P. JHIGGINBOTHAM & SON, 00- Chemists and Druggists. dM-w --n 9>-- Fine Batli Sponges from 5c to 50c. Cream. of Witch 1-lazel for Sunburn. Tan, and Frecides. HO0 'FOR T BE 1000 ISLAN iS. ' af'Otif j Arrangements are comipletedl for a Poor Substitute the RoyalTemplars' Excuirsion toKi- ston and 1000 Islands Aug. 17 aud 18 For .nward Worth. ~ under M. A. James'managemnent. Al stations from Scarboro Junctio)n to GooJ featth, inwardly, of Brighton and fnom Mllbrook t. Port Hope will le inciuded. Arrange witî the kidneys, tiver andbowels, vour friends Vo go for hs is certaiul.y, ie bedst day 's outing Vo- ho lad froin is sure tocorne if Hood"s Sàr- this district. See the ppeiforsa rtt po pyued partculrs.__________This secures a fair outmide, and a S. S No.consequent vigor in the frame, with the S. S.No. , DALINGON. low of health on the cheek, good appetite, perfect digestion , pure blod. The folowing is the nesuit of VIe 18399 LOs of Appetite - III was in poor Midsummie r examînations - Public health,troubled wlth dizziness, tlred feeling School Leaviug-Annie Aunis, Hattie anld loss of appetite. I wali completely ru Osborne. Entrance - Otis Wonden, down. 1 ook Hood's Sarsaparilla and aften Mabl Trll.Jr. V t Sr I.VFlosieawbile 1 felt mach better. Hood'i Sarsapa- Mall Tril.Jr.IV t Sr IVFlosierilla bujît me up." LizziE A. RussELL, Old Osborne, liva Truil, George Blair, Chelsea, near Ottawa, Que. Ruth Countice. Sr. III to Jr'. 1V Mary Bioune~S-" I have been troubiec Vinson, Lizzie Blair, Edua Truli. Jr. Withbheadache and biliousness and was III Vo Sr. III Irene Won&eu,ELima mach rundown. Triedflood's Larsaparilla T).~~4 ---~~ 1. i ±.T- TT II if5 v u' tf 'r"A THE ASONCo., BOWMANVILLE. BOWMANVILLE PAIR, SEPT. l4th and l5th.. We are giving, as a special prize $5 cash for Greeni Running Race, 1 mile heats,,best 2 in 3, open onfly to soulnd horses that have neyer won money and owned. by a farmer in West Durham at least 3 moniths be- fore the Exhibition. FARMERS GEl YOIJR HORSES READY. J3OWhANVILLE. AUG.. 9, 181.9. CADMUS. Blackstock Civie Holiday last Friday was a grand suce es. Trhe base bal between Bowmaliville and Port Perry resulted in favor of Bowmanville, Horse racing was good Mr. Wm. Coulter's horse tooli lst, time 3m 59s Foot bal 'between Blackstoclr and Burketou was Biackstock's game., Tug of war be- tween Maux ers and Cartwright was very excitiug but Cartwright wn.... Hlarvesting is well started but dry, weather prevails 4.. .Thomas and J ames Devitt are home for holidqys ...ev. F. P, Boýwlýs and wife are visiting at Mr. lames Devitt's. HAMPTON. Miss W. Ellis is spending her vacation with lier sister near Exeter.. .. Mr. F. A. Cole is lîaving an additional story added to his store to be used a8 a dwell- ing- Messrs. Clatworthy and Son have the contract ... Visitors:-Misses L. and B. Pickard,Cleveland, at Mr. H. Elliott's jr; Mrs. Askley and children, Oshawa, at Mr. Jas Cryderman's ; Mr. W. J. Cole, Osnawa, aà Mr. J, Cole's ; Rev. S. H. Rice of the New Brunswick Confer-' once, a former pastor here is expected to occupy the puipit next Sunday morn- ing- Mr. and Mrs. D. H1. Coates and son Lynn of Brantford, Mr.,W. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Werry, Solina at Mr. J. Eý L. Cole's. NEWTON VILLE. Sidewalks of the village arein a very bad state, people being afraid t. walk on them after dark. . .. Alarge number of our citizens went to Port Hlope on Monda y to ifleet the Oid Durham Boys at theirreuin.. Mr.and Mrs.Aruott went to Stony lake, Wednesday on an excursion and report a very pleasant trnp.., . Mýrs. Jacohs and Miss Evelyn Lockhart returned home from a pleas- ant visit with Miss Lockhart's parents at St llelens.... Miss Nellie Watts visit- ed Port Hope friends. . .. Miss Bertha Reld is home from Millbrook accompan- ied by Miss Shaw who is guest at En. Ridge Fr...... Miss Doncaster, Bow- rmnville, lias been guest of Miss Hal- lowell.. ..Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Joues were in Toronto on Friday... A num- ber of young people held atn en.ioyable einic at Port GranbY on Friday ... Mr. Arthur McLaughlin and Mr. C. P, Blair, Bowmauville: were in the village! on Thursdayv eveniug. . .. Mrs. Staples and family v isited with Leskard friends ..Mr. and Mrs . Doice, Belleville, are guests at the Pansonage.... Miss Liclie McLaughlin, Gorrie, who has been vis- iting ber cousin Miss Gertrude HIughes lias returned home.Mr. John Merril lias purchased a uew threshing machine and englue fnom the John Abel & Co., Toronto .... About two weeks ago some snealt thief eutened the home of Mr. W. J. Ovens and tole a new suit of clothes and a sumo of money .... Mr. and Mns. Thos. Moffit visited Mr. Moflt's par, ents at rafton lately .... .Mr, antd Mrs. .Robert Mosgrove. Bluevale, Huron Co., have been is' ngfriends lu hs vicinity; OLIONO. Recent Visitons - Miss :Bertha Joues in the city; Mns. E. 'Davey home fromn Pont-H1-ope ; Mn. David StevenWs, Port Penny; Mis., C. E.' Cutteil, Toronto; Master Frank Cuttell, Toronto ; Miss Minnie Sec, Toronto, wîtb Vthe Misses Beer; Miss Nono Petrie., Bright, at hier uncle's, Mn Robent Foster; Miss Winuie Hennry,Newcact,,at Mn Josephi Henry's; Miss Jeunie Newsom, Toronto, at lier sister's. Mns A.A.Powens'; Miss Minnie Calendanr home tnom Garde. Hill; Mns. F. W.. Williamson anti family lin the cit.y; Miss Emma Sturgess and sister, Whitby, at Mn. 1R. Hill's ; Mn. Robent Winten aîîd son Fred, from Vthe city; Mn. A. W. Shaven, Fnankford ; Mns. E. -McDonald, Arkansas, at 1er sisten's, Mrs Thos. Tloruton, bas returned bomne; Mn. and Mns. Spear, Little Bnitton, at Mn. Win. Walken's, ir ; Prof. Dy7eî-, Albient Coilege, Belleville, and wife, guests of bis sister, Mrs. Cailendar; Mn. Wmi. Curtis and daughter, Manîposa and Mn. Voddou, IOhio, wene, guests of Mn. Jiohn Buckley; Mn-.,Alex. Campbll, cleese maken at P'enrytown, and Mn. Anson Dunbar, o! Hope, at Mn. J. G. Honey; 1e-v. J, Jewell and fami lv, Wel- corne circuit, and Mn.Nelson Cobbledick, Exeten, at Mn. D. Walsh's; Mrs. Noble Graham, Peterbono, at Mn. E. Pinden's; Miss Leffa and Luella Thompson, of Toronto, and Master Robent Thompson, Onxemee, at their uincle's, Mn. Wm. Thompsou's- Mr-n . JwlBatavia, N. Y.; Mr. j. Keitb) and wife, Holland, Man , at Mn. T. WV. Jackson's. ., Mr. Sam. Allun las a situiation u iLlliott's paper box-factory, Ton .Miss Ethel Sharman. severely spnained lien ankle while pla.ying..Mrs. M. L Traielle is very ili with typhoid foyer.. .. ev. Mn. Seaborn,,St. Jiohn's churchi Bowmanville, pneached an aIle sermon lu St. Saviour's curch, Sunday week.. .Mn. John Rickaby bas let the contract Vo Doncaster & Son, for ne-building lis cottage on Cobl li.... Onono Lodge A. O. U. W., wîth a înemberslip of about 100, are becoming ambitions Vo have a home of thein wî.- Pi Lawn Social held on Miss McPhers;on's grounds was a very enjoyable affair. The members of the W.' C. T. U. fully appreciated the tman-r handsome bouquets of flowens which decorated Vhe tables s0 beautif ai- iy. Miss MePhenson made everyone feel at home, and evenyone ieft feeling in the lest of spirits. I I--j ý U UVJ Take Cuticura Resolvent Decause it is so pure and wholesomne that naohers ca. give it freely to childreu of ail a-es. It cools and cleauses the blood, and is of the gneatest value la speedily curing disfiguring,, burning-, scaly bumonrs, rashes, and irritations, When taken ta cou- nection with hot baths of CUTICURA SoAr, and gentie anointings with CUTrCUaRA, the great skiu cane and purest of emaollients. SaiS throùgbut the world. POrrBE nacoAND Cens,. Vonre., PyoPs., lB6tfl, 'HIow tsCure&aby Rub*e.'re. Mrs. ELlis, of Ill., are visiting lbs lroth- er Mr, , H L. Powers. .. . )Miss Pundy, Trenton, visited at Mr. JohnRoes.. Miss- Munro visited at 31r, Frank Sheppard's. e. . Miss Eva Porter. Lind- say, is guest cf Miss Arvilla% Morrow.. .Mns. (1ev.) Cihas. Adams, Y-arken, is visiing lier lather Mr. E. Colbledick.. .Miss Bertha Rutherford was,, guest of Miss Edith Chapmau recetlv... . Rev. T. Bi. Bell, Hammondsport, N. Y., wili a c-onpany bis wife ai-d son home .... Mr. Jlames and Miss Jene Newsom, Tornto, vîsited at Mn. A. A. Powens'. say, are visitiflJ ber father Mn. D. M. Biflîngs. . .. Mr. Joe Cooney, Toonto, and Mna. Willianison,, Port Penny, are visiting their fatlier, Mn. Wm. Cooney. ...Mr. and Mns. T. HI. Powers are visiting home...., Miss Maud Ciemence, Newcaetle, wafr guest of ber cousin, Miss Evie Clemence ...Miss Ethel Rickaby entertained ber Sundai,,ySchiool class iu Mr. Little's beau,.tiful grove Friday week. NEWCASTLE. Methodist S. S, anniversanyv Aug-. 20 and 215V 1ev. Geo. Weý-bber, 'Tononto, preaches Sunday at 10.30 a. iu., and 7 p. m. special collections. Tea Monday iu drill shed fnom 4 o'clock Fine program alter ail for 25c. See bills. Visitons. Mr. Hendron, Lakefield, guest of Mn. B. Edmison; Mn. C. W.- Banrett, Betbany, at home; Misses" Mabel and Flo and Master Howard Riukard spelît Sunday atKirby; Miss> Ida and Mn. Murray Eiibeck, Troronto, are sedn holidays at home; Miss, Beatnice JO oow, Oshawa, visitino' at Mn. S. Rickand's; Mn. Geor ge %im- monb,Toronto, visiting at home; Mr. M. Gar-in , Hamilton, witl fieuds lene. Miss Aima Tamibixn, Orono, guest of 1er cousins, the Misses Warren; Miss Miss Uglow, Hope, visiting lien uncle. Mn. J. Uglow......Miss Ina Riekard'en- tetaiued 1er young friends Friday af- ternoon .. . . Ms. J. J. Uglow and Miss Edith are visiting American friends.... St. Georg-e's church Sunday Sdhooi Vicniced at the lake Wednesday after- noon ....Mr. and Mrs, G. J. Bell have removed t. Port Coîborne. Visitons :-Miss Lenal Hutchinson, Listowel; Rex'. S. Hl. lice, wife and family; Mns. Legge and family, London; Miss N . Elemes, Mnr. C. Binckley, Ton- ot., guest of Dr. Mitchell; Miss WoV- ton, Lnfleld, Mr. and Mrs. A. Challoner, Toronto, guests of Mn. W. -M. Xotton; Mns. Donît and son, Port Penny, Mns. Fallis and daugîten, Toronto , gests of Mn. N. Byens; Miss MCloEi Prince Albert, guest o! Mrs. S. Gilbert; Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Hll, Cartwnigl,;t, guests o! Mn. C. Stewart; 1ev R. M,\. Phalen, B. A., is visiting~ bis nid homýe in Nova Sco ia, 1lis wonk isbeingý, supplied by Rev. F. Howard, Basoc. . .. Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell paid a visit o Dr,. Elliott, Gravenburst Sanatorium. They speak very ighly of the Institutýion as an ideal ulace for tbe treatment of pulmon- any affections, Dr. Jas. Coivillti made an excellent supply for Vhe Dr. in bis absence.... .Mns. Chas. Williams bas bee. visiting fr iends ilu Gravenlîunsi and Toronto ... . Miss Lizzie, Milîs ih visitbin uKingston and a »ttending the weddiug- of Prof. .GTeo. A. Bingham, M. D,, Toronto.... .Ms. Wm. Bnown was thron from a gy and pnetty weli shaken up about te. clays ag o. HAGYARD'S YEý'LLOW 'OZL oures ail CaIn fmnan or, beaqt; for sprais's, uts, buss, calioi lms Inlngl. tlanimation. humts and neuvalgia it is a specifie. T o THE DEAF.-A nicli lady. cured, Of ber Deafness andi Noises lu the RHeadi by Dr. Nicholson 's Artificial Ear Drums, bas sent £1,000 to bis Institute, s0 that leafpeoï1e unable to procure the Ear Drums may have thein free. Apply to Department A. R. C , Thte Institute, "Lonigcott, 'Gunnersbury,Londoni,', ,Enlgland. 27-lyr, H OUSE IN OSHAWA FOR SALE Corrfiortable Roughcast Dwrllrng flouse, Driving flouse, Stable for three borses Ped 3-5 acre of land for sale, Excellent large and i snall fruit. No better well iu Oshiawa, cisteru. Apply on the premiee" or if by letter touNw-tJ,;mLs, William St., Oshawawa23tf. * BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J.3le3urtry eachi Tuesday FLOUR, e 100 lbs ......... si 70to 82 t. WHEAT, ,Fail, bush... 0 0 O oS6 n Spring .... O 0 nt 0 65 Red Fife ... 000"il 065 n G oosE .... 000 1't 0 64 BAItnnY, e bush, No. i ..0O40 le O 40 n n n2 .0 26 0 35 S .... 025" 0«30 1 nTwo rowed0 25 n0 40 OATS, white I.............. 000 '0 30 RY' il...... ......0 00 t 0 50 BuorwrEAT il............O 0 0'()45 PEÂs, Blackeye, VI bush.. 0 69 O 65 ilCanadian Beauaties.. 69 0 65 Munimey Ol0 0 O 55 Small, a O,0 0 eO065 le Blue,le 0 47"te0 55> BÛT-rER, best table, P lb.. 0O060 O13 Eaos edoz ............. 000" 012 POTATICoES, bush ..... ....O0 30 le O 35 Hay per ton............ 5 (0 e t 6 0 OnlTy Once * ý In alilt medoyou aNEed GMACH- INE But you want the best. By "Best" we mean one built of 1. materiai, one bulit by A 1 work- men, one built on medhanical pnin- ciples, which will, thon wear for a if e time and without wearing out the streugtli and nerve power of the operator, non yet wear ont Vhe Bank Account of the person laying out tIe purclase money. Any Machine, nîo natter how poorly constructed will do fancy work in the handsý of an expert operator. The above mentioned qualities are necessary if you wish to do yonr family sewng. If you will eall at T. N. Rickard's Jewelry Store during this month you will bce shown two of the Best Sewiug Machines in the world, as well as specimens of ail kinds of fancy and plain work done upon them. Re- member the pnices are right as wel as the machines. T. N. RICRAD Jeweller and Optician. Bowmauville. iyen aat3oys '.JajJs, .LbrOVacP.eLUW anaV PLvarpotu1)iU.YoUiiing, uru gan Jackets, etc., etc. We invite an- early in.spection of this large collection of useful and beautifi goods and. we believe you will, find our variety suficient and values equal to. that of auy imports in Canada. Furniture Dealer___ ~ui ___ Funeral Directorî BOWIANYILLE ~ORONO. QAlm t Strawberries, Raisins, etc., etc,. Everything ini Groceriesi Provisions, Crockery, Glftss- ware. GraniteWvare given with Baking Powde,I, We give big value and take small profit. SHighest cash price paid for any quantity of Wool.. Telephone 57, BO-WMANVILLE. t