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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1899, p. 5

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j j z- A,-'NNOUNOEýMNT XO. 8. llotlirng is too '0ood for yoa.......n This is 1,îa1ticularly true o! PARIS GREEN. Most people rememben ilow strong0 Paris Green was yoars ,g o wben tiey paiti 40e a pounti for ih. Now lots o! it Îs adulterateti. Ours is the'olti fashioneti kinti, Its importoti tirecctfrnonîOld Englanti". Its thie lest the ,vorld produces. Use no other. We are selliag this extra str ong quality et 25e a pounti or 5 pountis for $1.00. AN-NOUNCEMENT NO. 4. Ini .ti-,ktaking we found - sorne Odds and Ends. We are clearing thern at bigy reduetions. 200 Tlooti lrrushes choice for 10e. 5 Hai r Brushes worth 25cchoice 15e 9 Iatir Bi-ushes worth 60e ho 90c, cilce for 50c. Ul- Hair Brushes worth 75e to ý1.00, cehoice for ÇOe. 12 Hlair Brushes worth $1 to $1.25, Cioice for 90c. Lithieý Liver Plls, (besh in the mur- ket) 2 boxes for 25c. Spoujges for rougli work 3 for 5e. Spnefine quality, 5e ho $1,50. Spueeccls 15e ho 5Oc choice for 10c. Spectacles 75e ho $1.50, choice 50e. Spectacles, solid gold $3 to $6. Hend Brushes 3 for 5c. Llood's Sarsaparilla, Ayor's prepar- ation, Celcry Compound, Scott's Emulsion,, N.' and L- Vegehable Discovery, , fulil $1 size, 75e. RootBeer (making 5 gallons delici- ous emperance drink) for 10e. J,H.H. JuRv, MOR4nrv CAWKER. GRAND rRUNK RAILWAY. * BowiMAŽVILLE STATION. GoîzG EAT. GOmîNGWEST. aE- press...831i a. m. I Express...ý 5 28 a. m *Express- -- 10 17 a. .Local.518 ' Paseogr..- 532 .. Pa.sner.i135 P. m Local ...651 pin. Express.. . 7 39" Daly. STOTT & JuRy. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE. AUG. 9, 1899. Gem Jars, Fruit jars at Nicholis'. 25 Darning Needles 5c at Nichoîls'. Rubber Rings for gem jars at Nich- olîs'. 7 onîs Gent's Leather Beits 49 cts at Nicho ils'. SMr. Jack Mclellan, Gait, Li home for vacation. Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Toronto, is visit- ing MIrs Barrett. Mr. Ernest Brittain, Toronto, is visit- ngrelatives in town. Mil.Gi, Toronto, spent Sunday witl bfis brotner Mr. S. Gill. Mr. A. S. Goard, T'oronto,, spent Sundfay and Civic holiday at home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Saunders, Toronito, are guests of Mr. J. Saunders. Missý the 1000 Island, EYtursion on Aug-. 18 aad you will regret it the rest -of the ea -. Mrs. Movse and Misses Leila and Ninia eads are visiting relatives at Woodlstock. Organdie and other Muslins selling off at reduced prîces at Coucb, John- ston & Cryvderman's. AiL orclers for trips to the lake in Me Murtry 's 1band waggon, should be lef t at bis old office anld will receive prompt attention. J. C Weeks bias a1 drop letter box in the doorof is sbop, Market Square, or a card1 dropped in the post office will receive prompt , ý -- _-L, _L' 11 Mrs. G A. Wanless, Dundonald, was in town Saturdavy on the way to Hamp- ton wbere she will be guest of Mrs. Thomasýat the Methodist parsonage. Mrs. R Wickett, 471 Queen St. W., and Mrs. A R. WVickett and tu-o obhlîdren, 99 Cburch St , Toronîto, are guests, of Mis, M. A James and other friends lu West Durham. Over 1000 samples of wall Daper- to select from-modern lovely patterns- £rom 5c to 55u per roll. Paper-banging done at 10 cents when paper is ordered from ie. J. C. Weeks, Ontario st. Onlv a few seventeen jewelled Move- moents le! t., Sellinz at the price that others ask you f aj an ordinary Watch and cased in gold filled cases as well as in Sterling Siver. Hurry Up if you want fine. Rickard's 18 the place to find them. Capt. Cooney of the teamer "Garden City" lias a purse of moneybeogn to somne passenzer wvho dronpped' it on the hoat sorie weeks go.It afod by Miýss Florene TilleY, Bowmnanville, and likýe an lionest .n lady thiat she is sho hnd(ed it 't o the captaîn. 25 Sewing Neotiles le ah Nicholis'. Hair Pins le a bunch ah Nicholîs'. White Tape le a buuch et Nicholîs'. Leather Beits bal! prico ah Nicholîs'. Mending Cotton 2 ets a card ah Nicb- olîs' . Bicycle Boîts for gentienien ah Rick- ards. Mrs. F. W. Couch is visiting relatives ah Exeter. Full lineofo men's anti boys' straw bats at M, Mayer's., Senti sour work ho Jas.Goari,Xatch- maker anti Jeweller. 5fMr. H. J. Nohh, Toronto, visiteti bis mother over Suutiav. Miss D. Black, Toronto, is visihing ah 5fr. Jas. Alexantier's. G-et Vour sehool supplies ah Jas.Goarti, Stationer anti Jeweller. Mr. W. G. Verrs-, TIoronto, is visit- ing Mrs. Wm. McMurhry. 5fr. anti Mrs. J, N. Lewrie spent Civie holiday in Toronto. Mr.,aid Mrs. John McGiil, Toronto, are visiting 5fr. John Gauti. Mr. F. W. Coucb spent Suntiay anti Montiay with Port Hope fri endis. 5fr. anti Mrs. Thos. Bredicy,Dundas, are visiting Mrs. Wm. Wintiatt., Summer Vests, balance of stock scîl- in- et bal! price ah the Mason Co's. Mr. ,John Black o! the editorial staff Monhreal Star,was ln town over Sunday. Watcbes, dlocks, jewelerY. spectacles, rings, etc., repaireti by Jas.Goard,Jew- chler, If vou vant e shvlisb Beit Buckle for e smdall amount o! money go ho Rick ard's. 5fr. anti Mrs. Mý B Annis. Toronto, were gueshs o!f5fr. John Fleming e _rver Sunda'y. Malte a. note o! the big sale of Sum- mer gootis ah Couch, Johnston & Crv- derman's. Just a f ew Sterling Silver Enameleti Belt Clasps 1le!h et Rickarti's will be solti et a reduchion. Do you want e perf ect fitting suit? If s0 leave youn ortier et Couci, John- ston & Crytiermau's. New subseniptions receiveti ah THE STATES-MANoffice six days a week lie- tive6n 7 a.m. anti 6 p.m. A !ew gooti Leather Beits for sale ah Rickarti's ah a reduceti price, fine for camping or moreing weer. Miss Mary M. Lennon. Principal o! Irving P'ublie School, Duluti. Minu., is visihing ah lier cousin's rllr. J. B. Mitchel, Elgin St, Now is the time -for arranging for your paperinz, kalsomining-, painting. etc. J C. Weeks can serve you satis- fachonil.y. Mrs. B. Kenned Y, Toronto, Mns. A.BE Bennett, Napanee, anti Miss Lena Bon- nett, Toronto, are visiting ah Mr. F. J. Manning's. Mn. anti Mrs. A. W. Waters, Mrs. John G(ootman andti wo chiltin. Ton- onto, were. gueshs o!f5fr. I. Haggitb over Suntiay. Mn. T. J. McMurhry ivill mun bis baud waggon ho the lake every Fnitiay ho meet Garden Cit.v. Leave ortiers athbis olti office on Thursday. t!. AIl work-pa inting, kalsomining, papering-guarenteed when donc liy J. C. Weeks. Get orders lu early lie- fore the great rush begins. Present STATESIMAN subseribers wbose suliscriphion for 1899 is paiti cen have tbis journal sent to eny friendt o the centur'y for only 81.00. Ortier ho day. M.A.James, Bowmanville, is Govere- ment Issuer o! Manriage Licenses for tic Countv o! Durham, turing business hours et oiffice, athbis resitience Centre- st., et night. One o!the great sights o! the world are tie 1000 Islandis, Go on the excur- sion Fritiay Aug. 18 anti sec what thousantis o! people travel bundretis o! miles ho admire. The Mason Co. bas just receiveti their British importations. Seo their now adtiv. Tbev buy from Arhhur & Co. o! Glasgow principally; this companY doos nearlv ail their own manufacturing. anti are sait o be the langesh anti most wealtby firn in the world. Mn. B. C. MeCullagh, the'onterpris- ieg Corner Store Mercheitt Orono, bas usoti TUE STATESMAN col umnns tuis week ho annouince e grand Six-Days' Sale o! Dry Gootis that evenybody neetis. This 15 lîkely ho lie the mosh popular Auzush sale eveor seen ini Orono. Ho moans whet lhe says. Tako hlm athbis word- go,, buy anti ho happy, The ladies o! the W. C. T. U. will bolti their annuel Flower Social on the Octagon Parsonage groundis Aug. Oth et 7 30 p.m. The frientis are kintily ro- questeti ho brîng bouquets o!fifowers wbich vill ho forwardedt o the General, Hospital, Toronto. Gooti music will be furnisheti li the D. O. & P. Co. baud. Ex-erybotis come ant iijoy a pleasant eývening. Silver -collection ah the gato.' icel er-gs, 1eo lîc ahBrown os- timaheti was ah lea9sh 75 miles in length, anti rose severai huindreti foot above the weten. Hesays that le 25 yeans' expeni- onIce on the Atlanhic h li as nt seen as 1miany icebergs tuïs late in the season. OmIs' a Ibirti o! an icebershows above w-aten. Many mnore aiccidents odeur fic in- anti rocksas fîom contact wih b-s.Mn. Bush g'rýeýtly enjov-etli.i y isit fbut is glti hoehonome withb bs w13e anti fam'ilY azai. Q AIl work guaranteeti by Jas. Goard. Get your lanterns,candles,ete. o! Jas. Goard. Great bargains in Ladies' Sailors at M. Mayex's. Men's andi boys'linon bats of ail kinds ah M. Mayor's. Mfr. Norman Crago. Toronto, was home ovor Sunday. Miss Menti Crawford, Toronto, is vis- iting frientis in town. M. A. James is Goverement issuer of Marti-e Licenses. Miss Neal, Toronto, -has been guest of Mrs. W. H., Dustan. Mrs. W. G-. Ferry, Toronto, is visit- ing Mrs. John McMurtry. Miss Stella Mason is visiting Miss Lillian Outram, Port Hope. M iss Mag-gie Mare, Woodstock, is spending vacation at home. The latest anti cheapesh iu fedoras and stiff bats ah M. May er's. Mfr. W, W Tamblyn, M. A., visiteti frientinluWhihby last week, Mr. anti Mrs. Hloover, Toronto, have been guests of Mrs. T. Pingle. Mrs. Geo. Manning, Toronto, bas been visiting relatives in town. Mfr. Fred Burden, Wininipeg, is at home renewiîig oid acquaihances. Mrs. Foster andi 5r. Hearti, Hamil- ton, are gucets, of Mr. Alex Taylor. One trip to 1000 Islandis is worth ten trips to other resorts. Go onAug. l8. Mr. R. Martin, Guelphi, was recent gucst o! bis daughter, Nlrs. Gco. Laing. Miss Sibd Jewýell, Welcome,bes been engageti by the trustees of S. S. No. 3. Mrs. R. Cawker anti son, Vancouver, BeC,, are visiting Miss Emmersoii,Odell St. Misses Lillîin andi Jennie McLean have been guests o!f5Mr. C. W. Smith, WbitlY., Mrs. J. X, Galbraith anti guests are enjoying the lake breezes at Port Bow- manville Mrs. R H. Hcnry anti Miss Pauline Henîry are visiting lier sister ah Stili- water, Miein. Those who appreciate artistic orint- ing shoulti seid their orders to -Ê STATES.MýAN. 5fr. Walter Johnston, Columbus, Ohio, is visiting bis father, Mr. J. A, J ohustoni. Parasols o! al kintis sellling off at reduceti prices ah Coucli, Jahnston & Crtierman's. Sonielin es o! Dress Gootis selling off at about hall piice at CoLicb, Jolinston & Crvdtermatis. 1 Mrs. T Nicholis anti son, Uxbridgc, are guests o! Mrs. T. E. Higginbotbam, Port Bowmanvîlle. Miss Hattie Litbgow, Port Hope, is thc guesh o! lier uncle Mr. Wm. H. H. Whbite. Albert St. A beauhifull lot o! ncw Blouses selling off for verY lit tic money at Couch, Jolinston & Crs derman s, 5fr. John Maynard, jewellcr, Camp- pelîforti, visiteti bis mnother anti other relatives liere last week. Mfr. A. E. Wrighhman, A. B., o! the Medical College, Cncinnatti, Ohio, vis-' iteti relatives bere lest week.' Mrs, C. Davey, Port Hope, anti the Misses Medland, Toronto, have been guests o!f5Mr. John Medlanti. Mfr. Douglas Grey, Kingston, anti Mr. Arthiur Beuson, Wasso, Midh., are guests o! Mrs. A. McCreadv. Mr, Moselay, New York, Mrs, anti Miss Dickson, Akron. Ohilo, ai-e visit- ing at Dr. Pottcr's, Church St. The latest songs. lOc. Senti for cat- alogue. Instrumental anti vocal music alwavs lu stock-Jas. Goard. Misses Lillie Scott anti Mag-gie M c- Kay, Lviiden Valley, are guests o! their aunt Mrs F. H. Bounsali. Mrs. C. N. Evans, Port Hope, bas been engageti as teacher o! th !orrn of Alleudele sclool at a salary o! $175. Mfr. M. Crydermiau bas gone ho visit bis daughters lnu But e, Mon., U.S., anti ah Port Townsel on the Pacific Coast. Misses J, anti A. Spear, Toronto, anti Miss Kolte, Berlia, visited M5r. Thomas Basseth anti other relatives over Sun- day. The iandiai district meeting o!thie Mehhodist churcb o! Bowmanville Dis rict wili ho helt inl Simcoe St. churcli, Oshawa, Aug. SI. When Messrs. Couch, Johnston anti Cryderman anuýounee a reduction sale, dopenti upoin 1h hhoy do as they ativer- tise. Reati thoir edvt. on llrst page. Mr. anti Mrs. D. M. Lockbart, Col- umnbus, Ohio, Mr., anti Mrs. J. J. Lock- hart, Otýhuainwa, Iowa, 5fr anti Mrs. T. H. Lockhat, Toronto, ah 5Mr. Michael Lockhart's. T. J. McMutr3's bandi wag'on will make daily tri ps to the lake until furth, en notice The route will ho Slnng Cburch St. starhîngý from Uthe Public School ah 2 o&clock. As M . a m. J.Hall nti!mly u cludirig 1ev. anti Mis1E. Li. Bre anti chilti wero enrouete o 1Iail's Mansb Wednes,-dey alýturuo(on ho a picnic the livery w&gneh roedwi cudthey were tirown ;n a bapon heshouey roat i a t ahthejuch 4u ! ing antiSugog Ses. Mrs. Hall wnsbruis etA aboult Étheface anti Ms.Bresld one shou!ler injureiobriete ~ c ap1)e t w itb afowbrussant b bt Sliking up. FE WAUQH, L. D s,, O. DS BOWsîANVîLLIU. Denl Ofice iii the Rooms abolit ~ iiho ah Oronio frniî9 esa. ho 2 p.ln,., anti ah Nowcashle !rom 2 31J n- tii 7p.n, on tie ecndanti ourth Motcso!fahMuh Gýoti pltes,, Crown antiBridge work j andiainissxtraetioniiare special.ies EX-ýCURtSION TO 1000 ISLÂNDS. The 100 sland excursion last year gave the best all-round satisfactionj of any excursion ever runi fromi this dis- trict. The best people' in the country went and several social parties are formringý, to go again on Aug.- 18. A very pleasant outing is e-.xpected. In'vite your friends and neighbors to join your partv Take your lunch basket well filed and if you donýt have the best time vou ever had for the samn3 money the fault will be yours. See advt. Miss Lai-ra Laing, Toronto, at home for hiolidays. Miss Arnot, Lindsay, guest of Mr. John Fleming. Mr. Harry Hook, Toronto, spent Suindav in town. Mr. Fred., M'artyn has gone on a visit to Rochester, N. Y. Miss E. McKeown, Toronto, is guest of Mrs. J. T. Hooper Miss Jennle Colling of Normal, 111, is vîsitir'g Mrï,. S. J. Hall. Mr. Ford Fairbairn Toronto is'visit- ing at MIr, Neil Osborne's. Mr. A, L, Vanstone, Brantford, visit- ccl relations here reccntly., Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Annis, Toronto, are visiting Mr. John Fleming. Miss Hîghet, B. A., Phi D,, ih guest of Dr. Brimacomnbe, ';Greencourt."1 The Misses Clemens are visiting relatives in Port Hope andi Cobourg. Miss Wade and Miss Newell, Toron- to, are gu.ests o! Mrs, C. L. Manson. Dr. W. H. Garrett, Yonkers, N. -Y., is visitîng bis father, Mr. W.l11,Garrett. Miss Lizzie anti Nellie Grey, Toronto, are visiL1ing their sister Mr. C. D. Pinel. Mr. and iNMrs. F. E. Filury, Toronto, spent Civic Holiday witb frientis here. Miss Lottie Brimacombe was guest of Mrs. M. B. Aunis, Toronto, last week. M\r. anti Mrs. W. E. Welsh, Hunt îngdn, ~are g-uests of Mr. Ed. weilsh. Mr.D. A Bruce andi two children, Lodn, are guests o! Mrs. S. Wash- ington. Miss Efil Bond and MNr. N. Grose, Oshawa, were guests of lier uncle, Mr. M. A. James. Mrs. H. Jollow, Miss Gladys andi Mr. Arih'ur Jollow, Toronto, are visiting at M,'r. Lewis Jollow. 71Mrs. W. H. Evans andi'Miss L. Evans of Tloronto spent Civic Holiday with Mrý. S Mason, Sr. The Misses Fictdng- and 5fr. Fieldi- ing, T oronto, are guests of their uncle, Mr. ]Ilobt. Fielding. Messrs. Paul anti Charles Bilkev. Toronto, were 'guests off Mr. W. B, Couch over Suuday.. W%'e expect a 1110e comipany of minis ters and teachers on the 1008 Island ex- cursion Friday, Au-. 113. Mrs. Grayson Smith andti Mi. s Mc- Donald, Toronto, have been guests of Mrs. (Dr.) Beith, Churchi St. Mrs. Rowland Hughes anti baby of Alpena, Mich., are i-uests of their aunlts, the Misses McTavisli. Mfr. Howardi McMurtry and 5fIr. L. Sommerville are spentiing vacation at Halifax anti St. John, N. B. )47, anti Mrs. J. W. Alexander have Soeon a holiday trip town the St. Lawrencc and up the Sag-uenav. Air. and Mrs. Thos. Grigg, CanninZ- ton andMrs.(14ev ýEtiwards,RockIslanti, Ill,,* are guests o!fr.n John Grîgg. 'Misses Annie and Edna Gould have beeiî home froin Toronto andi Miss Idia Gouti returued with thcm to the city. Miss Leila and Master Fred Gale are spending holiclays in Coiborne guests of their aunt Mrs H. Gale at the lake. Rev. E. B. anti Mrs. Barnes andi family, Normal, fil., are spending their vacation with lier 'father, Mr. S. J. Hall. ,Mrs. Soles and daugliter Ina, Michi- igan and Mrs. J. Crawford anti sou Harry, Toronto are guests of their sister Mrs. Crago. Several nice parties are forming to go on Excursion to 1000 Islands. -Get v our friends who live back ln the country or out of the usuai reaci of sncb a po>pular excursion to visit sou anti go too. Recent \isitors at Mfr. J. J. Mason, Miss Svbîl Painten. Toronto, Mrs. R. J. Davitison and son Fred, Nýewmarket, Misses Outram and Thompson and ,Messrs J. Tbompson, A. Vinson, anti F. Vinson, Port Hope. Notices of Births, 3Marriages and Deailis -0cnt:when mrrag Icenses are obtained or fanei,rinotioes printed at tisomeie. insertion free. * BORN. IiooEY.-Near Long Saisit, Darliigton, on W ediiésday Jnly 26, ihe wife of Mr.Wix.Hooey, Jr-. ofa a istehtr. AI, The Popular Grocers. Telephone No. 65. o If You Want Them Hustie. Oro, andie Muslins worth 25e for 12-le. Organdie Muslins worth 121,c for &e. Zephyr Giugharns worth 25e for, 15c. 20c for 14c., 15e for loc. Ladies' Print Blouses worth 40e for 19c. Best Prints in the trade, worth 121c for 8e, PrintsFast Colors, special for 5c. Ladies Cotton ilose, worth 17e a pair, 3 for 25c. Dress Goods wortlî 50e for 25e. Dress Goods worth 25e for 121c. Linen Table Darnask worth 40e for 32e. Linen Table Damask worth 30e for 23c. Wrhite l3ed Quilts worth $1.25 for 95e., Towelling worth 10e for 7e. Toweiling worth 5c for 3e. Colored Cotton Shirting worth 10e for 7ù-e, Colored Cotton Shirting, speejal for 5e. S. W. fIASON& SON. BowyANVILLE. Next door to Standard, Bank. IVfiRBLE AND GRANITE "K Si BO0W MA N V 1L LE. m:ifaetie~rtof and Dealetr i hIbest Gtades o f Materrial. Caîl and get xny pric., I arn sure rny work will please you. Now is the time for iRoom Paper. A lady said to me last week, 111 sent away for paper for'my hall but atter sen what you have and youir prices, I arn very sorry. " Don't be misle. Don't buy from samples. Inspept imy patterns, get mrv prices, and kznowwhat you are getting. Satisfaction is the wor d. Xindow Shades. No culîs, and no trash, ail good stock and good value." Curtain Poles verY cbeap. Pictures, Picture, Frames and BLýoom Moldings are specialties with me. No trou4ile to show goods. Choice Window Plants for s&a. BOWMANVYILLE, i;,,. r;Ci / rhe "Siater Shoe" i.i closcly îvatclied dur- igthe pro(-)cess of manufacture. Every shoe iudergees a careful examination after 'ieav- I ing the hnds of each operator. i T~ýhe sigltest flaw in t0e the er or wrk- in i-a stitch missed-il slip col the kuife, & n io tl-edtvar hc Saega anid Styles, V 'v4h.ode; tt -1i eti, naine a- ~ Or-cdo i 4 JOHN ILYRSe Lcoca! Agetit,. We are- r ~For the finest 'Groceries,, Fruits, Provisions, Cooked Meat and aillCamp~in' Supplies in the town. 21 , ýll 'Il sioli & JRY. 1

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