mr. Jola Virtue. , intMmr. \W. J. Haoskon Rochester,N.Y., aiid Mr. and Mrs Nelon ~ ", Enisi.leu.A mooia service was bad lu Tilnity ohch iO] Sahbu)ath mLoiingndueted by A-. AIl work g,.uarauteedl by Jas. Gourd. Get yonr linterus,canidles,etc. ai jas. Goard. Bowmanvitle Cîvie Holiday, Monduv, August 7th. Great bargains lu Ladies' Sailors at M. Mayem's. Miss B. Ray, Oshiawa, is gnest of Miss Allie Hoskiu. Meu's and hoys'linen hats ai ail kinds at M. Muyer's. Miss Ada Miles, Toronto, is guost at Mir. J. J. Mason's, Mms. E. Bassett, Toronto, is visiting Mr. Thos. Bassett. M. A. James is Govemument issuer of Marriage Licenses. Misses Lanie and Bessie Williams spont Suuduy lu Oshawa. The latest and cheupost lu fedorus, and stiff huts ut M. Muyer's. Miss Thompsan is spendiughler holi- lays lu Port Hope anti Cobourg. Miss-Armour, Queeu St., is visiting friends lu Port Hope and Cavan. Miss Berie Lane, Nestieton, was lu towu lest week caliing on friends. Mr, Arthur Bond, Oshawa, is gnest af is cousin, Master Norman James. Miss Mabel Hamloy, Toronto, is visit- .ng bier futher, Mr. IRichard Hamley. Capt Wmn, Scott 0f Las Angeles,Cal., is visitiug aId acquaintances lun own. Dr. Talmage discourses on the glar- oes ai heuven lu lis sermon this week. Mr, Arthur Runnalts. Wolcame, was guest ai Mm. Jamies G oard over Snnduv. Mms. W. Hafflett and Miss Carnie Kniight are visiting iends lu Pickerinax Mr. James Medta nd, Rediauds, Cal., is visiting lis fathor, Mr. Jno. Medtand, Mr. Clark MoIrmison, Palmemston, is visitinghbis father, Mm, Wmn. Mormison. Mrs. and Miss Annîs and Mm. F. H. Annis, Whithby, weme iu town Thums- day. Those wlo appreciato artistie print- ing shouid send their orders ta THE~ STATESMAN. Parasols ai ail kinds setlling off at meduced prices at Coucb, Jolihnston & Cryderman's. Miss Ida Close, Rochester, N Y., is -visiting hem mother, Mms. Close, and; othor friends. Some linos ai Dress Goads solling off at about hall price at ConcL, J ohuston & Crydermmn's. Miss Maggie Tom, Toronto, is, visit- in lier cousin, Miss Eva Cmyderman, Beach Avenue. Miss Rate Mc)Mnrtry, Gaît. and Miss Jossie Hawken, Canton, are guosts ai Mm. Jua. Stephons. A beautif al lot of new Blouses selliug off for vemy littie money at Coudh, Joînston & Crydemman s. The lutest sangs. 10c. Send for cat- alogue. Instrumental and vocal music always lu scock.-Jas. Gourd. *Miss liendran and Miss Huzol Heu- dron, Lak'fleld, are guosts ai Rev. and Mms. J. J. Rue a t tle Parsoage. Miss Nancy Jeffemy lias meturned ta Clevelandi, Ohio, afir a pinesnt visit with lier mother Mrs. H. Jeffemy. Miss Edna Brimucombe ai Rochester, N.Y., is in town visiting 1ergrand. father 'Mr. Gea. Brimucambe, and other friands. Whon Messrs. Candi, Joîniston and Crydermun announie a meduction sale, dopend uponi it t boy do us they udver- tise. Read their advt. an fimst page. Dmr. McKay, ex-M. P. P., lias heen chason by the Liherals oiNort ictoria ta contest the nid ing for the Hanse ai Commans lu opposition ta Major Sam. Hughes. Mm. W. W. Crawford, Bawmanville. was lu Lindsay Wednesday morning -Ho was mturning iroin Gelemt ^nd I-raliburton, wbenee h ad been bnying cattle.-Poet. T. J. MeMurtry's baud wagon will muke daily trips ta the lakeuntit furth- or notice. The mante wîll be ulong Cburci St. starting irom thé Publ Sdhool ut 2 o'ctock. Compluints are made about the long time tle factory whisttos are btowu and wo ugreo that it is a nuisance, Every- body ia tawu doos ual uppreciate being blowu uwake ut 6.30 u.M. Candidates are allowed ta puss foi outrance ta High Sdhool on Publie Saloal Leuving pupers ou a tower _per- coutlage than au Entrance papors. This oxplains why some pussed on less than 550 marks. 11ev. Hugli Crozior lus uccepted a callti thebo roshyterian cangregatians ai Ashbun a nd tUlca and will blinl dncled ,to-day (Wodnosday-,). 11ev. J.,1R. Tut ubuli, M. A., will assist lu the lu- duction services. The Muson Ca. lias jusl rèeived their British importations. See tbeir new advt. Tbey buy irom. Arthur & Ca. ai Glasg-ow piucipatly; this company does MARRIED. RAND;ÀLLý 'f-HA BVEY. -At Part Hope, July 18, by 1ev E. Daiatel, Alva If Raîndal 'and Annie, daught,,j er o f Mr. J no. Harvey, Port Hope. îEDC % ,Â.-A\t bis residencee, 113 loo)r St., Tor- ont,,, Jnl 'y :u, Hn rJmsDavid Edga,', K. C. M. G, Speakier Ca )miiofa andin his BiÂ-At Langfard Rill, Markham churcli, StratonOamnwaUEnglnd.JI 13,tJecil lray oi osworth.Y, aged 64 years, ot onl ci fthe late Cecil Ni( tiolas Bray, s. J. P. Bîtonx. BL .111;VJnly2;, Anniie Sctt Tn>nîs hlovd ife of Tfhomaus BotEsq. IntOrred ia Bom nvt llecentey Be.SABALL-Innwianvillu,Jnly _2,iiflam Miss Radcliffe, Toronto, is gu.est of Miss Mlabel Borland. O)ver two.eoflumns of Local and Other- Wise o1nau inside Page. Miss Effie Campbell. Port Hope, lias been visiting Miss Prower. Master Lorne, James and sîstor, Osh- awa, are zuosts of Miss E. White. Miss Byors is visitîng lier brother Mr. R. F. Byers af tlie Central Livery. Mrs. (Dr.) J. H. Clemens, Parkdale, is guest of Miss Neads, Division St. Miss Ethel Archer, Toronto. lias been guest of Mrs. Fred Heal, Elgin St. Mrs. Johu Frise and Master Arthur are visiting lier mother at Marion, Ohio. Miss Ruth Parker and Miss Lizzie Granger, Toronto, are guests of Mr. J. Frise. Misses Aggie Hawke and Kp te Brown Gaît, are visiting friends at Port Bow- manville. Mrs. E, G. Sis and' two daugliters, Belleville, are visiting at Mr. J. K. Galbraith's.. Mr. J.ý B. Martyn bas purchased the hanses and lot on Ontario St. irom Mrs. C. Hnok Miss Fanny Ellenor lias returneci fromivisiting relatives lu Kingston and Port Hope. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Williams, Cann- ington, are visiting lier sister, Mrs. H. Baskerville. Mrs. Wm. Bunney and Mr. Jas. W. Bunnnoy. Ottawa, have been gnests ai Mrs. C. llancock. A now telephone, No. 31, lias heen placed in Mrs. W. L. Malory's resi- douce, King St., East., Misses Maud, Pollv and Minnie Horn, Hampton, visited Miss Winnie Trick, Brookbill Dairy, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Morri,4, Porthcawl, South Waioes, England. are guests of lier aunt, M.ýrs. E. S. Meatli, Prof. Vogt, Mrs. Vogt and family weme guests'oi Mr. (4eo, McGill, man- ager Ontario Bank, iast week.' Dr. J. M. Brimacambe is attending a meeting of the American Dental Association at Niagara Fulls, N. Y. Meslsrs. R. D. Fairbaimnanad Shirley Denison, Toronto, were guosts of Mm. J. B. Fuirbairu, P.M., over Sunday. Mr, N. S. McDonuld bas secured the principulship of Richmond Rill Public Sdhool at a s alary of $500. There were 86 applications. 1 Mr. Chartes Witheridge and sons, Masters Rgnl and Verne,Tamonto, visited at Mr. Wm. McReynoids, Brookhitl Dairy, lust week. Mm. Thos. Tod, Mr. J. B. Martyn vuand Mr. John Reid lias had the front of their stores newly paiuted making a decided improvement in appearauce. Mrs. McDonald. Mrs. Brown, Mr. P. Brown, Misses S. B. and Lettu Shields, and Mr. George Pierce, Toronto, are snmmering ut "Lakeside" the prettv esidence of Mr, John Osborne, Port iBowmanville. Mr. W. H-. Goodwin lias pnrchased tbe large brick liouse on King St. for tmauv years occupied hy the lute Jacob Neads, and intends convorting it into two stores. Womkmenu are uleudy en- gageI an the transformation. Tihe Ledger Monthly for August lias on1 its cover a pictume in cotors of a rolicking urchin in a bine bathing suit, up to lis waist lu gentie surf, enltitled "lEcstasy" suggesting the cool sea and the freedam ai a tooso batbing suit for the sultrY daysofAugust. "A Glimpse ai Cape Breton, Nova Scotia" is deligbt- ffully refmsing ln subjeet and troat- ment for a summer holiday. "lThougbi Affecting the Lufe ai a Young Girl" by Mrs. Clement Farley, is deeply interest- ing in suhjeet , fuli ai harming senti- ment and excellent suggestions. "The Arrangement ai Flowers" uppours in this number, and Mrs. L- Burton Wil- son tells liow ta embraider fish-net linons in the most'beautiful and urtistie designs. Robert Bonuer's Sons, Pub lishers, Lodger Building, New- York, City. Snnday last was marked by large congregations lu the Metbodist clnmcb, Iextra chairs being bronght inta the galtemy at nigbt. Rev.J J.Rae proach- ed two splendid sermons, the Gth Comn- maudment being lis evening text- SThon shait do no murder. He stmnck csomoe hargainlunters a terrible blow, .sayiug in offeet that peaule wlio tooked Sfor buargaus il u cb linos ai gonds as are sold cbeap becanse the workers who prodnce them are forced ta work for ver «y sm-all wages- victims af the sweat- ing sy.ýstem that obtains 50 largely-m gilty ai murder. Terrible truth The- chair acquitted themselves grandly, siniging-, two gaod antliemnsatniglit and Miiss Hendron sang salas at each service and was very mueh appreciated. She is a great favorite with this cangregu- tion. She will assist the choir next fSuuduy und sing at the pruyer meeting Tlilrsdýav ilit. Special music is ta h iveiext Sunday night wlien the towu. T, ýThe Popular Grocers. Telephone No. 65. e, Be, K. If You Want Them Hustle. Org andie Muslins worth 25e for 1212e. Organdie Musins worth 12-le for 8e. Zephyr Gingharns worth 25e for 15c. 20)Ocfor 12-1c. '~15e for 10c. Ladies' Print Blouses worth 40e for 19c. Best Prints in the trade, worth 121c for 8e. Prints Fast Colors, special for 5c. Ladies Cotton ilose, worth 17e a pair, 3 for 25c. Dress Goods worth 50e for 25e. Dress Goods worth 25e for 12ýc. Linen Table Damask worth 40e for 32e. Linen Table Darnask worth 30e for 23e. White Bed Quilts worth $1.25 for 95c. Towelling worth 10e for 7e. Towelling worth be for 3e. Colored Cotton Shirting worth 10e for 71c. Colored Cotton Shirting speelal for 5e. S. W. fIASON, & SON. BOWiMANVILLE, Ncxt door to Standard Bank. IYARBLE AID GRANITE WORKS, BOWMAN VILLE. E.BSALL MtaýfetUreti of andci beale in Flline Monumental. Work, Ini best Gr~ades o~ f atet'rial. Cali and get ry priees,. I amn sure rny work will please you. * ni M Now isthe time for Rooim Paper. A lady said to me last week, II sent away for paper for my hall but ai ter ýseojn- -wliat you have and vour prices, I arn very sorry," Don't be mislea. Don't buy fram samplos. Inspeet my Patterns, got my prices, and know what you are gottiug. Satisfaction is the word. Wîndow Shades. No culîs, and no trash, all good stock and good value. Curtain Polos very choap. Pictures, Picture Framos ,,anýd Roomn M1olding-s are specialties withi me. No trouble ta show goods. Choice Wiudow Plants, forsle The Sta pn l Se-r>ty On cvcry "Siater Shoe " put t1iere by the makers as- guamantee of wear value-aprt- tion against extortionate profits. Many rien would readily pay miore for a "Siater ,Shoe" were net U0 ic cesa don he sole -thîs stamp gives teaculmarket value of the shoe deemnd yt anufac- colors andstl. vrypiGo- * yeair etd - JOHN HELLYAR,'Solle Local, Agenbý. We arec For the fiuest Groeeries, Fruits, Provisions, Cooked Meat and ail Camping Supplies lu the j à 'iHie. elqr 4:5 sioli & JORY. 1

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