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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1899, p. 7

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Grand c Sunimer Sale ef eioice Mif*lliiaery at Mrs. )ing-rnarf s. Sailor Hats iPi great varicty. Lateý,tt tyles and colors foi» ail triinmeîi goodls Chiffý' s, Meuhlins, Farey Mousselines, Wings,Foliagýe, adies' Bonnets and Children's Hats a specialty. BOWMAINVILLE. Fashionable Milliner. toUGneral Stoe We "Hlold', vaster stock than lias been," and are as usual preparcd tgive bargains in Clothing, Dry Goods, Gr oceries an~d Hardware. Gents' Clothing. G ood Tweed Suits to order $8.0. Good Serge Suits to order $8.00. We ha ve a veryv large and iveii, assorted stock to seect from, in Serges, Worsteds aniid Tweeds, bot.h Foreign and Domestie manufacture, We are bouid to SUIT pOU. Groceries and, Hardware. In our Groücery and lHard ware Departments you xiii fiad our st.'k well assortud, bou glit in the best markets at the closest prices, and wil bc sold at the right prico. Some people want qtuantity others quality, Wu ean please both. igetprice paîd ini cash for produce. Give us a eaul. 11AMPTJN. Low Price is Low Quality. Paint as good'as the -- - She -jrwi -IlianPan BOWMANx tht-E. t-less than- we ask. If less is asked you know the quality is low:: ::d it: net :hea-P. It: short measure. Yen get ýwhat yen pay for Bvery time. The Sberwin-W'iliiams Special t 1loor Paint is made for fiooî's and niotiîinf cite. It is made te waik on and stand bd- hI. i- waed ont. Paint yeur Window and, Doon- Scrcens, we hiave a special paint for 7 them alene. Varnish Stai, Buggy Paint, LeAi, Olis, Turpentine. Cali and get a cler card. West Fiîd lan-ocuareStore. 0f'Boots and-Shoes Stili Gâoin.g On.. We h1'.1e sold piles of Boots the Iast fle or six weeks and have lots to disîpose of yet, and very c 'heap-first-c'aQs goods at very small nrices. My Spring Stock is fin-most of it-and we find our shelves crowdeü. Weatmore -oom and are bound to iravP it. if lnw prieces have auY, hm te do a 4ith assortment ofLadies' Oxford,coîored and black a, $10, Mn' Caif and Cordovan Bims, sewed and rivitted, from $140 t 0 O, w-, , 1)h, 2..00 o fl 1 Children's Button ant iBims 25e, 50e, 75,worth50oc, 75c, and $1,00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond pirices. WVe iii1 tell you wNhat the stock, is in each and every pair. The re:ason we do that îs because we know Latest Spring styles now in ckin everv u, ine . The plic( is Invited te insp.eetý our stock; no u-uble to show gôo()ýds-we do it with leasure. Trun)ks, Bags, Satcbe1s: Sliawl Straps, faè and plain, Dre-saing, the very best that cea be :boughth. p trash dressing is dear, it will 'ruin the boots it is appli. nd teý Iepairing done lu al its branches in first-class style. Fine work ij,«sde te order, sure,, fit or no sale. Thankîing my customers for pasi favors and hopng for a continuance of the Lanie. Beaver Block, Bowrnanville. THE PHRENOLOGICAI. JOURN'AL and "CIENCE of H EA L TH. Is3nisSity-first year. WVrite FOWLER & WELLS f' 27 E. 21it t ., Ni Yok, ,10, te new subscribers includixma zhort summary of Characteus III AIR WORK.-Ladics wisbiing hair JLdoîse ever, eil et M.Ps Dcrs. 'ax rTet and Cor eofoitario st nweîil34-tf B O DEFS -'VANTï';-'u ovo-un mederete. Appiy neMe.AIR .M e-',c.es Onita-oland Argyle-ts., liowma-ille asked the Flour-berrel of the Plain-cake. "No ; bu t l'vasean a cit-ron, " replied the Cake. -I think Jack licos U,;,? said the Gingem-snap te tho SpougeCocke. " l'ai arrai ho dois," seulj the Sponge- cake. ,we might lve longer if ho didn'. "What are ver, geed forP!' asked th Orange of the Lemnon. a great aid to sema piople" sai the Lemon. "Whom, for iaFtacei'" sneeroci the Orange. "Those Who like lemouade," sai the - Yen and I are ia great Combination, ch?" sai tho Butter te the Broui. "OnIy one herrer, put in the Molasses. "Wbat' thaOIv î ckid the Butter. "Me and Bread," sati the yMelasses. Sparks Froui an Anvil. The devil wetches the foot. Ced looks aft-r the heart. The îcdcvil works hand te moae bitter fruit look swcet. Cod's wonk neyer waits for tbe man Whe is not recdy. A. lie in tho heart is ne whiter thaa it is in a herse traie. The man Who loves Ged, will be Care- fulwhere ho stoeps. Whea yeu go eWev froro home rememn- ber Ced is everyWvhere. When people bogin te thînk rlîMht they wili bogie te live night. Coi always bas sosaoebody preparing feqd for the man whe is faithfui. The new man wlll de by nature what the eh man could net do hy law. if moin han. te bc jdgd hy another nohedy ceuld over get t-o heaven. Whenevcr a -man helieves'that hoailaa child ef Cod lie tries to live lik a O. The real e.hesen people of GCd are these Who Will hoer Hia work andi oboy it. The more geed t-bore is ia a mean the more ho knows t-bal t-bore lax a personal devii. Whoa yeu shako bands with a yeumtg couvert dont de it- with thbe tips cf your fingers. It- is doubtfcl if one man in a hundrei gees te churoh praying fer preachiag t-bat xill bit hin,. Witheut the knewledgo cof Gei's love, et-omît-y could pot produce a heaven that would satisfx- huantnheartx., No coehfas t-omeasure se rnuchbch- tweon t-be cars te got- te heaven. " With the heart ma bellevet-h unno riiýhtnýoaq- ness,- net with t-be heai. The man Who looks et bis wife as though t-be mcon were about te tura te biood wheneven sho asks hua for- a couple of dollars iA net likely te heconte very eloquent in pmayen an bis family alter. lirains inli,,,es I' have knowe soixe poorl-mon as well1 os -uomen - -happily ingîenloux lai t-be small services of litîe, a dtho bouse in which thev lvo basc elwcvys a favor- eiîle aspect tcwand the sua. They have receiveàtithein commission freai duty. They- &ct in frm anti settilci cous-se. ITheugh t-hein tins as-e iii sacret, t-bey are -nover la t-be derk, for they shei a light cf thein ewvn. Tbey givo ittlc presents whieh have an exoggrWee attraction ho- cause t-boy are juist what- younent, Thbey say the right wend-just whe.t every co wouid oey-only t-boy say it ut t-he night tune, se t-at tho oppleocf goli gleominl a basket- ef silver. They- have a prompt aass cf menner which forpstails yens- oocmfort and beige yen wvtlhcnt- ny huniensome remindor t-at t-be hLoi is givea. Wat-cbing genial iad attractive people I bave ofttn fallea into a eic op despoir abant myscîf, for cil t-bis scemas a naturel gift, ike music or poenry. Eut 1 bave some reeson te tiak Ibat- it is net se natuirel, cither, bustoilomely acquiradinlat-be ercustomed places-viz.. t-be eratry et- tLe foot- cf thocrosis,aid t-be cave union tho hiltoi of duty. The flitialii la-Its Ilxy,tian Crin,,n. On ,t-bis square thbe equinoceial peints are calîci by t-ho recunici name eof Horu, and those latermodiatto bet-weenami t-ho cornens by the naine cf Rat-ber. These peints. when unit-ci hy horizontal, per- pendicular and travosse linos. te-m nt-be cight-rayed st-en, t-be siga cf GCoi tai hanîcysesi -t-b acintAkaden ocii Chinese, andi th -be Echorcmeight--avei god cf t-ne Pheenlelans., These divisionîs were fores-o by placing. a St-. Georges cross over t-be cross of St. Anirow: and t-bat- St. George's cross is t-be Siga cf Horus, t-be ged er t-be yea ineagured by t-be equinexes witb t-hein equal day-s and nigbt-s, ha-a been proved by M. Clermont Canneau. Ho shows t-bat- thbe Egyptian st-at-uc at t-be Louvnq repre- seating Hor-us as t-be bird-heaici kalght-. miîing on t-ho-ana herse and slayiag t-be dra-zen et wint-erixtit-b bis spear is lien- tical with t-be Byzantine pictunos cf St-. Cees-go. Aiso t-ho St. Anirew's cross, repi osent-s bis merbor, t-ho sun-bird mot-ber cf a bird-heaici son, t-be Shvera bird of t-bh iva-e sr is e' luiew. H-ead TI un ilt-he Enguîae. Those who mtish t-e aveud catching cold when sleeping lna esleepinmg car shotli have tlîoir Lent-bs maie np se t-bat- t-hein beaux Will be ncward t-be cugine. This id becauso tlie iafsetin a a rovîng train are altnoys front front- t- eri, ani irbea yens- heai tsi tc wand t-be ongine youn ae btter pret-ected, wbile getting as,. mach fresb air as tbcuigb yen uveno in t-l'o et-hon position. I n ctsommer weathcr- these who slcep wimib "Laoti ei'"ea wln penfect saet-y have e s-creen put unuer tho sa-ah at the o otcf t-be bort-b, and tboreby eonjov a contan~t supply cf cool,- unbreat-lîie ir'. Goiuatu -a F!iiiî "h-eti youir s(i-a netarn to colleýge afe o radain ndn " "I dn't-unie-stad miese o ioîio t-es-ms, but ho Wýai bte nokoa poat- gradu&,teourse G'U t-be gidinon." > l'ie Argii of Pexcelain. Frank Hl. Vizeteliy ln "A Chat- Abeut- Chia" vitos iateresningly of t-bemnt-no- ductrion et fire percelunin i'ro Eurore: "The word porcelain, a e pplio.i te chine pot-tony. eniginanedinlaJalian dur- lng tho t-bi-t-nt-h century. The Chinosýe, tha pionecrs ln tho ont cf percolain manufacture, began t- o 1, e ih ae-enly twe cenurîies before tho ( bistian oie, and so e antai'ire t-boy t-eguand the seýcret cf t-he art, t-bat- noarly 15 cnturies e lapsei befeot-bois- neigbbors, t-be Japan- ose, got- any inkling cf \1 . But- once la t-hein possessgon, t-he wily Japanese lest- no time t-e profit- byt-beir kno'cledge. lt-efew lutrepi navigators et thoeeday-s broagbt - samples cf bot-h Chinese and Japanoso were t-o Europe.bat-nti tt-il eanly- la the sixt-eoat-hcent-ary-dii a tradeienmc cf any- ext-eut-tae-aplace. Arncngt-be eonly- importons wene Porta. gnose trader-a who baisot-tled on t-be .lopanese ooast-, and t-ot-hemin tLix daim- ei, we exv t-be word moelidýeî frein t-cPrtugnese 'pescelan1a.' 0orsuck- iopl. Whon t-ho Portuguiese t-arons uSa5w flietes cf Jepanese -waro. thoy- wvere st-ucÎeth itlts tromsluceuce. wbici -;oreuvhat-rpsembici t-btot f thbe ccwr-- sheil. The' cowry-shell, la t-arn, reseýmahiec le shave 1a nall suekinpîr, or porcel- lana, henicao us- posclain.' Cane,, Aixrer I1».jnlr Canon Aingon. t-h-aeloquent- aci pope. las- master of t-be Teniple, la Londoni, is, a mon cf sarpi-ise7. Man- y-cars age, wbon ho wva-a neder t-e Dr. Vaugha, Lis sncw-whit-e hais- ad frail, bent- figure gave hlm- a somewhot- elderiy- appear- once, alt-hengb ho was at-t-bot poriod a lit-tle oe-s 40. 'Ait-bt-be air of a recluse ond book-worai Canon Ainger Is a ma cf, cbarming meanes cnd an cloqunt prooches-. His usas skîllfcl vithb bis pen os ivit- hi-a tence, and bas wnltten del!ightfiy i '-on Cal Laiab, bis liter. ary idol. Prince Mllax t fSexeny , wbo scîne time ag lbeet oa io eyl t-ho East- Rai of 1London. heo jmti: -- ieýAihi-a ex- amnat-len ionth -orp t oct or oetht-e- ology- et- WurzhýUsg, a i-,basrepairec t-e Nuromhubrg, wo"ho Sn0rupon hi-a pno t-lyities. H ilntbecoinie f',11 peýster foýr sýoe imoý, _as ho, refu.ses t-e allow h i-irylhrr - thýe menis cf Mary i 'rd-aforiro -trtuaswtb knoxn Inistance on t-bis. l-cce acn Ledsiic-y-had alt-,hugh i u o-a ne opemi lt-a bill, Tac caal is freiInti2-enl - IV lu t-ho tbnoe-,tand uhest, an i is euiy rendereà au(liioby -noonance. Smillt ways tnxsy b,: p beryed iii many blrcls ands Qthoxr anilusa 14 PANTRY PALAVER. Ymaglnary fladinagi., Anionz the Inni- rMate (>.-.'p;gIuts. "Pies are very d iffoernt from péople," saifi the Jirn. "If a dan a sbcd, he Is luitefi up, but Piessiare locked up because tney alxýýe00oa."1 T think 'a toc bad," sai the Sugar; ",tbey pu t Tao ina acage to kecop the file freml stealIlng me. 1 dont cee why they don't put the naughty Mflinl the cage and let niego fro." "A.ren 't you ili-natueofiqomotetsc1;~ aske1 the Mil'- cfthe 'ilartet. "'Weil, luia little tart most of the tiniri," repliod the Tartlot. "Pm goixg to change mny loks if I can," s'id the Powdered Sugar. "The coek Mistnok rme for the Sait yestorday, an.d really we're as different a enbe "Isnt stimmei- the hattesit ecc asked the Giegersnap, "No; I am,." sai the Roi ýPpper. height and muscle, and cen nemt fairly ho 1ciessei under the description cf "fat moen."' Tho Lord Chancellor lias a tendeoacy te stounss, andi is emong t-ho mon vtcse weist, bas eutstrippod tise chest, but bis weight i-a little ever 13 st-cao. The romain- inag memahers of t-he Cabinet range la woigbt fremin 03ý -tone te 12YL stone, w lethe average xvoigbt cf car àinis- ters cf st-ate is xvell upder 18 Ot-e. it was t-ho saie in t-ho lest I iheral Miniitry. Lord Re-aebery, Mr. Asquith, Mr. Mor-loy aou Ir. Shaw Lefevre are amoag th-ho hghtweiýýhts Sir ilia Hlarcourt was t-be beavy manaof the Cab- inet, but bis 16 stene is se dilutci by bis great heigbt t-han ho can net lite conmnted among the ft aie, wbiie S-ir Hein-y Cempbell-Bannerman and SmiLH- . Fowler are rat-ber mon cf substance t-lin raally atout moni. Thore is net a. ingle juige on t-be beach t presoon wio,,cen feiriy Le con- siderefi a "fat man." The nearost ap- proaob te t-bis description in recent yecrs was Mr. Justice Cave, wbese 17 -tone wes natner due te lus happy temper-a- mnent thon te any induilgence in t-ho glee things cf t-be table. Asý a wa-t-ror f fact, ho was a mo-tat bste:ious a.,a, nd bis luncheon rarely excecip( a single ezg (wbicb he boîled imaseif) 'or a sandwieh. Sir James Fitzjaires Stephens wes e man cf weigbt, but ho was aise a mancf six foot, -and woid more preoperly he de- ,scrihed as portly thon as fat, The-e are sevenat men cf substance amcing car maîges of toeay, but nomme who. by any stm-tch ef fancy or malevolence can hba c hl1 id fa t. Pcrhaps t-bewes-b-ist ae on th à lunch is SîrJames Ma1-t-w, wlîuo a aot ho3 es- t-hon là st-o0, a-i"d ho is cloely folowed by Lord Jusricej Saïiitb an Lord Justice North, eaeh of Nwbem tam-ns the s aet ove- 14 st-cao. >!he mailrity cf the Britixh, jaiges. ho-nover, anc distinct-- ly "bean" mon, mnaaaycf whom ale short of the averago %veight. Juostices Wills, Cranthama, Wright and Darling are men wbeao averago waigbt caai net mac£h cx- cecdIil atone. Aaiong fanions ceensel thîe saine raie helds geod. Tihe weightiest ef theinaillis Mrts. Sam Pope, who wouli ho t-ho first t-o pleci guilty te t-le charge cf being fat. M-. Pope's weigbt is net fer off being 20 -tone (hia brother, by the wvey, wag equally stout, oni itt- s oarecord t-bat et least once hia werht broke t-breugh tho floor cf e feur-syhveei cab), and ho imakaes bis piignimagŽcs fs-cm court te court- in a bth chai-, while ho is allowed te o ddress t-ho court fs-ens - seat. Mr.' Murphy, Q.C., vwas a meancf mcanychie-a and a great corporation, but the courta kno-w hlm une more. 0f car leaiing muisicien, ortists, wit- ers, sellers and soldions, th2re is scarcel7 o siag-Io man who i-aoet nine weigant uni dimensions, Mr. Val Prinsep li per- hapi the boovieat cf al car vell-kiiown ertists, aid Mr'. s-ocketmla t-be giart amnong mon cf lot-ters. Foi- eveî'y fat moan wlîe is lnaeny deurco famous in Englanl. France cea preince et 1east a o en, pcast and prescrt. Country people as a 'rule f eel the want of Sconve nient bath ingr conveniences. Oile of the g-îeat advantages of life in the City is tlhe pleasure and luxury of the bath- roorn with its hot and cold water. Then tiiere are in every City special Riissian and Tturkish Baths wheî-e those suffer- irug froin Rheumatismi, 5ki Diseases, &C., &C.,i eau se cure the advaîîîages of these- well known institutions which have hitheî'îo been beyond the reach of those living iu the country. IN EVEY HOME Now however ail fuis is chariged and the huniblest home in the land ean have the ad- vuaeof one of the most peî'fect baths made. The Niagara Vapor Bath Co. m-anufacture a fulll ine from $2.00 up. Sec testimonial prices au! samples at STOTT & JURY',S DRUQ- STORE. Bvm NiJILI r, This Shoe is for the ricl and poor a1ike. What is the use of paying more, when you can get perfect shoe satisfaction for $3 ? That is what you get Nwhen you. buy King Quality. When a shoe wears well, whlen it'is styîish and com- f ortable, what more ca--i be desircd? Try Ring Quality once, anldyou will -alvays wear them. $3, and the appearance of $5. h Iiiif,//, TRAOE. 0O~ MARK RINo QUALIIJ n .1 IS if. BIGYGE OUREPISHP Ha'iîsg oued considerabie new CLAS',S O fBlc ie sadCenes-al epIr wem k. Pîazing and Tire Vulcanjizing icuoe lure-no necd t-o suai smncb%\onk t-etctiv Wbecis arc Luit te exiles. Sec, TiiE ,FItyHLEIU-H "S*ýCIIy before 1bu \ig -Anl Up-tLo date BcceLivery, Wbeels e inltAt -lar I.IS L Z1E0GH. j~OAPS FR SEVICE-Cervpra' FA 7 i TO SE LU o i NT. 1 L)teh'k~iiefi~ tat ansecniat Tor- F., - ~b-iug souili westqateaidorh cia ai i t n ihic 5wesmale 1 scn 7. Ciark, whcar sbý i, d'roe ej. ip it'U i0 - eeYrk- rod lîgbue îd Cmidos FG heeodzarWt5OWt Li aiie punty L w , er. vA 1 la fr-(les orer.fi If. anit Orj î,itri iW1hy ai pmporte-,d T lmiw crh. mile from Kirhby LP. q. 1Inqîî ileon "tu'prom isesg T.J. CoL 1ta Mple rove, BowmanvIlle P- Oor to W:ILlIAM o CuREY, Kirby. 27-3w7 .5 N FLE.SH AND FAM5-. Sînoî Ai iritaj,,'s Gre-at mlen Are sflzt lu Pujil. It is a remarkable faCithan 1rýwhile mnl;rl cf the great Men of the eartb are short and slight, even te plhysical ln. si,.niiaince. the number cf "fat mon" Who ar-e kneWa to farre, or orVn Who ioccurPy high nositions, is ver,, sinaîl. Ia DGitieS, the chief prizes fali vert- xargeiy te men Who are dïstinctly ilight ln buili -the Balfours, Chambrlains, Asquith)s and Morlf,1s. In 'the present Cabinet there a.re only thrce ýn(* Who OCahobcicascd arnong the heavyweights, and inl thc-ir case tise xveight is rather due te large fraimes than to excess of "aipose tissue 11Lord Salisbury could qualify for motm- bership cf the Cent Kilos Club, with more than tw 'o uoe cto pere, for lhe turns the sCale et 18 steno, hle ir Matthew White-Ridley ad Mr. Chapliia might easily ho mnembers cf the Fat, .Men's 1 1 APPEARS ON EVEIRY WRAPPER. TI.E r5 un OMAN, 7 FU7A 7'ST NtV fOKMe7 1 ý 1 - Castoria is for Infnts and Chidren. Castoria is a harm]uess substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Dro0ps andi ootIng Syus 't contains neither, Opium, Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms andi allays Feverish- ness. Cas toria cures Diarrlioea andi Wind Colle. Castoria relleves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria. assiimilates the Foodi, regulates tjie Stomaci and ]Bowels of Infants andi Childreu, g:Ivm«g heaithy and natural sleep. Castoria is tue Clildren's Paiiacea-The iilother's Fricnd. Castoria. Castor-h., "ýCastorIa is aui excellenît medicine for "Catoi-a Is so weil adapLed to children chld'-eî. Mothers have, repeatedly told me iliat 1 r..cemmeund à as superior toa aey preý of its goc.d cfléc, upon tlîeir childîcu.'sLrponc knovin to mie." DR. C. C. Ocdýocu, Loe!el, Masîs. IL. A. ARCIuER, M. D. Brooklyn, N. Y THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF ]a' A." 1 TH

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